The problem of extremism among youth. Extremism among youth. Youth extremism, problems of counteraction


In recent years, in a number of regions of Russia, informal youth groups of right-wing and left-wing radical orientation have become more active, and cases of attacks on foreign citizens by so-called terrorists have become more frequent.

N. skinheads. In Moscow and a number of other megacities with difficult crime and migration situations, the situation has become especially alarming. In response to the intensification of radical nationalists, informal youth anti-fascist groups (hereinafter referred to as antifa) have become more active, uniting representatives of various youth subcultures based on a passion for some musical movements or alternative sports. Their activity consists of carrying out force and propaganda actions against skinheads. The latter declared a kind of “war” on antifa, and there are already deaths among the movement’s activists. However, antifa participants also noted facts of the use of cold and traumatic weapons, as well as the creation conflict situations

with law enforcement officers. This confrontation is fraught with new victims, since there are radicals on both sides. And yet, the greatest public danger is posed by ultra-right groups, whose activities in Lately

noticeably radicalized. The nature of the crimes they committed were attacks, murders, explosions. This kind of crime has a wide public resonance, which does not always contribute to an objective investigation and the formation of an unbiased public opinion about what happened. Among the main features of extremism in youth environment

the following can be distinguished:

1. Extremism is formed mainly in marginal groups. One of the factors determining extremism is the lack of strong life attitudes and prospects among young people, which gives rise to a hostile attitude towards the surrounding reality.

2. Extremism most often manifests itself due to the absence in society, which shapes the character and moral character of young people, of mechanisms that contribute to instilling guidelines for law-abidingness and consensus with state institutions.

4. Extremism is characteristic of communities not so much with the so-called. a low level of culture, as much as a culture that is disconnected, deformed, and not integral.

5. Extremism accompanies societies and groups that have adopted the ideology of violence and promote moral promiscuity, especially in the means and methods of achieving goals.

Extremism is generated various factors: changing existing social structures; low level social protection various population groups; the impact of crisis phenomena in the economy; weakening of state power and discrediting its institutions; decline in public discipline; increase in antisocial manifestations; the collapse of the previous value system; growing feeling of infringement of national dignity, etc.

The dominance of irrational attitudes in society can lead to situational violence in the form of cruel, destructive and senseless actions in the form of riots, hooliganism, acts of vandalism, spontaneous aggressive actions, etc.

This kind of “spontaneous extremism” is significantly intensified in conditions of low living standards and legal lack of culture among some of the Russian population. Thus, under the influence primarily of negative economic and social factors, conditions are formed that contribute to the emergence of extremist manifestations among young people.

Conditions for the emergence of extremism among youth:

1. The aggravation of social tension among young people is characterized by a complex social problems, including problems of the level and quality of education, “survival” in the labor market, social inequality, declining authority of law enforcement agencies, etc.

2. The criminalization of a number of areas of public life among young people is expressed in the widespread involvement of young people in criminal (shadow) areas of business.

3. Changes in value orientations are expressed, among other things, in the involvement of young people in activities foreign organizations and religious sects that propagate religious fanaticism and extremism, denial of norms and constitutional obligations, as well as values ​​alien to Russian society.

4. Radicalization of the Russian Muslim youth community. We are talking about propaganda of ideas brought from outside religious extremism under the guise of “true Islam”, as well as about sudden change national composition in certain regions due to fairly strong migration processes, criminalization of national communities and diasporas.

5. The growth of nationalism and separatism, leading to the activation of youth nationalist groups and movements, which are used by individual socio-political forces to achieve their goals.

6. The presence of illegal circulation of means of committing extremist actions, expressed in the fact that some youth extremist organizations, for illegal purposes, are engaged in the manufacture and storage of explosive devices, and train their supporters in the use of firearms and knives.

7. The psychological factor is characterized by aggression, characteristic of youth psychology, which is actively used by experienced leaders of extremist groups to carry out extremist actions.

8. Using the Internet for illegal purposes provides radical public structures with access to a wide audience and propaganda of their activities: posting detailed information about your goals and objectives, time and place of meetings, planned events, etc.

The scale, severity and diversity of extremist manifestations and the complexity of the factors that give rise to them increase the social danger of extremism and its destabilizing influence on the socio-political situation in our country.

Operating in the territory Russian Federation extremist public associations use various tactics. Some of them allow extremist forms of protest, such as holding mass events (rallies, pickets, etc.) that are not coordinated with local governments, blocking transport highways, seizing government institutions, distributing materials containing calls for a violent change of the constitutional system, aimed at inciting national , religious and other hostility, hooliganism, acts of vandalism, destruction of other people’s property, etc. Others commit violent attacks for extremist reasons (explosions, murders, causing serious harm to health, etc.).

Radicals, as a rule, openly declare their desire to change the situation (really negative or negative in their group understanding). They declare what they are fighting against and what methods (including illegal ones) they are going to use.

Extremist structures may have a pronounced aggressive component, or they may not express aggressive intentions. So, for example, if radical ecologists (the so-called “greens”) are not aggressive towards ordinary citizens, then skinheads show sharp aggression towards representatives of other nationalities and their “ideological opponents”. A number of youth groups of the “third sector” (non-governmental organizations) also have their own specific subculture.

In accordance with current legislation, two independent classifications of extremism can be distinguished: by the nature of extremist ideology and by the nature of the offenses committed.

The most commonly used method of control is the so-called. direct action actions, which are understood as non-violent mass events such as blockades, seizures of objects, strikes, etc., aimed at drawing attention to specific social, economic and other problems, as well as forceful actions against those whom one or another group considers “ enemies." Thus, direct action can be divided into two categories: non-violent (spectacular) and violent.

Spectacular actions include pickets, rallies, demonstrations, hanging banners, etc. Actions of this kind, by definition, are not extremist. The exception is the use of slogans and posters with public calls for extremist activities (Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as inciting hatred or enmity, humiliating human dignity(Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The peculiarity of such actions is the absence of violence and anything resembling an attack and (or) the use of weapons.

A distinctive feature of radical youth associations currently operating in Russia is that most of them are politicized and supported by “mother” organizations, which provide them with financial and propaganda support in the press and on television, trying to create a positive political image for extremists and attract ranks of new layers of youth.

The far right in Russia is characterized by the creation of paramilitary forces. And often not so much for any ideological concepts, but for reasons of prestige (the image of the association). In addition, such groups gather teenagers who love discipline and prefer to give others the initiative to make decisions.

A central place in the system of countering extremism is given to law enforcement agencies(Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSB of Russia).

Identifying, preventing and suppressing crimes committed for extremist reasons is a complex process. As a rule, extremist groups operate on the basis of certain ideological principles that are hostile to state institutions. When carrying out illegal actions, both technical means and methods of conspiracy are used. Therefore, the success of the fight against radical groups is impossible without knowledge of their ideology and tactics. Despite the fact that a crime committed for extremist reasons contains an increased social danger, proving the presence of extremism is often very difficult. Documenting illegal intent, motives of hostility, participation in a certain structure requires special training of both operational and investigative workers.

Therefore, the most effective is the organization of work that allows not only to carefully monitor the development of the situation in radical groups, but also to influence it, to prevent attempts by extremists to carry out specific actions and expand their human, financial and information capabilities.

An important role in this is played by the interaction of interested government departments, during which the tasks of preventing the propaganda of radical views from the positions of registered public associations, in educational institutions, cultural institutions, the media, state authorities and local self-government, and the involvement of representatives of various social groups in extremist activities are solved. .

Of particular importance is the identification and suppression of attempts by youth associations with an extremist orientation to use the capabilities of the Internet and electronic media to carry out psychological influence on mass consciousness, propaganda of extremism and terrorism.

The information policy of television deserves special attention. Propaganda of violence, lack of spirituality and an antisocial lifestyle have a devastating impact on the psyche of young people. This negative impact is aggravated by the lack of “protective mechanisms” in conditions of de-ideologization and “freedom of morals.” There is a need to solve this problem in state level, measures are already being taken to create conditions conducive to the targeted formation of the patriotic worldview of the younger generation, the promotion of national values, taking into account Russian history, multinational culture and traditional religions.

One of the important elements of counteraction is the prevention of extremism. This is a set of activities that includes educational work with young people, organizing appropriate information support for the activities of government bodies in the means mass media, using the positive potential of public and religious associations. Youth projects and student movements supported by authorities at various levels can act as an alternative to the destructive activities of extremist associations.

According to a number of experts, extremism cannot be eradicated by measures of suppression alone. In the current difficult socio-political situation, there will always be conditions for the creation and organization of illegal activities of radical groups. The solution to this problem directly depends on the social and economic organization of society, the development of institutions capable of meeting the vital needs of both individuals and various social groups.

In other words, where young people feel the guardianship of the state, where they develop moral guidelines and have prospects for self-realization, there is practically no room left for radical ideology. Under these conditions, youthful maximalism is realized in a constructive, creative direction.

It is interesting to note that, as such, Nazi paraphernalia does not exist. The most common sign, the swastika, was widespread before Hitler's Germany. It was used almost everywhere, even the clothes of Orthodox clergy were decorated with swastika patterns. This is a worldwide sign, the origin of which is not known for certain. His image is still used in many countries with a rich ancient culture, for example India, China. After Nazi Germany, it became a banned symbol in many countries and became associated with extremism and other negative concepts. Although many consider it a neo-pagan symbol on this moment, this is not entirely true, since this sign rather did not have an idolatrous meaning, but was obviously a banner of kindness and kindness.

The swastika as a symbol has many meanings, and for most peoples they were positive. Thus, among most ancient peoples it was a symbol of the movement of life, the Sun, light, and prosperity.

Of particular interest is the paragraph that talks about the public knowingly false accusation of a person holding a public office. And it is interesting because this is not said about ordinary people, but only about civil servants.

The task of social work is to prevent the spread of extremist sentiments among adolescents and young people, as well as to channel the strength and energy of young people who hold extremist views into a peaceful channel that is legal and does not contradict the norms of society.

Prevention of extremism in the pedagogical process

Today, youth extremism is expressed in disdain for the rules of behavior in force in society, for the law in general, and the emergence of informal youth associations of an illegal nature. Extremists are intolerant of those citizens of Russia who belong to other social groups, ethnic groups and adhere to other political, legal, economic, moral, aesthetic and religious ideas. The development of youth extremism is evidence of insufficient social adaptation of young people, the development of asocial attitudes in their consciousness, causing illegal patterns of their behavior. Based on this, the following directions in work to prevent extremism and terrorism in the educational process follow:

  • analysis of the philosophical, historical, sociocultural side of the processes that occur in the field of youth culture;
  • science-based practical recommendations necessary for the state and society on the prevention of extremism and terrorism;
  • preventive work to counter manifestations of extremism among young people;
  • development of a system of preventive measures that will include socio-cultural conditions for the formation of tolerance in the educational process;
  • improving the system of cultural and leisure activities for the younger generation;
  • an increase in cultural benefits available to a significant portion of young people;
  • creation of authoritative mass public youth organizations that unite and educate positive samples younger generations;
  • consolidation and creative realization of personality among peers;
  • gain vocational training youth capable of realizing life prospects;
  • taking into account the professional training of young people in the system of preventive measures to counter extremism among young people;
  • realization of the individual’s need for self-determination, culture of interethnic communication;

Prevention of terrorism and extremism is carried out in the educational system. This work on prevention first of all begins with the formation of skills among educational workers in cultivating a tolerant consciousness among students, ideas about a tolerant urban environment, ideology and culture of tolerance. It is also necessary to develop and implement complexes into the educational process educational programs, which will be aimed at preventing terrorism and extremism, strengthening attitudes of tolerant consciousness and behavior among young people.

A person becomes an individual through the process of socialization. He receives the initial stages of education in the family. So the main foundation of thinking occurs precisely in the main unit of society. However, the school also takes on an educational function. In schools, social educators must take responsibility for the moral education of their students.

Social portrait of extremists as a social group

Preventive activities to prevent the emergence of extremist sentiments can be classified into two types:

  • working with teenagers and young people who have not yet developed extremist tendencies;
  • working with teenagers and young people who have already formed an extremist worldview.

In the first case, such teenagers, who do not have an illegal mood, will be voluntary clients of social work. The task of social work with them will be to create a tolerant worldview in which there will be no extremist ideas.

Let's consider teenagers who have already formed extremist views as clients of social work.

Extremists as clients of social work have their own portrait. Since these clients are not voluntarily referred to a social worker, they can be aggressive and it is difficult to establish interaction with such clients. Such clients are also called “difficult”. They are not trusting and may show resistance. In this case, you need to act outside the box and demonstrate your usefulness to the client. Thus, the goal of social work with such aggressive clients is to organize the work in such a way as to reduce the danger from unpredictable behavior.

Basic approaches to prevention

Bodies of state power and local self-government that counter extremist activities act as a counter-subject, responding to extremist actions. The objective logic of the formation of a counter-subject is such that in its primary form, due to its lack of specialization, it lags behind the leading subject (in this case, the subject of extremism) in terms of development. The adopted federal law, both by the fact of its adoption and its content, implicitly stated the danger of extremism and oriented the state and society to combat it. But the task of organizing all the forces of society and the state to counter extremist activities precisely requires the formation of a subject specializing in this counteraction.

Effective counteraction to extremism should be based on knowledge of the patterns of formation and development of the subject of extremist activity, forecasting the intensity and prospects of extremist actions.

The federal law presents the image of a subject of extremist activity. In Art. 1 refers to public and religious associations, or other organizations, or the media, or individuals carrying out extremist activities. The law in Articles 14 and 15 provides for the liability of officials, state and municipal employees, in general, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons for carrying out extremist activities.

Prevention of extremist activity among youth is an area of ​​science and practice of social work that is intensively related to prevention mental health, with issues of effective adaptation to life and environment, with problems of pedagogy, education, communication and, in general, people’s understanding of each other and themselves.

In recent years, in Western Europe, the USA and the CIS, they have been developing and testing various directions prevention of extremism. However, many preventive programs do not produce positive results. This is due to several reasons: the lack of theoretically based models, the lack of a sufficient number of proven technologies, precise definition subject of influence. In many countries, including Russia, the prevention of extremist activity is carried out mainly by legal and forceful methods, the need for which is obvious, but they cannot replace psychoprophylactic ones. In Russia it is also poorly developed social work, which is extremely necessary in this country, not to mention such an area as the prevention of extremism.

Currently, there are five main psychoprophylactic approaches to preventing manifestations of extremism:

  1. An approach based on disseminating information about extremism and extremist organizations.

This approach is the most common type of preventive strategy. It is based on providing information about extremist organizations and the danger of their religious, nationalist, political ideas, providing facts about the life difficulties, situations and motives of members of these organizations. Social workers organize events and create projects to inform young people about extremism.

Currently, this method is partially combined with other types of interventions, since it is not effective on its own. Despite the fact that information programs contribute to increasing the level of knowledge, they can only give impetus to disgust and all kinds of intolerance. Most of these programs do not include tasks aimed at changing the behavior of young people, developing their tolerance, national and religious tolerance, and do not answer the question of how a young person can self-realize at the present time.

Most often, these programs are not intensive enough and do not last long. However, it is premature to abandon them completely. Hazard Information extremist organizations should be given in as much detail as possible and woven into the structure of other programs that have broader goals.

  1. An affective learning approach.

This approach is based on the theoretical proposition that people with an underdeveloped emotional sphere, brought up in families where there was a ban on expressing emotions, begin to show intolerance towards “others”. Affective (intense emotional) learning is based on the understanding that intolerance often develops in individuals with difficulties in identifying and expressing emotions, who have so-called interpersonal risk factors - low self-esteem, an undeveloped ability to empathize (empathy). In this regard, they do not develop the ability to accumulate their own and others’ experiences, and do not develop decision-making skills in complex stressful situations. In addition, people with an undeveloped ability to openly express their emotions are usually not sociable enough, are constrained in expressing feelings, are poorly rated by their peers and are therefore ready at any cost, even through crime, to join the peer group and be accepted there. Social workers in this approach must teach clients to manage their emotions rationally

Although this model is effective, it modern conditions it cannot be used in isolation from others, since the ideas of extremism have now spread not only to adolescents with problematic emotional spheres, but also to many other layers of this age group. In addition, the domestic culture of raising a child presupposes certain emotional prohibitions on excessive empathic empathy, which undoubtedly has a detrimental effect on the formation of personality as a whole. In other words, parental “don’t cry, don’t scream, calm down, be a man,” etc., in addition to certain benefits, also bring certain harm.

  1. An approach based on the influence of social factors.

This approach is based on the understanding that peer and family influences play important role, promoting or preventing the emergence of extremist ideas. From the point of view of this approach, the most important factor in human development is social environment as a source of feedback, rewards and punishments. In this regard, the importance of socially oriented intervention is emphasized, which is special programs for parents, or programs aimed at preventing possible social pressure from an extremist environment.

The most popular among such programs are social pressure resistance training. One of the important approaches in this kind of programs is to work with youth leaders - teenagers who want to undergo certain training in order to subsequently carry out preventive anti-extremist activities in their school, in their area.

  1. Life Skills Approach

This approach is central to the concept of behavior change and therefore predominantly uses behavioral modification techniques. The basis of this direction is Bandura’s theory of social learning (Bandura A., 1969). In this context, problematic behavior of a teenager is considered from the point of view of functional problems and implies assistance in achieving age-related and personal goals. From this point of view, the initial phase of extremist activity may be an attempt to demonstrate adult behavior, i.e. a form of alienation from parental discipline, an expression of social protest and a challenge to environmental values, it makes it possible to become a participant in a subcultural lifestyle.

Researchers on this issue describe many such subjective motives and clearly establish one fact: aggression is becoming a major factor in the behavior of young people. Based on this position, life skills programs are being developed, which consist of increasing adolescents’ resistance to various negative social influences. A large number of such programs are being developed in the USA and Western Europe. An assessment of their effectiveness showed that this model has a chance of being successful, but it cannot be completely copied in Russia due to fundamental differences in youth behavioral styles. The desire of young compatriots to adopt the Western behavioral image is an inevitable thing, but an indispensable component of this process should be cognitive development - the basis for the meaningful formation of their own behavioral style.

  1. An approach based on the development of activities alternative to extremist

This approach presupposes the need to develop alternative social programs for young people, in which the desire for risk, the search for thrills, and increased behavioral activity, so characteristic of young people, could be implemented within a socially normative framework. This direction is an attempt to develop specific activity in order to reduce the risk of extremist aggression.

For example, nowadays more and more football fans are becoming extremists. However, loving your team is not a reason to hate others. Some social workers proposed creating more and more open areas for playing football, so that fans would not go out to fight opponents, but would play football among themselves or with fans of other football teams

A. Kromin identifies four options for programs based on activities alternative to extremist ones:

  1. Offering a specific activity (such as adventure travel) that creates excitement and involves overcoming various obstacles.
  2. A combination of the opportunity to satisfy needs specific to adolescents (for example, the need for self-realization) with specific activity (for example, creative activities or sports).
  3. Encouraging the participation of adolescents in all types of specific activities (various hobbies, clubs, etc.).
  4. Creating groups of young people who care about actively choosing their life position. The results of these programs do not show clear success or failure, but they are particularly effective in groups at high risk of deviant behavior.

Safety Reminder:

1. If you're on the street.

If you want to go somewhere, be sure to tell your parents where, with whom you are going and when you will return, and also tell your route. During games, do not climb into parked abandoned cars, basements and other similar places.

Try to ensure that your route does not go through a forest, park, deserted or unlit places.

If you feel like someone is following you, go to the other side of the road, go to a store, to a bus stop, or talk to any adult.

If you are delayed somewhere, ask your parents to meet you at the bus stop.

If your route is on a motorway, walk towards the traffic.

If a car slows down near you, move away from it.

If you are stopped and asked for directions, try to explain everything in words without getting into the car.

If stranger introduced himself as a friend of your relatives or parents, do not rush to invite him home, ask him to wait for the adults to arrive outside.

If a noisy company comes towards you, cross to the other side of the road and do not enter into conflict with anyone.

If you are pestered strangers, threatens violence, shout loudly, attract the attention of passers-by, resist. Your scream is your form of defense! Your safety on the street largely depends on you!

If you notice strangers when entering the entrance, wait until one of your friends enters the entrance with you.

Don't get into an elevator with a stranger.

If you find that the door to your apartment is open, do not rush to enter, go to your neighbors and call home

2. If you're home alone.

Ask your friends and acquaintances to warn you about their visit by phone.

If they call at your apartment, do not rush to open the door, first look through the peephole and ask who it is (regardless of whether you are alone at home or with loved ones).

When answering “I”, do not open the door; ask the person to identify himself.

If he introduces himself as a friend of your relatives who are not at home at the moment, without opening the door, ask him to come another time and call your parents.

If a person calls a surname that is unfamiliar to you, saying that he was given this address, without opening the door, explain to him that he wrote down the address he needed incorrectly and call his parents.

If the stranger introduces himself as an employee of the emergency department, post office or other public service institution, ask him to give his last name and reason for coming, then call your parents and follow their instructions.

If the person who came introduced himself as an employee of the department of internal affairs (police), without opening the door, ask him to come at another time, when his parents will be at home, and inform them.

If a stranger asks you to use the phone to call the police or an ambulance, do not rush to open the door; Having specified what needs to be done, call the necessary service yourself.

If a group of people has gathered on the landing, drinking alcohol and interfering with your rest, do not enter into conflict with them, but call the police.

When taking out the trash can or going to buy a newspaper, first look through the peephole to see if there are strangers near your apartment; When you go out, lock the door.

Don’t leave a note at the door of your apartment about where you went and for how long.

Your home will be your fortress if you take care of your own safety.

3. What to do if you encounter extremist propaganda.


1. Printed products distributed by unknown persons do not have any imprint, no indication of affiliation with a public or religious organization, and allegedly contain extremist material, that is, aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliating the dignity of a person or group of persons based on gender , race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion.

2. A representative of any religious or public organization verbally propagates the superiority of one religion over another, or the racial, national or social superiority of some population groups over others, rudely expresses itself against the religion professed by citizens, their racial, national or social affiliation.

3. A representative of an organization whose activities have actually been recognized by the court as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation asks citizens for help and assistance in his propaganda work.

What to do:

In situations 1, 2. These acts violate the norms of paragraph 6 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of September 26, 1997 No. 125-FZ “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” and fall under the elements of a crime in accordance with Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to find out from the distributor of information from which religious or public organization the propaganda is being carried out, find out the personal data of this person (full name, passport details), if possible, record extremist actions on sound or video recording equipment, ask friends, neighbors or other persons to be present under these circumstances , and then submit an application to the below-mentioned government authorities. The list of literature prohibited by court decision on the territory of the Russian Federation is published on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Printed products distributed by religious or other public organizations must be labeled with the official full name of the organization. In case in a leaflet, magazine, brochure, etc. If there is no information about the full name of the organization distributing printed materials, or it contains materials of supposedly extremist content, it is recommended to immediately contact the district police department or the district prosecutor's office with an application to verify the legality of the activities of this organization (attaching a sample of the distributed printed materials to the application).

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 3

named after Field Marshal Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov

Yeisk city municipality Yeisk district

Report on the topic:


(scientific and practical conference

“Stability and order in society. Challenges and threats"

on this topic: " Youth extremism. Reasons for growth and

methods of counteraction"

Compiled by:

teacher - psychologist MBOU secondary school No. 3

them. Field Marshal General M.S. Vorontsov

Yeisk municipal district Yeisk district

Vinokurova Marina Viktorovna

Yeisk, 2016



Iconcept of youth extremism

IIreasons for the growth of extremist behavior among young people

(discussion of the cartoon, joint search for the causes of extremism)

IIICountering youth extremism



Extremism is a capacious concept that covers a wide range of legal relations. It also includes the activities of religious associations or individuals in planning and preparing to commit actions aimed at carrying out terrorist activities.

Characteristics of extremism

Extremism - (Latin extremus - extreme), commitment to extreme views, measures (usually in politics). Extremism, literally understood, is nothing more than an extreme manifestation of something - actions, statements, views, etc. Consequently, extremism can be political, religious, economic, social, etc., even everyday.

I. The concept of youth extremism

The spread of youth extremism is one of the most pressing problems of modern Russia. The number of crimes is growing, the level of violence is increasing, and its nature is becoming more organized. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, today there are about 150 extremist youth groups operating in the country. Almost 10 thousand people are involved in their activities. Most young extremists live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Voronezh, Samara, Murmansk, and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

In a situation of social uncertainty, instability and social tension, the extremism of young people can acquire extreme, mainly spontaneous features, which often develop into extremist sentiments. The reason for this is often the attempts of individual political forces, state and public structures use youth for their own purposes, inciting and provoking them to extremist actions. The predominantly group nature of youth extremism, spontaneity and unpredictability give this phenomenon a special social danger.

Openly extremist antics were classified as hooliganism. This was especially true for extremism on national and religious grounds. There were also no legally established definitions of extremism that would allow law enforcement agencies, the media and the public to clearly qualify certain manifestations of it.

Political, territorial, national-ethnic, and religious contradictions that intensified with the collapse of the Union led to a sharp escalation of extremism among young people.Meanwhile, despite the work of Russian sociologists in recent years devoted to the problems of youth extremism, in general this phenomenon is still insufficiently studied. The publications present noteworthy theoretical concepts for the sociological study of various youth movements, individual extremist manifestations among youth, the causes and factors contributing to their emergence. Howeverthe need to determine the underlying causes of youth extremism requires the use of a holistic approach to understanding its essence, summarizing existing theoretical developments.The implementation of this approach is possible on the basis of fundamental representative research that allows one to analyze the processes occurring in the youth environment in all their diversity.

II . Reasons for the growth of extremist behavior among young people

Extremist behavior of young people is one of the most pressing socio-political problems. The state, level, and dynamics of political extremism among young people in Russia are widely discussed in the media and in specialized literature, and analytical collections are published.

Youth is considered as a large social group with specific social and psychological traits, the presence of which is determined by age characteristics young people and the fact that their socio-economic and socio-political situation, their spiritual world is in a state of formation.In modern scientific literature, this group usually includes (in statistics and sociology) people agedfrom 15 to 30 years. Young people, determining their life path, resolve conflict situations based on a comparison of possible options, taking into account thatfor youth, the following are characteristic: emotional excitability, inability to restrain, lack of skills in resolving even simple conflict situations,then all of the abovemay lead to deviation.

The problem of aggressive and extremist behavior of young people is becoming increasingly relevant in the conditions of Russian reality. Elements of extremist behavior of young people are formed against the background of deformation of social and cultural life society.In the list of the main reasons for the growth of extremist behavior among young people, researchers tend to include the following: social inequality, the desire to assert themselves in the adult world, insufficient social maturity, as well as insufficient professional and life experience, and, consequently, a relatively low (undefined, marginal) social status.

Youth extremism as a phenomenon of recent decades, expressed in disdain for the norms of behavior existing in society or in their denial, can be viewed from different positions.Young people have always been susceptible to radical sentiments. Due to its age-related properties, even in politically and economically calm times, the number of radically minded people among young people is always higher than among the rest of the population.

Young people are characterized by a psychology of maximalism and imitation, which in conditions of an acute social crisis is the basis for aggressiveness and youth extremism.The development of political extremism among young people poses a particular danger not even because child and youth crime has increased markedly, but because it is associated with the development of “abormative” attitudes in the group consciousness of the younger generation, which affects values, preferred patterns of behavior, and assessments of social interaction , i.e. broadly related to social and political culture Russian society in its projective state.Unfortunately, the formation of the first generation new Russia occurred mainly in the conditions of the negative socio-economic situation of the 90s of the twentieth century, which created the preconditions for the marginalization of a significant part of young people, the deviation of their behavior, including political extremism.

A special analysis of the problem shows that extremism in Russia is “getting younger,” with young people aged 15–25 most often committing crimes.Young people are also more likely to commit violent crimes. According to statistics, the bulk of such serious politically motivated crimes as murder, grievous bodily harm, robbery, terrorism are committed by persons under 25 years of age.It is important to consider that youth extremism is currently growing at a faster rate than adult crime.

These processes are of particular importance in the context of problems of social security of Russian society caused by the actions of extremists and leading to physical and spiritual degradation, destruction of the individual, ethnic group, society, and state. Since the intensification of political extremism among young people currently poses a serious danger to Russian society, it should be deeply and comprehensively studied, including by means of political science, as a phenomenon that requires social: political, legal, administrative, managerial and sociocultural counteraction.

Watching a cartoon for children “What is terrorism?!”

(discussion cartoon, joint search for the causes of extremism)

Questions: “What is this cartoon about, what is its essence?; What do you think - who is right, who made a mistake and when, what? What could be changed and how?”

III . Countering youth extremism

It should be noted that more attention is needed to children and adolescents for two reasons: 1. Aggressive behavior with features of racial, ethnic and religious hostility occurs in early stages individual development, and if left without proper attention, it can become entrenched or worsen as the individual grows older. Therefore, the sooner work with models begins aggressive behavior, then the greater the chances of avoiding aggressive behavior in adulthood; 2. Serious forms of violence common among adolescents cause harm. more of people.

A large proportion of acts of violence and intolerance occur within the walls of educational institutions, directly outside them, where children and adolescents spend a significant part of their time and engage in social relations. Therefore, schools, universities, and centers additional education- these are “hot spots” of aggression, and at the same time they act as an arena for the implementation of anti-violence programs. Such programs make it clear that combating aggression in educational institutions requires a combination of a number of methods.

In educational institutions, an atmosphere should be created in which: 1. Teachers and students recognize acts of cruelty, violence and aggression, treating them with the utmost seriousness, and not considering them as something insignificant; 2. cases of violence and aggression are systematically monitored; 3. demonstrations of cruelty are unanimously rejected by students as unacceptable.

(Watch the video clip “Prevention of extremism”)

So what is the prevention of youth extremism? Who bears absolutely full responsibility for it?

In addition to active measures to ensure the physical safety of adolescents and young people, we should not forgetspiritual enlightenment , which, first of all, consists ineducation of tolerance.

The importance of forming tolerant relations among young people is due to the fact that the question of the level of tolerance in Russian society is critically important today.


Only a tolerant attitude towards each other will help us become friendly, capable of putting ourselves in the place of another person. And this helps young people come out of extreme situations by expressing your feelings and experiences without conflict or violence.


    Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2008) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2002. No. 1 (part 1). Art. 1.

  1. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 148-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 1 and 15 of the Federal Law “On Combating Extremist Activities” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2006. No. 31 (1 part). Art. 3447.

  2. I. V. Kulikov

    One of the features of the functioning of both the world community and the social life of modern Russia is the activity of numerous parties, organizations and movements, which often try to obtain political, financial, administrative and other dividends by infringing on the feelings and dignity of ordinary citizens.

    Extremist and terrorist activities have become an integral and, unfortunately, common factor in these destructive processes affecting Russia’s development strategy. Therefore, extremism and its aggravation in the form of terrorism is one of the main threats to the national security of Russia and requires increased attention of society and the state, especially in the person of law enforcement agencies called upon to combat this illegal phenomenon.

    Extremism in Russia mainly manifests itself in the form of ethno-separatist conflicts, often provoked by corrupt national elites. Artificially imposed and constantly supported by them intolerance and aggression between citizens, social groups, social and political movements committed different cultures, religions and mentalities, manifests itself as a means of ensuring the personal power and personal well-being of certain of their proteges.

    It is quite problematic to give an objective presentation of the term “extremism” due to the diversity and complexity of the forms of its manifestation. Also the reasons for this are the historical variability of extremism, the lack of clear boundaries and substantiated positions regarding the understanding of this phenomenon, the diversity of definitions of this phenomenon from the economic, political, social side, up to the identification of the positive aspects of this activity.

    Currently, youth can be defined as a socio-demographic group of society, which is undoubtedly distinguished on the basis of a set of characteristics social status and possessing socio-psychological qualities that determine the level of socio-economic, moral, cultural development, features of socialization in Russian society.

    Today in Russia, young people aged 14 to 20 make up about a quarter of the country's population. Therefore, all trends that correspond to the youth environment are of great importance for society and the state. Over the past 20 years, Russian society and the state, involved in globalization processes, have been in a state of socio-political transformation and economic difficulties. The consequence of these phenomena was the development of radical sentiments in society, mostly among Russian youth.

    According to Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences L. S. Ruban: “The most massive (up to 90%) and active participants in interethnic conflicts are usually young people, who are convenient to manipulate due to their lack of social experience, relatively easy suggestibility, excessive emotional assessment of events and reactions to them."

    Youth extremism is one of the most critical and dangerous manifestations of extremism. Scientists studying extremism among young people have pointed out that the extremist consciousness of a young person corresponds to components of undeveloped consciousness, which are expressed by emotionality, impulsiveness, internal tension, and conflict. Intolerance and ambition, characteristic of young people, play an important role in the process of formation of extremist consciousness.

    Youth extremism, compared to “adult” extremism, has some distinctive features, such as:
    - secondary, which means the disorder of its manifestation and, due to age, less organization;
    - commitment to the most accessible and simple ways to solve any difficulties that arise;
    - one-dimensionality - implies that a number of complex social problems that entail participation in extremist activities are viewed by young people one-sidedly, and there is also a conscious simplification of methods for achieving set goals, due to one-sided thinking.

    Young people are characterized by a personal perception of reality and the manifestation of significant cruelty when carrying out illegal actions, therefore young extremists are less inclined to rationally exit the situation and compromise in any form.

    Extremism among teenagers is characterized by fanaticism, unquestioning, often thoughtless execution of all orders and instructions, the legality of which is not only not questioned, but also not discussed, as well as low professionalism and the lack of long-term experience of extremist activity. Groups of young extremists are formed mainly around reputable political associations, which include older members.

    The main features of modern youth extremism are: rapidly developing organization, close interconnection of ideas and goals, cohesion of groups, the formation of ideological charters in them, a variety of methods for achieving goals using the latest information technologies, social networks, strengthening secrecy measures.

    The responsibilities of local government bodies include only preventive measures on the prevention of extremist activities. Having analyzed the laws in order to delineate the powers between state authorities and local governments to combat extremist activities, we can say that there is no clear regulation and delimitation for each level of government.

    The problem of extremism can be defined as a problem at the federal level, since it is the federal authorities that are responsible for solving it. Despite the global nature of this phenomenon, the subjects of the federation bear no less serious responsibility, just like municipalities.

    State anti-extremist policy should achieve maximum efficiency in our days. The fight against extremism, in particular among young people, should begin with a deep analysis and understanding of this phenomenon, as well as the prospects for its development, through professional expert assessment. Developing laws and working with the population is the main weapon against extremist activity. Increased exchange of information and common interest of bodies both state and local authorities, and the public should give high results in the fight against extremism.

    In contrast to a centralized management system, local government resolves all these issues most effectively. Citizens view municipal structures as the most accessible and informed about everyday and crisis situations.

    Youth extremism is the result of insufficient social adaptation of young people, leading to antisocial behavior of young people. The factors giving rise to youth extremism include both the general socio-political and economic crisis and the criminalization of the population. If we consider this problem from the other side, then we cannot help but dwell on the problem of family and socialization of the personality of the younger generation. Creating favorable conditions for the socialization of the individual, for the education and development of a young person is the main task of modern society. By organizing high-quality work in these areas, it is possible to eliminate extremism at the roots of its development, without leading to the violent suppression of mass movements.


    1. Vorontsov S. A. Anti-extremist activities of state authorities and local government of Russia in the institutional and legal context: abstract. Dis... Doctor of Law. Sci. 2009.
    2. Litvinov S. M. Local self-government in countering extremism among youth // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2011. No. 3. P. 171-172.
    3. Ruban L. S. Dilemma of the XXI century: tolerance and conflict. M., 2006.

    Youth extremism: features and causes.

    Psychological portraits of persons,

    involved in extremist organizations.

    (Prepared by Polyntseva I.N., methodologist of MBOU Secondary School No. 4 for the city round table meeting of school psychologists and social educators, 2014)

    Historically, Russia is multinational country, in which representatives of different cultures, traditions and customs interact with each other. Recently, interaction between ethnic groups has intensified. This is due, first of all, to the increase in migration to the territory of the Russian Federation from the neighboring republics. Due to the increase in the number of migrants, various shapes intolerance, xenophobia, extremism and terrorism. All this leads to an increase in the number of interethnic, intercultural and social conflicts.

    Currently, extremism in all its manifestations has become one of the main internal threats security of the Russian Federation.

    Turning to the etymology of the word “extremism”, we can say that it is derived from the Latin “extremus”, that is, “extreme”. In the traditional understanding, extremism is a commitment to extreme views, measures, most often manifested in politics, international relations, religions, etc.

    The greatest concern of society is caused by youth extremist organizations. It is a mistake to think that “youth extremism” is only a shadow of “adultism” and does not pose any particular danger as an isolated phenomenon. However, as a number of political scientists note, in particular: M.F. Musayelyan, N.B. Baal, S.N. Fridinsky, youth extremism is one of the most pressing socio-political problems in Russian reality. It is important to understand that often the ordinary perpetrators of extremist actions are young people, often even under the age of majority.

    The main criterion for distinguishing youth extremism from extremism in general is the age of its adherents - 14-30 years. Physical and psychological characteristics inherent in each age are reflected in behavioral reactions. Scientists highlight such a characteristic of youth behavior as “extremeness.” An extreme type of consciousness manifests itself in specific forms of behavior characterized by impulsiveness of motivation, aggressiveness, risk-taking, shocking behavior, deviations from accepted norms or, conversely, depression, depression, passivity. Youth extremism usually begins with an expression of disdain for the rules and norms of behavior in force in society or denial of them, because young people have always been susceptible to radical sentiments due to their age characteristics.

    Features of modern Russian youth extremism:

    • active participation of young people aged 14 to 30 years in organized mass extremist actions and their unification into informal youth organizations (groups) of an extremist-nationalist orientation and extremist communities;
    • expansion of the geography of the extremist threat in the Russian Federation and an increase in the number of nationalities, social groups, youth subcultures, etc. victims of extremism;
    • The murders of citizens of a different nationality or religion, foreign citizens committed in the Russian Federation are increasingly acquiring a serial, more cruel, sophisticated, professional, mocking, ritual character, and the very commission of extremist acts is becoming not just an activity for the sake of curiosity, but professional activity certain groups of persons;
    • the desire of extremist-nationalist movements to attract into their ranks members of various aggressive youth subcultures, informal youth associations, groups, movements, as well as persons with previous convictions;
    • the presence of weapons among informal youth organizations (groups) with an extremist-nationalist orientation, including the presence of explosives.

    Psychological portraits of persons involved in extremist organizations and terrorist groups.

    Political scientist and sociologist Yu.M. Antonyan highlights such integralfeatures of extremist consciousness among young people, How:

    1) dividing the world into two different groups - “we” (good, smart, hardworking, etc.) and “they” (bad, preparing to attack us, threatening us, etc.)

    2) transfer of negative traits individuals for the entire social (religious, national) group.

    TO reasons that give rise to extremist sentiments among young people, can be attributed

    Cultural and educational problems:

    • change in value orientations
    • disintegration of old moral principles
    • intolerance, xenophobia
    • lack of desire for the unity of all peoples living on the territory of Russia

    Socio-economic factors:

    • the predominance of leisure orientations over socially useful activities
    • crisis of school and family education
    • criminal communication environment
    • inadequate perception of pedagogical influences
    • lack of life plans.

    According to numerous data, persons participating in the activities of extremist organizations are heterogeneous in their socio-psychological characteristics. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups: 1) hooligan “fellow travelers”; 2) direct or secondary performers; 3) “ideological” executors and coordinators who form the core of the extremist group; 4) leaders, organizers and sponsors who use extremists for their own purposes and provide them with cover from effective prosecution.

    The first and second groups are “secondary” or “weak” links in extremist organizations. However, these groups are precisely the necessary social base, without which extremism as a large-scale social phenomenon could not exist and develop (Rostokinsky A.V., 2007).

    As a rule, for persons involved in lower levels extremist organizations are characterized by:

    Intellectual and moral limitations, intolerance to criticism;

    Willingness to see shortcomings exclusively in others, to blame others for one’s own failures;

    Compensatory rudeness, aggression, tendency to use violence;

    Willingness to submit to force and natural instincts of survival, when everything “other” is regarded as a threat to one’s existence and requires elimination;

    Socio-psychological instability and the desire to belong to any group of people (preferably strong and aggressive) in order to gain a sense of confidence and self-worth;

    Use of simplified stamps and primitive form psychological protection for self-justification from one’s own failures;

    Mental stiffness, rigidity (Baeva L.V., 2008).

    Numerous studies describing the psychological characteristics of persons involved in the activities of terrorist organizations indicate that among the leaders of terrorist organizations, the main ideologists and inspirers of the corresponding political, nationalist and religious movements, there are neither unemployed nor vagabonds who came to terror in search of money and glory. They can be described as skilled professionals with good work. Only about 30% of them do not have special qualifications. Another trend is their average age is 25-26 years old, i.e. These are mainly young and fairly wealthy people. Thus, the data on the heterogeneity of the hierarchical levels of terrorist and extremist organizations and their stratification into persons involved in the primary link and the “ideological elite” are confirmed (Khokhlov I.I., 2006). The fact of involvement in a terrorist organization, as a rule, is not associated with any mental illness. Most followers agree that terrorists, who are clearly isolated from society, are sane and relatively normal people(Moghadam A., 2005). At the same time, there is no doubt that socially maladapted, unsuccessful people are recruited as volunteers or personnel members of the lower echelons of extremist organizations. They, as a rule, study poorly or studied at school and university and were unable to make a career or achieve the same things as their peers. They usually suffer from loneliness and do not have good relationships with members of the opposite sex. Such people are almost everywhere and always outsiders and do not feel like they belong in any company; they are constantly haunted by failures. Ordinary members of terrorist organizations are characterized by high neuroticism and a very high level of aggression. They are characterized by a desire to seek thrills - usual life It seems to them insipid, boring and, most importantly, meaningless. They want risk and danger (Berthoud E., 2003). An extremely important factor explaining the phenomenon of accelerated involvement of social marginalized people in extremist-terrorist organizations is the mechanism of “psychological bonuses” that terrorist organizations “give” to their supporters. The point is that these internally insecure people, who strive with all their might to make up for the lack of respect for them by joining a powerful secret structure, finally gain the main prize - resource status, self-respect, the meaning of life and liberation from any social prohibitions. A feeling of being chosen, of being involved in fate appears. Extreme authoritarianism, unquestioning submission to the leader, complete control of all aspects of the life of group members is combined with emphasized humanity in relations with each other, with a willingness to help, with complete and unconditional acceptance of everyone. The strategy of action is discussed collectively, everyone has the opportunity to feel like a co-author of great plans (Gozman A.Ya., Shestopal E.B., 1996; Jerrold M. Post, 2005).

    The full cycle of psychotechnological processing of a future terrorist includes five stages of socio-psychological conditioning:

    stage 1 – depluralization – complete deprivation of the adherent of all other group identities;

    stage 2 – self-identification – complete deprivation of the adherent’s personal identity;

    stage 3 - deindividuation of others - complete deprivation of enemies of their personal identities;

    stage 4 – dehumanization – identification of enemies as subhuman or non-human;

    stage 5 – demonization – identification of enemies as evil (Stahelski F., 2004).

    Thus, the process of involving the population in extremist and terrorist organizations, like other types of social epidemics, involves the intensive use of special psychotechnologies and cynical manipulation of the consciousness of vulnerable groups of the population.

    Measures to prevent extremism in general and among young people in particular include the following:

    • instilling in adolescents the basics of tolerance;
    • strengthening state control over the activities of public and religious organizations(charitable organizations, military-patriotic clubs);
    • tighter control over the activities of the media and monitoring of the Internet;
    • development of a comprehensive youth policy.


    1. Pushkina M.A. Materials of a planned seminar on the prevention of extremism.
    2. Baal N.B. Deviant behavior in the mechanism of formation of criminal extremism among youth // Issues of juvenile justice. 2008. No. 4 – pp. 17-21
    3. Fridinsky S.N. Youth extremism as a particularly dangerous form of extremist activity // Legal world. 2008. No. 6 – P. 24
    4. Musayelyan M.F. On the causes of modern Russian youth extremism // Russian justice. 2009. No. 4 – P.45

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