Preventive measures to prevent the development of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a prophylaxis by contact with a patient, by what route it is transmitted. Prevention of tuberculosis for selected groups of the population

  • Infected - does not mean sick yet
  • Possibility for infection
  • Prevention of infection with tuberculosis

How not to get infected with tuberculosis, everyone who has to come into contact with patients with this dangerous disease is thinking. But the risk of catching an infection is also among those who have nothing to do with tuberculosis patients and do not come into contact with them.

Tuberculosis is an infection that is transmitted by contact method and airborne droplets.

This information may surprise, but meet an adult who is not infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis - Koch's bacillus. almost impossible. Contact with this microorganism usually occurs in early childhood.

A small amount of Koch's sticks gets into the child's respiratory tract, inflammation occurs, the immune system copes with it and self-recovery occurs. There are no clinical manifestations, and if it were not for a positive Mantoux test in the future, the presence of tuberculosis bacteria in the body would not have been suspected.

Such infection can even be considered a favorable phenomenon for the body - due to it, anti-tuberculosis immunity is formed.

This is how the BCG vaccine works, which until recently was given to all babies immediately after birth. Weakened mycobacterium tuberculosis was administered to the child, activating the immune defense.

Koch's sticks are in a dormant state in the body and can only wake up under favorable circumstances:

  • in direct contact with a patient in an open form;
  • in conditions of the body, during which immunity drops sharply: in acute infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • from smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • with malnutrition or prolonged malnutrition;
  • during a prolonged stressful state.

The active form of tuberculosis is manifested only in 2-4% of all infected. Those people who have a positive Mantoux test, but at the same time there are no changes in X-rays and sputum analyzes, are not sick. They do not spread the tuberculosis bacillus and are not dangerous to others. Anyone who becomes infected with tuberculosis at an early age without clinical manifestations is not considered to be ill.

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The risk of infection with active strains of Koch's bacillus arises constantly. It is impossible to give guarantees that only healthy people are surrounded in transport, on the street, in a public place. How to protect yourself from tuberculosis?

In most situations, it is sufficient to follow the usual preventive measures:

  • wash your hands after coming from the street, especially if you had to visit places where there is a large crowd of people;
  • try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  • do fluorography on time.

The risk of contracting active tuberculosis will be minimized.

It is more difficult not to get sick if you have to come into direct contact with patients with this terrible disease. But again, you need to take into account in what form the disease proceeds and what kind of communication. When body fluids are exchanged, the likelihood of possible infection is higher.

Persons who come into direct contact should definitely contact a phthisiatrician. Children under 15 years old need an examination 4 times a year, for adults 2 times are enough. Sputum, urine and blood are taken for analysis, a tuberculin test is performed, and an x-ray of the lungs is made. There is no need to be afraid of such an examination. Nobody will carry out chemoprophylaxis to a healthy person!

For those who have been subjected to a massive attack by aggressive strains of mycobacteria, anti-tuberculosis drugs are prescribed in a minimum dosage that cannot harm the general state of the body.

It is believed that pregnant women are most at risk of infection. The likelihood of contracting tuberculosis during pregnancy is exactly the same as without it. Even if the infection has occurred, the pregnancy is not interrupted, and active treatment begins after childbirth.

You can catch an infection without direct contact with patients, if you use objects belonging to them, or live in the room in which they lived. Koch's sticks are able to remain active in a warm, humid environment for up to 5 months, in book dust up to 3 months, in an apartment, even with regular ventilation, in the winter months - up to 25-38 days.

Measures to prevent infection - disinfection by the sanitary-epidemiological station. It is impossible to get rid of the pathogenic bacilli on your own by treating the apartment and making major repairs.

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To prevent the development of the disease, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Do not give up vaccinations, regularly conduct Mantoux tests for school-age children. Adults should monitor their health and do fluorography once a year.
  2. Eat rationally and properly. Protein food must be present on the menu. If you lead an active lifestyle, you can not torture yourself with constant malnutrition, limit your diet, eat only one type of food.
  3. It is required to observe the regime of work and rest, give up bad habits or reduce abuse to a minimum.
  4. Carry out hygiene measures.
  5. Regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room, ventilate it.
  6. When you have to be with a patient with tuberculosis, you should definitely take protective measures: wear masks and gloves.

There should be no false shame. Phthisiatricians rarely get sick, although they are in constant contact with patients. They take precautions.

If there is a suspicion that a tuberculosis patient has visited an apartment, it is advisable to treat it with a quartz lamp. Microbacilli of tuberculosis under the influence of ultraviolet radiation die within 3 minutes. There is no quartz lamp - the room should be ventilated, disinfected with chlorine-containing agents and not entered for 5 hours.

Knowing how not to get sick with tuberculosis, the possibility of infection can be minimized.

But if alarming symptoms appear:

  • the temperature is constantly kept at about 37.2 ° C;
  • weakness is felt, constantly wanting to sleep;
  • the lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • weight began to decline for no reason.

And this condition lasts more than 2 weeks, it is imperative to sign up for an unscheduled consultation with a phthisiatrician.

Modern medicine is successfully fighting tuberculosis.

If you want to protect yourself from TB. first of all, you should not ignore the annual professional examinations and fluorography. Of course, if an infection is found in your body, this measure is already, one might say, somewhat belated, but having determined the presence of tuberculosis. you will be able to start treatment at an early stage, when not everything is so scary and it has not yet passed into an open form. And by the way, if you have children, try to give them all the necessary vaccinations - this can save their lives.

When in public places and communicating with a wide range of people, try to protect yourself from infection and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Carry a clean handkerchief or disposable tissues with you, do not use other people's cutlery and personal belongings, refrain from kissing strangers and shaking hands (or remember to wash your hands afterwards). Remember that even in a book, Koch's wand can live for three months.

Be sure to keep your home clean. Regular wet cleaning is needed not only for the prevention of tuberculosis. but also to combat many other dangerous diseases. The room needs to be ventilated more often. And most importantly, do everything to get rid of flies and cockroaches, as it has been proven that they can be carriers of tuberculosis.

In many ways, immunity is determined by the quality of your diet. Tuberculosis will have no place in your body if you eat a variety of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat protein foods (meat, fish and chicken, eggs), as well as lactic acid foods, especially butter, milk and cottage cheese. Vegetables and fruits help to remove toxins from the body. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of dried apricots, raisins and honey. In winter, when natural fruits and vegetables are in short supply, take the money to buy complex vitamins.

Tuberculosis is a very dangerous disease that can lead to death if no measures are taken to cure it. Almost every person by the age of thirty has Koch's tubercle bacillus in the body. But the disease "comes to life" only in case of repeated contact with an infected person or with a strong weakening of the immune system.

Practice good hygiene. In public transport, clinic. store, there is a risk of encountering a carrier of tuberculosis. Moreover, for infection it is not necessary to be near him, because the sputum released with a cough spreads over a distance of one and a half meters. The tubercle bacillus remains even in already dried saliva and phlegm, so after contact with objects in public places, do not touch the mucous membranes, and upon returning home, thoroughly wash all exposed parts of the body. If an infected patient lives in the same room with you, it is necessary to arrange through ventilation of all rooms as often as possible. You should also give him separate towels and dishes.

Test for the presence of Koch's bacillus annually. This can be done using a specialized Mantoux test. Some people mistakenly assume that Mantoux is the tuberculosis vaccine. In fact, it does not contain dead or weakened Koch's rods, but only indicators that detect infection. In case of severe redness and swelling of the puncture site, you should immediately consult a phthisiatrician.

Vaccinate against tuberculosis. Unfortunately, such a vaccination has not yet been invented, having made which one could forget about this disease for the rest of his life. One vaccination is enough to protect the body for three to five years. Usually the first vaccination is given to newborns in the hospital. since the child's body is the most vulnerable. The vaccine should not be given during or after a cold, as the immune system is usually "killed" by antibiotics. which means that even a weakened tubercle bacillus can activate the disease.

Maintain your immunity. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber-containing foods (rye bread, cereals, pumpkin seeds, nuts), fish and seafood, yoghurts, and biokefir. In the autumn-winter period, when it is not possible to eat fruits every day, replenish the body with fortified complexes, biologically active additives.

Judging by your diet, you don't care about your immune system and your body at all. You are very susceptible to diseases of the lungs and other organs! It's time to love yourself and start improving. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, flour, sweet and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, drink more water (precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body and reduce the amount of stress in your life.

  • You are moderately prone to lung disease.

    So far, in good, but if you do not start taking care of her more carefully, then diseases of the lungs and other organs will not keep you waiting (if there were no prerequisites yet). And frequent colds, intestinal problems and other "delights" of life and accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, flour, sweet and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink a lot of water (precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body, reduce the stress in your life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

  • Congratulations! Keep it up!

    You take care of your diet, health and immune system. Keep up the good work and problems with your lungs and health in general will not bother you for many years to come. Keep in mind that this is mainly due to the fact that you are eating right and living a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy and healthy food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to consume large amounts of purified water, temper your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate with you.

  • Prevention of tuberculosis is the main factor in the prevention of one of the most dangerous and widespread infectious diseases in humans and animals in the world. The disease often affects the lungs. Much less often - other organs and systems. transmitted from the patient by airborne droplets: during coughing, sneezing, talking. With a decrease in immunity and exposure to environmental factors, a disease can develop. Knowledge of its clinical forms, the specifics of treatment and methods of prevention will help to heal and avoid the disease.

    Tuberculosis is a major social and medical problem. The complex of measures for its prevention is aimed at the source of the spread of the infection, the routes of its transmission and the susceptible contingent.

    Rice. 1. Material deprivation, poverty, hunger and drunkenness contribute to the disease of tuberculosis.

    Rice. 2. The problem of poverty on a global scale has been comprehended by humanity relatively recently.

    Social activities in the fight against tuberculosis

    Social activities are aimed at reducing social risk factors. They include:

    • raising the material and living standards of the population;
    • elimination of such a phenomenon as poverty;
    • improvement of the ecological situation;
    • raising the level of culture and social literacy.

    The fulfillment of these conditions is influenced by the socio-economic situation in the country, its political structure and ideology.

    Prevention of tuberculosis is aimed at reducing the level of socio-economic burden of a person!

    Medical preventive measures

    The purpose of medical preventive measures is to reduce the risk of tuberculosis infection in a healthy population. Its main directions:

    • in the places of residence of the patient.
    • Timely identification of patients (at the early stages of the development of the disease).
    • Adequate treatment.
    • Combating nosocomial spread of infection and interruptions in treatment.
    • Vaccination and chemoprophylaxis.

    Rice. 3. Timely identification of patients is one of the main directions of tuberculosis prevention.

    Anti-epidemic measures in foci of tuberculosis infection

    When a patient with tuberculosis is identified, the local phthisiatrician draws up a plan for improving the focus of infection. The patient's treatment plan is determined. All members of his family are examined and chemoprophylaxis is performed. The patient's family is supplied with disinfectant solutions.

    Prevention of infection with tuberculosis in the patient's family includes the following activities:

    • the allocation of separate dishes for the patient, its individual storage and special processing;
    • allocation of individual towels and bed linen;
    • use of a special spittoon;
    • carrying out the current disinfection (daily wet cleaning of the room);
    • final disinfection. It is carried out by the forces of the sanitary-epidemiological service in cases of hospitalization of the patient or in case of his death.

    Disinfection of objects and things that are in the use of the patient

    • Disinfection of sputum and spittoons with 5% chloramine solution.
    • The spittoon is boiled in 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. The boiling time is at least 20 minutes. Or the spittoon is immersed for 6 hours in a 5% solution of chloramine, followed by processing with warm water.
    • The dishes are boiled for at least 20 minutes. in water or in 2% soda solution.
    • The laundry is soaked in washing powder and boiled for at least 20 minutes.

    Rice. 4. In the photo there are preparations for disinfecting surfaces, linen, dishes.

    Prevention of tuberculosis is aimed at preventing infection of persons in contact with patients!

    Timely identification of patients with tuberculosis

    Timely detection of tuberculosis will allow the patient to be cured as soon as possible with minimal damage to the patient's health. Untimely detection of the disease, when large areas of the organ are affected with the presence of foci of destruction and massive bacillus excretion, is difficult to cure, and sometimes impossible. Such patients are especially dangerous for the surrounding population.

    The tasks of identifying patients with tuberculosis are assigned to doctors of the general medical network. It is prescribed to detect the disease during preventive examinations, in patients who seek medical help at the clinic and in patients who are hospitalized for other diseases. Doctors of the general medical network are obliged to know the symptoms of tuberculosis, correctly interrogate and examine patients, examine using radiation diagnostic methods, microbiological and bronchological.

    Mass fluorographic examinations of the adult and adolescent population are used in the Russian Federation for early, timely detection of tuberculosis. Tuberculin diagnostics is the main method for identifying those infected, persons with an increased risk of the disease and patients. To carry out tuberculin diagnostics, the Mantoux test () is used. It is the only method for early detection of tuberculosis in children.

    Timely detection of the disease and adequate treatment leads to the fact that patients quickly become non-infectious and are finally cured in a timely manner.

    Rice. 5. The Mantoux reaction (Mantoux test) is the only method for the early detection of tuberculosis in children.

    Rice. 6. Mobile (right) and stationary (left) fluorographic installations are used to detect the disease en masse.

    Bacterioscopic examination

    Analysis for tuberculosis by direct bacterioscopy is the simplest and fastest way to detect mycobacteria in the test material. The presence of the pathogen can be detected within 1 hour. When using this method, the detection of mycobacteria is possible only if they contain at least 10 thousand microbial bodies in 1 ml of material. Therefore, a negative result does not yet serve as a basis for excluding the diagnosis of tuberculosis. In addition, the quality of the diagnostic material affects the effectiveness of the analysis.

    Rice. 7. To detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum and other biological material, a technique for detecting the pathogen in a smear is used - direct bacterioscopy (left) and fluorescence microscopy (right). (on the left, direct bacterioscopy) and when inoculating material on nutrient media.

    Cultural method

    Inoculation (culture) for tuberculosis is more sensitive than smear microscopy. MBT are detected if there are several hundred of them in the test material. The response time is from 3 weeks to 3 months. Until this time, chemotherapy is prescribed “blindly”.

    Rice. 8. To detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum and other biological material, a method is used to identify the pathogen when inoculating the material on nutrient media. The photo glory shows the growth of colonies of mycobacteria on the Loewenstein-Jensen egg medium. The photo shows a colony of mycobacteria.

    Prevention of tuberculosis is aimed at early, timely identification of patients!

    Adequate treatment for tuberculosis

    Treatment of tuberculosis at the present stage is an important component in the fight to prevent the spread of infection. Reducing the number of donating bacteria will help reduce the number of infections and prevent new cases of the disease.

    The strategy of the treatment process consists in the most rapid suppression of the mycobacterial population and regression of pathological changes caused by the infection.

    The basic principles of antimicrobial therapy are:

    Timeliness of initiation of antimicrobial therapy. This will stop the excretion of bacilli in the patient in the early stages of treatment and restore the affected organ without damage to the body as a whole.

    Treatment of tuberculosis should be long-term, until complete clinical cure. If the patient is diagnosed with an advanced form of the disease, then the treatment will continue until the infectious process stabilizes.

    Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive, taking into account the patient's age and concomitant pathology:

    • impact on infection;
    • impact on the sick organism as a whole (immune status) and on the pathological processes occurring in it (pathogenetic treatment);
    • decrease in the level and elimination of the manifestations of the symptoms of the disease;
    • local treatment,
    • the use of surgical methods of treatment.

    Specific prevention of tuberculosis

    Anti-tuberculosis vaccination is the main component in the fight against childhood tuberculosis in the Russian Federation. 64 countries around the world have now made vaccination a mandatory component in their efforts to prevent the development of tuberculosis.

    For the first time in 1919, the French scientist A. Calmette and C. Guerin created the BCG strain, which was used to vaccinate people. In 1921, the first child was vaccinated.

    • A vaccine is being prepared from a strain of live and weakened mycobacterium tuberculosis, which has practically lost its damaging properties.
    • The vaccine is injected intradermally into the upper third of the upper arm and causes the body to produce antibodies.
    • The effect of the vaccine weakens by the 4th year.
    • The first vaccination is carried out in the maternity hospital on the 3rd - 7th day from the birth of the child.

    If, for some reason, the vaccine was not administered at the maternity hospital, vaccination will be carried out at the polyclinic. The second vaccination is given to children of 7 years old (first graders).

    • Full immunity is formed within a year.
    • The scar formed as a result of vaccination speaks of the creation of immunity. It is fully formed by 9 - 12 months.
    • If the size of the scar is 5 - 8 mm, then the index of protection against tuberculosis is from 93 to 95%.
    • If the scar is 2 - 4 mm, then the protection index is reduced to 74%.
    • If the scar is 10 mm and deformed, then this indicates that there were complications during vaccination and immunity was not developed.
    • The vaccination complication rate is 0.1%. Complications are manifested in the form of cold abscesses, superficial ulcers, BCG infections (regional lymphadenitis, osteitis, conjunctivitis), keloid scars. Generalized BCG infection is very rare.

    Prevention of tuberculosis in children with the use of vaccines prevents the development of widespread Chemoprophylaxis is carried out in persons who are at great risk of contracting tuberculosis. Chemotherapy drugs can reduce the number of mycobacteria in the human body. Their reception prevents the development of the disease. Compulsory chemoprophylaxis is primarily subject to:

    • children during the period of primary tuberculosis infection
    • persons in household contact.

    The duration of chemoprophylaxis is from 3 to 6 months.

    Fighting tuberculosis is one of the main objectives of the World Health Organization (WHO)

    Tuberculosis is a disease that is transmitted in 95% of cases by airborne droplets. Mycobacterium tuberculosis when coughing enters the environment and infects others. People with weakened immunity are susceptible to the disease. People with HIV infection are almost 30 times more likely to develop tuberculosis.

    1/3 of the world's sick population is infected with a tubercle bacillus. A small proportion of them get sick. Tuberculosis ranks second in terms of mortality from infectious diseases. In 2014, about 10 million people had tuberculosis, about 1.5 million died. Thanks to timely detection and adequate treatment, 37 million people were saved between 2000 and 2013, and the death rate during this period decreased by 45%.

    The main objectives of WHO in the fight against tuberculosis:

    • Provide patients with unhindered access to high-level medical care.
    • Reduce the socio-economic prerequisites for the development of the disease.
    • Protect groups of the population vulnerable to tuberculosis, including people with concomitant pathologies - tuberculosis and HIV, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
    • Supporting the development of new methods of treating the disease and their effective use.
    • Protection of human rights in the field of treatment and prevention of tuberculosis.

    Prevention of tuberculosis is the main goal of national health programs in many countries of the world. Social activities in the fight against tuberculosis, medical preventive measures, anti-epidemic measures in the foci of tuberculosis infection, timely detection of tuberculosis patients,adequate, specific prevention of tuberculosis and chemoprophylaxis are the main measures for the prevention of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation.

    Rice. 11. Chamomile is a symbol of the fight against tuberculosis in the world.

    Modern measures for the prevention of tuberculosis enable people to successfully control such a serious disease. Most prevention activities are aimed at the source of tuberculosis infection, help to minimize the transmission of infection and are primarily carried out for people with a high susceptibility to tuberculosis bacteria.

    Children have always had a special attitude, because the child's immunity is gradually strengthened. Children often get sick, as their bodies are not yet resistant to many viral infections. And modern medicine for the prevention of serious diseases provides for vaccination for children, including the vaccine against tuberculosis.

    The vaccine against tuberculosis is given in the first days of a baby's life, so most newborns receive it while still in the hospital. The only exceptions are children who have contraindications for vaccination. Depending on the condition of the crumbs, vaccination can be postponed.

    Most often this happens for the following reasons:

    • pyoderma;
    • severe hemolytic jaundice;
    • infectious diseases;
    • premature babies - in this case, the vaccination is done only after the child has gained sufficient weight.

    Parents have the right to refuse BCG vaccination. But pediatricians recommend that you think carefully before making such a decision without good reason. Tuberculosis is a complex disease that requires serious and long-term treatment. And very often children who are affected by the disease at an early age remain disabled for life.

    The first vaccination is not enough for life. Therefore, according to the vaccination schedule, children are subject to revaccination at 7 years old, then at 14 years old and at 17 years old.

    In addition to direct vaccination, the annual Mantoux test is also referred to preventive measures. The introduction of tuberculin helps to assess the body's resistance to pathogens and take timely measures in case of infection with tuberculosis or if the child is especially susceptible to this disease. The test is carried out once a year, and children who have not been vaccinated with BCG vaccine should be tested twice a year.

    The Mantoux test is not performed for all children. Since tuberculin is injected, the sample has some contraindications - allergic diseases, infectious diseases, skin lesions or complications after a previous test. By the way, it is according to the results of Mantoux that pediatricians determine the need for BCG revaccination at 7, 14 and 17 years old. Vaccination against tuberculosis is repeated only for those children who have a negative Mantoux test, the rest - revaccination is not allowed.

    A modern alternative to the Mantoux test is Diaskintest. It has no special differences, but it is believed that a modern, hypoallergenic and practically safe drug for the child is used for its implementation.

    Prevention measures for adults

    Medical institutions control the spread of tuberculosis among the adult population.

    For people over 17 years old, other preventive measures are provided:

    1. Fluorographic examination - on the recommendation of therapists, it is necessary to undergo it once a year. Many people do not want to be exposed to radiation, so they refuse fluorography. This decision cannot be called correct, since the harm from radiation is minimal compared to the harm that infection and untimely detection of pulmonary tuberculosis can cause.
    2. He is attentive to his own well-being, seek the advice of a doctor if a cough or other symptoms of malaise occurs.
    3. Observe basic rules of personal hygiene.
    4. Adhere to proper nutrition and, if possible, lead an active lifestyle.

    Unfortunately, the symptoms of tuberculosis are very difficult to immediately determine; they differ little from the symptoms of a common viral disease. The patient must be alarmed by a cough that lasts more than two months, especially a cough with strong wet discharge or blood. Another symptom is the temperature, which fluctuates within 37.5 degrees. Patients often exhibit active perspiration during sleep, fatigue and weakness are noted. Another sign is poor appetite and weight loss.

    All these symptoms are the reason for contacting a therapist. It is imperative to undergo an examination that will exclude or determine tuberculosis. The sooner a complex disease is identified, the faster and more efficiently it will be treated.

    Separately, preventive measures are provided for people at risk.

    These patients include:

    1. People who have direct contact with a patient with tuberculosis.
    2. People who have diseases of the duodenum, peptic ulcer, lung disease, diabetes, have mental disorders.
    3. Disadvantaged segments of the population.
    4. Patients who need constant hormonal treatment.

    Social prevention

    In order to prevent infection with tuberculosis in healthy people, social or sanitary prophylaxis is carried out. A set of measures is selected depending on the form of the patient's disease, his place of residence and condition, the age of the people who lived with him.

    First of all, all close people of a tuberculosis patient should be examined by a doctor. This is especially true for those people who lived with the patient in the same living space.

    It is equally important to disinfect the room to minimize the amount of contaminated saliva in the air. For this, frequent ventilation and disinfection of furniture surfaces in the patient's home are recommended.

    If hospitalization of the patient is not provided, it is very important to allocate separate dishes, separate bedding, and towels for him at home. These things must undergo special processing during operation. When the patient is hospitalized or in case of his death, final disinfection is carried out. It is carried out by special sanitary and epidemiological services.

    Tuberculosis is recognized by the entire world medical community as one of the most dangerous and rapidly spreading types of infectious diseases in recent centuries.

    Prevention of tuberculosis is one of the powerful countermeasures that negates all the efforts of the virus. Special and nonspecific prophylaxis explains what to do and how not to get sick, even in the focus of infection.

    There is a tube infection in the human body as a result of the activation of a special actinobacterium, popularly referred to as a tubercle bacillus. Scientific medicine gave it its name - Koch's Sticks. It is she who is the direct causative agent of tuberculosis.

    There are three types of mycobacteria in the world that harm our body - human, M. Bovis (bovine), intermediate.

    It is generally accepted that the viral bacillus is capable of infecting only the lungs. This is a misconception. It may also target the intestines, lymph nodes, genitourinary system, joints, bones, blood (miliary), and nervous system (meningitis).

    The activity of infection and the rapid progress of the disease - puts our lives at mortal risk. Occupying one of the first places in a row with such dangerous diseases as leprosy and scleroma, the bacterium has always been and is, to this day, a hyper-threat to all mankind.

    The fight against tuberculosis with medication and prophylactic means is the only and correct way to prevent the death of all mankind on our planet.

    Characteristics of the causative agent of tuberculosis and its prevention

    Koch's wand spreads by airborne droplets and passes from a sick person or animal to a healthy one. By talking, coughing and sneezing, a nearby tuberculosis patient transmits the infection to his surroundings through saliva and phlegm.

    People who have not undergone vaccine prophylaxis and do not observe the necessary precautions enter the contamination zone.

    What you need to know about TB?

    The tuberculosis virus enters the human body even in childhood. It hides in the organs of the macrophage system, waiting for the right moment for itself.

    For his "awakening" and legal capacity, the presence of the following factors is sufficient:

    • The presence of immunodeficiency or chronic diseases of the endocrine system (immunosuppression);
    • Refusal from the generally accepted methods of immunization established by sanpin;
    • Genetic background;
    • Prolonged and repeated nervous breakdowns or excessive mental stress;
    • Constant overwork;
    • Poor, untimely or incomplete vaccination;
    • An increase in the number of mycobacteria;
    • Virulence (the stamp of the virus and its mode / strength of damage);
    • Ignoring tuberculosis prevention;
    • Prolonged contact with the excretory bacteria;
    • Inadequate living and social conditions (unsanitary conditions);
    • Frequent and prolonged fasting;
    • Lack of basic information or misinformation about how not to get infected with tuberculosis;
    • Inappropriate attention when the first signs of the disease appear;
    • Wrong or insufficient prevention of tuberculosis in contact with the sick.
    • Insufficient and inadequate treatment of tuberculosis at home (interrupted or drugs are taken selectively).

    Tuberculosis: its forms and varieties

    All age groups are at risk of contracting tuberculosis. The most common sources of infection can be:

    • Improper contact with a patient with tuberculosis;
    • Dairy and meat products from tuberculosis animals;
    • From an infected pregnant woman to a fetus.

    The difference between this disease is that some of its patients can be a source of infection, while others simply carry the virus in themselves without harm to others.

    The second (passive carriers) are diagnosed with closed tuberculosis ("BC -" or "TB -").

    There is also a division of the disease according to the occurrence and frequency of the focus of infection:

    • primary tuberculosis;
    • secondary tuberculosis.
    • HIV-infected;
    • With aids;
    • in contact with tuberculosis patients;
    • Leading an unhealthy, non-standard and disordered lifestyle (homeless people, drug addicts, alcoholics, and so on);
    • Visiting countries with a high epidemic threshold;
    • With a careless attitude to their own health.

    What is tuberculosis prevention?

    Anti-tuberculosis prophylaxis is proactive.

    Provides everyone with a chance not to get infected themselves and not to infect others. It makes sure that the patient, the medical staff and all their nearby social circle do not become another transmitting source of the virus and the general mass of the healthy population does not become infected from them. ...

    Uses the most effective methods for this, from informative to medication. Helps to minimize the risks of contracting tuberculosis, maximize the recovery of patients and protect future generations from a cruel pathogen.

    Its action is directed along several vectors at once and is both general (nonspecific) and individual (for certain groups of patients):

    • social prevention is aimed at improving the environment, improving the standard of living and well-being of the population. Its mission is to encourage a healthy lifestyle, exercise and proper nutrition.
    • sanitary tuberculosis prophylaxis makes it possible to protect healthy people from MBT infection and to secure their contact with the patient at home and at work. She uses social, therapeutic and anti-epidemic measures to localize and eliminate foci of tuberculosis infection.
    • specific - creates a "health base" for future generations, working on the development of immunity of the population upon reaching the age of thirty.

    Such tasks help to carry out:

    • BCG vaccination is given to newborns on the 4th or 5th day after birth. Contains a weakened MBT stamp, which, taking root at the site of vaccination and multiplying, creates a protective barrier for the virus.
    • Revaccination is repeated BCG. Has a fixing function for the first vaccination. It is carried out in stages: for school-age children at 7.12, 16-17 years old. Then every five years until you reach thirty. Before carrying out this vaccination, the body's reaction to Mantoux (negative or positive) must be checked, which will serve as a permit or prohibition for a revaction injection.

    It should be noted that this type of anti-tuberculosis prophylaxis is not recommended:

    1. have had tuberculosis before;
    2. with rheumatism, epilepsy, exudative diathesis;
    3. with acute forms of current infectious diseases;
    4. allergic and dermatological diagnoses.
    • chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis is the most effective solution for the prevention or localization of tuberculosis in persons with the maximum risk of infection.
    1. Primary - it happens with healthy people who are not affected by MBT, but are in close contact with infected people. It has a restraining effect for the further progression of the infectious environment in the affected organ. It begins to act even during the incubation period of Koch's bacillus.
    2. Secondary - necessary for tuberculosis patients or people who have already overcome the disease. Its action is similar to the control shot, which neutralizes the possibility of an exogenous super-infection and the resumption of endogenous tuberculosis.

    Chemical prophylaxis is vital for the following categories:

    1. Adults, adolescents and children in contact with the excretory agent
    2. at the professional, household and family levels;
    3. People with abrupt and intermittent tube test results;
    4. Infected adolescents and children in whom the tuberculin reaction has changed its initial status from “normal” to “hyperergic”;
    5. Patients with other diagnoses taking a course of steroid-hormonal therapy, but already having post-tuberculous changes in the lungs;
    6. With diabetes mellitus, stomach or duodenal ulcers, chronic inflammation of the respiratory system, silicosis and disorders of the nervous system;
    7. Drug and alcohol addicted patients;
    8. HIV-infected.

    An anti-tuberculosis chemopreventive course is recommended for this category of people in spring (March-April) and autumn (September-October).

    Other time intervals are allowed, based on seasonal exacerbations of the infection and associated relapses.

    Vaccination and treatment of tuberculosis with HIV requires special attention from the doctor, an individual approach to the schedule and selection of the course (medications).

    Patients for whom drugs for the prevention of tuberculosis are handed out for taking at home require special medical supervision.

    Prevention of Tuberculosis - Instruction for the population of all ages

    Today, the extreme danger of tuberculosis and its presence on all continents is no longer in doubt. According to the latest WHO expert estimates, one third of the world's population is affected by the tuberculosis virus.

    The problem is so global that the entire world community and leading medical luminaries are trying to attract the attention of people as much as possible to solve it.

    In order to lower the incidence threshold, to protect yourself and your environment from a harmful ailment, you need to know and adhere to certain precautions that immunization of tuberculosis provides.

    They are divided into two components:

    "Prevention common for the entire population" and "Methods for the prevention of tuberculosis for the patient."

    For those who are not yet familiar with them or want to be convinced of the correctness of their own knowledge, we recommend that you join the reading below.

    General rules for the prevention of tuberculosis:

    • Once a year, undergo an examination for tuberculosis by a therapist or phthisiologist.
    • Leading a healthy lifestyle. This group of measures will allow you to strengthen the body in a natural way and prevent failures in its immune system.
    • A correct daily routine, a normalized work schedule, a balance of mental and physical activity in combination with rest, regular + timely + healthy nutrition with the presence of the required amount of fats, carbohydrates, proteins - this is the main groundwork for increasing the level of reactivity of our immunity. It is under such conditions that the organism is stress-resistant, neutral to the aggressive effects of unfavorable environmental factors and creates a barrier for the entry of the virus.
    • Compliance with personal hygiene. The main focus of this item is the timely and thorough cleaning of the premises, washing dishes using disinfectants. It is necessary to wash your hands after: contact with other people and other people's objects, visiting public and specific places.
    • The use of personal hygiene products.
    • Regular examination in a medical institution, starting with a therapeutic examination and up to fluorography, will reveal the symptoms of the disease in the early stages. The results of the study will form the basis according to which individual prophylaxis of tuberculosis of the lungs or other affected organs will be prescribed. Young children and adults (up to 30 years old) should be protected from the insidious tuberculosis bacillus with BCG vaccination.

    Prevention of tuberculosis for selected groups of the population

    Some part of the population, based on a number of factors, should conduct their own examination more often and more thoroughly than other people (at least twice a year).

    1. Doctors and nurses of general medical institutions, tub-dispensaries and private clinics of this direction, maternity hospitals;
    2. Military personnel;
    3. Persons registered in the tuberculosis dispensary and removed from it (first three years);
    4. Recovered patients, undergoing treatment on their own, who still have changes in the lungs;
    5. Released from pre-trial detention or imprisonment;
    6. Carriers of HIV infection;
    7. Social workers caring for tuberculosis patients.

    Preventive measures for patients with tuberculosis

    A person infected with the tuberculosis virus must take care of both his own health and the health of his close and general environment.

    He needs:

    1. Be constantly under the supervision of a physician;
    2. When undergoing a course of treatment for tuberculosis with folk remedies - coordinate your actions with a doctor;
    3. Comply in full with all its recommendations and appointments;
    4. Keep your dishes, hyena products, bed linen and towels separately, not forgetting to constantly decontaminate them;
    5. Use a special spittoon to eliminate phlegm;
    6. Carry out daily wet cleaning of your premises.

    Correct and complete prevention of tuberculosis, together with timely detection of infection and a responsible attitude of each of us, will not only allow us to cope with the disease in a short time and with minimal losses, but also significantly weaken the “tuberculosis immunity” + narrow the radius of its action.

    After all, it is not for nothing that they say: "He who is forewarned is armed." Do not neglect the simple rules of TB prevention that care about us and the future of our descendants.

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