What is UFO - facts and speculation, what is known about extraterrestrial civilizations at the moment? Does UFO exist in real life?

At all times, extraordinary celestial phenomena amazed the imagination of people. Many people have seen flying saucers or UFOs and are completely sure of their existence, but still large quantity believe that flying saucers are just some optical effects multiplied by the heightened imagination of the observers. In history, you can find a lot of evidence about the existence of UFOs, for example, the Tullia papyrus (the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III, 15th century BC), the testimony of the Roman historian Plutarch (1st century BC), numerous eyewitness testimonies in the 20th and 21st centuries.
In December last year, ufologists from 19 countries gathered in Brazil for their first World Forum. The 50th anniversary of ufology was celebrated - a science that is purposefully engaged in the study of UFOs. Moreover, ufologists themselves believe that in all UFO evidence, only 1% out of 100% deserve attention.

It turns out that there is only one percent "something is" or "something may be". But, for example, the American astrophysicist D. Menzel is sure that 20% of the observed cases are "true flying saucers" and require careful analysis.

It should be noted that counterintelligence different countries specially fanned the hype about UFOs in order to mask the visible effects that arose as a result of testing samples of the latest military equipment... It is now known that scientists from Peking University (China) have developed the first unmanned flying saucer, which may take off in the air within the next two years. And, according to academician Obraztsov, scientific director of the Institute applied mechanics In the early 1970s, Russian specialists developed a spaceplane project capable of moving passengers and cargo at an altitude of 90 to 200 km at a speed of up to 30 thousand km per hour. However, for financial reasons, this project was not implemented.

Some of the evidence has a scientific explanation. Firstly, our eyes can perceive objects distorted - this is the so-called dark spot effect. Second, there are scientific explanations many incomprehensible phenomena. For example, D. Menzel says that luminous "flying objects" appear as a result of refraction of light rays in crystals of snow, fog.

Others believe that "flying saucers" have a completely "terrestrial" origin (ecologist and hydrogeologist IV Gubenko). "Flying saucers" appear on thermal air currents like tornadoes and tornadoes. It is impossible to see their origin, since it takes place in the clouds. Figuratively speaking, a "flying saucer" is a vortex hurricane packed in a film of water. The age of the "flying saucer" is short-lived - a day or, at most, two. It disintegrates, using up all the energy. An explosion occurs, and a cloud appears in place of the plate, preserving its features. It is these pictures that are most often published on the pages of ufological publications. This natural plate has enormous electrical potential, magnetic field and can lead to the crash of aircraft, sea and river vessels.

Scientists can very well explain the reasons for the formation of "flying saucers", but how can we interpret eyewitness accounts of abductions, contacts with aliens? If we assume that there are no "flying saucers", then where does the talk about little green men come from?

The article used materials from Skeptik.net, Ufolog.ru, Wonderland.com.ru, 5ballov.ru and Newsru.com.
Ksenia Lukina

Fall in Chelyabinsk region Russia has become a new catalyst for heated discussions about "green men" and an alien conspiracy against earthlings, who again began to reanimate those who believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Lovers to fantasize violently comment in social networks, on forums and pseudoscientific sites, what would this sign (meteorite fall) mean - an accident, the use of a new modern weapons or an attack by representatives of other civilizations.

In the meantime, heated discussions are underway between experts, scientists and ordinary people, "Bagnet" provides a selection of reasons why you should not believe in UFOs and stir up panic about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

1. The closest star to our planet is 4.3 light years away. And, if from it to fly only 20 times slower than the speed of light (for a massive flying machine, as depicted by UFOs, and such a speed is simply unimaginably huge), then the flight of a flying object will take 90 years.

2. With modern advances in military equipment and technologies, most of the foreign space objects, and even more so those carrying a potential threat to the planet, would be immediately destroyed by the air defense forces of developed and developing countries. On the other hand, governments and armies developed countries even the myth about UFOs is beneficial - they attribute their unmanned (or manned) objects to mysterious flying objects, often used for espionage purposes, for cover.

3. Nothing is said about the existence of aliens, contacts with UFOs in the Book of Books - the Bible. They are not mentioned in another sacred letter - the Koran. Moreover, the church condemns the theory that life on Earth originated due to some kind of alien intervention, and that there are more intelligent beings in the universe than people. Nothing is said about UFOs and in many other common religions of the world and their canonical scriptures.

4. If evil alien creatures really existed, had more advanced technologies and could, accordingly, reach our planet, they would have conquered and conquered it without difficulty.

5. Many so-called witnesses to UFO flights themselves later admit that they deceived the public with their resonant statements and falsified evidence of the existence of "green men".

6. The alien myth is very profitable from a commercial point of view. It generates billions of dollars in revenue for filmmakers, performances, music videos, books, merchandise, consumer goods and the travel industry.

7. The famous Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of one of the areas of depth psychology, analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung in his work "UFOs as a subject of rumors" generally attributed rumors about UFOs and aliens to a variety of psychological disorders, ordinary rumors, modern legends, far from science. " UFO stories are distinguished not only by their complete implausibility, but also by a clear inconsistency with the general laws of physics. Therefore, in relation to this phenomenon, a negative reaction seems natural - a simple, unequivocal rejection. Everyone has the right to believe that it comes nothing more than mirages, fiction, lies. It is believed that those who talk about such phenomena (pilots, ground attendants) are somewhat “out of their minds"- wrote Jung in his work on this topic.

8. If aliens existed, would be more developed creatures, they would have come into contact with earthlings long ago, somehow globally declared themselves. But, as a rule, the so-called contacts of extraterrestrials occur by a strange coincidence only with a few inhabitants of the Earth, with the "chosen ones", and are not massive. Therefore, there is no scientific confidence in such evidence and "sensations".

9. German experts who studied the UFO phenomenon in the 2000s tried to find out why, when trying to catch up with this unidentified flying object, fighters, as a rule, begin to fail, lose radio communication, and their devices fail. And sometimes the plane ceases to obey the pilot. It also happens that combat aircraft even crash. According to German scientists, no one is shooting down planes, and it is just physical laws that disable them, not mysterious "little green men." Experts even managed to find out that most of the so-called UFOs are just ordinary lightning charges that are in the shape of a ball and soar in the sky. Such a discharge is capable of moving in an unpredictable direction, instantly changing its trajectory, and sometimes even hovering motionless for a long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that the fighters that were sent for lightning discharges could not catch up with them. It was recorded that the closer they approached the target, the more their instruments began to fail. In this case, if the plane gets very close to the discharge, then all its electronic filling will simply burn out. In the course of a scientific experiment, researchers even managed to synthesize such a ball of energy. He was, moving, in the air for less than 5 seconds, after which he dispersed. Moreover, the pictures of this bunch of energy absolutely coincided with the thousands of pictures in which UFOs were allegedly captured, which were taken from the 70s to our time.

10. The UK Department of Defense released a secret UFO report in the last decade. The study is titled "Unidentified Air Phenomena in Great Britain" and is 400 pages long. According to the British military, the so-called UFO has a completely natural origin. That is, people saw something, being in their right mind and solid memory. And they saw the effects that were caused by " physical, electrical or magnetic phenomena in the atmosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere». « They appear in the presence of certain weather conditions and electric charge and are observed very infrequently, which allows observers to talk about their uniqueness", - said in the report.

The report notes that many people who allegedly "saw UFOs" or believed that they were in contact with aliens, were exposed to some kind of "plasma field".

« It has been proven by medicine that local fields of this type can cause a reaction in the temporal lobe of the human brain. As a result, a person has a fairly clear idea of ​​events that actually did not happen.", - is the speech in the report of the UK Department of Defense.

Also, the British military named other reasons for the emergence of the "phenomenon of aliens", which in practice turned out to be simply ridiculous. For example, for UFOs, people often mistake aircraft with especially bright side lights, balloons unusual shape or even a flock of birds huddled together.

By the way, we previously reported that.

Based on materials from foreign media

Do you think humans are the only intelligent beings in the universe? On this issue, disputes between skeptics and believers are still ongoing, and the final verdict has not yet been passed. Some people are convinced that aliens have visited our planet throughout its history. UFO sightings and alien abductions are very popular stories.

Is there really life beyond our planet? And what do these creatures look like? Are they dangerous? There are still no answers to these questions. But some stories, videos and published articles confirm the fact that the aliens are quite real. Moreover, it is even written about them in the Bible. We invite you to take a look at our selection of evidence that alien beings do exist and they have even visited Earth several times.

Richard Hoover, a NASA scientist, on March 4, 2011, announced the found fossils of cyanobacteria in the carbonaceous meteorites of their space. He published a document where it was said that as a result of studying meteorites under a microscope, bacteria were found in them, tiny unicellular organisms, the structure of which was different from the terrestrial representatives. It was also suggested that the found microorganisms be considered evidence of the existence of life in outer space.

Astronauts traveling aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft asked NASA about the location of S-4B (the position of the rocket in space), although it had detached 2 days earlier. This happened due to the fact that the astronauts noticed that something was watching them in space. This incident was reported by Buzz Aldrin. It was also reported that the astronauts were pursued by aliens during their landing on the moon.

This happened in 2004 when astronomers noticed a strange object in outer space. They named him Buffy, but scientifically 2004 XR190... This dwarf planet has a very strange orbit with an inclination of 47 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic. Some researchers suggest that Buffy is an alien sentinel center created to study the behavior of terrestrial inhabitants.

The unusual stone, named after the traveler John J. Williams who found it in 1998, still haunts scientists. This stone contains an embedded element, the purpose of which is not clear, but by appearance it resembles a plug from electrical appliances. Scientists were able to determine the approximate age of the stone - 100,000 years. It is assumed that Enigmalite is of extraterrestrial origin.

A strange artifact was found in Vladivostok (Russia). The cogwheel was "pressed" into a piece of coal, which local was going to heat his house. When the find was examined, it was found that it is almost entirely made of aluminum and was made artificially. The cogwheel is 300 million years old. This shocked scientists, since something similar was created by man only in 1825. It is believed that this is one of the parts of an alien spacecraft that appeared on Earth a long time ago.

In February 2003 NASA launched the SETI project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The project used a giant telescope to explore various areas of the sky that had never received radio signals. It is worth noting that almost 200 areas of the sky were checked, and in one of them, a high-frequency radio signal was recorded, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life near the earth.

This event took place in 1940, when it was rumored that several spaceships with aliens on board were found in the United States. All but one named EBE (Additional Biological Entity) were all dead. 13 years later, huge objects flew up to the earth's surface... Scientists thought they were asteroids, but when they got closer, they saw that they were spaceships. As part of the PLATO project, a connection was established with the aliens and allegedly they told the president to destroy everything nuclear weapon on the globe but the president refused. This project was no longer renewed.

Several reports have been written about Area 51, a classified US base for the study of alien life. Some researchers reported that the area contains the remains of unidentified flying objects, as well as the bodies of aliens. And they even say that one of the aliens is still alive. He allegedly arrived on Earth with his group in a spaceship with the aim of taking over the planet, but lagged behind the rest.

The Betz family was stunned by the discovery of a mysterious silver sphere while they were examining the aftermath of a fire in the forest. The family reported that the mysterious ball reacted to music and melodies, it could roll itself and return to its original position. Also, the sphere shone more in sunny weather. However, the US Navy later analyzed this area and concluded that it was a regular stainless steel ball. But then one day rustling sounds began to play from inside the mysterious sphere and everyone in the house was horrified when they saw windows and doors slamming at night. It is speculated that it may be an extraterrestrial object that was sent by aliens to burn forests.

Wow signal

This event took place in August 1977, when a radio telescope detected an unusual radio pulse that lasted for about 37 seconds. It came from somewhere in the region of the constellation Sagittarius and showed several signals that have not yet been heard on Earth. The radio signals were at high frequencies (1420.356 MHz), which are forbidden on our planet. This frequency is the most likely for communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. This signal has still not been explained, but it is believed that it was created by someone in outer space to destroy the radio communication technology inside the Earth (which, as you can see, did not succeed).

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Fans of conspiracy theories and quite serious men for several decades have been trying to figure out what a UFO is and what consequences can be for mankind from contact with another civilization. So far, everything remains somewhere at the level of fiction and we analyze the proposed scenarios only in cinemas. But, perhaps, someday the situation will change dramatically.

What is the likelihood of encountering aliens?

The universe is infinite. And this frightens all those who, in principle, can imagine what dimensions infinity is striving for.

What else is known about the universe:

  • The age of the space around us is measured in billions of years and with each new revision the figure only increases;
  • The distance between star systems is too great;
  • The emergence of life does not obey any mathematical laws.

Just think:

  1. At a distance of 2,000 light years, life originated on two different planets;
  2. Apart from two thousand light years, these phenomena were separated by 50 million calendar years;
  3. By the time a younger civilization entered space, there was not even dust left from the buildings of the "oldies";
  4. Each life form considered itself absolutely unique, the only one endowed with intelligence.

There can be thousands and millions of such examples all the time. Civilizations could flare up and die like shooting stars in the pitiless sky of eternity. The likelihood that two simultaneously "flare up" almost side by side and be able to find each other - negligible.

In this video, Valery Pyatkin will talk about the nature of the UFO occurrence, about the cases of the appearance of objects to earthlings:

What is a UFO really?

There are only three letters in the concept, and each of them can be deciphered:

  • H - unidentified;
  • L - flying;
  • O is an object.

Theoretically, any object that has taken off and is unidentified by anyone can be called a UFO. Even a piece of ice dropped from a transport plane and sparkling during its short flight to the surface can be mistaken for a crash-flying "flying saucer".

In fact, more often than not, instead of "little green men" we see:

  1. Meteorological probes;
  2. Tests of the military and their secret developments;
  3. Amateur experiments in rocketry;
  4. Optical illusions;
  5. Abnormal weather events;
  6. Banal rubbish or Chinese lanterns.

Fix spaceship so far no one has succeeded. Maybe even from the fact that any engineer developing a spacecraft would provide it with protection and camouflage systems.

Especially when it comes to visiting "barbarian" planets. Why scare the natives when you can sneak in and go unnoticed?

What if I saw a UFO?

If you saw strange lights in the sky:

  • Record what happened on the video, there will be a story to tell;
  • Watch and wait until the UFO disappears from the sky;
  • Make sure the object is not pointing towards your home or community;
  • Submit materials on thematic forums and blogs dedicated to ufology;
  • Try to contact civil aviation and find out if there were transport planes in this place at the specified time;
  • Check the availability of the aircraft using special sites where you can track the routes of international airlines.

If you want to get another funny story, you can stop at the first point. Finding out the truth can only be disappointing, in the end you will not get a video of a UFO, but a recording of the flight of an airplane, a meteorite or a Chinese flashlight.

To clarify the source of an incomprehensible glow, you can be helped by:

  1. Ufologists;
  2. Meteorologists;
  3. Dispatchers and civil aviation employees;
  4. Special effects specialists.

The main thing is not to worry, nothing terrible happens. Man conquered the sky long ago and there are thousands of man-made objects in it at the same time. It's no surprise that you spot one of them. Or maybe something else, the truth is somewhere nearby.

What do we know about flying objects?

If we talk specifically about "flying saucers", all our knowledge is very scarce:

  • Humanity has never been in contact with aliens, in any case, there is no convincing evidence to the contrary;
  • Many peoples of antiquity have myths that, in their description, are very similar to communication with aliens;
  • On the entire planet, not a single skeleton of a creature that came to us from distant stars has been discovered;
  • Never once did humanoids fall into the lens of television cameras;
  • There are several high-profile "incidents" allegedly related to the visit of aliens to our planet.

This theme is often played up in science fiction films and books, but so far there has not been a single real contact. All vague evidences date back to the pre-Christian era, how much truth is in them, and how much fantasy of distant pagan ancestors is difficult to say.

By the way, for most religions, the appearance of guests from deep space would be the beginning of the end.

We drew all the knowledge we had only from our own imagination. We don’t know how aliens and their technique might look like. The universe, apparently, can surprise with its diversity, so you can expect anything.

Are UFOs Aliens from Space?

UFO - unknown flying object... Any object lifted into the air that the observers were unable to identify.

The technical definition is not so mystical and does not give a fiction, most often it is:

  1. Chinese lanterns;
  2. Meteorites;
  3. Aircraft;
  4. Meteorological probes;
  5. Test objects;
  6. Natural phenomena;
  7. Optical illusions.

It is extremely difficult to determine what exactly was in the air on such and such a month, on such and such a date. In most cases, this becomes an unbearable task and ufologists have to be satisfied with an explanation that does not have any evidence base. Yes, there could be a meteorite. And there could be aliens from Nibiru. Something else is unprovable.

Romanticizing guests from distant galaxies can lead to serious problems. In the history of mankind there are examples of contacts of more advanced civilizations with less fortunate relatives. At best, it all ended in plundering and destruction of culture. But it came to genocide, so it is better to meet "brothers in mind" fully armed.

It remains to be hoped that another civilization has reached the level where there is simply no place for aggression. But such a bright prospect is difficult.

Most do not know what a UFO is and by this concept means only "flying saucers". But the truth is much simpler, even a balloon with an attached flashlight can be called an unidentified flying object and arouse interest on specialized forums for many months.

Video: what does a UFO look like?

In this video, ufologist Gennady Stulnev will show several objects in the sky classified as UFOs:

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were repeatedly observed by eyewitnesses in different territories of the planet and in the sky above it. Ufologists studying this phenomenon disagree about its nature and origin. Some believe that these are ships of aliens from distant space, others take them for the devices of guests from parallel worlds. Still others are convinced that the mysterious saucers and balloons in the sky are the consequences of secret military developments hidden by the government from the population. But all ufologists do not doubt whether a UFO really exists. But is it really so? Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and consider some.

First you need to figure out what a UFO looks like. . The photographs, hastily taken by eyewitnesses, show the blurred outlines of "plates", "triangles" and other strange-shaped objects that moved purposefully across the sky. At night, a UFO looks like a different number of glowing balls that move rapidly or smoothly among the clouds. These are always indistinct silhouettes in the sky. Visions of this kind of objects are called contacts of the first type in ufology. The next stage involves a closer encounter with the unknown: paralysis, a feeling of warmth or cold, interference on the radio. Contacts of the third type involve a collision with living beings, that is, aliens or inhabitants of parallel worlds. The fourth type of contact is also known, when a person is abducted by mysterious aliens.

Evidence for the existence of UFOs

Eyewitness accounts are the most unreliable justification for belief in the mysterious ships of aliens who visited Earth. People are overly impressionable and take for a UFO that which in fact is not: from plastic bags to balloons to study the atmosphere. However, scientists still cannot explain some of the phenomena. Here are some examples of what witnesses say.

  1. The family of Vasily Puchkov was driving home along the highway from Moscow. It was a hot summer. It was getting dark. Suddenly the car stalled and Vasily got out of the car to see what was the matter. No malfunctions were found, but a strange lingering squeak was heard. The Puchkovs' daughter drew attention to the suspicious glowing ball in the sky ... The details could not be discerned, except for the steel color of the object. For ten seconds he hovered in the air, and then quickly flew away.
  2. In 1990, passengers on the Kuibyshev-Surgut flight witnessed mysterious phenomenon... A "solid beam" separated from the luminous ball and felt the plane. Doubt if UFOs really exist , the passengers did not have any.

Photos and videos taken by witnesses to the appearance of UFOs are full of articles in newspapers and magazines, television and ufological YouTube channels. The nature of some objects is not determined. Among those that were identified were photographs of lightning, mock-ups of flying saucers, games with the scale and perspective of objects, and tricks of a graphic editor.

Alien artifacts trapped on Earth or created using their technologies. This kind of evidence for the existence of UFOs seems to be the most reliable.

3. Retired Bob White from Missouri (USA) once put up for sale fragment of an alien ship ... The man had discovered the shard twenty years earlier, after observing a mysterious object.

4. The giant SETI telescope, created by NASA to search for extraterrestrial intelligence, recorded strange signals .

5. The Betz family from Australia, examining the conflagration, discovered strange silver ball ... The subject reacted to the music and moved on its own. Perhaps, with his help, the aliens started a fire?

6. Is of interest to ufologists painting "Madonna with St. Giovannino" written in the 15th century. Far from the Virgin Mary, there is a man looking at an object in the sky, similar to what a UFO looks like according to the stories of modern eyewitnesses.

7.Nazca paintings in Peru , which are schematic images of huge sizes, which can only be seen from a bird's eye view. Did the ancient Peruvians leave messages for aliens?

Is there really a UFO

The question of the existence of unidentified flying objects that belong to, worries many people. The possibility of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence or parallel worlds is intriguing and frightening at the same time. Does UFO really exist? This problem remains open. Ufologists can only systematize the information received from eyewitnesses, study artifacts and photographs for falsification. And if aliens do visit Earth, then they will remind humanity of their existence more than once. And with modern level technology, not a single flying saucer will hide from the eyes of eyewitnesses.

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