We walked along a narrow path. We walked along a narrow path along it. I. By repeating what was learned in the primary grades



We walk along a narrow path by the shore of a large lake. The sun rises over the nearby forest. A blue lake sparkles under the bright rays of the sun. Behind him lay a swamp. It's dangerous to walk here.

We are entering the green space. They stand in straight rows tall pines. A rare ray of sun pours through the dense greenery. It's cold under the trees. Silence and silence in the forest.

Fluffy squirrels live in this area. Here the animal jumped from branch to branch, dropped a pine cone. We stood at the edge and went to the village. A steep climb leads uphill. There is the end of our journey.

Grammar task. Underline the subject and predicate; parse noun. along the path, lake, shore

No. 2 CONTROL DICTION (syntax and punctuation)

The weather began to change. From behind the distant horizon, low clouds raced and approached. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds, flashed in a blue gap and disappeared. It got dark. A sharp wind came up. He rustled with reeds, threw dry leaves into the water and drove them along the river. “It will rain,” Nina said.

The wind blows from new force, wrinkles the surface of the river, and then subsides. The reeds rustled, and mugs appeared on the water from the first drops. The river bubbled up as the torrential rain lashed out in a continuous streak. Valery shouted loudly: "Let's run, guys."

But then the wind died down, the sun came out. Rare drops of rain fell to the ground. They hung in the grass, and every drop reflected the sun.

Grammar task. Parsing (last sentence)

No. 3 CONTROL DICTION (syntax and punctuation)

Hot day. The rays of the sun break through the dense green foliage. My throat is dry, I want to drink. But there is no water nearby.

The traveler paves the way among the impenetrable forest thickets. Difficult road. What can be seen there among the branches of the tree? A curved branch or a huge boa constrictor dangling its flexible body?

A field ahead. You can take a break. But even here you have to be careful. In the bushes flashed the striped side of a terrible beast. But he did not notice the man, he passed by.

The weary traveler lies down on the grass and watches carefully. Colorful butterflies and bugs fly and spin. Busy bees crawl into the cups of flowers. Ants drag dry blades of grass into their anthill. Life is full of adventure everywhere.

It seems that I would lie like that all day, peering into the dense juicy thickets.

grammar task Parsing (last sentence)


It was a hot July day. With slanting hot rays, the sun burned the dry earth. Thick dust rose along the road and filled the air. The clouds coalesced into a large cloud. There was a distant thunder.

And now the clouds have covered the sun. It looked into last time and disappeared. Everything in nature has changed dramatically.

3. Make phrases with the word young illustrating different meanings this word.


Land with grassy vegetation is called a meadow. The most valuable meadows are located in floodplains. Every year in the spring, during floods, the floodplains are flooded with water. The water subsides, and meadow plants in moist soil grow rapidly. Under the bright sun, the meadows turn green and are covered with a thick carpet of fragrant herbs.

A lot of interesting things can be seen in the meadow! Here a small beetle sits on a blade of grass, a grasshopper jumped and disappeared into the grass. Butterflies flew in the dance. A homely bumblebee is buzzing.

In the meadows there are quails, partridges, nesting rare bird bustard. Cranes live in some places. Here you can meet a hare, because he is very fond of leguminous plants. Moles, mice, and frogs live in dense meadow grass.

The meadows are used as hayfields and pastures. They mow grass and make hay. Cows, horses, sheep eat meadow plants with appetite.

(From the encyclopedia) (120 words)

1. Option 1: write out words with alternating vowels in the root - growth-, - growth-. Graphically explain the choice of vowel.

Option 2: write out words with alternating vowels in the root - lag-, - false-. Graphically explain the choice of vowel.

2. 1st option: write out single-Korean words with the root - water-, sort them out by composition. Option 2: write out single-Korean words with the root - meadow-, sort them out by composition.

No. 8 Control dictation (Morphology and spelling)


That's what I happened to observe in the Sayan Mountains. A coniferous fir forest grew there. There is no grass in the fir forest at all. Only small rowans turn green in the glades. Once caterpillars attacked the forest and ate the needles. The firs have dried up.

Thirty years later, this place was unrecognizable. Instead of a dark fir forest, a rowan forest grew, light and sunny. Carved rowan leaves transmit light well. Many birds appeared in the fieldfare. Thrushes and starlings flew into rowan trees so that the branches cracked. Orange berries rained down. Many berries fell into the soil. From them grew young mountain ash. The rowan forest grew thicker and thicker. And then fir trees began to grow again in the forest. Small at first, then higher and higher. And again the mountain ash had to retreat to the glades.

(A. Smirnov) (114 words)

1. Find words with vowel alternation at the root. Graphically explain the choice of vowel. Write down the exception words with this root.

2. Find words with the spelling "Letters and, s after c." Explain the spelling. Write down the words - exceptions to this rule.

3. Disassemble the composition of the independent parts of speech of the 4th sentence.

#9 Control Dictation (Noun)

Rose hip

barbed thorns wild rose you will meet near Moscow and in Siberia, in Central Asia and on Far East. Rose hip - forest plant. The scent of flowers is like a rose. The fruits are red berries with a thick skin.

Rosehip happens different types. The most beautiful grows on Sakhalin Island. Its leaves appear velvety as they are all finely wrinkled. The fruits are so large that they are called Sakhalin apples. Wrinkled wild rose settles at the very edge of the seashore. The fruits fall into the water, float past the beaches and rocks. The surf picks them up and smashes them against the rocks. The seeds spill out. Waves grind them with sand. The skin becomes thinner. The seeds germinate quickly. And new rosehip bushes are added to the beach.

In Central Asia, wild roses with white and golden flowers grow high in the mountains. All wild roses have powerful rhizomes, strong as iron rods. They do a good job of strengthening the soil. Even heavy rains do not wash away the soil from the mountains where the wild rose grows.

(A. Smirnov) (142 words)

1. First write out your own nouns with unstressed endings, then common nouns. Determine the declension and case of these nouns.

2. In words with alternating vowels at the root, underline the condition for choosing the spelling.

No. 10 Control dictation (adjective)

bird cherry

Cherry blossoms earlier than other trees. Against the background of the still dark forest, the lush white tassels of her flowers are especially elegant.

Under the black bark, the bird cherry has red-brown wood, like the most valuable tropical trees.

In the Far East, bird cherry grows, which has leaves of different shapes. Rounded below, oval above, pointed at the very top. And the leaves of this bird cherry surprise with their color. Bronze in spring, green in summer and purple in autumn.

The fruits of the Far Eastern bird cherry are large, juicy, but not edible. A treat for bears only. The bear climbs a tree, sits comfortably and eats branch after branch. He will eat the berries, break the branch and tuck it under him. There are many such branches. The tree takes on a strange look. It seems as if a strange bird has built a nest on it.

(A. Smirnov). (111 words)

1. Underline the grammatical basis of the highlighted sentence.

2. From what adjectives of the text can a short form be formed? Write short adjectives in the feminine and in the plural. Put stress on the written words.

We had nowhere to hide. Now it became dark, and the rustle of grass sounded louder, frightened. Thunder roared - and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Heavy rain poured down in streams, and one after another, thunderclaps began to rumble incessantly in the desert steppe. Grass, bent by the blows of wind and rain, fell to the ground. Everything was trembling, worried.

Lightning, blinding the eyes, tore the clouds... In the blue brilliance of them, a mountain range rose in the distance, sparkling with blue lights, silver and cold, and when the lightning went out, it disappeared, as if falling into a dark abyss. Everything thundered, shuddered, repelled sounds and gave birth to them. It was as if the cloudy and angry sky was clearing itself with fire from the dust and all the abomination that had risen to it from the earth, and the earth seemed to tremble in fear of his wrath.

Shakro grumbled like a frightened dog. And I had fun, I somehow rose above the ordinary, watching this mighty gloomy picture of a steppe thunderstorm. Marvelous chaos captivated and set in a heroic mood, embracing the soul with formidable harmony ...

And I wanted to take part in it, to express in some way the feeling of admiration that overwhelmed me before this force. The blue flame that engulfed the sky seemed to be burning in my chest; and - how was I to express my great excitement and my delight?

I sang - loudly, with all my might. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, grass rustled, and I sang and felt in full kinship with all sounds ... I - went crazy; this is forgivable, for it harmed no one but me. A storm on the sea and a thunderstorm in the steppe! - I do not know more grandiose phenomena in nature.

So, I shouted, firmly convinced that I would not bother anyone with such behavior and I would not put anyone in the need to subject my course of action to severe criticism. But suddenly I was strongly pulled by the legs, and I involuntarily sat down in a puddle ...

Shakro looked into my face with serious and angry eyes.

- You are crazy? Did he get off? Nat? Well, for-amalchi! Don't scream! I'll rip your throat out! Panymaesh?

I was amazed and at first asked him why I was bothering him ...

- You're scaring! Understood? Thunder rumbles - God speaks, and you aresh ... What do you think?

I told him that I had the right to sing if I wanted to, and so did he.

- Do not sing! I agreed.

- And you ne sing! - strictly inspired Shakro.

No, I'd rather...

“Listen, what do you think? Shakro spoke angrily. - Who are you?

Do you have a house? Do you have a mother? Father? Are there relatives? Earth? Who are you on earth? Are you human, you think? It's me man! Mene has everything! .. - He tapped his chest.

- I'm a prince! .. And you ... you - snarling! Nychego net! And the mene knows Kutais, Tyflys!.. Panymaish?

You ne go protyv mene! Are you serving me? - Be happy! I will pay you ten times!

Are you doing this to me? You can't do otherwise; you yourself said that God commanded to serve everyone without a reward! I will reward you! Why are you torturing me? Do you teach, do you scare? Do you want me to be like you? This is ne harasho! Eh, eh, eh!.. Fu, fu!..

He spoke, smacked, snorted, sighed... I looked into his face, gaping in amazement. He, obviously, poured out before me all the indignation, resentment and dissatisfaction with me, accumulated during the entire time of our journey. For greater persuasiveness, he jabbed his finger into my chest and shook me by the shoulder, and especially strong points pounced on me with all his carcass. Rain poured down on us, thunder rumbled continuously over us, and Shakro, in order to be heard by me, shouted at the top of his voice.

The tragicomic nature of my situation stood out to me most clearly and made me burst out laughing as much as I could ...

Shakro, spitting, turned away from me.

... The closer we got to Tiflis, the more concentrated and sullen Shakro became. Something new appeared on his emaciated, but still motionless face.

Not far from Vladikavkaz, we went to a Circassian aul and contracted there to collect corn.

After working for two days among the Circassians, who, almost without speaking Russian, incessantly laughed at us and scolded us in their own way, we decided to leave the village, frightened by the growing hostility towards us among the villagers. Having moved ten versts from the aul, Shakro suddenly pulled out a bundle of Lezgin kisei from his bosom and triumphantly showed it to me, exclaiming:

- No more work to do! We sell - we buy everything! Enough to Tyflys!


I was indignant to the point of fury, tearing out the muslin, threw it aside and looked back. Circassians don't joke. Shortly before that, we heard the following story from the Cossacks: one tramp, leaving the village where he worked, took an iron spoon with him. The Circassians caught up with him, searched him, found a spoon with him and, having cut open his stomach with a dagger, thrust the spoon deep into the wound, and then calmly left, leaving him in the steppe, where the Cossacks raised him half-dead. He told this to them and died on the road to the village. The Cossacks more than once strictly warned us against the Circassians, telling instructive stories in this spirit - I had no reason not to believe them.

I began to remind Shakro about this. He stood in front of me, listening, and suddenly, silently, baring his teeth and screwing up his eyes, rushed at me like a cat. For about five minutes we thoroughly beat each other, and, finally, Shakro shouted at me in anger:

- Budet! ..

Exhausted, we were silent for a long time, sitting opposite each other ... Shakro looked pathetically at the place where I had thrown the stolen muslin, and spoke:

What were they fighting for? Fa, fa, fa!.. Very stupid. Did I steal from you? What are you sorry? It’s a pity for Mine tebe, he stole the patamu ... You work, I don’t know how ... What should Mine do? Wanted to help you...

I tried to explain to him that there is a theft ...

– Please, ma-alchi! The tebe has a galava like a tree ... - he treated me contemptuously and explained: - You wake up to die - you wake up to steal? Well! Is this life?

Afraid of irritating him again, I remained silent. This was the second case of theft. Even earlier, when we were in the Black Sea region, he stole a pocket scale from the Greek fishermen.

Then we almost got into a fight.

- Well, let's go further? he said, when both of us had somewhat calmed down, reconciled and rested.

- A day or two will pass - we will come to Tyflys. Tse, tse! - he smacked his tongue and blossomed all over. - I'll come home - where have you been? Traveled! I’ll go to the bathhouse ... yeah! I will eat a lot ... oh, a lot! I'll tell my mother - I really want to eat! I'll tell my father - simple mene! I've seen grief, I've seen life - different! Tramps are very bad people! I’ll meet you when I’ll give you a ruble, paveda in a dukhan, I’ll say - drink wine, I myself was a tramp! I'll tell my father about tebe... Here's a man - he was mine like an older brother... He taught mene. Bil mane, dog! .. Feeding. Now, I'll tell you, feed him for it. Year feed! Feed a year - that's how much! Do you hear, Max?

I loved to listen when he spoke like that; he acquired at such moments something simple and childish. Such speeches were interesting to me and therefore interesting because I did not have a single person in Tiflis I knew, and winter was approaching - on Gudaur we were already met by a blizzard. I had some hope for Shakro.

We walked quickly. Here is Mtskheta, the ancient capital of Iberia. Tomorrow we will arrive in Tiflis.

Even from a distance, about five miles away, I saw the capital of the Caucasus, squeezed between two mountains.

End of the road! I was glad about something, Shakro was indifferent. He looked ahead with dull eyes and spat out hungry saliva to the side, now and then clutching his stomach with a painful grimace. It was he who inadvertently ate raw carrots picked along the way.

- Do you think that I - a Georgian dvaryan - will go to my city in the afternoon like this, torn, dirty? Nah!.. We'll fall in the evening. Stop!

We sat down by the wall of some empty building and, having rolled up the last cigarette, shivering from the cold, smoked. A sharp and strong wind was blowing from the Georgian Military Highway.

Shakro sat humming a sad song through his teeth... I thought about a warm room and other benefits settled life before nomadic life.

- Let's go! Shakro got up with a determined face. It got dark. The city was on fire.

completely transparent, and the sea, completely blue, embraced the misty mountain, and the mountain reeds, in white lace from the frost, grew prettier and prettier against the blue. 3) Thunder rumbled, and it rained, the sun shone through the rain, and a wide rainbow spread from edge to edge. At this time, the bird cherry blossomed, and the bushes of wild currant turned green just above the water. 4) The dawn flared up outside the windows, and in its light the garden descended, covered with flowers of wet snow. 5) The rooks screamed across the river, in the branches and everywhere in the bushes and grass they sang, the birds chirped. 6) The snow is trampled, mixed with mud, and only in the gardens and on the fields, bathed in the radiance of the cold autumn sun, does it sparkle with snowy whiteness. 7) Behind the mountains, it was probably already dawn, but here, in a deep gorge, the light was slightly refracted, and the darkness became milky.

II. 1) There was a view of the shore from bench no. 2) There is not a cloud in the sky, and the stars move and tremble unusually brightly in their bottomless height. 3) In some places there was a white sail, and seagulls, smoothly flapping their wings, sinking into the water, barely touched it and rose again in circles, and a kite swam high and slowly above the gardens. 4) It is getting dark outside, and a tallow candle is lit in the upper room. 5) The air is stuffy and smells of herbs. 6) The weather is great and unfortunately there is no rain. 7) It was warm, and the winter rye gently waved from the midday breeze. 8) Grass of cheese and tight to the fire, and therefore fire snakes crawling slowly, now torn apart, then dying out, then flashing again. 9) The bad weather groddle?ya-ee, apparently, will not end soon, and I involuntarily have to rush to leave for the Crimea, where I will stay all autumn and, probably, all winter. 10) It was already quite warm, and the thunder rumbled still far away, but did not subside for a moment.

No. 401. We were walking narrow path, little red snakes crawled back and forth along it, wriggling under our feet. Far away, thunder rumbled, its grumbling sounds getting closer. Drops of rain fell. The grass rustled metallically. We had nowhere to hide. Now it became dark, and the rustle of grass sounded louder, frightened. Thunder roared, and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Heavy rain poured down in streams, and one after another the blows of the rum began to rumble incessantly in the desert steppe. Grass, bent by the blows of wind and rain, fell to the ground. Weight trembled, worried. Lightning, blinding eyes, tore the clouds. In the blue brilliance of them, a mountain range rose in the distance, sparkling with blue lights, silver and cold. Everything thundered, shuddered, repelled sounds and gave birth to them. Marvelous chaos captivated and tuned in a heroic mood, embracing the soul with formidable harmony.

We walked through the Terek region. Shakro was disheveled and marvelously torn, and was devilishly angry, although he was no longer starving, since there was enough money to earn. He was unable to do any work. Once I tried to stand at the threshing machine to rake straw, and after half a day I got off, rubbing bloody calluses on my palms with a rake. Another time they began to uproot a tree, and he tore off the skin from his neck with a hoe.

We walked rather slowly - you work for two days, you walk for a day. Shakro ate extremely unrestrainedly, and, by the grace of his gluttony, I could not save enough money to be able to buy him any part of the costume. And all his parts were a bunch of various holes, somehow connected with multi-colored patches.

Once, in some village, he pulled out of my knapsack with great difficulty, secretly accumulated five rubles from him, and in the evening appeared at the house where I worked in the garden, drunk and with some fat Cossack woman, who greeted me like this :

“Hello, damned heretic!”

And when I, surprised by such an epithet, asked her - why am I a heretic?

She answered me with aplomb:

- And because, the devil, that you forbid a guy to love a female! Can you forbid, if the law allows?.. You are anathema!..

Shakro stood next to her and nodded his head in the affirmative. He was very drunk and when he made any movement, he swayed all over. His lower lip drooped. Dull eyes looked into my face senselessly, stubbornly.

- Well, why are you staring at us? Let's get his money! shouted the brave woman.

– What money? I wondered.

- Come on, come on! And then I'll take you to the army! Give me the one and a half hundred rubles that I took from him in Odessa!

What was I to do? A devilish woman with drunken eyes could indeed go to a military hut, and then the stanitsa authorities, strict towards various wandering people, would arrest us. Who knows what could come out of this arrest for me and Shakro!

And so I began to diplomatically bypass the woman, which, of course, was not worth much effort.

Somehow, with the help of three bottles of wine, I pacified her. She fell to the ground among the watermelons and fell asleep. I put Shakro to bed, and early the next morning we left the village, leaving the woman with watermelons.

Half sick with a hangover, with a wrinkled and swollen face, Shakro spat every minute and sighed heavily. I tried to talk to him, but he did not answer me and only shook his shaggy head like a ram.

We walked along a narrow path, little red snakes crawling back and forth along it, wriggling under our feet. The silence that reigned around plunged into a dreamy-drowsy state. Behind us, black flocks of clouds slowly moved across the sky. Merging with each other, they covered the entire sky behind us, while ahead it was still clear, although wisps of clouds had already run out into it and briskly rushed somewhere forward, overtaking us.

Far away, thunder rumbled, its grumbling sounds getting closer. Drops of rain fell. The grass rustled metallically.

We had nowhere to hide. Now it became dark, and the rustle of grass sounded louder, frightened. Thunder roared - and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Heavy rain poured down in streams, and one after another, thunderclaps began to rumble incessantly in the desert steppe. Grass, bent by the blows of wind and rain, fell to the ground. Everything was trembling, worried.

Lightning, blinding the eyes, tore the clouds... In the blue brilliance of them, a mountain range rose in the distance, sparkling with blue lights, silver and cold, and when the lightning went out, it disappeared, as if falling into a dark abyss. Everything thundered, shuddered, repelled sounds and gave birth to them. It was as if the cloudy and angry sky was clearing itself with fire from the dust and all the abomination that had risen to it from the earth, and the earth seemed to tremble in fear of his wrath.

Shakro grumbled like a frightened dog. And I had fun, I somehow rose above the ordinary, watching this mighty gloomy picture of a steppe thunderstorm. Marvelous chaos captivated and set in a heroic mood, embracing the soul with formidable harmony ...

And I wanted to take part in it, to express in some way the feeling of admiration that overwhelmed me before this force. The blue flame that engulfed the sky seemed to be burning in my chest; and - how was I to express my great excitement and my delight?

I sang - loudly, with all my might. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, grass rustled, and I sang and felt in full kinship with all sounds ... I - went crazy; this is forgivable, for it harmed no one but me. A storm on the sea and a thunderstorm in the steppe! - I do not know more grandiose phenomena in nature.

So, I shouted, firmly convinced that I would not bother anyone with such behavior and I would not put anyone in the need to subject my course of action to severe criticism. But suddenly I was strongly pulled by the legs, and I involuntarily sat down in a puddle ...

Shakro looked into my face with serious and angry eyes.

- You are crazy? Did he get off? Nat? Well, for-amalchi! Don't scream! I'll rip your throat out! Panymaesh?

I was amazed and at first asked him why I was bothering him ...

- You're scaring! Understood? Thunder rumbles - God speaks, and you aresh ... What do you think?

I told him that I had the right to sing if I wanted to, and so did he.

- Do not sing! I agreed.

- And you ne sing! - strictly inspired Shakro.

No, I'd rather...

“Listen, what do you think? Shakro spoke angrily. - Who are you?

Do you have a house? Do you have a mother? Father? Are there relatives? Earth? Who are you on earth? Are you human, you think? It's me man! Mene has everything! .. - He tapped his chest.

- I'm a prince! .. And you ... you - snarling! Nychego net! And the mene knows Kutais, Tyflys!.. Panymaish?

You ne go protyv mene! Are you serving me? - Be happy! I will pay you ten times!

Are you doing this to me? You can't do otherwise; you yourself said that God commanded to serve everyone without a reward! I will reward you! Why are you torturing me? Do you teach, do you scare? Do you want me to be like you? This is ne harasho! Eh, eh, eh!.. Fu, fu!..

He spoke, smacked, snorted, sighed... I looked into his face, gaping in amazement. He, obviously, poured out before me all the indignation, resentment and dissatisfaction with me, accumulated during the entire time of our journey. For greater persuasiveness, he poked my finger in the chest and shook me by the shoulder, and in especially strong places he leaned on me with his whole carcass. Rain poured down on us, thunder rumbled continuously over us, and Shakro, in order to be heard by me, shouted at the top of his voice.

The tragicomic nature of my situation stood out to me most clearly and made me burst out laughing as much as I could ...

Shakro, spitting, turned away from me.

What else to read