Saratov region. History of the Saratov region

Since the 5th century BC NS. to the VI century A.D. BC, nomadic tribes of the Sarmatians lived in the Volga region. Near the villages of Susly, Novaya Lipovka, Rovnoye and in other places, there are Sarmatian burial mounds, in which burials of people, weapons, jewelry, and dishes were found. From the 6th century A.D. nomadic Turkic tribes began to penetrate into the Volga region: the Pechenegs and the Polovtsians.

Saratov region in the XIV-XVII centuries.

In the XIV century. on the territory of the modern Zavodskoy district of Saratov was the third largest city of the Golden Horde called Uvek. The city had a water supply network consisting of a swimming pool, irrigation ditches and underground water pipelines, as well as household water pipes. The city was famous for its wealth and even minted its own coin.

According to one version, Uvek was destroyed by Timur in the war with Tokhtamysh in 1395 , on the other - the main part of the city with coastal landslides descended into the Volga. The official date of foundation of the city is considered 5 (15) July 1590... It was on this day that the "founding fathers" of Saratov arrived on the Volga coast - the prince Grigory Osipovich Zasekin and a streltsy head Fedor Mikhailovich Turov.

They laid the first fortress of Saratov on the left bank of the Volga, opposite the Tatar settlement Uvek. According to one version, the name of the city comes from the confluence of the Tatar-Mongol words: "sary" (yellow) and "tau" (mountain). So, in turn, they called Sokolovaya Gora, yellow in color.
Throughout its history, the city has been repeatedly moved from one place to another. The settlement, founded slightly upstream of the Volga than modern Saratov, completely burned down in winter 1613-1614 biennium., and the garrison, which made up its population, went to Samara.

V 1617 The city of Saratov was rebuilt again, but already on the left bank of the Volga - at the confluence of the Saratovka river with Volozhka.

Saratov XVII century - it is a watch fortress and the center of the Volga trade. If the first settlers of the city were shooters and warriors, then later the townspeople appeared in the fortress city, who were engaged in fishing, as well as trade in cattle and salt from the Astrakhan lakes. The city grew and developed rapidly, gradually losing its military character and acquiring commercial and industrial importance.

August 15, 1670... entered Saratov Stepan Razin with the army, the inhabitants greeted him with bread and salt. From now until July 1671 year Saratov became one of the centers of the Peasant War on the Lower Volga.
After another fire and in connection with the general dilapidation of buildings in 1674 g... the government ordered "Saratov to make a new one on the mountains." The construction of the city began on the right bank of the Volga, where Saratov is located to this day.
During its subsequent history, the city burned out almost to the ground several times - residents sometimes had to flee in courts on the Volga.

Saratov region in XVIII-XIX centuries

March 6, 1700 the award was issued Peter I Saratov for the eternal possession of the lands surrounding the city. And in 1708 g. in connection with the division of Russia into 8 provinces, by the decree of Peter, Saratov was assigned to the Kazan province.

Since 1764, after signing Catherine II manifesto inviting foreigners to Russia, foreigners, mainly Germans, began to settle in Saratov and its environs.
In 1769... the Saratov province was formed, giving the city the right to be considered an administrative center.

In 1774 g. The Volga region was engulfed in a peasant war under the leadership Emelyana Pugacheva. On October 6, at the head of a five-thousandth army, he entered the city practically without a fight. The majority of the population and the composition of the garrison swore allegiance to him. Two days later, the army with the Saratovites who joined it set off on a campaign against Tsaritsyn.
As an independent administrative unit, the Saratov viceroyalty, later called the province, has existed since 1780 year.

January 11, 1780 a decree was issued Catherine II on the establishment of the Saratov governorship, and on November 7 of the same year was followed by a decree on the opening of the governorship.

February 3, 1781 year, the grand opening of the Saratov governorship took place with the participation of a person who arrived from Astrakhan Bishop Anthony and Astrakhan Governor Lieutenant General Jacobi.

In 1782 The Saratov viceroyalty was renamed into the province.

In 1796, when in Russia there was a revision of the administrative-territorial borders, 8 of 41 provinces were abolished, including by the Decree of December 12 1796 the Saratov province was liquidated, and its territory was divided between the Penza and Astrakhan provinces.

After 3 months by Decree from March 5, 1797 recovery followed. Saratov province. Thus, in 1997 year marks 200 years since the final dispensation of the Saratov province.

In subsequent years, the territory of the province was redrawn more than once.

The last changes took place in 1941 year when the Republic of Volga Germans ceased to exist.
V XIX century Saratov became a provincial city. January 11, 1780 Catherine II issued a decree establishing the Saratov governorship, which since 1782 g. began to be called the province. V 1781 g... the coat of arms of Saratov was established: "There are three sterlets in the blue field, signifying the great abundance of such fish in this country."

In 1810 the next urban planning plan was approved, after which the active development of the modern city center began. In 1825... oil lanterns appeared on the streets of the city, and in 1844-45 a wooden plumbing was built, which has become a city landmark. In 1870 g. movement began on the first section of the Tambov-Saratov railway.

By the end 19th century Saratov became the largest Russian commercial and industrial center, supplying fabrics, iron foundry and engineering products, cement, flour, salt and grain to other regions of Russia and abroad - it was then that the Saratov kalach became famous.

Saratov region during the Great Patriotic War
June 22, 1941 the attack of fascist Germany on the Soviet Union disrupted the peaceful life of our people. A severe period of the Great Patriotic War began in the history of the Soviet state.

The treacherous attack of fascist Germany on the Soviet Union aroused a feeling of anger and indignation among the workers of the Saratov region.

At the meetings held in the region in the first days of the war, representatives of workers, collective farmers, and intelligentsia called on all Soviet people to unite even more closely. The working people declared their ardent desire to volunteer for the active army and smash the enemy.

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, thousands of Saratov residents displayed high military valor.

For courage and heroism shown in battles, 47 thousand soldiers, sergeants and officers from Saratov were awarded orders and medals. More than 200 Saratov soldiers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

During the war, many military personnel were stationed in Saratov educational establishments... The headquarters of the Volga Military District, one of the centers for the formation of units and formations for the front, was located here. Saratov trained and sent over 500 different military units to the front. About thirty military schools, colleges and courses trained commanders and specialists for active army... The most famous in Saratov were the 1st and 2nd tank, infantry and border schools.

First Saratov Red Banner Order of the Red Star Tank Technical School named after Hero of the Soviet Union Major General A.I. Lizyukova created in 1918 as a military instructor school.

During the war years, it trained commanders and technicians of medium and light tanks, political fighters, specialists in fuels and lubricants. The school was commanded by Colonel YES. Roganin, Major General I.A. Safonov, Colonel I.F. Dergachev. V 1943 -1944 produced two graduations of officers for the Polish and Czechoslovak people's armies.

The Soviet intelligentsia made a great contribution to increasing the country's defense capability.

In the factory laboratories, at the departments of universities in the city of Saratov, issues of tremendous national economic and defense importance were resolved.

During the war, tens of thousands of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army were treated in hospitals in Saratov. Medical personnel of the region worked selflessly. Thanks to the correct organization of treatment and care, the Saratov health care facilities sought to return 80-90% of the wounded to service.

From the very first days of the war, art workers from the city of Saratov expanded their artistic services to the front, hospitals and military units of the Red Army located in the city of I region.

The war was a severe test for the country, for the entire people. Having withstood it, having won a historic victory thanks to the vitality of the country, the country was able to return to peaceful construction.

Saratov region in the post-war years

In the first post-war years, the Saratov region becomes a major supplier building materials to areas whose economy was severely destroyed during the war.

In the late 40s - early 50s. many enterprises in this industry carried out orders for the largest construction projects in the country: the Volga-Don Canal, Kuibyshevskaya and Stalingrad HPPs.

Along with the Volsk cement plants, new enterprises for the production of crushed stone in the Pugachevsky, Ivanteevsky and Ershovsky districts took part in the implementation of this huge construction program. Thus, by the beginning of the 50s. in the region, the basis of a powerful construction complex was created, which subsequently contributed to the placement of the largest economic objects of national importance here.

The structure of the regional economy was gradually becoming more complex. There was a long-term tendency of the outstripping development of industries that determine scientific and technological progress - chemical, machine-building, and electric power.

1950s can be considered the beginning of the "great chemistry" of the Saratov region. The construction of chemical plants of national importance in Balakovo, Engels, Saratov caused the need to create a large-scale production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures in these industrial centers.

During this period, the branches of the fuel and energy complex developed dynamically - gas, oil, shale, heat and power. The structure of the machine-building complex was improved.

The presence of highly qualified scientific and technical personnel was an important prerequisite for the creation in our region (primarily in Saratov) of precision engineering, instrument making, and electronics.

The largest enterprises in these industries, located in the northwestern outskirts of Saratov, mainly served the needs of the country's military-industrial complex.

Industrial glass plant, sugar plant, fat plant - new buildings in other industries.

Important tasks were solved during this period in the agricultural sector. In 1953-1956. in the Saratov region, about 1 million hectares of virgin lands were plowed up and developed.

The technical equipment of agricultural production has significantly increased, and with the connection in 1960 regions to the Unified European Energy System of the country, the possibilities of mechanization of the main technological processes in animal husbandry, electrification have expanded countryside.

On the edge 1970s the first of the giants of the electric power industry, the Saratov hydroelectric power station, went into operation. The region has turned from an energy deficit to an energy surplus.

The power plant gave impetus to the development of the city of Balakovo, where, relying on a powerful construction base and cheap electricity, the largest industrial hub of the region after Saratov was formed.

Mechanical engineering and especially the energy-intensive branches of the chemical industry, which have developed most dynamically in the last three decades, received further development.

1970s entered the history of the economy of the Saratov Territory as the years of the birth and rapid development of the reclamation complex. During this period, hundreds of kilometers of irrigation canals, several large irrigation systems and other land reclamation infrastructure facilities were built.

Currently, our region has the largest array of irrigated lands in Russia. All this was ultimately reflected in the formation of the appearance of the countryside and modern structure agricultural production. Insufficient productivity of natural fodder lands was compensated by fodder production on irrigated lands, which was a stimulus for the further development of animal husbandry.

The growth of the economic potential of the region continued until the end 1980s By this time, the role of the "troika" of the main branches of industry: machine-building, chemical and energy, had significantly strengthened.

The largest new buildings of those years: factories of rubber products, chemical, self-propelled earth-moving machines, nuclear power plant in Balakovo; a raincoat fabric plant and a tractor trailer plant in Balashov; Engelsk factories of synthetic detergents and automotive glow plugs; CHP-5 in Saratov, etc.

The Saratov region is one of the largest in Russia in terms of its industrial potential, the capacity of construction organizations, the volume of agricultural production, the size and level of scientific and technical base and the training of qualified personnel and occupies an important place in the territorial division of labor.

From the 6th century BC NS. 5th century AD e., the Sauromats-Sarmatians lived in the Volga region. Near the villages of Susly, Novaya Lipovka, Rovnoye and in other places there are Sarmatian burial mounds, in which burials of people, weapons, jewelry, household items, utensils were found. From the 5-6 centuries AD nomadic Turkic tribes began to penetrate into the Volga region: the Turks Pechenegs, Polovtsians. In the 8-9 centuries, the Lower Volga region was the center of the monogolo-Tatar state - the Golden Horde.

The most interesting monument of that time is the remains of the third largest city of the Golden Horde - Uvek, now included in the city of Saratov. Uvek existed for about 150 years.

Its streets were built up with one-two-story residential buildings, mosques, caravanserais, palaces made of wood, adobe and burnt bricks, decorated with blue-turquoise tiled mosaics.

The city had a water supply network consisting of a swimming pool, irrigation ditches and underground water pipelines, as well as household water pipes. Uvek minted his own coin. The invasion of Tamerlane at the end of the 14th century on The golden horde ravaged the city.
Saratov was founded in July 1590 Prince G.O. Zasekin and boyar F.M. Turov to guard the eastern borders Of the Russian state.

Saratov province

Saratov province in the second half of the 19th century was one of the most extensive provinces in European Russia. Its area was over 192 thousand square kilometers.
The Saratov Territory continued to populate rapidly. The bulk of the settlers came from the Non-Chernozem region, as well as from other places in Russia, where there was a shortage of land. The bulk of the population of all cities and counties were Russians - 75%, German colonists - 8.5%, Ukrainians - 6.5%, Mordovians - 6.5%, Tatars - 3.5%.

The rest of the national groups (Chuvash, Meshcheryaks, Bashkirs) were insignificant. In 1850, its territory was reduced by more than half, due to the transfer of the Trans-Volga counties to the Samara and Astrakhan provinces, and amounted to 84 640 square meters. km (the territory of the modern Saratov region is 100.2 thousand square kilometers).

The population of the province at the beginning of the 20th century has grown significantly. If, according to the 1897 census, 2,405,829 inhabitants lived in it, then in 1913 already 3290710. Indeed, at the beginning of the 20th century, it was the third largest city in Russia (within its present-day borders) and the largest city in the Volga region (in 1913, 242 thousand people).

At that time 131 thousand people lived in Kazan, 113 thousand people lived in Astrakhan. In Samara and Nizhny Novgorod 91 thousand people each.
More than 80% of the population of the Saratov Territory was employed in agriculture. The province specialized in the production of grain crops, mainly wheat, which was in great demand both on the domestic and foreign markets.

From the middle 1850s years in the province, the plantings of sunflower are increasing. In a number of counties, this culture has replaced oats. Sunflower grain went to local oil mills.

Animal husbandry remained an important branch of agriculture; in most counties, livestock was used as a labor force and to meet food needs.

The cattle of peasant farms needed to improve their breed. However, in the south of the province, landowners and wealthy peasants were engaged in fattening Kalmyk cattle and sheep for the purpose of selling them to local drovers.

Germans in the Volga region

By the beginning of the 20th century, over two hundred German names were listed on the maps of the Volga region, which were given to their settlements by the Germans who settled in the Saratov Territories at the invitation of Catherine II. But in 1915 year these “names” began to urgently change to Russian. Wiesenthal became, for example, Lugovoi. Rosenberg-Umet. Unterdorf - Veselovka.

Walked First World War... And although the Volga Germans had long since become respectable Russians, the oppression of the German colonists began. German newspapers were closed and speaking German was forbidden in public places. The names were altered.

After February revolution 1917 year names were restored, newspapers were opened. The Volga Germans achieved the creation of their own districts of Yekaterinenstadt, Zelmansky, Baltser. In 1919 year was formed Autonomous Region, in which included the lands on which the German population predominated. The Saratov authorities did not welcome such changes.

With the separation of the Germans into an independent region, the province lost land where the economy was much better than in other provinces. However, the colonists were supported by Moscow. 1923 year part of the lands with the Russian and Ukrainian populations became part of the Autonomous Region, filling in the gaps in its territory. The Pokrovsky district also entered there. And Pokrovsk itself, thanks to its economic development and size, rose from a district center to a regional one.

At the beginning 1924 year The German region was already transformed into the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Volga Germans as part of the RSFSR. Thanks to this, Pokrovsk suddenly became the center of the republic.

The area of ​​the republic of the Volga Germans was over 25 thousand square meters. kilometers. Population - more than half a million people. 551 locality, including 4 cities. Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Volga Germans was liquidated in 1941, after the outbreak of World War II.

The territory of the liquidated ASSR NP was divided between the Saratov region (15 cantons) and the Stalingrad region (7 cantons). All Germans, without exception, were urgently resettled from the Volga region to remote regions of Kazakhstan and Siberia.

Early October 1941 year 365 thousand Germans were resettled from the Volga region. And refugees from the western regions of the country began to settle on the deserted lands.

May 1942 all 229 German names on the maps were replaced by Russians. Balzer became Red Army, Zelman-Rovny. Marxstadt lost his German prefix, but, like Engels, avoided renaming for ideological reasons. It was strictly forbidden to mention the disappeared republic.

From the 6th century BC NS. 5th century AD e., the Sauromats-Sarmatians lived in the Volga region. Near the villages of Susly, Novaya Lipovka, Rovnoye and in other places, there are Sarmatian burial mounds, in which burials of people, weapons, jewelry, household items, and dishes were found. From 5-6 centuries A.D. NS. nomadic Turkic tribes began to penetrate into the Volga region: the Pechenegs and the Polovtsians. In the 8-9 centuries, the Lower Volga region was the center of the mono-Tatar state - the Golden Horde. The first location of Saratov is the modern Zavodskoy district of the city. The third largest city of the Golden Horde was Uvek, located within the city of Saratov. The main boundaries of the monument are considered to be the mouth of the river. Perpetuations in the north, Neftyanaya station, the Volga bank in the east and the edge of the Volga Upland in the west. The name comes from the ancient Turkic word "Uvek" - a tower. Scientists attribute the foundation of Uvek to the 50s of the XIII century. Uvek, like other Golden Horde cities, arose immediately, "from scratch." It was built by prisoners driven from different countries conquered by the Mongols. The city was not only a craft and trade center, but also the center of an agricultural district. Judging by archaeological finds, the city stretched along the coast for more than two kilometers. It was dominated by a high mountain, which is now called Kalancha. Uvek had a quarter-estate planning. The central region of Uvek was aristocratic. Its streets were built up with one-two-story residential buildings, mosques, palaces made of wood and baked bricks with lime mortar. The facades of the buildings, as well as the internal ceremonial rooms, were decorated with type-setting majolica panels made of blue-turquoise tiles. The pattern there was geometric or floral. Here were located large aristocratic estates, surrounded by high walls, with pools, reservoirs, with rich mud brick houses. The houses were distinguished by their splendor and luxury of decoration. In the rooms, along the three walls, a couch-bed was arranged, inside which chimneys-canals ran from the stove to heat it. On the inside of the oven, notches were made for baking cakes. The floor in the dwelling was earthen and brick. A handicraft and trade area stretched along the Volga. There were bazaars, caravanserais, craft workshops. A variety of craftsmen worked in them: jewelers, blacksmiths, coppersmiths, glass blowers. In pottery forges, bricks, tiles, majolica and various dishes were made - simple and covered with glaze on the outside. In this area one could see small houses standing close to each other. They were inhabited by small traders, workshop owners, the most qualified, semi-dependent artisans. Separate quarters were occupied by large dugouts with walls fortified with adobe bricks. Wide benches-sofas were arranged along the walls. Such a room was heated by braziers with hot coals. These dugouts were inhabited by artisan slaves. Probably, the same common dugouts existed in the northern part of the city, in the so-called "Christian" quarters, where Russians, Armenians and other non-Muslims lived. There were even Christian churches and chapels here. A necropolis was located in the southern part of the city. The functioning water supply consisted of a swimming pool, irrigation ditches and underground water pipelines, as well as household water pipes. Uvek minted their own coins. She is well known for numerous finds. On one side of it there was an inscription like: "Eternal glory and accompanying honor." The place of minting - Uvek - and the year of issue were indicated on the back. Almost all of the inscriptions are in Arabic. The last Uvek coins date from the mid-70s of the 14th century. Probably, the city during these years was destroyed by landslides of the Volga banks and fell into severe decline. He finally died in 1395 from the troops of Tamerlane, who, pursuing the ruler of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh, followed in his footsteps from the Ciscaucasia. Uvek existed for about 150 years. Perhaps now, at the bottom of the Saratov rivers, under a layer of silt and sand, the ancient treasures of the Golden Horde are kept. However, excavations are not being carried out, and the Tatar riches continue to remain only a legend.

Foundation of Saratov

The need to strengthen the southeastern borders, the settlement and development of vast lands, the development of trade along the Volga road caused the construction of cities and fortresses on the new outskirts of the state. The cities based on the Volga became a powerful barrier against the races of the Crimean Tatars and neighboring Nogais. The tsarist government took measures against the raids of nomads and thieves' Cossacks, but they were ineffective. Then the fortress cities were built. All three cities - Samara, Tsaritsyn, Saratov - were founded by one person - Prince Grigory Osipovich Zasekin. He was a major military leader, an experienced fortifier, and a renowned city planner. The final consolidation of the Russian state on the Volga is associated with his name. The fortress city of Saratov was placed halfway between the two fortresses, in an area where there was a good crossing over the Volga in July 1590, as mentioned above, by Prince G.O. Zasekin and boyar F.M. Turov. Already in the next century, Saratov became a solid military-strategic object of the Russian state, the location of which was the cape formed by the Saratov and Volga rivers, which, according to the modern map of the city, is the location of Engels. In the fortress on the defensive stood from 300 to 400 archers.

Based on indirect documents and archaeological finds most scientists assume that the first, original Saratov was built a few kilometers above modern city... Here, at the confluence of the river Guselka with the Volga, there is a cape with a smooth, slightly sloping plateau. Initially, Saratov was located in its center. A high hill towered over the city, or, in local terms, "shikhan", from which the terrain was perfectly visible for several miles, and from the tower built there - even further. The steep slopes of the banks of the Volga and Guselka, a zamishche overgrown with forest, interspersed with flooded meadows, channels, oxbows, lakes, were natural obstacles and defended the city from the Trans-Volga region. On the opposite side, a deep ravine, also overgrown with woods and bushes, which passed behind the shihan hill, served as a good defense. Wooden fortress walls with towers surrounded the small city and protected it from attacks. The provincial office and the courtyard of the voivode himself were built in the city, and the courtyards of the children of boyar and streltsy sotniks were located nearby. The rest of the territory was occupied by the estates of artisans and merchants, and closer to the fortress walls - archers, gunners and other service people. Separately, there were grain barns, powder magazines, a prison and other government buildings. A wooden church towered over all the buildings. Fire-hazardous metallurgical and pottery forges, and possibly forges, were built outside the fortress walls in the field. The lower Volga region possessed enormous untouched wealth. There were fertile lands for plowing, abundant pastures, rich hunting and boarding grounds, and notable fishing. Salt was of great value.

The manor of an ordinary Saratov citizen consisted of a hut, outbuildings (cellar, barn, stables and a room for livestock) and a bathhouse. The hut was small, with small carved windows, which were slid back with a "dragging" board. Part of the hut was occupied by a stove, next to it, under the ceiling, beds were arranged for rest and sleep. Things, which were not so many, were arranged skillfully, which made the hut seem spacious. Along the walls were wide benches, chests for things - "junk". There was also a small table. Shelves were cut into the walls. The hut was illuminated with a torch inserted into a wrought iron light. A trough of water was placed in front of him for the falling coals. There was also a place in the hut for doing handicrafts: shoemakers, furriers, bone carvers and others.

The population of the city consisted mainly of service people. They carried out a guard service, watched the movement of the Nogai nomads, fought against the "thieves" Cossacks. The archers were engaged in the protection of the Volga route, accompanying trade caravans to the nearest city. The voivode was in charge of all affairs in the city. The first commander was Grigory Zasekin, his assistant was the streltsy head Turov. For their service, the archers received bread from the sovereign and a cash salary, which was delivered to Saratov along the coast. Therefore, in their free time from the military guard service, they were engaged in arable farming and gardening, bred livestock, traded in crafts, trade, fishing and hunting.

At the beginning of the 17th century, an unprecedented exacerbation of the class struggle resulted in the first civil war in the history of the Russian state (1603-1614). Fleeing from the oppression of the tsarist administration and the oppression of the feudal lords, peasants and townspeople (city dwellers) fled to the Volga banks. Here they joined the detachments of the Volga Cossacks. By the summer of 1604, the Cossacks had become sovereign masters on the Volga and did not allow trade and ambassadorial caravans to pass. The commercial and industrial people of the Volga cities - Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn and others - suffered great losses. The entire Volga region was stirred up by the movement of Ilya Gorchakov, or Ileika Muromets. He managed to assemble a 4-thousandth detachment of Terek, Don and Volga Cossacks. Ileyka presented himself as “Tsarevich Peter, allegedly the son of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich ( youngest son Ivan the Terrible). The detachment of this impostor caused confusion among the boyars, landowners, merchants. Robberies and robberies covered the lower reaches of the Volga. Soon a new impostor appeared on the Volga - a typical representative of the low-ranking freemen, who called himself "Tsarevich Ivan-August" - the son of Ivan the Terrible. In the summer of 1607, the movement of "Tsarevich Ivan-August" and his self-appointed grandchildren Osinovik began. In July, the detachment of Ivashka-August entered Tsaritsyn, and then moved up the Volga. The troops of the lower freemen reached Saratov without hindrance, laid siege to it, but they failed to take the city. The reinforced garrison under the command of Zamyatiya Saburov and Vladimir Anichkov repulsed the attacks, “many thieves were beaten,” and “Tsarevich Ivan” hastily moved to the Don, where he moved towards Bolotnikov. But his detachment was defeated by False Dmitry II, Ivan-August himself and his associate Laurus were seized and hanged. And the Cossacks dealt with Osinovik earlier, after the defeat near Saratov. But Saratov did not remain loyal to the Moscow government for long: already in 1609 the city went over to the side of False Dmitry II.

Until 1614, there is no documentary news about Saratov. It is only certain that in the winter of 1613/14 the city burned down, either from carelessness with fire, or as a result of an attack by gangs of thieves. The circumstances of the burning of the city are unknown. Wooden Saratov blazed like a torch. Many people died in the fire. Failed to save the horses. Part of the archers who escaped death moved 350 miles to Samara. About 200 people made it to this fortress. This is the fate of the original Saratov.

After the death of Saratov on the right bank, it was restored on the meadow side of the Volga (somewhat north of the present city of Engels). Probably, from here it was easier to follow the movements of the nomads, to conduct a guard service. The first information about the left-bank Saratov dates back to 1617. It was located on a large promontory at the confluence of a small, but then full-flowing river, later called Saratovka, into the Volga.

The city occupied approximately 15-17 hectares. The Moscow merchant Fedot Kotov, who was passing by in 1623, wrote: “In Saratov the city stands on the meadow side, the towers are chopped, round, the courtyard and rows in the city. And outside the city there are streltsy yards and fish shops, and barns, where supplies are put from ships. " The fortress city was depicted in the drawing of Saratov by the secretary of the Holstein embassy, ​​Adam Olearius, who saw Saratov in 1636.

The center of the left-bank Saratov was a prison (Kremlin) with wooden walls, loopholes for rifle fire and chopped towers with cannons. Inside the prison there were a voivodship, an office, a clerk's hut, a customs house, a church, houses of the "boyars' children", trading rows and other buildings. A ditch was dug in front of the walls of the fort, behind it was a settlement. Here were the houses of archers, townspeople, there were shops, barns. Field fortifications - radolby - were built around the posad.

In the 1630s, several hundred archers and carpenters were sent to Saratov, who built a new prison. The fortress walls with towers now embraced the entire settlement. The new fortress was besieged by artillery. On the towers and in the walls there were cannons that fired cannonballs, and on the passage towers - buckshot. The city became a fortress, which successfully withstood more than one attack of "Thieves" Cossacks and nomads.

The main population of the left-bank Saratov was made up of service people - horse and foot archers, gunners, collars. Of these, 300 people with their families lived in the city permanently, but there were another 100 "yearlings" who were sent to serve in the fortress for two or three years. The city was also inhabited by sovereign blacksmiths and rafts. Service people received a salary per year in money (3 rubles and bread (two quarters of rye and oats). A small salary forced the service people in their free time to engage in agriculture, gardening, household cattle breeding, make handicrafts and even conduct small trade. Otherwise, with the family it was not possible to feed.

The military commanders consisted of a streltsy head, centurions and junior commanders from among the "boyar children". The Streletsky head, as well as the governor, received 40 rubles a year in money. And for successful military campaigns - expensive gifts. The city was also inhabited by merchants, artisans (carpenters, shoemakers, kalachniki and others), as well as persons who worked for hire on ships and fishing industries. But this posad population was small. Few of them had their own courtyards, most rented corners in other people's houses. The servicemen and the townspeople were subordinate to the voivode, who was in charge of administrative, military, economic affairs, and, if necessary, repaired the court and reprisals. In total, there were no more than 1,500-2,000 people in the left-bank Saratov.

In the spring of 1674, in pursuance of the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich "Saratov to make a new city on the mountains", the fortress was moved. Colonel Alexander Shel chose a place to the south of Sokolovaya Gora, on the site of the fishermen of the Moscow Novospassky monastery settled at that time. In 1722, Peter the Great visited the city, and academician I. Lepekhin, who looked here in 1769, called Saratov the most developing and comfortable province of Russia with straight streets and good shopping rows. At that time, a lot of factories were built here. People were engaged in pottery, traded in fish, salt, bread. Manufacturing was also well developed. All this was indicated by the names of the streets, which testified to the employment of the population. Salt, Kuznetsk, Kirpichnaya, Tulupnaya, Bolshaya and Malaya Kostrizhnye (from the fire "- waste of flax and hemp). The factory of the Frenchman Verdier produced satin, stockings, taffeta - thin silk fabric. On August 6, 1774, the main forces of Emelyan Pugachev's army approached Saratov. He did not come here with good intentions and stopped at Sokolovaya Hill, from which he began to shell the city.On October 8, the leader of the rioters was arrested in the Saratov Trans-Volga region.

Settlement of the region in the first half of the 18th century. happened both on the initiative of the ruling circles, landowners, monasteries and merchants, and spontaneously. The monasteries founded the city of Khvalynsk, the villages of Voskresenskoye, Bakury, Tersa. Many villages were founded by fugitive serfs, especially in the Trans-Volga region, along the banks of the Bolshoi and Maly Irgiz, Bolshoi and Maly Uzen rivers. By the middle of the 18th century. within the former Saratov province there were already 634 settlements, and the number of inhabitants reached 200 thousand people. At the same time, the trade and transport importance of the Volga and the cities located on it, including Saratov, continued to grow.

In connection with the development of the Elton salt deposit, the government established a “salt commissariat” in Saratov, which was in charge of the extraction and transportation of salt. The Ukrainians were invited to transport salt from Lake Elton to Saratov, where salt barns were built. After 20-30 years in the Left Bank, on the roads from Elton to Saratov, and in the Right Bank, on the roads from Saratov to Tambov and Voronezh, dozens of Ukrainian settlements and farms have emerged (among them is the Pokrovskaya Sloboda - the current city of Engels).

The population of the Saratov Volga region increased significantly after the relocation to the Volga by the decree of Catherine II of the schismatics. As a result, large schismatic settlements arose in the Trans-Volga region: Balakovo, Krivoluchye, Kamenka, Mechetnoye (Pugachev), etc. Soon the first colonists appeared in the city. The suburban settlement was named German. According to the plan of 1812, a place was specially allocated for this case in the first block from Nikolskaya (Radishcheva) street. Soon, Nemetskaya Street (now Kirov Avenue) appeared.

Saratov is gradually turning into a southern trading capital. Craftsmen who have filled the city are pushing its borders from the Volga to the southwest, building shops, houses, shops in the direction from Moskovskaya Street to Aleksandrovskaya (Gorky) and Volskaya. Wealthy people, represented by the local nobility and merchants, chose another part of the city, which began immediately behind Novo-Cathedral Square, covering Konstantinovskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Dvoryanskaya and other streets. The elite of the Saratov society who lived here took a direct part in the construction of the city. Thus, thanks to widespread philanthropy in 1869, a church in the name of Saints Cyril and Methodius at the men's gymnasium, a house church in a women's boarding school, funds for the construction of which came from Nikolai Azarov, appeared in the city. But the head of the City Duma, Ivan Pozdeev, facilitated the opening of a children's hospital on Mount Sokolovaya. In 1803, the first city theater was opened here. The history of the city also remembers the name of Pyotr Stolypin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers. P.A. Stolypin (1862-1911) in 1903 was appointed head of the Saratov province. In March, the new governor received the councilors of the city duma at his residence (Moskovskaya, 31). Soon after taking office, house number 22 on Volskaya Street was adapted for the governor's apartment. Nearby, a three-story building was erected for his office and "presence" (Volskaya, 24). In April 1906, 44-year-old Stolypin was appointed Minister of the Interior. The last time he visited Saratov as prime minister was in September 1910. Nowadays, in the regional museum of local history in Saratov, you can see the uniform of a reformer of Russia, an armchair from the Kiev theater, on which the mortally wounded Stolypin sat down, as well as a family album with unique photographs. But in the local art museum them. Radishchev, there is a portrait of Stolypin painted by Ilya Repin by order of the previous City Duma. The current authorities also succeeded in perpetuating the memory of the first governor. So, in 2002, the first monument to Stolypin in Russia appeared in the city.

Germans in the Volga region

By the beginning of the 20th century, over two hundred German names were listed on the maps of the Volga region, which were given to their settlements by the Germans who settled in the Saratov Territories at the invitation of Catherine II. But in 1915 these “names” began to urgently change to Russian. Wiesenthal became, for example, Lugovoi. Rosenberg - Umeth. Unterdorf - Veselovka. The first world war was going on. And although the Volga Germans had long since become respectable Russians, the oppression of the German colonists began. German newspapers were closed and speaking German was forbidden in public places. The names were altered. After the February Revolution of 1917, the names were restored and the newspapers were opened. The Volga Germans achieved the creation of their own districts of Yekaterinenstadt, Zelmansky, Baltser. In 1919, the Autonomous Region was formed, which included the lands in which the German population predominated. The Saratov authorities did not welcome such changes. With the separation of the Germans into an independent region, the province lost land where the economy was much better than in other provinces. However, the colonists were supported by Moscow. In 1923, part of the lands with Russian and Ukrainian populations became part of the Autonomous Region, filling the gaps in its territory. The Pokrovsky district also entered there. And Pokrovsk itself, thanks to its economic development and size, rose from a district center to a regional one. At the beginning of 1924, the German region was transformed into the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Volga Germans as part of the RSFSR. Thanks to this, Pokrovsk suddenly became the center of the republic. The area of ​​the republic of the Volga Germans was over 25 thousand square meters. kilometers. The population is more than half a million people. 551 settlements, including 4 cities. The Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Volga Germans was liquidated in 1941, after the outbreak of World War II. The territory of the liquidated ASSR NP was divided between the Saratov region (15 cantons) and Stalingrad (7 cantons). All Germans, without exception, were urgently resettled from the Volga region to remote regions of Kazakhstan and Siberia. In early October 1941, 365 thousand Germans were resettled from the Volga region. And refugees from the western regions of the country began to settle on the deserted lands. In May 1942, all 229 German names on the maps were replaced by Russians. Balzer became Red Army, Zelman became Rovny. Marxstadt lost his German prefix, but, like Engels, avoided renaming for ideological reasons. It was strictly forbidden to mention the disappeared republic.

One-week tour, one-day hiking and excursions in combination with a com fort (trekking) in the mountain resort of Khadzhokh (Adygea, Krasnodar region). Tourists live at the camp site and visit numerous natural monuments. Rufabgo waterfalls, Lago-Naki plateau, Meshoko gorge, Great Azish cave, White River Canyon, Guam gorge.

"First", "first" - these words are often used when talking about the Saratov region. There are indeed many exceptional and unique events in the annals of the region.

The first public art museum in Russia was opened in Saratov in 1885. The collection, which was formed by the grandson of A.N. Radishchev, professor of painting A.N.Bogolyubov (1824-1895), included works by I. Shishkin, F. Vasiliev, I. Kramskoy, V. Polenov, I. Repin, K. Corot, S. Daubigny ... Among the first donors Radishchev Museum - S. and P. Tretyakov, A. Bakhrushin, Pauline Viardot.

In 1873, the Nikitin brothers from Saratov founded the first circus in Russia with a Russian troupe, the third conservatory in Russia (1912), the tenth university (1909), and the world's first professional children's theater (1918) were opened in Saratov.

Here, for the first time in the country, an industrial natural gas field has been discovered; the Saratov-Moscow gas pipeline laid the foundation for the gas industry of the USSR.

On the banks of the Volga, Yuri Gagarin, a pupil of the Saratov flying club and industrial technical school, took to the skies for the first time. It is significant that it was on the Saratov land that he landed after the legendary flight into space. The second person who visited near-earth space - German Titov - was also met from space by the Saratov region.

Painting masters V. Borisov-Musatov, K. Petrov-Vodkin, P. Kuznetsov, electrical engineer, inventor of "Russian light" P. Yablochkov, creators of caterpillar and wheeled tractors F Blinov and Y. Mamin, Nobel Prize Laureate Academician N.N. Semyonov, composer Alfred Schnittke, academician Gury Marchuk, writer Lev Kassil, designer of space radiotelephone communications Yuri Bykov, famous theater and film actors B. Babochkin, B. Andreev. E. Lebedev, S. Filippov, O. Tabakov, V. Konkin, E. Mironov ...

The fate of the author of the world famous song "Kalinka" Ivan Larionov, the outstanding architect Fyodor Shekhtel, the geneticist Nikolai Vavilov, the artist Mikhail Vrubel, the aircraft designer Oleg Antonov, the chemist Nikolai Zinin, the writer Mikhail Bulgakov, the poet Gavriil Derzhavin, the talented actor cinema by Oleg Yankovsky ...

The settlement of Uvek is located on the southern outskirts of the modern Zavodskoy district of Saratov. Here was the Golden Horde city of Ukek, with palaces, temples, trade and craft quarters, a mint, and a developed water supply system. The rich archaeological heritage has turned the Uvek settlement into a popular object of scientific research and event tourism. The historical festival “One Day in the Life of a Medieval City” attracts reenactors and guests from many cities of Russia.

The Saratov fortress was founded in the summer of 1590 by the governors - Prince Grigory Osipovich Zasekin and the streltsy head Fyodor Mikhailovich Turov. The first was an experienced "city builder": in 1586 he built Samara, in 1589 - Tsaritsyn (Volgograd).

In the first half of the 17th century. Saratov was a fairly large fortress on the Volga, there were always from 300 to 400 archers. The city stood on a promontory formed by the rivers Saratovka and Volozhka (near the present-day town of Engels).

In the spring of 1674, in pursuance of the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich "To build a new fortress on the mountains in Saratov", the fortress was moved to the right bank. Colonel Alexander Shel chose a place to the south of Sokolovaya Gora, where the "fish town" of the Moscow Novospassky monastery stood.

On the Volga bank, not far from the place where the right-bank Saratov was founded, the connection between the past, present and future is especially acute. Here, on Museum Square, there is a monument of stone architecture - Holy Trinity Cathedral, built at the end of the 17th - first quarter of the 18th century.

Saratov grew up. The posad population, engaged in fishing and trading in bread and salt, was gaining more and more importance. In June 1722, Peter I visited Saratov on his way to Persia.

Academician Ivan Lepekhin, who visited the city in 1769, called it one of the best in the province, noting the presence of straight streets and good shopping arcades.

Salt, manufacturing, fish and grain trade developed. There were "brick sheds", "hemp barns", pottery factories. The factory of the Frenchman Verdier produced satin, stockings, thin silk fabric taffeta. The names of the streets testified to the occupations of the inhabitants: Solyanaya, Kuznechnaya, Tulupnaya, Kirpichnaya. The current streets of Sacco and Vanzetti and Pushkin were called in the past Bolshaya and Malaya Kostryzhny (from "boon" - flax and hemp waste).

On August 6, 1774, the main forces of Yemelyan Pugachev's army approached Saratov. Pushkin in his "History of Pugachev" noted: "At this time, Pugachev occupied the Sokolovaya Mountain, dominating over Saratov, set up a battery and began to shoot at the city." On October 8, the leader of the rioters was arrested in the Saratov Trans-Volga region.

In January 1780, the Saratov viceroyalty (province) was established, consisting of nine counties (Saratov, Khvalynsky, Volsky, Kuznetsky, Serdobsky, Atkarsky, Petrovsky, Balashovsky and Kamyshinsky). Saratov became a provincial town in the 19th century.

Soon the coat of arms of Saratov was established: in the blue field of the heraldic shield, three silver sterlets met, floating towards each other. This image was intended to reflect the fish and water resources of the region.

In the early years of the XIX century. a suburban settlement arose - German. According to the plan of 1812, the German colonists were assigned a place in the first block from Nikolskaya Street (now Radishcheva Street). Soon, Nemetskaya Street (now Kirov Avenue) appeared.

Saratov gradually turned into a rich merchant city. As it grew, the city center moved from the Volga to the southwest. "Saratov merchants seized the area in the direction of Moskovskaya Street to Aleksandrovskaya (now Gorky Street) and even to Volskaya with their houses, shops and shops," testified public figure Saratov, lawyer I. Ya. Slavin, himself from the "merchant estate".

Many merchants were engaged in charity work, patronage, as they say, not out of fear, but out of conscience, thinking about transforming the region, about improving the lives of fellow citizens. Nikolai Sergeevich Azarov, for example, in 1869 built a church in the name of Saints Cyril and Methodius at the men's gymnasium, a house church in a women's boarding school. According to the will, the money of the honorary magistrate for the Saratov district, the vowel of the city duma Ivan Alexandrovich Pozdeev went to the opening of a children's hospital "on the mountains", on Sokolovaya street.

At 9 Moskovskaya Street, the house of the merchant Dmitry Vakurov, the first bookseller in Saratov, has been preserved. Afanasy Stolypin, a renowned artillery officer, a participant in the Battle of Borodino, a great-uncle of the poet Mikhail Lermontov, often came to visit him. As soon as the name of Stolypin was mentioned, let's say about its other representative - the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russia.

P.A. Stolypin (1862-1911) in 1903 was appointed head of the Saratov province. In March, the new governor received the councilors of the city duma at his residence (Moskovskaya, 31). Soon after his inauguration, house number 22 on Volskaya Street was arranged for the governor's apartment. Nearby, a three-story building was erected for his office and "presence" (Volskaya, 24).

In April 1906, 44-year-old Stolypin was appointed Minister of the Interior, and a few months later - Prime Minister of the Russian government. The last time he visited Saratov was in September 1910. By order of the City Duma, Ilya Repin in the same year created a portrait of Pyotr Stolypin, which is now on display at the Saratov Art Museum named after A.N. Radishchev.

In the Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore, you can see the governor's uniform of P.A. Stolypin, an album with unique photographs from different years, incl. family, a chair from the Kiev theater, on which the mortally wounded reformer of Russia sank.

But let's continue the story in chronological order... At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, the main public school, the printing house of the provincial government, and the city theater were opened in the city. In 1826, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was consecrated - built by the architect V.P. Stasov in memory of the victory over Napoleon's army (demolished in the 30s of the twentieth century).

On July 12, 1828, a publicist, writer, literary critic N.G. Chernyshevsky. On October 17, 1889, he died in his hometown and was buried here at the Resurrection cemetery.

Most important events in the history of the Saratov Territory until the beginning of the twentieth century: the first steamer approached the Saratov pier (1838), the first newspaper "Saratov Provincial Gazette" began to be published (1838), the Dukhososhestskaya Church (1855), which is still in operation today, was built, the city public bank was opened (1863), the first steam mill (1865), the movement of trains began on the first section of the Tambov-Saratov railway (1871), for the first time a car appeared on the streets of Saratov (1900) ...

Together with the Volga, the city is in perpetual motion - it is being built, improved, develops production, science, and culture.

From 1928 to 1932 Saratov was the center of the Lower Volga region, from 1934 - the Saratov region, from 1936 - the Saratov region.

In the 1930s, Saratov became one of the country's industrial centers. The Saratov Combine Harvester Plant, the Alkaline Battery Plant, the Oil Refinery and others began to produce products. In years Great Patriotic War many enterprises from the western regions of the country were evacuated here.

In the 1950-1970s, industry and agriculture, the infrastructure and culture of the city and the region, twice (in 1956 and 1970) were awarded the highest award of the Soviet Union - the Order of Lenin, developed rapidly.
Until 1990, Saratov was a closed city, as many defense industry enterprises worked in it, in particular, Saratov Aviation Plant producing military and civil aircraft... Many industrial enterprises in Saratov carried out orders for the Soviet space program.

Today Saratov is a multifunctional center with industrial enterprises and cultural institutions... The city has developed oil and chemical industries. Saratov enterprises produce transport equipment, power plants for agriculture, gas equipment, garments, confectionery and tobacco products, high-quality furniture, household electric refrigerators and other types industrial products... Among the main industrial enterprises of the city: JSC Saratov Aggregate Plant", JSC" Saratov Bearing Plant", Formerly GPZ-3 - State Bearing Plant No. 3), LLC Saratovorgsintez”(Part of the LUKOIL-Neftekhim group), OJSC“ Neftemash ”- SAPKON, OJSC“ Tantal ”, the Saratov printing plant.

Per last years new production facilities were put into operation: Balakovo-Centrolit, Severstal-Long-Range Plant Balakovo, Bosch Heating Systems, etc. ".

Saratov is a well-known center in Russia higher education, research and design activities. In addition to one of the oldest universities in Russia, SSU, more than two dozen universities function: Saratov State Technical University, Saratov State medical University, Saratov Socio-Economic Institute FGBOU VPO PRUE G.V. Plekhanov, Saratov state academy Law, the Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin.

Saratov land is a land with a unique individual appearance and rich historical destiny.

1. Introduction

The city of Saratov is located in a picturesque hollow formed by five mountains: Sokolovaya, Lysaya, Altynnaya, Uvekskaya, Lopatina, along the right bank of the Volga River. Its length is over 50 km. The city includes six districts: Volzhsky, Kirovsky, Leninsky, Frunzensky, Oktyabrsky, Zavodskoy. Now in the region, the center of which is Saratov, 2643.6 thousand people live, of which urban residents - 1944.3 thousand people or 73.5% and 699.3 thousand or 26.5% - villagers. In general, the region is home to the largest number of middle-aged people - 61.3% (1,621,034 people), the second place is occupied by elderly people - 22.2% (586,500 inhabitants), but young people rightfully got the third place of honor. Now 16.5% of able-bodied boys and girls live in the region. Thus, the population density is 26.4 people per square kilometer. m.

The region's specialization is based primarily on mechanical engineering, chemical industry, energy, agriculture, grain and livestock production.

For the production of a number critical species The Saratov region has a fairly significant share in the Russian Federation and the Volga region.

The Saratov region is a developed industrial-agrarian territorial-production complex of regional rank. In the total gross output of the region in the mid-1990s. industry accounts for 60%, agriculture - 29%. This ratio shows that agriculture continues to play important role in the regional economy. In terms of agricultural production, our region is one of the ten largest agricultural regions of Russia.

In recent years, there have been significant structural changes in the regional economy. The trend towards a decrease in the share of industry (by 15% over the last 5 years) and an increase in the share of agriculture and construction has been quite clearly manifested.

The Saratov region is considered the only constituent entity of the Russian Federation located on the most profitable territory for agricultural activity. The profitability "is explained by three geographical zones: the region is located in forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert places. Here you can find both mixed forests and oak forests, copses, deserts and steppes, and in an area equal to 200 km from north to south. Thus , the mixed flora and fauna of Asia and Europe gave rise to unprecedented picturesque expanses here, where most of the local flora and fauna are listed in the Red Book. " Thus, the region is home to 250 species of birds and 70 species of mammals. There are over 1,700 species of plants, 400 of which are protected by law. The importance of natural biological resources located in the region is evidenced by the fact that there are 124 natural monuments, among them - the State National Natural Park "Khvalynsky", zoological reserves for the acclimatization of beavers, muskrats, and deer. In addition, the region has about 300 cultural monuments, over 3 thousand architectural landmarks. Also preserved are 18 old estates. The weather here contributes to the development of fishing, sports and recreational fishing. Saratov's climate is moderately continental: winters are frosty, and summers are sultry. The average July temperature is 30-40 C. In January, it drops to minus 20-35 degrees Celsius.

The prevailing winds are northwest and west. Precipitation falls relatively little: 37-400 millimeters per year. The snow cover here is established in late November - early December, disappears in late March - early April. Rivers usually freeze in the second decade of December, and are completely cleared of ice at the end of April.

2.History of Saratov Since the 6th century BC NS. 5th century AD e., the Sauromats-Sarmatians lived in the Volga region. Near the villages of Susly, Novaya Lipovka, Rovnoye and in other places, there are Sarmatian burial mounds, in which burials of people, weapons, jewelry, household items, and dishes were found. From 5-6 centuries A.D. NS. nomadic Turkic tribes began to penetrate into the Volga region: the Pechenegs and the Polovtsians. In the 8-9 centuries, the Lower Volga region was the center of the mono-Tatar state - the Golden Horde. The first location of Saratov is the modern Zavodskoy district of the city. The third largest city of the Golden Horde was Uvek, located within the city of Saratov. The main boundaries of the monument are considered to be the mouth of the river. Perpetuations in the north, Neftyanaya station, the Volga bank in the east and the edge of the Volga Upland in the west. The name comes from the ancient Turkic word "Uvek" - a tower. Scientists attribute the foundation of Uvek to the 50s of the XIII century. Uvek, like other Golden Horde cities, arose immediately, "from scratch." It was built by prisoners driven from different countries conquered by the Mongols. The city was not only a craft and trade center, but also the center of an agricultural district. Judging by archaeological finds, the city stretched along the coast for more than two kilometers. It was dominated by a high mountain, which is now called Kalancha. Uvek had a quarter-estate planning. The central region of Uvek was aristocratic. Its streets were built up with one-two-story residential buildings, mosques, palaces made of wood and baked bricks with lime mortar. The facades of the buildings, as well as the internal ceremonial rooms, were decorated with type-setting majolica panels made of blue-turquoise tiles. The pattern there was geometric or floral. Here were located large aristocratic estates, surrounded by high walls, with pools, reservoirs, with rich mud brick houses. The houses were distinguished by their splendor and luxury of decoration. In the rooms, along the three walls, a couch-bed was arranged, inside which chimneys-canals ran from the stove to heat it. On the inside of the oven, notches were made for baking cakes. The floor in the dwelling was earthen and brick. A handicraft and trade area stretched along the Volga. There were bazaars, caravanserais, craft workshops. A variety of craftsmen worked in them: jewelers, blacksmiths, coppersmiths, glass blowers. In pottery forges, bricks, tiles, majolica and various dishes were made - simple and covered with glaze on the outside. In this area one could see small houses standing closely to each other. They were inhabited by small traders, workshop owners, the most qualified, semi-dependent artisans. Separate quarters were occupied by large dugouts with walls fortified with adobe bricks. Wide benches-sofas were arranged along the walls. Such a room was heated by braziers with hot coals. These dugouts were inhabited by artisan slaves. Probably, the same common dugouts existed in the northern part of the city, in the so-called "Christian" quarters, where Russians, Armenians and other non-Muslims lived. There were even Christian churches and chapels here. A necropolis was located in the southern part of the city. The functioning water supply consisted of a swimming pool, irrigation ditches and underground water pipelines, as well as household water pipes. Uvek minted their own coins. She is well known for numerous finds. On one side of it there was an inscription like: "Eternal glory and accompanying honor." The place of minting - Uvek - and the year of issue were indicated on the back. Almost all of the inscriptions are in Arabic. The last Uvek coins date from the mid-70s of the 14th century. Probably, the city during these years was destroyed by landslides of the Volga banks and fell into severe decline. He finally died in 1395 from the troops of Tamerlane, who, pursuing the ruler of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh, followed in his footsteps from the Ciscaucasia. Uvek existed for about 150 years. Perhaps now, at the bottom of the Saratov rivers, under a layer of silt and sand, the ancient treasures of the Golden Horde are kept. However, excavations are not being carried out, and the Tatar riches continue to remain only a legend. 3. Founding of Saratov The need to strengthen the southeastern borders, settle and develop vast lands, develop trade along the Volga road caused the construction of cities and fortresses on the new outskirts of the state. The cities based on the Volga became a powerful barrier against the races of the Crimean Tatars and neighboring Nogais. The tsarist government took measures against the raids of nomads and thieves' Cossacks, but they were ineffective. Then the fortress cities were built. All three cities - Samara, Tsaritsyn, Saratov - were founded by one person - Prince Grigory Osipovich Zasekin. He was a major military leader, an experienced fortifier, and a renowned city planner. The final consolidation of the Russian state on the Volga is associated with his name. The fortress city of Saratov was placed halfway between the two fortresses, in an area where there was a good crossing over the Volga in July 1590, as mentioned above, by Prince G.O. Zasekin and boyar F.M. Turov. Already in the next century, Saratov became a solid military-strategic object of the Russian state, the location of which was the cape formed by the Saratov and Volga rivers, which, according to the modern map of the city, is the location of Engels. In the fortress on the defensive stood from 300 to 400 archers. Based on indirect documents and archaeological finds, most scientists assume that the first, original Saratov was built several kilometers above the modern city. Here, at the confluence of the river Guselka with the Volga, there is a cape with a smooth, slightly sloping plateau. Initially, Saratov was located in its center. A high hill towered over the city, or, in local terms, "shikhan", from which the terrain was perfectly visible for several miles, and from the tower built there - even further. The steep slopes of the banks of the Volga and Guselka, a zamishche overgrown with forest, interspersed with flooded meadows, channels, oxbows, lakes, were natural obstacles and defended the city from the Trans-Volga region. On the opposite side, a deep ravine, also overgrown with woods and bushes, which passed behind the shihan hill, served as a good defense. Wooden fortress walls with towers surrounded the small city and protected it from attacks. The provincial office and the courtyard of the voivode himself were built in the city, and the courtyards of the children of boyar and streltsy sotniks were located nearby. The rest of the territory was occupied by the estates of artisans and merchants, and closer to the fortress walls - archers, gunners and other service people. Separately, there were grain barns, powder magazines, a prison and other government buildings. A wooden church towered over all the buildings. Fire-hazardous metallurgical and pottery forges, and possibly forges, were built outside the fortress walls in the field. The lower Volga region possessed enormous untouched wealth. There were fertile lands for plowing, abundant pastures, rich hunting and boarding grounds, and notable fishing. Salt was of great value. The manor of an ordinary Saratov citizen consisted of a hut, outbuildings (cellar, barn, stables and a room for livestock) and a bathhouse. The hut was small, with small carved windows, which were slid back with a "dragging" board. Part of the hut was occupied by a stove, next to it, under the ceiling, beds were arranged for rest and sleep. Things, which were not so many, were arranged skillfully, which made the hut seem spacious. Along the walls were wide benches, chests for things - "junk". There was also a small table. Shelves were cut into the walls. The hut was illuminated with a torch inserted into a wrought iron light. A trough of water was placed in front of him for the falling coals. There was also a place in the hut for doing handicrafts: shoemakers, furriers, bone carvers and others. The population of the city consisted mainly of service people. They carried out a guard service, watched the movement of the Nogai nomads, fought against the "thieves" Cossacks. The archers were engaged in the protection of the Volga route, accompanying trade caravans to the nearest city. The voivode was in charge of all affairs in the city. The first commander was Grigory Zasekin, his assistant was the streltsy head Turov. For their service, the archers received bread from the sovereign and a cash salary, which was delivered to Saratov along the coast. Therefore, in their free time from the military guard service, they were engaged in arable farming and gardening, bred livestock, traded in crafts, trade, fishing and hunting. At the beginning of the 17th century, an unprecedented exacerbation of the class struggle resulted in the first civil war in the history of the Russian state (1603-1614). Fleeing from the oppression of the tsarist administration and the oppression of the feudal lords, peasants and townspeople (city dwellers) fled to the Volga banks. Here they joined the detachments of the Volga Cossacks. By the summer of 1604, the Cossacks had become sovereign masters on the Volga and did not allow trade and ambassadorial caravans to pass. The commercial and industrial people of the Volga cities - Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn and others - suffered great losses. The entire Volga region was stirred up by the movement of Ilya Gorchakov, or Ileika Muromets. He managed to assemble a 4-thousandth detachment of Terek, Don and Volga Cossacks. Ileyka presented himself as “Tsarevich Peter, allegedly the son of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich (the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible). The detachment of this impostor caused confusion among the boyars, landowners, merchants. Robberies and robberies covered the lower reaches of the Volga. Soon a new impostor appeared on the Volga - a typical representative of the low-ranking freemen, who called himself "Tsarevich Ivan-August" - the son of Ivan the Terrible. In the summer of 1607, the movement of "Tsarevich Ivan-August" and his self-appointed grandchildren Osinovik began. In July, the detachment of Ivashka-August entered Tsaritsyn, and then moved up the Volga. The troops of the lower freemen reached Saratov without hindrance, laid siege to it, but they failed to take the city. The reinforced garrison under the command of Zamyatiya Saburov and Vladimir Anichkov repulsed the attacks, “many thieves were beaten,” and “Tsarevich Ivan” hastily moved to the Don, where he moved towards Bolotnikov. But his detachment was defeated by False Dmitry II, Ivan-August himself and his associate Laurus were seized and hanged. And the Cossacks dealt with Osinovik earlier, after the defeat near Saratov. But Saratov did not remain loyal to the Moscow government for long: already in 1609 the city went over to the side of False Dmitry II. Until 1614, there is no documentary news about Saratov. It is only certain that in the winter of 1613/14 the city burned down, either from carelessness with fire, or as a result of an attack by gangs of thieves. The circumstances of the burning of the city are unknown. Wooden Saratov blazed like a torch. Many people died in the fire. Failed to save the horses. Part of the archers who escaped death moved 350 miles to Samara. About 200 people made it to this fortress. This is the fate of the original Saratov.

After the death of Saratov on the right bank, it was restored on the meadow side of the Volga (somewhat north of the present city of Engels). Probably, from here it was easier to follow the movements of the nomads, to conduct a guard service. The first information about the left-bank Saratov dates back to 1617. It was located on a large promontory at the confluence of a small, but then full-flowing river, later called Saratovka, into the Volga.

The city occupied approximately 15-17 hectares. The Moscow merchant Fedot Kotov, who was passing by in 1623, wrote: “In Saratov the city stands on the meadow side, the towers are chopped, round, the courtyard and rows in the city. And outside the city there are streltsy yards and fish shops, and barns, where supplies are put from ships. " The fortress city was depicted in the drawing of Saratov by the secretary of the Holstein embassy, ​​Adam Olearius, who saw Saratov in 1636.

The center of the left-bank Saratov was a prison (Kremlin) with wooden walls, loopholes for rifle fire and chopped towers with cannons. Inside the prison there were a voivodship, an office, a clerk's hut, a customs house, a church, houses of the "boyars' children", trading rows and other buildings. A ditch was dug in front of the walls of the fort, behind it was a settlement. Here were the houses of archers, townspeople, there were shops, barns. Field fortifications - radolby - were built around the posad.

In the 1630s, several hundred archers and carpenters were sent to Saratov, who built a new prison. The fortress walls with towers now embraced the entire settlement. The new fortress was besieged by artillery. On the towers and in the walls there were cannons that fired cannonballs, and on the passage towers - buckshot. The city became a fortress, which successfully withstood more than one attack of "Thieves" Cossacks and nomads.

The main population of the left-bank Saratov was made up of service people - horse and foot archers, gunners, collars. Of these, 300 people with their families lived in the city permanently, but there were another 100 "yearlings" who were sent to serve in the fortress for two or three years. The city was also inhabited by sovereign blacksmiths and rafts. Service people received a salary per year in money (3 rubles and bread (two quarters of rye and oats). A small salary forced the service people in their free time to engage in agriculture, gardening, household cattle breeding, make handicrafts and even conduct small trade. Otherwise, with the family it was not possible to feed.

The military commanders consisted of a streltsy head, centurions and junior commanders from among the "boyar children". The Streletsky head, as well as the governor, received 40 rubles a year in money. And for successful military campaigns - expensive gifts. The city was also inhabited by merchants, artisans (carpenters, shoemakers, kalachniki and others), as well as persons who worked for hire on ships and fishing industries. But this posad population was small. Few of them had their own courtyards, most rented corners in other people's houses. The servicemen and the townspeople were subordinate to the voivode, who was in charge of administrative, military, economic affairs, and, if necessary, repaired the court and reprisals. In total, there were no more than 1,500-2,000 people in the left-bank Saratov.

In the spring of 1674, in pursuance of the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich "Saratov to make a new city on the mountains", the fortress was moved. Colonel Alexander Shel chose a place to the south of Sokolovaya Gora, on the site of the fishermen of the Moscow Novospassky monastery settled at that time. In 1722, Peter the Great visited the city, and academician I. Lepekhin, who looked here in 1769, called Saratov the most developing and comfortable province of Russia with straight streets and good shopping rows. At that time, a lot of factories were built here. People were engaged in pottery, traded in fish, salt, bread. Manufacturing was also well developed. All this was indicated by the names of the streets, which testified to the employment of the population. Salt, Kuznetsk, Kirpichnaya, Tulupnaya, Bolshaya and Malaya Kostrizhnye (from the fire "- waste of flax and hemp). The factory of the Frenchman Verdier produced satin, stockings, taffeta - thin silk fabric. On August 6, 1774, the main forces of Emelyan Pugachev's army approached Saratov. He did not come here with good intentions and stopped at Sokolovaya Hill, from which he began to shell the city.On October 8, the leader of the rioters was arrested in the Saratov Trans-Volga region.

Settlement of the region in the first half of the 18th century. happened both on the initiative of the ruling circles, landowners, monasteries and merchants, and spontaneously. The monasteries founded the city of Khvalynsk, the villages of Voskresenskoye, Bakury, Tersa. Many villages were founded by fugitive serfs, especially in the Trans-Volga region, along the banks of the Bolshoi and Maly Irgiz, Bolshoi and Maly Uzen rivers. By the middle of the 18th century. within the former Saratov province there were already 634 settlements, and the number of inhabitants reached 200 thousand people. At the same time, the trade and transport importance of the Volga and the cities located on it, including Saratov, continued to grow.

In connection with the development of the Elton salt deposit, the government established a “salt commissariat” in Saratov, which was in charge of the extraction and transportation of salt. The Ukrainians were invited to transport salt from Lake Elton to Saratov, where salt barns were built. After 20-30 years in the Left Bank, on the roads from Elton to Saratov, and in the Right Bank, on the roads from Saratov to Tambov and Voronezh, dozens of Ukrainian settlements and farms have emerged (among them is the Pokrovskaya Sloboda - the current city of Engels).

The population of the Saratov Volga region increased significantly after the relocation to the Volga by the decree of Catherine II of the schismatics. As a result, large schismatic settlements arose in the Trans-Volga region: Balakovo, Krivoluchye, Kamenka, Mechetnoye (Pugachev), etc. Soon the first colonists appeared in the city. The suburban settlement was named German. According to the plan of 1812, a place was specially allocated for this case in the first block from Nikolskaya (Radishcheva) street. Soon, Nemetskaya Street (now Kirov Avenue) appeared.

Saratov is gradually turning into a southern trading capital. Craftsmen who have filled the city are pushing its borders from the Volga to the southwest, building shops, houses, shops in the direction from Moskovskaya Street to Aleksandrovskaya (Gorky) and Volskaya. Wealthy people, represented by the local nobility and merchants, chose another part of the city, which began immediately behind Novo-Cathedral Square, covering Konstantinovskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Dvoryanskaya and other streets. The elite of the Saratov society who lived here took a direct part in the construction of the city. Thus, thanks to widespread philanthropy in 1869, a church in the name of Saints Cyril and Methodius at the men's gymnasium, a house church in a women's boarding school, funds for the construction of which came from Nikolai Azarov, appeared in the city. But the head of the City Duma, Ivan Pozdeev, facilitated the opening of a children's hospital on Mount Sokolovaya. In 1803, the first city theater was opened here. The history of the city also remembers the name of Pyotr Stolypin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers. P.A. Stolypin (1862-1911) in 1903 was appointed head of the Saratov province. In March, the new governor received the councilors of the city duma at his residence (Moskovskaya, 31). Soon after taking office, house number 22 on Volskaya Street was adapted for the governor's apartment. Nearby, a three-story building was erected for his office and "presence" (Volskaya, 24). In April 1906, 44-year-old Stolypin was appointed Minister of the Interior. The last time he visited Saratov as prime minister was in September 1910. Nowadays, in the regional museum of local history in Saratov, you can see the uniform of a reformer of Russia, an armchair from the Kiev theater, on which the mortally wounded Stolypin sat down, as well as a family album with unique photographs. But in the local art museum. Radishchev, there is a portrait of Stolypin painted by Ilya Repin by order of the previous City Duma. The current authorities also succeeded in perpetuating the memory of the first governor. So, in 2002, the first monument to Stolypin in Russia appeared in the city.

4.Germans in the Volga region

By the beginning of the 20th century, over two hundred German names were listed on the maps of the Volga region, which were given to their settlements by the Germans who settled in the Saratov Territories at the invitation of Catherine II. But in 1915 these “names” began to urgently change to Russian. Wiesenthal became, for example, Lugovoi. Rosenberg - Umeth. Unterdorf - Veselovka. The first world war was going on. And although the Volga Germans had long since become respectable Russians, the oppression of the German colonists began. German newspapers were closed and speaking German was forbidden in public places. The names were altered. After the February Revolution of 1917, the names were restored and the newspapers were opened. The Volga Germans achieved the creation of their own districts of Yekaterinenstadt, Zelmansky, Baltser. In 1919, the Autonomous Region was formed, which included the lands in which the German population predominated. The Saratov authorities did not welcome such changes. With the separation of the Germans into an independent region, the province lost land where the economy was much better than in other provinces. However, the colonists were supported by Moscow. In 1923, part of the lands with Russian and Ukrainian populations became part of the Autonomous Region, filling the gaps in its territory. The Pokrovsky district also entered there. And Pokrovsk itself, thanks to its economic development and size, rose from a district center to a regional one. At the beginning of 1924, the German region was transformed into the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Volga Germans as part of the RSFSR. Thanks to this, Pokrovsk suddenly became the center of the republic. The area of ​​the republic of the Volga Germans was over 25 thousand square meters. kilometers. The population is more than half a million people. 551 settlements, including 4 cities. The Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Volga Germans was liquidated in 1941, after the outbreak of World War II. The territory of the liquidated ASSR NP was divided between the Saratov region (15 cantons) and Stalingrad (7 cantons). All Germans, without exception, were urgently resettled from the Volga region to remote regions of Kazakhstan and Siberia. In early October 1941, 365 thousand Germans were resettled from the Volga region. And refugees from the western regions of the country began to settle on the deserted lands. In May 1942, all 229 German names on the maps were replaced by Russians. Balzer became Red Army, Zelman became Rovny. Marxstadt lost his German prefix, but, like Engels, avoided renaming for ideological reasons. It was strictly forbidden to mention the disappeared republic.

5. Saratov province

In 1780, the Saratov viceroyalty was established, consisting of nine counties (Saratov. Khvalynsky. Volsky, Kuznetsk, Serdobsky. Atkarsky, Petrovsky, Balashovsky and Kamyshinsky), from April 2, 1782 transformed into a province. Saratov province in the second half of the 19th century was one of the most extensive provinces in European Russia. Its area was over 192 thousand square kilometers. The Saratov Territory continued to populate rapidly. The bulk of the settlers came from the Non-Chernozem region, as well as from other places in Russia, where there was a shortage of land. The bulk of the population of all cities and counties were Russians - 75%, German colonists - 8.5%, Ukrainians - 6.5%, Mordovians - 6.5%, Tatars - 3.5%. The rest of the national groups (Chuvash, Meshcheryaks, Bashkirs) were insignificant. In 1850, its territory was reduced by more than half, due to the transfer of the Trans-Volga counties to the Samara and Astrakhan provinces, and amounted to 84 640 square meters. km (the territory of the modern Saratov region is 100.2 thousand square kilometers). The population of the province at the beginning of the 20th century has grown significantly. If, according to the census of 1897, 2,405,829 inhabitants lived in it, then in 1913 there were already 3,290,710. Indeed, at the beginning of the 20th century, it was the third largest city in Russia (within its present-day borders) and the largest city of the Volga region (in 1913, 242 thousand people ). At that time 131 thousand people lived in Kazan, 113 thousand people lived in Astrakhan. In Samara and Nizhny Novgorod, 91 thousand people each. Back in the 80s. In the 18th century, there were only a few small industrial enterprises in the Saratov governorship: rope factories, distilleries and tanneries. More than 80% of the population of the Saratov region was employed in agriculture. The province specialized in the production of grain crops, mainly wheat, which was in great demand, both in the domestic and foreign markets. The rapid settlement of the region and the intensive development of commercial grain production contributed to the emergence of the milling business. Already in the middle of the XIX century. more than 1,500 wind and water mills operated in the villages and towns of the region. The largest of them, producing flour for the market, were located in Saratov, Volsk and Khvalynsk. Since the mid-1850s, sunflower crops have been increasing in the province. In a number of counties, this culture has replaced oats. Sunflower grain went to local oil mills. The handicraft production of sleds, carts, wheels, barrels, buckets has developed widely in the Petrovsky district. In Balashovsky district - pottery and brick factories. Among the peasants, domestic production of canvas was developed everywhere, and in some places also cloth. In the middle of the century, the machine-building industry was born in Saratov. The enterprises repaired machines, manufactured various accessories for mills, steamers, oil mills and distilleries, and agricultural implements. Animal husbandry remained an important branch of agriculture; in most counties, livestock was used as a labor force and to meet food needs. The cattle of peasant farms needed to improve their breed. However, in the south of the province, landowners and wealthy peasants were engaged in fattening Kalmyk cattle and sheep for the purpose of selling them to local drovers. Industrial production began to develop especially intensively in the 90s. last century. During these years, large steam mills and metalworking enterprises appeared in the Saratov province. Other industrial enterprises - brick and sawmills, printing houses - occupied a secondary place.

The first decades of the XX century were, perhaps, the most difficult for the economy of the Saratov province. Years of great social upheavals and wars caused such a strong degradation of the economy that it took more than ten years for production to reach the level of 1913. Recovery National economy conducted in a new economic policy(NEP), multi-structured economy.

The 30s became the most important stage in the development of the regional economy. Changes in the ratio of forms of ownership, national economic planning, industrialization and collectivization have radically changed the structure of the economy and the tendencies of its development.

During this period, a long-term tendency of a constant increase in the share and importance of industry in the economy of the region was revealed. In the early 20s. along with the restoration of enterprises, new construction was carried out. The Petrovskaya power plant, the Pokrovsky (Engelsky) bone-processing plant and the bacon factory, and a number of enterprises in Saratov were put into operation. Among them are the “Universal” plant, which produces drilling machines, parts for shoe machines, chucks for lathes; boiler plant, leather plant, garment, shoe, knitwear factories, meat processing plant. This led to noticeable changes in the industrial structure of the Saratov province. The share of the food industry dropped to 47%, while the metalworking industry increased to 10.3%, the woodworking industry - to 8.9%, building materials - to 9.8%, and the chemical industry - to 4.5%. By the mid-20s. many branches of the province's industry reached the pre-war level of production, with the exception of flour-grinding, which was used less than half.

Years pre-war five-year plans- this is a special, in a sense, remarkable period of development of the economy of our region. Its characteristic features were:

The impressive scale of the new industrial construction... Two times more industrial enterprises were put into operation than in all previous years. Among them there are a large number of large enterprises of state importance, such as SarGRES, factories of combines, alkaline batteries, gear cutting machines, oil refining, bearing, etc.

Highest rates of industrial production growth. On average, the volume of industrial production doubled every 2-3 years. The region did not know such rates of industrial development either before or after this period.

High degree of industry concentration. The enterprises of the three largest industrial centers of the region at that time (Saratov, Volsk and Balashov) produced more than 80% of the industrial output of the region. Saratov has become one of the largest industrial centers in the country, concentrating more than 60% of the industrial potential of the region.

The predominant development of heavy industry, primarily machine building and metalworking. This caused new significant shifts in the sectoral structure of industry. Although the food industry still held the first place, its share decreased to 37.7%, and metalworking and mechanical engineering (31.4%) moved up to the second place. great importance acquired the oil refining industry, building materials, woodworking, light industry.

The emergence as the main collective form of agriculture, which resulted in unprecedented rates of mechanization of agricultural labor. Having created a wide network of machine and tractor stations (MTS), by the beginning of the 40s. In terms of the degree of mechanization of the main types of agricultural work, the region has reached the level of the most developed countries of the world.

Along with the construction of industry giants (mainly in Saratov), ​​local industry also developed. At the end of the 30s. it developed already in 19 cities and districts of the region. It was represented by woodworking, metalworking, carts, pottery, felting and felt, sewing workshops, building materials and food industry enterprises. In the food industry, these included the Donguz fruit and berry plant, the Novouzensk and St. Petersburg fruit and vegetable factories, the Samoylovsk oil mill, the Balashov non-alcoholic beverage plant, and the Bazaar-Karabulak and Turkish food factories. The enterprises of the region, many of which have acquired all-Union significance, produced a wide variety of products. They supplied the national economy with gasoline and fuel oil, crane trolleys and gearboxes, bearings and hardware, shoe machines, Shukhov's diesel boilers, and oil shale. For agriculture, parokonny passages and other carts, spare parts and agricultural machines, harness harness, compound feed, etc. were produced. For the needs of construction, red and silicate bricks, cement, lime, grated paints, sawn timber, and furnace casting were produced. A wide assortment of household items and foodstuffs.

The Great Patriotic War significantly delayed the development of the regional economy, but did not stop it. In the first period of the war, the textile, light and rubber industries developed. On the territory of the region, previously built enterprises were expanded and evacuated enterprises were located. In Engels, the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant (now a trolleybus plant), a dressing material factory and a spinning and weaving factory were located; in Saratov and Volsk - three new sewing factories; the knitwear factories of Saratov and Krasnoarmeysk have tripled their capacities. During the war years, new industries and industries appeared in the region. The production of natural gas from the Elshanskoye field and its supply via a gas pipeline to Saratov, and later to Moscow, began the region's gas industry. In 1950, the region provided more than 1/10 of the all-Union gas production. By this time, the oil industry had also developed on the basis of the Sokolovogorsk field.

By the end of the war, due to the expansion and reconstruction of production for the needs of the front, the share of machine building and metalworking sharply increased. The war slowed down the development of agriculture and the food industry. In connection with the involvement of a significant part of machine operators, tractors, cars, horses for the needs of the front, the level of agricultural mechanization sharply decreased. This entailed a reduction in acreage and agricultural production. It was possible to restore these branches of the regional economy only in the early 50s. In the first post-war years, the Saratov region became a major supplier of building materials to the regions, the economy of which was severely destroyed during the war. In the late 40s - early 50s. many enterprises in this industry carried out orders for the largest construction projects in the country: the Volga-Don Canal, Kuibyshevskaya and Stalingrad HPPs. Along with the Volsk cement plants, new enterprises for the production of crushed stone in the Pugachevsky, Ivanteevsky and Ershovsky districts took part in the implementation of this huge construction program. Thus, by the beginning of the 50s. in our region, the basis of a powerful construction complex was created, which further contributed to the placement of the largest economic objects of national importance here. The structure of the regional economy was gradually becoming more complex. There was a long-term tendency of the outstripping development of industries that determine scientific and technological progress - chemical, machine-building, and electric power.

The 1950s can be considered the beginning of the “great chemistry” of the Saratov region. The construction of chemical plants of national importance in Balakovo, Engels, Saratov caused the need to create a large-scale production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures in these industrial centers. During this period, the branches of the fuel and energy complex developed dynamically - gas, oil, shale, heat and power. The structure of the machine-building complex was improved. The presence of highly qualified scientific and technical personnel was an important prerequisite for the creation in our region (primarily in Saratov) of precision engineering, instrument making, and electronics. The largest enterprises in these industries, located in the northwestern outskirts of Saratov, mainly served the needs of the country's military-industrial complex.

Industrial glass plant, sugar plant, fat plant - new buildings in other industries.

Important tasks were solved during this period in the agricultural sector. In 1953-1956. in the Saratov region, about 1 million hectares of virgin lands were plowed up and developed. The technical equipment of agricultural production has significantly increased, and with the connection in 1960 of the region to the United European Energy System of the country, the possibilities of mechanizing the main technological processes in livestock raising and electrifying rural areas have expanded.

At the turn of the 1970s. the first of the giants of the electric power industry, the Saratov hydroelectric power station, went into operation. The region has turned from an energy deficit to an energy surplus. The power plant gave impetus to the development of the city of Balakovo, where, relying on a powerful construction base and cheap electricity, the largest industrial hub of the region after Saratov was formed. Mechanical engineering and especially the energy-intensive branches of the chemical industry, which have developed most dynamically in the last three decades, received further development.

The 1970s went down in the history of the economy of the Saratov Territory as the years of the birth and rapid development of the reclamation complex. During this period, hundreds of kilometers of irrigation canals, several large irrigation systems and other land reclamation infrastructure facilities were built. Currently, our region has the largest array of irrigated lands in Russia. All of this was ultimately reflected in the formation of the appearance of the countryside and the modern structure of agricultural production. Insufficient productivity of natural fodder lands was compensated by fodder production on irrigated lands, which was a stimulus for the further development of animal husbandry.

The growth of the economic potential of the region continued until the end of the 1980s. By this time, the role of the "troika" of the main branches of industry: machine-building, chemical and energy, had significantly strengthened. The largest new buildings of those years: factories of rubber products, chemical, self-propelled earth-moving machines, nuclear power plant in Balakovo; a raincoat fabric plant and a tractor trailer plant in Balashov; Engelsk factories of synthetic detergents and automotive glow plugs; CHP-5 in Saratov, etc.

The Saratov region is one of the largest in Russia in terms of its industrial potential, the capacity of construction organizations, the volume of agricultural production, the size and level of scientific and technical base and the training of qualified personnel and occupies an important place in the territorial division of labor.

6. Culture of the region In the history of national culture, the Saratov province has long been a region with a high cultural potential. Its geography and structure have changed over the centuries, while the existence of the center on the site of today's city of Saratov remained unchanged. Saratov (founded in 1590) is a city with rich cultural traditions. In 1885, the first public art gallery in the Russian province was opened in Saratov, named after A.N. Radishchev and opened on the initiative of the great figure's grandson. The first collection includes works by artists A. Bogolyubov, I. Shishkin, F. Vasiliev, I. Kramskoy, I. Repin, K. Corot, C. Daubigny and others. Their contribution (material, of course) to the creation of the gallery was also made by: S. and. P. Tretyakovs, A. Bakhrushin, Pauline Viardot. In 1873, the first stationary circus of the Nikitin brothers was founded, in 1831, on the initiative of the Free Economic Society, a public library was opened. In 1912 - the first conservatory in the province (the third after Moscow and St. Petersburg), the creation of which pushed the development of musical and concert life in the city. In 1909 - the tenth Nikolaev University, and in 1918 - the first children's theater. Thus, theatrical, artistic and musical traditions were established in the 19th century. Moreover, this city became the birthplace of many Russian celebrities. For example, the first Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was born in Saratov and graduated from an industrial technical school. Saratov land is the birthplace of painters P. S. Utkin, K. S. Petrov-Vodkin, P. V. Kuznetsov, writers K. A. Fedin, L. A. Kassil, M. N. Alekseev, artists I. A. Slonov, B. A. Babochkina, B. F. Andreev, E. Lebedev, S. Filippov, O. Tabakov, O. Yankovsky, composer A. G. Schnittke, author of the world famous song "Kalinka" - musician I. Larionov, inventors of caterpillar and wheeled tractors F. Blinov and Y. Mamin, brilliant biologist N. I. Vavilov, Nobel Prize laureate academician N. Semenov. The great Russian fabulist S. Krylov lived and worked here for some time, the writer S. Rozanov was born, famous for his modern views on literature. Architects known throughout Russia lived and worked in Saratov and the region: V.I.Suranov (1759-1821), A.M.Salko (1838-1918), P.M. Zybin (1858-1918), V.M. Lyukshin (1858-1918), A. N. Klement'ev (1852-1920), K. L. Mufke (1868-1918), S. A. Kallistratov (1874-1966), V. K. Karpenko (1873-1936) ... Saratov Territory - in the biographies of the artist M. Vrubel, aircraft designer O. Antonov, writer M. Bulgakov, architect F. Shekhtel, chemist N. Zinin, poet G. Derzhavin, academician G. Marchuk, designer of space radiotelephone communications Yu. Bykov ... The Saratov region has a great cultural heritage. In the sphere of attention and control of the Government of the Saratov region there are 2,950 objects of historical and cultural heritage, 662 objects of cultural heritage are registered with the state, 53 of them are federal significance... This is a conservatory business card Saratov and the region, the ensemble of the university campus - the creation of the architect Mufke, the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the residence of the Saratov governors, the house of the merchant Maltsev in Balakovo, the estate of the noblemen Naryshkins in the village of Pady, Balashovsky district, the building of the Gostiny Dvor in Volsk and many, many others. By the decree of the collegium of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, Gosstroy of the RSFSR and the Presidium of the Central Council of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (VOOPiK) of February 19, 1990, 10 cities of the region were included in the list of historical settlements of the Russian Federation: Saratov (1590), Atkarsk (1780), Balakovo (1762), Balashov (1780), Volsk (1780), Novouzensk (1835), Petrovsk (1698), Pugachev (Nikolaevsk, 1835), Khvalynsk (1780), Engels (Pokrovsk, 1914). The policy of the Government of the Saratov region in the field of culture is aimed at strengthening material base and the development of the creative potential of the leading regional institutions of culture and art, ensuring the availability of culture for citizens, creating a decent environment in every city and district. At present, the budget for the section "Culture, art and cinematography" provides the maintenance of 1,061 public (public) libraries, 1,275 club institutions, 22 state museums, 6 parks, 114 educational institutions of culture and art, 18 theater and concert organizations and 639 cinema installations in the region. In the region there are regional organizations of unions of theater workers, writers, composers, artists, filmmakers, architects, photographers. It has already become a tradition to hold a creative competition for the award of the Literary Prize of the Saratov Region named after V.I. MN Alekseev, regional theater festival "Golden Harlequin". The festival and musical life of the Saratov region is very active and varied. It is not without reason that the people of Saratov take pride in their academic theaters, educational institutions of culture and art, the regional philharmonic society, and the provincial theater of choral music. Music festivals and competitions are held annually. One of the brightest cultural events is the Sobinovsky Music Festival, which has been held annually since 1986 at the Saratov Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. In recent years, the concept of the festival has significantly expanded and went beyond the purely operatic one. Since 1999, it has included all genres of musical art: opera, ballet, symphony, operetta, as well as contemporary Russian rock music. The focus of the festival has become the traditional Competition of vocalists' contests, in which laureates of Russian and international competitions take part. The leading masters of the stage of opera houses of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia, near and far abroad became permanent participants of the festival. According to the results of a survey of the musical community, conducted by the newspaper "Musical Review", the Sobinovsky festival was named the best festival in 1999, 2001, 2002 in Russia. Creative contacts of theaters and art groups of the region with other regions are actively developing. The Academic Opera and Ballet Theater has successfully implemented the projects "Russian Opera Theaters on the Saratov Stage" and "Ballet Soloists of Russian Theaters on the Saratov Stage". The Russian festival named after G. G. Neuhaus, which has already become traditional, arouses keen interest. It is held at the Saratov Regional Philharmonic named after I. A. Schnittke once every two years, in 2004 it was already the seventh festival. World-class musicians - People's Artist of the USSR E. Virsaladze, folk artists Russia N. Gutman, A. Nasedkin, Honored Artists of Russia A. Lyubimov, A. Diev - became permanent participants of the festival. The organizer and permanent artistic director of the festival is A. Tarakanov, a student of G. G. Neuhaus, People's Artist of Russia, professor of the Saratov Conservatory. An interesting undertaking was made by the Saratov Regional Philharmonic. A. Schnittke, having performed in the concert season 2003-2004. carrying out the festival of arts "Beaumond". The festival included concerts of various genres, which attracted a large audience. It was attended by musicians and groups representing the elite of world academic art. This is an honored collective of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, the A.P. Borodin Quartet; People's Artists of the USSR, composer E. Doga and pianist V. Krainev; Russian-French jazz duo Daniil Kramer - Didier Lockwood; laureate of all-Union competitions, composer T. Kamysheva; People's Artist of Russia E. Kamburova. In the future, the practice of holding festivals of this level will continue. The All-Russian Festival-Competition of Folk Song Performers named after V.I. L.A. Ruslanova. In 2003, 90 performers from 35 regions of Russia took part in this song forum. Once again, the competition showed the high creative potential of young folk song performers, great interest and love for folk art in Russia. In order to popularize academic choral art, the Provincial Festival of Academic Choirs is held annually in Saratov, in which choral groups not only from the Saratov region, but also from other regions of the Volga region participate. In 2004, the III festival took place, it was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the department of choral conducting of the Saratov Conservatory. For the fifth time, "Children's and Youth Assemblies of Arts" have been held on Saratov land, bringing together talented children from Moscow and Saratov, Arkhangelsk and Krasnodar, Orenburg and Voronezh, Kharkov and Penza, Ryazan and Kurgan, Perm and Volgograd in an atmosphere of friendly trust and creative searches : The Art Assemblies have long stepped over the framework of the regional competition and acquired the status of a regional one, becoming a center for scientific and methodological communication, a creative laboratory for young talents. The year 2004 was filled with exciting events. In June 2004, as part of the Year of Russia in Kazakhstan, the Days of Economy and Culture of the Saratov Region were held in the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A large creative program was presented by the leading creative teams and performers of the Saratov region. In the halls of the Kazakh Drama Theater, exhibitions were exhibited: "Saratov province features" of the regional universal scientific library, "Saratov province in the panorama of centuries" of the regional museum of local history, an exhibition of art works of the Saratov organization of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. In September, Saratov hosted the III All-Russian Congress bodies of protection of monuments of history and culture, which was attended by about 200 delegates from 74 regions of the Russian Federation. The resolution of the congress formed the basis of the documents presented by the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in October 2004 at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of preserving the historical and cultural heritage of Russia. In 2004, jubilee celebrations were held dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Saratov region. theater school; To the 75th anniversary of the creation of the Saratov regional center folk art; The 70th anniversary of the opening of the Saratov Regional School of Culture; To the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Children's art school Saratov. In November, a regional festival was opened dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the composer A.G. Schnittke, a classical musician of the twentieth century, who was born in the Saratov land. A large program was implemented, including an international scientific and practical conference, competitions for young composers, artists and writers, a cycle of chamber and symphony concerts, book exhibitions... The final events of the festival are scheduled for February 2005. Within the framework of creative interaction with the regions of Russia, the expansion of international cultural ties, the Academic Theater for Young Spectators named after Yu.P. Kiseleva took part in the IX International Youth Theater Festival of Russian Classics in Lobnya, Moscow Region (with the play "Eternal Husband" by F. Dostoevsky) and in the International Theater Festival "Summer Fountain" (Rome, Italy); The Saratov Puppet Theater "Teremok" visited Bulgaria (with the play "A Lesson for Little Red Riding Hood" by E. Schwartz) and took part in two international festivals of puppet theaters: the X International Festival "MOBARAK" in Tehran, Iran and the II International Festival " Malachite Box, or Petrushka the Great "in Yekaterinburg; the Provincial Theater of Choral Music toured Spain and participated in the VIII International Sakharov Festival of Arts in Nizhny Novgorod. Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Culture of the Saratov Region and the National Stage of Le Havre" Volcano "(France), a Russian-French project was implemented - staging by A. Milianti (France) of the play" Penthesilea "based on the play by G. von Kleist with students of the theater faculty of the Saratov Conservatory (course of A. Kuznetsov). Le Havre, in April the play was shown at the I. A. Slonov Theater of Drama.The Ministry of Culture of the region traditionally supports the diversity of forms of folk art, considering this priority area their activities and cultural institutions in the field. This is one of the components of today's challenge, expressed in the concept of "a decent living environment for every person." The development of amateur art is facilitated by the regular holding of regional, regional and district reviews, competitions, and festivals. Only in 2004 were held: IX Regional Folklore and Ethnographic Holiday "Christmas Meetings", International Festival of Traditional Culture "Down the Mother, Along the Volga", regional festivals of folk art "Victory Salute", "Family Mosaic", "Volga Springs", "Victory Inextinguishable Light", "Steppe Expanses", "Play, Accordion, Links, Chastushka", pop song contest "Golden Microphone", festival of choreographic groups "Hello, World!", Regional open festival of circus art "Carnival of Youth". 27 creative amateur groups and individual performers of the region took part in the All-Russian and international festivals and competitions that took place in Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Vladimir, Penza, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Moscow, Astrakhan, the best of them won the title of diploma winners and laureates. Collectives from Balakovo, Balashov, Petrovsk, Pugachev, Saratov, r. The village of Ivanteevka adequately represented the Saratov region at the II stage All-Russian festival folk art "Salute of Victory" in the Volga Federal District (Nizhny Novgorod). The festival activity contributes to the improvement of the performing level and stage culture of our amateur groups. Evidence of the increasing skill is the annual growth in the number of creative teams bearing the title of "national". Today there are 274 of them. Creative groups are actively involved in concert activities, organize numerous festivals, and serve social and cultural events on a regional, regional and Russian scale. "First", "first" - these words are often used when talking about the Saratov region. There are indeed many exceptional and unique events in the oblast chronicle. For the first time an industrial natural gas field has been discovered in the country; the Saratov-Moscow gas pipeline laid the foundation for the gas industry of the USSR. Here, on the banks of the Volga, Yuri Gagarin, a pupil of the Saratov flying club and industrial technical school, first ascended into the sky. It is significant that it was to the Saratov land that he "descended" after the legendary flight into space. The second person who visited near-earth space - German Titov - was also met from space by the Saratov region, and much more. At 9 Moskovskaya Street, the house of the merchant Dmitry Vakurov, the first bookseller in Saratov, has been preserved. Afanasy Stolypin, a renowned artillery officer, a participant in the Battle of Borodino, a great-uncle of the poet Mikhail Lermontov, often came to visit him. Until the early 1800s. the main public school, the printing house of the provincial government, and the first serf theater were opened in the city. In 1826, according to the project of the architect V.P. Stasov, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was built in honor of the victory over the army of Napoleon (destroyed in the 30s of our century). The most important events before the early 1900s: on July 12, 1828, a publicist, writer, critic N. Chernyshevsky was born in Saratov (died October 17, 1889 in his hometown, was buried at the Resurrection cemetery), the first steamer approached the Saratov pier (1838) , the first newspaper "Saratov Provincial Gazette" was published (1844), P. Yablochkov, an electrical scientist, inventor of "Russian light" (1847) was born, the Dukhososhestskaya Church (1855), which is still in operation today, was built, a city public bank was opened (1863), the first steam mill (1865), the artist V.E.Borisov-Musatov was born (1870), the movement of trains along the Tambov-Uralskaya began railroad(1871), I. Panfilov was born - Hero of the Soviet Union, a famous general (1893), for the first time a car appeared on the streets of Saratov (1900) ... the future. Here, on Museum Square, there is an architectural monument - Holy Trinity Cathedral, built in the late 17th - early 18th centuries. Near Sokolovaya Gora, which keeps the memory of Peter I and E. Pugachev, there is an airport, from which YAKs, born in Saratov, soar into the sky. Together with the Volga, the city is in perpetual motion - it is being built, improved, develops production, science, and culture. Saratov is the center of the Saratov region of the Russian Federation, a large industrial and agricultural region, in 1956 and 1970. awarded two of the highest orders of the country. 7.About the flag and coat of arms ... Flag of the Saratov region

The flag “is a rectangular panel of two horizontal stripes: the lower one is red and the upper one is white, in the ratio of the width of the stripes 1: 2, with a double-sided image in the center of the white stripe of the coat of arms of the Saratov region, surrounded by a golden decorative wreath of oak, laurel branches and ears of wheat connected by a gold ribbon. The overall width of the image of the coat of arms of the Saratov region should be 1/4 of the length of the flag. The ratio of the flag's width to its length is 2: 3 ”.

The red color of the flag symbolizes courage, courage, fearlessness, generosity and love; white - purity of thoughts, nobility of actions, truthfulness, high spirituality of people living in the Saratov region

Coat of arms of the city

On August 23, 1781, the coat of arms of Saratov and 8 cities that are part of the Saratov governorship was approved. On the coat of arms of Saratov "there are 3 sterlets in a blue field, meaning the great abundance of such fish in this country." Above the shield at the top is the imperial crown, and on the other sides it was surrounded by golden oak leaves, connected by the Andreevskaya ribbon of azure color. Three sterlets in a blue field are placed in the upper part of the coats of arms of Atkarsk, Balashov, Volsk, Kamyshin, Kuznetsk, Petrovsk, Serdobsk, Khvalynsk, which testified to their belonging to the Saratov governorship. By the decision of the Saratov City Duma of November 18, 1997 # 13–108, the Regulations on the coat of arms of the city of Saratov were approved. The coat of arms of the city of Saratov is a traditional heraldic shield. It depicts three silver sterlets, meaning "this country's great abundance of such fishes." Sterlets are oriented from the upper corners of the shield and the middle of the lower edge with their heads to the center of the composition, forming the Greek letter "upsilon", symbolizing "the choice of a worthy path at the crossroads of life's roads." The sterlet located in the upper part of the shield is depicted with backs to each other, and the sterlet located in the lower part is depicted with its back to the left of the viewer. The heraldic description of the coat of arms of the city of Saratov reads: “In the azure (blue, light blue) field there are three silver sterlets with their heads to the heart of the shield; the lower sterlet is turned with its back to the right ”(heraldically, the right side is located to the left of the viewer).

City flag

The modern flag of the city of Saratov is a rectangular white cloth, in the lower part of which a blue stripe is horizontally located on the obverse and reverse sides. The width of the blue stripe is equal to 1/3 of the total width of the flag. In the center of the white stripe is the coat of arms of the city of Saratov. The coat of arms has the same field as the lower stripe of the flag - blue.

About symbolism ...

Founded in 1590 as a fortress city to protect the Volga route from the raids of nomads, Saratov soon received the unofficial name of Rybny Gorodok. Indeed, from the village of Sosnovy Ostrov, which is higher along the Volga, now the city of Khvalynsk, to the lower reaches great river fishing was carried out. In the 17th – 18th centuries, fishing and fish trade were the main sources of subsistence for the Saratov people. For a long time, beluga, starred sturgeon, sturgeon, sterlet remained their pride. The sterlet - a symbol of the fish wealth of the region - got on the blue field of the coat of arms even during the reign of Peter I. Three sterlets are read as many similar fish, and Saratov as the center of sterlet fishing. With the establishment of the Saratov governorship in 1780, the following year, the coat of arms of Saratov with the image of three sterlets was approved. The viceroyalty in 1782 was renamed the province. And although in the edge from the second half of the XIX century, industry begins to develop rapidly, and the city turns into a major center of grain trade and flour milling, the same three sterlets remain on the coats of arms of the province and the city - evidence of adherence to tradition. They entered the provincial coat of arms, approved on July 5, 1878.

Coat of arms of the Saratov region

The modern coat of arms of the Saratov region is a pentagonal "French" shield of azure color, on which three silver sterlets are located in the form of a fork-shaped cross, with their heads towards the center of the cross, while the lower sterlet lies on the right side. Above the shield is a historical land crown of gold color, lined with azure, with five visible teeth, stylized as domes of Christian churches, which personifies the rich historical past since the founding of Saratov as a border city - a fortress on the outskirts of the Russian state under Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich in 1590 ... The coat of arms of the city of Saratov, approved on 23 August 1781, served as the basis for the coat of arms of the region. The coat of arms is surrounded by a golden decorative wreath consisting of intertwining oak, laurel branches and ears of wheat intertwined with a gold ribbon. The azure color of the shield denotes the river expanses of the Volga and the beauty of small rivers flowing in the region. Sterlets symbolize the abundance of fish stocks, the purity of the Volga River and small rivers in the region. Oak branches in a decorative wreath denote the strength, courage and resilience of the peoples of the Saratov land during periods of hard times. Laurus personifies the victory over enemies and the glory of Russian weapons. Wheat ears symbolize natural and plant wealth, abundance, hospitality of the inhabitants, and the hard work of the people. Gold ribbons - wealth, power and constancy.

The newest coat of arms of the Saratov region

The coat of arms of the Saratov region in this image was approved by the Law of the Saratov region in March 2001 and registered in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation on January 31, 2002 under # 850 (without a decorative wreath).

8 Conclusion

The Saratov region has a unique individual appearance and rich historical destiny. The history of the "capital of the Volga region" begins with the ancient Zolotoi Horde city of the 5th century, which existed for 150 years and was destroyed by the troops of Tamerlane. Having gone through the revival, the raids of the nomads, the attack of Emelyan Pugachev, the fire, the transfer of the city from place to place, Saratov possessed enormous wealth... There were fertile lands for plowing, abundant pastures, rich hunting and boarding grounds, and notable fishing. Salt was of great value. Built in 1590 by prince G.O. Zasekin and boyar F.M. In 1769, the city was the most developing and comfortable province in Russia, and at the beginning of the 20th century it was the third largest city in Russia in terms of population and the largest city in the Volga region. Thanks to widespread philanthropy, churches, theaters, a circus, an art gallery, a public library, a conservatory, a hospital and much more were built in the city. The Saratov Territory is home to many famous people: writers, artists, artists, scientists, musicians, inventors, etc. The Saratov region in terms of its industrial potential, the capacity of construction organizations, the volume of agricultural production, the size and level of scientific and technical base and the training of qualified personnel is one of the largest in Russia and occupies an important place in the territorial division of labor.

9.List of literature

1. History of the Saratov region: [From ancient times to 1917] / Under total. ed. V.P. Totfalushin. - 2nd ed., Rev., Add. - Saratov: Regional Privolzhskoe Publishing House "Children's Book", 2000

2. Semenov V.N. - "In the old days Saratov: Essays and stories about the past of our region." - Saratov: Regional Privolzhskoe Publishing House "Children's Book", 1993

3. Osipov, V.A., Gusakova Z.E., Gokhlener V.M. - "History of the Saratov Territory 1590-1917" - Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 1983

When the entire Saratov Trans-Volga region was divided between the Astrakhan and the newly formed Samara provinces. The withdrawn districts continued to maintain very close economic and cultural ties with the Saratov province. The Saratov region in the first half of the 19th century continued to populate rapidly. In terms of the rate of settlement and the number of immigrants, the Saratov province occupied one of the first places in the country. ...

Development. However, gradually the county towns of the region turned into centers of trade in bread and raw materials. They played a significant role in the establishment and development of intraregional economic ties. One of the results of the socio-economic development of the cities of the Saratov region in the 18th century was the formation of a merchant class. Wealthy merchants held lucrative fisheries in their hands, bought livestock, lard ...

In the church hierarchy, they either distinguished themselves as teachers of theological educational institutions57. Pokrovsky drew attention to two important points indicating the essential role of the Saratov Seminary in transforming the cultural space of the province. The contingent of children from the clergy who became available to seminary education, according to his observations, significantly increased due to the discovery of this ...

By the adoption of retaliatory repressive measures in 1775, serfdom was extended to the whole of Ukraine, many Cossack liberties were abolished, and the Zaporozhye Sich would soon be destroyed. The peasant war of 1773-1775 was defeated, but does this give grounds to speak of its uselessness? First, the peasant war raised tens of thousands of people under its banner. They were from different places and ...

Saratov region in the XIV-XVII centuries.

In the XIV century. on the territory of the modern Zavodskoy district of Saratov was the third largest city of the Golden Horde called Uvek. According to one version, the city was destroyed by Timur in the war with Tokhtamysh in 1395, according to the other, the main part of the city descended into the Volga during coastal landslides. The official date of the foundation of the city is considered to be July 5 (15), 1590. It was on this day that the "founding fathers" of Saratov, Prince Grigory Osipovich Zasekin and the streltsy head Fyodor Mikhailovich Turov, arrived on the Volga coast. They laid the first fortress of Saratov on the left bank of the Volga, opposite the Tatar settlement Uvek. According to one version, the name of the city comes from the confluence of the Tatar-Mongol words: "sary" (yellow) and "tau" (mountain). So, in turn, they called Sokolovaya Gora, yellow in color.
Throughout its history, the city has been repeatedly moved from one place to another. The settlement, founded slightly upstream of the Volga than modern Saratov, completely burned down in the winter of 1613-1614, and the garrison that made up its population went to Samara. In 1617, Saratov was rebuilt again, but already on the left bank of the Volga - at the confluence of the Saratovka River with Volozhka.
Saratov of the 17th century is a guard fortress and the center of Volga trade. If the first settlers of the city were shooters and warriors, then later the townspeople appeared in the fortress city, who were engaged in fishing, as well as trade in cattle and salt from the Astrakhan lakes. The city grew and developed rapidly, gradually losing its military character and acquiring commercial and industrial importance.
On August 15, 1670, Stepan Razin entered Saratov with an army, the inhabitants greeted him with bread and salt. From that moment until July 1671, Saratov became one of the centers of the Peasant War on the Lower Volga.
After another fire and in connection with the general dilapidation of buildings in 1674, the government ordered "Saratov to make a new one on the mountains." The construction of the city began on the right bank of the Volga, where Saratov is located to this day.
During its subsequent history, the city burned out almost to the ground several times - residents sometimes had to flee in courts on the Volga.

Saratov region in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

On March 6, 1700, Peter I awarded Saratov for the eternal possession of the lands surrounding the city. And in 1708, in connection with the division of Russia into 8 provinces, by the decree of Peter, Saratov was assigned to the Kazan province.
Since 1764, after Catherine II signed a manifesto inviting foreigners to Russia, foreigners, mainly Germans, began to settle in Saratov and its environs.
In 1769 the Saratov province was formed, giving the city the right to be considered an administrative center.
In 1774 the Volga region was engulfed in a peasant war under the leadership of Yemelyan Pugachev. On October 6, at the head of a five-thousandth army, he entered the city practically without a fight. The majority of the population and the composition of the garrison swore allegiance to him. Two days later, the army with the Saratovites who joined it set off on a campaign against Tsaritsyn.
As an independent administrative unit, the Saratov viceroyalty, later called the province, has existed since 1780.
On January 11, 1780, a decree of Catherine II was issued on the establishment of the Saratov governorship, and on November 7 of the same year, a decree on the opening of the governorship was followed.
On February 3, 1781, the grand opening of the Saratov governorship took place with the participation of Bishop Anthony, who had arrived from Astrakhan, and Lieutenant General Jacobi, the governor of Astrakhan.
In 1782 the Saratov viceroyalty was renamed into the province.
In 1796, when the administrative-territorial boundaries were being revised in Russia, 8 out of 41 provinces were abolished, including by the Decree of December 12, 1796, the Saratov province was liquidated, and its territory was divided between the Penza and Astrakhan provinces.
After 3 months, by the Decree of March 5, 1797, restoration followed. Saratov province. Thus, in 1997, 200 years have passed since the final dispensation of the Saratov province.
In subsequent years, the territory of the province was redrawn more than once.
The last changes took place in 1941, when the Republic of Volga Germans ceased to exist.
Saratov became a provincial town in the 19th century. On January 11, 1780, Catherine II issued a decree establishing the Saratov viceroyalty, which from 1782 became known as the province. In 1781, the coat of arms of Saratov was established: "In the blue field there are three sterlets, signifying the great abundance of such fish in this country."
In 1810, another urban planning plan was approved, after which the active development of the modern city center began. In 1825, oil lanterns appeared on the streets of the city, and in 1844-45. a wooden plumbing was built, which has become a city landmark. In 1870, movement began on the first section of the Tambov-Saratov railway.
By the end of the 19th century, Saratov had become the largest Russian commercial and industrial center, supplying fabrics, iron foundry and engineering products, cement, flour, salt and grain to other regions of Russia and abroad - it was then that the Saratov kalach became famous.

Saratov region during the Great Patriotic War

On June 22, 1941, the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union disrupted the peaceful life of our people. A severe period of the Great Patriotic War began in the history of the Soviet state.
The treacherous attack of fascist Germany on the Soviet Union aroused a feeling of anger and indignation among the workers of the Saratov region. At the meetings held in the region in the first days of the war, representatives of workers, collective farmers, and intelligentsia called on all Soviet people to unite even more closely. The working people declared their ardent desire to volunteer for the active army and smash the enemy.
On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, thousands of Saratov residents displayed high military valor. For courage and heroism shown in battles, 47 thousand soldiers, sergeants and officers from Saratov were awarded orders and medals. More than 200 Saratov soldiers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
During the war years, many military educational institutions were stationed in Saratov. The headquarters of the Volga Military District, one of the centers for the formation of units and formations for the front, was located here. Saratov trained and sent over 500 different military units to the front. About thirty military schools, colleges and courses trained commanders and specialists for the active army. The most famous in Saratov were the 1st and 2nd tank, infantry and border schools. The First Saratov Red Banner of the Order of the Red Star Tank Technical School named after Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General A.I. Lizyukov was founded in 1918 as a military instructor school. During the war years, it trained commanders and technicians of medium and light tanks, political fighters, specialists in fuels and lubricants. The school was commanded by Colonel D.A. Roganin, Major General I.A. Safonov, Colonel I.F. Dergachev. In 1943 -1944, two graduations of officers were produced for the Polish and Czechoslovak people's armies.
The Soviet intelligentsia made a great contribution to increasing the country's defense capability. In the factory laboratories, at the departments of universities in the city of Saratov, issues of tremendous national economic and defense importance were resolved. During the war, tens of thousands of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army were treated in hospitals in Saratov. Medical personnel of the region worked selflessly. Thanks to the correct organization of treatment and care, the Saratov health care hospitals sought to return 80-90% of the wounded to service.
From the very first days of the war, art workers from the city of Saratov expanded their artistic services to the front, hospitals and military units of the Red Army located in the city of I region.
The war was a severe test for the country, for the entire people. Having withstood it, having won a historic victory thanks to the vitality of the country, the country was able to return to peaceful construction.

Saratov region in the post-war years

In the first post-war years, the Saratov region became a major supplier of building materials to the regions, the economy of which was severely destroyed during the war. In the late 40s - early 50s. many enterprises in this industry carried out orders for the largest construction projects in the country: the Volga-Don Canal, Kuibyshevskaya and Stalingrad HPPs. Along with the Volsk cement plants, new enterprises for the production of crushed stone in the Pugachevsky, Ivanteevsky and Ershovsky districts took part in the implementation of this huge construction program. Thus, by the beginning of the 50s. in the region, the basis of a powerful construction complex was created, which subsequently contributed to the placement of the largest economic objects of national importance here. The structure of the regional economy was gradually becoming more complex. There was a long-term tendency of the outstripping development of industries that determine scientific and technological progress - chemical, machine-building, and electric power.
The 1950s can be considered the beginning of the “great chemistry” of the Saratov region. The construction of chemical plants of national importance in Balakovo, Engels, Saratov caused the need to create a large-scale production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures in these industrial centers. During this period, the branches of the fuel and energy complex developed dynamically - gas, oil, shale, heat and power. The structure of the machine-building complex was improved. The presence of highly qualified scientific and technical personnel was an important prerequisite for the creation in our region (primarily in Saratov) of precision engineering, instrument making, and electronics. The largest enterprises in these industries, located in the northwestern outskirts of Saratov, mainly served the needs of the country's military-industrial complex.
Industrial glass plant, sugar plant, fat plant - new buildings in other industries.
Important tasks were solved during this period in the agricultural sector. In 1953-1956. in the Saratov region, about 1 million hectares of virgin lands were plowed up and developed. The technical equipment of agricultural production has significantly increased, and with the connection in 1960 of the region to the United European Energy System of the country, the possibilities of mechanizing the main technological processes in livestock raising and electrifying rural areas have expanded.
At the turn of the 1970s. the first of the giants of the electric power industry, the Saratov hydroelectric power station, went into operation. The region has turned from an energy deficit to an energy surplus. The power plant gave impetus to the development of the city of Balakovo, where, relying on a powerful construction base and cheap electricity, the largest industrial hub of the region after Saratov was formed. Mechanical engineering and especially the energy-intensive branches of the chemical industry, which have developed most dynamically in the last three decades, received further development.
The 1970s went down in the history of the economy of the Saratov Territory as the years of the birth and rapid development of the reclamation complex. During this period, hundreds of kilometers of irrigation canals, several large irrigation systems and other land reclamation infrastructure facilities were built. Currently, our region has the largest array of irrigated lands in Russia. All of this was ultimately reflected in the formation of the appearance of the countryside and the modern structure of agricultural production. Insufficient productivity of natural fodder lands was compensated by fodder production on irrigated lands, which was a stimulus for the further development of animal husbandry.
The growth of the economic potential of the region continued until the end of the 1980s. By this time, the role of the "troika" of the main branches of industry: machine-building, chemical and energy, had significantly strengthened. The largest new buildings of those years: factories of rubber products, chemical, self-propelled earth-moving machines, nuclear power plant in Balakovo; a raincoat fabric plant and a tractor trailer plant in Balashov; Engelsk factories of synthetic detergents and automotive glow plugs; TPP-5 in Saratov and others. The Saratov region is one of the largest in Russia in terms of its industrial potential, capacity of construction organizations, volume of agricultural production, size and level of scientific and technical base and training of qualified personnel and occupies an important place in the territorial division of labor.

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