Number of leopards in the world. These amazing wild cats. Description of the Far Eastern leopard

home The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is the largest species of tiger and is one of the largest. He is able to survive in extreme conditions low temperatures

and is not afraid of the chilling north wind. It has thicker fur than its southern counterparts, and on its belly it has a layer of fat five centimeters thick, which protects the animal from the cold.

The cat family has an elongated flexible body, a rounded head with very short ears, rather short legs and a long tail. The visual features of the Amur tiger are interesting. He sees colors well, unlike many other cats. And he sees better than a human, five times as much!

The Amur tiger is capable of running in the snow at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour.

The tiger's body length is from 2.7-3.8 meters, weight is from 160 to 270 kilograms. Body color is orange, with a white belly. Amur tigers are somewhat lighter than other species. Their lifespan is about 15 years.

Males usually live alone, and the “personal” territory of each of them can be up to 800 square kilometers. Females sometimes gather in groups.

Tigers can also communicate with each other. They greet each other with special sounds reminiscent of a growl. As a sign of friendliness, they may touch each other or rub their muzzles and sides.

Number and distribution
The main habitat of Amur tigers is Russia. There is also a small population (about 50 individuals) in China. By the way, in the Celestial Empire the death penalty is provided as punishment for killing an Amur tiger. In 2012, one of the oldest predators on the planet, the 21-year-old Amur tiger Lyuty, died in the Khabarovsk Territory. Once upon a time, Russian and American doctors jointly carried out Lyutoma unique operation

for jaw restoration. In Russia, the distribution range of the Amur tiger is in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, along the Ussuri and Amur rivers. Most of these animals are found in the Lazovsky district of the Primorsky Territory, in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin. The total number of wild Amur tigers in Russia, according to research data from 1996, is about 415 - 176 individuals (it would be more accurate to say how many individuals remain in, does not seem possible). About 450 more tigers are kept in various zoos around the world. The total number of Amur tigers is declining.

Jaguars– lat. Panthera onca, belong to the subfamily big cats, are representatives of the class mammals. Jaguar - most interesting representative cat family. This largest predator of all cats.


His characteristic distinctive features- this is a muscular, powerful body with short legs, big head, not very long tail (45-75 cm), short thick hair and, of course, a specific color - from sand to bright red. Black spots on the skin of a jaguar have various shapes- both solid, and rings, and rosettes, the belly and throat are white, like inner side paw The jaguar is similar in color to a leopard, but it itself is larger (body length from 120 to 185 cm excluding the tail), the head is larger, and the tail is shorter. Female jaguars are slightly smaller than males.


The habitat of jaguars has now significantly decreased. If earlier they could be found in both Central and South America, now we're talking about already about South America, southern Mexico, Brazil, Argentina. They were practically exterminated in El Salvador and Uruguay. Unfortunately, it was precisely because of their beautiful skin and the skills of a good hunter that the population has greatly decreased. Somewhere they were shot for another fur coat, and somewhere livestock was saved from them. Jaguars prefer to live in tropical rain forests, but can sometimes be found in the mountains and on the coast, where they like to dig up turtle eggs.

Character, lifestyle and nutrition of jaguars

The jaguar is a solitary predator by nature. You can only meet a pair of these animals during the mating period. The hunting grounds of these cats extend from 25 to 100 km, depending on the amount of game present. Jaguars are quite friendly towards their relatives, so hunting zones may overlap somewhere. At the same time, jaguars do not like other representatives of the cat family. This predator prefers to hunt either before sunrise or after sunset. During the daytime, jaguars rest in some cool cave. The main technique in hunting is an ambush near the drinking trails of animals. They often set up an ambush in trees, from where with one powerful leap they knock their prey down and grab onto its neck. It is not for nothing that the name “jaguar” means a beast that kills with one leap. It is this fatal jump for the victim that is enough to fracture the cervical vertebrae. In hunting, the jaguar is helped by its short legs, thanks to which it climbs trees well, as well as the ability to swim, which leaves the victim no chance of salvation even in the water. The jaguar cannot boast of great speed, and therefore usually does not try to catch up with the runaway animal. This predator hunts ungulates such as mazam deer, loves tapirs and capybaras, but will not refuse monkeys, foxes, birds and even (despite their strong shell). Sometimes jaguars are not averse to hunting livestock. The animal eats the caught prey in one or two passes, and does not return to it again, since jaguars do not like to eat carrion.


As such mating season It is not isolated from jaguars; it can be present at any time. After mating, approximately 100 days later, the female brings 1-4 kittens weighing on average 800 g. Small jaguars are under the protection of the female until the age of two, after which they gradually find their hunting territory and begin independent life. These beautiful predators live on average about twenty years. Despite the fact that jaguars reproduce well in captivity, their population today is very small and requires careful treatment.

Class – mammals (mammalia)

Order – carnivores (carnivora)

Family – felines (felidae)

Subfamily – big cats(pantherinae)

Genus – panthers (panthera)

Species – jaguar (panthera onca)

The basis of its diet consists of ungulates - Siberian roe deer and spotted deer, but sometimes the leopard can also feast on small animals, like raccoon dog, badger or hare. This will not be difficult for him, since this animal has perfectly developed hearing and vision. A leopard is able to detect very high sounds - with a frequency of up to 80 kilohertz (while a person hears only sounds with a frequency of up to 20 kilohertz). The spotted cat prefers to hunt at night, although sometimes it pursues prey during the day.

Interestingly, despite their predatory nature, leopards do not attack livestock that may wander into their territory. However, you should not come to the reserve with your pets: caretakers warn that these cats actively attack stray dogs.

It is worth noting that Far Eastern leopards are very peaceful, and throughout history there has not been a single case of a predator attacking a person. And young individuals chance meeting They are in no hurry to run away with a person, studying him with interest.

The spotted color of each predator is unique, like human fingerprints - scientists use it to distinguish these cats from each other. A motley (or camouflage) pattern covers the entire body; there are single spots on the head and paws, and on the sides, back and tail they form rings, so-called rosettes.

In general, these cats prefer to live alone. Each leopard has its own territory, through which the predator regularly moves to leave its marks. The only exceptions are females raising offspring. They live with their kittens until they reach adulthood, teaching them hunting and other useful skills for independent living.

Far Eastern leopards differ from their southern counterparts only in their thicker fur, since they have to face harsher weather conditions. This is not surprising, because the habitat of these predators is in the southwest of Primorsky Krai and on the Russian border with China.

The area in which they live wild cats, dictates its conditions: forests and mountainous terrain Far East force the leopard to be very mobile and dexterous. The spotted predator can jump to a height of at least 5 meters to drag its prey up a tree, the weight of which can be twice its own.

Toshiji Fukuda: The Amur tiger is more careful than the leopardJapanese wildlife photographer Toshiji Fukuda, in an interview with the Far Eastern Leopards ANO, spoke about his first meeting with the Far Eastern leopard, why it is more difficult to photograph a tiger, and about his future project.

Leopards move with ease not only through trees. Territories with rugged terrain, hills with steep rocky slopes are their native element, so these cats can be considered natural climbers.

Historically, leopards also lived on the Korean Peninsula, in the eastern provinces of China and the southern part of Sikhote-Alin (Primorsky Krai). The reason for the decrease in the population of spotted predators was the destruction of habitats, a reduction in food supply, poaching and the development of infrastructure in the region. Currently, these cats are the rarest subspecies of leopard, with about 80 individuals living in the wild and more than 200 predators in zoos around the world.

Population recovery Far Eastern leopard in Russia began in 2011, it was then that an autonomous non-profit organization Far Eastern Leopards, whose supervisory board is headed by Sergei Ivanov, special representative of the president Russian Federation on environmental issues, ecology and transport.

The main goal of the Far Eastern Leopards ANO is the study, conservation and restoration of the spotted population. In 2012, by decree of the government of the Russian Federation, it was formed in Primorye. And in 2013, an amendment was made to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for criminal penalty for illegal hunting, keeping, transportation and sale of especially valuable wild animals, including the Far Eastern leopard.

Concern for the conservation of the leopard is shown both in Russia and abroad. In the Red Book of the Russian Federation, it belongs to category I as a rare, critically endangered subspecies with an extremely limited range, the main population of which is located within Russia. The Far Eastern leopard is also included in the Red Book International Union conservation and in Annex I to the Convention on International Trade in Species wild fauna and endangered flora (CITES). Leopard hunting has been prohibited since 1956.

And also the only representative of the panther genus in North and South America. The current range of the jaguar ranges from the southwestern United States and Mexico to Paraguay and Northern Argentina.


Jaguars are the largest and only panther cat native to the Americas. The height at the withers can reach 75 cm. The length of the body is 150-180 cm, and the length of the tail is 70-90 cm. Jaguars weigh between 68-136 kg. These are powerful animals, with large square jaws and large cheeks. They have a skinny body and muscular limbs. Their bodies are built for power, not speed, although they can develop good speed and pounce at lightning speed on unsuspecting victims. The coat color ranges from pale yellow to reddish brown, with black spots on the neck, body and legs. The belly is white with a gray tint. Black or melanistic jaguars are quite common and are the result of one dominant allele. These jaguars have black fur with black spots, which are usually difficult to see against a black background. Melanists are more common in forests.

The largest jaguars have been recorded in the Panatal Nature Reserve in Brazil, where males weigh on average 100 kg and females 76 kg. The smallest jaguars are found in Honduras, where males weigh on average 57 kg and females 42 kg. IN general jaguars, found in dense forests smaller in size than those that live in open areas, perhaps this is due to the greater density of ungulates in open places. Males are usually 10-20% larger than females. Dental formula I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 3/2, and M 1/1.


Jaguars prefer dense habitats that provide them with ample cover, although they are also found in forested areas, reed beds, coastal forests, swamps and thickets. Jaguars are excellent swimmers and tend to live near water, such as rivers, lagoons, ponds and swamps. They are not usually found in dry areas. Jaguars have been recorded at altitudes of 3,800 meters in Costa Rica, but they are generally not found in mountain forests and do not live above 2,700 meters in the Andes. In northern Mexico and the southwestern United States, jaguars are found in oak forests, mesquite, and riparian forests.

Jaguars stalk their prey on the ground, preferring dense brush for camouflage. They can climb trees for their protection or while hunting. To maintain a healthy population, animals require a water supply, dense vegetation and sufficient prey.

Habitat range

Jaguars have a wide distribution, ranging from southern Arizona and New Mexico, south toward northern Argentina and northeastern Brazil. However, the population has been significantly reduced or eliminated in some regions, including El Salvador, the United States and large areas Mexico.

Jaguars currently cover an area of ​​approximately 8.75 million km2, or 46% of their historical range. Most jaguars distributed in the Amazon River basin, including the Cerrado, Pantanal, and Chaco. Its range extends to the north and east of the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Guiana. Population declines primarily occurred in northern Mexico, the United States, northern Brazil and southern Argentina. Populations were destroyed in the Monte Desert in Argentina and the Pampa Steppe in the southeast South America. Jaguars are not typically found in higher elevations such as Pune.

Jaguars have their own range of habitats, which range from 25 to 38 km2 for females and almost twice as much for males. An adult male covers a range of 2-3 females. Males tend to travel further than females. According to one study, the average daily movement distance for males is estimated at 3.3 km, and for females at 1.8 km. They defend their habitats from other adult males.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Jaguars most often communicate through vocalizations. During estrus, females communicate in the morning and late at night that they are ready to mate. Males respond to these calls with vocalizations of their own and travel to the female's territory to copulate, leading to competition between males to mate with a particular female. It is not uncommon for a female to copulate with multiple males, although a dominant male may chase off a weaker opponent. Females do not tolerate the presence of males after mating and especially after the birth of cubs.

The estrus cycle typically repeats after 37 days and is between 6 and 17 days long. Estrus is characterized by the following features: lordosis (deep curvature of the spine), flehmen (lip movement), vocalizations, rolling and increased aromatic markings. Males show increased androgen levels all year round, but the peak in hormone levels recedes during flood waters in some areas. Jaguars can produce offspring year-round, but generally mating increases from December to March. Most of Cubs are born during the rainy season, when prey is more abundant. On average, a female gives birth to 2 cubs (the number varies from 1 to 4). Pregnancy lasts 91-111 days. Reproduction in females occurs at 12-24 months, and in males at 24-36 months.

Cubs are born with their eyes closed and are completely dependent on their mother. Their eyes open for about two weeks. They are fed with mother's milk until they reach 5-6 months of age. Then they begin to hunt with their mother. The cubs depend on their mother for almost two years. She protects them from predators, teaches them to hunt and instills all the necessary skills.

Jaguars live 11-12 years. Disease, accidents, collisions with other wild animals or poaching are the main sources of mortality. In captivity, jaguars can reach 20 years of age.


Jaguars are most active in evening time and at dawn, although they can be active at any time of the day. As a rule, they rest during the day. When resting, jaguars lie in deep shade, under dense vegetation, in caves or under large rocks. They also rest near river banks, and during the rainy season they are forced to perch on trees. Jaguars are highly dependent on water, especially during dry periods when they need to escape the water. These are solitary animals except during the breeding season.

Communication and perception

Jaguars primarily communicate through vocalizations. It increases in tone or power and differs depending on the individual making the sound, whether male, female, or female in heat. Males have more powerful vocalizations than females. During estrus, females call late at night and at dawn. The male's response to the female's call is more hoarse and guttural. Hunters sometimes imitate the sounds of a female to attract a male. Jaguars mark territory with vocalizations, mark trees, and defecate on vegetation.


Jaguars are strictly carnivorous mammals. They have a rich diet, over 85 species have been recorded as jaguar food. Preferred prey are large animals such as peccaries, tapirs and members of the deer family. They also hunt caimans, turtles, snakes, porcupines, capybaras, fish, birds and other animals. Jaguars usually attack prey from a secluded place. They make a direct bite to the neck and then strangle the victim or kill it instantly by piercing the back of the skull with their fangs. Their powerful jaws and fangs allow them to kill thick-skinned reptiles and bite through turtle shells. Then, the jaguars drag their prey to a secluded place and enjoy the food.


Humans are the main threat to jaguars. They are victims of poaching for their skin, paws and teeth. Due to their stealth, jaguars often manage to avoid detection by humans and successfully hunt.

Role in the ecosystem

Economic significance for humans


Jaguars are predators and keystone species in the ecosystems they inhabit. Their skins and furs are sold for profit, despite the ban on hunting in most countries. Compliance with laws protecting jaguars has improved in last years. Jaguars are also an important source of income in ecotourism for local communities where there are opportunities to observe them.


Jaguars sometimes prey on cattle and other farm animals, leading to persecution by herders. Some countries, such as Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru, have not banned hunting only for “problem” jaguars that repeatedly kill livestock. Bolivia allows trophy hunting of jaguars. Jaguars do not attack people without provocation.

Security status

Jaguars are considered to be near vulnerable according to the IUCN. Many populations remain stable, but their numbers are continuously declining due to poaching and habitat destruction. Jaguars are particularly persecuted in game breeding areas. cattle despite legal protection.


There are three main subspecies of jaguars:
1. Panthera onca onca– Venezuela, although the Amazon is also included.
2.Panthera onca hernandesii– (Mexican jaguar): Northern Mezquica. The Mexican Jaguar includes the following 4 subspecies:
- Panthera onca centralis(Central American Jaguar): El Salvador to Colombia.
- Panthera onca. arizonensis(Arizona jaguar): Southern Arizona to Sonora, Mexico.
- Panthera onca. veraecrucis: Central Texas to southeastern Mexico.
- Panthera onca goldmani: from Yucatan to Belize and Guatemala.
3. Panthera onca palustris(largest subspecies, reaching a weight of about 135 kg): Pantanal region of Mato Grosso and Muto Grosso do Sul, Brazil along the Paraguay River and northeastern Argentina.

Video of a jaguar hunting a caiman

The Far Eastern leopard is the rarest large cat on the planet. This is the northernmost subspecies of leopard and the only one that has learned to live and hunt in the snow. This is the most peaceful subspecies of leopard and the only one that has signed a non-aggression pact with humans. But, unfortunately, this pact turned out to be one-sided. Our leopard never attacks a person, and a person remains a mortal threat to him.

According to the results of the last accounting, in 2018 on a specially protected natural area"Land of the Leopard" recorded 91 adult spotted predators and 22 kittens. A hundred years ago, these cats inhabited the entire Korean Peninsula and two provinces of China. Today, the range of the Far Eastern leopard is the south of Primorsky Krai and the northeast of China. For a long time Very few people knew about the existence of this unique animal in Russia, even in Primorye. Most were involved in the conservation of another rare cat, the Amur tiger, while since the 1980s, as a result of extermination, the number of the Far Eastern leopard has become critically low, amounting to only about 30 individuals. Thanks to government assistance and the work of environmental organizations, steps began to be taken to save the rare predator in the early 2000s. An important milestone was created in 2012 national park"Land of the Leopard" The first results of the work within the project inspire optimism - the number of leopards has begun to grow. The area of ​​its range is expanding, going beyond the territory of Russia. However, for the safety of the population, its size must be at least 150 individuals. Currently, the Far Eastern leopard is still on the verge of extinction. Hunting for the Far Eastern leopard has been prohibited since 1956; the predator is included in the IUCN Red Book, the Red Book of Russia, as well as in a number of other protection documents. The lifespan of leopards in captivity reaches 20 years, in the wild – 10-15 years.

There are several reasons for the decrease in the range of the Far Eastern leopard: a reduction in the food supply as a result economic development forests and poaching of ungulates; hunting the predators themselves; destruction of habitats as a result of cutting down trees and forest fires. The leopard's flexible nature has allowed it to learn to live in close proximity to people. And although we give him a lot of trouble, he manages to exist in almost the most populated corner of Primorye, remaining an elusive ghost for the residents.

Despite the fact that leopards are predominantly introverted and would prefer their own to any company, courtship reveals their truly passionate nature. One spotted gentleman can show attention to several ladies at once. Future mom approaches the issue of parenthood with full responsibility, carefully arranging the nursery in scattered stones, caves or under rock overhangs. The leopardess stays in position for only 90 days, and then gives birth to two or three kittens. On the seventh to ninth day, the babies open their eyes, and at two weeks they actively explore the surrounding space, crawling around the nest. Tireless researchers give mom a lot of trouble in their quest to quickly understand the world. After a year, the adults leave their mother.

The Far Eastern leopard is significantly inferior in physical indicators to its brother, the Amur tiger. However, do not think that its lower weight and size make it a worse hunter. On the contrary, unlike the tiger, the spotted athlete is an excellent climber. He prefers to live on hills, mountain ridges, and hilltops. Such skills allow the leopard to avoid dangerous encounters with a tiger and stalk prey from afar. Conquerors of rocky slopes have keen eyesight. The Far Eastern leopard can spot potential prey from a distance of one and a half kilometers!

This is a swift and silent hunter with amazing hearing. This predator usually goes hunting an hour or two before sunset and hunts for the first half of the night, although sometimes it pursues prey during the day, especially on cloudy, cold days and in winter. The leopard feeds mainly on ungulates - sika deer and roe deer. One spotted roe deer or deer is enough for the Far Eastern leopard to live for 10 days. It is important that the rulers of the taiga lands are very careful owners. They never undermine the number of ungulates on their territory and kill only as many as they can eat. Leopards are excellent runners and swimmers. However, when hunting, they prefer to rely on their excellent camouflage and tracking skills.

The leopard is not a sedentary animal. He constantly walks around the territory. Each leopard has its own habitat. They regularly walk around the perimeter and also visit certain places to leave their marks. The color of a leopard's skin depends on the time of year. In summer, the fur color acquires a brighter and richer shade, which at the same time perfectly camouflages the leopard. From the very birth of a leopard, spots on its skin, the so-called rosettes, form their own unique pattern, characteristic only of this animal. This pattern does not change throughout life, like human fingerprints. It is by these spots that scientists distinguish one individual from another. The powerful neck allows this cat to drag and lift prey weighing twice its own weight, and with the help long tail he can jump from a standstill to a height of up to 5 meters.

If the Far Eastern leopard sees people in the taiga, it skillfully hides from them. The study of the Far Eastern leopard is carried out only by non-contact methods - using camera traps and tracking tracks in the snow. Catching these rare cats prohibited. Each leopard recorded by a camera trap is assigned an identification number, for example – Leo 5F. In addition, leopards are given names. In the “Land of the Leopard” live such predators as Grace, Cleopatra, Lord and others.

Why is it important to preserve the Far Eastern leopard?

The Far Eastern leopard is an indicator of the state of the ecosystem. These cats live in unique nature southwest of Primorsky Krai, where the taiga meets the tropics. Local forests boast a wealth of flora and fauna. An ecosystem is a single, harmoniously operating mechanism. The loss of any seemingly insignificant link entails the most serious changes in the entire system. Therefore, saving as much as possible more animal species is important task. Each species is unique and necessary for nature and man. If endangered species are not saved, the balance in natural environment. The healthy functioning of the entire ecosystem depends on the state of the spotted cat population, because it is predators who regulate the number of animals lower in the chain. For example, herbivores reproduce quite quickly and, in the absence of predators, can dramatically increase the population and create a huge load on vegetation, which will not be able to recover on its own. This will lead to a global food shortage and the extinction of all animals. And if the Far Eastern leopard feels comfortable and the population grows, the whole nature is healthy.

In years when the snow cover is high, roe deer and sika deer – animals that form the basis of the Far Eastern leopard’s diet – leave their habitats en masse. At such moments, people come to the aid of a predator in difficulty - the staff of the national park organize feeding stations for the ungulates so that they do not starve and do not allow the predators to starve.

Leopardesses prefer tiny caves with a reliable security system to spacious apartments: the entrance to their home is so narrow that only the owner can enter it. This factor is especially important during the period of birth of spotted babies. The best areas for living from a leopard's point of view are hills with rocky slopes and areas with rugged terrain. At the same time, Far Eastern leopards, like Amur tigers, look like domestic cats, and they, in turn, look like us - we all love to lie in a cozy place with beautiful views.

The hunting of the Far Eastern leopard is of particular interest to researchers. Conventionally, this process can be divided into four stages: searching for a victim, hiding, throwing and fighting. Despite the habit of constant movement, the leopard is not susceptible to current sports trends and I’m not inclined to run a marathon again. Therefore, he does not chase prey for a long time.

But a skilled spotted tracker can sneak up to a prey at a distance of up to five meters, and then overtake it in several jumps and crush it. Silently approaching an unsuspecting prey is called stealth: on bent paws, a cautious predator half-crawls its way to potential prey, using natural shelters. Moreover, in winter, from its tracks in the snow, you can trace the whole picture of the hunt: it is noticeable how the steps become smaller, how the leopard, tense before the throw, gathered into an elastic spring, crawls with its belly through the snow, as close to the ground as possible.

The rugged terrain of the territory trained the leopard to become a true strategist and master of tactical actions. While the future meal should not guess its sad fate, its owner cannot lose sight of the goal. That is, it is necessary to simultaneously remain invisible and have good review. Therefore, the genius of natural camouflage bypasses its target in such a way that the wind blows in the opposite direction from it and the victim cannot sense the approaching danger. However, luck plays a significant role in good hunting. Often, even a predator armed with skills, abilities and innate instincts has to work hard to provide itself with a worthwhile feast.

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