Year of birth of the grandmother's singer's hope. Biography. Recognition is the highest reward for hard work and perseverance

Nadezhda Babkina is a singer who is known and loved all over the world. Many generations of Russians admire her performing skills and creative energy. The merits of this woman to the national culture are invaluable. The fate and career development of the famous artist will be discussed in this article.


Babkina Nadezhda Georgievna was born in 1950, on March 19, in the village of Cherny Yar, Arkhangelsk Region. Her dad worked as a leader in enterprises and organizations associated with national economy and her mother was a primary school teacher.

Nadezhda Georgievna's father came from Cossacks and served in the White Army in his youth. Some of the Babkin family emigrated to other countries during the revolution and still live in France, Yugoslavia, and Italy. Maiden name mother of the singer - Chistyakova. The parents of mother Nadezhda Babkina owned a large manufactory in the capital. The civil war forced the Chistyakovs to sell their house and move to Nizhny Novgorod, and later - to Astrakhan. Here the childhood years of the future celebrity passed.


The year of birth of Nadezhda Babkina is 1950. In her childhood, no special entertainment was arranged for children, so the rural children all free time usually performed outside. In the summer they played "Cossacks-robbers" and swam, and in the winter they went sledding down the hills. The future celebrity recalls how in the spring, after the big water subsided, she caught fish with her bare hands. She still dreams of the bright carpet of tulips that covered the wide steppe in May. For the rest of her life, Babkina Nadezhda Georgievna kept memories of the extraordinary beauty of nature on her small homeland.

creative family

At the age of seven, the future celebrity began attending a school in the village of Bolhuny. Her dad was appointed chairman of the local collective farm. Children were not forced to work, but little Nadezhda, with her brother Valera and other children, worked with pleasure in the field. There were always guests in the Babkins' house. The family regularly arranged funny masquerades, sang to the accompaniment of an accordion. Nadezhda Georgievna's father knew how to play all musical instruments and was considered an excellent vocalist. Therefore, Nadia grew up as a very artistic and musical girl. She constantly traveled with propaganda teams to the villages, sang and recited poetry. In high school, she began to participate in amateur performances. Nadia traveled with performances from the district and the school to Kuibyshev and Volgogorad. In the tenth grade, the girl managed to become a laureate of the All-Russian Youth Competition in the genre of Russian folk songs.

Work in cinemas

The creative biography of Nadezhda Babkina continued in 1967, when she graduated high school. The girl entered the music school of the city of Arkhangelsk and at the same time began to work. She got a job at the Regional Directorate of Cinema and Film Distribution of Astrakhan as a soloist-vocalist and sang in the cinema before the start of the sessions. People came specifically to listen to her.

The age of Babkina Nadezhda was still very young, but even then she began to take her first confident steps towards success. The girl met Anatoly Gladchenko and became a performer of his songs. In collaboration with this composer, the singer prepared a repertoire consisting of hundreds of compositions. It was with Gladchenko in 1971 that Babkina went to conquer Moscow in the hope of becoming a famous artist.

Conquest of the capital

Soon the biography of Nadezhda Babkina made a new, fateful turn - she moved to the capital. The folk genre in the early 1970s was quite popular. Ekaterina Shavrina, Olga Voronets, Lyudmila Zykina worked in it. These great performers managed to give folk compositions a special personality. Babkina successfully passed all the entrance exams and entered the conducting and choral faculty at the Gnessin Institute. From the first years of her studies, the aspiring singer has established herself as a talented and diligent student. In addition to attending classes, the girl managed to work. She performed as part of the Russian folk choir of the professional song and dance ensemble technical education Moscow region, and later became a soloist-vocalist in the Bayan orchestra under the auspices of the Mosconcert. Together with musical groups, the girl began touring the country. At the same time, she still managed to participate in student expeditions to study and decipher folk songs popular in different parts of Russia.

New Ensemble

In 1975, the ensemble "Russian Song" began to emerge at the Gnessin Institute. It all started with student evenings in the hostel, where Nadia sang along with her fellow students. Popularity for girls did not come immediately. The very first concerts of the new band went almost unnoticed. The ensemble even had to sing in factory and factory floors to the noise of working machines. However, he continued to perform.

The first bright appearance on the stage took place in 1976 on All-Russian competition Soviet song in the city of Sochi. There, the musical group performed the compositions "Podblyudnaya" and "Curl, Birch". A couple of years later, "Russian Song" managed to win gold medal at the International Folklore Competition in the city of Bratislava, where the ensemble sang the song "The grass dries and withers in the field." The next stage in the conquest of the star Olympus was for the girls to receive the first prize at the second All-Russian vocal competition. The team received an award for the best performance of a Russian folk song. Then the Mosconcert took him under its wing. The ensemble of Nadezhda Babkina gradually became very famous and popular.

The formation of folklore theater

In 1976, the singer graduated from the department of the leaders of the folk choir. But her education didn't end there. Two years later, the biography of Nadezhda Babkina was enriched by entering the department of solo folk singing. The celebrity received a diploma in 1981 and continued her steady path to success in the musical field. When the Babkina ensemble was six years old, the theater of Russian song began to take shape. At this time, the band's performances began to resemble spectacular and colorful shows. The audience enjoyed these performances. The scripts for them were written by Nadezhda Babkina herself. The ensemble's repertoire gradually expanded. Soon the singer staged 5 solo programs, as well as folklore performances-ceremonies: "Carols", "Wedding", "Birch Curling", "Shrovetide".

In 1981, on the basis of the folk song group, the Moscow Folklore Center of the same name appeared. And four years later, the singer again entered the institute. The age of Nadezhda Babkina was no longer a student at all - 31 years old. However, it is never too late to learn, and in 1985 the celebrity entered the Higher Courses (faculty of stage directors and mass performances) at GITIS.

The further fate of the ensemble

In 1994, "Russian Song" became an independent organization under the leadership of the Moscow Committee of Culture. The creative diversity of the center has been constantly improving, and in 2000 it received the status of the Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore "Russian Song". Naturally, Nadezhda Babkina became the artistic director of this organization. The height and weight of the artist are small. Sometimes it is not clear how this short (165 centimeters) and fragile (60 kilograms) woman manages to carry such a powerful energy charge. She is always full of creative energy and positivity, which are transmitted to everyone who works and communicates with her. Despite her impressive age (recall that the year of birth of Nadezhda Babkina is 1950), this woman always manages to do everything and constantly achieves her goals.

Creative experiments

"Russian Song" does not seek to maintain an ethnographic sequence. Folklore in this theater always appears before the audience with elements of modernity. Artists are experimenting all the time and looking for their own approach to the performance of folk songs. However, at the same time, the quality of traditions is preserved, as well as the deep essence of Russian song culture, its openness, purity and love of life. Over time, the sound of the ensemble was enriched with male voices. In addition, the team sings songs to the accompaniment of a modern instrumental group. Talented students of Gnesinka often join the main composition of the "Russian Song" as interns.

Other activities

In addition to the incessant concert activity, Nadezhda Babkina manages to engage in other creative activities. For example, she released a collection called "Russian Folk Singers" in 1996, and a year later another book by the singer was released - "From the repertoire of the Russian Song Ensemble." Now these collections are used as teaching aids in Russian musical universities. In addition, the artist hosted the Babkin Dom program on Russian Radio for ten years, and now she is the co-host of the Fashion Sentence project on Channel One. The singer has a great many awards, in 1992 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. The glorious biography of Nadezhda Babkina is already the subject of study, because in three decades she has achieved a lot in the musical field.

stage image

The stage outfits of the "Russian Song" have artistic value. The first costumes were created by Maria Fedorova. And the unique stage image of the singer was invented by the leading fashion designers of the country - Lyudmila Dobrokhotova, Valentin Yudashkin, Igor Chapurin, Vyacheslav Zaitsev and others. The age of Babkina Nadezhda is 64 years old. Looking at this slender, fit, young woman, it is impossible to believe it. The celebrity never hid that she did blepharoplasty of the eyelids and a circular facelift. As a result, her face looks fresh and youthful. In addition, the singer is on a very strict diet. She does not eat meat at all and does not drink coffee. Moreover, the people's artist claims that she loves sweets. However, instead of chocolate and sweets, she has to be content with baked apples with honey. But main secret The eternal youth of Nadezhda Babkina lies in her openness to everything interesting and new, inexhaustible creative energy, sincere devotion to her beloved work.

Personal life

The first husband of Nadezhda Babkina - Vladimir Zasedatelev - once worked as a drummer in the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Leysya, song". The singer lived with him for seventeen years. The couple had a boy in 1975, whom they named Danila. Currently, the people's artist lives in a civil marriage with a man who is thirty years younger than her. Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeny Gor are connected not only by personal relationships, but also common cause, because the chosen one of a celebrity is a talented singer and musician. From time to time, there are reports in the media that the relationship of a famous performer with a young lover has cracked and will soon stop. For example, once she was noticed in the company of the nephew of the Moscow mayor Anton Sobyanin, and this fact became the reason for all kinds of rumors and assumptions. However, the common-law husband of Nadezhda Babkina is not going to give up her positions.

It is known that in 2014 Nadezhda Babkina visited the home of fashion critic Alexander Vasiliev in Paris. And Yevgeny Gore went on a trip abroad with her. It became clear to everyone that the singer remained in favor with her longtime lover. The personal life of Nadezhda Babkina is still actively discussed in the press. One can only admire the talent, beauty and energy of this extraordinary woman.

In this article, the biography of Nadezhda Babkina is presented to your attention in a very concise form. This woman lived interesting life and is not going to stop there. I would like to wish her longevity and new creative achievements.

One of the brightest and most memorable personalities domestic stage is, undoubtedly, Nadezhda Babkina. For over 50 years, she has delighted fans with her stage image and inimitable voice. Her songs conquer entire generations and remain in the hearts of millions. An eventful life and creative career awakens interest in her personality. Always bright, charming and open…

For many years, the star has been charging fans with her energy. But not many people know that she is also a politician. Political activity the singer is aimed at the well-being of her country and the life of the people. For this, she was repeatedly awarded with diplomas and prizes. Her life is always under the gun of paparazzi and fans. She knows how to maintain youth and attractiveness and remain a mystery to others.

In 2018, the People's Artist celebrated her 67th birthday. She was born on March 19th. The time when spring comes into its own, filling everything around with life-giving power. The born girl also breathed in this energy, and, surprisingly, she carried it through her whole life, multiplying it at times.

Homeland of Nadezhda Babkina - Astrakhan region. Parents are the most common. My father held a leadership position in the industrial sector, and my mother taught children in primary school literacy. Nadezhda Georgievna is not the only child in the family. She had a younger brother, whose fate was tragic, he passed away in 2003.

The singer's entire childhood was spent in the Astrakhan steppes. Endless fields of tulips and herbs, which she still remembers with a smile on her face. Sledding in winter and fishing in summer. Babkina's childhood seemed so happy at that time. The beauty of the small motherland left an indelible mark of positive emotions in my memory.

O creative career Nadezhda Babkina dreamed of early childhood. One of the favorite entertainments was home concerts for family members, with songs and dances. The younger brother acted as an accompanist. Acting data was already noticeable in childhood. In addition, the girl was fond of drawing.

Creativity has not gone unnoticed. The musical direction stood out in particular. Parents gave their daughter the first musical instrument- piano. For Babkina, music was desirable, but common sense took over. After graduating from high school, she goes to medical school. However, she studied there for only two years, after which she quit when the desire to become a singer took over.

In 1967, she entered a music school in her small homeland. And already in 1971 she became a student at the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. The so-called Gnesinka. At this time, she receives education at two faculties at once, after which she receives the specialties "Head of the Folk Choir" and "Solo Folk Singing".

Nadezhda Babkina began her professional vocal career in student years. Even while studying at a music school, she got a job in the Astrakhan film distribution, where on the eve of the show she was engaged in performing Russian folk songs. Many visited this place for the amazing live voice of the future celebrity.

At this point, I had an acquaintance with the "creator of music" - Anatoly Gladchenko. She conquers with her talent and becomes his singer. She owned the performance of almost all the songs belonging to Gladchenko.

During the years of study in Moscow, Nadezhda Georgievna skillfully organized the state center of folklore. He released groups of young and talented folk music performers. Stage costumes and images revived the spiritual life Russian people. And all this thanks to the organizational and creative abilities of Babkina.

Thanks to her perseverance and aspiration, in 1993 central Russia I saw the Nizhny Novgorod Carousel festival. It was a celebration of folk talents, where young novice artists were able to demonstrate their skills.

First success and recognition

While studying at Gnesinka, Nadezhda Georgievna, at that time Nadenka, became a soloist of the recently born Russian Song folk ensemble. At first, these were simple performances at student events, where her friends also took part.

At that time, one could only dream of popularity. Hardly anyone will remember the first concerts of the ensemble. Performances were aimed at supporting the work of workers, and often artists had to perform in noisy workshops.

The most memorable performance fell on 1976. It was in Sochi, where the All-Russian competition of the Soviet song was held. A couple of years later, the team won a gold medal in Bratislava at the international folklore competition.

The creative activity of the ensemble went uphill. The most joyful event of those years relates to the conquest of the summit - it was the receipt of the first award at the 2nd All-Russian Vocal Competition. It was a well-deserved award. He received it for the best performance of a folk song. At the same time, the ensemble comes under the care of Mosconcert and eventually becomes popular throughout the country.

Nadezhda Babkina, despite her creative activity, has always found time to improve her skills in the field of music and theater. Thanks to this, the team organized by her received colorful, memorable performances and costumes. The repertoire gradually grew larger, and in the 90s the ensemble already had five solo programs and folklore performances-rituals.

In 1994, the ensemble "Russian Song" was already independent, and in 2000 received the status of the State Theater of Folklore. It was headed by Nadezhda Georgievna.

Television career Babkina

Being by nature bright, fashionable and always young, the honored artist never rested on her laurels. To the status of a singer, theater actress, she decided to add the status of a TV presenter.

Since 2010, she has been performing on Channel One as a co-host of the Fashion Sentence program. This is another place where Babkina can show off not only her talents, but also her beauty.

During her long career, Nadezhda Babkina was repeatedly awarded orders and medals. The first awards date back to the end of the 80s - the Lenin Komsomol Prize. Already in 1986, she bore the title of Honored, and in 1993 - People's Artist of the RSFSR. She was repeatedly awarded for the development of the cultural and social heritage of individual regions, which could not go unnoticed at the level of the whole country.

She is also the owner of the Order "For the revival of the traditions of charity and patronage." A simple Russian woman has a large number of awards of various degrees for services to the fatherland and a great contribution to the development of culture and art.

Personal life, family

If the career of the artist was very successful, it was not so smooth with her personal life. The happiness of married life befell Nadezhda only once. She married Vladimir Zasedatelev while still a student.

He was also creative profession, and they met at one of the festivals. Six months later they got married. In 1975, their son Daniel appeared in their lives.

Babkin's married life was not particularly pleasing. Jealousy and anxiety for 17 years. After that, unable to withstand the betrayal and betrayal by her husband, she takes the child and draws up a divorce.

It was hard times in the life of an artist. To distract from problems, she is completely immersed in her career and creativity. Years later, her personal life again acquires colors. In 2003, by the will of fate, she met a young promising singer. Evgeny Gor has become a reliable support, which he has remained for many years now.

This union received a lot of negativity and sometimes even aggression. And all because the age difference between Babkina and her chosen one is 30 years. At some point, this shocked the public, and everyone made predictions about the fragility of the union. However, this couple is still together and get along well, giving each other warmth and care.

Babkina's creative career was predetermined by fate. Her family was rich in talents. His father had a musical education and owned several instruments at once. In many ways, the character of a woman depended on Cossack blood. She truly became strong-willed, purposeful and never retreated in the face of difficulties. Even when mountains rose along the way, she climbed higher and higher, and at the same time pulled many behind her.

Almost every resident of our country and neighboring countries knows her work. She built her career only with her own work and talent. Never went "over the heads."

Nadezhda Babkina now - latest news

Nadezhda Babkina can always be recognized by her colorful folk outfits. She always smiles and shines with beauty. Many people wonder how old Nadezhda Babkina is. Not everyone will believe it, but this year she celebrated her sixty-seventh birthday.

Babkina herself does not hide the fact that she regularly uses cosmetic services. Thanks to sports proper nutrition and to cosmetologists, a woman at less than seventy looks almost twice as young. This allows her to always be surrounded by fans and family members.

This year, Babkina left the position of one of the hosts of the Fashion Sentence program, but did not leave the public. She, as before, continues her creative career.


Always bright, cheerful and selfless. Illuminates with his talent for many years. Happy wife, mother and grandmother. Life did not always bring her gifts, everything was only thanks to long and hard work.

Throughout her life, she surrounded herself with true friends and created close-knit creative teams. Nadezhda Babkina has rightfully earned the status of an artist from the people and for the people. She is exceptionally sensitive to the soul of a Russian person.

In an instant, Nadezhda Babkina is able to conquer the entire hall. inner strength and amazing energy allowed her to achieve considerable success, to pass life's trials with dignity.

Her personal life is surrounded by gossip and talk. But from all difficult situations, the artist came out with her head held high.


On March 19, 2015, Nadezhda celebrated her 65th birthday. Few people know that the famous performer was born in the village of Cherny Yar, which is located near Astrakhan. Her father came from a Cossack family, he held a good post on the collective farm. Nadia's mother worked as a school teacher. Two years after the birth of her daughter, she gave birth to a son.

Nadezhda Babkina in childhood with her brother Valery

The girl's parents were serious and respected people, and Nadia was a tomboy in a skirt. She spent all her childhood on the banks of the Volga. Together with the guys they fished, swam in the river, rolled down the mountain in the snow, played in the yard.

Babkina from childhood was distinguished by artistry. Her father loved to sing and played many instruments. FROM early years Nadia thought about a creative profession. But her parents wanted her to become a doctor or a teacher.


Also in primary school Nadezhda began to perform on stage with folk songs in front of students and teachers. Teachers talked about her talent and prospects, her parents were proud of her. Nadia went to a creative circle, where she finally chose the profession of a singer.

After school, she began to study music at the Astrakhan School. She defended her diploma in 1969 and immediately began performing in the cinema. Before the film was shown, she went on stage and performed her songs.

In 1971, Babkina went to the capital and entered the educational institution them. Gnesins. There she graduated from two faculties at once. Studying at the university helped her gain the necessary skills and knowledge in the performance of Russian folk compositions. During his studies, the Russian Song ensemble was created under the direction of Babkina.

The first performances gathered a few halls. In 1976, the ensemble performed at the All-Russian Song Contest. Then popularity came to the team.

In 1981, the Moscow Folklore Center was opened under the name "Russian Song". The Babkina Ensemble gathered full houses. The performances of the girls were colorful and spectacular. Nadezhda staged five programs where she sang solo. In 1985, she entered the courses of the directing department at GITIS.


In 1994, the Babkina Ensemble became a separate organization subordinate to the Moscow Committee of Culture, and in 2000 - the State Musical Folklore Theater, which was still led by Nadezhda.

The ensemble consisted of girls, and soon male artists and talented students of the Gnessin Institute were added to it. The group had its own individual style of performing Russian songs with modern elements. Nadezhda staged all the performances herself. The ensemble's repertoire includes performances-ceremonies: Shrovetide, Carols, Wedding.

Babkina and her team gave many concerts in Russia and abroad. The artists glorified the rich culture of the people of Russia. They spoke to officials in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. The Russian Song team existed for 40 years and left about two thousand songs to the listeners.

Since the beginning of 1994, many records with the singer's songs have been released. Among them are quite popular folk compositions, as well as not too well-known songs from the hinterlands of Russia. Babkina published the books Russian Folk Singers and From the Repertoire of the Russian Song Ensemble. Some universities use these collections as textbooks.

In 1986, Babkina began to bear the title of Honored Artist, and six years later she received the status of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In addition, she has a large number of awards, she was awarded the rank of colonel of the Cossack troops.

For 10 years, the singer hosted the Babkin Dom program, which aired on Russian Radio. Costumes for the artist were prepared by such famous Russian designers as Slava Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin. This collaboration led to the fact that in 2010 Babkina became the co-host of the Fashion Sentence program.

Personal life

Hope has never been deprived of attention from men. But she was only married once. At 24, they married Vladimir Zasedatelev, who was a musician and drummer. They met at a festival where they performed together. After 6 months, the young people signed. In 1975, the couple had a son, who was named Daniel.

The artists have been together for seventeen years. The husband could not come to terms with the great fame of his wife, he was constantly jealous of her. As a result, he himself started an affair on the side and, at the request of his mistress, secretly divorced. Upon learning of her husband's betrayal, Nadezhda left forever, taking Daniel with her.

Trying to protect herself from sad thoughts and experiences, the singer plunged headlong into her work. She did not look at the men, her heart seemed to turn to stone. Some time passed until Nadezhda finally recovered from the shock. She began to go on dates, allowed herself to be looked after.

Suddenly, in 2003, she had new lover. Nadezhda acted as a judge at a song contest, where Yevgeny Gor got into. Babkina fell in love with a young and talented singer. New romance shocked the audience. Of course, it was not without condemnation and gossip. Friends and colleagues dissuaded the singer, they said that Eugene was using her.

Gore is 30 years younger than Babkina. Despite the fact that there are rumors in the press about their separation, they have not been together for the first year, and few people doubt the sincerity of their feelings.

Soon a new beloved man appeared in her life. On the eve of her 60th birthday, the singer became a grandmother. Son Daniel and his fiancee Tatiana gave Babkina grandson George. Later granddaughters Vera and Martha were born.

Nadezhda Babkina today

It is impossible to believe that Babkina was born in 1950. Despite her age, the artist still looks amazing. slim and taut figure, fresh velvety skin - this is how the singer appears before the audience. She admits that she follows a strict diet, and does not hide the presence of lifting operations on her face.

The main secret of her youth lies in her endless energy, openness, activity, dedication to her work.

Hope participates in political life states. She, as a well-known pop singer, tries to influence the culture of the country. Babkina is a representative of the ruling party, she is a confidant of the current President V. Putin. The artist is actively involved in social activities.

She travels to different cities Russia, communicates with artists, leaders and directors of circles, theaters, collects and analyzes the information received, and then transfers it to the presidential reception.

The love of singing in the future artist woke up in her early childhood and was passed on from her father, who played different instruments and had good vocals.

In 1967, Nadezhda Babkina entered the Astrakhan School of Music and two years later she began working as a soloist-vocalist at the Regional Directorate of Cinema and Film Distribution in Astrakhan - she sang in the cinema before the start of the sessions.

In 1971, Babkina entered the conducting and choral faculty of the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins. Four years later, she formed the first composition of the Russian Song ensemble. The first tour of the folk ensemble took place in factory and factory shops with working machines. The first small success happened in 1976 - it was a performance in Sochi at the All-Russian Soviet Song Contest in 1976.

In 1985, Nadezhda entered the Higher Theater Courses at GITIS. A. V. Lunacharsky to the faculty of stage directors and mass performances, which gave her the opportunity to create her own concert numbers and productions. Also, Nadezhda Babkina took an active part in directing and staging the landmark performance of the Russian Song Theater - Forged Wheel, in which she played leading role Fate.

The first album of Nadezhda and her ensemble "Russian Song" - "Soul in the Steppe" was released in 1986. In total, the singer released 16 records, including: “The reeds rustled”, “Cossack Nadya”, “I believed, I believed”, “Black moth”, “How we are hungry!”, “Lady Russian”, “I didn’t think, I didn’t know”, Grand Collection, "Four Yards", "Forged Wheel", "Ducks Are Flying", "In the Star Dance", "Songs of Russia", "Babkin's Rock" and "New and Unpublished".

In 1994, the folklore center "Russian Song" became an independent organization under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Committee of Culture. As of the beginning of 2012, the Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore "Russian Song" included 10 groups and performers: ensembles "Russian Song", "Russian Song XXI Century", "Slavs", folk-rock group "After 11", Evgeny Gor, show-ballet " living planet", ballet under the direction of Nikolai Androsov "Russian Seasons", Theater of Folk Music named after Dmitry Pokrovsky under the direction of Tamara Smyslova, children's studio "Heritage", balalaika virtuoso Dmitry Kalinin aka Crazybalalaika.

Since 2010, Nadezhda has also been one of the hosts of the Fashion Sentence talk show on Channel One.

Personal life

The first husband of Nadezhda Babkina was the drummer of the VIA "Leisya, song" Vladimir Zasedatelev. The artist lived with him for 17 years and gave birth to a man's son Daniel in 1975. After the singer began to live in civil marriage with singer Yevgeny Gor, who is 30 years younger than the artist. The last passion of the artist was the 37-year-old son of the mayor of Moscow, Anton Sobyanin.

Interesting Facts

She sang for the Atamansha in the cartoon "The New Bremen Town Musicians" and for the film "My Big Armenian Wedding"

Since 2010, she has been one of the hosts of the Fashion Sentence talk show on Channel One.

She starred in the films: "TASS is authorized to declare ...", "Who is the singer married to?", "If you only knew ...", " The Snow Queen", "Merry Neighbors", "Stupid Star", "Love"

In 2012, she was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for the President of the Russian Federation and the current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

March 11, 2014 signed the appeal of cultural figures Russian Federation in support of the policy of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea

He is an active member of the United Russia party

Surname by husband - Zasedateleva


1986 - Soul in the steppe

1994 - Noisy reeds

1995 - Cossack Nadia

1998 - I believed, I believed

1999 - Black moth

2000 - How we want!

2001 - Lady Russian

2004 - I didn’t think, I didn’t know - with the Discomafia group

2004 - Grand Collection

2006 - Four courtyards

2006 - Forged wheel

2007 - Ducks are flying

2007 - In a star dance

2008 - Songs of Russia

2010 - Babkin rock - with the group "After 11"

2010 - New and Unreleased

Awards and titles

Lenin Komsomol Prize, 1978

Title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, 1986

Title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, 1992. For great merits in the field of musical art

Gold medal "For scientific work" International Academy of Information Sciences, Information Processes and Technologies, 1998

Order of Honor, 1999. For services to the state, a great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, many years of fruitful activity in the field of culture and art

Over time, thanks life together, husband and wife begin to slowly acquire common features. Both in appearance and in character and demeanor. Each of the spouses begins to instinctively copy the facial expressions and gestures of their lover. It has even been proven by many scientific research. Moreover, those spouses who live happily in marriage become similar.

Fans have also noticed this. Russian singer Hope Babkina. In mid-December, the People's Artist of Russia published in social network photos with her common-law husband Yevgeny Gor.

Many Internet users have noticed that Nadezhda and Eugene are similar to each other, like brother and sister. Moreover, like twins. “It’s necessary such a similarity, surprisingly, they are very similar, there really are two halves ...”. “They are very similar. So, you will always be together. Such comments are left by benevolent subscribers on the singer's Instagram.

Indeed, looking closely, you can see individual details of the external similarity. And this is despite the fact that the performer of folk songs is thirty years older than her common-law husband. Now Babkina is 67 years old, and her chosen one is 37. They have been together for fourteen years. But lovers do not feel this difference.

Thanks to Eugene's love, Nadezhda feels several decades younger. Judging by the way the singer's eyes glow, Babkina and Gore actually live in perfect harmony. Perhaps the secret of a strong marriage lies in the fact that only three days a week the couple spends together. Apparently, they only manage to miss each other. And they simply do not have time for quarrels and conflicts.

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