What is a family school? How to organize family homeschooling. Will it be possible to return to normal training?

home The day came when I made up my mind and went to school for an appointment with the director to officially register my daughter for family education. The director began to offer alternative options: distance learning, full-time and distance learning. Having received a decisive “no,” she sent me to the head teacher. Everything repeated there. We talked for an hour about my child as if we were speaking in English. different languages

  1. . As a result, I left with nothing: the head teacher asked me to come at the end of the winter holidays so that I could carefully weigh everything again and leave the child at school. I was confused, and then I began to study blogs on family education, especially those sections that related to the transition to CO. And I found out: I’m not the only one with this problem. Schools are very reluctant to let children go to homeschooling. This is due to two facts:
  2. they are afraid of lowering the school's performance;

they will receive less money (they say they receive none at all).

If you immediately attach yourself to a school for external studies, this is normal and even good. But if you study at school and then switch to external studies, this is not welcome.

What is external education and how does it relate to family education?

Now, according to the law, there is no such form of training as external study. It remained only as a form of certification. That is, children in family education leave the permanent student population and are assigned to it as external students while undergoing certification.

We collect documents for the transition to family education

Returning home very angry with myself, I decided to prepare well for my next visit to school. It turned out to be quite simple. I went to the website of the education department of our region and there I found everything I needed.

Regulations “On the organization of the provision of educational services in the form of family education”

It followed from it that parents could transfer their child to family education at their own discretion, taking into account the child’s opinion. That is, there is no need to indicate illness, relocation or any other reasons. It’s just the desire for a family and that’s all.

There I also found a form for notifying the regional Department of Education about the transition to CO

All that remains is to find an application for the transition to family education. It turned out that it was written in any form. Take the “header” from the document above. And the text will be something like this:
“I ask that the child be expelled from the student body at such-and-such a school in connection with the transition to family education from such-and-such a date.” Put the date and signature.

After holidays

After the holidays, I came to school with the documents already filled out and printed. She said decisively that she had not changed her mind. And the head teacher took all the documents from me, asking me to come back in two weeks. The first official step has been taken.

If you decide to transfer your child to family education, first of all go to the website of your education department and find the section “About family education” or something similar. Sometimes it is a subsection “About education”

Family education and the new Law on Education in the Russian Federation

At first, the authors of the bill simply forgot about family education, which is why in the first version of the draft law this form of education was absent altogether. In response to this forgetfulness, a wave of indignation arose, and in the next version of the draft law family education was returned.

All forms of education according to the new law are divided into two categories: students receive education in organizations engaged in educational activities and outside these organizations. The second category includes family education and self-education.

So what are the features of the Education Law?

If previously students were part of the main population of the school, now this will not be the case, because they receive education “outside educational organization" Where previously student certification was not regulated by law, the only way An agreement between parents and the school remained to determine the rules of conduct of the parties; now the law clearly states that students undergo intermediate and final external certification. But if necessary, it is possible to organize the educational process.

Subjects of the Federation independently adopt documents regulating the organization of family education, and, consequently, the payment of monetary compensation. New law about education brought many disappointments to many parents who practice family education and previously received money from the state.

As for the second significant change, it brought relief to many parents. After all, before the new Law, they had to come to school for endless tests, tests, bring notebooks with completed homework, etc. etc. Now there are only intermediate and final certifications.

Previously, parents who wanted to take their child out of school had two options for education: external education and family education.
Externship is selfeducation followed by certification at school.

In Moscow, this form of education existed for many years. It is safe to say that at least 10-15% of graduates annually graduated from school in the form of external studies. True, students switched to external studies already in high school, usually in the 10th grade, less often in the 9th grade.

At first, this was done in order to be able to combine studying at school with attending preparatory courses at universities, classes in which were held two to three times a week.

The introduction of the Unified State Exam not only did not stop the process of students leaving school, but also accelerated it.

With family education, the situation was more complicated. The procedure for organizing and financing family education has not been regulated by law: articles of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, providing for the payment of additional Money in the amount of education costs, became invalid due to the adoption Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ, after which all issues regarding the organization of family education were resolved at the regional level.
One can imagine the variety of demands that were placed on parents who decided to switch to family education. Very often this turned into a long-term confrontation not only with the school, but also with educational authorities.

Family education before the new Law on Education in the Russian Federation

The old Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” provided for the following forms of education: full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence, family education, self-education, external studies. All of them were named as separate and independent forms of education.

However, over all the years of the existence of the Education Law and these forms of education, federal regulations were adopted only for external studies and family education, and the provision for family education lost force in 2004.

Self-education was not regulated in any way. Extramural was spelled out quite well in the Moscow regulations of 2007.
The lack of clear formulations about each form of education in the Law itself, as well as the general absence of federal provisions regulating these forms, led to the fact that, in addition to full-time education, only family education and external education were widely used.

At the regional level, forms of education were regulated extremely rarely; most of the regional regulations were adopted under serious pressure from parents, and even then after the approval of the Moscow regulations.

The lack of a sufficient legal framework has put both schools and parents in a difficult situation. After all, when choosing an alternative form of education, it is useless for parents to refer to the Education Law directly at school. The school had to develop syllabus and receive funding for its implementation. And if curriculum requirements and funding sources are not defined, the school refuses to accept the student for this form.

Education authorities are obliged to ensure the implementation of the rights of students and parents granted by the Education Law. The absence in the region of schools that operate in alternative forms of education should end with the personal responsibility of the heads of educational authorities.

Therefore, it is not enough to prescribe one form or another in the law: it is necessary either to adopt federal provisions, or to delegate the regulation of forms entirely to the regions. Otherwise, achieving the realization of the right to family education is extremely difficult.

In April 2013, at a round table in Public Chamber The topic of family education was discussed. Parents took part in the round table and spoke about numerous violations of their rights to choose education in the form of family education. And the main reason for such violations is the lack of regulation of family education at the federal level.

In the end, even going to court does not help. For example, in Lipetsk region The court of first instance in its decision stated that in the absence of regional regulatory documents, the right to family education provided for by federal law cannot be realized, and it remains “purely declarative.”

This situation with family education arose after the repeal of articles of the Russian Federation Law “On Education”, which provided for the payment of additional funds in the amount of education costs, in connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004.

Nevertheless, a lot of practical experience has been accumulated in the use of family education and external studies in educational institutions. In Moscow, both external education and family education have been practiced for many years. Moreover, Moscow continued to pay monetary compensation to parents for family education in the past academic year. Of course, not everything is so simple in Moscow, but still these issues are being resolved.

At the same time, external education was mainly used in the capital, which was primarily due to the presence of a federal provision on external education. External education as a form of education had already been well established in Moscow; students and parents understood what awaited them when switching to this form. And in contrast to the external study, the wording of the Model Regulations on receiving general education in the family (no longer valid) and the Moscow regulations of 2007 allowed the school to create very difficult conditions, which sometimes negated all the benefits of family education. A school, for example, might require a student to regularly turn in completed homework books or write test papers along with the class.

According to the new law, family education is an out-of-school form of education. In other words, the school cannot interfere or control this process in any way. However, as before. However, in earlier times the law was quite vague about this, which schools could take advantage of by interfering with educational process and dictating their rules to parents. Now everything is spelled out very clearly and clearly.

Not everyone understands what family education is, often confusing it with external education or home schooling. Actually it's three quite three different types education. In external studies, the child is not listed on the list of students of a particular educational institution. He gains knowledge on his own, having the opportunity to master the program faster than schoolchildren (for example, programs of two classes in one year). He confirms his knowledge by passing intermediate and final certifications in educational institution, which has state accreditation. After completing the entire program and passing all exams, he receives a state certificate.

A home-schooled child does not attend school due to health conditions based on certificates issued by a medical institution. With this form of education, the school controls and helps parents organize the educational process.

Family education can be compared to external studies - the child also gains knowledge on his own and confirms it by passing exams, then he is given a certificate. However, there is a significant difference: he is listed as a student at a specific school, which provides him with textbooks and other necessary materials. At the same time, the educational institution controls the quality of the knowledge acquired (by certifications), but not the educational process itself.

The regulations on family education give the right to switch to this form of education to a student of any class. If for some reason the child decides that such an opportunity to gain knowledge is not suitable for him, he can return back to school and participate in the educational process on an equal basis with other children.

IN " family conditions» You can get primary, basic and secondary education. All of them involve passing intermediate and final certifications in accordance with the curriculum and procedure of the educational institution. The exception is family preschool education– in this case, certification is not required.

If parents want to independently engage in the educational process of their child, they need to submit an application to the school that their child attends to transfer the student to family education. An agreement is drawn up, which stipulates in detail the subtleties of the child’s “cooperation” with the school (timing of certifications, requirements for passing them, etc.). Often such an agreement is concluded orally.

Family education and self-education

Why transfer a child to out-of-school education if he does not have health problems that prevent him from attending an educational institution? In fact, there can be many reasons. Family education and self-education are advisable if the child:

  • has no interest in communicating with peers, does not become part of the team;
  • is bullied by other children or teachers and, due to anxiety, cannot fully concentrate on school;
  • more talented and developed than his classmates, many of general program he already knows, so he needs individual tasks;
  • is seriously involved in creative activities (dancing, gymnastics, etc.) and due to constant classes, training or competitions, does not have time to attend school on an equal basis with everyone else.

Family education is also relevant in cases where parents are not satisfied with the established order at school. For example, a teacher because large quantity students do not have time to devote enough time to each student, which is why the child may have problems with the subject.

The family form of education has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following:

  • devote more time to subjects for which the child has special abilities;
  • choosing your own mode and pace of learning (if, for example, at school a child has mastered the material before his classmates, he must wait until the teacher moves on to the next stage, but at home he can calmly move on or study other subjects);
  • diversify the educational process, make it more exciting, based on the characteristics and wishes of the child (if at school the student is forced to be content with what is offered to him, then the parents act according to his interests: for example, they organize not “for show”, but in order to the child watched what he wanted);
  • introduction of additional subjects that may not exist at school at all.

Education in the form of family education allows a child to become independent much faster, learn to make decisions and bear responsibility, because he has to master the bulk of the material on his own. Of course, his parents help him, but the main burden falls on his shoulders. Statistics show that children educated at home do better in exams than many school-educated children. main reason is that the child does not have the opportunity to shirk learning the material. If a survey at school is a kind of roulette, and the student may not complete homework, hoping that he will not be called, then his parents will monitor his knowledge daily. This allows the child to learn to take school more seriously. In addition, such children, as a rule, are determined in their choice much earlier than others. future profession.

The disadvantages of family education are the lack of:

  • daily communication with peers and experience building relationships within the team, which may affect the future;
  • healthy competition (the child does not have the opportunity to compare the level of his knowledge with that of other children);
  • strict framework (such students will make excellent entrepreneurs, bosses, representatives creative professions, but it will be quite difficult for them to work under someone else in the office and unquestioningly obey a superior person in the future).

Therefore, before choosing a form of education for your child, such as self-education, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons and understand what will be best for your child.

You also need to understand that the family form of education requires parents (at least one) to have a large amount of free time. By at least, if your child has not yet left the junior school age. Students in grades 5-11 are quite capable of studying for the most part on one's own. Parental help, as a rule, is required only in especially difficult cases. Parents should also check daily how their child is mastering the program and completing test tasks. It’s more difficult with younger children – they need help almost constantly. And what if we're talking about about a first-grader, then mom or dad will need to be constantly present in classes, helping the child deal with information that is new to him.

However, parents do not have to shoulder all the efforts. You can invite teachers once or twice a week. But this is already fraught with additional costs.

Organization of family education

In order for homework to produce results, it is necessary to organize it correctly. educational process. If possible, provide your child with a “learning” room designed exclusively for gaining knowledge. This will help him quickly learn to differentiate between study and rest. The room should be bright, decorated so that nothing distracts the child from what is important. It should not be designed in shades that irritate the eyes or distract attention. Furnish the room with comfortable furniture. If it is not possible to allocate a separate room for classes, organize a “study zone” in the child’s room.

Organizing family education requires a clear schedule of classes and a curriculum. The lesson schedule should be drawn up according to the child’s biorhythms (if he is not happy to start studying early in the morning, do not insist) and taking into account additional activities (sports, music, etc.).

For many years I have been observing a typical situation: parents, having read rave reviews about homeschooling, or home schooling for children, enrolled their child in an individual education plan, and then found out that they could not cope with their studies. The child has no motivation to look at the textbook, the mother has no desire to “stand over the soul,” and the father has completely withdrawn from doing math assignments together.

As a result, homeschooling is recognized as ineffective, disappointment knows no bounds, and moms’ forums are filled with regular discussions and sarcastic comments. At the same time, no one understands that the wrong approach was initially taken.

Homeschooling is no easier. It is better

You should not take your child to home schooling, if mom naively believes that she will feel better. There will be no need to go to parent meetings, pay fees, listen to angry rebuke from teachers and swear about academic performance. Yes, this is a pleasant “bonus” of home education, but you should immediately understand the most important thing: the child does not motivate himself to study school subjects.

Because our children are no more stupid than us, and they perfectly understand the uselessness of the school curriculum. Just imagine that tomorrow your boss will order you to learn articles from Wikipedia by heart every day, completely free of charge. Moreover, randomly, on topics that are uninteresting to you, which you cannot apply in your professional field.

Answer yourself honestly: can you do this? Will one of your colleagues or family be able to motivate you to spend several hours of your life every day memorizing unnecessary facts? Of course, you don’t understand why you should do this when you don’t get paid for it, the activity doesn’t give you pleasure, and it has no practical value. And in the same way, the child does not understand why he needs to learn by heart this strange set of facts, which, if necessary, can be instantly Googled.

At school, the motivation is teacher intimidation. There are a number of mechanisms to force a child to cram unnecessary knowledge into himself. Calling to the board, loud humiliation for the whole class, sweeping inscriptions in the diary, the ability to turn the reference group of children against the “loser” and other familiar Soviet methods of education.

A child who is afraid of punishment is forced to protect himself by fulfilling the stupidest demands. But parents don’t have these aggressive mechanisms; they don’t want to yell at their beloved child. Therefore, you will be powerless and will not be able to force your child to study.

But how do other parents do it?

The difference between successful parents and ordinary mothers who failed to cope with the family education of the child, in the correct ideological approach. Psychologically literate parents consider the development of the child’s personality, his time, interests and professional prospects in the future to be more important and valuable than the material and time costs required for this.

These parents do not take their child out of school to make things easier for them. On the contrary, they understand what kind of work and responsibility it is. And family education is an opportunity for a child to be happier, to realize his human potential, to maximize all his talents, and not just those that are approved by the Ministry of Education.

Thinking parents understand that the school curriculum was progressive two hundred years ago, but does not meet modern realities. We see that simple physical labor is no longer in demand. Huge automatic lines operate in factories, transport is controlled unmanned, robotic vacuum cleaners clean homes, and even windows can be washed using autonomous technology.

That is, routine physical labor in the world of the future will not be needed by anyone - people will be replaced by robots. Similarly, there will be no need for petty officials and office clerks - the routine will be carried out with the help computer programs. Millions of people are already unemployed because they do not have the knowledge relevant to the changed world. It is stupid and naive to turn a blind eye to progress and force a child to sew an apron during a labor lesson, when this time would be worth spending on studying modern computer technologies.

Why shouldn't you homeschool your child?

And not to increase the number of opponents of homeschooling who have not figured out why the child failed to study on his own? All unsuccessful cases of attempts at family formation come down to two options.

The first option is when the child is pedagogically neglected because he sits all day with a tablet and games, does not study anything, does not go to sections and clubs, and does not communicate with peers. And his mother is busy writing angry reprimands in in social networks while dad earns money for the family. Such parents do not care how their offspring develops. In this case, it is really worth taking your child to school.

The second option is when parents believe that for some reason school subjects are very necessary, but they cannot force the child to engage in useless labor.

There is also no point in switching to an individual education plan if the parents are less educated than the teachers at school and do not have the knowledge that they could effectively transfer to the child.

Let's talk about those parents who are successful in organizing family education and in discovering the talents of their children. What is their main advantage? The fact is that they voice out loud to the child their position regarding school and interaction with it.

Educational program- an obligatory phenomenon, and you just need to get rid of it, so that the aunts from the guardianship service do not come and say that the parents are maliciously depriving the child of the right to education. Therefore, school must be treated as a necessary evil. And pass all those subjects that the state requires children to know with a minimum satisfactory score.

A successful mother conveys the following position to her child: you and I are on the same team and we will solve this problem together. Let's think about how to learn what you need, prepare for tests or exams. There is a law, there is a requirement of the state, and it is better not to come into conflict with it.

Parents and children decide together whether school subjects will be studied in online or offline courses, perhaps videos on Youtube will help or classes with a tutor will be needed. Someone will be lucky: the child will be able to independently study the subject using materials from the Internet. There are distance schools with training via Skype. In any case, the child has the opportunity to decide for himself which form of presentation of the material he likes best.

With an effective approach to studying the compulsory program, basic study takes only a couple of hours a day. This frees up a lot of time for the child to enthusiastically and with interest acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities needed in their future profession and adult life.

Children together with their parents decide how best to organize free time, what to do and what skills to master. Passionate about something separate subject There is no need to motivate children at all - very quickly the level of knowledge of such a teenager begins to exceed the knowledge of both classmates and the average teacher.

How to Make Homeschooling Effective

You don’t have to try to pretend to be a teacher and sadly sit down in front of your child with a textbook. First, make sure that he acquires the most important skill - fast processing of information. This is where the learning process at home begins. Speed ​​reading, development of memory and attention, logic and structuring of information are easily mastered by a child in specialized courses.

After these practical skills have been acquired and practiced, the child can easily master any subjects where they only need to read, remember and retell. In fact, with this approach to learning, a child who can read very quickly, completely remember what he read, analyze information, extract main ideas and see the structure of the text, putting it in the form of sequential logical diagrams, will not have any problems with studying.

As for classes with tutors, in all subjects teachers are not needed with this approach. In the lower grades, a teacher in Russian language and mathematics is sufficient; in the older grades, physics and chemistry will be added. At the same time, the child always understands: his grades are nothing more than a formality. And parental love has nothing to do with grades.

Unfortunately, very often I see homeschoolers being deliberately and unfairly under-graded. According to statistics, “family students” are among the worst students, and often, based on the results of real knowledge tests, they turn out to be much more intellectually developed than the best students in their classes.

My personal experience with family education

Successful parents look at what aptitudes and talents a child has and strive to develop these characteristics. For example, my eldest daughter I studied chess and was the city champion. Now she is interested in breakdancing and wins international competitions.

She's great at photography and already has an original YouTube channel that even me, an adult, really enjoys watching.

She wants to go to high school in the USA, and therefore, at the age of fourteen, she completely independently found herself online training courses English language and mastered it at the Intermediate level and in preparation for the difficult SSAT exam. She reads a lot and independently studies issues that interest her, such as marketing or macroeconomics.

At the same time, in the 9th grade of a Belarusian general education school, she receives C grades during training according to an individual plan (OPIP). Amazing, right? Points are lowered for the most unexpected reasons, for example, because she read full version story, and not an abbreviation from a textbook.

And whose opinion about a child’s abilities should be considered more authoritative: a mother who sees that a fourteen-year-old girl copes with tasks that many adults cannot do, or teachers who enthusiastically paint students’ diaries with C’s for disobedience and being different from others?

My middle daughter is a very talented artist, and despite the fact that she is actually a child, she can be called a professional. Her paintings have been successfully selling for two years now. She is very sensitive, and if she goes to school for only a few days, then after that she gets sick from stress. Now she is enrolled in the 8th grade of a Belarusian school on an individual basis, since my middle daughter is an individual whose talents will not be developed at school. She does web design, goes to art classes and, like her eldest, loves to read.

And no one does homework with both of them at home; we have no control over their relationship with school at all, considering this issue entirely the teenager’s responsibility. And the girls understand perfectly well that failure minimum score even one subject will lead to them being removed from the individual plan (alas, the laws are like that in Belarus).

And, of course, they don’t want to go to school every day. There is enough shock from communicating with teachers when they come to write a test with the class or hand in the material they have covered. Therefore, the girls decide for themselves whether they will study what is necessary to get grades in courses, with a tutor, or on their own.

It is worth noting another obvious advantage of family education: children get sick less, and illnesses go away easier and faster than in schoolchildren. Many parents noticed this when a very ill child was transferred to home schooling, and he suddenly became completely healthy.

Let me sum it up. If the interests, talents and health of children, their personal self-realization and the maximum development of human potential for parents are higher than any expenses, nerves and efforts, then such an attitude makes family education successful.

And all the parents who didn’t succeed simply don’t understand the harm of stereotyped patterns. They do not believe that they understand the talents and potential of their child better than strangers from not the most prestigious bureaucracy. Therefore, they quickly give up and return the child to school.

Our task as parents is to think about the future of our children. Not about the immediate future (enrolling in some university), but about the long term: what will the child work like in 30 years? Will he be able to become a happy and fulfilled person?


07/21/2018 17:02:23, m.rostovtseva

An empty, boastful article... but the discussion turned out to be surprisingly interesting and informative, there is something to think about!
Thanks to the regular participants of the conference))

Family education is not suitable for those who do not want to do it and are not serious about it.
Those who want will find opportunities, those who don’t want will find a thousand arguments against.
In my opinion, family education is good because it has a lot of different different options. From family and alternative schools and school at home to unschooling.
Anyone who wants can do it high technology and science, whoever wants - handicrafts, creativity and agriculture.

If we abstract from the tone of the article - everything is very harsh and categorical, there are countless shades and halftones in life, and the same number of options for successful education - I can agree with one idea unconditionally. Family education is categorically not suitable for parents who require their children to master all the nuances of the school curriculum within externally established deadlines (grade-based certification). That is, an attempt to literally reproduce school at home, with hourly attendance at lessons. Most often, both sides are quickly disappointed, at least.

In all other cases this can be perfectly implemented. This can even happen at school if the child has the opportunity to follow his interests, develop strengths and receive a “delay” in relation to the weak ones in anticipation of the further development of certain areas of the brain, the outgrowth of behavioral problems, etc. This is exactly what I am seeing now in the youngest child - capable, but initially very problematic in terms of learning. I just can’t be happier that we found a school with a family type of education.

It’s interesting that parents are asked to resolve the issue of information processing. Speed ​​reading, memory development, logic. But... it’s funny, but if you have these skills, you can master the school curriculum in no time at all))) I especially liked that “it won’t be easy” and it’s a mistake to think that the child will want it, local fans prove exactly the opposite))
And yes, I have been working in IT for 20 years. She has already raised one child to a completely independent adult state. And today I put on exactly the apron that I was taught to sew 30 years ago. Decades have passed, and I don’t see any robots; an apron remains the only way to protect clothes from splashes when preparing food)))

Ooooh, again! After the phrase “our children are no dumber than us, and they perfectly understand the uselessness of the school curriculum,” it is clear that reading the article is a pointless waste of time. Free translation. Children who cannot master the basics, in essence, school curriculum, get twos and threes, and mothers, remembering their inability to study and their twos and threes, feel sorry for the poor children and criticize the school and teachers in every possible way. And they try to prove to the mothers of capable children that they are smarter and more successful, and even wealthier :))))

Having read such an article, I definitely would not have become a follower. Biased and stupid.

There are also very real observations :) Only the interpretation suffers.
"The child does not motivate himself to study school subjects."
Naturally, as a rule, he himself does not motivate. In general, instilling a thirst for knowledge and interest in the _process_ of learning (and not just the result) is a family matter. What about schooling, which is outside of it. When there is a school, a certain motivation is also introduced there, and just the pull “for the team” probably works.

“It is stupid and naive to turn a blind eye to progress and force a child to sew an apron during a crafts lesson, when this time would be worth spending on studying modern computer technologies.”
It’s stupid and naive to oppose completely different things, mmk. The ability to handle a needle and thread and understanding how things are created does not interfere with studying computer technology. Not at all.

The fact that they are, in fact, trying to replace school not only with mothers, but also with “specialized courses” and tutors, I will not say:))) “In the lower grades, a teacher in Russian language and mathematics is enough, in the older grades physics and chemistry will be added.”, “Speed ​​reading, development of memory and attention, logic and structuring of information are easily mastered by a child in specialized courses.” - it’s wonderful! This is what the average (ordinary) child quite naturally receives in family and school.

And this: “At the same time, the child always understands: his grades are nothing more than a formality. And parental love has nothing to do with grades.” Works great for school too.

But in general, it follows from the article that a “successful mother” is, first of all, a non-working mother. Who, apparently, studied for 10+5 years to become a substitute teacher for one student. Well, maybe someone like this life scheme Seems real success, Don't know.

at school, it turns out, “There are a number of mechanisms that make it possible to force a child to cram unnecessary knowledge into himself. Calling to the blackboard, loud humiliation for the whole class, sweeping inscriptions in a diary, the ability to turn the reference group of children against the “loser” and other familiar Soviet methods of education.” . Why can’t I come across them, these mechanisms? and why then is it enough to understand at home that “The educational program is a mandatory phenomenon, and you just need to get rid of it, ... treat it as an inevitable evil. And pass all those subjects that the state requires children to know with a minimum satisfactory score” . Why can’t someone who goes to school have exactly the same understanding? I don't understand

Ahh, here it is, the “bible”)))), from where it is broadcast and broadcast to us, almost word for word.

She cried: “At school, the motivation is intimidation by the teacher. There are a number of mechanisms to force a child to cram unnecessary knowledge into himself. Calling to the blackboard, loud humiliation for the whole class, sweeping inscriptions in the diary, the ability to turn the reference group of children against the “B student” and other usual Soviet methods of education."
Poor, poor children...

Sonya Samsonova, the founder of her alternative educational project, Krasnoyarsk, ponders why neither public schools, nor private institutions, nor homeschooling provide adequate answers to the global issues of educating the next generations.

Over the past decades, parents' requests to schools have gone from “make my child smart” through “make my child successful” to “make my child happy.”

And if the school was ready (at least tried) to answer the first two questions, then the question of happiness clearly goes beyond the school’s competence and confuses many.

Progressive parents realized that neither a great mind, nor great career successes, nor the presence classic family The “mom + dad + two children” format does not guarantee a child peace of mind, a sense of satisfaction and, ultimately, mental and physical health.

Parental pangs of choice and difficult decisions

Power may change, but parents are forever. Being a parent is a much more responsible role than being a president or a minister. And today, more than ever, moms and dads are under pressure huge amount factors not even from the birth of the child, but from the moment of the first thought about him. Is ultrasound harmful or not? Give birth or caesarean? How long to breastfeed? Vaccinations: for or against? Sleep: joint or separate? Sling? Kangaroo? 4 mugs at 4 years old - a lot or a little? Preparing for school at 5 or 6 years old? Choose a school or a teacher? Doesn't want to go to school - what to do?

What makes the problem worse is that there are no right answers. Specialists - teachers, doctors, psychologists, physiologists from local pediatricians to professors of the world's leading clinics argue with each other, bringing powerful arguments on both sides. Not all parents are experts in chemistry, biology, medicine and psychology, and certainly not in all of them at once. Their heads are spinning from forums and blogs on the Internet, radio and TV programs, books and articles.

Today, parents have to bear the burden of responsibility for each of their choices, defending it in front of grandparents, neighbors in the stairwell, on the playground, and sometimes even in front of government agencies- clinic, kindergarten, school.

But there are two more tests ahead: the first - school years, second - how the child will appreciate your efforts. Nobody knows whether in the future your son will ask you why you didn’t move to an ecologically clean region or even a country when he was covered with scabs of an allergic rash, suffocating in native land. Maybe your daughter will say that she has no friends because you didn’t send her to kindergarten, and then to regular school. Eternal questions, torments of choice and difficult decisions.

Leaving the education system

The average resident of our country has three options for providing a child’s secondary education: the well-trodden path of a municipal school “by registration”, an expensive education in a private educational institution, or a refusal to public services and transition to the family form of education provided for by the Law.

With the first two options, everything is more or less clear: we all studied in public schools and know their procedures, advantages and problems very well. Only a few of us graduated from elite private schools, but even if not, it is also clear that the conditions and quality of education there approximately correspond to the difference in the cost of services.

What is logging out? Exit where?

Into the unknown. Into the cosmic, endless and, thanks to the Internet, boundless educational space of the whole world.

Scary again, lots of questions again. Fortunately, there are rays of light in this dark kingdom of homeschooling options, open (I dare say, non-institutionalized) forms of education, interactive educational platforms - these are modern publications (magazines, newspapers, blogs, websites) and support groups for parents who have chosen family education (SO). It would seem that this is the future: freedom from the school leveling comb, tyrant directors, hysterical teachers, overloaded schedules, unhealthy diets, cruel peers, dangerous companies, school stress.

Family education in the form of home schooling frees the child from school, but what kind of education does it provide?

If it's family-owned, does that mean it's modern?

No. In the modern high-tech world of information and communication technologies and moral degradation, when a few own the wealth of the whole world, and millions are starving, when you can destroy an entire family with one post on Instagram - no, the most best mom and dad will not be able to give their child a modern, high-quality education either at home or with tutors. They will be able to give what they themselves consider good, namely, to help the child become well-read, well-mannered, erudite, and physically developed. But it is impossible to give something that you yourself have no idea about.

No book, no school in the country, no courses can teach this. Modern education not wider and not deeper than subject knowledge - it is META-subject, its basis is mathematics, natural sciences and literature, but its essence lies ABOVE them (yes, you know the theorem, but what will you do with it?).

Modern skills cannot be developed in tandem with a loving mother.

Only in a real group of different ages different people from different families and cultures. This cannot be achieved in homeschooling.

While parents of children in family education teach each other to “read” textbooks and “explain” to children, “retelling” the content (a teaching technology characteristic of the 16th-19th centuries), while leading “experts” of family education tell how to “learn all subjects” through unschooling - it is clear that their task is to get out of school with little loss, to “pass subjects”, “to close quarters and half-years”, to free their children from school for... for what seems best in the parent’s opinion.

I'm not only a parent, I'm an education specialist and a proponent of professionalism. I want my children and me to be treated professional doctor, defended by a professional lawyer, dressed by a professional tailor, and we want to learn from professional teacher in a modernly organized educational space using the most advanced educational standards. Neither public nor private schools, nor homeschooling will provide these conditions. But there is a way out.

Looking to the future: what will happen?

Just as Waldorf schools open at the request of the parent community, small schools focused on achievement will appear in Russia. modern quality education in accordance with the values ​​and incomes of families. These schools will not be run by those appointed from above, but by educational specialists chosen by parents.

Perhaps a headhunt will begin and parents will be able to hire public school principals, while at the same time new faces and names will emerge for those who have not been able to achieve positions in the public system.

Exactly this, and not endless and stupid government reforms, will lead to teachers mastering the most advanced technologies, implementing individual approach, apply effective techniques.

And educational organizers will hear and respond flexibly to family requests, providing truly transparent financial reports (rather than collecting more thousands for repairs and gifts).

A network of such initiative schools, of course, will not displace public education, but will finally lead to true reforms educational system country, because not to change in the conditions of such competition with the new modern school old Russian school it just can't.

What does happiness have to do with it?

We will not be able to reveal the secret of happiness and create its recipe. But at least the new initiative schools in Russia will provide an opportunity for small associations of parents, teachers and educational organizers to come to a common understanding of what is good and right for children. And if not, join another small school, or open another one. When we equip the space of every small school and give our children the opportunity to experience what it is like to live and learn, understanding and respecting each other, making informed choices rather than being subject to the will of others, openly asking questions and expressing their opinions, appreciating the endless possibilities that found themselves in the hands of humanity and, in connection with this, enormous responsibility for the fate of all people - this will already be a lot compared to the decadent state in which we find ourselves today.

We must learn to reach agreement in small groups, making local decisions. Then, in tens of years, our children will be able to make effective decisions on a planetary scale so that the resources of all subsoil, heights and oceans and of all people serve to solve world problems and contribute to the development of everyone. Isn't this happiness?

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