The ages of human life. Periodization of age development (age periods of human development)

Age periods human life - section Medicine, ON MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Period Age I. Prenat ...

Immediately after birth, a period begins, called newborns... The basis for its isolation is the fact that at this time the baby is fed with colostrum for 8-10 days. A full-term newborn child has a body length from crown to heels, most often from 45 to 52 cm, body weight not less than 2500 g.The average body weight is 3400-3560 g for boys, 3250-3400 for girls. However, boys lag behind in skeletal maturity from girls for about 4 weeks. Body proportions differ sharply from those of an adult (Fig. 3). The head is 1/4 of the total body length, while in an adult, only 1/8 of the body length is per head. Up to three months, the head circumference is larger than the chest circumference. The navel is located slightly below the line dividing the body in half, while in an adult it is located above this line. The pelvis and lower limbs are poorly developed.

Rice. 3. Age-related changes in body proportions(scheme according to Tegako L.I., 2003): 1) 2 months of intrauterine development, 2) 5 months, 3) 8 months,

4) newborn, 5) 1 year 8 months, 6) 7 years, 7) 13 years, 8) 16 years.

In newborns, subcutaneous adipose tissue is strongly expressed. Its rapid increase occurs after the 34th week of pregnancy. During this time, brown fat is formed. It accumulates around the neck, between the shoulder blades, and in the lumbar region behind the kidneys. Brown fat is the organ of heat production and protects the child from hypothermia. The thick fat pad also protects the internal organs from damage during childbirth. Due to the strong development of subcutaneous adipose tissue and the weak development of the muscles, the torso of the newborn, as well as the limbs, have a cylindrical shape; the neck is short and thick.

V infancy basically, the external forms and proportions of the body, characteristic of the newborn, are preserved. During this period, the greatest intensity of growth is observed in comparison with all other periods of extrauterine life. Up to 9 months, the growth of subcutaneous fat deposits continues. There is a rapid increase in body weight and physical development... Body length increases from birth to one year, on average, 1.5 times, and weight triples. From 6 months, milk teeth begin to erupt; walking, movements of hands and fingers are formed; there is a perception, an image

memory, understanding of speech, as well as emotional development.

During the period early childhood When the child begins to move on his feet, the proportions of the body change somewhat, however, the predominance of the dimensions of the head and body over the limbs remains. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is still highly developed, which hides the outlines of the muscles. The body is almost cylindrical in cross section. The transverse abdominal line is well pronounced in the lower abdomen. The face is rounded and slightly profiled. It depends on poor development of the jaws and masticatory muscles, as well as the accumulation of fat in the cheek area (cheek fatty body). That is, this period is characterized by the type of rounded addition ( first fullness). At the end of this period, the eruption of milk teeth ends. After two years, the absolute and relative values ​​of the annual increase in body size decrease rapidly. During this period, the child's speech and visual-figurative thinking develop, as well as the mastery of everyday skills and actions with objects.

First childhood characterized by growth shift, which in time corresponds to the beginning of the change of teeth, which occurs at the age of 5-6 years. During this period, both absolute and relative limb lengthening... The development of musculature and the reduction of subcutaneous fat lead to the fact that the muscular relief of the body becomes noticeable. The body flattens in the anteroposterior direction, and appears outer border between the chest and abdomen (waist). This period is characterized by an elongated type, characteristic of school age (first pull).

The first growth shift is expressed, in particular, in the relative lengthening of the limbs. An indicator of this is the "Philippine test". It consists in the fact that right hand the child is placed on the crown of the head, and he must reach the upper edge of the left auricle. The "Philippine test" becomes positive in most children after 5 years of age. This test is considered as one of the indicators of the biological maturity of a child in older preschool age.

The proportions of the brush also change. Their indicator is the "radial shift": forefinger becomes longer than the nameless. This is observed in 20-25% of children at the age of 7. At 3.5 years old, a clear predominance of the right hand is revealed, and in left-handers, the left hand.

The relative length increases most sharply lower limbs, which leads to a general change in body proportions.

The shape of the head and face undergoes significant changes. The growth of the cerebral skull begins to lag behind the facial one, and the face is relatively enlarged. The most intensive growth of the face occurs in the sagittal direction, due to this, its profiling is enhanced, the nose and chin protrude more strongly.

Psychologically, in the first childhood comes the development of the child's personality, cognitive processes, the formation of conscience, morality and initiative.

The onset of the first growth shift can be timely, early, or late. As a result, individual differences in body size and proportions, as well as in psychological characteristics At this age, the body types of children can already be distinguished.

In second childhood the growth of the body in length slows down, while the weight increases to a greater extent ( second fullness). During this period, sex differences in body size and shape are revealed. At the end of the period, the production of sex hormones begins, which determines the development of secondary sexual characteristics.In girls at the age of 8-13, the mammary glands first form, the pelvis expands and the buttocks are rounded, pubic hair appears, then in the armpits. The uterus and vagina develop simultaneously with the formation of the mammary glands. To a much lesser extent, the process of puberty is expressed in boys. Only by the end of this period, they begin to accelerate growth of the testicles (11 years), scrotum (12 years), and then - the penis. During this period, the child is included in social group and goes beyond the family. Intellectual skills and knowledge are developed.

Teenage years characterized by a jump in the longitudinal growth of the body, a second growth shift occurs (pubertal jump, second elongation). Along with this, body weight increases significantly. The onset of the growth shift varies individually: for boys it occurs at the age of 10.5-16 years, for girls - at 9.5-14.5 years. The proportions of the body change significantly, which depends primarily on the absolute and relative lengthening of the lower extremities, and in girls - also on the expansion of the pelvis. The most informative indicators of adolescent body maturation are the growth of the genitals and the severity of secondary sexual characteristics. Sexual development, as noted earlier, begins at the end of the second period of childhood and ends in adolescence. There are three phases of puberty: prepubertal (initial), pubertal (true maturation) and postpubertal (complete maturation). These phases have a number of common manifestations in boys and girls, but at the same time, significant differences between the sexes are revealed in the timing of the onset and completion of puberty, as well as in the order in which certain signs appear.

During adolescence, puberty occurs most intensively. In girls, the development of the mammary glands continues, there is growth of hair on the pubis and in the armpits. The clearest indicator of the middle phase of puberty in the female body is the onset of menstruation - menarche (10-16 years). In boys, by the age of 13, a change (mutation) of the voice occurs and pubic hair appears, and at the age of 14 - in the armpits and on the upper lip, swelling of the nipples, wrinkling and pigmentation of the scrotum, as well as a distinct change in body proportions occur. At the age of 14-15, the first emissions (involuntary sperm eruption) are noted.

The postpubertal period in boys is characterized by increased hair growth on the trunk and limbs, the appearance of a beard, a sharp slowdown and cessation of body length growth (at 19-20 years). In girls in this period, secondary sexual characteristics reach full severity, an adult mammary gland is formed. The growth of the body in length slows down sharply by the age of 16 and

ends at 18.

Sex differences in the growth and development of children consist not only in an earlier acceleration of growth and the appearance of signs of puberty in girls, compared with boys, but also in the composition of the body and functional indicators... In boys in puberty, the mass of the skeleton and muscles increases to a greater extent, due to which they develop a large physical strength and endurance, the heart and lungs become larger, the systolic blood pressure and the heart rate decreases. In girls, the increase in muscle mass is not so great, but subcutaneous fat deposits become more significant.

In view of the significant individual differences in the development and growth of children, the concept is introduced biological age... Its indicators are:

1) skeletal age, which is determined by the presence of ossification centers and the formation of synostosis;

2) dental age, determined by the number and timing of the eruption of permanent teeth;

3) the severity of secondary sexual characteristics.

The biological age does not always coincide with the passport age, it can be ahead of it or lag behind.

In the psychological sphere in adolescence, development occurs logical thinking and the formation of self-awareness.

Due to the sharp morphological, hormonal and emotional shifts in adolescence and adolescence, there is a high probability of deviations in health indicators. The teenage crisis occurs at the age of 13.

In adolescence basically, the processes of growth and formation of the organism come to an end, all the main dimensional characteristics of the body reach a definitive (final) value (Fig. 4). The formation of the reproductive system and the maturation of the reproductive function are coming to an end. The ovulatory cycles in women, the rhythm of testosterone secretion and the production of mature sperm in men are finally established. In the adolescent period, there is a peak in

intellectual and cognitive capabilities. The formation of a worldview and stabilization of character, the development of professional abilities and skills, the choice of a life position, the adoption of responsible life decisions, as well as the achievement of social maturity and independence are taking place.

Mature age- this is the time of relative stability of the organism. But this does not mean the absence of changes that may be associated with lifestyle, professional activities and socio-economic conditions in the broadest sense of the word.

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HELL. Ostrovsky
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List of main literature
1. Alekseev V.P., Debets G.F. Craniometry. Anthropological research methodology. - M .: Nauka, 1961 .-- 128 p. 2. Bunak V.V., Nesturkh M.F., Roginskly Ya.Ya. Anthropology Short course/ Under

It has long been noted that human life is uneven. It clearly shows the periodicity of various processes, the presence of turning points and crisis points, and qualitative leaps. At the same time, the periodicity of the life process cannot be reduced to a movement in a circle, when we all the time return to the starting point, but most likely resembles a spiral movement, when it seems that there is also a return, but each time at a new level.

The "Fibonacci" pattern can be traced even during the embryonic development of a child, which is completed under normal conditions on the 266th day after fertilization of the egg. The graph of the growth of the embryo mass, depending on age, has several kinks, corresponding to about 24, 100, 200 days. These breaks characterize different phases of restructuring in the development of the embryo. At the age of 24 days, there is a transition from cellular development to organismic mechanisms of regulation; at the age of about 100 days, the period of restructuring ends and the phase of sustainable development of the embryo's organism begins; on the 200th day, the formation of all organs of the child is completed and the birth of a child after this period does not exclude its further normal development.

Let us consider how all the indicated critical points in the development of the embryo can be expressed through the golden ratio. To do this, recall that the value can be divided by the "golden ratio" in two ways, dividing by the golden ratio of 1.618 or by the square of the golden ratio of 2.618, or even the cube of the golden ratio of 4.236. If the number is 266 (period embryonic development child) divided by the square of the golden ratio, we get the number 101.6, which corresponds to the critical point of 100 days. If the number 101.6 is divided by the cube of the golden ratio, then we get the number 24, which corresponds to another critical point in the development of the embryo (24 days). Finally, the interval 266 - 101.6 = 164.4, divided by the golden ratio, gives the number 202.6, which corresponds to the third critical point of 200 days.

Interesting information about the periods of human life associated with the Fibonacci numbers and Lucas numbers is given by N. Vasyutinsky in the book "The Golden Proportion" (1990) and E. Soroko in the book "Structural Harmony of Systems" (1984). The essence of their conclusions is as follows. The critical ages of men correspond to the following years: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and the whole life of a man is divided into 7 periods: up to a year - infancy, 1-8 years - childhood, 8- 13 - adolescence, 13-21 - youth, 21-34 - youth, 34 - 55 years - maturity, 55-89 - old age.

According to N. Vasyutinsky, the periodicity in a woman's life obeys the Luke series: 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123. The shift in age intervals is explained by the earlier development of girls.

The seven stages of a person's life also determine the seven main types of human activity - from physical growth and maturation to psychological and social formation. Until the period of the end of growth (21 years for men and 18 years for women), a person physically matures, learns. Then he starts mastering labor activity. Three main periods of an adult's life: 21-34, 34-55, and 55-89 years correspond to three qualitatively different kinds activities determined by the physiological and psychological state of the body. The period of youth (21-34) corresponds to the take-off of a person's physical and intellectual capabilities. The main achievements of outstanding figures in science and art fall precisely on this period of life. In adulthood (34-55), it would seem in the prime of life, overwork occurs as a result of many years of work, depression and apathy, nervous breakdowns become more frequent, and business acumen is lost. The age of 55-89 is a time of philosophical comprehension of life, summing up, a time of revaluation of values, rejection of excesses, the search for "eternal truths", "eternal values."

Apparently, there are "crisis, turning years" and the restructuring of the body not only in children, but also in an adult, and these years are: 21, 34, 55. It is they who determine life path an adult. And if a person does not take into account these three qualitatively different periods, does not rebuild his life in accordance with the restructuring of the body, then he commits violence against himself, traumatizes the psyche, creates stressful situation and ultimately shortens his life.

After each breakthrough year a person changes, he passes into a qualitatively new state, as if he is born again. V recent times in the press there were reports of an "epidemic" of managers of the middle and lower levels of British firms. In their prime, reaching 38-40 years old, they suddenly cool down to work, fall into depression. The cause of these crises is considered to be work-related stress and long-term overwork. And it is no coincidence that this "epidemic" begins after the "tipping point" at 34 years old. Man enters into new stage your life, which requires an appropriate lifestyle change.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that at many Japanese enterprises, life-long employees are fired when they reach the age of 55. The dismissed person is given a lump sum in the amount of 4-5 years' earnings and his work at the company ends. After 55 years, the stage of old age begins, a person must reorganize to a new mode of work and rest; a person can continue to work, but in a new capacity, preferably in accordance with his unrealized abilities and aspirations.

Seven time slots are seven different lives which nature gives to man. They differ in physical time, that is, in the number of revolutions of the Earth around its axis: the first stage lasts one year, and the last (55-89 years) - 34 years. But the biological time for these stages is the same, but the first stage (up to one year) lasts biologically the same as the last (from 55 to 89 years). Biological time reflects the speed of various processes in the body. In the process of aging of the body, the rate of metabolic processes in it decreases. Therefore, there is a feeling that with age "time runs faster" - after all, a person evaluates time not biologically, but physically.

The conclusion about the slowing down of one's own biological time and the acceleration of the physical time of a person during aging is confirmed by experiments. It has been proven, for example, that with increasing age, the rate of wound healing decreases and with age, a person who is tired from work recovers more slowly.

The Belarusian philosopher Eduard Soroko suggests that the "Fibonacci" nature of development is inherent not only in the human body, but also "in all self-organizing systems in which metabolic processes are irreversible over time." This applies to animal organisms, populations, ecological communities, and even social systems. Forty makes the assumption that historical process of social formations unfolds in time in accordance with the laws of growth "according to Fibonacci", passing from "childhood" to "adolescence", "youth", "maturity", etc. And if the human body in its development undergoes qualitative leaps - "the epicenters of physiological revolutions", then such leaps should be traced in the development of social formations.

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Periods of a person's life

Posture of a person. After the age of 40, there are already noticeable differences in the whole appearance, especially when comparing the figure of a young man with that of a mature or elderly person. In the latter, one can see a greater weight, movements are more slowed down and economical, and at an older age they are already simply cautious. There is a varying degree of hunchback.

Natural age-related disorders are also noted in the activity of the cardiovascular system. A number of indicators characterizing the level of activity of the heart, blood vessels, as well as their regulation systems in the central nervous system undergoes certain changes. If at the age of 25-40 years, most of these indicators in healthy people are normal, then after 40 years both in the heart muscle and in the muscular membrane of the blood vessels an increase in the relative proportion of connective tissue occurs. This leads to a narrowing of the vascular lumen, and the muscle tissue of the heart weakens. As a result, the amount of blood flowing through the vessels decreases. Since similar changes also apply to the arterial vessels supplying the heart muscle, the heart muscle “feels” the consequences of such changes even more strongly.

A generalizing indicator characterizing the work of the cardiovascular system is blood pressure. In practice, blood pressure is measured in the heartbeat phase (systole) and in the cardiac relaxation phase (diastole). In the first case, the so-called systolic pressure is recorded, and in the second, the diastolic pressure. The age-related tendency of changes in these indicators is manifested in an increase in the value of both systolic and diastolic pressure.

The amount of blood pressure changes depending on the emotional state, physical activity, time of day, etc.

The second period of adulthood requires at least constant monitoring of health, regular measurement of blood pressure, self-restraint in "pleasures" and timely consultation with a doctor in all cases of increased pressure, in the presence of headaches, especially in the back of the head.

In society, the main production load has been and remains on people of mature age. This explains the variety of forms of pathology inherent in a person of mature age. The main share of such pathology is accounted for by traumatism (industrial and domestic), diseases of the cardiovascular system, and neoplastic diseases.

One of the features of mature age is that as the age increases, a person loses a critical attitude to his own capabilities: it seems to him that he is still young, strong and dexterous, that he will have time to react, turn away, dodge. However, in reality it turns out that although a person is not yet old, his reaction speed, strength and dexterity are far from the same. Such situations are also fraught with the risk of injury.

An increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, hypertension, vascular lesions of the central nervous system and etc.). Factors that actually increase the risk of their occurrence constantly accompany the life of a modern business person: nervous tension, insufficient physical activity, irrational and excessive nutrition, alcohol and smoking abuse. Thus, these factors are social in nature and require systematic preventive measures of a state, public and medical nature (organization of a rational regime of work and rest, nutrition, development of mass forms of physical education, creation of an optimal psychological climate, active detection of sick people, timely treatment, etc.) ...

For people of mature and old age, the problem of malignant neoplasms is acute. Mortality from them in most economically developed countries has increased 2-3 times over the past 50-60 years and reaches 2 million people a year. At the same time, although the nature of tumor growth has not yet been fully disclosed, there are already quite optimistic hopes for a sharp decrease in the incidence and mortality from cancer in the first half of the twenty-first century.

Alcoholism and drug addiction and substance abuse are a separate problem. If 2-3 decades ago it mainly affected people of mature age, now it has become very “younger” and has acquired the scale of a common human misfortune. But this problem requires its own independent consideration.

The last years of the mature age period for many people are fraught with additional mental stress due to family and personal reasons. During these years, grandchildren appear, age begins to manifest itself from its negative side, a person begins to solve for himself the problem of retirement and prepare for it. A person enters a new period of life for himself.

3. Advanced age

This age covers periods of a woman's life from 55 to 75 years, and men - from 60 to 75 years. In general, it is characterized by an increase in signs of aging and an acceleration of the aging process itself. If, according to external signs, an elderly person of the first 5-6 years and a person of mature age (last 5-6 years) in most cases still differ slightly, and the age boundary itself is practically indistinguishable, then by the end of the old age it is difficult to confuse people of these ages.

Aging is a natural manifestation of many diverse processes of vital activity of the organism proceeding with different signs.

Elderly people bear the visible imprint of past years. First of all, this concerns the appearance - characteristic changes in hair, skin, general outlines of the figure, gait, etc. Senile graying usually begins from the head, sometimes from the beard, a little later appears in the hair of the armpits, eyebrows. Graying of chest hair is not observed until the age of 40. Known, however, cases of premature graying, which can be hereditary due to the family character.

Changes in the skin are characteristic. By the age of 50, the complexion acquires an earthy-pale complexion that increases with age. The skin loses its elasticity, pigment spots of varying severity appear, signs of keratinization. At the age of 50-60, wrinkles are found on the earlobes, nose bridge, chin and upper lip. Later, wrinkles begin to cover the skin of the cheeks, forehead, neck, becoming deeper and more noticeable every year. It should be borne in mind that wrinkles can appear on the skin of the face and neck earlier, especially in people who spend a lot of time outdoors, under the scorching sun and wind.

In an elderly person, with rare exceptions, the figure, posture and gait noticeably change, which is associated with age-related changes in the joints, muscles and skeleton. The mass and strength of muscles, elasticity and mobility of the ligamentous apparatus gradually decrease, the degree of bone mineralization increases, which increases their fragility and the likelihood of fracture in the event of a fall or severe injury. The body becomes heavy, the back - roundness and stoop. Due to the flattening of the intervertebral discs, growth is reduced. The gait becomes heavy, slow, but not yet "shuffling", which is more typical of old age. These signs are exacerbated when the person is obese.

Changes in the activity of most internal organs and systems continue to grow. A decrease in the mass of the heart, the elasticity of blood vessels is accompanied by a decrease in the heart rate and a decrease in the volume of blood passing through the cardiovascular system per unit of time. By the way, these changes occur against the background of aging of other organs and tissues and therefore are "convenient" for the heart, which does not have to sharply speed up its work and work at the limit of its capabilities.

Significant age-related changes occur in the respiratory system. Due to a decrease in the elastic properties of the lung tissue, the vital capacity of the lungs decreases and the amount of air constantly remaining in the lungs increases. In addition, due to the progressive ossification of the costal cartilage and atrophic changes in the tendons and respiratory muscles, there is a decrease in mobility. chest... As a result of these changes, breathing becomes shallow, quickened. The lungs are no longer able to cope with their task enough, especially during physical exertion - a person suffocates, he has shortness of breath, he begins to cough. Excessive body weight, smoking, diseases of the respiratory system only aggravate these manifestations.

Old age affects the digestive and excretory systems.

A number of manifestations are characteristic of the genitourinary system, in particular in men due to the peculiarities of their anatomical structure. After 50, and more often after 60 years, in 1/3 of all men, the process of prostatic hypertrophy begins, which, by squeezing and squeezing the ureter, causes difficulty in urinating. Sometimes hypertrophic changes develop into a cancerous process that affects the prostate gland. In all cases of difficulty urinating, older people are strongly advised to consult a urologist.

Atrophic changes in nerve structures occur, their blood supply deteriorates, individual connections with a number of other body systems (primarily with the endocrine system) are disrupted. On the other hand, the majority of elderly people clearly show disturbances in the processes of excitation and inhibition, and their relationships. Memory impairments may also occur. But the nervous system and the brain have colossal reserve capabilities for timely and effective compensation for disorders caused by both age-related changes and those introduced from the outside (trauma, etc.). Therefore, it would be premature to talk about "senile" changes in the nervous system. It is only necessary to take into account the possible and actually acting factors affecting the functioning of the nervous system. These include brain injuries, disturbances in its blood supply, infectious diseases that in one way or another affect the activity of the brain (not only neuroinfections), intoxication, now we can talk about radiation effects on the nervous system, brain tumors of various origins and localization, etc. ... The factors that are destructive for the activity of the brain should also include "laziness of the mind", since active mental activity contributes to the development of numerous new connections between nerve cells and activates their biochemical activity. Taken together, these processes determine the mobilization of that reserve of brain power, which ensures its work in unfavorable conditions (in this case, age-related changes).

Now let's consider an elderly person from the point of view of mental changes that occur with age, as well as those social conditions in which he lives and exists. Let's remember what age interval is the old age. At this time, most people are either going to retire or have been receiving it for a long time. The sharp separation from the beloved and familiar work, the work collective with which he was closely and for a long time connected, the violation of the long-term life stereotype is a powerful stress factor for the nervous system and psyche, the action of which cannot pass without leaving a trace. A person who has retired for a "well-deserved rest" seems to be hanging in the air: he is no longer needed by production, he does not need to rush to work in the morning; his children have grown up and are busy with their own problems, most of them have their own families, children. Material wealth is sharply declining. And ahead is old age with its illnesses, weakness and the need for help. All this gives rise to pessimism and depression. It is good if a person is able to continue creative activity and find comfort and compensation for the previous way of life in it. He especially needs a garden plot, a summer residence, where he could spend his strength.

Elderly, or retirement, age from the point of view of mental experiences can be considered decisive. If a person manages to find delight in his grandchildren, his own gardening, dacha, fishing, home improvement, if he finally uses the previously constantly missed opportunities in his creative development, trips to museums, exhibitions, theaters, etc., then enough easily and painlessly switch to a new regime of his life. Otherwise, this transition becomes extremely painful for the person himself, and for those around him and those close to him.

Old age requires a reasonable revision of their capabilities in terms of physical activity, and the organization of their rest, and habits, and the nature of the diet. What was possible at 50 or 60 becomes unacceptable at 70. The intensity and duration of physical activity should be reduced, rest should be sufficiently long and comfortable, food should be easily digestible and small in volume.

Society should not forget older people who are retiring or have already retired. Moreover, personal activity, participation in professional and social life have become necessary for the majority of people who have crossed the retirement line.

Old age- conditionally allocated period of human life from 75 to 90 years. In general, the age periodization of the second half of a person's life (i.e., after about 35 years old) is rather complicated. So, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, people who had barely passed 45-50 years of age were attributed to old people. Later, in connection with the increase in human life expectancy, ideas about the time of the onset of old and senile age began to shift: we can say that old age "recedes", and the duration of young age increases.

Considering the morphological and functional changes characteristic of old age, it should be emphasized that there are no fundamentally different changes in relation to those characteristic of old age. There is only their deepening and more distinct manifestation. In particular, the skin, especially the hands, face and neck, becomes thinned, wrinkled, and age spots appear on it. Hair turns gray, thinns, becomes brittle. Muscle atrophy, a sharp decrease in the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty tissue lead to the formation of many skin folds. The eyes lose their inherent shine, become dull, in some cases eversion of the eyelids, ptosis occurs. Growth diminishes, and many older people have excessive stoop. The gait becomes hesitant, slow.

The aging process does not bypass the internal organs either. These organs, in accordance with the laws of senile wilting, also gradually decrease their activity.

The totality of senile changes, pathological changes caused by external factors, determine the picture of senile pathology. A decrease in the body's ability to adapt to acting factors also causes the development of metabolic or functional disorders, the most common of which are atherosclerosis, accompanied by impaired blood supply to the heart, followed by heart failure; angina pectoris (angina pectoris); myocardial infarction; disorders of the blood supply to the brain with disorders of the activity of various organs. Hypertension is very often observed, which is usually combined with manifestations of atherosclerosis. In old age, numerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc.), diseases caused by functional disorders in the endocrine sphere (diabetes mellitus, etc.) are not uncommon. Violations at the cellular level, in the genetic apparatus of the cell, lead to the development of various tumors.

The greatest changes are manifested in the mental sphere of the old person: the mobility of nervous processes, memory of recent events deteriorate, emotional instability develops. These processes are accompanied by a weakening of the intensity of perception of new impressions, as if "flight into the past", into the power of memories, as well as "fixation" on thoughts about one's health, "sores" and ailments. Conservatism in judgments and actions, a tendency to teachings are very noticeable; some affectations are observed, expressed in some cases by previously uncharacteristic callousness, distrustfulness, capriciousness, inadequate resentment. There is a fairly widespread opinion that in old age, characterological personality traits become more pronounced and more clearly manifested. For many people of this age, the described changes in the psyche do not have a pronounced character and, in the opinion of the outstanding Soviet pathologist IV Davydovsky, are in the nature of a "disease of old age." However, in some cases, they become painful and may serve as the first manifestations of senile dementia.

The psyche of an old person is extremely susceptible to the influence of external factors, which is based on a change in the social status of an individual, role and place in society (perhaps this explains the desire for suicide that is often found among old people).

Thus, people of old age, due to the specific characteristics of their psyche, a certain helplessness, require a special attitude towards themselves, care from relatives, acquaintances and simply those around them.

Earlier this role was played by religion, church, way of life. In our time, with its rapid pace of life, when people have lost the habit of looking around and the principle of "help your neighbor" has practically ceased to operate, the need has come to stop, look around and remember that each of us will be old and will also need help.

The effect of any factors on human life and health should be considered in a single complex. For example, the social environment, living conditions determine the nature of the diet, the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. This, in turn, affects the state of health, the body's resistance, and its vitality. A decrease in these indicators inevitably leads to the occurrence of diseases, an increase in the mortality rate, and ultimately to a decrease in the life expectancy of the population. A targeted influence on these connections will increase the biological capabilities of the human body, postpone old age, and facilitate the aging process itself.


Thus, in this course work, we analyzed the period from birth to the calculated moment, however, it is advisable to take into account the period preceding the birth of a person, i.e. embryonic development, since it is at this time that all the distinctive features of a particular person are laid.

The study of the genetic program of the embryonic period of development of the body is important in order to identify in the unborn child a predisposition to various diseases of the nervous system, metabolic diseases and others, which can be determined precisely during the period of embryogenesis. Knowledge of the causes and nature of the course of such diseases, revealed in the process of medical genetic counseling, enables specialists to calculate and "predict" the degree of risk of transmission of genetic disorders to offspring.

List of used literature

Developmental psychology. / Ed. A.K. Bolotova and O.N. Molchanova. M, 2005, 524 p.

Antsiferova L. Late period of human life. // Psychological journal, T. 17, No. 6. M., 1996. S. 60-71.

Orlov A.B. - Psychology of personality and essence of a person. Paradigms, projections, practices M., 2001.

Fundamentals of Psychology - A. Sorokun. M., 2005.

Tertel A.L. Psychology. Lecture course. M., 2006.

Gippenreiter Yu.B. Introduction to General Psychology M., Chero, 1998.

Nemov R. General Foundations of Psychology - M., 1994.

Introduction to psychology / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky - M., 1995.

Nurkova V.V., Berezanskaya N.B. Psychology. M., Yurayt 2004.

Psychology. Edited by V.N. Druzhinin St. Petersburg, Peter, 2001.

Kulagina I.Yu., Stabbing V.N. Developmental psychology, M., Sphere. 2003.

General psychology Ed. A.V. Karpova M., Gardariki. 2002.

Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology M, Aspect Press, 1996.

Asmolov A.G. Psychology of personality - M., 1990.

R.S. Nemov Psychology. Book 1. General foundations of psychology. - M., 1994.

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Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Human's psychology. M., 1995.

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The content of the article:

Crisis periods in life are a normal, physiological process, which is caused by a change in life values ​​and attitudes. These mandatory stages of personality development occur in most people, but they proceed differently for everyone. If a person is ready to change and develop, then there should be no problems with the psychological state, but often crises entail the development of various phobias, complexes, and depressions. Often people drive themselves into a state from which only a psychologist can help to get out.

The concept and theses of the crisis period in human life

A crisis is always an important period in a person's life associated with making a fateful decision. Translated from Greek means "road separation", so it state of mind also called "twist of fate".

Any internal crisis period develops against the background of an already familiar lifestyle, when a person gets used to a certain way of life, regularity and comfortable conditions. But at one point a breakdown occurs, and an unstable psychological condition deprives him of support, confidence that his life is really what he needs. A person has new needs.

During these periods, people come into conflict with the world around them, they are unhappy with everything that surrounds them. But in fact, according to psychologists, the essence of the crisis lies in internal conflict and the inability of a person to accept reality, the desire to make it ideal. Against this background, a protest arises, and then the search for solutions begins. It is important that they are found, and the person directs all the accumulated energy to their implementation.

The concept of a crisis period includes the following main theses:

  • Any crisis is a psychologically difficult period that must be accepted and experienced.
  • This period can by no means be considered a dead end. This accumulated contradictions come into conflict with your inner "I".
  • There are always ways out of the crisis period of life, which are hidden in action, the realization of needs and desires.
  • The experienced crisis contributes to the formation of character, the development of strong volitional qualities.
  • After a difficult stage, a person gains confidence, and he has a new comfortable model of behavior.
Tipping points can occur along different reasons related to personal life, work or health. These are individual situations, but there are a number of so-called “obligatory age crises” through which all people go through, and a person cannot influence their beginning.

The main causes of crisis age periods

The appearance of a crisis at different ages is a pattern that indicates the development of a personality. In addition to physiological aspects, there are several other important reasons for the appearance of such periods.

What leads to the emergence of a crisis:

  1. Injury... This can be a trauma that a child experiences during birth, or a person suffered in early childhood... These factors influence the course of the crisis and its duration.
  2. Formation of personality and formation of character... This happens when a person already has a certain set of information about the world around him and begins to make full use of the knowledge gained: to manipulate, demand, study the boundaries of what is permitted.
  3. Influence of others... Parents, friends, spouse or spouse, acquaintances and colleagues play an important role in the start of the crisis. Sometimes a thrown phrase, a quarrel or a certain negative situation... These circumstances make one think about life priorities, can lead to an analysis of achievements, dissatisfaction and, as a result, a crisis.
  4. The pursuit of excellence... A person develops throughout his life, but there are periods when he is not satisfied with his appearance, level wages or the condition of the dwelling. This also becomes the reason for the beginning of the crisis period. People who set high standards for themselves are especially susceptible to this.
  5. A sharp change in the usual way of life... This could be a transition to new job, moving to another city or to new apartment... Against this background, new needs and desires may appear, the individual will develop reflections, internal experiences that will result in a crisis.

Please note that during a crisis, a person always faces a choice, and the choice he makes depends on how successful his life will be in the future.

The main signs of a crisis period in life

A person who is going through a turning point in life can simply be distinguished from the crowd by visual symptoms - a wandering gaze, a drooping mind. There are also a number of internal signs that characterize this condition:
  • Empty stare... One gets the impression that a person is constantly thinking about something of his own. Often people in crisis become so immersed in themselves that they do not even respond when the interlocutor addresses them.
  • ... At first glance, a person may be completely calm and suddenly suddenly start crying or laugh wildly at a banal joke. It all depends on the age of the individual. For example, teenagers find it difficult to control their negative emotions, and people of mature age already know how to control themselves.
  • Refusal to eat and sleep... Sometimes consciously, and sometimes due to nervous tension, a person cannot eat and sleep normally.
  • Pessimistic or overly optimistic about the future... Excessive emotionality is inherent in people during these periods: they have plans and desires, but some people fall into depression because they cannot realize them, while others begin to create the effect of vigorous activity. These two options are not the norm in ordinary life and are considered a clear sign that a person is experiencing internal stress.

Any age crisis should not be suppressed by the person himself or by the parents if it comes about tipping points in children. Only living this situation and getting out of it with new models of behavior will allow one to avoid psychological disorders.

Characteristics of crisis periods of different years of life

At every stage of maturation and change inner peace a certain age crisis awaits a person. In childhood, these states pass unnoticed by the child, here the behavior of the parents plays a very important role. For the first time, a person consciously encounters a crisis in adolescence. This is a very important period when, on the one hand, it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to make decisions on his own, and on the other hand, to protect him from the negative consequences of these decisions. In adulthood, there is also a place for crises, the main images they occur due to the inability to accept reality and the thirst for new impressions.

Children's crises in life

Life little man from the first minutes of existence, it begins with stress. The so-called newborn crisis is the first tipping point when he fights for his life and wins by taking his first breath.

The following childhood crises appear at different stages of a toddler's development:

  1. In the first year of life... The reason is the first conscious distance from the very loved one- mothers. The child begins to walk, expanding his horizons. And also the baby learns to speak and can already speak with native scraps of words. This leads to emotional excitement, an urgent need to do everything on their own: find out what kind of object it is, touch it and even try it. Parents at this time are better off just watching the child, without interfering with learning the world, eliminating obvious dangerous objects from his reach.
  2. In the third year... The most emotionally expressed children's crisis, which is characterized by several symptoms at once: a negative reaction associated with the attitude of one person to another, stubbornness, a desire to have crumbs taken into account, a protest against domestic order, a desire for emancipation from adults. In fact, at this time the child wants to do everything himself, breaks ties with adults, he begins a period of separating his own "I". At this time, it is very important to lay the crumb love for the world around him, to show him that this world loves him. Only children with such confidence grow up to be optimists, not afraid to make decisions and take responsibility for their lives.
  3. In the seventh year... This is a "school crisis", which is characterized by the acquisition of new knowledge, the beginning of the thought process, when the child can already think over and analyze his actions. During this period, children have a symptom of "bitter candy": they withdraw into themselves, pretend that nothing bothers them, and they themselves may suffer. Emotionally, they experience great stress, because their life after going to school changes dramatically, they begin to form social connections... The support of parents, their maximum participation in the life of a first grader is very important here.

Crisis periods of a person's life in youth

The transition to adulthood is also marked by several crisis periods. At this time, yesterday's child must already make serious decisions, be responsible for his actions, be able to manage finances. Many children are separated from their parents for the first time, leaving to study. This is a strong stress, which will either educate the child's will, or will cause a number of irresponsible actions.

What crisis age periods are distinguished in adolescence:

  • In adolescence 12-16 years old... This age is also called "transitional" and "difficult". At this time, the child's body changes, puberty occurs and interest in opposite sex... From a psychological point of view, an adult child evaluates himself through the prism of perception by other people. The main thing to him is what a friend or friend said about him, his dress or bag. It is very important not to hang labels on the child, not to focus on his shortcomings, because in adulthood all this will turn into complexes. The child should be given confidence that he has many positive qualities and merits - so he will develop them.
  • Self-determination crisis... It is observed at the age of 18-22, when a person realizes that youthful maximalism does not always work and that everything cannot be divided only into “white” and “black”. At this time, a lot of opportunities are revealed to young people, and it is difficult to choose one correct option. Therefore, people often make mistakes, following not their dreams, but what was imposed by their parents, teachers, friends. During this period, it is important to listen to yourself and make a choice in favor of your desires, to be able to defend them. And you also need to accept and love yourself with all your shortcomings.

Crisis periods of personality development in adulthood

After 30 years, when a person has already chosen the course of movement in life, priorities and goals have been determined, he may be disturbed by a feeling of dissatisfaction, thoughts from the series “how could my life have developed if ...” may overwhelm him. This is the first sign that the crisis periods of mature years are on the nose.

Consider the features of crisis periods in adulthood:

  1. Age 32-37... A person can come into conflict with himself. Seeing his mistakes, he can no longer, as in his youth, easily agree with them and accept the fact of their presence. On the contrary, he begins an internal struggle, proving to himself that there can be no mistakes, and all his actions were correct. There are two ways out of this crisis: to accept mistakes, to adjust the plan for the future and receive an influx of energy for its implementation, or to cling to past experience and illusory ideals, while staying in place. The latter option can last for several years and make the person extremely unhappy.
  2. Aged 37-45... Emotionally difficult period of life, when both men and women tend to break established ties for the sake of the desire to go further, develop and get what they want. Family, work, everyday life - all this may seem like an "extra burden" that pulls to the bottom. A person comes to a clear understanding that there is only one life and there is no desire to spend it on insipid existence. The way out is seen in the interruption of burdensome ties, the redistribution of duties, a change in the field of activity in order to get more free time to realize their own goals.
  3. After 45 years... This is the time of the second youth, when both men and women stop measuring their age by the years they have lived, and begin to feel their inner potential for future years. During this period, due to hormonal changes, women become like adolescents - their mood often changes, they are offended for any reason. Men develop the male instinct, they again strive to become conquerors, to fight for their own. As psychologists say, at this age, you can either make the insipid marital relationship more acute, or find a new, temperamental partner.
  4. After 55 years... During this period, there is a protracted crisis, which involves the acceptance of several truths: your body has changed, you will have to retire, death is inevitable. Psychologists believe that the worst thing for a person at this time is to be alone, without the need to take care of someone or go to your favorite job. However, one should not lose heart, the main indisputable plus of this period is that a person gets a lot of free time, which he dreamed of throughout his life. Now is the time to take advantage of it, because mature age is not a disease, but the moment when you can allow yourself to travel and relax. It is also advisable to find yourself a hobby after retirement to fill up a lot of time. It is important that the concept of "old age" does not become synonymous with passivity. This is a period of rejoicing in the results of your life, time that you can devote only to yourself.
Transitional stages in life should be taken calmly, smoothly stepping from one step of the crisis to another, realizing that it will not be possible to jump over several in one fell swoop. It is important to come out of each crisis internally enriched, with a new incentive for further achievements.

How to cope with the crisis periods of life

Any crisis is stress for a person, which can cause deterioration in health and performance. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the rules that will help you survive the crisis periods of personality development:
  • Find an incentive to get out of bed... Even during a crisis, each person is surrounded by many small and great joys... The main thing is to find them. This could be your child's laugh while playing, a morning walk with the dog, a cup of your favorite coffee, or a daily run. At first, all this will seem petty and unimportant to you, but doing these rituals, you will understand that it is from such joys that great happiness is built.
  • Practice yoga or pilates... During difficult moments in life, it is important to learn how to relax as much as possible, turning off not only the body, but also the head. These practices will help you deal with this and will also tone your muscles.
  • Give yourself positive emotions ... During times of stress, it is very useful to walk in parks, go to exhibitions, to the cinema for comedy films. Smile, laughter, joy are the basis that will prevent negative thoughts from engulfing you. This also applies to children in crisis - give them more vivid emotions.
  • Praise yourself... Do this at every step: you managed to catch the minibus - great, you managed to submit the report on time - it is also your merit. You need to boost your self-esteem.
  • Do you want to cry - cry... Restraining emotions is harmful at any age, especially during a crisis. With tears and screams, the negative accumulated inside comes out. A person is exhausted, cleansed and opens up to meet new achievements.
  • Don't go into yourself... Remember, age-related crises are a natural process, you cannot hide from it or pass by, it is important to survive it. If you find it difficult, lonely and it seems that you cannot cope with all the thoughts that have fallen upon you, be sure to seek help from a psychologist.
What is a crisis period in a person's life - see the video:

To a greater extent, lonely people, those who have recently experienced the death of a loved one or patients with severe diagnoses, are prone to breakdowns against the background of a crisis. To prevent depression, these people should be helped by their friends and family with their attention and participation.

Humanity is aging

The average earthling lives 60 years - in Europe or Japan even more, and in Africa - less (in some countries, some people - centenarians - live more than 80 years). Scientists have found that average duration life in a primitive society was 15-22 years, in Ancient world- 20-30 years old, and by late XIX centuries - 50 years.

But the ego is average. Life expectancy takes into account the following: early deaths, military losses, longevity records. Everything adds up and is divided by the population. That's why in Russian Empire a hundred years ago, the average duration was 30 years, and in modern Russia- 69 years old. But then and now you can meet gray-haired elders and noble old women.

    Interesting Facts
    One person in two million has a chance to live to be 116 years old.
    According to the passport of the Azerbaijani shepherd Shirali Mislymov, he lived for 168 years.
    Sarah Bernhardt played 13-year-old Juliet at the age of 70 in the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare. Charlie Chaplin first appeared on the stage in 1894, at the age of five, replacing his mother in the music hall program, and then played in theater and cinema until 1957.

In general, humanity is aging a little. In other words, the share of the older generation in the total population is increasing, while the share of the younger is decreasing.

The reasons for this phenomenon are that the success of medicine prolongs our life and improves its quality, and the desire to live in pleasure "while young" makes us postpone the birth of children or avoid it altogether.

Back in the 19th century, Russian families had 7-10 children, they had to start working early, they were often sick, and many died before becoming adults. Today in an ordinary Russian family there are 1-2 children. There are fewer children, but they are more cared for: they buy educational toys, take them to art circles and sports clubs.

Stages of a person's life

There are six main age levels: childhood (up to 11-12 years old), adolescence(11-15 years old), adolescence (15-30 years old), maturity (30-60 years old), old age (60-80 years old) and old age (80 years old and older).

The age of fifth graders corresponds to the younger adolescence.

Respect for age - distinctive feature humanity since ancient times. Children were valued as the foundation of the future. Adults were respected as the main participants in production, its defenders and creators of immortal culture. And the old people were worshiped for their wisdom, great patience and great knowledge, which they shared with young people (especially since very few people lived to old age for the greater part of the history of mankind, not like now).

Representatives of what ages of a person's life do you see in the picture? Describe them according to the materials in the paragraph.

The first half of life is the period of accumulation of vitality and energy, the second is the period of its consumption. We know that the human skeleton finishes forming at the age of 18-20, gaining strength up to 30 years. The remaining years, a person seems to use his Natural resources... Some do it predatory, excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, exposing themselves to nervous stress and physical trauma, poor or irrational diet.

Age and social relationships

Human society is arranged wisely enough, and at every stage of life it opens up to a person certain opportunities, a certain range of types of work, activities and roles available only to his age. For example, you cannot enroll in school until the age of 6. Before the onset of a certain age, you cannot get a passport (in Russia - 14 years old), hold government positions, serve in the army (from 18 years old) and do much more. Having reached retirement age(55 years old - women, 60 years old - men), a person with honor can go on a well-deserved rest.

All people of the same age, living in the same historical era are called a generation. People of the same generation were formed in the same historical conditions. You and your parents and grandparents are people of different generations.

People of every age have their own physical and psychological capabilities, their duties and social roles, i.e. your age status.

    We advise you to remember!
    Age status is a set of rights and obligations characteristic of a particular age.
    The behavior of a person in accordance with his age status is called the age role.

People of different ages differ from each other in roles and functions: 30-year-old is available more classes than a 14-year-old or 60-year-old. He has to master many social roles, move from one social circle to another. A 30-year-old man has much more rights and responsibilities than a 12-year-old teenager. He can be prosecuted, he can vote in elections, hold any government office, even become president. On the other hand, he has a wider range of responsibilities: family, household, professional.

It does not happen that one person has to fulfill all roles at the same time. They are distributed at all stages human life... For example, in childhood you are only a son or daughter, in adulthood you are still a mother or father, in old age you are a grandmother or grandfather.

What are the rights and responsibilities of the representatives of different ages depicted in the photographs? What are their social roles?

Each age is unique and irreplaceable in its own way. He solves his problems, those that are not able to fulfill another, albeit a more mature age.

In infancy and until about 15 years old, which corresponds to childhood and adolescence, a person does not have any precise goals. The child lives in the present and has a very vague idea of ​​the future, adults are responsible for it. During this period, mainly the development of physical and mental abilities occurs.

The period from 15 to 30 years old corresponds to adolescence. At this stage, a person is aware of his needs, abilities and interests. He nurtures great life plans associated with choosing a profession, a life partner, pursuing a career and understanding the meaning of his own life.

The next period lasts from 30 to 60 years and corresponds to maturity until its heyday. It is characterized by the setting of clear goals. At this time, they achieve success in their chosen profession, decisions are made related to the creation and strengthening of their own family and the birth of children.

The next stage lasts from 60 to 80 years. This is a respectable old age when a person takes stock of his life and his accomplishments. From now on, looking into the future, a person is forced to reconsider their goals, taking into account their professional situation, physical condition and family life.

The final stage - old age - begins at an old age - 80 years. People spend the rest of their strength on communicating with family and friends, various forms leisure, share their life experience with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    Let's sum up
    Scientists distinguish several age periods of a person's life: childhood, adolescence, adolescence, maturity, old age and old age.
    Each age is associated with certain rights, duties, responsibilities, status, opportunities and limitations.
    The age of the fifth grader corresponds to the younger adolescence.

    Basic terms and concepts
    Age status, age role, generation.

Test your knowledge

  1. What stages of life does a person go through? What are their features?
  2. What is your age period called? Describe it, taking into account the textbook material and your own experience.
  3. Compare the possibilities and limitations of the following age periods: adolescence and maturity; adolescence and old age.
  4. Do you agree with the statement that “every age is good in its own way”? Justify your answer.

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