An essay on the topic of what is a common cause. Theses of a morally oriented policy. essay discussion on what is a common cause

The current parties, as a rule, put the category of success at the forefront of their programs. They promise social and personal benefits to their constituents. But no one speaks of the responsibility of man and society, without which these benefits are impossible.

We believe that, first of all, the moral position matters - as the rejection of evil at the state, party, public and personal levels. Then economic success will follow. The pursuit of success, while forgetting the need to observe moral purity, can only turn into new disasters.

How to ensure the necessary minimum of morality in politics?

Current political spectrum

Rights: the state is a necessary evil. It fetters private initiative and limits a person's personal freedoms. Therefore, the influence of the state on the individual must be limited as much as possible. It should neither hinder nor help her. Then the one who can be successful will be successful, and the one who cannot be will fall out of the race, which is fair. In this system, the state for a person is hired managers, people for the state are the electorate.

Left: the state should show paternal care to its citizens. Whoever is guilty is to be punished, to support the weak, not to allow one to rise too high above the others. In this system, the state for a person is an indisputable authority, people for the state are the population, a faceless mass.

Centre: mixture of right and left views.

The essence of the project

The state is a common cause. We cannot trust the state, because the state cannot be adequate without us. We cannot remove the state from our life, because life itself requires our participation in common concerns.

Citizenship is a position of initiative.

Initiative is not a value in itself. What matters is what it is aimed at. Also, common activity is not self-worth. The jackal of assessments exists apart from us, and on this scale there is absolute evil and absolute good. It is the correlation with this external scale that fills our activity with content.

Thus we get spiritual basis. We get the value of life. Life is valuable not in itself, but because it serves good.

Russia is primarily a Christian and Muslim country. Both Christianity and Islam at the everyday level recognize that justice is a non-economic category. It is fair to return good for good, it is fair to protect the offended, to help the one in distress. This is enough for the basis of joint activities, without getting into interfaith differences. A person's faith is the result of his inner choice, for society it is already valuable that a person has faith and that he believes in Good. In such faith is the basis for a creative life.


1. Return of spiritual guidelines.

Pragmatism and the philosophy of success must be replaced by true values. To do this, we must have faith in the Supreme Justice, which is necessarily realized, if not in this life, then at the end of it. Our faith must be sincere. We should not be afraid to confess it openly in front of people. People need to see that the values ​​that everyday life can offer them are transient. Neither money, nor career, nor fame are able to pacify the spirit of a person, to put him to rest. Everything that everyday life can give requires fuss and ever-increasing work to maintain the existing order of things. One has only to stumble and all the accumulated will go to dust. Moreover, old age and weakening of forces are ahead. And then death.

A person needs to open his eyes to the fact that only what you do not for yourself, but for another has true value.

2. Support for moral behavior.

Behavioral models compete with each other. It is much easier to adjust your behavior to an already existing model than to go against established views. To defend one's independence from public consciousness is pure heroism (and which of us is fit to be a hero?). besides, to strive for independence for the sake of independence as such is stupid, because it is futile, in the end it will turn out to be a struggle for the right to emptiness. At the same time, accepting a behavioral model without reasoning is dangerous, you can lose your own individuality and not only it.

At present, the model of immoral behavior dominates in the public consciousness. That's what the media is promoting. It is she who is presented as progressive, advanced, and therefore, the best. It comes to the fact that people begin to be embarrassed by moral behavior, they are afraid to admit it, because they perceive it as inertia and retrograde.

It must be clearly stated that immoral behavior is an evil that corrupts society at a deep, archetypal level. We must declare moral behavior as the norm; immorality in any form to detect, pronounce and denounce. Show initiative aimed at suppressing propaganda of immorality.

The state position should be as follows - it is necessary to establish moral (not political!) censorship, as well as administrative prosecution of any manifestations of immorality - primarily in advertising and the media.

3. The fight against swearing.

We are losing our national identity along with the language. The economic hole in which Russia found itself has led to economic, and as a result, communicative dependence on the West, where English is widely used as a means of communication. As a result, the Russian elite turned out to be Anglo-oriented. The Russian language is receding more and more into the background, remaining in everyday life. At the same time, the everyday version of the language, as a rule, is terribly primitive and riddled with obscenities. The mat is the gravedigger of the language. It should also be noted that the mat has a mystical nature and this nature is dark. With the help of swearing, swearing is fixed as a language norm, moreover, desecration of the spiritual foundation of society. Thus, mat is an implanted mechanism of self-destruction of culture, society, nation. A swearing army is not capable of standing up for a just cause. Cursing builders will not build anything on which the eye would rest. A cursing government will not provide the people with a decent life.

The mat must be put in place. By definition, it is profanity, and its place is among those who have long forgotten that they have a soul. We must protest against the appearance of obscene language in the press. Our behavior should be such that the swearers feel the stupidity of their bravado, their inability to handle the language. They should be made uncomfortable, this is the first step to curbing the tongue.

4. Anti-alcohol propaganda

Russia is sleeping. We have already spent on drink our gene pool, and the country, you can count. Gave away for a couple of bottles. They drink not from a bad life and not from a good life (a bad life is largely a consequence of drunkenness), but from the inability to live. Drinking is a way to escape from reality, from responsibility for one's actions or lack thereof. It is not clear why to live, hence the craving for a bottle.

If society puts spirituality at the forefront, this will be the best motivation to eradicate drunkenness. Forcibly, you cannot change a drunkard from the outside. Therefore, prohibitive measures regarding wine drinking should not concern people. Advertising of alcohol and the process of drinking can and should be discouraged. This is where the moral censorship discussed above comes in handy. All unlicensed manufacturers - from moonshiners to clandestine distilleries - the desire to quickly cash in on someone else's misfortune - a serious crime should be prosecuted - detected and punished. At the state level, a difficult decision must be made - there should be no state participation in the production of alcoholic products. It is impossible to receive money from trouble, motivating by a lack of budgetary funds. Social assistance organized through the exploitation of vices is mystically absurd and unjust.

5. Social work.

Any state assistance, with the exception of assistance to the disabled, should not be provided free of charge. We must overcome the expectation that someone else will decide everything and arrange our life, and we will come to the ready and enjoy the fruits of his labor. Nowadays, people are used to believing that the state is obliged to provide them with a livelihood, on the other hand, unwillingness to work is developed with high dedication. We'll work hard, we'll make a blunder, we'll get something, well, okay. As a result, both the citizen and society are on the verge of poverty.

In some cases, social labor should be forced - as a disciplinary measure, punishment for minor offenses, in others - civil law. A person should know that he will not starve - simply because if he cannot sell his labor power in the labor market, society will always provide him with acceptable work that will be paid for.

6. Economic policy

There is a psychological law of development: if a person stops exercising and improving, he degrades. The simplest example is to stop speaking and reading English and you will forget that language. A violinist who has left the violin for a long time will be forced to develop his technique again. Society is formed by people, and the same law operates in society. If there is no development, the society rots. If we want to have an efficient economy, we need to have a sound economic policy. A situation is unacceptable when a society acts only because something has already happened and it needs to react to it. Politics presupposes the presence of two components: strategy and tactics, while tactics are determined by strategy.

What should be the economic strategy of civil society? First of all, goals should be outlined, the achievement of which should be served by the economic activity of the state. These goals cannot lie within the economy itself, otherwise such activity loses its meaning. Stabilization of inflation, strengthening of the currency, positive balance of payments, economic restructuring, change of ownership, doubling of GDP, etc. cannot be considered as final goals. The real goals that inspire the economy should be:

1) ensuring the reproduction of the population, creating conditions for the survival of the nation

2) ensuring the conditions for the military, political and economic security of the civil community of the Russian people, that is, the Russian state

3) improving the welfare of citizens.

The order given by numbering is, in fact, the ranking of goals, another necessary component of economic strategy.

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Thus, you will provide invaluable benefit to the project and other readers.

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What is a common cause? I think a common cause is work done by a team that strives for a good result. If this work is carried out in a coordinated and unanimous manner, then such a result will certainly be ensured.

Let us give an example from the text that will serve as an argument confirming the definition I have given. The guys in the story wanted something new, and they decided to arrange their own theater in an abandoned dining room: they agreed on this with the house manager, gathered a team and began building a stage for the theater.

They worked hard and met in a short time, because their work was friendly and well-coordinated. This is the common cause, because everyone worked as one - no one argued and did not act as the main one - and these are the main factors leading to the failure of the common work.

Here is another argument proving that a common cause leads to a brilliant result if carried out together. In Soviet times, we won the Second World War, although this victory was not easy for us and cost us very heavy losses. We fought for freedom and independence, so that the sun always shone over our heads, and people around us lived in peace and harmony. And we have achieved this thanks to friendly work and a common goal. Is this not the greatest common cause we have ever undertaken?

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that a common cause leads to the desired result only when the team works smoothly and amicably.

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essay discussion on what is a common cause

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Essay about the project "Common cause"

We hear so many conversations around both from government officials and from the general public that there are many social problems in our country, that they need to be solved, that Russia's task is to approach the developed countries of Europe and the United States in terms of living standards, social stability and law and order. This has been going on for many years, and at the same time, for some reason, the problems are not being solved, but in many ways are only getting worse.

Every year, the indigenous population of our country is reduced by more than a million people. More than 200,000 Russians are imprisoned every year. The average life expectancy of men in Russia is about 54 years (less than the retirement age!), 80% of registered marriages end in divorce (more than half of them - in the first half a year of marriage).

More than 5 million (!) abortions are performed every year, and at the same time, every fifth young family is infertile (for comparison: about 1,700,000 children are born every year). The level of intelligence of Russian schoolchildren in the world ranking is already approaching the hundredth place, although back in the middle of the 20th century we were among the first. People who are interested in concealing reliable information invent various reasons for these problems, talking about some kind of incomprehensible "insufficient economic development", or even highlighting the deterioration of the environmental situation. In reality, despite the obvious deterioration of the environment, the real cause of all social problems is the massive degradation of people's consciousness, their moral character, and the deterioration of health, occurring in the vast majority of cases due to drinking, smoking and taking harder drugs.

In 80% of murder cases, the killer is intoxicated. . 95% of cases of hooliganism are committed while drunk.

In half of the suicide cases, the suicide is intoxicated.

In half of the cases of rape, the perpetrator is intoxicated.

1% of drivers behind the wheel are in a state of intoxication, but it is he who causes 56% of accidents with a fatal outcome.

The most common cause of death in people (especially men) of working age is cardiovascular disease, which is nothing more than the consequences of drinking and smoking.

In 60-80% of cases, the cause of the breakdown of marriages is the use of alcohol.

About 40% of children in Russia are born with physical and mental disabilities. About 100,000 of them have severe deformities. “Culturally9 drinking parents have such children 4-5 times more often, and alcoholics 37 times more often than people leading a sober lifestyle.

According to the World Health Organization, if alcohol consumption in a country exceeds 8 liters per capita, an irreversible process of degeneration of the people begins. In Russia, only according to official data (the real figure is higher) per capita is 15-18 liters.

This terrible statistics can be continued for a long time. But the main conclusion that we should draw is to recognize the main cause of absolutely all social problems in our country is the use of alcohol and smoking. According to GOST, ethyl alcohol is "a flammable colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, it belongs to potent drugs that first cause excitation and then paralysis of the nervous system" (GOST 18300-72). Any drug destroys not only the physical health of a person, it will destroy the moral principle, the presence of which makes a person a person. Drugs destroy the mind, making it impossible to distinguish bad from good, make the right choice, show kindness, care, respect and other good qualities, set noble goals and achieve them.

The paradoxical and tragic situation in Russia is that the narcotic substance - alcohol - is completely freely sold, advertised, both openly and covertly - through the so-called "scientific research", "proving9raquo; harmlessness and even benefit of some types of alcohol.

And in society there is no proper conviction, understanding of all the evil that comes from alcohol. According to statistics, there is NOT A SINGLE addict who would immediately begin to take hard drugs without having an experience of drinking and smoking. That is, drug addiction is a natural consequence of a person’s further immersion in drug madness, when the perverted pleasure from alcohol intoxication is no longer enough, and something “stronger” is required.

3. Super availability. Compared to other countries, Russia has some of the lowest prices for cigarettes and alcohol. Legislation in this area has not yet been sufficiently developed, and even those good laws that already exist are not enforced or poorly enforced. There is no political will in the country that would severely suppress alcoholism and, in general, drug addiction.

In order to solve all the above issues, a non-state, non-profit and non-religious volunteer project “Common Cause” is currently operating in Russia, the purpose of which is to convey truthful information about what alcohol and cigarettes really are to the general public, and to inspire people to natural sobriety and a healthy lifestyle. The truth about alcohol was told a long time ago, and the most famous scientists, doctors, writers, whose authority is undeniable, said it. For example, back in 1915, the 11th Pirogov Congress of Russian Doctors adopted a resolution: "Alcohol cannot be classified as a nutrient, which must be made known to the population." Here are just a few of those statements:

There is not a single organ, not a single tissue, not a single component in the entire human body that would not experience the harmful effects of alcohol.

"It has been proven that even small doses of alcohol impair mental faculties."

It is absolutely impossible to take anything as a measure of the harmless use of alcohol, because its effect on different organs and on different activities of the body does not affect simultaneously, but on the highest organ, the organ of self-determination, the brain, alcohol already in small doses quickly reveals its paralyzing effect. However, many of those who resort to alcohol unconsciously or consciously achieve this. So, it is absolutely not necessary to talk about the norm or harmlessness of drinking alcohol.

Poverty and crime, nervous and mental illness, the degeneration of offspring - that's what alcohol does.

Intoxication is true madness, it deprives us of our abilities.

Intoxication is voluntary madness.

Nine tenths of the crimes that stain humanity are committed through the fault of alcohol.

Of all the vices, drunkenness is more incompatible with the greatness of the spirit than others.

Wine brutes and beasts a person, hardens him and distracts him from bright thoughts, dulls him.

Alcohol destroys human health not only by poisoning the body; it predisposes the drinker to all other diseases.

A drunken man is not a man, for he has lost what distinguishes man from cattle - the mind. Drunkenness humiliates a person, takes away his mind, at least for a while, and eventually turns him into an animal.

Alcohol is no less evil than any other drug. Any dose of alcohol reduces the vessels of the brain. Erythrocytes stop getting there, and brain cells die after a while. As a result, even after moderate alcohol consumption, a whole cemetery of dead nerve cells remains in the human brain. And after a few years, his brain shrinks, decreases in volume. So alcohol is a real poison.

Science has proven and life experience confirms that alcohol or alcohol is a poison that has a destructive effect on every cell. The brain gets hit first: a person gets drunk because alcohol poisons his brain. Under the influence of alcohol, persistent painful changes gradually occur in the cells of the brain, which then sharply differs from the brain of a non-drinking person. His meninges are cloudy, there is a lot of water inside the brain, the cerebral convolutions are already ordinary. Therefore, mental faculties gradually decrease. Alcohol is the main cause of cerebral hemorrhages. Under the influence of alcohol, the working muscle of the heart is reborn, part of it is replaced by fat, so the heart becomes flabby and weak. During the autopsy of the corpses of persons who drank moderately during their lifetime, they find all the usual changes in the organs with alcohol. (From the book "Folk Delusions

and the scientific truth about alcohol.

In February 2009, at the initiative of the rector of the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow, Archimandrite Tikhon, and the chairman of the Union for the Struggle for National Sobriety, Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, the Common Cause project was organized on the first ORT channel, within the framework of which documentaries and social videos were created telling the truth about alcohol. Some of them were shown on television, and there were also four discussions - a talk show on this topic. Four months of the existence of the Project on the TV screen gave an amazing result: during the spring holidays of 2009, the amount of alcohol consumption in the country decreased by an average of 20%!

The project collected a huge amount of positive feedback, but was soon closed without any explanation. After that, groups of volunteers throughout the country began to distribute the materials of the Project on their own, holding educational meetings in various audiences: in educational institutions, departments of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Federal Penitentiary Service.

The Common Cause project brings together all the healthy forces of society, the most reasonable and caring people, regardless of nationality and religion, whose goal is to help Russians get out of the alcohol-tobacco-drug abyss, to inspire, especially the younger generation, to lead a healthy lifestyle, an obligatory part which - natural sobriety, complete rejection of alcohol, smoking, any other drugs.


Everything for the development of children

Essay-reasoning Option 22


“So, is it really our goodness, will we spare our junk, but will we not spare our native land?” - Minin calls the people from the porch, and the meaning of this call is clear to every patriot. When the homeland is in danger, the people must unite, forget about all quarrels and strife and stand up for her.

It is for the entire state of Moscow that Minin calls on to raise a militia. “But a large army is needed and a lot of money is needed!” Each township artisan will have to give the third money to the common cause.

And suddenly, "pushing people aside, an old peasant in an Armenian coat, in bast shoes and with a knapsack behind his back" makes his way to the porch and gives Minin the money. “He wore it in his boots,” he said loudly. “I’m giving you not a third, but one.”

Here is an example of love for the motherland, devoted and selfless. A simple person gives the last, ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his native land.

What contributes to the unity of people?

Unity is a strong bond between people when they strive to do a common thing together and go towards some goal. There is great power in the unity of people.

It was thanks to the unity of people that the people's militia under the leadership of Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky won, and the Moscow state remained free. People not only shared money. "Let's give our heads!" shouted a man in the crowd.

Unity led the Soviet people to Victory in the Great Patriotic War, when both old and young stood up as a single wall to defend their Fatherland: they fought on the fronts of the war, erected military factories in the bare steppe, produced tanks, planes, shells and cartridges.

The unity of people promotes peace, gives strength to endure in difficult times.

Attention, only TODAY!

Surely, many readers have come across a situation where an author offered to get acquainted with the thesis of his speech (report), so that the reader could form his own opinion about the ideas proposed by the author. Moreover, some of us in polemics have repeatedly met with the wording “prove the thesis” or “refute the thesis”, sometimes not fully understanding what the thesis is, what it is used for, what are the features of its application. In this material, I will tell you what a thesis is, how to formulate and write an abstract for any material, and what you should pay special attention to when working with it.

The term "thesis" (Greek θέσις - from τίθημι - I put, put) used in quite different areas of human activity. We can meet "thesis" in music, where it is understood as the stressed part of the measure, in literature, where the thesis denotes the part of the foot that does not carry rhythmic stress, or in linguistics, where the theses of the verbal and nominal system are used.

Nevertheless, with all the differentiation in the use of this word, it is most clear what the term "thesis" is in two main interpretations:

  1. As formulated and summarized main provisions of an article, report, scientific work, etc. (for example, “thesis of the article”);
  2. As a position (conclusion) that needs to be proven.

Let's take a closer look at each of these interpretations.

Definition 1: The thesis is the quintessence of your material

Those readers who are familiar with scientific activities firsthand have probably met with the presentation of some scientific material in the form of abstracts. Such theses were lapidary, rather concise formulations in which the author sets out the main provisions of his concept (theory).

The totality of such abstracts (usually small in total volume) can also be the basis for creating a voluminous lecture material, they are published in various collections based on the materials of scientific conferences, and so on.

Abstracts based on the materials of one of these conferences

Definition 2: A thesis is a logical conclusion requiring proof

The second part of the interpretation of this term refers us to formal logic, where a thesis is understood as a position that must either be confirmed or refuted. In most cases, such a “position-thesis” is rather shaky, and the person who formulated the thesis is forced to defend his thesis with arguments from other polemicists who want to refute the stated thesis.

In this case, often in opposition to the thesis, an “antithesis” is often formed, containing an opposite (or qualitatively different) understanding of the essence of the issue relative to the original thesis.

How to formulate a thesis?

After we figured out what the thesis means and why it is needed, let's look at the features of the wording of both versions of the thesis.

Formulation of abstracts of any material

When creating abstracts of any material, one should first of all decide whether the abstracts will be created on the basis of existing material, or whether they will become a “conceptual framework” for creating such material in the future.

If we already have the material:

  • If we are dealing with an already finished work, for which it is necessary to write abstracts, then it is recommended to re-read the entire work and highlight the most important structural elements in it;
  • From each such piece, it is necessary to isolate the most important ideas, and arrange them in the form of a complete clear thought (this will be our theses);
  • The totality of such theses should be logically combined with each other, reflecting the general structure of the base text;
  • The result of your work will be a small material (article) containing a logical sequence of the main ideas of the material you have analyzed. Acquaintance with these theses should give the reader the opportunity to understand the general concept of the basic material, its main thoughts, structure, and so on.

For example, scientific abstracts usually contain the topic of the work, information about the author, a brief introduction to the topic. The study of this topic, its problems are considered, the goals and objectives of the work, the object and subject of this study, the methods and principles used in the work, etc. are described. Also, information on the main stages of work, conclusion, list of sources used in writing the work, graphics and need).

If the material only needs to be created:

If your theses are a prototype of the future material, then you need to decide on the main ideas of the material, and state them in the theses, observing the potential structure of the future work, its characteristic features, if necessary, use examples that confirm your statements, and so on.

Formulation of the thesis-inference

If we are dealing with the creation of a logical thesis, then when formulating it, it is important to pay attention to the following:

  • The thesis should not have the features of a postulate (that is, it should NOT be accepted as an obvious fact, without evidence). Usually the thesis needs to be proved, which opens up rich opportunities for argumentation and various forms of verbal tightrope walking;
  • The thesis must have a rigid form (i.e. it must not change during the procedure of its proof or refutation). Changing the essence of the thesis during the procedure of its proof leads to a whole host of logical errors of the “strawman fallacy” level. , "ignoratio elenchi" and others;
  • The thesis must be clearly formulated. It is necessary to avoid the ambiguity of the thesis, too general formulations, as well as the “spreading of thoughts along the tree”, as a result of which it may be difficult to determine the main idea of ​​the thesis. Usually, a sentence of an affirmative or negative form is used as a thesis;
  • When formulating your thesis, take into account the audience of people in front of whom you will have to defend your thesis. Try to take into account the characteristic features of this audience, and formulate a thesis relevant to its specifics.


What is the thesis? As we can see, the semantic load of the word "thesis" is quite different, differentiating from the specifics of application in various fields of knowledge. The most commonly used forms of this term are "compendium" (a summary of the main ideas contained in the material) as well as the form of the thesis as a logical conclusion that needs proof. For the correct formulation of abstracts, I recommend using the above tips, they will help you in creating the correct versions of the abstracts for their further use.

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What is "from scratch"? “From scratch” is not to register a new company or get a new job. This is to change the formula of your business activity, since everything has been reset to zero. This is not visible to the naked eye, but we can already say with confidence that the world has reset to zero.

First, one question.

What do you think is the difference between advertising, for example, Mercedes-Benz and the passport of this car, which describes its performance data? Approximately in the context of this issue, this post was written. Just a little tactical and technical data.

Why this particular topic?

I gave a forecast of what awaits us in the very near future. Proceeding from this, a relatively real action on the events that will arise in the very near future is "one's own business." But first I would like to give a few theses on the topic of what “owl business” is.

Thesis #1. What does “own business” mean (by content)? Is it a way of making money, producing vanity, benefiting society, something else?

Answer: content, each puts his own. This is the aspect of personal meaning (the factor of creating your own business). What is meant? It means that meanings may or may not be realized. Everyone has their own meaning, but not everyone realizes it. But the success of a business is precisely the awareness of its meaning. This is the theme of subtle aspects of the world. But do you think that events are not formed in heaven? In general, while you can just remember (no need to believe). Meanings determine the success of life, including its aspect - business activity. If a person has not indicated his meanings, everything will be very sad. And then there's this 2013, in which the letter "P" appeared.

Thesis №2. Own business (in form), what is it - a store, restaurant, factory or workshop?

Answer. Your business is not only the above. Our business is what we promote, that is, if you like, we impose on other people.

Your business is a machine for the production of a product. This is some value that someone needs. The surgeon is not an entrepreneur, but his "business" is to treat people. A wife can do her job by promoting the rear for her men, or by promoting love for her husband that gives him strength. Business is what we realize as BUSINESS, and do not do something automatically.

Thesis №3. There is only one thesis that makes sense to promote in this matter (how to open your own business, that is, to have it as a protective tool for the next 3-5 years).

“Business and life are an aspect of the psyche, and not experience and industry competencies, and, moreover, not money and connections.”

Experience and industry knowledge is just a set of data that is stored in our computer (mind). But there is something that begins to use this data - the psyche. Mind is a complex concept. The most superficial overview of what the psyche is can be limited to four parameters: body, mind, soul (somo) and will (spirit).

It is the psyche (as part of 4 elements) that is responsible for the results. And the quality of these results, that is, the time and effort spent on achieving the result, depends on how it is set up. Such things as experience, knowledge, connections, money, applause, recognition - all this is the result of the work of the psyche.

Hence the method of producing success in business and life (in relation to these forecasts): work on oneself (body, mind, soul and spirit). Each element has its own system. So, to keep the business for the period 2013 - 2014, you need to manage not a client, employee, spouse or official. You need to manage your mind. It will not be possible to survive in the usual, banal way. You need to bypass the "system" on the other side. Here, a certain number of not stupid businessmen began to form a niche for a large business like Gazprom, others directed their gaze towards the mass market, and others - towards budget money. I would like to warn this part of reasonable people. The formation of the future is not in physical reality, but in the psyche, as part of its 4 elements (no matter how esoteric it may seem). If a business person does not do this now, a failure will occur at any of these 4 levels, you can not even doubt it (I'm not talking about all, but most). So my advice is, find any system, but find it. For obvious reasons, I am ready to provide mine. But, believe me, this is not my advertisement. I can only pull a limited number of people. In addition, I am ready to advise my colleagues, whom I know well. In any case, my task is to convey to you without any hint: start working with yourself. Otherwise, it will be practically impossible to influence external processes.

Thesis number 4. Success.

The word "success" that I mentioned here is pretty hackneyed. Let's talk about this a little. A correct idea of ​​something facilitates its occurrence. Success is a phenomenon that has one interesting property: success can be achieved, but it disappears almost as soon as it is achieved. Success is not a material thing, but a subjective experience. We can buy a long-awaited car, but its registration certificate will not show “success”.

Also, success is when someone agrees to your goal. Then, the obstacle to your action disappears. Therefore, the ability to negotiate is not just to go for a walk. This is the success factor. You can, of course, take the car from the boy in the yard, but he does not agree with this! Success is when he is glad he gave you his toy. But, what is the system of such an approach?

Hence another conclusion: success is when someone agreed with what you did or are going to do. Success is utility! So, if you strive for success, then the first place of work should be the question: what am I going to provide such that it will be useful. This was mentioned in a previous post. And only then does the aspect of the psyche arise: to see what others do not see, to know how much can be given, and how much is no longer possible, with whom you can fight, and with whom you need to wait, etc. What do you think is responsible for the rapid adoption of such decisions precisely in the conditions of arbitrariness ()? The answer is a properly functioning psyche.

And yet, success is always subjective! So it turns out that the problematic of the question of success is the very method of “how to produce” success precisely constantly (as a state), and not only as an achieved material goal. The subjective experience called "success" is the result of the work of one's psyche. This is a rather complex topic. The psyche, because you can’t touch it with your hands, you won’t see it with your eyes. And, nevertheless, we know what excitement, fear, anger, despondency or a stopper is. And we know that in these states, we find it harder to succeed.

How to create success, and not just be a witness to its accidental onset?

There are tons of papers written about how to succeed. In essence, success is just the result of a properly functioning psyche (body, soul, and spirit). You need to understand the structure of the psyche and you need to learn how to manage it. The key is there! The psyche is software, and if a person has trouble with something (family, employees, money, career, meanings), this means that he had a failure in his psyche. She needs to be dealt with, and not a spouse, employee or government.

Thesis number 5. To control your psyche, there is (usually) only one way: communication with a sparring partner. The conclusion is the following. It is impossible not to control the psycho, just as it is impossible not to control the software in the computer (it becomes clogged and starts to fail). But, we cannot control our psyche ourselves! That's how the psyche works. And if we do this, this is already a sign for contacting a psychotherapist or a very high indicator of personal ability. I hope you didn't classify yourself as the last sign. In general, you need a sparring partner! It can be your good friend, spouse and even a child. They may be a specialist specially trained for this, but the main thing is that you must have such a sparring partner and you must have a special system. This is the essence of managing your business in the coming period of life. The Sherlock system is one of them. Take a closer look at her. It is easy to use, although it requires a certain level of intelligence to understand it. In any case, the usual time that a person spends to understand it (I come from the practice of working with my clientele) takes from one to three months. Then, you can already apply it yourself.

I would also talk about humor and the ability to treat yourself with irony. Such a good tool for self-control, especially for difficult periods. But, this, perhaps, is a special ability, which, perhaps, can be prayed for.

Under all other circumstances (no one knows exactly how events will develop), I want to draw attention to one main point.

The motive that created meanings for the vast majority of people was material accumulation. At the beginning of this century, we all somehow relaxed and felt the possibilities. Someone built a house, someone did a big business, someone bought an apartment in Bulgaria and a third car. It's not about that. The fact is that we were all in a state of confidence that it was possible! Even those who didn't make it. Now one thing is clear. You can't take more than you have. There are two reasons. One is that the infusion of several tens of trillions of dollars into the world economy has destroyed the idea of ​​business capitalization in principle. This is the payment for the crisis that occurred in 2008. Another reason is that the redistribution of property (as a factor in its multiplication) in the post-Soviet space is almost over. The overall pie became very small. Hence the message: what is the meaning or just the motive of business activity in these parameters (lack of prospects for material accumulation)? My answer: in search of new meanings. Everyone has their own, but they need to be found; correct and follow them. In my opinion (just today) our future is determined by formulated meanings, and not by material conditions.

Business trainer. CEO of Sherlock Solutions. Born in Odessa in 1964. Graduated from Odessa University. Mechnikov, studied at the Faculty of Law with a degree in administrative law. For a long time he worked as a negotiator and crisis specialist in various commercial and political projects. He is a specialist in the field of restructuring and building organizations, a negotiation coach, the author of a number of business trainings and seminars for business founders, the author of the MYOR system - a methodology for developing psychological abilities for business people. Founder of the law firm "Meta-Inform" (Odessa, 1991 - 2005). Legal expert at the London Court of Arbitration (1995) Advisor to the Governor of the Odessa Region on legal issues (1999–2004). Director of the Legal Department of the Odessa City Council, Advisor to the Mayor of Odessa (2010 - 2011). Head of the project "Lawyer of the Year" (Odessa 2000 - 2003). Author of the books "Get off the couch ...", "Anatomy of victory."
Mission: training business people to manage complex and non-standard situations as the basic basis for the accumulation of personal strength; training of special abilities and transfer of knowledge as the basis for managing oneself, people and situations in the current world conditions (instability and aggressiveness of the environment).
main product. Personal consultations, group workshops and consulting in the segment of the development and use of special abilities as the basis for such activities.
Format: Teaching and training takes place on the basis of real, life situations, and not in the classroom. Contact with the trainer is daily, but short (up to 15 minutes) and relevant (for a specific situation). The start of work is preceded by a special two-day module.
Area of ​​competence (period: 1993 - 2013).

Development of the structure of the organization.
Analysis of "bottlenecks" (hidden sources of company development).
Designing the scheme of work of the legal department (security structure).
Strategic and psychological support for start-up.
Team building (training, training, coaching).
Conducting "brainstorming" with employees on real situations.
Setting up the business processes of the department.
Customization of the scheme of work of the sales department for specific tasks.
Psychological support of checks, negotiations, conflicts.
Legal support for the conclusion of long-term contracts.
Organizational and psychological support of business reorganization (purchase, separation, separation).
Psychological support of negotiations (high cost or value of the transaction).
Trainings (development of communications; work with objections; team building).
Express diagnostics of the problem; identification of hidden sources.
Teaching founders how to retain power (in relationships with partners, top managers, competitors; politics).
Advice on the selection of top managers considered for a specific position in the business.

04.12.2014 01:54

On Thursday, Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly. The beginning and end of his speech were devoted to the new socio-political situation of 2014. Putin traditionally devoted most of his message to the economy, where a lot should also change. His main thesis can be considered the words about the need to maintain national unity and work together for the welfare of the country.

1. Immediately after the opening remarks, Vladimir Putin thanked all the citizens of Russia for demonstrating unity and solidarity during the testing period. He considers it important not only that Russia, in difficult conditions, has shown its ability to protect its compatriots, to uphold truth and justice, but also that the corresponding actions of the state were fully supported by citizens.

Here you can pay attention to the use of not quite legal terms "truth" and "justice". Putin's words once again demonstrate that in Russia the formal bureaucratic categories play a much smaller role than the categories of internal authenticity.

2. Putin called the reunification of Crimea with Russia a historic event. He especially drew attention to the fact that Crimea is not only an important region for Russian history and not only a place where our compatriots live. The President recalled that it was in Crimea that Prince Vladimir was baptized. It was the spiritual soil, according to him, that became the basis of the unity of the people. Thus, the reunification with Crimea, supported by the majority of the country's citizens, received in the mouth of the president not a territorial or defensive meaning, and not even the meaning of restoring justice - it was about unity and spiritual roots.

3. The message could not do without the theme of Ukraine. Putin, on the one hand, noted that Russia has always supported the sovereignty of Ukraine and still supports it, and that Russia has provided and continues to provide significant financial assistance to Ukraine. At the same time, the president considers the methods of the coup d'état that were used in Ukraine unsuitable and senseless. According to him, the ongoing civil war in Ukraine proves that the Ukrainians should have taken a different path. Putin expressed confidence that the people of Ukraine would give an adequate assessment of what had happened.

4. He especially noted the role of "Western partners" in the Ukrainian conflict. He noted that they demonstrated hypocrisy, cynicism and were not in the mood for any dialogue. Since the dialogue failed, Russia will defend its interests unilaterally, Putin said. He stated that Russia would not submit to such a policy, in which the "lower" are considered uneducated and are not considered. Unlike a number of European countries, the concepts of national pride and sovereignty have not been forgotten in Russia, the President noted.

There are two important points to note here. First, the rejection of hypocrisy and cynicism - it would hardly occur to any of the Western leaders to talk about sincerity in politics, and this is important for the Russian president. Secondly, the concept of sovereignty plays a special role for Putin. In his opinion, full-fledged international relations should be based on the principles of mutual respect for sovereign subjects, and not on the principle of setting the rules of the game by the “main player”.

5. Regarding the sanctions applied against Russia, Putin said that it was not at all about Ukraine: if the Ukrainian and Crimean events had not happened, another reason would have been invented. The real reason, in his opinion, is the desire of the United States and its allies to restrain the development of Russia. These Western partners, according to Putin, “would be happy to let us go according to the Yugoslav scenario,” and lately every attempt by Russia to explain or justify itself has only led to more impudence on the part of Western partners. From these words, we can conclude that the Russian state is no longer going to make excuses: if the words of Western partners are hypocritical, and an attempt to reach a compromise leads to an increase in reciprocal impudence, then it is worth looking at things realistically and steadily defending your interests, Putin believes.

6. Part of the message on the foreign policy situation was devoted to two aspects: military and peaceful. Putin recalled the ongoing deployment of the US missile defense system, which, in his opinion, is not only a sign of the desire of this country to dominate without regard for anyone, but also a threat to the security of the whole world. Russia does not plan to get involved in an arms race, but at the same time it will fully ensure its security, Putin said.

As for the peaceful part, Russia, according to the president, intends to consistently defend the diversity of the world and convey the truth to people. The goal will be to gain as many equal partners as possible, both in the east and in the west. Mentioning interaction with the countries of Asia, Putin again used the word “sincere”, which is important for him - according to him, many of Russia's partners in Asia, unlike in other regions, demonstrate precisely a sincere desire to cooperate.

If these words do not remain wishful thinking, then we are talking about creating alternative centers of power, primarily using mutually beneficial bilateral and multilateral contacts. Putin expects that at least some countries will prefer this way of building relations to the current policy.

7. Sanctions, according to the president, should become an incentive for the development of the economy and an incentive to work better. Our success should depend on us, not on the market situation, the president said. Ahead of the country is a difficult time, when much will depend on the work of everyone. Putin used the same thesis when speaking about the interaction between the state and business - their goal should be "a common cause."

Another relatively new thesis was the call to all citizens of the country to be more active - both in economic and political life. The state should support this activity, Putin believes. He illustrated this thesis with several examples - in particular, he called for removing barriers for NGOs in the social sphere and continuing to remove unnecessary barriers for business, abandoning the principle of total control and checking only on the case. Perhaps this part of the message is the most important, since, according to many experts, it is the problems with showing initiative that are the main reason for low economic growth rates. The question is whether the necessary methods will be found.

8. Within the framework of the concept of cooperation between business and the state for the sake of a common cause, Putin proposed a number of specific measures to support entrepreneurs. In particular, they talked about a 4-year moratorium on any amendments to tax laws and a 3-year moratorium on inspections of those small businesses that have proven themselves. The loudest initiative was the proposal for a complete amnesty for capital returning to Russia: Putin stressed that there should be no law enforcement prosecution against such capital and their owners. But the second such chance to give, according to him, will not be given.

9. At the same time, he proposed restructuring the relationship between business and the state so that it is business that gives advice on what barriers are superfluous, what assistance is required from the state. Business, which understands better what it needs, must convey it to the state, and the state must provide it with conditions for work. In addition, a number of measures were proposed to support domestic producers. For example, Putin suggested that large state-owned companies buy only domestic equipment, if we are not talking about some unique technologies that are not available in Russia.

10. The president ended his message the same way he started: by stating the fact that at a fateful moment the people of Russia demonstrated unity, solidarity and patriotism - and by an expression of confidence that it will continue to be so.

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