What is human inner strength? Human power


Even in the prehistoric period, when a person fought for his life in the world of wild animals, even then he understood that without health, dexterity and strength he could not resist. Hundreds of myths and legends tell of heroes defeating their enemies in unequal battles using force. There is no point in listing them; you know them very well. In the 21st century, when civilization and progress have reached the highest level, we must remember that man by nature is Living being

, which needs constant physical perfection. One of physical qualities

is strength.

Strength is a person’s ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort. The concept is also interpreted as the ability to exert muscular efforts of a certain magnitude.
Physiologists by muscle strength mean their ability to exert maximum tension. It is customary to distinguish between absolute and relative strength. Absolute Power characterizes the maximum strength of a person, relative - strength correlated with his mass. Absolute strength increases with increasing body weight. Relative

, on the contrary, decreases for every kilogram over 60. In life modern man

relative strength plays a dominant role. Factors that determine muscle strength include: age, gender, profession, lifestyle, heredity. They also leave their mark on the amount of muscle strength Times of Day And Seasons

. According to some data, its peaks occur at 9 o’clock and 18 o’clock, and decreases at 13 and especially at 15 o’clock. In progress individual development

The formation of the strength of individual muscle groups occurs unevenly: the muscles responsible for motor skills and posture develop faster, and small muscle groups develop more slowly. According to A.V. Korobkov, the optimal ratio of strength of various muscle groups ends by 16-17 years, absolute strength remains until 50-55 years.

Everything said above relates to static force, which manifests itself in a stationary position. Its development involves a regime in which the length of the muscle does not change. This mode is called isometric. To train using isometric exercises, it is enough to take a certain position and, holding the movement for 10-20 seconds, develop muscle tension. Most appropriate in one include 7-8 exercises, repeating each of them 3-5 times.

Static force, characterizing the actual power capabilities of a person, determines the level of other forms of force, in particular, dynamic force. This force is manifested when performing any work, for example, moving body weight. In this case, the muscles work either in an overcoming mode or in a yielding mode.

Means of developing dynamic strength are usually divided into exercises with external resistance, which uses objects of various weights, partner’s opposition, shock absorbers and exercises with weights equal to the weight of one’s own body. The fundamental difference lies not in the choice of means of resistance, but in its magnitude.

Currently, three methods of developing dynamic strength are generally accepted:
1) repeated efforts until failure;
2) maximum effort;
3) dynamic efforts.

The first method is characterized by long work - about 10-15 repetitions; for the second - work with weights equal to 75-100% of the maximum; for the third - work with light weight, but with high speed.

Most in an effective way Strength development is working with near-maximum and maximum weights or resistance. Maximum effort can be developed within a short period of time, since the human body is not able to withstand maximum muscle tension for a long time due to the lack of sufficient oxygen necessary for energy conversion.

After maximum effort, a rest of 3-5 minutes is necessary to restore performance.
When working with light weights or resistance to failure, the training effect is exerted mainly by the last attempts, in which nervous regulation is close in nature to the regulation that occurs when working with near-limit weight.

Developing strength with light weights has its benefits. At the same time, it is easy to control the correctness of movements and breathing, eliminating excessive muscle tightness and tension.

In class, you should not strive to accomplish as much as possible. more a variety of strength exercises. Exercises with high stress should definitely be alternated with exercises that require less effort.

Strength exercises are most effective if used at the beginning or middle of the main part of the workout.

A type of dynamic force is “explosive” force. The method of its development will be the method of dynamic efforts using various jumps, sprinting, throwing projectiles.
Breathing when performing strength exercises is of great importance and requires special regulation.

To avoid undesirable phenomena when performing strength exercises, you should follow the basic rules: 1) allow holding your breath only during short-term maximum exertion;
2) include in training exercises with extreme or close to extreme stress in a small volume;
3) you should not take a maximum breath before performing strength exercises, as this aggravates unwanted changes in the body when holding your breath.

It is advisable that practitioners inhale and exhale in the middle of a strength exercise, despite the fact that this may seem inconvenient to do.

Regular training adapts the body to the stress. Adaptation occurs faster if the order and sequence of exercises remain constant for a certain time. It is recommended to repeat a selected set of strength exercises, varying the amount of weight, the number of repetitions of the exercise and the number of approaches.

However, excessively long use of the same complex leads to the fact that its implementation becomes habitual and will cause small adaptive shifts. Therefore, it is recommended to change exercise sets once every 2-6 weeks.

It has been experimentally proven that training three times a week gives the greatest effect. These recommendations relate to general strength exercises, since performance in the most powerful muscle groups is restored relatively slowly.

"Let food and drink please internal organs, let the smell of food be pleasing to the sense of smell, let physical effort and rest be pleasing to the muscles and bones, let the sensations of heat and cold be pleasing to the skin.”

I would like to end my journey into the world of POWER with this wise instruction.
Go for it!

When I first started studying psychology, I realized how strong we humans are internally, but are usually not aware of it. I realized that a truly enormous strength lies hidden in a person, this is the strength of his spirit. However, since childhood, they have been trying to suppress this power of ours. This is understandable, because a depressed, morally weak person is very easy to manage. The human psyche is designed in such a way that he initially feels superior to others. The behavior of children is direct confirmation of this. The child's psyche is geared towards suppression, this is the same as that of animals who are trying to get ahead of their brothers and sisters in the fight for mother's milk.

We don't know who we are and why we are here, we can only guess about it. But we see that for our survival in this world, we have the most necessary qualities for this. But in social environment, humility, obedience, fear have been instilled in us for generations, so that it is postponed until genetic level. Thus our inner strength for many generations. The word “impossible” is just for such people with a depressed psyche. Ancient rituals, shamanic rituals, all of them were aimed at training the psyche. The North American Indians were finally exterminated only when all the shamans were destroyed. It was the shamans who made the warriors invincible, they pumped up their psyche so much that they were not afraid of anything, and if a person is not afraid of anything, it is impossible to defeat him.

In sports, in business, in any type of activity, strong character and fortitude are needed everywhere. This is everything, a person’s mental state, which can be trained or suppressed. Manipulation of people is the skillful use of psychological knowledge for the purpose of obtaining personal gain. And although I have been convinced more than once that all people can be manipulated, regardless of their mental state, yet people with weak psyches are susceptible to this to a much greater extent. You can find a key for any person, but weakling, it's simple opened door. But a person with a well-pumped psyche is an insurmountable wall. Character must be strengthened, the psyche must be trained.

Of course, there are people who are okay with this, these are not depressed people who are adjusted to life. They are like uncut stone; nothing is impossible for them. Everything in this life can be trained, and the psyche is no exception. If you were humiliated, suppressed, oppressed as a child, it’s not a problem, believe me. You can become a strong person, you can change and move away from your past, if only you stop putting up with your weakness and start working on yourself. You can do this yourself or with the help of a good specialist.

Today many people give great importance body cult: they play sports, lead healthy image life, eat right. This allows you to be energetic and physically strong. But in order for the mind and consciousness to also develop, it is necessary to take care of spiritual forces.

Before you can begin to nourish your spiritual power, you need to understand what it is. This is fortitude. In any religion, a person is considered a unity of spirit, soul and physical shell. The Lord, creating man, intended that the spirit would dominate in him. The hierarchical chain is as follows: the spirit is the main thing, the soul is subordinate to it, and the body can be called subordinate to the subordinate. Acquiring spiritual power is equal to allowing the spirit to enter into its rights and dictate to the soul and flesh how to live and act.

Strength of spirit is impossible without awareness of inner freedom. This means that the feeling of guilt must be abandoned, because it destroys a person and does not give any chance of progress. Instead of living with guilt, a person must accept responsibility for his life and begin to manage it.

To control your actions, you must learn to control what you do not do: refuse bad habits, condemnation of surrounding people, negative thinking. In any situation, you need to maintain the ability to stick to the chosen path, doing it without fear, but with full responsibility. The antonym of spiritual strength is weakness of spirit. To become strong, you need to reject everything that accompanies spiritual weakness.

Spiritual weakness

By nature, man is weak. This is described in most religious treatises. For example, according to the Bible, the flesh had an effect on man: he sinned, for which he was expelled from paradise.

As a result of a person’s spiritual weakness, not only he himself suffers. Those who are connected with him in any way have to experience mental and physical torment: family, love, industrial ties.

Weakness of spirit includes everything that harms a person and interferes with his internal development. For example, a state of irritation - common reason making wrong decisions. An irritated person judges other people more often than usual, is dissatisfied with circumstances and does not think about his true state, which prompts him to such behavior. As a result, he first walks in a circle and then falls down.

Developing Spiritual Power

It is necessary to learn to notice conditions that characterize weakness of spirit. For example, fear, anger and a feeling of disappointment, engulfing a person, deprive him of spiritual strength. Under the influence of these emotions, people blame others or circumstances for personal failures.

In such a situation, you should stop transferring your negative emotions on others. Everything that happens to us is, in one way or another, our own fault. Having realized this, we are forced to take the next step: try to get out of an unfavorable situation on our own.

Other important rule- stop judging. The subject of accusation may be constantly before one's eyes, but a person should not judge others, because he himself is not without sin. By acting as a contemplative, you can calm your emotions and consider the situation from new perspectives.

Additionally, by being constantly open to the world, we can better understand the reasons why we combust internally. This will allow you to learn to control yourself, since only those who have found and recognized it in themselves can eliminate internal weakness.

When fear is defeated and the need to control the actions and desires of others disappears, you can move on to further movement on the path to spiritual strength. It includes eight important points:

  1. Development of self-expression. A person will be able to express personal beliefs and aspirations, freely tell others about them, because he is responsible for what comes out of it all.
  2. Application of forces in real life. In order for the spirit to be healthy and strong, and the body to emit light, you need to perform certain actions, which can be expressed in proper nutrition, physical activity, attending religious events.
  3. Communication. When interacting with other people, we exchange with them not only our views on life, but also our energy. If it is positive, it charges us for action, helping to make desires come true.
  4. Constant inspiration and self-motivation. At the beginning of any action lies an idea, a dream. For it to arise, the ability to be inspired is required.
  5. Readiness for manifestation means the need to translate the energy of inspiration into action, transferring it into the real dimension.
  6. The ability to discriminate - to know when you need to express yourself, and when it is better to remain inactive and silent. At this time, other people gain the strength to find and voice their opinions. But a spiritually developed person understands that he is responsible only for his own spiritual growth, and considers it right to teach others, showing them an example.
  7. Maintaining balance. One should always adhere to the middle path, which manifests itself in moderation in everything. This makes it possible to truly enjoy life without going to extremes and radiating harmony and peace.
  8. The need to go beyond. After mastering the seven aspects of spiritual power, you will develop the ability to move beyond the boundaries of old rigid beliefs, exploring life and gaining new skills.

To be a spiritually strong person means to follow a path that is inaccessible to ordinary people who do not dare to overcome their weaknesses. Having become enlightened, a person will be able to explore the unknown, because he will feel in himself all the skills and resources necessary for this. But this will not happen until he curbs his own ego, becomes harmonious, full of happiness, beauty and peace. Then not only the spiritual, but also the material world will open to him.

Having spiritual strength also means letting God into you. And God is a synonym for joy, delight, happiness. A constantly dissatisfied, sad, problem-laden person can never be close to the divine.

Why do people need spiritual powers?

Willpower and fortitude are close in meaning and expression. To put it simply, the spirit manifests itself where a person analyzes the desires of his soul and gives them a value assessment: is this desire good, good or not? The Spirit knows what is right and what is harmful. Therefore, willpower is close to the power of spirit - it teaches people to do what they should.

A person with spiritual strength can be called one who has patience and perseverance. He finds the strength and courage to be cheerful even in moments of grief and sadness. Therefore, where there is spirit, there is usually willpower. Man is like a reed. When the weather is calm, all the reeds stand straight, but as soon as the wind blows, some of them bend and break under its pressure. A person who is strong in spirit remains firm and unshakable. Thanks to this, he can conquer those around him, because strength is attractive. Then they will begin to look closely at him, listen to his advice, become better, and reach up after him.

All people should strive to be strong, because weakness does not lead to goodness, it drives you into despondency and sadness. Internal comfort gives rise to external comfort; any opposition destroys it.

The action of the power of thought

It is very difficult to control feelings. But a person endowed with fortitude can easily take control of his thoughts. Thoughts have very great power over our lives. They can attract positive and negative situations. If you learn to control your consciousness, dreams and desires will easily come true.

Positive thoughts attract good experiences to us, negative thoughts attract negative ones. They often say: what you fear will definitely happen to you. As a rule, this is what happens. We set ourselves up for one or another outcome of the situation, program it, and life recreates it for us.

But, while dreaming about something, you should be active in life. In addition, you will need to change your way of thinking: instead of “I can’t” and “I don’t want,” you need to say in your mind “I can” and “I want.”

Getting rid of dark thoughts By having a good attitude, we help ourselves maintain health. Our body reflects what is happening in our inner world. Therefore, we can absolutely conclude that mental health a person shapes him physical state. To be healthy and harmonious on the outside, you need to achieve health and harmony on the inside.

We all know people who have lived unhappy lives, blaming bad times, bad surroundings and chance. But at any time, even during wars, there were those who knew how to live happily and make those around them happy. The whole point is that you need to pull yourself together in time and work on your soul as well as on your body. Success is largely determined by our inner strength, which can also be called fortitude. The people who have developed presence of mind are strong.

There is no need to confuse such human qualities as simple kindness and generosity. A kind person can be kind for some of his own reasons, for example, he wants to please everyone and therefore shows himself to be kind, or he can be kind because he does not dare to object to someone, because by nature he is a weak person. A person can also be kind because it benefits him, that is, they treat him kindly and he pays kindly, or he is kind to someone who is useful to him.

A generous person is a human nature that is not characterized by personal gain or weakness of character. A generous person does good because he cannot tolerate injustice and see the pain of other people. Therefore, I am sure that only strength lies in generosity.

Definitely, generous people can be called strong.

Let's argue this statement. To begin with, let's give an example of one of the definitions of generosity:

Now let’s remember what synonyms are suitable for the word “generosity” - selflessness, generosity, greatness of soul, nobility. As we see, all these qualities can only be possessed by strong man.

A generous person thinks not only about himself and does not put his own interests above the interests of other people. The word itself consists of two - great soul, i.e. a strong, independent personality.

Only a strong person can show generosity to his enemy, so being generous is not so easy.

Generosity, one of good quality in humans. A generous person is a strong person. He can forgive, which means that the person is very strong and can hardly be called weak. Weakness is the inability to stand up for oneself in certain situations. This person can then be called weak. But can a weak person be generous? I think it still can. For example, take the famous work Crime and Punishment. Can you call Sonya weak? No, she is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of others, for the sake of her family. Many people condemn her actions. She is a strong person. Knows how to suffer and help those in need.

Even the word “generosity” itself gives an answer to the question posed, since the “great soul” consists of two. A great man can hardly be called weak; if he has such moments in his life, he will certainly make sure that no one sees these manifestations. It is people with big soul They can forgive their enemy, the one who greatly offended, but on the contrary, they will show weakness in revenge, especially if it is done on the sly. A good example of a generous person is Savelich from the work “The Captain's Daughter”. No matter how his Grinev humiliated him, the old man forgave all insults and was even ready to go to certain death instead of his Petrusha.

An inherently negative quality or trait of human character, property human personality- weakness - cannot manifest itself in the greatness of the human soul - in generosity. From weakness you can be cruel, from weakness you can be vengeful and evil, from weakness you can betray, from weakness you can lie and dissemble, dodge, weakness is a product of human vices rather than the basis of the beauty of a person’s soul - his generosity. Generosity is associated with kindness, with the moral and spiritual strength of a person, with the purity of his thoughts. Generosity reveals a person's strength, but not his weakness.

Generosity is great mental strength, which not everyone can handle in an hour.

To be generous means to be able to forgive, to be above insults.

If we take as an example the work “War and Peace” in which Andrei Balkonsky forgives Anatoly, his sworn enemy and Natasha, who betrayed him, then this shining example generosity on Andrey's part. He was able to forget everything and let go of the desire for revenge.

Another example of generosity in the work “The Captain's Daughter”. Pugachev shows generosity. He is generous to Pyotr Grinev, he lets Masha Mironova go.

Not everyone is able to forget grievances, let go of evil and the desire for revenge. Generosity is only possible for people with great willpower and spirit.

Of course, generosity is a strength, not a weakness.

Only a strong-willed person is able to show generosity, forgive his enemy, and be a noble and honest person.

Revenge is unlikely to make a person happy, since this feeling destroys, it does not allow a person to develop.

A good example of revenge and generosity is the image of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel “War and Peace”; at first the prince was determined to take revenge and wanted to destroy his enemy Anatoly Kuragin.

But later, in the face of death, he finds the strength to generously forgive him, and in this he reveals himself as a strong personality.

Generosity is one of the virtues of a person; unfortunately, not everyone is endowed with this quality.

Maybe someone may think generosity is weakness and revenge is strength. But in reality this is not so, not many will be able to forgive someone for something, most will take revenge, considering revenge to be a manifestation of force. In fact, the ability to forgive, not to flare up right away, to understand and forgive: this is what strength is.

This is what the Russian Empress Catherine the Second said about generosity.

Revenge will bring no benefit to anyone other than satisfying your appetites, that's what Aristotle said on this matter.

I think the answer to this question depends on each person's point of view.

What is generosity? This is a character trait that is not inherent in every person. Generosity is nobility, the ability to sacrifice one’s interests for the sake of the interests of another person, the ability to forgive, condescension to the mistakes and shortcomings of those around him, spiritual generosity, the ability to refuse revenge.

I think there will be people who consider a generous person weak. Such people cannot understand how you can forgive an offender, how you can think about others first and yourself last, how you can be generous if you yourself don’t have enough. For them, all this is a sign of weakness.

In fact, all the qualities inherent in a generous person do not even speak, but shout about the strength, the fortitude of this person. To give up revenge, forgive the shortcomings of those around you, sympathize with others, and bring good to people, you need to be a very strong, persistent, unbending person.

Generosity, or in other words, greatness of soul, is revealed in the fact that people with this quality have the ability to sacrifice personal interests and make great concessions, to be selfless in providing human kindness.

Russian literature, of course, gives detailed answers to all the most difficult questions.

For example, "Crime and Punishment". Dostoevsky is confident that our world will not fall apart as long as people like Sonechka live in this world. For the author, Sonechka is the highest degree of human generosity; look at her readiness to sacrifice herself for the sake of her young sisters and brother.

It seems that Sonechka seems weak to us, but in fact she is strong. Its strength manifests itself in generosity.

The ability to sympathize and selflessly help those in need is generosity. I think this is the inner strength of a real person. This is a wonderful quality that, of course, few people possess.

In this article we will talk about how to develop inner strength.

It will be said more than once that simply reading articles on this site will clearly not be enough, articles are only a direction for action, the key is action, how to act has been described more than once in other articles. Only practice and nothing but practice will help you.

The topic of our article is about inner strength. In general, people have a very vague idea of ​​everything related to the inner world, simply because they have never looked inside themselves. Very rarely did anyone do this. This is due to the fact that a person does not even know how to do this; besides, people are absorbed in the illusions of their mind and the outside world.

People simply don't have time to listen to themselves. Of course, only people who start, begin to understand what internal strength or fortitude, inner core, and so on, call it what you want, the essence does not change. In this article we will learn how to develop

inner strength, and of course action is also important, knowledge is clearly not enough here. Lots of action.

What is inner strength

Inner strength is, first of all, complete balance, sobriety, clarity of vision, the ability to follow one’s own path, to be able to
to give in where it is necessary and where it is not necessary, deep inner peace, balance. It would take a long time to list them in words.

Inner strength is feelings, so feelings are not easy to describe in words and each person's feelings are different. Inner strength is more important than outer strength. The strength of spirit is always felt in a person. It is difficult to break such a person, simply because he does not resist, but, on the contrary, accepts what is and simply deviates from the pressure, rather than running into the wall.

This can be compared with martial arts, where they prefer to use the enemy’s energy against him.

Here is another example, if the branch is huge, then when snow falls it accumulates on the branch, when there is a lot of snow on the branch, it simply cannot stand it and breaks simply because it resists pressure and does not show flexibility, and
a small branch simply bends and throws snow onto the ground and straightens up again.

So we can safely say that one of the features of internal strength is present moment, not resistance to it. Yield. Of course, everything depends on the situation, and each person should feel for themselves when to take it and when not to. Everything that concerns life situations here you always need to be in acceptance of what is, but when it comes to contact with people, it happens that you need to defend your worldview and point of view. Again, everyone decides for themselves depending on the situation.

What is the inner center

Inner strength only becomes unshakable (but does not mean rigid, completely flexible) when it does not depend on the outside world. How to make the inner world independent of the influences of the external world, so that the inner strength is unshakable and does not depend on the external?

It is important to understand what is in your center. That is, in first place. The center can be money, family, children, girlfriend, spouse, work, or anything external. Basically, this is how things work for the average person. When this happens, when there is something external in your center, then you don’t even have to talk about any internal strength or strength of spirit, since wherever the external wind blows, there you will fly, like a leaf in the wind.

The outside world is always changing - this is the law, in outside world Changes always occur, which means your inner center or strength will be vulnerable.

If your center is money, you will always be afraid of losing it, the same goes for everything else, the children will grow up and leave you.

Therefore, it is better to have life principles in the inner center that do not depend on the external world. The principles will not leave you, they will not betray you, they will not depreciate, and no matter how the outside world changes, the principles will always remain unchanged. Below are examples of internal principles that can be used by you, and you can also come up with your own principles that are closest to you.

Examples of internal life principles:

  • perceive everything in your life not as a reason for pity, but as a living challenge;
  • in life it is not conversations that are important, but actions;
  • act not for profit, but for the sake of the spirit;
  • gratitude for what is;
  • responsibility for your life and decisions;
  • non-resistance to the flow of life, acceptance of what is and active action to solve the “problems” that have arisen;
  • do not complain, do not regret;
  • don't doubt decisions taken, doubt before making decisions, but not after;
  • act without believing, without expecting rewards;
  • always be calm and collected and never loosen your grip.

You can come up with your own principles or use those that already exist. The best principles that this moment Yes, this is, I recommend introducing them into your life. Of course, not everything is worth using, some will not suit you, but some will be in tune with you, you need to feel it.

Cut off the strings connecting the inner world with the outer world

What does it mean. This means creating such an internal world that nothing can influence it from the outside. Whatever is going on in the outside world, so that it doesn’t throw you off balance. Even though bombs are exploding around you, be calm and collected always and under any circumstances.

This requires awareness, and indeed, it has been said more than once that awareness is the key to everything. Only conscious person can look inside himself.

How to cut off threads:

  • get rid of feelings of guilt and shame so that you cannot be manipulated;
  • get rid of grievances;
  • get rid of the feeling of self-importance;
  • get rid of the fear of death;
  • get rid of self-pity;
  • get rid of the victim consciousness;
  • take 100% responsibility for your life;
  • love yourself;
  • let go of judgments and expectations;

You can say this, develop an awareness that can monitor you and not allow it to enslave you.

This is a very huge internal work, you need a lot of actions, and for these actions to be effective, you also need knowledge. Only knowledge and actions together give rise to experience that you are aware of and it gives you some benefit.


  • awaken, the only way you will feel your inner world at all;
  • create an inner center of your principles that are in tune with your inner world, and live in accordance with them, when you need to, you can calmly change them, and under no circumstances should you keep your center in the external, changeable world.
  • develop awareness and observe the ego in yourself, and its tools such as pity, fears, resentment, shame, guilt, and so on;
  • love yourself and learn to accept yourself as you are and the world, live in surrender or acceptance;
  • act and only act, only then will there be a real result, when knowledge and actions are combined, experience is born, this is exactly why you were born, not just to know, but to feel, for this you were given a body.

Thank you for your attention, you can always contact me through

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