The energy saving campaign is brighter together. A report on the events held within the framework of the All-Russian Energy Saving Festival is brighter together. Energy saving chairs and electric benches

Methodological recommendations for preparing and conducting events for senior secondary school students and youth on the topic “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency” within the framework of All-Russian festival#TogetherBrighter

Preface……………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Team quiz “Energy Efficient Generation”………………… 4

Quiz script:

Round I: “Country Energy”…………………………………………………………..5

Round II: “Energy Saving Champion”……………………………………..9

Round III: “Facts, figures, dates”…………………………………………10

IV round: “Energy audit”…………………………………………………….12

Round V: “Energy Saving of the Future”…………………………………...14


Description of the quest………………………………………………………………………………..15

An example of creating an official quest account in social network“VKontakte”…………………....…………………………………………………………….19

An example of creating an official quest account on the social network “Instagram”…………………....…………………………………………………………….22

Additional information on those presented in methodological recommendations materials can be obtained by making a request to the address email Federal Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Festival #BrighterTogether: [email protected] . The organizing committee will also be grateful for comments and suggestions for adjusting the content of the events.


From September 2 to November 23, 2016, the First All-Russian Energy Saving Festival #BrighterTogether was held in all regions of the country - an event to attract the attention of Russian residents to the issues of caring for energy resources and the use of modern energy-efficient technologies in everyday life and in production.

The festival was held with the support of the Russian Ministry of Energy, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Rosmolodezh, the State Corporation “Fund for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform,” the Global Energy Foundation and public organizations.

“Useful holiday” - this is the popular name given to the #BrighterTogether festival in the regions of Russia. The festival in the format of a family city holiday was held from September 2 to 11, 2016 in more than 60 regional centers And major cities Russia. From September to November 2016, events in support of the festival were held in all regions of the country: lessons and themed weeks on energy saving were held in schools and kindergartens, essay competitions for schoolchildren and youth about the contribution of the older generation (parents and grandparents) to the development of the Russian economy, including energy efficient technologies, Days open doors at fuel and energy complex enterprises, corporate competitions rac. proposals in the field of energy saving, etc. There was active support for the festival on social networks: thousands of messages with the hashtag #brightertogether from cities and villages, from children and adults who took part in festival events from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad.

In 2017, the festival program #BrighterTogether is integrated with the program of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students: In this regard, one of the main themes of the Festival is the theme “Energy Efficient Generation 2030” and the involvement of schoolchildren and students in the Festival.

From September to October 2017, the social campaign #BrighterTogether will again take place throughout the country in support of the energy saving festival, in which educational institutions will also take part Russian Federation.

The manual consists of two chapters. The first chapter describes the conduct of a team quiz, the second chapter describes the preparation and organization of a quest on social Internet networks. The collection contains detailed tasks, questions, answers, and also within the second chapter contains step-by-step algorithm creating official accounts (pages) of the quest on the social networks Instagram and Vkontakte e.

Additional methodological materials on holding events of various formats for schoolchildren and youth on the topic of energy saving can be found on the website www.vmesteyarche.rf in the “Materials” section.

Team quiz “Energy Efficient Generation”

Quiz description

View: classroom event.

Time: 45 – 60 minutes.

Venue: school classroom/auditorium/assembly hall.


Expanding the knowledge of quiz participants on the topic “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency”, as well as studying modern energy-efficient technologies used in various sectors of the economy;

Stimulating cognitive interest in the topic of a careful and rational attitude towards energy resources and their use in the future everyday life acquired knowledge;

Informal communication between teachers/teachers and students/pupils.

IN tasks The event includes:

· development of creative potential and horizons of participants;

· support and development of intellectually and creatively gifted children;

· involving students in independent creative activity, increasing their interest in the topic of energy saving;

· identifying students who are interested in participating in city, regional and all-Russian events/competitions on the topic “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency” in the future.

Brief description. Two teams participate in the quiz. Participants must complete 5 rounds. During the quiz process, teams earn points. At the end of the game, the team that scored more points, wins. These guidelines provide examples of questions; it is recommended that the quiz organizers supplement them or adjust them taking into account the age of the event participants and their basic level knowledge on the topic “Energy saving”.

At the end of the event, it is proposed to take a group photo of the quiz participants. The photo will need to be framed with the symbols of the All-Russian Energy Saving Festival #BrighterTogether and the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017 and published on social Internet networks with the hashtags #BrighterTogether#VFMS2017_Khabarovsk (note: the region in which the photo was taken is indicated). Most interesting photos will be published in the photo feed of the website www.vmesteyarche.rf and used in the design of the visuals at the #VmesteYarche festival in Sochi in October 2017.

Quiz script

Quiz participants are divided into 2 teams in advance and come up with a name for themselves (the game can take place between classes/groups, etc.).

Also, the formation of teams can take place immediately before the start of the quiz. Options for distributing participants into teams:

1. You need to print 2 photos and cut them (photo options: regional energy facilities, equipment, photos of famous figures). The total number of pieces of photographs must match the number of students. Then place the cut pieces of the photo on the table, first turning them face down and mix them. Each participant must take one element. Those children whose elements are combined into one picture are members of the same team.

2. Invite participants to take turns naming the polarity: “plus, minus, plus, minus...”, that is, whoever names “plus” will be a member of the first team, whoever names “minus” will be a member of the second team.

Round I: “Country Energy”.

1. Task

Let's remember the abbreviations of power plants. Abbreviations are shown on the screen or on a large Whatman paper; teams need to decipher them. The first one to do it gets 5 points, the second one gets 3 points. If the teams completed the task at the same time, then two teams receive the highest score at once.

To be ready, teams can be given 1-5 minutes.

Abbreviations of power plants and their interpretation

· Nuclear power plants(nuclear power plant)

· Thermal power plants (TPP)

· Hydroelectric stations (HPP)

· Wind power plants (WPP)

· Solar power plants (SPP)

· Combined heat and power plants (CHP)

· State district power station (GRES)

Autonomous power plant (NPP)

2. Task

Participants see a map of Russia in front of them. ( The map can be printed on a printer, then a color division of regions with names can be applied to it.)

Each team has a list of famous power plants in Russia. Teams need to name and show on the map or, if possible, indicate with a circle the location of the object.

If the team indicated all the power plants correctly at once, it receives 10 points, but if, when answering, the presenter needs to give hints (listed below), then the “cost” of each hint is “-1” point.

To be ready, teams can be given 1-5 minutes.

Option for 1 team:

Answer (region where the station is located)

Option for 2nd team:

Answer (region where the station is located)

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

Republic of Khakassia

Bratsk hydroelectric power station

Irkutsk region

Balakovo NPP

Saratov region

Bilibino NPP

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Beloyarsk NPP

Sverdlovsk region

Kalinin NPP

Tver region

Dyagilevskaya CHPP

Ryazan region

Gubkinskaya CHPP

Belgorod region

Shaturskaya GRES

Moscow region

Novomoskovskaya GRES

Tula region

Markinskaya wind farm

Rostov region

WPP Tyupkildy

Republic of Bashkortostan

Examples of hints for teams to determine the region where the station is located, if participants find it difficult to answer:

1. Republic of Khakassia (Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station). Hints: This is the Republic. The region is located in the Siberian Federal District. Borders with the Kemerovo region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Tyva and the Republic of Altai.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

The capital of the region is the city of Abakan

2. Saratov region (Balakovo NPP). Hints: part of Privolzhsky federal district. In the south it borders with the Volgograd region, in the west - with the Voronezh and Tambov regions, in the north - with Penza, Samara, Ulyanovsk and Orenburg regions, in the east lies the state border between Russia and Kazakhstan. The total length of the borders is over 3,500 km.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

Yuri Gagarin studied at an industrial technical school in this region, from which he graduated with honors.

3. Sverdlovsk region (Beloyarsk NPP). Hints: part of the Ural Federal District. It borders on the west with Perm region, in the north with the Komi Republic and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in the east with the Tyumen region, in the south with Kurgan, Chelyabinsk regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

Vladimir Vysotsky was born and lived in the capital of this region.

4. Ryazan region (Dyagilev thermal power plant). Hints: part of the Central Federal District. Borders: in the north with the Vladimir region, in the northeast - Nizhny Novgorod region, in the east - the Republic of Mordovia, in the southeast - Penza region, in the south - Tambov and Lipetsk regions, in the west - with the Tula region and in the north-west - with the Moscow region.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, a Russian and Soviet inventor, the founder of theoretical cosmonautics, was born in the region.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

5. Moscow region (Shaturskaya GRES). Hints: part of the Central Federal District. The region is located in the central part of the East European Plain in the basin of the Volga, Oka, Klyazma, and Moscow rivers. It borders in the north-west and north with the Tver region, in the north-east and east - with Vladimir, in the south-east - with Ryazan, in the south - with Tula, in the south-west - with Kaluga, in the west - with Smolensk, in in the center - with the federal city of Moscow. Show: flag and coat of arms.

6. Rostov region (Markinskaya wind farm). Hints: part of the Southern Federal District. In the east it borders with the Volgograd region, in the north - with the Voronezh region, in the south - with the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, the Republic of Kalmykia, in the west - with the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

7. Irkutsk region (Bratsk hydroelectric power station). Hints: part of the Siberian Federal District. It borders in the west with the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the northeast with Yakutia, in the east with the Trans-Baikal Territory, in the east and south with Buryatia, in the southwest with Tuva.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

8. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Bilibino NPP). Hints: this is an Autonomous Okrug. Located in the Far Eastern Federal District. Borders with Yakutia, Magadan region and Kamchatka region. In the east it has a maritime border with the United States.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

9. Tver region (Kalinin NPP). Hints: part of the Central Federal District. It borders on the Moscow, Yaroslavl, Vologda, Novgorod, Smolensk and Pskov regions.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

10. Belgorod region (Gubkinskaya CHPP). Hints: part of the Central Federal District. Located in the southwestern part of Russia, 500-700 km south of Moscow, on the border with Ukraine.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

11. Tula region (Novomoskovskaya GRES). Hints: part of the Central Federal District Borders: in the north and northeast - with Moscow, in the east - with Ryazan, in the southeast and south - with Lipetsk, in the south and southwest - with Oryol, in the west and north -west - with Kaluga regions.

Show: flag and coat of arms

12. Republic of Bashkortostan (WPP Tyupkildy). Hints: This is the Republic. It is part of the Volga Federal District. It borders with the Perm Territory, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg regions, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Udmurt Republic.

Show: flag and coat of arms.

Round II: “Energy Saving Champion”

1 person from a team participates in the round, who is selected by other team members. The participant must answer 10 questions. In this competition, a team can earn 20 points, each question has its own score and four answer options.

The presenter asks questions in order, the participant must answer; if the answer is incorrect, the team ends their participation in the round. The participant has the opportunity to use the team’s advice once and once the presenter removes two incorrect answer options.

Option for 1 team

Option for 2nd team

Question no.

Question and answer options (correct answer is marked in green)

Question no.

Number of points for the correct answer

Question and answer options

Which of these energy sources is renewable:

· Wind

What is the unit of measurement of electrical power?

Kilojoule (KJ)

Kilometer (km)

· Kilowatt (kW)

· Megabyte (MB)

Which lamp is the least efficient?

· Incandescent lamp

Fluorescent lamp

LED lamp

Mercury lamp

Which lamp is the most efficient?

Incandescent lamp

Fluorescent lamp

· LED lamp

Mercury lamp

Which of the following is not a way to save heat in an apartment:

· Installation of heat regulators on batteries.

· Insulation of windows.

· Installation of energy-saving windows.

· Regularly open windows

Which of the indicators denote the most high class energy efficiency of a household appliance?

· Class A

· Class B

Class C

· Class D

The English abbreviation that is used to denote the term "LED" is:

The time period of the day when the population is provided with the largest discount for electricity consumption when installing a multi-tariff meter:

· 23.00-07.00

How many times is modern led lamp more efficient than incandescent lamps?

· 1.5 – 2 times

· 3 - 5 times

· 7 -10 times

· 15 -20 times

What types of stations generate the most electricity in Russia:

· Hydroelectric power plants

· Nuclear power plants

· Thermal power plants

· Solar power plants

Round III: “Facts, figures, dates”

Round duration: 5-7 minutes

Teams need to answer questions that are spoken out loud by the presenter or that are printed on a piece of paper. In each question, the answer is a number or date. Participants are given a hint - a table with numbers. Each number is the correct answer to the question. The table is on a printed sheet for the team or shown on the screen.

For each correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point. The number of correct answers is equal to the number of points the team will receive for this competition.

Variant of questions and table with answers for team No. 1

261 – ??? number of the law of the Russian Federation “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency”.

100 – The sale of what wattage of incandescent lamps is banned in Russia? Over??? Tue

1809 - Work on the first incandescent lamps took place independently, in different countries and at different times. The first experiments were carried out by the Englishman Delarue in??? year, when he managed to construct the very first device equipped with a platinum thread.

300 - Does electricity move at speed??? 000 (thousand) km/h.

4 - The first battery in??? The volta was found in Egypt, and it consisted of a copper cylinder and an iron rod embedded in it. Liquid was poured into the cylinder, but the rod did not touch the walls of the vessel.

1881 IN??? The German engineer F. Uppenborn invented an electromagnetic device with an elliptical core, and in 1886 he also proposed an electromagnetic device with a round coil and two cylindrical cores.

350 - The main feature of the electric catfish is the presence of electrical organs located over the entire surface of the body, directly under the skin. They make up 1/4 of the catfish's mass. An average-sized catfish (50 cm) is capable of generating voltage reaching ??? IN.

1600 - The term “electricity” (from English “electricity”) was coined by Queen Elizabeth’s physician William Gilbert. For the first time this word was used by him in a work devoted to experiments with electrified bodies - “On the magnet, magnetic bodies and the large magnet - the Earth,” published in ??? year.

746 - Until the announcement of the watt as a unit of power measurement at the Second Congress of the British Scientific Association in 1882, horsepower was used for calculations (one horsepower was equal to ??? watt).

Variant of questions and table with answers for team No. 2

2009 – ??? the year of signing the law of the Russian Federation “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency”

1876 - Which one??? year, the first power station (block station) was built in Russia at the Sormovo Machine-Building Plant to power lighting installations?

220 - Standard voltage in Russian household electrical networks??? volt.

1 - If the current in a conductor is 1 Ampere, this means that in 1 second it passes a charge of electricity equal to??? Kl (pendant).

600 - Can an electric eel strike with electric current??? volt.

1826 - The empirical physical law that determines the relationship between the electromotive force of a source (or electrical voltage) and the strength of the current flowing in a conductor and the resistance of the conductor was established by Georg Ohm in??? year and named after him.

300 - There is more on Earth??? species of electric fish.

1880 - To the distant ones??? There was a “war of currents” between Thomas Edison (who invented direct current) and Nikola Tesla (who discovered alternating current). Both wanted their systems to be widely used, but alternating current won because it was easier to obtain, more efficient, and less dangerous.

44 - Every year on our planet about ??? 000 (thousand) thunderstorms.

Round IV: “Energy audit”

Round duration: 10 minutes

The teams will have to familiarize themselves with the reports of the chief power engineers of the social institution and the network complex on the activities carried out during the year in the framework of energy saving and energy efficiency.

The teams’ task is to find in the report activities that contribute to energy saving and justify them(what each event provides for energy saving and energy efficiency).

Task for team No. 1(note: correct answers are marked in green)

Report by Petrov Alekseevich – chief power engineer of the kindergarten “Solnyshko”

1. Energy-saving lamps have been installed for indoor and outdoor lighting.

2. Carpets are laid in open corridors.

3. Dimmers and motion sensors are installed.

4. Windows are insulated.

5. The doors are lightened and the insulation is removed.

6. In classrooms, the windows are covered with thick curtains.

7. Wall structures are insulated.

8. An energy service contract has been concluded.

9. Flowers with tall and lush foliage are installed on all window sills.

10. Infrared heaters are installed in rooms with ceiling heights higher than 3–4 meters.

11. In the center of the hall there are three additional supports, painted blue.

12. Some lighting is turned off in rooms where there are no people during classes, lunch breaks or afternoon naps.

13. Heat-reflecting screens are installed behind the batteries.

14. Contracts for water supply have been concluded

15. Energy-efficient equipment, appliances and utensils in the canteen were purchased.

16. The walls are painted in light colors.

17. A sports hall has been added to the main building.

18. Lamps, lampshades and windows are constantly cleaned of dust.

19. Explanatory work was carried out with employees of the institution on energy saving.

20. On the second and third floors, the railings on the staircase landings have been updated. Red oak railings installed.

Task for team No. 2

Report by Vasily Alekseevich Vasechkin – chief power engineer of grid complex No. 15

1. An energy-saving lighting system has been installed at substations.

2. 15 all-terrain vehicles were purchased for electrical personnel.

3. Regulatory measures have been applied: voltage regulation in the network, shutdown of excess installed power.

4. Reclosers are used at the facilities.

5. Monitoring of the implementation of electrical equipment inspection schedules is carried out.

6. Reactive power compensation devices are used.

7. Replaced bare wires with self-supporting insulated wire.

8. Carrying out routine repairs of electrical equipment on a regular basis.

9. Carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance of electrical equipment.

10. An automated control system for operating modes of the electrical network and automation of network dispatching (APCS) have been introduced.

11. Open days were held for high school students educational school at the complex facilities.

12. Measures have been taken to combat the theft of electricity.

13. Devices and equipment have been installed to facilitate the extraction of heat from transformers for heating switchgear buildings.

14. A new one was purchased for electrical personnel work clothes in light colors.

15. Doors in the premises are insulated.

16. The external walls of the substations were painted in a light color.

17. A system has been introduced to automatically close external doors at the complex’s facilities

18. Lessons on electrical safety were conducted with non-electrical personnel.

19. Installed systems for heating the supply air with heat from exhaust ventilation (when using electric boilers).

20. Regularly perform preventive tests of electrical equipment.

Round V: “Energy saving of the future.”

Round duration: 10 minutes

Teams are given whatman paper, colored pencils, and markers. Participants must draw a project for “Energy Saving of the Future.” They can come up with energy-saving devices and equipment that are used in the home and in production in the country. Also, schoolchildren/students can imagine in the field of science - what could be invented in 100 or 50 years. They then present their projects to the leader and the second team.

The team with the most points over 5 rounds wins the quiz.


1. Federal Law on Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency (dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ)

2. Feynman lectures on physics: In 9 volumes

3. Power plants and electrical networks. Diagnostics and control of electrical equipment. G.M. Mikheev, Moscow Publishing house "Dodeka-XXI".

4. Large illustrated encyclopedia of knowledge. Krakan M. Publisher: BMM. Year of publication: 2011.

5. Wikipedia is a publicly accessible online encyclopedia.

Description of the quest

Duration of the quest: 10 days

Brief description: The event takes place in one of social internet networks, which is most popular among young people in the region where the quest is held: Instagram, Facebook, Vkontakte. The competition is open to high school students and young people from across the region.

The quest tasks do not require participants to have highly specialized knowledge on energy or energy saving, but are aimed at stimulating creative youth activity, involving the participants themselves in popularizing the topic of energy saving, and searching for new interesting ideas to promote a rational and careful attitude to energy resources in the country.

For 10 days, in a specially created account (page) with the name of the quest and region (for example: #TogetherBrighterKursk_quest), new tasks with certain hashtags are published every evening (for example, #TogetherBrighterKursk_task1). Participants should not know the quest tasks in advance!

Participants are given 24 hours to complete each task. Participants must post their answers on their social network page with the obligatory hashtag before answering #TogetherBrighterKursk_task1. Important, that it is precisely by this hashtag that the quest organizers will then find competition participants and their answers on the social network. Without a hashtag, responses cannot be identified in a timely manner and evaluated (in this case, claims will not be accepted from participants; this must be specified in advance in the terms of the competition).

A jury/evaluation commission is created to evaluate the completion of tasks. The composition of the commission is published in the public domain. Each commission member, after completing the next task, gives the teams points. Either the jury evaluates the results with a single point, rather than each individual member of the commission making their own assessment. The organizers post the evaluation results in the official account of the competition after each task.

There can be one participant, or there can be a group of people - the number is not limited. In order to take part in the quest, a participant/group of participants sends the full name/name of the group and a link to their game account to the organizer in advance for registration. Only those participants/groups who have registered with the organizers in advance participate in the quest.

The participant with the most points wins the quest. There can be several winners: 1-3 places or an individual winner and a winner among group participants. It is recommended to reward participants with prizes and diplomas, or to invite them to an Open Day at one of the energy facilities of festival partner companies in the region. It is recommended that the award ceremony be held at the city festival #BrighterTogether in September 2017.

Please note that this quest can be conducted by several organizers in different regions of the country, therefore, to prevent participants from one region from using ready-made answers from participants from another region published on social networks, it is recommended to adjust the tasks in terms of details in the descriptive part.

Progress of the event:

Wide announcement about the quest on the social network in which the quest is held, among schools, colleges and universities in the region, among youth organizations, etc.

An invitation to take part in the quest must be made in the form of an announcement/poster on information boards educational institutions, in classrooms and youth recreation areas, and you can also place an Internet quest banner in advance on the websites of schools and universities and on their pages on social networks, with an automatic transition to the quest page on the social network. In the announcement it is necessary to write the dates of the quest, the dates of registration of participants, and announce the prizes. It is possible to post an announcement about the countdown to the start of the quest so that potential participants can control the timing of the start of the event.

Examples of quest tasks (10 days):

Task No. 1. Monday.

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk_task1

“Your own poet!” It is necessary to create a quatrain that combines the theme of family and energy saving. Certain words must be present in the quatrain, for example: dad, me, brother, economy, light, window, counter. (Note: words may be different).

Task No. 2. Tuesday.

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk_task2

"Director!". Using a video camera on your phone, tablet or other gadgets, make a mini-video that will talk about one of the basic rules of energy saving in everyday life or in the workplace, or the consequences of not following these rules:

Turning off the lights in an empty room/premises;

Turning off unused electrical appliances and chargers from the network;

Closing windows and doors when the air conditioner or heater is on;

Installation of energy-saving lamps for indoor and outdoor lighting;

Installation of multi-tariff electricity consumption meters;

Task No. 3. Wednesday.

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk_task3

“Speaker/speechwriter!” Write/voice an appeal calling for careful use of the energy resources of the country/planet, use of modern energy-saving technologies in everyday life, and introduction of energy-efficient technologies in production. The appeal can be made on behalf of: the President of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Energy, the Minister of Education, Rosmolodezh, as well as from parents to children, from children to parents, from a representative of the management company to housewives, from the rector to students, etc.

Task No. 4. Thursday.

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk _task4

"Novelist!". Come up with a short story/fairy tale with 2-3 characters about the dangers of wasteful energy use. The story should have three parts: preface, content, denouement (Note: the limit on the size of the story is set by the quest organizers).

Task No. 5. Friday.

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk _task5

"Energy rebus!" Come up with a crossword, scanword, rebus of 10-15 words on the topic “energy saving”. The participant sends the work and correct answers to organizing committee quest, the next task will be to solve a crossword puzzle - from another participant. The organizing committee distributes tasks in such a way that the crossword puzzle does not end up in the hands of its author.

Task No. 6. Saturday

Hashtag: #TogetherYarcheoKursk_task6

"Dreamer!". Come up with an ending to the story. The organizers send the beginning of a story, and the participants must complete the story or develop the plot in such a way that it would be interesting and exciting to read the continuation.

For example: Vasya and Petya are sent to an island on which a power plant has been built that runs on coconuts. She helps people live, develop, learn. Residents of the island understand that the energy resource is not infinite, the palm trees on which coconuts grow are becoming smaller every year, but they are completely unfamiliar with the rules of energy saving or with alternative methods of obtaining energy. Vasya and Petya’s task is to teach the islanders the rules of energy saving and help introduce new technologies...

Task No. 7. Resurrection

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk_task7

"Energy strategist!" Participants need to create a model of the information environment of the future to popularize the topic of energy saving among the population/budgetary institutions/businesses. Participants will have to combine all the possibilities (real/imaginary) for personal development and training. This could be a diagram, picture/drawing, logical chain, map, cluster, table. A description must be created for the project.

Task No. 8. Monday.

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk_task8

"Correct habits!" Create a poster/leaflet with good energy saving habits. The poster should be interesting, original and understandable for the audience it is aimed at. Organizers can assign an audience or let participants choose. The poster may contain numbers, pictures, photos, quotes, slogans. Only posters created by the participants themselves, and not “downloaded” from the Internet, are accepted for the competition.

Task No. 9. Tuesday.

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk_task9

“Energy saving starts here and now!” The participant is invited to take the first step from words to action in the field of energy saving: take a photo or video of how he changed old light bulbs to energy-saving ones at home/school/university, distributed reminders to neighbors or friends about the rules of energy saving or the benefits of installing multi-tariff meters, hung a poster on the topic of energy saving in a school/classroom/university, donated large family or for pensioners energy-saving light bulbs, etc.

Task No. 10. Wednesday.

Hashtag: #TogetherBrighterKursk_task10

“Together Brighter!” Take a photo with one of the signs in support of the #BrighterTogether festival, post it on your social media pages and invite your friends to join the action. (plate layouts are available on the websitewww.togetherbrighter.rf in the "Materials" section).

An example of creating an official quest account on the VKontakte social network

1. On the registered user’s page, select the “Groups” tab and click the button: “Create a community.”

2. Write the name, select the type of community and click the “Create community” button.

3. Fill in all the required fields and click the “Save” button. The page has been created!

4. We publish the first quest task.

An example of creating an official quest account on the social network Instagram

You can create an account through a mobile application or using a computer.

An example of creating an account via a computer.

1. Go to the Instagram website

2. Fill out the registration form and confirm your account by phone

3. In the “edit profile” section, you can change the name, for example, write the profile name in Russian, add a photo and description, etc.

4. Then add an account to your main profile on Instagram.

5. Setting tasks for participants.

6. Publication of the task. You can write a task in the notepad application on your phone or computer and send a photo to your phone.

The principle of creating an account for quest participants is similar!

Publication date

The All-Russian Energy Saving Festival #BrighterTogether is held with the support of the Russian Ministry of Energy, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Rosmolodezh, the State Corporation “Fund for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform”, the Russian Ministry of Culture, the Roscongress Foundation and is open for participation in the organization of federal, regional, municipal authorities, business, public and educational organizations.

Events of the festival #BrighterTogether in 2017 will be held throughout the country in September - October of this year. The official start of the Festival is planned on September 6-7, 2017 as part of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. From September 1 to September 17 in large cities and regional centers the Festival will take place in the format of holidays for the whole family. Also in support of the festival there will be thematic lessons and “Energy Saving Week” in educational institutions, creative and research competitions for schoolchildren and students, Open Days at fuel and energy enterprises with demonstrations of energy-saving technologies, quests and quizzes. The Festival will end in Sochi on October 14 – 22 within the framework of the World Festival of Youth and Students (WFYS) with the participation of international guests (

According to Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Anton Inyutsyn, a feature of the #BrighterTogether festival program this year will be integration with the XIX WFMS program and the Year of Ecology, which is taking place in the country. Main topic festival - “Generation Energy Efficient 2030”.

Thanks to joint efforts and painstaking work over the past four years, the Russian Ministry of Energy, regions, enterprises and the population have reduced the energy intensity of the Russian economy by 11.5 percent. There are even more ambitious tasks and projects ahead. For us, the idea of ​​the #BrighterTogether festival is that at home, at work or in public places everyone can see and show an example of caring for energy, nature and resources. We invite everyone to join who considers it important to support the competitiveness of our country and its economy through the implementation modern technologies, says A. Inyutsyn.

From September 10 to September 20, 2018, the school hosted a number of events as part of the All-Russian Energy Saving Festival TogetherBrighter. In each class there was single lesson"Energy saving and ecology." A conversation was held with students about energy-saving technologies, the importance of saving electricity and heat, and the close relationship between ecology and energy saving.

Among students primary classes The campaign “Take care of nature - donate a battery” was held. We talked with the guys about how used batteries can greatly harm nature and people if they are thrown into the trash. Therefore, they must be submitted to special item accepting batteries for recycling.

In addition, there was a competition of drawings, posters and crafts on the topic “We save the environment and electricity”, an essay competition about the contribution of relatives to the development of the country, where the children wrote about how their family saves electricity at home. In grades 1-7 passed cool watch"Energy saving for everyone" whose goal was

To develop students’ ecological thinking, to involve them in real activity on studying environment and its protection, draw attention to the use of energy, saving energy and energy resources, and instill the skills of an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

09/17/2018 In grades 8-11, a conversation was held on the topic “Why save energy?” While watching the presentation, during a discussion on the topic of economical use of energy, students suggested different ways reduce energy costs: turn off electrical appliances from the network, reduce time spent working at the computer, heat food on the stove rather than in microwave oven, use a regular kettle instead of an electric one, replace incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones, close water tap so that water does not drip from it, turn off the water when brushing your teeth, write on both sides of a paper sheet, buy domestic products, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, since food production, delivery and preparation require significantly more energy.

The children also filled out questionnaires on energy saving in their home.
As a result of the analysis of student questionnaires, it turned out that the majority of children perform simple rules energy saving: turn off the lights in the room when leaving it, do not place furniture in front of heaters, use energy-saving lamps, use local lighting (table lamp, floor lamp), seal the windows for the winter or replace old wooden windows with new plastic ones, close the lid of the pan when cooking dinner. The event ended with the decision to temporarily turn off electricity in all school classrooms and corridors.

Information on holding events within the framework of the Together Brighter festival


Number of people

Essay on the contribution of relatives and other loved ones to the development of the country, improving the lives of citizens

Campaign “Take care of nature - donate a battery”

Competition, drawings, posters and photo collages #BrighterTogether

Quiz “Energy Efficient Generation”

All-Russian lesson “Ecology and energy saving”

Promotion " Useful tips: we save heat, light, water"

Presentation on the topic “ Modern approach to energy saving" with a quiz for students

Class hour "Energy saving for everyone"

Conversation why save energy

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On September 10, City Day, the All-Russian Energy Saving Festival “Brighter Together” will take place on the VDNKh Industry Square.

The festival is planned to be divided into two parts - before and after sunset. During the daytime, festival facilities will generate their own energy. And in the evening - give the energy accumulated during the day to light installations.

Energy saving wall

One of the central objects of the festival will be a giant square energy-saving wall 15 meters high. It will be assembled from metal structures, inside of which wind generators will be placed. Illuminated panels with a panorama of the city will be installed at the base of the art object. It will be possible to see the main attractions of the capital: the Kremlin, the Shukhov and Ostankino towers, the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge, the high-rise building on the Red Gate.

The panel will consist of 1.5 thousand LEDs. It will light up in the evening and will use exclusively the energy accumulated during the day to operate.

Kinetic dance floor and glowing bikes

Festival visitors will be able not only to watch how energy is generated, but also to participate in this process on a kinetic dance floor. All guests will need to do is rhythmic dance. When you press a special tile with your foot, the kinetic energy is converted into electricity, causing the light bulbs in each of them to instantly light up.

Lovers active recreation will be able to take a ride on glowing bicycles with umbrellas. LED backlight will be powered by electricity generated by the movement of the wheels.

Energy saving chairs and electric benches

After active dancing and cycling, you can relax on energy-saving chairs in the living room, which will be illuminated by a special 4.5-meter high floor lamp. The principle of its operation will be different from the usual one: in order for the lamp to light up, you need to sit on a chair. In this case, the lighting intensity will depend on the number of “riders” in the living room. Guests will also be able to relax and even recharge their phones on electric benches. They operate from solar energy accumulated during the day. There will be six such wonderful benches at the festival site.

Five eco-carousels will operate for the youngest visitors of the festival. A large lantern will be installed on each of them. As the carousel spins, it will generate energy for its own lighting.

In addition, economical consumption kiosks will operate at the festival. In them it will be possible to exchange ordinary incandescent lamps for modern LEDs, which can be inserted into the panel.

Wind turbine illumination

On the main alley, from pavilion No. 18 “Republic of Belarus” to Industry Square, 16 large wind generators will be installed. During the day they will be powered by the wind, and in the evening all 16 windmills will turn on brilliant illumination from LEDs and garlands.

The All-Russian festival “Brighter Together” will start in Vladivostok on September 2 during the Eastern Economic Forum, and it will end in Moscow on City Day. In total, the festival will be held in 72 regions of the Federation.

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