Who is Polina Kitsenko's husband? Stars obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. What sells better: skirts or dresses?

Today, one of the most athletic domestic business women celebrates her birthday. Polina Kitsenko, who was at the forefront of the fashion industry in Russia, is the creative director of Podium. At the same time, fashion is not her only passion and professional field of activity. The main hobby of one of the most famous domestic business women is sports, which Polina approaches with special passion. Especially for the site, she revealed the secrets of beauty and talked about what shapes her lifestyle.

PHOTO Nikolai Zverkov

I never go outside without SPF 50. This is a side effect of my active lifestyle. The skin must be protected - this is the main rule of beauty.

For daily skin care, I choose creams and preparations created at the Rosh Medical Center. Of the cosmetic brands, I prefer the Nu-Derm line from Obaji.

I believe that a good mood improves the appearance. This is the real secret of attraction. Without it, not a single “written beauty” will be interesting. The sparkle of the eyes is the main thing, everything else is secondary.

My favorite beauty brands are M.A.C, Chanel, Tom Ford. I paint myself. But I have the best teachers - Andrey Shilkov and Elena Krygina.

My beauty icon is a model. She always looks amazing. And this is not only because she is insanely beautiful - it is also about incredible energy and inner beauty.

For the services of cosmetologists, I turn to the ROSH Medical Center and the Bellefontaine clinic - for me this is a real beauty mecca, where they solve any problems.

I am comfortable with plastic surgery. If you really have a problem and it can only be solved by surgery, then why not? The main thing is that the passion for plastic does not turn into an obsession.

My biggest beauty disaster happened when I dyed my hair a dark color that didn't suit me. Since then I have not experimented.

Ideologically, sport is my religion, but at the same time it is the same daily ritual as, for example, the habit of combing your hair. Without physical activity, the day cannot be complete. I do sports all the time and everywhere. I do not have to persuade myself, sport for me is a great pleasure.

In winter I do cross-country skiing, I run amateur competitions, marathons. In the summer I prefer triathlon (swimming, cycling, running) and road biking. In the off-season - Nordic walking and roller skiing.

Self-discipline is my main healthy habit. Here I am flint. I'm afraid of myself.

If we formulate my five beauty secrets, then they look like this:

Outdoor sports at any time of the year and in any weather. The result is a firmer and healthier complexion.

Good mood, which gives a sparkle in the eyes.

Rosh Medical Center, which is responsible for the condition of my skin.

Personalized cream powder created for me by make-up artist Andrey Shilkov.

Make-up according to the list of make-up artist Elena Krygina adapted for me personally.

Polina Kitsenko is a Russian businesswoman who owns a chain of fashion boutiques and a popular healthy lifestyle activist. The woman started her business at the beginning of 1994 and today she occupies a place among the key figures in the Russian fashion business.

Childhood and youth

Polina skillfully hides her age, so the exact date of birth cannot be found on the Web. According to some reports, Kitsenko was born on April 14, 1975, but Polina did not give official confirmation of this information.

Businesswoman and socialite Polina Kitsenko

The family lived happily - the girl's father worked in the prosecutor's office. Polina is from Alexandrov, a city in the Vladimir region, but when the girl was 11 years old, her parents moved to Moscow. In the capital, Polina graduated from high school and, on the advice of her father, studied to become a lawyer, although as a child she wanted to become a geologist.

The girl studied well and came to graduation with a red diploma. During her student years, she entered a student exchange program and got a chance to study in the United States. America impressed Polina - the country was strikingly different from Russia during perestroika.

The future business lady was especially impressed by the local fashion - at home, the only way to dress brightly and unconventionally was to sew on your own. With her from the States, the girl brought branded jeans and sneakers that were rare for Russia then.

After returning to Russia, Polina worked for 2.5 years in the departments of payment cards in commercial banks. Fitness became the girl's hobby during her studies, and thanks to the sport, Fields met her future husband, Eduard Kitsenko. The couple met in the hall of a sports club, which both attended.


Edward turned out to be a businessman, even then the man owned the Podium company. Inspired by the example of her husband, in 1994 Polina opened the first clothing store in her biography, which she named similarly - "Podium". At first, the business required a lot of effort and gave almost no return.

Polina Kitsenko with Karl Lagerfeld

The girl literally had to do everything from scratch - follow fashion trends, look for ways to import things into the country. Often it turned out that she had to go for the goods on her own.

However, the work brought results, the business gradually went uphill. This gave Kitsenko the opportunity to expand and make the boutique a chain store. The next step was the opening of Podium Market - a store designed for a wide range of customers, not celebrities. This was the main goal of Polina's work in the fashion industry - to make fashionable clothes accessible to the common man.

In an interview, Kitsenko admitted that she is a tough and demanding boss, but not a tyrant. She demands a lot from subordinates, but at the same time she is tolerant and able to give a person a second chance, especially if he admits a mistake. But the businesswoman does not tolerate excuses.

Personal life

Polina has been a happy wife and mother for many years. The woman does not stop saying that Edward has always been a reliable support for her in everything - from everyday life to business.

Two children grow up in the family - the eldest son Yegor and the youngest daughter Antonina. That part of her personal life that concerns home, Polina does not advertise.

Kitsenko is a famous socialite. Among the friends of the businesswoman Ksenia Sobchak, and Ulyana Sergeeva. Polina participates in charity, attends related events. A husband rarely accompanies a woman on such outings - Edward is not attracted to public life.

According to the businesswoman, home is the most important thing in life, a place where you always want to return. Moreover, the style and design of the house was thought out not by Polina herself, but by her husband. Eduard is not a professional designer, but, according to his wife, he has good taste. This is also confirmed by the fact that the initiator of Polina's famous hairstyle was her husband, who advised the woman to make her haircut a little shorter.

An important part of Polina's life is health and everything connected with it. Kitsenko is the owner of a model height of 181 cm, and the weight of a woman does not exceed 60 kg. After the birth of two children, proper nutrition and constant physical activity help maintain this shape.

Polina Kitsenko now

Healthy lifestyle for Polina is the basis of the worldview. The woman continues to run a fashion business, but outside of this sphere, her life is connected with sports and healthy eating. Kitsenko blogs at "Instagram", she has more than 500 thousand subscribers, most of the photos are somehow related to physical development.

Polina's main passion is running. The woman participates in marathons in different cities and countries, and in 2015, together with Natalia Vodianova, she organized her own. Polina organizes the Running Hearts charity run every year. The funds raised go to the Naked Heart Foundation, which helps children with special needs. Now the marathon has merged with a similar event of Sberbank and is taking place in 54 cities.

Polina Kitsenko opened a sports club in 2018

In 2018, Kitsenko launched new projects - her own sports studio and a tourist fitness program, in which you can visit different countries in parallel with training. Polina herself calls such tourism with humor sports local history.

The husbands of famous socialites, who until now preferred to remain in the shadow of their famous wives, finally appeared before the public in all their glory. The journalists managed to declassify the names and some details of the personal lives of such influential spouses, such as, for example, the husband of Miroslava Duma, the companion of Polina Kitsenko and other oligarchs and officials who are able to provide their loved ones with a chic luxury life. In total, there are 40 names on the list of husbands that everyone heard about, but were afraid to ask. The rating was compiled by Tatler magazine and published in the September issue. StarHit selected and summarized the most interesting information from this material.

So, for example, socialite and part-time photographer with vocal experience in the field of pop music, Ilona Stole, is more often used to seeing in the company of friends - German Larkin and Petr Aksenov. Many uninitiated in the ups and downs of the personal life of a chic blonde had an erroneous opinion that she was not married. However, in fact, Ilona's hobbies are sponsored by a completely official, but very modest spouse - Vitaly Yuzhin, a State Duma deputy from United Russia. From time to time he accompanies Stolie at various events, but in general he prefers to devote his free time to such typically male hobbies as football, hunting and fishing.

The gorgeous brunette Snezhana Georgieva also prefers to hide her husband. The co-owner of one of the most popular private clubs in Moscow, as it turned out, is accused of hiding her life partner from prying eyes. The journalists managed to find out that Snezhana was not worried in vain: businessman Artem Zuev is so good-looking that his secular wife simply does not want to tempt her unmarried girlfriends.

// Photo: Alexey Antonov (ITAR-TASS / Rodionov Publishing House LLC)

Yana Rudkovskaya's best friend Natalya Yakimchik is not alone either, who appears in the world more often in the company of a star producer than her husband, ex-head of the Moscow Heritage Committee and former vice-president of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry Valery Shevchuk. But outside the camera flashes, Yakimchmk and Rudkovskaya are family friends and visit each other.

But designer Alena Akhmadullina hides her heartfelt friend like a professional secret agent. According to Tatler, Alena is now spending time with the chairman of the board of directors of Stankoprom, Sergey Makarov. The couple is already building a common country house together.

Finally, another super-secret husband is the life partner of the journalist and fashionista Miroslava Duma. The name of the man from whom the fragile beauty gave birth to a son and daughter is known to everyone, but the joint photos of the couple are actually limited to the period when both spouses studied at MGIMO and their romance was just beginning. Now Alexei Mikheev works as an official and avoids publicity, while Miroslava, on the contrary, has gained wide popularity around the world and has earned the status of a style icon.

Not many are familiar with the husband of a bright activist of the capital's light, Ksenia Sobchak's best friend Polina Kitsenko. Her sporting successes and achievements in business are visible to everyone, and almost nothing is known about her husband and father of children, Eduard Kitsenko. As it turned out, the main secret of this family is common interests. Eduard, like Polina, goes in for sports with inspiration and introduces heirs to a healthy lifestyle.

September 7, 2010, 16:20

For the fashionable Russian elite, the name of Polina Kitsenko is far from an empty phrase. The owner of the Podium boutique chain has been a trendsetter for several years and is one of the most influential people in Russian fashion. Such “stylish things” as Ksenia Sobchak, Miroslava Duma, Daria Zhukova, Olga Slutsker and many others are proud of personal acquaintance with her. At one time, it was Polina Kitsenko who taught all Moscow young ladies, and after them the whole country, to wear leggings in combination with mini-dresses.
The niche occupied by the Podium trade brand in the capital's clothing market can be conditionally called "clothes for very rich people." For the first time in Moscow, these luxury stores opened in 1994 and since then have become a real Mecca for the “cream of society”. The official website of the Podium Fashion Group says that it laid the foundation for the development of the fashion industry in Russia. The assortment of boutiques includes almost all leading fashion brands specializing in the production of clothes, shoes and accessories of the highest price category. Polina Kitsenko herself has said more than once that it is mostly those clients who dress in her salons for whom buying outfits at the price of small cars is a common thing. Podium does not adhere to any particular style concept, it offers collections of clothes in the spirit of the mainstream and in the spirit of the avant-garde. Next to things from Alexander McQueen, Pucci, Baldessarini, Balenciaga there are new items from Celine, Chloe, Antonio Berardi, Emilio Gardem, Hugo Boss, Jean Dsquared2. Podium boutiques also offer expensive niche perfumes and cosmetics, jewelry and interior items. Profitable business Polina Kitsenko's boutiques are open in a number of regional centers of Russia, in particular, in St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Samara and some others. The company is not inclined to advertise information about its turnover; Moreover, at the peak of the crisis, the owner of Podium did not lag behind the general fashion to express dissatisfaction with the economic trends in the country and complained about the drop in interest on the part of buyers for dresses from Balmain worth 425 thousand rubles. But according to experts, the volume of investments in the opening of one Podium store can reach twenty million euros, and its net annual profit will be approximately twenty-five million rubles. But the success of Madame Kitsenko in business can be judged by the way she spends her leisure time. Polina with her husband Eduard and children often visit the fashionable ski resort in Courchevel: it has become a family tradition to go there for the New Year holidays. In addition, the Kitsenkos opened one of their famous boutiques there. It presents jewelry brands Loree Rodkin, Garrard, Palmiero worth from 15-20 thousand euros. Kitsenko's Courchevel project called Podium Jewelery is aimed at wealthy tourists from Russia, the countries of Muslim Asia and Latin America, primarily Argentina.
One of the most high-profile purchases of Polina Kitsenko was the purchase of an unusual lot at a charity auction organized by Natalia Vodianova. The "style icon" laid out ninety thousand euros for a personal serenade performed by singer Bryan Adams, ignoring Andrei Malakhov's comments that "Factory sings for that kind of money." A fan of the ironic style But, probably, like most women with very different levels of income, Polina prefers to invest the lion's share of investments in her personal wardrobe, since her financial opportunities for this are almost unlimited. She often wears Azzedine Alaia, Phillip Lim, Givenchy, Chapurin Couture. The owner of Podium considers it her professional duty to be present at all world-class fashion events, including all famous Fashion Weeks and other cult shows. You can see her everywhere in the forefront of the audience: Polina enthusiastically selects interesting models for herself and her stores. Polina Kitsenko's style is defined by fashion experts as a balanced mix of luxury and rising, but not yet very popular brands. The images in which she appears in public often combine eclecticism and spontaneity, bordering on deliberate negligence.
They say that this shows the ironic attitude of the trendsetter of the capital's fashion towards herself. “I am against mental anguish on the topic “What shoes will I pick up with this handbag?”. My consciousness doesn’t work like that at all, ”admits Polina.
She used to arrange a mobile wardrobe from her car. In the back seat or in the trunk of Polina Kitsenko there is always a bag with several pairs of shoes, a couple of clutches or bags and a few outfits. She experiences incomparable pleasure when she creates images from a limited number of things. For her, this is a kind of exciting game. Svetlana Usankova.www.luxury.net

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