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Global politics

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" What is science and world politics? What are the objectives of the Master's program in World Politics? To provide students with deep knowledge in the field of world politics and international relations. Who teaches in the World Politics program? Teachers conducting lecture courses in the program: Lecture and seminar courses are aimed at researching: What are the advantages of the World Politics program? Your additional opportunities when studying in the World Politics program: Partners of the World Politics program: The Master's program in World Politics was opened 10 years ago. - Politics.ppt

Political power

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Why do people need politics? Can the average citizen understand politics? Can society exist without power? How is political power different from other types of power? Subjects and objects of politics. Politicians. Subjects. Social groups. Political organizations. Political elites. Personalities. Nations, classes, estates, etc. State leaders, party leaders. Human. Force. Power. Authority. Authority is influence based on law or tradition. The state is an instrument of power. Political power. Power struggle. Personal enrichment. Managing people to achieve goals. Pyramid of power. - Policy 1.ppt

Political culture

Slides: 23 Words: 769 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0 Man in political life. Subjects of politics. Who are the subjects of politics? What is the political elite? What is political consciousness and political behavior? Political participation of a citizen in a democratic state. Concept political culture . Typology of political cultures. Basic concepts and terms. Basic concepts: political participation, political culture. Terms: political role

, political subculture. Political life. Political participation. Ordinary citizens voluntarily join politics, putting pressure on the authorities. Types or forms of citizen participation in political life. - Policy 2.ppt

Political conflict

Political conflict. Conflict resolution. Basic concepts and terms. Basic concepts: political conflict. Terms: negotiations, compromise, arbitration. Main problem. Conflict in politics: is it evil or necessary? Sources and significance of conflicts in politics. It is impossible to imagine political life without conflicts. Realization of interests and goals in the field state power. Conflicts arise from social contradictions. Sources and significance of conflicts in politics. Conflicts also arise as a result of political contradictions. Systems. Sources and significance of conflicts in politics. - Policy 3.ppt

Levels of policy organization

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Levels of analysis and planning of political action. Levels of Policy. Civilization. Modern approach. Success in “ cold war" Americans. Conflict between groups of different civilizations. Modern civilizational problems. Geography of civilizations. The concept of “civilization” in the 21st century. Civilizational (global) level. Strategic decisions. The term "game". Modern example. Factors. Time. Ability to react. Strategic factor. Trends. Players. Strategic forecast. Regional level. Features of modernity. Strong player. Two interrelated postulates. - Levels of policy organization.pptx

Policy measurement

Slides: 40 Words: 2222 Sounds: 0 Effects: 167

The human dimension of politics. Humanism of politics. The principle of humanism. Morality and ethics. What is "conscience"? Morality and politics. Differences. 4 approaches to the relationship between politics and morality. Moralistic approach. Russian religious philosopher. Politics is beyond morality. Niccolo Machiavelli. Policy. Compromise approach. The problem of institutionalization of moral requirements. What are “human rights”. Inalienable freedoms. Marek Nowicki. From a lecture by Marek Nowicki. Synthetic definition. Widespread recognition. Where does the right come from? Human rights. The first generation of human rights. - Policy Measurement.ppt

Women politicians

Slides: 32 Words: 2255 Sounds: 2 Effects: 5

Political life of modern society. Policy. The idea of ​​the role of women in society. History of development. History of the issue. The position of women in society. Francois Marie Charles Fourier. The role of women in modern society. Women of foreign politics. Educated women. Legal documents. There are few women politicians in Russia. Women. Diagram of women politicians. Chairman of the Council of Deputies. Negative aspect. Downplaying the role of women. An inferior being. Attitudes towards women politicians. Gender aspect of the topic. Gender research. Research data. Students. Survey results. - Women politicians.ppt

Politic system

Slides: 22 Words: 1728 Sounds: 0 Effects: 103

Political sphere. The concept of power. Political science. Politic system. Politics and its role in the life of society. Main policy objectives. Power and its types. Power. The structure of the political system. State. Signs of the state. Forms of the state. Electoral systems. System of party representation. Principles of citizen participation in elections. Constitutional state. Civil society. Main features of civil society. Political ideology. Political parties and movements. Functions of parties. - Political system.pptx

Politics as an activity

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Policy. Politics is the art of governing the state. Politics is not a science, but an art. Politics is the ability to achieve balance. Politics is the desire to participate in power and influence the distribution of power. Functions (roles) of politics. Types of policies. Domestic policy. Foreign policy. Policy of national reconciliation. Politics as an activity. Political process. Policy goals. Political means. Types of political actions. Types of elites. Political elite. Composition of the ruling political elite. Degree of involvement in politics. Personal participation in politics. - Politics as an activity.pptx

Political sphere of life

Slides: 16 Words: 1525 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Social science. Political sphere (system). Power. Politics and power. Legality of political power. Theories of the origin of the state. Political sphere. Form of government. State structure. Political regimes. Legal and welfare state. Conditions for the emergence and development of democracy. Civil society. Political elite. Political parties. Electoral systems. - Political sphere of life.ppt

"Politics" social studies

Slides: 42 Words: 3167 Sounds: 0 Effects: 84

Policy. Politic system. Power. Government. Political power. The mechanism of the power's capacity. Types of legitimacy of power. State. Functions and monopolies of the state. Theories of the origin of the state. Legal forms of the state. Form of government. Monarchy. Republic. Device form. Characteristics of federations. Characteristics of confederations. Political regime. Democracy. Authoritarianism. Totalitarianism. Civil society. Constitutional state. Political ideologies. Characteristics of liberalism. Characteristics of neoliberalism. Characteristics of conservatism. - “Politics” social studies.ppt

Policy area

Slides: 19 Words: 1604 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Topic 1 Politics as social phenomenon. Question 1 Politics - diversity of interpretations, essence, content and functions. Relations of social subjects regarding state power. Subjects and objects of political interactions (individuals, groups, classes, state, masses). Attitudes, interests of various social groups and political institutions. Practical activities of people to implement the desired models of the future, programs and courses. Management of the political sphere of society (politics as the art of the possible). Origin of politics. Social heterogeneity. Natural conditions. - Sphere of politics.ppt

Political life in Russia

Slides: 18 Words: 1848 Sounds: 0 Effects: 126

Political life modern Russia. Transition. Power. Parliament. Positions in politics. Communist Party Russian Federation. Goals of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. United Russia. Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Party. Party program document. Partisanization of power. Just Russia. Apple. Patriots of Russia. Democratic Party of Russia. Union of Right Forces. Building equal partnerships. - Political life in Russia.pptx

Political security

Slides: 17 Words: 1753 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Political security. The world of politics. Factors. Concept political security. Foreign policy interests of Russia. Interests. Essence. Foreign policy security of Russia. Internal political security of Russia. Mechanism for ensuring political security. Features of ongoing political processes in society. Protection of the foundations of the constitutional order. Sources of threats. Tasks to ensure the political security of Russia. Measures to reduce the level of threats. Ensuring the political security of Russia. Improving the process of ensuring political security. - Political security.ppt

Politics and political life

Slides: 16 Words: 490 Sounds: 0 Effects: 73

Politics and political life. The essence of politics. Main features of the policy. Spheres of society. Activity. Policy. Political Party. Fill out the diagram. Functions of a political party. Types of policies. Knowledge of social structure. Political sphere of life. Government. Control of acquired knowledge. - Politics and political life.ppt

Political sphere of society

Slides: 17 Words: 545 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

The political sphere of society. Complications public life. Contents of the political sphere. Political sphere. Political life of society. The structure of the political sphere. Needs and interests. Political power. State. The state arose from the need to coordinate various processes. Signs of the state. Forms of the state. Forms territorial structure states. Political parties. Multi-party system. - Political sphere of society.ppt

Political science in the 20th century

Slides: 15 Words: 1378 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Political science in the 20th century: main achievements. Political thought. Johan Rudolf Kjellen. Friedrich Ratzel. Alfred Thayer Mahan. Sir Halford John Mackinder. Karl Haushofer. The doctrine of the "sphere of mutual prosperity". Leon Duguit. The term “elite” was introduced into political science by Pareto. Gaetano Mosca. Robert Michels. Thorstein Bunde Veblen. Technocrats took over command posts. The theory of the "welfare state". - Political science in the 20th century.ppt

Political Studies

Slides: 18 Words: 759 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Where should we, political scientists, look for our goodness? Intentional roll call. Subject and purpose political studies. Main questions. Aristotle. Political Economy. Self-guided. Many economies. Public goods. Good. Committees. Reciprocal and Barter. Political market. General benefits. Calculation of consent. Return to questions. Hypothesis of circulation of public goods. - Political Studies.ppt

Politics test

Slides: 33 Words: 1136 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Policy. The concept of "power". Which of the following is related to the concept of “power”. Species characteristics of the concept. Appeal to all citizens of the country. Educational institution. Correspondence. State. Programs of their activities. Functioning of several political parties. External function states. A word missing from the diagram. The presence of a head of state. Solve the problem. Parliament. Democracy. State characterized by unified system higher government agencies. Elections. Electoral system. French electoral system. A significant number of votes. Persistent distrust of authorities. - Politics test.ppt

Questions about politics

Slides: 10 Words: 496 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

Policy. Field of activity. Which of the following refers to the characteristics of a state? Constitutional state. Establish a correspondence between features and forms. Criteria. Are the following statements about the referendum correct? Survey of adult citizens. Party leaders will have to make significant efforts. Homework. - Questions about politics.pptx

Unified State Exam Policy

Slides: 33 Words: 1139 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Policy. The concept of "power". Self-awareness. Species characteristics. Appeal. Educational institution. Correspondence. State. Groups of people. Functioning of several political parties. External function of the state. Write down the word missing in the diagram. Sign. Solve the problem. Parliament. Democracy. A state characterized by a unified system of supreme government bodies. Elections. Electoral system in France. French electoral system. Number of votes. Persistent mistrust. Judgments about a political party. Political parties. Three functions of a political party. Community development programs. - Unified State Exam Policy.ppt

Political life

Slides: 7 Words: 148 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Introduction to social studies. Politics and political life. Policy. The role of politics in the life of society. Parties. Political movements. Big variety. Conservative. Liberal. Revolutionary. Political organizations. Personality and politics. - Political life.ppt

Political activity

Slides: 11 Words: 416 Sounds: 0 Effects: 54

Political activity. Politics as an activity. Forms of relations between participants political activity. Subjects and objects of politics. Personality. Objects. Goal and means. Facilities. Political action. Political actions often fail to achieve their intended goals and lead to different results! - Political activity.ppt

Political process

Slides: 28 Words: 1384 Sounds: 0 Effects: 29

Political processes and political changes. Presentation structure. 1. Concept and types of political process. Interpretation of the concept. System-functional approach. Process-dynamic approach. Petr Sztompka, sociologist: 1.2. Conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the political process. Wilfred Pareto (1848-1923). The concept of circulation (cycle) of elites. D. Easton: the political process can be understood as. Gabriel Almond. Behavioral and interactionist approaches. Interpret the process from the perspective of subject-object and subject-subject relationships. 1.3.Types of political processes. - Political process.ppt

Political freedom

Slides: 76 Words: 1286 Sounds: 0 Effects: 12

Political freedom and welfare. Issues traditionally discussed in the context of “transition”: The transition period: a view from 1991. Transition period: a view from 2006. Main conclusion: The main tasks of the transition period have not been solved. “Saudi disease” – the use of energy weapons in international relations. Production growth rates in 1999–2004 and in 2005. And also to a decrease in the growth rate of other economic indicators. "Dutch Disease": GDP per capita in the Netherlands as a percentage of US levels, 1975–1988. "Argentine disease": GDP per capita in Argentina as a percentage of US levels, 1958–2005. -

Plan 1. 1. What is politics. 2. 2. Political power. 3. 3. The role of politics in the life of society. 4. 4. Political life and means mass media.

1. What is POLITICS? Aristotle Machiavelli was the first to coin this term. His “Politics” is an essay about the state, the ruler, and government. . isolated politics as an independent science.

Politics is the art of the possible. Politics is the art of governing the state. Polya tika (Greek Πολιτική - polis (city - Greek) - the skill of self-government of the community of the polis, and subsequently - the “art of managing” the state, community, interstate relations) - a field of activity related to relations between social groups, the essence of which is determination of forms, tasks, goals and content of state activities.

Power This is the ability, right or ability of some people to have a decisive influence on the behavior or activities of others through various means: law, authority, will, coercion.

Political power is the ability of large social groups to exercise their will in society, to impose it if necessary. State power is power exercised by professionals and based on armed force. Political > state power

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Presentation on the topic: Politics and power

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CONCEPT, ESSENCE, REASONS FOR THE EMERGENCE OF POLITICS Political power is a special social institution that regulates social relations and individual behavior. Power is the determining influence on the behavior of masses, groups, organizations using the means possessed by the state. The concept of power resources is the most important social reason for the subordination of some people to others is the uneven distribution of power resources.

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CONCEPT, ESSENCE, REASONS FOR THE ARISE OF POLITICS The subject of power embodies its active, directing principle. It can be an individual person, an organization, a community of people, for example, a nation, or even global community, united in the UN. Subjects of political power have a complex, multi-level nature: its primary subjects are individuals, its secondary subjects are political organizations, subjects of the highest level, directly representing various social groups and the entire people in power relations, - political elites and leaders. The connection between these levels may be disrupted. The object of power is always a two-way, asymmetrical interaction between its subject and object, with the dominance of the will of the ruler.

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CONCEPT, STRUCTURE AND ESSENCE OF POWER Political power is characterized by a number of distinctive features: 1. The essential feature of political power is its reliance on the state. 2. Supremacy, binding decisions for any other government. 3. Publicity. 4. Monocentricity. Political power is divided into: state public.

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FEATURES OF POLITICAL POWER. LEGITIMACY OF AUTHORITY The signs of political power are: 1) publicity, that is, universality and non-personal character; 2) monopoly on the regulation of political life, the binding nature of its decisions on any other government; 3) monocentricity – the presence of a single decision-making center; 4) the possibility of legal use of coercive means and social violence. The specifics of political power largely depend on the form of its implementation. In modern scientific literature, as a rule, two forms of exercise of political power are distinguished: - relations of domination and subordination; - relationships of leadership and acceptance.

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STRUCTURE OF POLITICAL POWER IN RUSSIA Legislative power Legislative power bodies are Federal Assembly Russian Federation, people's assemblies, state assemblies, supreme councils, legislative assemblies republics within the Russian Federation; Dumas, legislative assemblies, regional assemblies and other legislative bodies of power of territories, regions, cities federal significance, autonomous region and autonomous okrugs. Legislative bodies are divided into federal and regional (subjects of the Federation).

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STRUCTURE OF POLITICAL POWER IN RUSSIA Executive power Concept and types of bodies executive power. An executive body is a type of government body that is vested with the right, on behalf of the state, to carry out the functions of executive power and, within the competence assigned to it, to solve problems arising in the process government controlled. In compositional terms, the executive body includes two main elements: objective, characterizing its statics. subjective, expressing its dynamics.

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STRUCTURE OF POLITICAL AUTHORITY IN RUSSIA Judicial power Judicial power is a type of state power. It is carried out by state bodies, expresses the state will, and is constituted by state powers. Judicial power belongs only to the courts - state bodies. Exceptionality judiciary- her next sign. Judicial power can only be exercised by courts.

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STRUCTURE OF POLITICAL AUTHORITY IN RUSSIA Regional power « Soviet period» Russian history due to the unification of all social life, the building of a rigid system political management“from top to bottom” with both sole predominance and dominance of the center contributed to the leveling of the “regional component”. And the second half of the 1990s, including due to the imbalance of the previous model political development, allowed us to approach the need to study regional problems. However, even now many authors justify the importance of studying regional problems exclusively with “new” political realities: sovereignty of territories, expansion of powers regional authorities, the search for a new model of government.

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STRUCTURE OF POLITICAL AUTHORITY OF RUSSIA Local self-government In the Russian Federation, local self-government is recognized and guaranteed. Local government is independent within the limits of its powers. Organs local government are not part of the government system. First of all: 1. All activities of local self-government develop on the basis and in accordance with the laws in force on the territory of the state. This means that all government bodies officials, enterprises and institutions, citizens and their associations are obliged to respect the rights of local self-government. 2. Moreover, the state, by its acts, can vest local self-government with additional powers, transfer some of the functions of its bodies to them, and transfer new objects to municipal ownership.

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Politics and power Presentation made by 9th grade students Gharibyan Meline and Liliya Shubina What is politics...

  • Activities of public authorities and public administration, reflecting social order And economic structure countries.
  • Issues and events of public and state life.
  • Certainly directed activities of the state or social groups in various fields: economics, social and national relations, demographics, security, etc.

Political thinkers...

Aristotle was the first to introduce this term. His “Politics” is an essay about the state, government, government.

Machiavelli singled out politics as an independent science:

1. This is the art of government.

2. This is the art of the possible.

3. This is an activity related to relations between large social groups, social strata, and nations.

O. Bismarck: “Politics is not a science, but an art.”

P. Maurois: “Politics is the ability to achieve balance.”

M. Weber: “Politics is the desire to participate in power and influence the distribution of power.”

Politics and state

  • Politics is inextricably linked with the state. Different social groups have different attitudes towards government and politics. Some support it, others are in opposition. All this is the sphere of politics.

Policy functions:

1. Expression of interests of all groups and layers of society;

2. Integration of segments of the population, maintaining stability and order in society;

3. Provision social development society and man;

4. Management and leadership social processes, ensuring dialogue between citizens and the state;

5. Socialization of the individual, the transformation of a person into a socially active being.

Policy functions

What is political power...

  • Power is a force that regulates relations in society.
  • Power- this is the ability and opportunity for someone to subordinate to one’s will.

Political power- the ability of one person or group of persons to control the behavior of citizens and society, based on national or national objectives.

Political power is exercised mainly by means of state bodies and institutions, therefore state power is a type of political power. Power tends to strive to be limitless. Therefore, since ancient times there has been a struggle to limit power. The best way It became law to limit power and give it additional strength and durability - first common law, and then written law. In a developed, democratic society, power is exercised on the basis of the rule of law ( legal norms). Therefore, the government enjoys authority, respect, and influence. People submit to such power not out of fear, but out of conscience, i.e. The ancient Greek ruler Solon said voluntarily only then take power into your hands when you learn to obey.

" What is science and world politics? What are the objectives of the Master's program in World Politics? To provide students with deep knowledge in the field of world politics and international relations. Who teaches in the World Politics program? Teachers conducting lecture courses in the program: Lecture and seminar courses are aimed at researching: What are the advantages of the World Politics program? Your additional opportunities when studying in the World Politics program: Partners of the World Politics program: The Master's program in World Politics was opened 10 years ago. - Politics.ppt

Signs of political power:

  • Legitimacy is the consent of the people with the authorities.
  • Publicity.
  • Variety of resources (interest, belief, law).
  • Supremacy over all other forces of society.
  • Sovereignty and monocentricity (single center).
Political power and the media.
  • The media is the main channel of politics, which is also called the “fourth estate.”
  • The selection of information when transmitted to users and listeners is very important for political figures.
  • Political news is often accompanied by comments from the author who praise/blame politics and thereby express their opinions to others.

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The presentation on the topic “Politics and Power” (grade 10) can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 19 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Politics and power 2011

“Politics is like the sphinx from a fairy tale: it devours everyone who cannot solve its riddles.” A. Rivarol

The work was completed by: student of class 10 “B” Ivanova Yulia Teacher: M.P. Oferkina

Slide 2

Politics in three dimensions


one of many types human activity, activity of social groups and individuals

sphere of public life, one of the subsystems of society as a whole

type social relations between individuals, small groups and larger communities

Politics (Greek politiko" - state or public affairs, from po"lis - state), a field of activity related to relations between classes, nations and other social groups, the core of which is the problem of gaining, retaining and using state power.

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Political activity and society

Three degrees of individual involvement in political activity (M. Weber)

Politicians "on occasion"

Professional politicians

Part-time politicians

participation in elections of parliamentary deputies

a figure in a socio-political organization who, without stopping the main professional activity, is also involved in politics

life “for politics” or “at the expense” of politics

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Max Weber

Emil Maximilian Weber (Max Weber German: Max Weber; (April 21, 1864 - June 14, 1920) - German sociologist, historian and economist. Older brother of Alfred Weber. In 1892-1894, privatdozent, and then extraordinary professor in Berlin, in 1894-1896 - professor of national economics at the University of Freiburg, from 1896 - at the University of Heidelberg, from 1919 - at the University of Munich. One of the founders of the German Sociological Society (1909) professor of national economics in Vienna. German delegation at the Versailles negotiations.

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Subjects of politics are specific political carriers of diverse political activities aimed at gaining, protecting or using power in order to realize their fundamental interests.


Social groups (classes, social strata, ethnic communities, estates, etc.)

Political organizations and associations (political parties)


Political elite

Relatively small groups of people who provide greatest influence for making political decisions.

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Activities of policy subjects

aimed at society as a whole

Preservation of its integrity, implementation of changes in it that meet the interests of a certain political subject or the entire society

difference from other types of activities

Various directions in politics are usually called by the name of the object of political influence.

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Political activity

Interests of political subjects (their goals)

Participation in power or influence on power

Political actions: organizing parties, making government decisions, election campaigns, speeches in parliament, political rallies, holding party congresses, appeals to the people, developing political programs, referendums, coups d'etat, visits of government delegations, etc.

Means of political activity

peaceful violent

theoretical diplomatic

organizational propaganda

Slide 8

Political sphere and political institutions

Structure of the political sphere

Various forms of political activity

Organizations and institutions

Relations between people arising in the process of political activity

Political consciousness of people

Political institutions

A group of people specializing in performing political activities

Political norms

The means necessary to achieve the goals

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The state is the main political institution.

STATE: institution of presidency, institutions of legislative, executive and judicial power, institution of elections, etc.

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A political party (Greek Πολιτική - “the art of government”; lat. pars - “part”) is a special public organization (association) that directly sets itself the task of seizing political power in the state or taking part in it through its representatives in government bodies authorities and local self-government (the most important political institution).

Party signs

the desire to achieve set goals through the conquest of power or participation in the exercise of power

the desire to create mass support for oneself

existence over a historically extended period of time

presence of clear organizational structure, enshrined in the party charter

ideas common to party members, set out in the party program

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Law “On Political Parties” (2001):

Political Party - public association, created for the purpose of participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in the political life of society through the formation and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, in elections and referendums, as well as for the purpose of representing the interests of citizens in government bodies and local governments.

Main goals of a political party

formation of public opinion

expression of citizens' opinions on any issues of public life, bringing these opinions to the attention of the general public and government authorities

political education and citizen education

nomination of candidates for elections to legislative (representative) bodies of state power and representative bodies of local self-government, participation in elections to these bodies and in their work

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Political relations

Political relations are a set of diverse, multi-level relationships and interactions of political subjects. They are regulated by a set of social norms: political principles, traditions, legal and ethical standards.

Distribution of power, rights and powers in society

Distinguishing between the areas of responsibility of the center and places

The nature of the relationship depends on the economic and social factors, from the political culture of society, as well as from the political will of political subjects.

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Subjects of relations (relationships between):

government bodies and institutions (for example, between government and parliament)

state and social groups (state and entrepreneurs)

state and non-state public organizations and movements (state and church)

political parties, as well as between political parties and non-political organizations (parties and trade unions)

state and citizens

various states in the international arena

state and international political associations (UN, NATO)

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Types of political relations:

rivalry, competition (between political parties)

mutual responsibility (between citizen and state)

support (voters and a specific party)

union (several states)

cooperation (certain party and trade unions)

conflict (between states or a state and one or another social group) etc.

Slide 15

" What is science and world politics? What are the objectives of the Master's program in World Politics? To provide students with deep knowledge in the field of world politics and international relations. Who teaches in the World Politics program? Teachers conducting lecture courses in the program: Lecture and seminar courses are aimed at researching: What are the advantages of the World Politics program? Your additional opportunities when studying in the World Politics program: Partners of the World Politics program: The Master's program in World Politics was opened 10 years ago. - Politics.ppt

Power is the ability and ability to exercise one’s will, to influence the activities and behavior of other people, even despite resistance.

The need to regulate social relations, reconcile divergent interests, and make interactions between people expedient and organized.

The emergence of power

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Types of power:

Economic power is power in the sphere of economics and management. This is control over economic resources: material assets, money, technology, fertile lands, minerals, etc. Social power is the ability to influence the position of various segments of the population, the ability to increase or decrease social status individuals and groups. Cultural and information power is power over people with the help of scientific knowledge, information. This is control over the media - newspapers, radio, television. Coercive power means control over people through physical strength or threats of its use. It relies on the army, police, security services, courts and prosecutors. POLITICAL POWER is the right, ability and opportunity to assert and implement certain Political Views, installations and goals.

acts on the basis of law on behalf of the entire society

only she has the legal right to use force within the country

this power has the ability to use a wide variety of means (not only coercive, but also economic, social, cultural and informational)

it is characterized by the existence of a single national center for making political decisions

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Types of power

By purpose: judicial, legislative and executive

By place in the power structure: central, regional and local

By main subject: monarchical and republican

Political science (Greek πολιτικός - public, from Greek πολίτης - citizen, further from Greek πόλις - city; other Greek λόγος - teaching, word), or political science, - the science of politics, that is, of a special sphere of human life associated with power relations, with the state-political organization of society, political institutions, principles, norms, the action of which is designed to ensure the functioning of society, the relationship between people, society and the state.

  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
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