Sergey Svetlakov: We have a classic family: Tosya takes care of the housework, and I lead! Sergei Svetlakov, biography, news, photos What kind of girls does Sergei Svetlakov like?

home Some actors are constantly offered the role of villains, others are stuck in the role of a heartthrob hero, and others are incomparable in portraying “tough guys”... Russian artist Sergei Svetlakov is able to transform into anyone: a gay phrase-monger, an honest traffic police inspector, a “night butterfly” and even... an animated tablet. The comedian on the screen looks like an eternally young adventurer, and in real life Sergei is content with the role of a decent family man. Svetlakov’s young *wife, photos* of whom only recently began to appear online, interests fans no less than her star husband. Who is this mysterious woman

, who managed to dramatically change the showman’s personal life and biography? Although Sergei Svetlakov does not like publicity, he is ready to shout to the whole world about the love that overflows his heart.

Sergei Svetlakov with his current wife Antonina Chebotareva

Svetlakov’s marriage with his first wife Yulia ended in divorce without reason: details of the separation, photo The showman lived with his first wife Yulia Voronchikhina for more than ten years, but never found spiritual harmony and tranquility. Their whirlwind romance broke out in student years within the walls is quite “earthly” educational institution

– Ural State University of Transport, where the aspiring KVN specialist received the specialty “Economics in Railway Transport.” As a third-year student, the young man proposed to his chosen one. Freshman Voronchikhina became Svetlakov’s wife. At first, Julia was satisfied with her colorful family life. Sergei Svetlakov traveled around the country with the inimitable “Ural dumplings” - his wife obediently followed her beloved.

KVN team "Ural dumplings"

Real fame came to the talented “idea generator” after the publication of the “Our Russia” project. The cheerful guy never became a railway worker - Sergei Svetlakov was invited to work on Channel One. The family moved to live in the capital. In Moscow, the actor’s wife Yulia was able to realize herself as a realtor. On December 12, 2008 - the artist’s birthday - the Svetlakovs had a daughter, Nastya.

The birth of a child could not unite the couple - the marriage broke up in 2012. Svetlakov always treated his wife and daughter with trepidation, but the actor clearly lacked love in his relationship with his wife. Sergei is sure that there is no one to blame for the destruction of his family - it was simply “not fate.”

Sergei Svetlakov on the set of the film “Gorko”

Antonina Chebotareva - the second wife of Sergei Svetlakov: a chance for new happiness

After breaking up with his wife, Svetlakov was more than once disappointed in women. The young ladies seemed unreal to him, boring and hypocritical. Until one day, while on business in Krasnodar, he saw bottomless blue eyes... After a series of failures in his personal life and an amorous lull, an adult man was overtaken by love at first sight. Svetlakov came to Krasnodar with the premiere of his film “Stone” - the deputy director of the local cinema chain was supposed to meet him at the airport. The on-screen funnyman had no idea that the work meeting would become fateful for him.

Svetlakov with his new wife

He liked the serious lady Antonina Chebotareva, who holds a high position, at first sight. Our hero immediately began, like a teenager in love, to tell jokes and attract the girl’s attention with jokes. The lady, due to her line of work, repeatedly communicated with the stars - the arrival of “Ivan Dulin” did not mean anything special to her. After several unsuccessful relationships, the heart of an attractive person seemed to be empty forever.

Sergei Svetlakov and wife Antonina Chebotareva

The showman returned to Moscow as a completely different person – dreamy and inspired. In his thoughts, the master of jokes constantly returned to the beautiful Tosa. One fine day, Svetlakov, putting work on the backburner, rushed to his beloved in Krasnodar. The most responsible and punctual person in the world did not contact his colleagues for several days and did not think at all about filming and television programs. Only Tosya - only romance! The lovers began dating, torn between career and love. One day Svetlakov decided to dot all the i's - he suddenly confessed his love to his passion and moved her to the capital. The actor did not reveal all the secrets of his personal life to anyone. Rumors even began to appear in the press about “Svetly’s” stormy romance with Vera Brezhneva. Svetlakov published the first personal photo of his wife online only in 2016:

Sergei Svetlakov with his wife Antonina on vacation in Spain

Son Vanechka is the main gift to Svetlakov from his beloved wife

The romance between the people of art developed at lightning speed. The couple made no plans - fate decided everything for the lovers. One day, while in a suitcase mood before a work trip, Svetlakov learned from his wife Antonina that he would soon become a dad. The actor was sure that, thanks to contraception, he and Tosya had “everything under control.” The appearance of Vanechka’s son was a grandiose event for the comedian - only girls were stubbornly born in the Svetlakov family. Sergei and Tosya, without living together for even a year, became parents.

Sergei Svetlakov in the film "Yolki-3"

Antonina Chebotareva’s birth took place in Tallinn – Svetlakov believes it was Pribalika ideal place for a cozy family life. The couple chose to “give birth” together. In the capital of Estonia, natural childbirth is considered normal - the father’s participation in the happy event is welcome. Obstetricians act calmly and treat women in labor with respect. The young father happily changed tiny Vanya’s clothes, rocked him to sleep and bathed him already in the first days of the baby’s life. Svetlakov learned how to properly care for children during his previous marriage. By the way, the actor’s daughter Nastya turned out to be wise and smart beyond her years. She became friends with Aunt Tasya and sincerely fell in love with her brother. Nastya’s mother is not against her daughter’s frequent meetings with her ex-husband and Antonina. He also appeared in her life new man– Svetlakov’s ex-wife often shares personal photos online. “Instead of four unhappy people, there are now four happy, loving and loved ones,” - this is how Svetlakov comments on the events of his stormy personal life.

Photo from the personal microblog of ex-wife Yulia Svetlakova

The wedding of Sergei Svetlakov and Antonina Chebotareva under the motto “A century of freedom cannot be seen!”

The wedding of Sergei Svetlakov and Antonina Chebotareva took place in Thailand. The motto of the event was the comic saying “The century of freedom is not in sight!” In honor of the holiday, the bride, groom, Nastya and Vanechka dressed not in elite outfits, but in prison uniforms with numbers sewn on. The popular couple chose comfort and real fun instead of frills. Guests of the event celebrated an important event right on the beach.

Wedding of Svetlakov and Antonina

After the birth of his son Vanechka new wife Svetlakova did not even think about going out - she already had a lot of worries. For the first time with his new life partner, the actor appeared at the premiere of the film “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia”. The couple looked simple - without pathos and glamor. However, Antonina Chebotareva does not strive to join the star “party” - the comfort of home inspires her much more than the red carpet and the shine of the spotlights. The happy couple diligently hide their children from the press, but Svetlakov’s daughter has already managed to make herself known on television. A talented girl, strikingly similar to her father, managed to take part in the Comedy Battle program.

Daughter Nastya Svetlakova in the Comedy Battle program

Wife, children and starting a family in the biography of Sergei Svetlakov are more important than all awards and fame

Sergey Svetlakov, according to latest news about his personal life, works on a “shift basis”, plans to learn how to distribute his time in such a way as to be able to relax more often with his wife and children. After the photo of Svetlakov’s wife appeared online, fans are waiting to admire the pictures of little Vanechka. Lovers always try to find the quietest cafe, the most unpopular cinema or the least crowded public garden for family time. Sergei assures: “It’s better for us, we have no desire to take advantage of the media and popularity and then appear in magazines and appear where they give free food and a saxophone plays in the corner.” And the actor is right: happiness should not be “glossy”, but real.

The famous humorist, screenwriter, producer and showman Sergei Svetlakov, despite his often frivolous stage image in life, is a serious person and a reliable family man. The artist was married twice, and both of his wives have nothing to do with show business.

Marriage of 12 years

Sergei Svetlakov met his first wife, Yulia Voronchikhina, while studying at Ural state university communications, at the disco. The young people dated for three years before Svetlakov proposed to Yulia.

This happened in the elevator. Sergei and Yulia entered the elevator, and the girl heard: “ Either you marry me and we move on, or I leave». « Let's move on", answered Julia.

In order for the family to live separately, Svetlakov’s parents exchanged their three-room apartment, buying a house on the ground and a one-room apartment for the young people.

On weekends, Sergei and Yulia went to their parents to weed, cursing everything in the world, but they had vegetables from their own garden, and Yulia’s parents sent meat. The couple lived a cheerful life, they had some kind of parties every weekend, and as Svetlakov jokes: “ Returning bottles after such parties significantly replenished the family budget».

If for Svetlakov, like many Kven students, studying at the institute was of secondary importance, then Yulia studied well, and upon graduation from the university she was expected successful career in the department. She was supposed to take the position of head of the department, but Moscow was waiting for Sergei. Julia dropped everything and went to pick up her husband.

The first wife of Sergei Svetlakov was brought up in large family, in which the father was the main breadwinner, and the mother was a faithful assistant and keeper of the hearth. Julia, without hesitation, took the path of a housewife, although she had ambitious plans for her own career.

According to Sergei Svetlakov, in later life her views on the role of women were at odds with her husband's patriarchal views, which was the subject of controversy. However, be that as it may, throughout the years of marriage, Julia, as befits a faithful wife, remained on the sidelines, supporting her husband in all endeavors and patiently enduring difficulties.

The period of difficulties was short-lived - given Svetlakov’s incredible ability to work, the family quickly resolved the housing issue by purchasing an apartment in Krylatskoye, without any loans or mortgages.

In 2008, right on Svetlakov’s birthday, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia, in which Sergei dotes on his soul and does everything so that his family lives comfortably. He spends a lot on ensuring that his wife and daughter live outside of Moscow, in the Baltic states, Yalta and other environmentally friendly places. Svetlakov works a lot, buys an apartment for his parents, builds a house for himself on Rublyovka, tries to be on time, to take everything from his luck.

Julia goes through life next to her, supporting her husband in everything. And suddenly in 2012 the Svetlakovs divorced. Sergei cannot name any specific reason, but emphasizes that it is not another woman or something else. “It’s just not fate,” he replies laconically.

Interesting notes:

Now Julia is happy in her second marriage with businessman Vladimir Vasiliev. Sergei Svetlakov is personally acquainted with Yulia’s new husband, and has repeatedly crossed paths with him at work. Yulia is raising her daughter Nastya, and also makes her own jewelry under the SVETLAKOVA brand.

Spy story

Sergei Svetlakov met his second wife, Antonina Chebotareva, at the premiere of his film “Stone” in Krasnodar. Antonina then held the position of deputy director of a cinema chain, and her duties included meeting and seeing off distinguished guests.

She also met Svetlakov, who later recalled: the first thing that caught my eye was Antonina's hand. When the girl offered her hand for a handshake, he noticed a mole between the index and thumb, exactly the same as Svetlakov himself. The points formed like yin and yang.

All the way Sergei joked and talked nonsense, which he always does when he likes a girl. During this period, he was still married to Yulia, but they did not live together. For thirteen hours we communicated, talked, and felt incredible closeness. Sergei took Antonina’s phone number, and after leaving they began to call each other and talk for a long time.

Svetlakov tried to invite Antonina to Moscow, but the girl had strict morals, and at the man’s first call she refused to go anywhere. " If you want, come to see me in Krasnodar».

Svetlakov rushed to the girl he liked. She advised him not to bother at the hotel, but invited him to the mountains. In her car, Antonina took him up the mountain serpentine for 210 kilometers, and only by nightfall they reached the cottage village, where Svetlakov forgot about everything.

Punctual, obligatory and reliable Sergei suddenly disappeared from all his business partners for several days. There was no communication in the mountains; the lovers enjoyed each other’s company without outside interference.

Antonina began to come to Moscow often, and young people also went on vacation abroad. One fine day, Sergei simply did not let his beloved go home. They began to live together.

The news of pregnancy came as a surprise to everyone. Adults, he is 35, she is over 30, did not plan a child, but he still appeared. To give birth or not, there was no question for Antonina, she was only afraid that she would have to return to Krasnodar and raise the child alone. However, Sergei immediately proposed to the girl, and the young people got married.

Svetlakov kept his relationships, romance, wedding and birth of his baby a strict secret. No one, not even his closest friends, knew about such dramatic changes in Sergei’s life. They avoided public places and hotels, Sergey planned every trip, checked everything, rented a quiet a private house, I did everything myself, I didn’t delegate it to anyone. They traveled a lot at that time, and Antonina accompanied him everywhere.

The couple had a boy, Ivan, and Svetlakov is incredibly happy about the appearance of an heir. He completed the house in Jurmala, where his family now permanently resides, for reasons of peace and environmental friendliness. Of course, after his son grows up, he plans to move him to Moscow, but childhood should be calm and healthy, Svetlakov believes. His wife completely agrees with him.

It's worth being in a relationship once famous person how life becomes completely different. After a celebrity breaks up with his significant other, this significant other remains in the center of everyone's attention, everyone follows the development of the future fate of this person. Svetlakov’s first wife, Yulia, was no exception. We will tell you in this article how her fate turned out after her divorce from the famous showman.

The beginning of a relationship with Sergei Svetlakov

Yulia Svetlakova and Sergei met at a student disco in 1997. They studied at the same Ural Institute of Transport, only Yulia was two years younger.

Sergei Svetlakov at that time was a well-known KVN player at the institute. The handsome and cheerful man attracted the girl's attention. Serezha also liked the young student, so they started dating.

Yulia Svetlakova, at that time Voronchikhina, accepted Sergei’s offer to marry him three years after the start of the relationship. In 2000, they officially registered their marriage.

Moving to Moscow

Svetlakov, having received his diploma, already knew that he further fate will be associated with television and humor. He invited his wife to move to the capital in order to have more prospects for development. Julia, of course, agreed.

While her husband and Galustyan were moving from one set to another, Yulia Svetlakova, the wife of Sergei Svetlakov, was establishing family life. She did not sit at home, she got a job as a realtor in a large real estate company.

Sergei’s filming and Yulia’s work brought in good income, so soon the couple were able to think about purchasing their own home.

They chose an apartment on Rublevskoye Highway - a large, three-room apartment, since the couple was thinking about having children soon. Yulia was in charge of choosing an apartment, and Sergei agreed with her opinion.

Birthday gift for husband

The most the best gift In his life, Sergei considers the birth of his daughter Nastenka. Svetlakov’s wife, Yulia Svetlakova, gave birth to a daughter in 2008, on December 12. On this December day, Sergei himself turned 31 years old. This is how the wife unintentionally gave her husband a gift, which they called Anastasia.

The daughter looks very similar to her dad, and this is a sign that her fate will be happy. She grew up as a smart little girl, from a very early age she loved to read poetry and speak in public - her character was also her father’s.

Divorce of the Svetlakovs

Yulia Svetlakova took the news that her husband was having an affair with producer Tonya Chebotarova hard, but did not create scandals, she reacted to this with all wisdom.

Yulia believed that he would lose his temper and everything would be fine again, but life in the same apartment became more and more difficult every day. After long conversations about saving the family, the couple decided that their relationship could not be returned and decided to divorce.

The first thing the parents did was prepare their four-year-old daughter for such a change in their family. But Nastya, to their surprise, took the news that dad would no longer live with them quite normally, without questions or tears.

In 2012, when their marriage was already twelve years old, the Svetlakovs divorced. Nastenka does not feel abandoned by her father, because Sergei regularly comes to her, they walk together and go on vacation abroad. Grandmother and grandfather, after their son Sergei had a child from his second wife, also do not forget about their beloved granddaughter. They give her gifts and call her. In general, the child’s life did not become worse with the parents’ divorce.

New relationships of Yulia Svetlakova

After divorcing her husband, Yulia Svetlakova got busy with her career. She opened her own jewelry design studio. All products are produced under her brand; she herself loves to craft from gold and pearls. All yours free time she dedicated it to her daughter, but didn’t even think about a new novel.

About a year after the divorce, Julia meets a man who began to show sympathy for her. This is Vladimir Vasiliev - an entrepreneur, a person far from the world of art. As Yulia Svetlakova says, she was attracted by Vladimir’s beard, so she agreed to go on a first date with him! The couple dated for about two years, after which they decided to try living together.

Nastya received Vladimir with joy; the girl immediately liked him for his kindness and attention. And so a new happy family began to be built.

Some time later, Yulia posted on Instagram a photo of her hand with a gorgeous ring, this piece of jewelry contains a diamond. Svetlakova signed the photo, stating that she answered “yes” to Vladimir’s marriage proposal.

Friends and acquaintances began to shower Yulia with congratulations on this event and were sincerely happy for her and her future husband.

Sergei Svetlakov took the news that his ex-wife was getting married again quite normally. He commented that she free woman and has the right to a happy life.

Svetlakov also states that they did the right thing by getting divorced because their family was not very happy. Having decided to take such a step, they were able to create their own new life filled with love.

Our hero today is humorist Sergei Svetlakov, whose filmography and biography interests many fans. Do you want to get the most truthful information about his person? Then you should read the article.

Sergei Svetlakov: biography

The famous comedian was born on December 12, 1977. He is a native of the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). What family was our hero brought up in? Let's start with the fact that his parents have nothing to do with the stage and humor. Sergei's father and mother are hereditary railway workers. They love their job very much.

Seryozha grew up as a mischievous and active boy. In the summer, he and his older brother Dima vacationed in the village with their grandparents. The boys caught butterflies with a net and fished in the local river.

School years

Film career

Sergei Svetlakov also agrees with this expression. His filmography dates back to 2010. It was then that the comedy “Our Russia” was released. Eggs of Destiny." Viewers had the opportunity to watch the adventures of famous characters - guest workers Ravshan and Dzhumshud, as well as their boss (foreman).

Released in 2010 modern version painting "The Diamond Arm". Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov was played by Sergei Svetlakov. The films he stars in always bring only positive emotions. This is noted by both viewers and film critics.

Let's list the most striking and memorable films with Sergei Svetlakov:

  • “Christmas trees” (2010) - Evgeniy;
  • “Bedouin” (2011) - doctor;
  • “Stone” (2012) - Petr Naydenov;
  • "Bitterly!" (2013) - toastmaster;
  • “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia” (2014) - Seryozha;
  • “Christmas trees 1914” (2014) - Zhenya.

Sergey Svetlakov: personal life

A tall and handsome blond man has always attracted the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. While still in high school, he was having an affair with beautiful girls. There was no talk of a serious relationship at that time.

With my future wife Sergei met within the walls of the university. Julia immediately captivated him with her natural beauty and amazing sense of humor. Svetlakov courted her for a long time and persistently. As a result, the girl’s heart melted. Seryozha offered her to live together. Julia agreed.

Soon the couple got married and moved to Moscow. Svetlakov was the main breadwinner in the family. And Julia took on the responsibilities of running the household.

In December 2008, the couple had their first child - a charming daughter. The baby was named Anastasia. Sergei showed himself as a loving and caring father. He swaddled her and bathed her himself.

The relationship between Nastya and Seryozha was tested by lack of money, everyday life and fame. At some point, the wife realized that she did not want to share her husband with millions of his fans. And our hero was not going to give up the success to which he had been working for so long. As a result, the couple went to different apartments. Julia took her daughter Nastya with her. And Seryozha overnight became a Sunday dad. At the end of each week he saw the baby, walked with her and played. In 2012, the couple officially divorced.


The comedian did not have the status of a bachelor for long. In 2012, in Krasnodar, he met a spectacular brunette. The girl worked as deputy director of a film company. As you can see, everything is no coincidence. After all, Svetlakov began collaborating with this company in 2012. He brought his film “Stone” to Krasnodar. It was at the premiere of this film that he met Antonina. But their relationship began a few months later, during Sergei’s second visit. He moved his beloved to Moscow and proposed marriage to her.

The couple secretly got married at the Riga embassy. Even close friends and relatives of the young people did not know about this. They also hid interesting situation» Antonina. On July 18, 2013, there was a new addition to the Svetlakov family. An heir was born - son Ivan.


Now you know where Seryozha Svetlakov was born, studied and with whom he lives today. The filmography of this actor was also announced in the article. Let's wish him good health, creative inspiration and family happiness! Let everything that Sergei Svetlakov dreams of come true. Films with his participation should be released more often.

It is no secret that the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful changes the biographies of its participants, sometimes radically. The fate of Sergei Svetlakov’s “Ural dumplings” is proof of this.

Now a producer, actor and screenwriter, a holiday man has escaped the fate of " office plankton" The showman believes that the minimum male program has been fulfilled: “I built everything, planted everything, gave birth.” Svetlakov’s happiness in his personal life is combined with success in show business, and now his plans are focused only forward, for the future.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Svetlakov was born on December 12, 1977 in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Parents Galina Grigorievna and Yuri Venediktovich hoped that they would have a daughter, they even came up with her name Anastasia, but they were not at all upset by the appearance of a boy.

The Svetlakov family, where Seryozha was youngest child, lived together in a large and spacious three-room apartment, where there was enough space for everyone (in the future, the parents will exchange living space to give their sons their own “one-room apartments”).

From the age of 4, Sergei began going fishing with his father. One day, this hobby almost led to the death of a child: the boy lost his balance and fell into the water, but thanks to the quick reaction of his father, misfortune bypassed the family. The incident did not affect Sergei’s love for fishing in any way, and the artist continued to engage in his favorite hobby as an adult.

When Svetlakov turned 7, he went to a regular Yekaterinburg school. Sergei demonstrated since childhood leadership skills, became the initiator of absenteeism and jokes on teachers. Despite his mischief and hooligan antics, the boy studied quite well and was a typical “good student.”

Even as a child, Svetlakov knew how to attract attention and bring a smile to the face of his interlocutor, and everyone laughed at his jokes - from students to teachers. On graduation party the future artist staged a show of parodies of the teaching staff and presented a tablecloth with the wishes of the students written on it.

At school, Svetlakov was seriously interested in sports - football, basketball and handball. The young man dreamed of becoming a professional athlete and even played on a handball team. Sverdlovsk region. 13-year-old Sergei was offered to play for the reserve team of the First League; according to the contract, the boy was even entitled to his own apartment. However, his parents intervened, tired of their son’s endless sports injuries, and advised the guy to abandon this idea and then enter the University of Transport.

Yielding to the persuasion of his relatives, in 1995 Svetlakov entered the university to major in commerce. First time young man I never left the dream of one day becoming a professional athlete. The guy tried himself as a coach of a handball team, but the team lost the competition with a crushing score. After this failure, Sergei finally put an end to his sports career.


In his 1st year, Svetlakov participated in the “Knight of the Institute” tournament, where he won. This event instilled confidence in Sergei and determined his fate for many years to come. That same year, the future artist joined the local KVN team “Barabashki” and soon became captain. In 1997, “Barabashki” changed its name to “Park of the current period” and went to Sochi for the first serious performance under the “roof” of a real KVN. The team was not successful, but the team members began to be recognized on the streets of their hometown. After another performance, Svetlakov was offered to become the author of jokes for the famous KVN team “Ural Dumplings”.

Sergey Svetlakov as part of the KVN team “Ural dumplings”

In 2000, Sergei graduated from the university. The television star initially continued the family business, going to work at the railway customs office. There, a young man was busy filling out cargo arrival declarations.

After several years, Sergei was invited to Ural Dumplings as a full-fledged member of the team. He faced a difficult choice: a job that brought a stable income, or KVN with constant travel around the country and a “floating” fee. Svetlakov decided to take a risk, and, as his subsequent career showed, this decision turned out to be correct.

Sergei Svetlakov on the KVN stage

As part of the Ural Dumplings, Svetlakov met many famous Kaveen players of that time; these acquaintances would come in handy in the future. Svetlakov’s team became the champion of the KVN Major League in 2000, and in 2002 won the “Big KiViN in Gold” and “KVN Summer Cup” awards.

In 2001, Sergei, together with his KVN colleagues, David Kurbanov, Artur Tumasyan, moved to Moscow. Friends rented a small 2-room apartment on Smolenka, where they wrote jokes and came up with numbers for KVN teams. It got to the point where comedians wrote texts for teams competing in the same game. In addition, the guys made money by coming up with slogans and creative names for companies. A year later, they began composing numbers for the popular Comedy Club show.

In 2004, Svetlakov was offered the position of screenwriter on Channel One, where he met a popular TV presenter.

Films and television

In 2005, the debut project of Sergei Svetlakov launched on the TNT channel - the sketch show “Our Russia”, where the artist performed funny roles together with. The show “Our Russia” gained considerable popularity among viewers, but was subjected to severe criticism. The program was accused of inciting ethnic hatred, and under pressure public figures some scenes had to be deleted.

Sergey Svetlakov and Mikhail Galustyan in the show “Our Russia”

In 2008, the artist became the host new program“ProjectorParisHilton” produced by Channel One. At the same table with Ivan Urgant, Garik Martirosyan and Svetlakov, he discussed and commented on events and news from the world of politics, culture, and economics in a humorous manner. Most of jokes were invented right during the shooting process. Although the show was popular, the program had to be canceled in 2012.

According to the contract signed with TNT, the presenters did not have the right to work on other channels. Svetlakov and Martirosyan decided to leave the project.

Sergey Svetlakov at the “ProjectorParisHilton” show

The scandalous fame of the program “Our Russia” and the fame of “ProjectorParisHilton” only benefited Svetlakov, and invitations to act in films followed. In 2009, the newly minted actor took part in the filming of the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny." At the same time, he played in the film “Yolki”, where his partners were Ivan Urgant and. Svetlakov appeared in the comedy “Jungle” and the film “Cod”.

In 2011, Sergei surprised everyone by playing main role in the crime drama "Stone" directed by Vyacheslav Kaminsky. In the film, he appeared in a completely new role for himself - a child abductor. In addition, the actor acted as a producer of the film.

Trailer for the film "Stone"

In 2013, the actor and showman began collaborating with mobile operator Beeline. Since then, Svetlakov has been the face of the brand, and viewers often jokingly call him “smartphone man.” Also featured in the advertisement as the “worst Internet” famous TV presenter.

In the same year, the film “Gorko!” was released, in which Sergei Svetlakov played himself. The film, which described in detail the peculiarities of a Russian wedding, received mixed reviews: from “vulgar and disgusting” to extremely truthful and original.

One way or another, the picture won people's love, because the characters seemed to be based on relatives and neighbors.

Later, the second part of the comedy “Bitter!”, the films “Graduation”, “Fast Moscow - Russia”, and numerous sequels to “Christmas Trees” were released. The films in which Svetlakov plays can hardly be called masterpieces of cinema, but almost every one receives popular love.

It was about folk cinema that Svetlakov spoke in a conversation with the famous, when he, on behalf of the soloist, told the showman that he did not want to write music for such films. Svetlakov passionately defended his projects, noting that for some other reasons he shared his opponent’s opinion. In particular, not the most in the best possible way he responded about the film “The best film.”

In 2016, the showman starred in the next sequel to “Christmas Trees” and his friend’s comedy “The Groom.” IN last Sergey Svetlakov played the role of a simple village guy, Tolya, trying to return ex-wife, who decided to marry a German and go to live in Germany. Svetlakov's partners in the film were the actress and KVN star.

Trailer for the comedy “Groom”

In 2017, Svetlakov joined the jury of another famous television competition. After judging the “Comedy Battle”, in which Sergei’s daughter Nastya auditioned more than once, as well as participating in the “Dancing on TNT” project (with and), Svetlakov was invited to judge the anniversary season of the “Minute of Fame” program together with, and.

Personal life

The artist met his first wife Yulia Svetlakova (nee Malikova) while studying at the university. The girl was 2 years younger than Sergei and had just entered college when third-year student Svetlakov proposed marriage. Yulia traveled with her husband when he toured the country as part of the Ural Dumplings, and moved to Moscow with him.

Pair for a long time could not have children, but luck finally turned to the Svetlakov family, and on December 12, 2008, daughter Anastasia appeared. In August 2012, the couple divorced. The reason for the divorce is banal: Svetlakov, busy with projects, began to pay less attention to his wife, as a result of which the relationship became different.

In 2013, Sergei Svetlakov secretly signed with Antonina Chebotareva, whom he met in Krasnodar. The lovers were spending their vacation in Riga and unexpectedly stopped at the Russian Embassy, ​​where they registered their marriage. On July 18 of the same year, the couple had a son, whom the happy couple named Ivan. At the age of 4, the boy became interested in hockey and goes to training. The head of the family is proud that Vanya already knows the names of KHL players.

The connection with Nastya was not interrupted. The girl lives for a long time in new family father, Sergei works with his daughter after school, takes her to tennis, to electives in literature and the Russian language, and organizes holidays.

Sergei Svetlakov remains one of the most popular showmen in the country. To the artist's page at "Instagram" millions of people subscribed. However, a man does not get pleasure from publishing photos and posts on social networks. For Sergei, this process is only a way of connecting with fans, akin to associated gas.

“One thing happens in a mine, the well is working, and the associated gas must be used correctly so that it does not just fly away, but does at least a small amount of benefit.”

And putting pictures of children on public display is a disease that, by her own admission, has not yet struck Svetlakov.

Sergei preserved his love for sports. He maintains his shape (weight 86 kg with height 187 cm) by riding a bicycle. In addition, the comedian is a fan of the Lokomotiv football club and the Dynamo hockey club. Watching matches of your favorite teams, Svetlakov said, is accompanied by conversations with the TV. It happens that obscene language slips through and the sandwich falls out of your hands. In 2016, the comedian became an ambassador for the FIFA World Cup, which took place in Russia a couple of years later.

Sergey Svetlakov now

In 2017, Sergei Svetlakov’s filmography was expanded with the continuation of the comedy “Yolki”. The fourth and fifth parts, according to the actor, turned out weaker than the previous ones. The participants did not feel optimistic about further filming, but when producer Timur Bekmambetov announced a complete renewal of the team, faith in the project was revived.

“New Christmas Trees” brings together stories that happened to residents of Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, and Tyumen on the eve of New Year’s celebrations. The heroes performed by Sergei Svetlakov and Ivan Urgant entered into a confrontation with the character.

The final film from the popular franchise called “The Last Christmas Trees” will be released on the eve of 2019. In the film almanac, he appeared in the role of a grumpy grandfather, who migrated from the first “Yelok” and appeared in the form of athletes. played a metropolitan celebrity whom a provincial girl dreams of meeting.

The action of the comedy “Groom 2: To Berlin” takes place six months after the events discussed in the first part of the film. Director and co-writer Alexander Nezlobin opposed the film's sequel. But then he agreed that the idea of ​​​​transferring the plot to Germany was not so bad. This time the hero has found happiness in his homeland, and the reconciled Svetlakov and Martsinkevich go to visit a German friend.

Sergei Svetlakov in the comedy “Groom”

In addition to the Swiss actor, familiar to Russian viewers from the drama "" and the thriller "Survive After", a Hollywood star was invited to participate in the funny film. The action hero will play Philip's father.

In the fall of 2018, Svetlakov and Nezlobin, as well as those who joined them, became co-hosts of the revived show “Thank God, you came!” on the STS channel. Alexander also acts as the creative producer of the program.

The channel's management, with the arrival of former Kaveen players, is counting on A New Look, format change, content enrichment. Sergei said that parodies of comedians, version battles and even a direct line with the president will be added, and the guests in the studio will be people who are unaware of their comedic talent.


  • 2010 – “Christmas trees”
  • 2011 – “Yolki 2”
  • 2012 – “Stone”
  • 2013 – “Bitter!”
  • 2013 – “Yolki 3”
  • 2014 – “Bitter! 2"
  • 2014 – “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia”
  • 2014 – “Christmas trees 1914”
  • 2016 – “Groom”
  • 2016 – “Yolki 5”
  • 2017 – “New Christmas trees”
  • 2018 – “If the last ones”

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