International Day of Forests. International Forest Day How nice it is sometimes to find yourself in a green forest, breathe in fresh air, saturated with the aroma of tree resin and herbs, hear the tops of the trees whispering among themselves, letting rays pass through small leaves

home How nice it is sometimes to find yourself in a green forest, to breathe in fresh air, saturated with the aroma of tree resin and herbs, to hear the tops of the trees whispering among themselves, letting rays pass through small leaves. sunlight

. It is simply mesmerizing, makes you forget about everything and immerse yourself in the world of nature.

The forest is the wealth of our entire Earth, filled with life. Thanks to it, the climate is formed, oxygen appears, and harmful emissions are destroyed. But, unfortunately, the area of ​​green spaces in the world is shrinking more and more every year. According to experts, over the past 10 thousand years, 26 billion square meters have been destroyed by humans. km of forests. In order to somehow influence the consciousness of people and preserve the “lungs” of our nature, a special holiday was proclaimed - International Forest Day. According to experts, 1.5 g disappears every second on Earth virgin forests . This can be explained by an increase in the number of people who transform the forest territory for human needs. This reduction forest ecosystems can lead to irreversible and unfavorable processes in natural environment

, which will negatively affect human life. We will tell you in our article how the world is trying to solve this problem today. For the first time this holiday sounded as an official call for the protection of forests in 1971. At the 23rd Congress of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of the European Confederation Agriculture and the support of other agricultural organizations, it was decided to sign a decree on holding International Day forest, the date of which was set to be March 20 or 21. It is on these days that the spring equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, and on Southern Hemisphere

- autumn. The purpose and objectives of the young holiday is to inform the population about the importance of forests in the life of the entire population of the planet, maintaining them in their pristine condition, methods of protection, caring for green spaces and rational use

To this end, all UN member states hold special events for Forest Day, where attention is focused on the need to protect and regenerate forests. On March 20 or 21, all kinds of exhibitions, promotions, competitions, flash mobs and campaigns for planting new trees are organized. As a result of attracting the population, local authorities Countries are actively pursuing a targeted policy of afforestation and reforestation.

All-Russian Forest Day

For the Russian Federation, this holiday is especially important, because on its territory there is literally a fifth of all the world's forests and almost the same amount of the world's timber reserves. The date of Forest Day in Russia is not precisely determined, because the holiday is celebrated every second Saturday of May, and sometimes due to unfavorable weather conditions. weather conditions, all events have to be postponed. For the first time, Russians celebrated this holiday on the 14th in 2011, when a tree planting campaign was held. As a result, volunteers from 60 regions of the country planted 25 million seedlings on 7 g of land. After the work done, the Russian government decided to hold an annual “All-Russian Forest Planting Day”.

For green spaces, this is a real national wealth. It makes a huge contribution not only to the development of the economy, being a source of raw materials, but also to the development of the biosphere, as it is one of its most important components. All these provisions determine the living conditions on the territory of the state and on the entire Earth, therefore we, the people, must take care of the forests ourselves, care for them and replenish the ranks with new seedlings.

The International Day of Forests in 2020 is celebrated on March 21. Industry experts participate in the celebrations environmental safety, environmental institutions, scientists, researchers, students and teachers of specialized specialties at universities, advocates environment, workers government agencies, employees public organizations, activists of charitable foundations.

The purpose of the holiday is to inform the public about the importance of forests and promote their conservation.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The International Day of Forests originated in 1971. The idea of ​​the holiday was proposed by the European Confederation of Agriculture at the 23rd General Assembly. The initiative was supported by the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN - FAO. Initially, the holiday was celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. December 21, 2012 General Assembly The UN adopted resolution No. 67/200, which declared March 21 as the International Day of Forests.

Holiday traditions

On this day, conferences, educational lectures, and seminars are held. Hearings are being held on reducing deforestation. Secretary General The UN delivers a message. IN educational institutions talk about measures of careful handling, preservation and enhancement natural resources. Environmental organizations conduct tree planting campaigns. Activists organize flash mobs, demonstrations, and protests. People who have made significant contributions to protecting forests are honored. In means mass media reports on forest problems and research data are published. Broadcast documentaries and programs about nature.

  • Dendrology is a science that studies trees.
  • Forests occupy a third of the land area.
  • Leonardo da Vinci established: the sum of the thicknesses of all the branches of a tree at a certain height is equal to the diameter of the trunk.
  • The jungles are home to two-thirds of the planet's animal and plant species.
  • The most tall tree- sequoia in national park Redwood in California, USA. Its height is 116 m.
  • The oldest tree is a spruce in the mountains of Sweden. Her age is 9500 years.
  • The most common in the world deciduous tree- birch.
  • Animals such as rabbits, bison, and mice hinder forest restoration. They eat seeds and damage seedlings.
  • To produce one sheet of A4 paper, you will need 15-20 g of wood.
  • IN Kaliningrad region on Curonian Spit there is a place called "Drunken Forest". It contains bent and looped pine trees.
  • On average, one tree produces 100 cubic meters of oxygen per year.


Don't forget to tell your friends

“Forests are not only the decoration of the Earth, its magnificent and amazing outfit... Forests are greatest sources health and inspiration. These are gigantic green laboratories,
producing oxygen, trapping toxic gases and dust.” Leonid Maksimovich Leonov
Couldn't have said it better!

To emphasize the importance of forests for life on Earth and to encourage everyone to preserve them, this holiday was founded - Forest Day, which has been celebrated on March 21 every year since 1971. Forests occupy about a third of the planet's land mass, but, unfortunately, this area is constantly shrinking. Uncontrolled logging, fires, the onset of human civilization and many other disasters threaten forests.

The health of the “lungs of the planet” depends on each of us, because almost each of us uses the gifts of the forest to one degree or another. This Day is a reason to think and, perhaps, do something. Our selection includes postcards, congratulations and thematic poems for this Day.

Happy International Forest Day!
And let the expanse of native forests
Will remain free forever
From poachers' evil shackles!
May the glade give us blossoms
And in the summer - the aroma of berries,
There is comfort and inspiration in the soul,
So that everyone is happy and happy!

Happy Forest Day! Let the forests grow
They give us oxygen and space.
Let's not destroy them,
And we will only protect!
The trees provide shade at noon,
Coolness, freshness on a hot day,
They give us paper and furniture.
Yes, eternal glory to the forests!

Handsome forest today is a holiday
Magical notes his.
Let's congratulate him
Care, affection, cleanliness.
Let the trees give us shade,
Let the mushrooms grow in the forest,
Let him add strength to us,
Heals the soul here and there.

On the International Day of Forests
You protect nature.
No bird voices are heard
From the roar of factories.
Let the forests be clean
Take part in this.
You will hear the birds' voices
And you will experience happiness!

Wonderful day, forest day
We'll see you this spring.
You grow up, green friend,
Give joy to everyone around,
The smell of pine needles and leaves,
Freshness of the wind and flowers.
More colorful than all miracles
Our simple green forest!

A third of the inhabited land area is occupied by forests. The forest is the cradle and breadwinner of most peoples of the world. It is also called the "lungs of the planet", a natural reservoir that supplies rivers and lakes fresh water. Alas, the area of ​​forest plantations is noticeably decreasing every year due to their predatory felling on a huge scale. Therefore, this problem has attracted the attention of the public and international organizations. The International Day of Forests is dedicated to this topic.


The International Day of Forests holiday has changed its name and status several times. It was first established by a very influential organization - the European Confederation of Agriculture in 1970. In parallel, World Forestry Day was established in 1971. The founder was another international structure – the UN Food Organization. In addition, between 2007 and 2012, the Center for International Forestry Research organized an annual Forest Day celebration.

And only in 2012, on December 21, the UN General Assembly, by a special resolution, eliminated all previous dates and announced the establishment of the International Day of Forests, assigning its celebration to the day of the autumn equinox for the southern hemisphere of the planet and the spring equinox for the northern hemisphere. Since 2013, the celebration has been held annually. Its purpose is to preserve forests and inform the public about the current state of the problem.


The date is widely celebrated in most countries on the planet, both at the official and everyday level. Mass events on this day are associated mainly with the planting of new tree plantations in cleared areas and areas suitable for growing new forests. This important matter Both official institutions and volunteers from among ordinary citizens are engaged in this activity on their own initiative.

On this day, propaganda, information and educational activities are significantly intensified:

  1. Mass campaigns are underway to educate the masses about the state of affairs in the forestry sector and the importance of conservation green spaces on the planet.
  2. Lectures are given in educational institutions.
  3. Thematic articles are published in the media.

If each of us plants at least one tree on this day, the holiday can safely be considered successful.

March 20, 2020 is coming and with it comes another holiday dedicated to environmental issues - World Forest Day. People naively assume that they are the main people on Earth, which means that huge cities, giant transport hubs and other man-made structures are the most priority and visible on the planet. In other words, they identify the Earth with a concrete jungle. In fact, a person and everything connected with his life is a small, albeit very dirty and odorous drop in the sea, in the sea of ​​​​an endless green ocean called a forest.

History of creation

Forest Day was invented in 1971 at the assembly of the European Association of Agriculture, and later the idea of ​​​​promoting such a holiday was supported by the UN Food Organization. This date is another reason to remind humanity of the importance of forests on the planet, and once again think about our common destiny. International Forest Day received registration on this day spring equinox not without reason, because it is on this day that nature begins to awaken and renew itself after hibernation, and people just love to start life with clean slate, go on a diet from Monday or exercise from the new year.

The essence of the problem of forest conservation

At first glance, it seems that the problem is far-fetched, that forest resources the planet will be enough for our great-great-grandchildren and subsequent generations. But we should not forget that every year the use of forest resources is growing, humanity needs more and more paper and other materials made from wood. Therefore, to calculate exactly how many years, centuries or millennia a huge forest area planets is practically impossible. And unfortunately, the majority of the world's population asks this question, at best, once a year, on Forest Day. According to statistics, forests cover 13% of the Earth, which is equal to more than 38 million sq. km. Nature is much smarter than a person Therefore, such a large and seemingly excessive amount of forest is necessary for life on the planet. But people think differently, we think like users, clients who have fallen on their heads natural resources. Therefore, since it exists, it means we have the right to use it at our own discretion.

Scary statistics

According to research, 1.5 hectares disappear every second on the planet virgin forest. Humanity needs to develop and the forest provides an excellent opportunity to feed itself, and at the same time clear the territory for future life. Remember the total area of ​​all the forests on the planet? It is equal to 38 million sq. km. So, to make it easier to understand the essence of the problem, just look at the history of the disappearance of the planet’s lungs over the past 10 thousand years. Man destroyed almost 26 million square meters. km., and as you might guess, the greatest damage to nature has been caused in the last few hundred years. To be fair, it must be said that it is not only humans who are to blame for the disappearance of forests; this also includes natural disasters: fires, earthquakes, hurricanes and other force majeure events.


Forests in our country are not just a huge resource, but a real national wealth, but the reduction of the national forest fund is not only our problem, but also the concern of all humanity. Firstly, it is ecology, and secondly, it is a serious component of the Russian budget. But where to draw the fairway, that line that must not be crossed under any circumstances. By thoughtlessly managing the forest today, we run the risk of turning once-rich timber areas into a real desert tomorrow. Therefore, the UN pays close attention to this problem and World Forest Day is an excellent occasion to once again think about the problems associated with the gradual deforestation of the Earth’s lungs. Our country ranks first in the world in terms of the number of forests, therefore in Russia there are many national programs that promote the development of the forest industry, and hence the conservation of resources. Forest Day is actively celebrated in our country, in different cities Forums, conferences and meetings are held in which people are told about the wealth they own. A fifth of total area world timber reserves belong to Russia. Perhaps this is why we are not too ceremonious with the forest and do not try to save wood consumption.

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