Those admitted to Yufa. Southern Federal University - Yufu


Southern Federal University is the successor of four main universities in the south of Russia: Rostov State University, Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art, Rostov State Pedagogical University and Taganrog State Radio Engineering University. SFU buildings are located in two cities: Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog.

The University has more than 42,000 students, of which about 500 are foreigners. In 2014, the Expert RA agency assigned this university a rating class of “C,” meaning a “high level” of graduate training. The first university in southern Russia appeared in 1915, when the faculties of the Warsaw Imperial University were evacuated there. Throughout the 20th century, these faculties repeatedly underwent structural changes: they expanded, changed names, subordination, and were separated into separate universities. In 2006, four leading universities in Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog (Rostov State University , Rostov state academy architecture and art, Rostov State Pedagogical University and Taganrog State Radio Engineering University) merged under the name Southern Federal University. In 2010, the university received the status of a federal state autonomous educational institution

    . Among its graduates are RAS academicians G.G. Matishov, V.I. Minkin, directors K.S. Serebrennikov and G.R. Trostyanetsky, TV presenter D.A. Dibrov, writer D.A. Koretsky and many others.

    Year of foundation

Number of students

Academic specialization SFU includes more than 30 faculties, 11 research institutes, 6 design bureaus, 2 pilot plants, 22 centers for collective use, over 150 centers different directions activities, 8 branches and 4 basic departments. Among the main areas of training are physics and mathematics, natural sciences, humanities and Social sciencies

Several years ago, as part of the educational reform, several federal universities were organized in the country. This was done to improve the system of training professional personnel in various regions of the country. One of these educational centers became the Southern Federal University ( SFU). Since such universities have the opportunity to attract the best specialists and develop material base To improve learning conditions, more and more applicants are seeking to submit documents for admission there. So, how do you go about SFU?

You will need

  • - certificate of secondary education;
  • - certificate of passing the Unified State Exam;
  • - passport.


While studying in 11th grade, take part in competitions. In most specialties upon admission to SFU Prize-winners and winners of a number of Olympiads receive 100 points in a core subject. Even if you pass the Unified State Exam with a lower score, winning the Olympiad will increase your chances of admission. Similar Olympiads include Olympiads for schoolchildren starting from the regional stage, as well as Olympiads for schoolchildren of St. Petersburg University. Prize-winners of the All-Russian School Olympiad have the right to be admitted without an exam.

Pass the Unified State Exam with the highest score possible for you. In addition to the mandatory exams in Russian language and literature, select those exams that are necessary for admission to your chosen specialty

Submit your documents to the admissions committee. She begins accepting documents at the end of June and continues until mid-July. You have the right to provide both originals and copies of documents if you are simultaneously applying for admission to another university.

Wait for the announcement of the results of the “first wave” of enrollment. If you are accepted, please bring the original documents to the admissions committee, if necessary - certificate and passing the Unified State Exam.

If you were not enrolled in the “first wave”, but there are still places in your chosen specialty, wait for the announcement of the results of the “second wave” of admission. Some applicants enrolled in the “first wave” withdraw their documents and go to other universities, so you still have a chance of admission.


Strictly adhere to the deadlines for submitting documents. You can find out the exact dates for the year of your admission on the university website.

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If you don’t believe that education can unite, then pay attention to the Southern Federal University, which helps more than thirty thousand students gain knowledge. But the most important thing is that the motto of this university is the expression “education unites.” So if you want to join this huge family, then check out the SFU Admission Rules 2017. In order to make it more convenient to understand this huge mass of information, we suggest that you first consider enrolling in the first year.

Admission to Bachelor's Degree

  • For those who want to become a student, first of all you need to know the deadlines for submitting documents. After all, if you miss it, you will no longer be able to exercise your right to become a student this year. As in most universities, this stage will begin on June 20. As for the end, there are four different dates, namely:
  • July 7 - for those who are required to take exams of a professional or creative nature;
  • July 11 - for citizens who will take exams of another type;
  • July 26 - for those who have the right to enroll without passing exams.

Now let's look at the features of the documents that need to be prepared for submission. Firstly, this is a prescribed form of application and a document that can confirm the identity of the applicant. You also need to provide a document confirming your education. If the applicant has certain advantages, then he submits a document confirming the corresponding status. Applicants must submit two photographs if they belong to the category of citizens who are required to take exams.

As for the method of submitting documents, there are only three of them. The first involves submitting documents directly to the admissions committee. Its main drawback is only one thing - you can waste time waiting in lines. But despite this, many still trust this form of document submission the most. Please note that if the applicant is unable to submit documents on his own, he can do so through a trusted representative. Just remember that such a person must provide the employee with admissions committee a document that confirms his authority.

The next step is submitting documents by mail. The main thing that applicants who have used this method of submission should know is that documents in this case must be submitted before July 26.

This university also provides the opportunity to submit documents to electronic form. So you can do it at home with only internet access.

You have the opportunity to choose any of the methods that suit you, the main thing is to remember and follow the deadlines.


Firstly, the admission rules provide for the right to admission without passing entrance exams. Only a few categories of citizens will be able to use it, namely prize-winners and winners All-Russian Olympiads. They are also joined by team members who represented the Russian Federation at international olympiads. In this case, only the results for the last four years before the start of the entrance campaign are taken into account. Champions and prize-winners can also take advantage of this right Olympic Games. In any of the above cases, the applicant will be required to confirm his status with relevant documents.

Another type of benefit provides the opportunity for preferential rights during enrollment. More than ten categories of citizens who have a certain status will be able to use it, including children of fallen Heroes of the USSR. It is worth noting that such a right will only be valid if successful completion exams.

Each applicant makes a lot of effort to become students. It is precisely in order for each student to have the opportunity to demonstrate all their abilities that various kinds of competitions and olympiads are organized, as well as other types of events, the winners or participants of which will receive additional points upon admission. Such achievements include winners of Olympiads, which are held directly by the university, world champions in Olympic sports sports. In this case, your status, as in previous cases, must be confirmed by relevant documents. Please note that for each type of achievement you will be awarded additional quantity points. If an applicant has several types of individual achievements, then, of course, for each of them a corresponding number of points will be awarded, but no more than ten.

It is worth noting that this university provides the opportunity for applicants to obtain student status at SFU, for which an additional three points will be awarded.

So take an active part in such events, get extra credits and become a student with ease.

Entrance exams

The first thing we pay attention to is that they will be held in Russian and in written form, the only exception will be tests on physical training. Each applicant will have the opportunity to take each exam only once. If certain circumstances arise on the day of the test and the applicant is unable to appear for the exam, then he will be able to retake it either on a reserve day or with another examination group. But in this case, the applicant must document such circumstances.

During the exam, the applicant has the right to use reference materials, as well as a certain computer technology provided for in the admission rules. In this case, it is prohibited to use means of communication. In case of violation of this requirement, as well as in case of violation of other rules for conducting examinations, the applicant will be removed from the examination site.

As for the results, they can be found out no later than three days from the day of the test. They will be posted both on the university website and on information stands.

Please note that information about testing programs is already freely available, so you can familiarize yourself with them and prepare.

Passing scores

Besides the question about entrance exams, applicants, of course, are interested in the passing scores, which are established for each area and specialty depending on the faculty and institute.

Please note that each subject will have its own passing score, which will differ depending on the priority of the exam at each faculty. For example, in the direction of “radio engineering” in the Russian language minimum score 55, but in the field of “chemistry” - 50. A similar thing can be observed in mathematics exams. So, in the field of “radio engineering” the minimum score is 50, but if you choose “ information security"- 60. Therefore, pay attention to these details when studying the features of the introductory campaign.

At the same time, do not forget that there are three types of tests - mandatory, additional and provided educational organization. So each of them has its own passing score indicators, ranging from 50 to 70.

Master's degree in 2017

The entrance campaign, depending on the chosen degree that the applicant plans to receive, has its own peculiarities. Therefore, let’s look at the main differences between enrolling in a master’s program.

Firstly, the submission of documents begins on June 20, but this stage will end on August 5. Secondly, exams will be held in August from the 7th to the 19th. As for their form, it is written and they will be assessed on a 100-point scale. In this case, it will be somewhat easier with passing scores - their indicator will be the same for both the paid form of education and for the budget - 50 points.

It is worth noting that the benefits that applicants can take advantage of when applying for a bachelor's degree do not apply to this admission campaign, with the exception of individual achievements. There are also several types of them, but some are reversible Special attention. For example, the winners of the Olympiads that the university conducts specifically for applicants to master’s programs will be able to receive an additional 10 points, but the prize-winners will receive 5. Also, applicants who have a diploma will receive an additional 5 points higher education Honours. Please note that for each achievement provided for in the admission rules, the applicant will be awarded the corresponding number of points. But the overall score in this case should not be more than 25 points.

Take all these features into account and let the admission procedure go quickly and without problems.

Prices in SFU

To choose a university, each applicant has his own criteria. One of them is the cost of educational services, to which we will pay additional attention. Please note that there is no information yet on the cost of education in 2017-2018, but despite this, approximate figures can still be studied. To do this, we will use prices for the current year. Yes, at this university maximum rate tuition fees - 160,000 rubles per year. And this amount will have to be paid by those who want to understand the basics of jurisprudence. As for the minimum amount, it is provided for such areas as tourism, sociology and some others in the amount of 73,000 rubles. Please note that these amounts are indicated for those studying at a bachelor's degree.

The cost of a master's degree is traditionally, of course, more expensive than the prices for the first year. In this case maximum amount those citizens who want to learn the basics of design will have to pay, namely 149,000 rubles. The minimum figure is 79,000 rubles and it is also provided for “personnel management”.

Please remember that these figures are from previous years and may change. So take these aspects into account when choosing an educational institution for education.

The information you can get about the university can be found either on the university website or by visiting the days open doors. As for the latter, this is an excellent opportunity to get to know the teachers, as well as the admissions officers, and ask them questions that interest you. The main advantage of this university is that each institute and faculty holds not one, but several such events per year. Therefore, everyone will be able to visit the walls of the university and see all its advantages for themselves.

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