Psychic Mohsen Noruzi prophesied the future of Ksenia Sobchak, Olga Buzova, Paulina Andreeva, Alexander Panayotov, Alena Vodonaeva and others. Mohsen Noruzi: “Sobchak will give birth to a daughter, Buzova will start a new romance, and Bondarchuk will part with Andreeva Psychics

The next season of "The Battle of Psychics" has started on the TV screen. For ten years now, the participants in the program have been communicating with spirits, seeing the past and predicting the future. An endless string of magicians and sorcerers replace each other. Many of them are very fond of the public: someone has got crowds of fans and monetizes their popularity, someone has devoted himself entirely to his family, and someone is fighting for his life.


Recently, the winner of the first season, Natalya Vorotnikova, launched her own reality show "Magicians", in which she helps viewers deal with difficult situations. Also, the clairvoyant provides individual consultations in a specialized center, where she corrects destinies, removes damage and eliminates alcohol addiction. And although Vorotnikova considers helping people her life's work, she contributes by no means for free.

Psychic Swami Dashi puts all his strength into developing himself as a brand. Swami opened a meditation center, gives lectures, seminars, and also published two books - "Rebirth" and "Wolf. Reflections on the main thing." But, despite the efforts made, Dashi is better known as a defendant in all sorts of scandals. Last year, the meditation guru provoked a conflict on a plane, and a few months later he was arrested for driving a stolen car.

Some participants try to earn more earthly ways. The winner of the 15th season, Julia Wang, discovered the talents of a perfumer and designer - she sews clothes, develops new fragrances, creates Hand Made dolls. It is worth noting that the girl has dramatically changed not only her career strategy, but also her appearance. Wang got rid of chic curls, abandoned girlish outfits and lost a lot of weight - this made her once feminine image a little androgynous. What is behind such drastic changes can only be guessed at.

Nicole Kuznetsova, a participant in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics, has been suffering from a serious illness since childhood and has undergone about 280 operations. The girl is forced to breathe through a tracheotomy tube, which is inserted into her throat, which does not affect her quality of life in the best way. In February, Nicole's condition worsened and now the psychic is busy with her health most of her time.

Victoria Rydos and Marilyn Kerro directed their magical energy to create a new life. Both girls are pregnant, which, without being afraid of the evil eye, was reported on social networks. Despite the interesting situation, psychics continue to work. For example, at the end of May, Victoria plans to meet with fans at a week-long seminar in Turkey - the cost of participation in the event starts from 1.5 thousand dollars.

In the world of show business, there are many secretive couples who not only keep silent about the details of their personal lives, but also try to appear together in public as little as possible ... How is family life built between such celebrities? Psychic Nadezhda Shevchenko answers this question!

Ryan Gosling (37) and Eva Mendes (44)

Eva has exhausted herself with jealousy, and Ryan is tired of fighting off accusations and making excuses, so their marriage is on the verge of collapse. Perhaps Mendes convicted Gosling of treason and that is why she lost her peace and faith in their common future. The thought does not leave her that there is someone third in their relationship, and this deprives her of the joy of life. Unfortunately, their marriage is doomed.

Vera Brezhneva (36 years old) and Konstantin Meladze (54 years old)

This is a stable union! Sometimes the relationship of these people can be tense, and they themselves can be unbearable, but all because they are both creative personalities. Heaviness is always followed by complete harmony. As far as I can see, Konstantin has health problems. Vera protects him and, like a loving wife, tries to hide this information from the press.

Keti Topuria (31 years old) and Guf (38 years old)

I don't see their relationship turning into something serious. They are more like friends who support each other than a couple in love. Keti sincerely trusts Guf, and he trusts her. Their friendship will be long, but it will not turn into a romantic relationship.

Evgeny Tsyganov (39 years old) and Yulia Snigir (34 years old)

There is true love between Yulia and Eugene, but there are so many factors against their feelings that they want to escape to a desert island. If we talk about passion, then today there has been some calm in the couple. This is especially true for Julia. She has a poor idea of ​​their future joint path. You know, when you fight for something with the whole world, it increases desire and passion, and when the struggle ends, there is a period of emptiness. Let this emptiness be transformed into a sustainable relationship.

Irina Shayk (32) and Bradley Cooper (43)

There is a saying: ‘You cannot enter the same river twice’, and it describes this union very accurately. Previously, Cooper's mother could be blamed for the discord between Irina and Bradley, who spoiled their relationship, but today he himself is to blame for everything. Everything is falling apart and they both know it. Unfortunately, this couple is not destined to be together for a long time, so soon each of them will go their own way.

Ekaterina Klimova (40 years old) and Gela Meskhi (31 years old)

This love happened like an explosion. She turned Catherine's life upside down, and to this day, no matter what anyone says, the actress is immensely happy. Klimova is very superstitious, does not like to evaluate her personal life and relationships in their family. Catherine has every right to this, and may her happiness last longer. Gela is a complex person, stubborn and touchy. But Catherine found an approach to him and knows how to pacify her husband, making their relationship harmonious.

Julia Peresild (33 years old) and Alexey Uchitel (66 years old)

In our society it is customary to judge and condemn. Of course, Yulia and Alexei have a huge age difference, but no one forbade them to love. The teacher loves Peresild, takes care of her and the children, but officially she is unlikely to become his wife. Most likely, she will remain as a favorite, and then she will meet her love - a man 10 years younger than her - and marry him! Here is such a fate-mockingbird.

Danila Kozlovsky (32 years old) and Olga Zueva (30 years old)

Very strange relationship - then fade away, then reborn. Sometimes they themselves do not understand the reason for their disagreements. Both are stubborn and want to dominate each other at all costs, which is difficult. Although, perhaps, this is the strength of their union. Each of them has their own concept of family. Let's keep an eye on this couple.

Timati (34 years old) and Anastasia Reshetova (22 years old)

Anastasia loves Timati, as she loves her love for him. The relationship in this couple is not easy. From love to hate, one step is their case. Relations are abruptly interrupted, then resumed with renewed vigor, overflowing with passion. Eventually both will get tired of it. However, this year Anastasia and Timati will delight fans by showing their passion and love for each other. Perhaps Reshetova will have a rival. And not alone. The story is interesting, the main thing is that they do not burn out.

Do you believe in psychic predictions? Or do you think the future is unpredictable?

By the way, have you read the quotes of Kate Middleton and Prince William about family life? Not? Then you! 😉

Famous Azerbaijani psychic Ziraddin Rzayev, who lives and works in Moscow, revealed a number of shocking predictions to

Ziraddin Rzayev was a finalist of the 6th season of the "Battle of Psychics" program on TNT channel, participated in the "Psychics Are Investigating" project, where the most powerful magicians were invited.

- Ziraddin, were you scared during your participation in both projects?

It used to. For example, in Yaroslavl, Satanists killed girls, ate their tongues and hearts. I saw in my vision how everything happened, and I could not hold back my tears. Not scary, but painful because the girls died. And in Ryazan, after working in the famous House of Death, I myself suffered - I lost my wallet. And there were: a passport, bank cards, rights, documents for the car. I had to urgently go to Baku and restore the documents. I realized that the dark forces sent me misfortune from the House of Death - after all, I promised the tenants that I would return and clean the house. But the dark forces did everything to prevent me from returning there.

- Didn't you feel, didn't you see that a loss could happen?

I felt something was going to happen, but I couldn't figure out what it was. It is wrong to think that clairvoyants know and see everything. Only God knows everything. He gave me the opportunity to see some events that other people cannot see. This gift is both good and bad. I have the opportunity to help people - good. On the other hand, I do not sleep well, I often see nightmares, death - other people's tragedies, which I cannot prevent. How old do you think I am? 40-45? In fact, there are not even thirty. And my hair is already turning gray.

- At what age did you realize that you were special, not like everyone else?

Even during pregnancy, my mother dreamed of one of the assistants of the Prophet Muhammad. He told her in a dream: I will be your son's godfather. And I was born already circumcised. Everyone around wondered how this was possible.

- You had to communicate and work with some show business stars, tell us about this experience.

It's true, many famous people turn to me for help, recommend me to their friends. Who exactly and how I helped, I will not say, it is incorrect. I am close friends with Stas Piekha, we are spiritual brothers with him. We see each other almost every day, together we participated in the project "Voice of Ukraine", it's like the Russian "Star Factory".

Did I predict the future for Stas? (Laughs) No, he didn't ask. But I always surprise him. For example, we play cards, and suddenly I say what cards Stas has in his hands. Stas immediately shouts: "Brother, this is not fair!" But he still sits down with me to play, although I win almost all the time. (Smiling.)

- With your talent to play in a casino, you would become a billionaire!

- (Laughs.) I didn't go, but I have to try.

May I ask you to answer some questions about celebrities? What does the husband of Christina Orbakaite and the father of her little daughter Mikhail Zemtsov do? There are various rumors: either he is a bandit, or an American oligarch.

I see that he still has a child, older than Christina's daughter. Apparently from his first marriage. He is definitely running a small business, like a restaurant, maybe he has a chain of cafes. He is a small businessman, not an oligarch or a bandit, that's for sure.

- Why has Elena Vaenga, the sweetest before, suddenly become vicious and curses lately?

Oh, Elena Vaenga is my favorite singer, I especially love her song "Chopin". Elena has a very strong evil eye. From this nervous breakdown, I can see it very clearly.

- How long will the popularity of Stas Mikhailov last?

This is a difficult question, the singer may be offended by me. Let's say this: in the next 7 months, everything will be fine in the artist's creative life. (Judging by the intonations of Ziraddin, then the popularity of the chanson star will decline. - Auth.).

Ziraddin, on May 27 (in different years) a lot of celebrities died: the poet Arseny Tarkovsky, the actress Inna Gulaya, the actors Vitaly Solomin and Nikolai Eremenko Jr. Do "terrible" numbers in the calendar really exist? Do you believe in the magic of numbers?

A certain numerical mechanism really exists in our world, coincidences are far from accidental.

And what about cities that attract all sorts of troubles? For example, in Bryansk this year there were so many incidents: a child was killed in a car; the stroller with the baby fell into the ground; operated by a maniac...

Why all this happened in Bryansk, I can’t tell you now - I have to visit this city. But I said a year ago that 2012 will bring many troubles, this is the year of aggression. In Russia, against the background of other countries, it will still be relatively calm.

Will the end of the world still happen?

When we talk about the end of the world, we annoy the Almighty. It turns out that we want him to destroy the world, since we are talking about this? Talking about the end of the world is a sin. God alone knows when our world will cease to exist.

- At least tell me when Russia will stop drinking too much?

I will say this: there is a lot of drunkenness both in America and in Europe. And we are told that Russia is a drinking country. This is manipulation of an entire people at the global level - to instill complexes, a sense of inferiority. One of the points of the program for the destruction of the country. In Russia, the greatest scientists, writers, why don't they talk about it? Only drunkards, it turns out, live?!

- When will a cure for AIDS be invented?

Very soon. And oncology will become a curable disease, a cure will be found in Turkey.

- Is it true that your wife was your client first, and then you got married?

Truth. She was losing consciousness, the doctors could not make a diagnosis. And she came to me, I treated her, and then got married. We have two children - son Ruslan and daughter Aina. And soon another child will be born, I know it will be a boy.

The famous psychic Mohsen Noruzi, whose prophecies are listened to by thousands of people, made a forecast for the near future for the most talked about people of recent times. In the Russian magazine "StarHit" they published prophecies to media personalities: and others.


It is no secret that the famous psychic enjoys great authority, since his prophecies do come true, which is why we present his predictions to famous people.

The psychic saw the near future for which is recent. According to Noruzi, everything will work out for Olga Buzova and in a month she will fly away to rest with her new boyfriend.

Buzova will have two boyfriends on the horizon at once. With one of them in February, she will fly away to rest. Olga will have three marriages and the same number of children. For another four years, she will flicker in various projects, after which she will disappear from the screens.

This couple does not need marriage. Having registered the relationship and having played a beautiful wedding, the director and actress will part after some time. Paulina is a wild bird, insidious, free, unbridled, thirsty for wanderings and adventures. Fedor will not fly with her for a long time. I don’t see marriage with Svetlana, Bondarchuk’s ex-wife, but a man will appear in her life who will become her close friend and ally. She will forgive her ex-wife years later, she will do it from the heart and forever.

The famous psychic foresaw changes in his life, which is recent. The star already has a suitable boyfriend, but so far she hasn’t talked about him.

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