Presentation aerial clothing of the earth 5 cl geography. The atmosphere is the airy clothing of the Earth. There should be no open doors


  • Educational.(Know the composition of air, types of clouds, patterns of heating and cooling air over land and water.)
  • Developing.(To develop students' skills to highlight the main thing and draw conclusions, enrich the special speech of students.)
  • Educational.(Formation of students' skills to independently seek answers to assigned tasks, the ability to listen to comrades, work with various sources of knowledge.)

During the classes

  1. Organizational.
  1. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.
  2. Lesson objectives.
  3. Throughout the lesson, children give themselves pluses for each correct
  4. We work with signal cards.
  1. Preparation for active educational and cognitive activities.
  1. What it is?

Passes through the nose into the chest
And back on the way
He's invisible, and yet.
Can't we live without him? (air)

  1. What properties of air in question in a riddle? (Invisible, transparent, essential for breathing).
  2. Demonstration of experiments (students themselves name the properties of air)
  • Hit the ball on the floor. (Squeeze and elastic.)
  • I put an empty glass in a cup of water. (Air takes up space.)
  • A flask and a glass tube inserted into it, a drop of water painted over in a tube, I heat the flask with my hands, the drop rises to the top, I stop heating, the drop rushes down. (When heated, air heats up; when cooled, it compresses).
  1. What else can you say about warm air ?? Warm air rises (I write this on the board)
  2. Does air have weight? Decide practically. (balloon experiment) Yes. (an inflatable ball - not inflated has less weight than an inflated one)

Students call again all the properties of air and write them down in a notebook.

  1. The main stage.
  1. Why is the theme "Airy clothing of the Earth" so named?

Assumptions, statements of the guys (they remember the temperature on the Moon and compare it with the temperature on Earth).

Conclusion: the Earth is covered with an air shell, the thickness of the air during the day scatters the sun's rays, and the Earth heats up weakly, and at night the air does not allow the Earth to cool quickly and, as if under an invisible blanket, retains heat until morning. Hence the name of the topic.

  1. The air shell of the Earth is called the atmosphere (entry in the notebook)
  2. I would like to draw your attention to the problematic question written on the board.

The composition of the air in the classroom before the start of the class and after it is different. What is the difference? Suggest a way to improve classroom air.

  1. Working with the textbook (A.A. Pleshakov, N. And Sonin "Natural Science".) P. 74., Read 1 and 2 paragraphs (On their own)
  • The first group of guys are scientists
  • The second group of guys are journalists
  • Two guys are analysts

The first group talks about the composition of the air using a diagram.

The second group asks questions to group 1.

Analysts draw conclusions that children write in a notebook.

  1. One of the trained guys demonstrates experience.

He lights two candles, one closes with a glass, the other not. The closed candle goes out.

Again the problem: "Why is this happening?"

Children offer a solution to this problem and conclude:

Oxygen supports combustion. Carbon dioxide does not support combustion.

The guys also talk about the properties of these gases.

  1. A person needs 20 g of nitrogen daily.
  • And how does it get into the human body? (a question at home for those wishing erudites - find the answer)
  1. Working with the tutorial. (Page 74, 3-4 paragraphs.)

Create reproductive and creative questions for the text. After reading, students first ask questions directly to the text and answer, and then creative ones, to which there is no answer, but they encourage the children to look for them in other sources, because it is interesting.

Conclude: Clouds are: stratus, cirrus, cumulus. Precipitation (rain, snow) is associated with stratus and cumulus clouds. With altitude, the temperature drops by 6 degrees per kilometer.

  1. Reading a poem (see Appendix 1).
  • What is it about? (About the wind.)
  1. Individual messages from guys

1 student - heating cooling air over land and water (use
diagrams, tables)

2 student - wind, types of winds.

  1. Anchoring.
  1. Fairy tale (see appendix 2)
  2. Biological tasks on the arrows showing the direction of the wind. First, the children say what the wind is, then they remove the arrow and on the back side read the problem and their solutions (see Appendix 3).
  3. Answer the problematic question written on the board. The guys' answers are detailed, correct, erroneous, unexpected, especially when discussing the second part.
  4. Test (option 1 - even questions, option 2 - odd questions, some students receive cards.) (See Appendix 4.) After completion, the answers are given by children who have the opportunity to see where they made a mistake, what is the correct answer.
  1. Lesson summary, (reflection)
  1. Red - 6 pluses and more "5"

Blue-4-5 pluses "4"

Yellow - 2-3 "3"

  1. Raise signal cards (test check)

Red - no errors "5"

Blue - 1 error "4"

Yellow - 2-3 errors "3"

White - 4 mistakes (more work to be done).

  1. We summarize the preliminary results, assign grades.
  2. Raise signal cards.

Reds - everything is clear, I can retell.

Blue - everything is clear, I find it difficult to retell.

Yellow - not everything is clear, additional explanation is required.

  1. Homework:
  1. Write a weather forecast.
  2. Optional - Find the answer to the question, “What layers are distinguished in the atmosphere? Where does the climate form? "
  3. Optional - How does nitrogen get into a living organism?
  4. Ask relatives about folk signs, by which you can predict the weather.

Is there a blanket, children,

To cover the whole Earth?

So that there is enough for everyone

And besides, it was not visible?

Neither fold nor unfold

Neither touch nor look?

Used to let through rain and light,

Yes, but it seems like not ?!

Atmosphere The atmosphere and its structure

"The earth floats in an airy ocean, and we live at the bottom of this ocean, covered by it from all sides, permeated through it"

K. Flammarion

Atmosphereair envelope Of the earth

"Atmosphere" - steam; "Sphere" - a ball

Upper atmosphere:

  • In the upper atmosphere (mesosphere - up to 80 km, thermosphere - up to 500 km and exosphere - from 500 km and above, there is no clear boundary between the exosphere and open space), the air density is very low. In the exosphere, gas particles are scattered into space.
  • The temperature here is about 726 degrees Celsius.
  • A spectacular sight known as the Northern Lights can be seen in the upper atmosphere.


  • A very stable area at an altitude of about 13-50 km.
  • There is almost no water vapor in the stratosphere.
  • At an altitude of about 25 km, the ozone layer absorbs most ultraviolet radiation.
  • The air temperature increases with altitude.


  • The height of the troposphere varies with the season and geographic latitude and reaches a maximum at the equator - about 15 km.
  • About 80% of the total atmospheric mass is concentrated here.
  • With an increase in altitude of 1000 m, the temperature decreases by about 6 degrees.
  • It is in this layer that weather changes occur.


With altitude, the air temperature

decreases by 6 degrees for each

kilometer. Therefore, water vapor in

the atmosphere is cooled and

turn into the smallest

water droplets or crystals

ice. They form CLOUDS

Spindrift clouds

Spindrift clouds

1. Appearance

2. Height of the lower border

3. Layer thickness

1. Appearance Scattered white filamentous clouds in fine filaments or flakes.

2. Height of the lower border 6-10 km, in summer up to 12 km, in the tropics up to 14-18 km.

3. Layer thickness Several hundred meters, sometimes 1-2 km.

Cirrocumulus clouds

1. Appearance

2. Height of the lower border 6-8 km.

3. Layer thickness 100-400 m.

Cirrocumulus clouds

1. Appearance Ridges or layers of thin white clouds (without gray shades), consisting of small waves, ripples, flakes, partly with a fibrous structure.

2. Height of the lower border 6-8 km.

3. Layer thickness 100-400 m.

Cirrostratus clouds

1. Appearance

2. Height of the lower border 6-8 km.

3. Layer thickness From 200 m to 2-3 km.

Cirrostratus clouds

1. Appearance A whitish (sometimes yellowish or bluish) translucent veil, slightly fibrous or blurred, covering the entire sky or a significant part of it. Lateral border or sharply expressed ( blue sky), or represents a smooth transition to the Ci cluster.

2. Height of the lower border 6-8 km.

3. Layer thickness From 200 m to 2-3 km.

Cumulonimbus clouds

Layered clouds


Weather- this is the state of the lower atmosphere in a given place and in this moment

Wind - movement of air along the earth's surface

Natural phenomena:

« The eye of the typhoon


Hurricane formation over the planet


  • Necessary for living organisms to breathe

A person needs 11 thousand liters of air per day

  • Protects against meteorites
  • Saves lives from harmful ultraviolet radiation
  • Keeps the Earth from overheating and hypothermia
  • Participates in the water cycle
  • Regulates heat transfer
  • Life on Earth is impossible without an atmosphere

Study of the atmosphere

  • The study of the atmosphere is carried out by the World Meteorological Organization, which includes Russia.
  • Observations are made from the surface of the Earth, balloons, artificial satellites of the Earth. Radiosondes and meteorological rockets are launched into the atmosphere.
  • The science that studies the atmosphere is called meteorology.
  • The science that makes weather forecasting is called forecaster.

Basic properties:


Insert the words you want:

Air shell of the Earth

called ……………………….,

it consists of a mixture of …………… .., in

composition of which nitrogen .... ... ..%,

oxygen …….% and other gases.

Science studying …………………… ..,

called meteorology

Science constituting …………………

weather is called forecaster.

Arrange the parts of the atmosphere in order from bottom to top and write their names on the drawing:

1) Exosphere

2) Stratosphere

3) Thermosphere

4) Ozone layer

5) Troposphere

6) Mesosphere

Solve the problem:

Determine the approximate height of the mountain, if at its foot the air temperature was + 26 degrees, and at the top -8 degrees.

Write down the solution:

Having entered the correct words horizontally, vertically get the name of the shell

1. Satellite of the Earth

2.Gas in air

3.Temperature measuring device

4. Oxygen isotope

5. The world of stars and galaxies

6. Part of the air envelope

7. Heavenly body

8. Gas in the air

9. Apparatus for the study of air


Before blue sky I can reach it with my hand

I'll touch the clouds with my palm,

Enjoying peace and light

The clouds are white-pink.

Only the sky before me shook

It started and came back,

A strong wind blew in my face

And it flew off somewhere again.

I am with delight and trembling faith

Observing the affairs of the atmosphere.

Somewhere the rain fell for some reason,

Somewhere a snowstorm was playing naughty

Hoarfrost with a thin fluffy coating

Covers the wing of an aircraft.

Ships sail through the mists

Far from the native land.

But the role of the atmosphere is significant

For the Earth and for human life,

After all, such an air sphere

Protects against many things:

Whether from frost on a dark night,

From overheating on a sunny day

From a heap falling to Earth

A variety of cosmic bodies.

Many harmful cosmic rays

The atmosphere will not let you go without a key.

For unwelcome evil rays

Must not be open doors.

Our big air ocean

Washing over many countries

Our protector, offender, assistant,

Without which it is impossible to live.

Carrying out a protective function,

The atmosphere gives us air.

So the conclusion is correct:

A man cannot live without her!

Ovsyankina Elena Borisovna, “Atmosphere - air clothing Earth "

Explanatory note to the lesson.

"Each lesson should be a task for the mentor, which he should perform, thinking it over in advance: at each lesson he should achieve something, take a step further and force the whole class to take this step" KD Ushinsky

In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, fundamental changes are required in the methodology of conducting a modern lesson. The teacher's activity in the lesson is in designing learning activities , organization learning activities , management learning activities of students .

New information Technology... Their effectiveness is undeniable, as they allow:

    expand the information space;

    increase the speed of information search;

    the intensity of processing the acquired knowledge.

This translates into time savings, productivity, and higher quality learning. At the same time, the information base becomes truly developing. Therefore, the teacher's task is not so much to give knowledge as to help students to form abilities in themselves that will allow them to master a set of methods of activity in the future; to create conditions for the formation of skills in transferring information from one sign systems to others; create conditions for the development of the ability to structure information, promote the development of the ability to communicate constructively.

This lesson used interactive board Panaboard, textbook by A.A. Pleshakov and N.I.Sonin “Natural Science. Grade 5 ", a video clip from the Bibigon channel in Internet resources, photos and pictures from the Internet portal Google: earth,

Taking into account the requirements for modern lesson the objectives of this lesson were defined:

Educational: to form students' ideas about the composition and structure of the atmosphere, the main atmospheric phenomena: the formation of clouds, wind, thunderstorms

Developing: develop the ability to work in a group with a textbook, additional sources of information. Promote the development of memory, logic and intelligence. Using the example of the importance of the atmosphere in the life of the planet and a person, teach students to classify and establish correspondence, form the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and explain the main atmospheric phenomena in nature

Educational: awareness of oneself as part of the integrity of nature, fostering a sense of beauty.

Planned results(students will get the opportunity) :

Personal: awareness of the values ​​of knowledge about the Earth, as essential component scientific picture of the world.

Metasubject: the ability to organize their activities, determine its goals and objectives, the ability to conduct an independent search, analysis, selection of information, the ability to interact with people and work in a team. Make judgments supported by facts.

Subject: understanding of the uniqueness of the planet Earth, the significance of the atmosphere for the planet and for humans.

Universal training activities:

Personal: the need to study the surrounding world, awareness of the integrity of the world and oneself as an integral part of planet Earth

Regulatory: plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher, evaluate the work of classmates, work in accordance with the task, compare the results obtained with the expected ones.

Cognitive: independently highlight and formulate the cognitive goal of the lesson, to define the concepts of atmosphere, air, clouds, wind; structure knowledge; consciously and arbitrarily build a speech utterance in oral and written form; analyze and select information, get new knowledge from various sources, process information to obtain the desired result.

Communicative: independently organize educational interaction in a group.

The elements used in the lesson technologies of creative development (A. Rakhimova), which make students think about the meaning of the studied content, master new experience. In this case, conditions are created for the formation of skills to analyze and highlight the main thing, to determine the general and the special, to identify causes and effects. Students formulate their own position on the issue under discussion and use the events that occur around them for its argumentation. And they also contribute to the development of creativity not only within the studied subject, but also in all educational areas.

An educational game, as another technology of student-centered learning, fully meets the tasks of forming information and communication competence due to the following:

    in the course of the game, students acquire an activity experience similar to what they would receive in reality;

    educational play allows you to solve difficult problems, and not only be an observer;

    games create a higher possibility of transferring knowledge and experience of activity from a learning situation to a real one;

    Learning games provide an environment that requires students to respond quickly.

The educational game allows not only to increase the interest of students in the topics studied, but also to work out the behavioral skills dictated by a certain situation .

Lesson summary: the students were active in the lesson, reasoned and analyzed the available information, made mistakes, but were tolerant of each other, willingly fulfilled all the tasks and requirements of the teacher. For the lesson, 5 "excellent" marks and 3 "good" marks were given, another 5 students received tokens for active work in the lesson and will be able to add them in other lessons when they answer or work actively in the lesson. I believe that the goal of the lesson has been achieved.

Question 1. What is air?

Air is a natural mixture of gases (mainly nitrogen and oxygen - 98-99%, as well as argon, carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen), which forms the earth's atmosphere.

Question 2. What is the role of the air shell for our planet?

The air shell of our planet - the atmosphere - protects living organisms on the earth's surface from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and other hard cosmic radiation. Protects the Earth from meteorites and cosmic dust... The atmosphere also serves as a "clothing" that does not allow the loss of heat radiated by the Earth into space. Atmospheric air Is the source of respiration for humans, animals and vegetation.

Question 3. What is the significance of the atmosphere in the life of our planet?

Protects the Earth from meteorites and cosmic dust. The atmosphere also serves as a "clothing" that does not allow the loss of heat radiated by the Earth into space. Atmospheric air is the source of respiration for humans, animals and vegetation. The ozone layer plays a special role for all life on Earth, which protects living organisms from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the Sun.

Question 4. What gases does air consist of?

The atmosphere is a mixture of gases, in which 78% is nitrogen, about 21% is oxygen, and 1% is accounted for by other gases, including carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Question 5. What clouds can you watch?

Distinguish between cirrus, stratus and cumulus clouds.

Question 6. What is wind?

The movement of air along the surface of the Earth is called wind. The wind can blow in different directions and at different speeds. The higher the wind speed, the greater its strength.

Question 7. Why is there a thunderstorm?

It occurs when multiple electrical discharges - lightning - occur between powerful rain clouds or between clouds and the earth. Electric sparks, piercing the air, instantly heat it up, it expands sharply, making a loud noise, and we hear a thunderclap.

Question 8. What is weather? What indicators of the state of the atmosphere are reported in weather forecasts broadcast on radio and television?

Weather is the state of the lower atmosphere at a given place and at the moment. The weather is characterized by temperature, humidity, cloudiness, wind direction and speed, precipitation.

Question 9. What is climate? How does it differ from the weather?

Each locality is characterized by certain types of weather and their change, that is, the weather mode. The long-term weather regime is called the climate. The climate, just like the weather, includes essential characteristics conditions of the atmosphere: temperature, humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, winds.

Weather is a one-time state of nature, and the climate is constant for a given area.

Question 10. What climate is typical for your area: cold, temperate or hot; dry or wet?

Our area is characterized by a temperate climate.

Question 11. Do hurricanes occur in your area? Why are they dangerous?

There are no hurricanes in our area. Usually hurricanes are accompanied by torrential rains leading to flooding. All this brings great destruction, leads to human casualties.

Question 12. Describe the weather today.

Air temperature - 5 degrees Celsius, low humidity, light cloudiness. The wind speed is 3.1 m / s, the direction is southwest. No precipitation is expected.

Air surrounds us from all sides, it is everywhere. Earth shrouded in a layer of air several kilometers thick.

The air shell of the Earth is called.

The atmosphere is a mixture of gases, in which 78% is nitrogen, about 21% is oxygen, and 1% is accounted for by other gases, including carbon dioxide and water vapor. In addition, it contains water droplets, ice crystals, particles of various impurities (dust, soot, volcanic ash, sea salt), plant pollen, and bacterial spores.

Of all the gases that make up the air, oxygen is the most important for most living organisms.

The ozone layer plays a special role for all life on Earth, which protects living organisms from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. The atmosphere gradually, without a sharp border, goes into outer space.

Air movement

The sun heats the Earth unevenly, the temperature of certain parts of it can vary greatly (compare, for example, the polar and equatorial regions). And the surface of the Earth itself is heterogeneous and heats up in different ways and retains heat. The sea heats up more slowly and gives off heat longer, while the land, on the contrary, heats up and gives off heat faster. As a result, the air is in constant motion: the heated air rises up, and colder air takes its place.

Phenomena in the atmosphere

Quite often in the atmosphere you can observe the most interesting phenomenon - a thunderstorm. It occurs when multiple electrical discharges - lightning - occur between powerful rain clouds or between clouds and the earth. Electric sparks, piercing the air, instantly heat it up, it expands sharply, making a loud noise, and we hear a thunderclap.


For a long time, people have been observing the state of the atmosphere in order to predict the weather. It is necessary for people of various professions (pilots, sailors, transport drivers).

And each of us is interested in what the weather will be tomorrow.

Weather- this is the state of the lower atmosphere in a given place and at the moment.

The weather is characterized by temperature, humidity, cloudiness, wind direction and speed, precipitation. Currently monitored by meteorological services different countries... They make weather forecasts for the coming days and for a longer period.


Each locality is characterized by certain types of weather and their change, that is, the weather mode.

The long-term weather regime is called climate.

The climate of any territory is influenced by the distribution of land and sea, relief. The climate depends on the height of the area above sea level. There are areas on Earth with cold, temperate and hot climates. There are also humid and dry climates.

The climate, like the weather, includes the most important characteristics of the state of the atmosphere: temperature, humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, winds.

The climate affects the state of water bodies, the life of plants and animals, and human health. Knowledge about allows you to properly manage the economy, for example, to avoid mistakes in the construction of buildings, roads, dams. This knowledge is especially important for Agriculture... After all, the selection cultivated plants, the timing of their cultivation and the peculiarities of their care - it all depends on the climate.

Restless atmosphere

Formidable natural phenomena often arise in the atmosphere - and tornadoes.

Hurricanes (they are also called typhoons, from the Chinese word "tai fyn" - big) are gigantic atmospheric vortices... They arise over tropical seas when the rising warm air begins to swirl rapidly, capturing vast areas. The diameter of such rotating zones can reach 500 and even 1000 km, and the rotation speed along the edge reaches 400 km / h.

Usually hurricanes are accompanied by torrential rains leading to flooding. All this brings great destruction, leads to human casualties. The most frequent hurricanes are observed in the Philippines, China, Japan, in the southern regions of the United States, in the northern part of Australia.

A tornado is also a whirlwind, but not like a hurricane. It is a rotating column of air up to 500 m wide. Like a vacuum cleaner, it sucks in everything that comes its way. And it usually moves at a speed of 50-60 km / h. A tornado can lift people, livestock, cars, buildings into the air. There were cases when a tornado, passing through swamps, lakes, sucked in their contents and then, having died out, poured “rains” of fish and frogs onto the heads of astonished people.

Especially often dangerous tornadoes occur in the United States. There they are called tornadoes (from the Spanish word "tornado" - rotating). And the word "tornado" is Russian, it comes from the word "dusk", because a tornado occurs in a gloomy stormy environment.

  1. What is the significance of the atmosphere in the life of our planet?
  2. What gases does air consist of?
  3. What clouds can you watch?
  4. What is wind?
  5. Why is there a thunderstorm?
  6. What is weather? What are the indicators of the state of the atmosphere withcommunicate in radio and television weather forecasts?
  7. What is climate? How does it differ from the weather?
  8. What climate is typical for your area: cold, mindwarm or hot; dry or wet?
  9. Do hurricanes occur in your area? Why are they dangerous?
  10. Describe the weather for today.

The atmosphere is the Earth's air envelope. The atmosphere is a mixture of gases. The air is in constant motion. The movement of air along the surface of the Earth is called wind. Clouds form in the atmosphere, precipitation falls. Weather is the state of the lower atmosphere at a given place and at the moment. Climate is a long-term weather regime typical for a given area.

In the atmosphere, menacing phenomena often occur - hurricanes and tornadoes.

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