The American flying squirrel is not an ordinary squirrel. Essays on the life of smaller brothers What is the name of a squirrel capable of planning

Squirrel (Sciurus) is a mammal from the order of rodents, the squirrel family. This article describes this family.

Squirrel: description and photo

An ordinary squirrel has a long body, fluffy tail and long ears. Squirrel ears are large and elongated, sometimes with tassels at the end. The feet are strong, with strong and sharp nails. Thanks to their strong paws, rodents climb trees so easily.

An adult squirrel has a large tail, which makes up 2/3 of the whole body and serves as its "rudder" in flights. She catches air currents and balances them. Squirrels also hide with their tail when they sleep. When choosing a partner, one of the main criteria is the tail. These animals are very attentive to this part of their body, it is the tail of a squirrel that is an indicator of its health.

The size of an average squirrel is 20-31 cm. Giant squirrels are about 50 cm in size, while the length of the tail is equal to the length of the body. The smallest squirrel, the mouse, has a body length of only 6-7.5 cm.

The squirrel coat is different in winter and summer, since this animal sheds twice a year. In winter, the fur is fluffy and dense, and in summer it is shorter and more sparse. The color of the squirrel is not the same, it is dark brown, almost black, red and gray with a white belly. In summer, squirrels are mostly red, and in winter, the coat becomes bluish-gray.

Red squirrels have brown or olive red fur. In summer, a black longitudinal stripe appears on the sides, separating the abdomen and back. On the tummy and around the eyes, the fur is light.

Flying squirrels have a skin membrane on the sides of their bodies, between the wrists and ankles, which allows them to glide.

Dwarf squirrels have gray or brown fur on the back and light on the belly.

Types of proteins, names and photos

The squirrel family includes 48 genera, which consist of 280 species. Below are some members of the family:

  • Common flying squirrel;
  • White squirrel;
  • Mouse squirrel;
  • The common squirrel or veksha is the only representative of the squirrel genus on the territory of Russia.

The smallest is a mouse squirrel. Its length is only 6-7.5 cm, while the length of the tail reaches 5 cm.

Where does the squirrel live?

The squirrel is an animal that lives on all continents except Australia, Madagascar, the polar territories, southern South America and northwestern Africa. Squirrels live in Europe from Ireland to Scandinavia, in most of the CIS countries, in Asia Minor, partly in Syria and Iran, in Northern China. Also, these animals inhabit the North and South America, the islands of Trinidad and Tobago.
The squirrel lives in different forests: from northern to tropical. He spends most of his life in trees, excellently climbing and jumping from branch to branch. Squirrel tracks can also be found near bodies of water. Also, these rodents live next to humans near arable lands and in parks.

What do proteins eat?

Basically, the squirrel feeds on nuts, acorns, seeds conifers:, larch, fir. The animal's diet includes mushrooms and various grains. except plant food it can feed on various beetles, bird chicks. With poor harvests and early spring, the squirrel eats buds on trees, lichens, berries, bark of young shoots, rhizomes and herbaceous plants.

Squirrel in winter. How does a squirrel prepare for winter?

When the squirrel prepares for winter, it makes many hiding places for its supplies. She collects acorns, nuts and mushrooms, can hide food in hollows, holes or dig holes on her own. Many of the winter squirrels are plundered by other animals. And some of the squirrels' caches are simply forgotten. The animal helps to restore the forest after a fire and increases the number of new trees. It is because of the forgetfulness of the proteins that the hidden nuts and seeds germinate and form new plantings. In winter, the squirrel does not sleep, having prepared a supply of food in the fall. During frosts, she sits in her hollow, half asleep. If the frost is light, the squirrel is active: it can plunder hiding places, chipmunks and nutcrackers, finding prey even under a one and a half meter layer of snow.

Squirrel in spring

Early spring is the most unfavorable time for squirrels, as during this period the animals have practically nothing to eat. The stored seeds are beginning to germinate, and the new ones have not yet appeared. Therefore, the proteins can only feed on the buds in the trees and gnaw the bones of animals that died during the winter. Squirrels living next to humans often visit bird feeders in the hope of finding seeds and grains there. In the spring, squirrels begin to molt, this happens in mid-late March, molting ends at the end of May. Also, in the spring, mating games begin in squirrels.

Squirrels are small mammals of the Squirrel family that are able to communicate with each other using different sounds and smells. Squirrels have a slender, streamlined elongated body, fluffy long tail, long ears. The color of the fur is reddish-brown with a white belly. In winter, squirrels adapt to survive in new conditions and change the color of their fur to gray. They also use their tails as a signaling device, twitching which warns other squirrels of potential danger.
There are over 265 squirrels around the world. The smallest are African dwarf squirrels, which have a body length of only about 10 cm, while the Indian giant squirrel reaches a length of almost one meter.
When a squirrel is afraid and feels that it is in danger, it will remain motionless in the first place. If he is on the ground, he will climb the nearest tree and rise to a safe height, and if she is already on the tree, he will try to press his body tightly against his bark.
Squirrels are very gullible animals and are one of the very few wild animals that humans can tame.
In cold habitats such as Russia, squirrels plan ahead of time how to survive in difficult winter months... They store nuts and seeds, hiding them in various places, and return to them throughout the winter to replenish their energy reserves when food is scarce.
Squirrels are extremely intelligent creatures. For example, they can make fake food supplies to trick potential thieves such as other squirrels or birds. And they arrange their real hiding places in another, safe place.
Squirrels make their homes in trees. They look like hollows or bird nests and are made up of branches and moss. Custom
but the squirrel hollow is about the size of a soccer ball, lined with grass, bark, moss and feathers for added comfort and insulation.
There are proteins that can ... fly. They are called "flying squirrels" and there are 44 species of such squirrels. Of course, they can't really fly, it comes about gliding in the air using a special membrane that is located on the body of the flying squirrel and extends from the wrist to the ankle. This allows the proteins to glide naturally on long jumps, just as humans do with a parachute. Such sliding jumps can exceed 46 meters.
More than 200 species of squirrels are found worldwide, with the exception of Australia.
Like other rodents, squirrels have 4 sharp front teeth that never stop growing, so constant gnawing does not wear out their teeth. Squirrels are found everywhere, from woodlands to city parks. Although they are terrific climbers, they often go to the ground in search of food such as nuts, acorns, berries and flowers. They also eat bark, bird eggs or small chicks. Tree sap is a delicacy for some types of protein.
Squirrel females give birth several times a year, at one time several blind squirrels are born, which are completely dependent on their mothers during the first two or three months of life.
For a long time, people exterminated squirrels for the sake of valuable fur, but thanks to the high birth rate, the world population of squirrels is still large.

The American flying squirrel is a member of the squirrel family. The flying squirrel differs from the common squirrel in that it has skin membranes that extend from the front legs to the hind legs.

American flying squirrels lead night image life, so they have large eyes, like all animals, adapting to life in the dark.

Due to their special body structure, these animals plan from tree to tree, they do not just jump, but literally fly, while they can perform complex movements, for example, land at the same point, and began their flight with bark. The flight of these squirrels can be called aerobatics. In one flight, a squirrel can fly a distance of up to 60 meters. Thanks to this ability, American flying squirrels have advantages over many predators.

The sickle bones that extend from the wrist allow the American flying squirrel to feel confident in the air and on the surface of the earth. When the squirrel is in its normal position, the membrane is constricted, so it does not interfere in any way with the free movement of the animal.

Flying squirrels are squirrels that can glide from branch to branch.

During the jump, the American flying squirrel can coordinate movements by moving its front legs and changing the angle of inclination of the membrane. Previously, it was assumed that a mobile and large tail helps the animals to perform tricks, but over time it became clear that the flying squirrel's tail is used only to slow down.

These squirrels live high in the crowns of trees, and on rare occasions they descend to the ground. The animals are not whimsical to food, most often they eat on the go, and only the most delicious berries or nuts are hidden in the hollows.

In winter, these reserves are necessary, by the way, since flying squirrels during hibernation sometimes wake up, refresh themselves and fall asleep again. The diet of flying squirrels consists of plant shoots, buds, seeds, lichens, fruits and mushrooms. In warm weather, proteins are added to the plant diet of insects, even spiders.

In the summer, American flying squirrels prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle, but with the first cold weather they gather in groups of up to 25 individuals. With their bodies, proteins warm each other during the day and during hibernation. V hibernation the animals only enter when the temperature drops significantly, but not every winter they have to do this.

Enemies American flying squirrels are large birds, mostly owls. If other predatory birds catch flying squirrels when they are in a tree, then owls can hunt them on the fly, while owls are guided by hearing, that is, they can hunt in complete darkness. American flying squirrels save themselves from predators by flying long distances.

After mating American flying squirrels, after 40 days, the female has babies. Most often, one female gives birth to 2-3 squirrels. Babies can fly after 2 months, while the female carefully monitors them, if the flight is unsuccessful, then the mother helps the baby to climb the tree again. The mother teaches the offspring to get food and teaches flight techniques. When the cubs are fully strong and master the flight technique, they, nevertheless, do not leave the mother and remain with her until the next winter.

Our forests are rich in all kinds of living creatures, including rodents. However, it is not so easy to meet a flying rodent among them, namely a flying squirrel. She is the only representative of the squirrel capable of jumping-flying on the territory Russian Federation... The squirrel has the ability to jump so masterly between the branches of trees thanks to the membranes between the front and hind legs.

External features

In appearance, a is very similar to the short-eared representative of the "red-tailed", that is, squirrels. It is distinguished only by a wide leather fold with a woolen cover. This is a kind of parachute and at the same time a bearing surface when jumping. In front, the fold is "attached" with a crescent brush from the wrist to the forearm. However, it does not have membranes on the back, like its counterparts. The squirrel parachute does not connect to the tail. The flying squirrel has a fluffy and long tail.

Moreover, it is much less than an ordinary protein. The body length can be only 12 cm, and maximum size does not exceed 28.5 cm. At the same time, the tail is from 11 to 13 cm. What can we say about the feet, which are only 3 cm, ears, the size of which is not more than 2 cm. And the weight of the flying squirrel is only 170 grams. The flying squirrel's head is neat and round, with a blunt nose and bulging black eyes. The shape of the eyes is mainly due to the nocturnal lifestyle. Squirrel ears do not have tassels, and the legs are short. In this case, the rear ones are longer than the front ones. On the legs there are short, but rather sharp claws, which are bent inward. There are 4 pairs of nipples on the belly of the flying squirrel.

The fur of this flying squirrel is very thick and soft. Common squirrels wool cover much rougher. These jumpers are slightly different in their color. The coat on the upper part of the body is gray with a brown tint, but the belly is almost white. The tail is much lighter than the rest of the coat. In this case, the cover has a kind of comb on the sides. The thickest and most beautiful cover of flying squirrels is in winter. But she sheds identical to her simple brothers - twice a year. The eyes of the flying squirrel are tinted, or rather have a black outline.

Zoology has 10 species of these flying animals, eight of which live on our lands.

Life cycle

The flying squirrel loves to settle in old mixed forests characterized by the presence of aspens, birch and alder. Often settles near swamps and streams. Does not like the jumper of coniferous forests. But where among the trees and pines come across birches and alders, the squirrel can settle. The flying squirrel can inhabit and mountain ranges with the available forest thickets, as well as floodplain thickets of the north, ribbon pine forests of Siberia.

The squirrel is active all year round but mostly at night or during twilight. If the animal is a nursing mother, then she can be seen even during the day. Flying squirrel in general most spends his life in search of food. Similarly to its usual counterparts, it settles in the hollows of trees. Moreover, it can be ready-made old houses of woodpeckers, squirrels, magpies. Sometimes the flying squirrel habitats the crevices of the rocks. The squirrel puts forward only strict requirements for them in height, namely from 3 to 12 meters from the ground. Very rarely, but nevertheless, there is a settlement of these animals in birdhouses near human settlements. The squirrel ennobles its housing with soft moss, leaves, dry grass.

Flying squirrels are friendly, non-aggressive representatives of the animal world. At the same time, they can be friends with each other and even settle in the same nest with other jumpers. Aggression can only be shown by a representative of squirrels who protect their offspring.

Thanks to its lethal device, the squirrel can glide from tree to tree at a distance of 50-60 meters. In order to make the jump, the squirrel needs to climb to the very top, and then place the paws on the sides so that the hind legs are pressed against the tail. If you see such a flight from below, then the shape of the squirrel will resemble a triangle. The flying squirrel can maneuver thanks to its ability to control its membranes. The animal can change its flight angles up to 90 degrees. And its long fluffy tail performs the function of a braking device in case of flight.

Before landing on the "seat", the squirrel assumes an upright position, and then clings with all four limbs to the tree trunk. Feeling support, the flying squirrel runs over to the other side of the trunk and thus avoids the attack of birds of prey.

The presence of the animal in woodland very difficult to define. Its color merges with the crowns of trees, the traces of the paws are very similar to those of the common squirrel. However, a specific litter can be produced, which resembles an ant's clutch of eggs.

The flying squirrel can be heard by its specific chirping.

The animal's diet is vegetable. These can be the buds and foliage of trees. The jumper is very fond of young needles and their seeds. Especially pine or larch. The flying squirrel is a thrifty animal and puts seeds for the winter in its dwelling. Also stocked with alder and birch catkins. In summer, the squirrel can eat mushrooms and berries. She also does not refuse the bark of trees. The flying squirrel's dining table is decorated with willow, aspen, birch and maple young bark. Rarely, but still does the feeding of a flying squirrel happen bird eggs or newly hatched chicks.

Squirrel offspring brings about 2 times a year. This can be from 2 to 4 squirrels. However, the breeding of the jumper is poorly understood. The first brood of the animal appears in spring (in April-May), the second in the middle of summer. Flying squirrels are born very small and helpless. They do not have fur, and they begin to see only after two weeks. Squirrels begin to leave the nest only after a month and a half. On the 45th day they try to fly, and by the 50th day of their life they try to plan. In the same period, they switch to adult nutrition and begin their independent existence.

The life of these flying creatures in conditions wildlife does not even reach the age of five. In captivity, the period of their existence is from 9 to 13 years. This is due to natural enemies- owls, martens and sables, as well as other dangerous factors... For example, human hunting for her.

Flying squirrel hunting

Unfortunately, there are very few such flying jumpers and hunting for them is limited. Moreover, her fur is not of great value. Hunting is interesting only as getting a valuable and unusual trophy. At the same time, the representative of squirrels is considered one of the oldest animals. Her remains are dated to the Miocene period.

In this section, you will learn about some interesting features protein.

Squirrels live mainly in the forests of Europe. They reach 25 centimeters long; thus, each of you can hold two such proteins in your hands. These animals have a bushy bushy tail, reaching the length of the size of the squirrel itself. Thanks to this tail, squirrels can jump from tree to tree without losing their balance.


Squirrels have very strong and healthy teeth - not at all the same as ours. In the front of the mouth, the whites have incisors that break and gnaw through hard materials, and in the back of the mouth are the molars. If we want to eat a nut, then in order to break it, we use a fairly strong stone or a specially made metal object... These same miniature animals can easily do this kind of work with their incisors.

Have you ever wondered how strong a squirrel's teeth remain throughout its life, or how a squirrel with broken teeth will gnaw nuts? Nature has endowed squirrel teeth with one very important property. You will probably be surprised to learn that if a squirrel's teeth are broken or worn out, new ones will immediately appear in their place. Erasing teeth are constantly growing back from the root. This property is characteristic not only of squirrels, but also of all animals that gnaw their food.

Squirrels can climb trees using their small, sharp claws. A squirrel can run along a branch, then turn upside down and run further. But a special kind of squirrels - gray squirrels - can freely jump from the upper branch of one tree to another, located at a distance of four meters. During flight, they spread their front and hind legs and fly almost like a glider.

Yes, but how do they do it? All this is due to the fact that squirrels skillfully use their hind legs, keen eyes that allow accurate distance measurement, strong claws and tail designed to maintain balance. Have you ever thought about who gave squirrels these special abilities and taught them how to use them; How do squirrels know how to behave, what skills and when to exercise? After all, squirrels, even if they wanted to, would not be able to take a ruler in their paws and measure the height of each tree or the length of the branches, but then how do they determine the distance to jump? In addition, how can squirrels jump so fast and at the same time remain unharmed, and yet there are so many obstacles and dangers on their way: if the squirrel had not been so dexterous, it would have collided with something long ago and would have been injured, or maybe (it’s scary to even think about it!)

In addition to the talent of a dodger-athlete, squirrels have all the necessary abilities and physical data in order to be able to get seeds hidden under the strong shell of nuts, because squirrels are big lovers of chestnuts, hazelnuts and seeds found in spruce cones that grow on the tops of tall trees ... Squirrels are adapted to make it easy for them to find food.

In winter, when everything edible is hidden under the snow, it is difficult for squirrels to find food. Therefore, these prudent animals prepare for themselves provisions for the winter period in the summer. It is interesting that, when creating food reserves for the winter, they show amazing accuracy. As if realizing that fruits and meat quickly spoil, they do not stock up on this food. Squirrels prepare for themselves for the winter only foods that are stored for a long time, such as nuts and cones.

Squirrels that store food for the winter find the nuts hidden by them in different places thanks to their excellent sense of smell. They can smell nuts, even hidden under a 30-centimeter layer of snow.

Squirrels bring food for the winter to their burrows, where they hide it in several places. Later, they forget the location of most of these places, and new trees grow over time from supplies that have not been used by proteins.

Squirrels, like many other animals, have a special system of communication with each other. For example, when red squirrels notice an enemy, they begin waving their tails and screaming in alarm. A squirrel's mustache is also an important element for maintaining balance. Squirrels with a clipped mustache cannot keep their balance. The squirrel mustache has another purpose: when moving at night, the mustache helps the squirrels to sense objects around them.

Did you know that there is a so-called "flying" squirrel? All kinds of "flying squirrels" living in Australia, ranging in size from 45 to 90 centimeters, live in trees. These proteins acquired their name due to the peculiarities of movement. Their jumps from branch to branch resemble flight, and the squirrel itself during the "flight" becomes like a real glider. In fact, what squirrels do during their movements is not really flight: they just make long jumps, jumping from one tree to another. Squirrels that glide between trees have no wings, but they do have a flying membrane. This membrane in the "silvery flying squirrel" (this is a type of flying squirrel) stretches from the forelegs to the hind legs; The flying membrane of squirrels is narrow and covered with long hairs that resemble a fringe. Thanks to the stretched skin of the flying membrane, the squirrel can cover a distance of about 30 meters in one "flight". There have been cases where, in six "flights" in a row, they covered a distance of 530 meters.

When small animals do not move, they quickly lose heat and can freeze, so immobility, especially during sleep, is a serious danger to their lives. How do these animals survive? It turns out that all living things in nature are protected from harmful influences. environment... For example, squirrels wrap themselves in their tails, like a fur coat, and sleep curled up in a ball. This saves them from freezing during sleep.

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