It's never too late. It's never too late to start living. Cindy Joseph. USA, New York Every age is beautiful


Mostly, proverbs and sayings about learning have a positive meaning. The same is true of the famous saying “it’s never too late to learn.” We will look at the process of accumulating knowledge from different angles and subject it to a detailed analysis.


Sometimes a saying is the creativity of the people. This happens when time has not preserved the name of the real author. But in this case, it is known to whom we owe the treasure that we do not value at all. It seems to us that a phrase or a phrase is worth praising or admiring. And she came to us from ancient times. The question of who said: “It’s never too late to learn,” requires a specific answer. There was one in Ancient Rome

sage Quintilian, we should thank him. Little is known about him. Data on his origins vary: some say that he was noble, others say that he was not. One thing is clear - his father was educated person

, so he sent him to study in Rome, where Nero reigned at that time.

Yes, we did not say when and where the famous teacher of eloquence was born.

Time and place of birth

This event took place in Spain around 35 AD, and the rhetorician completed his earthly journey around 100 AD (some sources indicate the year 95). His personal life was unhappy: he lost his wife when she was still young, then over time he lost two sons. By the end of his life, he was left completely alone who said: “It’s never too late to learn.” Sad story. Although public social life

his was more or less successful.

Domitius Afr - mentor of Quintilian

Quintilian went to Rome. There he found a mentor in the person of Domitius Afra, whose demeanor and behavior in court Quintilian followed and, probably, at first copied.

Our hero's teacher was a classic Ciceronian orator. Apparently, under his influence, Quintilian fell in love with the works of Cicero himself.

Further fate and fundamental work After the death of his mentor, Quintilian came to his native province of the empire to gain experience there. court speaker

The rest is outlined in dotted line. In the year of the four emperors, Quintilian opened his school of eloquence. The highest point in the development of his career was his appointment as consul.

However, he remained famous for centuries due to the fact that he wrote the treatise “On the Education of the Orator” - the best preserved and full course oratory, with numerous references to literary and historical sources. Perhaps this is where the proverb “it’s never too late to learn” was hidden, which at that time, of course, had not yet become an aphorism.

But it is impossible to accurately establish the source, because the wonderful work was partially translated into Russian. On this moment it is available only with pre-revolutionary spelling. It is possible that the phrase “it’s never too late to learn” came into Russian from other languages ​​in which there is a more complete translation of the ancient classic. But the author of the saying is definitely Quintilian; let the reader have no doubt about this point.

Modernity sayings

Either reality is truly cyclical, or true wisdom does not really rust. But we can say that the saying is extremely modern. Now only the iron is silent about the fact that we need to constantly develop if we want to achieve something in life.

And imagine us in 30 years, will we really give up this habit of growing? It seems incredible. In general, when society no longer demands anything from a person, and he has already raised children, he can relax. That is, throw all these ideas about constant development out of your head.

In modern society, this has become a fixed idea. Studying is not always a tedious, heavy, drawn-out and boring process. You can study with pleasure, the main thing is to answer the question: “Why?”

Cognition as a cure for Alzheimer's disease

Now many people have problems with motivation. You may well understand the meaning of the proverb “it’s never too late to learn,” but you will never follow it. If the reader has not yet understood the meaning of the object of study, then we will readily reveal it now.

The saying boils down to the simple truth that there is no shame in learning something new and unknown. It doesn’t matter at all how old a person is. As long as he is alive, he can learn. Moreover, this does not always mean textbooks, boring scientific books. Studying is actually learning new things, mastering classes and specialties. The motivational basis for moving forward can be different, ranging from banal idleness and boredom to urgent need. Sometimes a person studies because he “needs it for work,” and sometimes to keep his head busy.

Some people now rarely lift their faces from their smartphones. They actually live in virtual reality. But from such a life, a person’s brain languishes with boredom, sadness, and in the end concludes that it, in fact, is not needed and, figuratively speaking, is eliminated.

In practice, “lack of brain” manifests itself in the form different types dementia, of which Alzheimer's disease is one of the most terrible cases. Recent studies have shown that electronic gadgets harm not only adults, but also children. Children raised with this kind of “nannies” are less attentive, remember material worse, and are more easily distracted.

But let's get back to the adults. We're not saying that reading books is a panacea for senile dementia, but it can certainly delay it. Flashing pictures on the Internet and on the screen drive a person crazy much faster. It is advisable to read books that are more or less informative, so that there is work for the brain.

A man with several degrees

An ordinary example of a person with several higher educations. In the West he is respected and, as a rule, does not live in poverty, because there higher education- this is a very expensive thing.

In Russia, education is perceived either as a whim or as a necessity. That is, a person who receives several degrees is considered either a “nerd” or a “sufferer” who needs certain qualifications for a job. But in general, the attitude is that a person who studies for too long is a fugitive from responsibility, almost a waster of life. Although there is, perhaps, no more difficult mental work than learning something new. This means that a student and a playmaker are two different types person. Of course, provided that the student is actually studying.

Example of Mary Hobson

Thanks to the news release, not only translators know about this wonderful woman. Although they are the ones who are inspired by her example. And this is the story. Englishwoman Mary Hobson began studying Russian when she was 56 years old. She was shocked by L.N.’s novel. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace,” but at the same time the woman thought that she was not reading the original author’s text, but only its translated version. And after that M. Hobson began to study Russian.

At first, “frivolously,” that is, unsystematically, and then she entered the Russian language. Moreover, the Russian language not only became a useful hobby that helped to avoid boredom, idleness and dementia. “The Great and Mighty” turned out to be a source of second wind for the Englishwoman: she translated A.S. Griboyedov in English, defended a dissertation on the topic of his work. After all, this often happens when a person studies something, at first it seems to him that it is fun, and then the hobby turns into work and becomes the meaning of his life.

Yes, by the way, discussing the saying “it’s never too late to learn” and examples of its application, it’s worth saying that knowledge is the only way push the boundaries of the possible, reconsider your attitude towards yourself, get out of depression and despondency. If a person stews in his own juice all the time, then he is more susceptible to various negative states: depression, neuroses, doubts, regrets about the past.

Therefore, you need to constantly discover new things, but not for the sake of ephemeral internal development, but to make life richer and fuller.

One of the most valuable things in our life is experience. We all want to be self-confident, independent and wise, forgetting that wisdom comes with age and experience. And for the sake of this experience you have to go through a lot.

This is why the experience of older people is very important. The life lessons they teach are some of the most valuable knowledge.

We offer you 50 life lessons, shared by Barry Davenport, a world-wise author of a foreign blog.

Life is what it is now. We constantly expect incredible things to happen in the future, but we forget that life is happening right now. Learn to live in the present moment and stop hoping for illusions in the future.

Fear is an illusion. Most of the things we fear will never happen. But even when they happen, they often turn out to be not as bad as we thought. For many of us, fear is the worst thing that can happen. The reality is not so scary.

Relationship rule. The most important thing in your life is your loved ones. Always put them first. They are more important than your job, hobby, computer. Appreciate them as if they are your whole life. Because that's how it is.

Debt isn't worth it. Spend your money according to your means. Live freely. Debt won't allow you to do this.

Your children are not you. You are the vessel that brings children into this world and cares for them until they are unable to do so themselves. Train them, love them, support them, but don't change them. Every child is unique and must live their own life.

Things collect dust. The time and money you spend on things will one day ruin you. The fewer things you have, the more free you are. Buy wisely.

Fun is underrated. How often do you have fun? Life is short and you need to enjoy it. And stop thinking about what others will think when you feel good. Just enjoy it.

Mistakes are good. We often try to avoid mistakes, forgetting that they are what lead us to success. Be prepared to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.

Friendship requires attention. Protect your friendship like an ornamental plant. It will pay off.

Experience comes first. If you can't decide whether to buy a sofa or go on a trip, always choose the second. Joy and positive memories are much cooler than material things.

Forget about anger. The satisfaction from anger goes away after a few minutes. And the consequences can last much longer. Listen to your emotions and when anger comes, take a step in the opposite direction.

And remember kindness. A small dose of kindness can do wonders for those around you. And it requires little effort from you. Practice this daily.

Age is a number. When you're 20, you think 50 is a nightmare. But when you are 50, you feel like you are 30. Our age should not determine our attitude towards life. Don't let the numbers change the real you.

Vulnerability heals. Being open, real and vulnerable is great. This gives people around you the opportunity to trust you and share their emotions with you, and you can share them in return.

Posturing builds walls. Creating an image of another person in order to impress someone will play a cruel joke on you. Very often people see the real you through the image, and this turns them off.

Sport is power. Exercising on a regular basis should become part of your lifestyle. It makes you stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. It also improves health and appearance. Sport is the cure for all diseases.

Resentment hurts. Let her go. There is simply no other correct way.

Passion improves life. When you find any activity you're passionate about, every day becomes a gift. If you haven't found your passion yet, make it a goal to do so.

Travel gives experience and expands consciousness. Traveling makes you more interesting, wiser and better. They teach you how to interact with people, their habits and cultures.

You are not always right. We think we know the answer to every question, but we don't. There is always someone smarter than you, and your answers are not always correct. Remember this.

This will pass. Whatever happens in life, it will pass. Time heals and things change.

You define your purpose. Life is boring without a goal. Decide what is important to you and build your life around it.

Often risk is good. To change your life, you have to take risks. Making smart, risky decisions helps you grow.

Change is always for the better. Life is changing, and you shouldn't resist it. Don't be afraid of change, go with the flow and take life as an adventure.

Thoughts are unreal. Thousands of thoughts fly through your head every day. Many of them are negative and scary. Don't trust them. These are just thoughts and they will not become reality unless you help them.

You can't control others. We want the people around us to behave the way we want them to. But the reality is that we cannot change other people. Respect the uniqueness and independence of each person.

Your body is a temple. We all have something we hate about our bodies. But our body is the only thing that belongs only to us. Treat him with respect and take care of him.

Touch heals. Touch has many positive properties. They normalize the heartbeat, improve well-being and relieve stress. This is a gift meant to be shared.

You can handle it. It doesn't matter what situation is in your head. The reality is that you can handle it. You are much stronger and wiser than you think. You will get through this and survive.

Gratitude makes a person happier. And not only to the one to whom gratitude is addressed, but also to the one who says it. Don't forget to thank people for everything they do for you.

Listen to your intuition. Your judgment is very important, but intuition is your superpower. She uses your experience and life model to find the answer to any question. Sometimes it arises spontaneously, and it is better to listen to it.

Remember yourself first. Don't be narcissistic, but remember that the most important person to you is yourself.

Being honest with yourself is freedom. Be honest with yourself. Self-deception is blinding oneself.

Ideals are boring. Perfectionism will make your life boring. Our differences, characteristics, phobias and shortcomings are what make us unique. Remember this.

Take action to find purpose in life. She won't find herself. Help her with this and do everything possible to find the target.

Small things are important too. We all expect big victories and achievements, forgetting that they consist of small and sometimes even imperceptible steps. Appreciate these steps.

Learn. Always. If you think that you know at least 1% of everything that is in our world, then you have never been more mistaken. Learn every day, learn something new about different things. Studying keeps our brain sharp, even in adulthood.

Aging is inevitable. Our bodies age and we cannot stop them. The best way slow down aging - enjoy life and live every day to the fullest.

Marriage changes people. The person with whom you have connected your life will change over time. But so do you! Don't let these changes take you by surprise.

Worry is pointless. You should only worry if it leads you to a solution to the problem. But the nature of worry is such that this will never happen. Worry shuts down your brain and you are simply unable to resolve the situation. So learn to cope with anxiety and try to get rid of it.

Heal your wounds. Don't let wounds from your past affect you real life. Don't pretend they don't mean anything. Find support from loved ones or those who professionally treat emotional trauma.

Simpler is better. Life is full of complications, confusion and obligations that only make it worse. Simple life gives space for joy and favorite activities.

Do your job perfectly. If you want to achieve anything in life, you have to work. Of course, there are rare exceptions, but don't count on them. Rely on yourself.

It's never too late. Late is just an excuse for not trying. You can achieve your goals at any age.

Actions heal sadness. Any action is a cure for worries, procrastination, melancholy and anxiety. Stop thinking and do something.

Do what you want. Be proactive. Don't wait for life to throw you a bone. You may not like its taste.

Let go of your prejudices. Don't be attached to society's opinions or beliefs. Be open to any opportunity or idea. You will be surprised how many opportunities life gives you if you don't reject them.

Words matter. Think before you speak. Don't use words to hurt someone. Once you do this, there is no turning back.

Live every day. When you are 90 years old, how many days will you have left? Live and appreciate each of them.

Love is the answer to every question. Love is why we are here. This is the force that moves the world. Share it and express it every day. Make the world a better place.

Every day we make decisions, make mistakes, achieve success, plan something, give up something. Every step we take is based on something - on intuition, on the opinions of others, on our own experience. There are decisions and actions that bring results, and there are also erroneous actions. And there are those things that we never decided on during our lives.

There is only one life, there will be no second chance to repeat its plot, so you should not waste it on doing useless things, doing unloved work, bad people and lying to yourself. Later comes regret that we didn’t have time to do something, didn’t dare to do something, didn’t do something. Isn't it time to start making decisions from the heart? Here is a list of things that you will probably regret very much someday.

  • You will regret that didn't conduct healthy image life and allowed their weaknesses and habits to destroy their body and destroy themselves.
  • You will regret that didn't live one day at a time, did not enjoy every minute of their existence. Instead, you were chasing your illusory future or remaining stuck in the past.
  • You'll regret that communicated and spent little time with their family that they quarreled a lot with them and were offended by them. You will especially regret that you rarely, and perhaps never, told them words of love and how much you appreciate them.

  • You'll regret it haven't traveled much and did not understand the world around them.
  • You will regret that they were afraid of a lot.
  • You will regret that lived with an eye on public opinion and worried about what other people would think of you.
  • You'll regret it didn't do something crazy who was once feared.

  • You'll regret it underestimated themselves and doubted themselves and their abilities.
  • You'll regret having been obsessed with material things. You have spent a lot of energy and health on acquiring material values.
  • You will regret it very much spent a lot of time watching TV or in in social networks. Virtual life has given you nothing.
  • You will regret that few and bad friends and did not appreciate the people who wished you well.

  • You'll regret that didn't say the most important words significant people in your life.
  • You will regret doing the things you most need and realizing your desires constantly put off until later.
  • You will regret that continued the relationship that should have been completed a long time ago.
  • You'll regret it worked all my life in a job I didn't like, never realizing their talents and not fulfilling their dreams.
  • You will very much regret that did not develop their talents and abilities, given to you from birth. You will also regret that you had to bury your childhood and youth dreams.

  • You'll regret that didn't help other people and were focused only on themselves.
  • You'll regret it continued to cling to people, with whom you are not on the same path.
  • You will regret that didn't take the risk at the most crucial moment.

Illustration: Guillem Mari

Stories from the book “The Path of the Winner” by Vladimir Dovgan

  1. Grandma Moses

One of America's most famous artists, Grandma Moses did not attend school. She did not graduate from the art academy. She had no teachers. Mine life path This amazing woman started out as an ordinary peasant.

She lived on a small farm with early childhood I worked very hard. Moses was from a poor family; from the age of eleven she had to work as a laborer for rich neighbors. She got married very late, and her husband was also poor, he was a hired handyman like her. Moses spent his entire life in hard peasant labor. It was necessary to wake up before dawn, milk the cows, then take care of the crops, raise children, clean the house, and cook food. All her life she worked tirelessly. All her life she lived in a small provincial village where there were very few people. Her body was completely worn out, like an old rusty car, she could no longer work, but she also could not sit idle and became interested in knitting. Unfortunately, she had to give up this activity, as she was tormented by terrible pain in her joints.

When she turned 76, her daughter advised her to start drawing. Moses did not study anywhere and no one taught her to draw. Her first paintings hung in a local pharmacy. An engineer passing by, who is interested in painting, noticed these cute, primitive pictures. I bought several for next to nothing. I started exhibiting it in my gallery and showing it to friends. So, gradually, step by step, Grandma Moses became the most famous artist in America. Her paintings were given to American Presidents for their birthdays. She died at 101, having created more than 1,600 paintings and drawings.

2. Konosuke Matsushita

You probably know Panasonic. This company was created by Konosuke Matsushita, a man who did not even manage to graduate primary school. When Matsushita was nine years old, his father went bankrupt and the family was forced to send little boy to earn money in a distant, foreign, unknown city. He was apprenticed to the owner of a workshop that made rice cookers. As Matsushita recalled, for the first ten nights he cried under the covers from fear and loneliness. At the age of nine, his adult working, hard life began. When Matsushita turned 20, he quit the workshop and got a job as an electrician in state company. At the age of 22, he decided to graduate from evening school, but nothing came of this venture. The problem was that the teacher had to write everything down, but he didn’t know how to write. Matsushita was not only deprived of education, but was also a very sick person. I know Matsushita's assistant well, a man who worked with him for 34 years. Mr. Iguchi told me: “Matsushita’s health was so weak that he spent 2-3 months a year on hospital bed, but even when ill, he continued to work.” While working as an electrician, Matsushita came up with an improved light bulb socket, but the company management did not want to implement it. Then he decided to open his own company. Poverty, lack of education, poor health are not the best Better conditions to start. He and his wife sold her modest jewelry and pawned their clothes. There was only enough money to make a mold. The first production of new cartridges was in the bedroom of their rented apartment. They heated the plastic in an ordinary saucepan. Matsushita made electric cartridges himself in the evenings and sold them during the day. Then his wife's brother and nephew joined them.

Despite poor health and lack of basic education, in 1975 Matsushita was recognized as the richest man in the world. Matsushita was such a modest, fair and noble man that during his lifetime, the workers of his company, expressing their gratitude, erected a monument to him. How many billionaire oligarchs do you know to whom workers erect monuments out of gratitude?

Let me give you an example of his attitude towards people. One day, while dining at a restaurant, he didn’t finish his steak and asked to call the cook. He appeared before the famous client with a pale face. The poor cook expected criticism and reprimand, but Matsushita apologized to him for not finishing the steak: “You cooked very well.” delicious steak, but I’m already an old man and I can’t eat it, so I ask you to forgive me and not worry.”

3. Auguste Rodin

Auguste Rodin failed four times to enter the Paris Academy of Arts. His father shouted furiously: “My son is an idiot! Can't even get into art school! Who today remembers those academicians, those artists who did not accept Auguste into art school?

4. Garland Sanders

Garland Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders, grew up without a father, he, his sister and mother lived very poorly. All his life he dreamed of becoming a lawyer. To finish educational institution, he had to work very long and hard. But his career as a lawyer ended after his first case. On trial he got into a fight with his client. The Bar Association stripped him of his license. Colonel Sanders tried to open a gas station and burned out. Then he worked wherever he had to, and spent a long time collecting money to open a small restaurant. And as soon as he opened it, he immediately went broke, because the road that ran next to the restaurant was moved. Our loser is 65 years old. Not a single victory in life, not a single achievement to be proud of.

As he pondered month after month, he remembered a chicken recipe. He knew one good recipe cooking chicken. Our hero came up with a simple idea: “If restaurants pay money for using my recipe, I can make good money!” Inspired by this idea, our 65-year-old loser got into his battered rusty truck and began driving from restaurant to restaurant. He tried to sell his chicken recipe to restaurant owners, but no one wanted to buy it.

All the restaurant owners laughed at the unemployed loser pensioner. Sanders heard hundreds of nasty things, cruel jokes and offensive insults. But he didn't give up. He visited 1,006 restaurants and was told 1,006 times: “Go to hell!.. You idiot.” Having received 1,006 refusals, he finally signed his first contract. And then our hero became famous, richest man. And his handsome face adorns more than 18 thousand KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants.

5. Pythagoras

Pythagoras created his school when he was 60 years old. And before that, he even managed to be a slave. The greatest Genghis Khan was only able to unite his army at the age of 51, and before that he was also a slave, but this did not stop him from conquering the whole world, creating great Empire. Gaius Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon only at the age of 51

6. Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is one of the richest and famous people in America, founder of General Electric. He couldn't even finish primary school. After three months of training, his mother was called by the school director and said: “Your son is an idiot. Your son is a mentally retarded child. He can't study with normal children." After a serious illness, young Tom became almost deaf. It is known that his lack of hearing did not bother him at all: “That’s good,” Edison joked. “There’s no need to waste time and listen to all sorts of nonsense.” He started his business with failure, and this is normal, because... out of ten new companies, nine go bankrupt in the first year. He invented the first electronic system voting, but no one bought it - his company went bankrupt. Edison was not upset, easily endured the ruin and made an important conclusion: “We must invent and produce only what people need.”

7. Giorgio Armani

One of the most famous and richest fashion designers in the world is Giorgio Armani. His fortune is $8.5 billion. Today his name is known throughout the world. But few people know that before his dizzying career as a designer, Armani studied to become a doctor. He has no artistic education. It’s just that at some point in his life he realized that being a doctor was not his profession, and he began new life. He quit and went to work as an apprentice at the Cerutti design house. Armani was not afraid to start his life from scratch! As an adult, he began to passionately study in practice model business. And without an art education, he became the number one designer in the world.

8. Gender Orfala

Paul Orfala created the Kinko's copy shop chain and sold it for $2.4 billion. Suffering from dyslexia since childhood, he grew up as a mentally retarded child. One summer he worked part-time at his aunt's dry cleaners. Clients came to buy clothes, but there was no one at the reception, and Orfala served the clients himself. When the aunt saw her nephew behind the counter talking to customers, she scolded him harshly: “Listen, don’t ever talk to people again. You’re crazy, you’ll drive away all my clients.”
This is how our hero describes his childhood: “There are not many children in the world who managed to stay a second year in second grade. I couldn't learn the alphabet. It's not surprising that I became a poor student. Four out of eight schools in the city expelled me. In third grade, desperate teachers sent me to a school for mentally retarded children.
One day, after I was kicked out of school at the age of 13, the vice-principal told my mother not to worry about her son's future. “Maybe someday he’ll learn to lay carpets,” he said, trying to console her. I remember my mom came home in tears and said, “I know Paul can do more than just lay carpets.”

She had her own dreams. She never paid attention to other people's harsh assessments. My mom encouraged me, saying, “You know, Paul, the A students work for the A students, the C students run companies, and the B students start their own companies.”


Soul binding 04.11.2017

Dear readers, probably all of us have sometimes had the thought that it is already too late for something in life. So you won’t be able to buy a house by the sea, as you once dreamed of, you won’t have another child, you won’t be able to travel around the world with just a backpack on your back. And sometimes we experience similar feelings regarding something vital; it seems to us that it’s too late to change something marital status, at work, it’s too late to move, it’s too late to start thinking about health...

But is everything really so hopeless? Is it really too late to live? Or does life have opportunities in store for us in such a case? This is exactly what we will talk about today in the section. Its host is Elena Khutornaya, a writer, blogger, author of intuitive cards, and I give the floor to Lena.

Greetings, dear readers of Irina’s blog.

We all from time to time catch ourselves feeling that it is too late to change something in life. This means it’s too late to make your dreams and desires come true - you wanted something, but now that’s it, the train has left, maybe only in the next life...

Not a very pleasant experience - probably everyone will agree with me on this. There is something so hopeless in them, a feeling of some kind of deception, as if life promised something, teased, but did not fulfill its promises, took away hope. What about without hope? Without it, everything always becomes so gray and dull... And even if there are other joys in life, but something important is missing, we will always be haunted by a feeling of dissatisfaction, refuting all claims that we came into this world to be happy.

Why do we decide it's too late to live

But does the life of the liar have anything to do with it? Or is it time to look inside yourself again? After all, no matter how disappointed we may experience, life is truly such that if we are given desires, then they are accompanied by opportunities to realize these desires. So why does it sometimes begin to seem to us that it is too late to dream that some of them will come true?

And the reasons may be different.


Realizing our age, we increasingly begin to tell ourselves that it is too late for love, too late to change jobs, too late to learn new things, too late to change our attitude towards something or someone, too late to forgive. Time is up, and we just have to be content with what we have.


They are such that we cannot influence them, and even if we can influence them, we are afraid of the consequences of this and prefer to leave everything as it is.

Lack of opportunities

This can concern anything - finances, time, support. They are not there, and they have nowhere to come from, and we decide that this will forever prevent us from getting what we want.

The most interesting thing is that all these reasons have one thing in common.

In fact, all the obstacles to our desires are in our heads.

All the obstacles that we see in front of us are only our own limitations, unbelief and lack of true desire. All real desires are sure to come true, and neither age, nor circumstances, nor lack of opportunity can interfere with this.

Examples from life

I think everyone can remember moments from own life, when it seemed to us that the best thing that could happen in life had already happened, so there was no need to wait for more. And it didn’t depend on age or circumstances, didn’t it?

I myself have experienced this situation several times. In my twenties, I decided that all the best holidays of my life were behind me, and nothing like this would ever happen again.

At thirty, I was sure that it was too late for me to dream of love - there was only a boring, dull life ahead, and all I could do was come to terms with it. You will laugh, but I really thought that I was too old for such experiences, mainly physically. Now, nine years later, this makes me laugh, but then it quite seriously seemed to me that my youth was gone forever, and there was definitely no time for laughter.

Of course I was wrong. And the holidays in my life were still wonderful, and I found my love, and it turned out that it was not too late to live and love.

And you yourself will probably remember a lot of examples from your life and from the lives of relatives and friends, when at some point we decided that it was already useless to dream and desire something, but then suddenly there were opportunities to get what we wanted in the most unexpected way, bypassing everyone obstacles that we saw on our way. And this only confirms once again that everything that happens in life depends not on external circumstances and parameters, but only on our internal state.

Don't stop yourself from dreaming

Some might say that there is still a big difference between what happens to us at thirty and, for example, at sixty. But by and large this is an illusion. Even at twenty years old we can be sure that for us it’s all over and it’s too late to live, but for others, on the contrary, at fifty life is just beginning. At any age, we can justify the hopelessness of our situation by the lack of opportunities or the circumstances in which we find ourselves. But in the end, everything depends only on our own perception and attitude towards life.

The real reason for our inability to get what we want is always the same - lack of energy to believe and achieve. If you have this energy and desire, then don’t bother yourself – it means it’s not too late for anything. You shouldn’t invent obstacles for yourself that don’t actually exist.

No matter what anyone says, no matter how much it contradicts what we ourselves are used to believing, the main thing that matters is our willingness to dream and make our dreams come true.

How to start living again

So it's never too late to start living. Check your desires for truth, fill yourself with energy, follow yourself, look for ways to get what you want. Be realistic, but know how to dream, and every desire will definitely come true.

Don't worry about how it will happen, don't try to plan everything. But rest assured, life will have a suitable answer to any of our requests, if only we are open, sincere, and bright in our souls. Let's trust life - and it will do everything for us.

Even if you don’t have enough energy to believe in your dreams, at least lie in their direction.

Have a dream? Run to her! Does not work? Go to her! Does not work? Crawl to her! Can not? Lie down and lie in the direction of your dreams!

For such cases there is good way get in the right mindset: if you can’t openly and freely desire something, well, you can’t believe that it can come true, but at the same time this dream still entails, think about what you would like to want it. It may sound strange, but it works great.

Well, I can’t dream that I will still visit Rio de Janeiro, but how great it would be if I could believe that this will happen!

And remember - everything that needs to happen will definitely happen. What doesn’t happen is not necessary. It's never too late because that's what we're here for - to live. And while we're here, there's always something else we can do.

With warmth,
Khutornaya Elena

I thank Lena for such a good, inspiring topic. Indeed, even if at some point in life there is no strength left to believe that we are still capable of something, we must always remember that such a state is temporary. And that if we want, we open up, then strength, desires, and faith will come again that many good things will happen to us. Because it’s true, it’s never too late to live, and everything depends only on us - whether we breathe deeply or just drag out existence. I am sure that you and I, my dears, will make the right choice.

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