Changing the course of events. How to shape the events of your life: important tricks

Throughout its history, the world has experienced many different events that have changed it and influenced the course of history. If they did not happen, our modern world would be completely different now. But history ordered otherwise.

Events that influenced the course of world history

Many researchers consider such events to be turning points in world history. Let's take a closer look at the top ten most important of them.

1. The invention of the wheel. Surprisingly, but it was his appearance that became the starting point of the rapid development of cities, Agriculture and population growth. Having appeared in the third millennium BC, it made it possible to transport crops to cities more efficiently, famine ceased to threaten humanity, and the population began to increase. Thanks to the circular movement, namely the flywheels and blocks, it became possible to lift heavy stones, and construction began to develop at a rapid pace.

2. Plague epidemic... In less than seven months the population Western Europe almost halved, causing irreparable damage to the socio-economic structure of the countries. The feudal system survived a blow from which it could not recover. At the same time, people's views on such concepts as illness, death, and also faith in God have changed dramatically.

3. Discovery of America made Christopher Columbus one of the key figures in history. Thanks to him, people learned that there are other unknown lands, although before that everyone relied on the geographical representations of the ancient Greeks. The greatest discovery, which completely changed people's perception of the world, Columbus did not thanks to the latest technologies at that time, but only with the help of a compass, which was invented three centuries earlier.

4. Scientific revolution... XVI-XVII centuries were marked by the revelry of the Inquisition. Thousands of innocents were burned at the stake for "communication with the devil and witchcraft." And only in the 17th century it was possible to partially dispel superstitions, because scientists appeared who, with great difficulty, and sometimes at a cost own life gave the world new knowledge.

5. The emergence of electricity. Electricity just became the fruit scientific research, although they knew about him in Ancient Greece... But by historical standards, it was invented and rethought not so long ago, only 200 years ago, and, as usual, faced an active rejection of the church, and now we cannot imagine our life without it.

6. Vaccine... This invention saved millions human lives and continues to do so to this day. Now it is difficult to imagine our world if it were not for the invention of Louis Pasteur. Thanks to him about terrible diseases we only know from history.

7. The first World War ... 19-year-old Serbian high school student Gavrila Princip did not even suspect that his lone shot in Sarajevo would lead to a complete reorganization of the world - four empires disappeared from the map of Europe at once, dozens of new states appeared in their place, tens of millions of dead remained on the battlefields, no less wounded, and the number of civilian casualties was at least 50 million. There has been a catastrophic drop in living standards everywhere. During these years, European fascism was born, which in the future will become another bloody page in world history.

8. The Second World War... Many states were involved in it - again millions were killed, destroyed, wiped out from the face of the Earth cities, terrible crimes against humanity, which the world did not know before. Terrible weapons of mass destruction have been invented.

9. Atomic bomb ... Her invention and testing showed humanity that it can disappear from the face of the Earth in a matter of minutes. The world shuddered and thought about tomorrow. Since then, humanity has repeatedly found itself on the verge of an atomic war, but so far wisdom prevails.

10. Space exploration- a real breakthrough in the history of mankind. Research continues to this day, we already know a lot of new things, and how many unexpected discoveries are yet to come.

These are, in our opinion, important events world history, thanks to which we now enjoy the benefits of civilization, do not die from terrible diseases, but still rarely think about the fragility of the world.

Does anyone rule this world, except of course higher powers? Some people think so. The world elite, capital, first of all, controls the situation in the world and can change its trajectory at any time. Others believe that the world is too complex, a huge number of factors are at work. It is possible to influence the course of events only to a small extent. Is Donald Trump's victory an unexpected breakthrough by a random person, or is this how the system worked? Or is Trump's victory a consequence of the decisions made by the elite to correct the US political course, and Trump is the figure who is more suitable for this correction than Clinton?

Where is the logic? The question plaguing analysts after Trump's victory. The entire Washington establishment is against him, almost all the media are against him, America of color is against him, and what is it, the majority of voters are against him; Clinton's preponderance is two million votes, which is more than, say, the population of Latvia. But he won. For him was an imperfect electoral system. But is she the only one? If so, then Trump is either incredibly lucky, or the most ingenious strategist, fundamentally winning in the right states. The explanation is too simple, albeit very popular: a non-systemic candidate challenged the system and won. This interpretation is the personification american dream... And it is as far from reality as the American dream is far from it.

“Of course this is over-super-naivety. There are no non-systemic candidates in the West for 100-150 years. This is mythology. Trump is a man of the system. The only question is which part of the system, ”the historian and publicist Andrei Fursov is sure.

Too many who followed the elections were captured by a delicately woven illusion. When two types came together in a duel - on the one hand, macho, rude and nonconformist, on the other hand - a lady, a professional politician and the flesh of the ruling elite - it seemed to us that it was so. But all this was secondary, even Trump's pretended unpredictability. But what really mattered was that for the first time in many years, representatives of transnational and national interests competed for the presidency of the United States. Decades over The White house fought globalists from both parties. But what is still valid American system was sharpened for globalism, does not mean that the system was the only one. They just tried to convince us for a long time that she was like that.

“The world top is not homogeneous. A certain part of the world elite is looking for new methods, because the global financial speculators, "banksters", whose henchman was Clinton, they, in general, have fulfilled their task - in 30 years of neoliberal counter-revolution they have brought the world to the handle, and now the situation needs to be changed. Migration Crisis - Brexit - Trump's Victory. It is a certain part of the world elite who explains to another part of the world elite that it is losing, and that it is necessary to negotiate, moreover, to negotiate on the terms of the winners, "says Andrei Fursov.

“The election of Donald Trump, combined with Britain's exit from the European Union and the dawn of populist parties in the West, is evidence of the collapse of the Western model and the liberal establishment. Destabilization in the Middle East, rampant terrorism, confrontation between Moscow and Washington - perhaps the most serious since the Cuban missile crisis - an increase in poverty, and so on ... national trends... This is a reaction to globalization, not everyone likes it, not everyone likes serving the Wall Street elites, the City of London, the bankers who led us to the 2008 crisis, ”says political analyst John White.

It was akin to optical illusion: the American media so vehemently convinced everyone that the Clinton campaign was going oh so well that almost no one noticed how bad Hillary was really doing. Fainting, health speculation, failures foreign policy as secretary of state, the scandal with the correspondence, the FBI's claims, and finally, just too aggressive rhetoric (in the case of Russia, aggressive to the point of paranoia). But the main thing was bad political inheritance, the very idea that Obama's course would be continued played against Clinton.

Those who actually create big politics have drawn conclusions. Ten days before the election, American economist Jeffrey Sachs, one of the top 100 most influential world leaders, wrote in the Boston Globe: “If our next president does not get out of the trap of costly Middle East wars, budget spending alone could allay hopes for a solution to our vast domestic problems. Soviet Union went bankrupt due to expensive foreign adventures (like Afghanistan) and huge military spending. Today, the US is likewise over-investing in the military and is at risk of following a similar path. ”

That is, Sachs says in plain text: the continuation of the existing policy will lead the United States to the collapse of the state. The hint seems to be more than transparent.

“I think the question of the victory of Clinton or Trump was decided right literally in the last weeks. The American project of great democratization has run into limits that it cannot overcome. He cannot break China economically and politically, he cannot break Russia politically. The mistake of the globalization project, the systemic mistake that it denied sovereignty as such. Practice has shown that an attempt to suppress national ambitions leads not to a new order, but to chaos, ”explains political scientist and publicist Leonid Krutakov.

It seems that at some stage, even those who initially bet on Hillary realized that an unhealthy but very aggressive lady who continues her obviously losing policy is not suitable for the role of head of state. Obama also argued - no, this Trump is not suitable. But the world elite, those people for whom the President of the United States is not the ultimate truth, but just a high-ranking hired clerk, have already outplayed and bet on Trump, the rest was a matter of technology.

“There was Assange, who worked all the time, giving out leaks with Podesta, all of this, of course, was beating. The FBI attack that effectively knocked Clinton down. Moreover, we know that unlike the holy belief of the liberals that American elections are always clean and smooth, we know that 20 million people in a preliminary vote is, whatever you say, 20 million votes that can be turned in any direction. How to achieve the result is a technology, ”says Leonid Krutakov.

“There are many ways in which the world elite can regulate the process. What is the interest of these last elections in the USA? 90% of the media were against Trump, but Trump outplayed his opponents in social networks and the internet. This is a completely new situation. Those people who organized the "Arab Spring" from outside using social networks did not realize that this could be used in their own country. And it turned out, as in the Pasternak translation of Hamlet - “go, poisoned steel, according to the appointment,” says Andrei Fursov.

All this would seem to be pure conspiracy theories, if not for one "but": all other explanations of the Trump phenomenon, in fact, do not explain anything, but offer to take on faith that an accident of this magnitude can happen in a system specially sharpened so that there is no accidents, ignoring questions, and whether it happens at all. And why does the "nonconformist" Trump, the "Russophile" Trump, having won, recruit such a team for himself - who is not a Russophobe, that opportunistic functionary? Why, with one hand appointing a very radical Steve Bannon as his advisor, with the other hand Trump, as if in opposition, makes the old party member Priebus, super loyal to the Republican leadership, the head of administration? Why remains open question about the secretary of state? This is actually a key position, this name should bounce off Trump's teeth, but no; or the post of the head of the State Department is still a subject of bargaining, or the customers themselves have not yet decided.

And where did Mitt Romney come from, having always harbored a dislike for Trump? Trump, as you know, does not laugh at jokes about himself and does not forget grievances - could he voluntarily offer Romney a place on the team in place of his friend Rudolph Giuliani? Finally, why Trump, who has paid negligible attention to energy issues throughout the campaign, suddenly announces radical solution precisely in the energy sector, promising to lift Obama's restrictions on oil and gas production on the shelf and, accordingly, it is great to shake up the stock exchanges?

The interests of someone else are clearly tracing behind these actions of Trump. Let's not call these people puppeteers - Trump is not a puppet after all, he is just big businessman and knows how big things are done. Victory is not brought on a silver platter; of course, I had to concede in some way. How many and in what - by their deeds you will recognize them.

“The strategic goals of the United States, like global leadership, are embedded in the foreign policy doctrine, they do not go anywhere, tactics are changing. We dig trenches, draw a red line where you don't enter, and put things in order in our economy. Dealing with the EU, dealing with South America... Therefore, the Trump project is a project to restore order to own home", - thinks Leonid Krutakov.

By the way, the bargaining may not be over yet. Big politics is not a casino, after all, an already made bet can be rearranged during the game, and more than once. This is just a reminder. After all, in December, the electorate will vote, and they are now being heavily pressured by Clinton's supporters. Demand to reconsider the election results. So the intrigue remains.

Offer a drink. If you want to convince the person of something, offer a hot drink, such as tea, coffee, or cocoa, during the conversation. If you offer a warm drink, a person subconsciously regards you as a warm, pleasant and hospitable person. A cold drink can have the opposite effect. Typically, people feel cold and crave warm food and drinks when they feel isolated from society. Satisfy their need and they will become more receptive to your words.

  • Ask questions that suggest a “Yes” answer. Start the conversation by asking questions that suggest an affirmative answer, such as “Today good weather, don't you? "," You want to buy a car at a bargain price, don't you? "

    • When you get someone to say yes, it will be easier for you to persuade the person to say yes, I will buy this.
    • It is best to ask vague questions, but make sure your wife is aware of why you are complimenting the other girl.
  • Break the touch barrier. It doesn't matter if you're making a deal or asking someone out on a date, just touch that person by chance. A light touch can increase your chances of promoting a product or service - the interlocutor subconsciously activates a desire to get closer.

    • Don't put pressure on people! Try asking the person for a favor after a few weeks.
    • Try to be as pleasant as possible during the conversation. If the person is disposed towards you, you will have a better chance of getting what you want.
    • There are several ways to look more powerful. You can wear a black suit that is popular with judges, police and clergy, or keep a neutral face. But being dominant doesn't always mean being convincing. If you are a seller, you most likely need to find mutual language with the buyer, not scare him. If you are a controller, you rather need to keep people in a fist, dominating and dominating them.
    • Know when to stop. There are people who are very stubborn, and there are those who simply shy away from others.
    • If you agree to pay later, sign the contract and use a trusted third party to attend.
    • Use the same techniques as the sales assistant to take revenge on him and scare him away. For example, when buying a car, engage in conversation. Ask questions you know the answers to: "Car sales have dropped, haven't they?" Thus, the seller will go out of his way to sell the product. Remind employees that their wage decreased by accident.
    • Share your opinion on the situation the person is in. Let's say someone finds they can see the future. Tell him how scared you were to find something like that in yourself. Perhaps, at first, the person will not share with you the story of his gift - wait a few days. Then tell him about famous psychic... Perhaps now the person will open up. You need to act in stages - often this is how people open up.
    • Don't talk too much. Your task is to understand potential customers, not to get into their wallet. Demonstrate the ability to listen and understand so that people can see that you are ready to serve them for their good. Too many words is a waste of your and potential customers' time.
    • Make them think, "This is what I need!" This will make it easier to convince people.


    • Don't speak too fast. You have to be confident, but if you rush to tricks, it can lead to a negative result.
    • If you ask too much, your request may be rejected. You haven't asked for anything and you think your chances are slim? Treat this person well and when he has good mood, ask for what you wanted. If a person has Bad mood most likely, he will get even more angry.
    • Do not persuade the person to do something if the request is not conducive to their well-being.
    • Do not act rashly and do not use inappropriate words in your messages.
    • Once the person finds out that you have been manipulating them, they will feel extremely uncomfortable in your company. Just think how you hate the imposition of goods and services or a passive-aggressive family member.
    • Be careful when using persuasion tricks on friends. Sometimes you need to make a decision in your favor and convince others of its correctness. On the other hand, if you do this too often, people may think that you are controlling or manipulating them. This can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • In all ancient sacred teachings, great attention was paid to the power of the word, which can influence the course of events, people and what- then specific situations. After all, the word- it is a kind of electromagnetic vibration that our brain sends and receives. By paying close attention to what we say, you can change your life and the world for the better.

    Do we often think about how great the power of the word is? I, Liza Piterkina, are a philologist, a professional writer, and I work with words - like a sculptor with clay, an artist - with paints. I know firsthand about the mystical possibilities of "Pushkin's language". Back in my student days, when I was writing a diploma about the work of the poet Arseny Tarkovsky, I had to go through an episode for which I still cannot find an explanation.

    Arseny Alexandrovich died when work on the diploma was coming to an end, and one day, even before the end of forty days after death, I dreamed of a poem that I managed to write down immediately after awakening, while I still remembered all four stanzas. It was absolutely not my poetic style, not my thoughts, not my wisdom, but characteristic images, the theme and depth of insight left no doubt about the authorship ... Until now, this pearl stands alone among my almost childish love lyrics that period. And many mystical events happened during that period.

    It was then that my interest in ancient knowledge arose, giving answers to all the questions that were ignored by the followers of materialism. It was then that I realized that a word is a kind of electromagnetic vibration that the brain sends and receives, and you can communicate with the world and with the entire cosmos through the impulses of your own consciousness.

    Then I used this discovery when I craved a love confession from close friend who did not want to verbally demonstrate his feelings to me. I simply changed his own name in the telephone contacts to the word "loving", and a few days later I received a frank verbal confirmation of the correspondence of the name to the experienced emotions. My unloving friend confessed his love to me! It was like thunder from a clear sky. And I received one more confirmation: a thought is energy expressed in a word, a word is an equivalent of energy.

    That is why, as a writer, I believe in the power of words. But not just a set of morphemes stacked like cubes in a pyramid, but part of the language in which we communicate with loved ones, which is absorbed with mother's milk, in which we explained our very first needs. No other language works as effectively as our own native language. It was he who strong bond connects our speech apparatus and our brain, our consciousness and our energy.

    As a woman born in Russia and living in Canada, it is very clear to me exactly how the signal from the brain goes, how nervous system reacts to words that are not in genetic memory... Someone else's culture did not teach me "to burn the hearts of people with a verb," ​​although they predicted a career as a writer there too. The difference between words spoken in my native language and words from the culture that temporarily adopted me is enormous. And in my native language there are more and more non-native words!

    For example, the familiar word "manager" - what layers of ancestor memory does it touch? None! There is a simple Russian equivalent to "manager" - a capacious word that gives a complete idea of ​​who it stands for. The root "rights" refers us to the meanings "ruling", "entitled". And if you have even the slightest idea of ​​the ancient sacred Slavic practices, then you can include in the paradigm the word "Rule", meaning "higher heavenly forces", and" right "- in the meaning of" salting ", that is, turning clockwise, according to the sun. This is the most real yang, active, masculine word. But we easily replaced it with an energy dummy that deprives our language of strength and glory ...

    Our spiritual salvation lies in preserving our native language. And if we cannot resist economic innovations that are called words that are not native to us, then we must preserve the language of love, the language of intimate communication - so that our feelings are full-blooded, so that we do not lose love as a kind of miracle or energetic interpenetration!

    In addition, a word that is not connected with an object or phenomenon in our minds shoots like a blank cartridge. For example, do you know what the word "bye" means? Of course, each of you will answer that this is a colloquial form of goodbye. However, few people know that in Japanese this word means one of the dirtiest curses. If the sound of a word itself had a definite effect, we would intuitively avoid it. But for us this word is neutral, it is devoid of both negative and positive. This is how it exists in our language. When the sound is born, ours open energy centers, large quantity energy passes through the body, our strength increases.

    Wisdom [Skills System for Further Energy Information Development. V stage, second stage, parts 1 and 2] Verischagin Dmitry Sergeevich

    Changing the course of events

    Changing the course of events

    We have just discussed in which direction it is easiest to change the world. Of course, it is easiest to change it in the direction where creation is required, and not destruction. It is these changes that lie in the mainstream of the movement of the universe. That is, relatively speaking, it is easier to create something manifested from the unmanifest than to destroy one manifested in order to receive another from it. Translated into everyday language, if a woman wants to get married, then she had better aim at finding an unmarried man, and not at destroying an existing family. If you want to build a house, then you better buy an empty piece of land, and not one where a dilapidated monster is already in need of completion. It is no coincidence that people say: it is better to do something new, starting from scratch, than to redo the old.

    Hope this and others fundamental principles the changes in the world outlined in the previous sections, you have already learned. But to the understanding of the principles, it is not bad to apply also the knowledge of techniques, without which the principles, in general, are of little use.

    And first of all, we need to master the techniques that allow us to directly influence the course of external events. For example: here we see that someone's car is standing under our windows, spoiling the air for us with its exhaust gases. Naturally, we want the car to be removed as soon as possible. Another example: we planted several beds of strawberries in our country house, and now we want them to give the maximum yield as soon as possible. Examples from the same series: there is a product - and we want to sell it faster; there is a vacancy workplace- and we want to get it.

    What can we do in each of these situations to get the desired result?

    We can apply the techniques of changing the course of events in the direction we need.

    When can we use this kind of technique?

    Then, when an event (phenomenon, object, fact - everything that we call a target), the development of which we want to turn in the direction we need, already exists, it is manifested, it is reality. But the direction of the further development of this event has not yet been determined, and we do not know the reasons that drive the development of this event, and we do not know in what direction it is going to develop. If we know that there are reasons directing the development of an event in an undesirable direction for us, then we must work with such reasons in the first place, making them our target.

    So, the event is manifested: the car puffs under the window, the strawberries turn green in the garden. Let's take the case when the situation as a whole is favorable to us: that is, the event is manifested, and, in principle, there are no special reasons that can make the situation move in a completely undesirable direction for us. But at the same time, the further direction of the movement of the situation has not yet been manifested, just as the reasons that can lead the situation to further development have not been manifested in our sphere of perception. In this case, a slight push is enough for us to force the situation to develop as we need it, and to turn the future to face us.

    Well, let's get started.

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