What are interethnic relations? Remember: what is an ethnic community; trends in the development of interethnic relations; differentiation and


§ 9. Interethnic relations and national



What is an ethnic community? What is the impact of ethnic diversity on the current situation in the country and in the world? What is the essence of social conflict? Interethnic (international) relations - relations between ethnic groups (peoples), covering all areas.

public life Main scientific problem - determine based on the ideas of humanism, analysis of historical experience optimal ways regulation of interethnic relations. The problem is multifaceted, including issues of history and modern everyday life, the spiritual world of the individual, culture, education, sociology, psychology, economic, political, legal relations; Therefore, scientists use methods from a range of humanities. From the middle of the 19th century. comprehensively explores the problem ethnology - a science that studies the processes of formation and development of various ethnic groups, their identity, the forms of their cultural self-organization, their collective behavior, the interaction of individuals and.

social environment Ethnology distinguishes two levels of interethnic relations. One level is the interaction of peoples in different areas public life: politics, culture, production, science, art, etc. Another level is the interpersonal relationships of people of different ethnicities in different forms

communication - labor, family, educational, informal types of relationships. Between national relations

find their expression in human actions and largely depend on individual behavior and its motivation, which is based on personal experience, mastery of cultural norms, the influence of family and immediate environment. For ethnic processes Modern times are characterized by two trends: integration - cooperation, unification of different ethno-state communities, bringing together all aspects of people’s lives; differentiation

- the aspirations of peoples for national independence.

1 Interethnic relations can be friendly, mutually respectful or, conversely, conflictual and hostile. Separatism

opposed to the interests of other ethnic groups. The idea of ​​national exclusivity often takes the form of xenophobia 1 leading to the extermination of so-called “inferior” races and peoples.

The bloody results of chauvinism remain forever in the memory of mankind. This is the genocide of the Armenian people in 1915, when the actions Ottoman Empire led to the death of 1.5 million people. This is the greatest tragedy organized by the Nazis - the Holocaust (annihilation through burning), which led to the death of 6 million people - more than half of the Jewish population of Europe. These are the actions of the Nazis to destroy the Slavic population of the “eastern space” and turn those who remained into a labor force for the “superior race”.


The question arises: is it possible to exclude the emergence of conflicts with an ethnic component? So far, a positive answer is impossible due to the fact that many ethnic groups live in pre-conflict conditions, experience significant social difficulties, feel (including Everyday life) disdain for one’s culture, language, traditions, customs. All this causes mass protest sentiments, often leading to socially dangerous, destructive behavior (especially in the crowd).

It will take a long time for most people to become capable of tolerance. But it is already possible to soften and preventing conflict situationsations by regulating interethnic relations. Let us remind you: to regulate means to organize, to establish.

Humanistic approach- the main guideline in the implementation of moral, political, legal regulation interethnic relations. The main features of this approach are:

  • recognition and respect for the diversity of cultures
    femininity to the ideas of peace, harmony, rejection of violence against
    decisions between peoples;

  • development and continued functioning of democracy,
    ensuring the implementation of individual rights and freedoms, ethnic
    communities, regardless of their nationality

  • focus government agencies, mass funds
    howl of information, education, sports, all forms of literature
    ry and art for the formation of citizens, especially young
    dezhi, culture of interethnic communication. Necessary
1 Xenophobia- intolerance, rejection, hatred of someone, something alien, alien.
upbringing tolerance- respect, trust, willingness to cooperate, compromise with people, their communities of any nationality, the desire to understand and accept their cultural values, way of life, character of behavior. Tolerance largely determines the consciousness and behavior of individuals, population groups, and representatives of government bodies, and contributes to the development of personal responsibility for the prudent solution of ethnic problems.

Scientists identify several paths that intersect with each other conflict resolution. First - application of legal mechanisms, first of all, changing legislation in multi-ethnic states, eliminating ethnic privileges. Second way - negotiation between the conflicting parties, both direct (between delegations of the parties) and through intermediaries (representatives of international organizations, public figures). Unfortunately, often the parties (or one of them), instead of a policy of negotiations aimed at cooperation and limiting access to weapons, rely on uncompromising dictatorship and armed violence. This leads to an intensification of the conflict, intimidation of society, mass casualties and destruction. Negotiations can be difficult and lengthy. But in a number of cases they contribute, if not to overcoming the conflict, then to mitigating it.

Third way - informational. It involves, first of all, the exchange of information between the parties about possible measures to overcome conflict situations. Public dialogue (in print, on television) between representatives of all ethnic groups is appropriate, with the goal of jointly developing proposals that meet common interests.

Joint peacekeeping actions by representatives of different faiths are effective, especially if conflicts have a religious overtone. A member of the Orthodox clergy, Alexander Men, said: “Understanding and tolerance are the fruits of the highest culture... Remaining Christians and Muslims, without insulting each other, giving a hand is our path.”

The psychological influence of the media (especially electronic) requires a careful approach to the methods of presenting information. Information, even neutral, about the facts of extremism can cause new wave conflict. It is necessary to abandon the sometimes typical reporters' dramatization of events, because this can become entrenched in historical memory and after some time revive the spirit of the conflict. We must not allow the glorification of terrorists and extremists to avoid turning them into heroes and leaders. We must remember that ill-considered words can shoot harder than a bullet.

Adjacent to the information path governmental support multicultural policy, which is especially important in connection with the increase in population migration. For example, in Canada, this policy aims to promote the development and preservation of the own culture of all ethnic groups, contacts and interaction between members of various groups in the interests of national unity. Immigrants are provided with assistance in mastering at least one of the official languages ​​so that they can become productive members of Canadian society.

One of the causes of conflicts is the unsettled life conditions of ethnic groups, manifested in poverty, unemployment, low wages and pensions, poor housing, and difficulties in obtaining an education. An indispensable condition for overcoming conflicts is to improve the life of a citizen, to create and consolidate among ethnic groups a psychological sense of satisfaction with a favorable stability of life. This requires regulation of social processes, including agreements between warring parties on the fair distribution of resources, increasing jobs, improving living conditions, equality in employment, education, and access to power structures.




National policy - component political activity state regulating interethnic relations in various fields life of society. Its essence depends on the general direction of state policy. The basis of democratic national politics is respect for people representing any ethnicitycultural community, orientation towards cooperation and bringing peoples closer together.

The foundation of the ethnopolitics of the Russian Federation is the Constitution. In its preamble, two policy guidelines in the field of interethnic relations can be distinguished:

  • respect for
    in memory of our ancestors who passed on to us love for the Fatherland; care
    that is about preserving the historically established state
    th unity of peoples united by a common destiny in their

  • political and legal focus on approval
    human rights and freedoms, civil peace and consent, equal
    rights of peoples to ensure sovereign state
    of Russia, the inviolability of its democratic foundation.
The Constitution guarantees human rights and freedoms, regardless of nationality, their equality, understanding, observance and protection (Article 2, 19). Everyone has the right to use their native language and freely choose the language of communication, education, training, and creativity (Article 26). Throughout the Russian Federation, the official language is Russian; republics have the right to establish their own official languages, used along with Russian (Article 68). Actions aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional system and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, propaganda of racial, national or linguistic superiority are prohibited (Articles 13, 29).

In the “Concept of State National Policy Russian Federation"(1996) the principles of this policy are formulated as follows:

  • equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen regardless
    Simo from his race, nationality, language;

  • prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of citizens according to
    characteristics of social, racial, national, linguistic
    or religious affiliation;

  • preservation of the historical integrity of Russia
    Siysk Federation;

  • equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in
    relations with federal authorities state
    noah power;

  • guarantee of the rights of indigenous peoples;
    the right of every citizen to determine and indicate

    your nationality without any coercion

  • promoting the development of national cultures and languages
    peoples of the Russian Federation;

  • timely and peaceful resolution contradictions and

  • prohibition of activities aimed at undermining
    state security, agitation of social, racial,
    national and religious hatred, hatred or enmity;

  • protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation
    tions outside its borders, support for compatriots, living
    those in foreign countries, in conservation and development
    native language, culture and national traditions, in
    strengthening their ties with their homeland in accordance with the norms
    international law.
The consistent implementation of these principles meets the diversity of interests of the peoples of Russia.

NIS Basic concepts: interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts, national politics.

Shh Terms: ethnology, separatism, xenophobia, tolerance.

Test yourself

1) Name the levels of interethnic relations, show what is common and different in these levels. 2) What is the essence of two trends in the development of interethnic relations? Give examples of manifestations of these trends. 3) What is the essence interethnic cooperation? 4) What are interethnic conflicts? Name their main reasons. 5) What are the ways to prevent and overcome interethnic conflicts? 6) Describe the principles of national policy of the Russian Federation.

Think, discuss, do

  1. UN documents indicate that tolerance is
    is a moral duty, legal and political requirement
    ity, leads from a culture of war to a culture of peace; aims to respect and understand the diversity of cultures;

    means an active attitude towards reality, forming
    based on the recognition of universal rights and freedoms
    catcher. Relying on personal experience, facts of history and modern times
    minorities, show how the principles of tolerance can
    be realized in interethnic relations.

  2. Explain why it is especially important now to follow
    the principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other,
    overcome common difficulties together.

  3. Scientists believe that humanity, becoming increasingly
    more interconnected and unified, does not lose its ethno
    cultural diversity. If you agree with this point
    view, then confirm its correctness with facts from society
    military development of the 20th century; if you don't agree, give reasons
    those views.

  4. Think over the answer to the question: how to professionally
    the activity of a historian, lawyer, economist can
    promote interethnic cooperation, prevention

  5. Analyzing the main trend of modern politics
    ki of the Russian Federation in the field of interethnic relations, gender scientists, in the preservation and development of cultural integrity and distinctiveness of large and small nations, in the growth of socio-political activity of citizens. But the ethnic factor in a number of cases became the basis For formation of programs and actions, as well as to promote ideas and attitudes that provoke intolerance, cause conflicts and violence.

    The nationalism of small peoples, being a reaction to past traumas and the degraded status of non-Russian cultures, often takes on aggressive forms in conditions of social crisis, political destabilization and weak modernization of the population. This is manifested in attempts to usurp power and prestigious positions in favor of representatives of one ethnic group, change the demographic composition of the population through the forcible expulsion of ethnic “outsiders”, change administrative or interstate borders, carry out spontaneous secession (secession from the state. - Ed.), including by force of arms. Instead of improving governance and socio-cultural living conditions, extreme nationalism offers seemingly simple, but essentially unrealistic solutions, attempts to implement which cause inter-civil tension and conflicts...

    No less a threat to democratic transformations and social peace is posed by the growing nationalism of the hegemonic type, formed on behalf of the numerically dominant peoples. In Russia, Russian nationalism is trying to gain the status of a national ideology, to appropriate the idea of ​​all-Russian patriotism and to replace the formation of a common civic identity with the same unrealizable slogan of self-determination of the Russian ethno-nation. Extremist groups and individuals are increasingly promoting fascist ideas, anti-Semitism and disdain for minorities.

    Tishkov V. A, Requiem for Ethnicity: Studies in Socio-Cultural Syntropology. - M., 2003.-S. 319-320.

    NI Questions and assignments to the source. 1) What is ethno-nationalism? 2) What is the difference between radical ethnonationalism and peaceful forms of national movements? 3) Illustrate with examples from history and modernity the position that radical ethnonationalism is a great danger for the peoples and states of the post-Soviet space. 4) What causes and how does the nationalism of small nations manifest itself? 5) What is the

Interethnic relations are a very specific part of social relations. Their specificity lies in the fact that they cover all spheres of public life: economic, social, family and everyday life, political, cultural and psychological, etc. Essentially, the state of interethnic relations is, as it were, a generalized result of actions and measures in each of the named spheres.

Based on this, interethnic relations can be defined as the interaction of peoples in different spheres of public life.

There are three levels in the structure of interethnic relations:

a) institutional;

b) intergroup;

c) interpersonal.

Relations at the institutional level cover state-educated peoples, their state institutions, interstate interactions. These relationships are more accurately called interethnic. In this regard, it should be noted that in Russian (formerly Soviet) scientific and political vocabulary the term “ interethnic relations" And only in the 90s of the XX century. began to refer to the term “interethnic relations”. In a broad sense, interethnic relations mean both relations between ethnic groups and relationships between nations, nationalities, and ethnic groups at the personal level of people of different nationalities. However, the term “interethnic relations” also has the right to exist and its own specifics.

The second level of interethnic relations is relations in general between peoples, any ethnic communities. Of course, this cannot be taken literally as the participation of the entire ethnic group in direct communication. Ethnicities are big complex groups, and obviously the entire group cannot participate in direct communication.

At the interpersonal level, interethnic relations between people of different nationalities occur in different spheres of communication - work, family and everyday life, as well as neighborly, leisure, friendly and other types of informal communication.

One should also distinguish between the concepts of “ethnic relations” and “interethnic relations”. The first is usually used in a broad sense: it includes both intra-ethnic aspects and inter-ethnic connections and relationships. Interethnic relations mean the relationships that develop between ethnic groups in the course of their interaction, as well as between representatives of different ethnic groups at the personal level within a multiethnic state.

Ethnic and interethnic relations are determined by socio-economic, political, spiritual-ideological and other factors of social life. At the same time, they have relative independence and themselves significantly influence other aspects of social relations, and they must be considered as a specific type of social relations.

The specificity of interethnic relations lies primarily in their complex, multidimensional nature. Further, the specificity of interethnic relations is determined by the conservatism and traditionalism of many aspects of the life of peoples, which requires special care and delicacy in their regulation. Ethnic elements are mobile, changeable and stable to varying degrees. The most stable elements of ethnic life are language, ethnic characteristics cultures, ethnic psychology, traditions, customs, habits, etc. Because of this, relationships between peoples are difficult, contradictory, they are often very fragile, and can change quickly. Achieving stability, and even more so harmony, in interethnic relations is a very difficult task, requiring a lot of time and patience.

The nature and content of interethnic relations are largely determined by the socio-political system within which they develop. Interethnic relations may change depending on changes in the economic sphere and the degree of impact on them social relations, ethnic politics, international situation and other factors. Political factors have a decisive influence on them, which is due to the importance of the state as the most important institution for the formation and development of the nation as a socio-ethnic community. Directly related to the political aspects of interethnic relations are issues of self-determination of peoples, their equality, political conditions for the free development of ethnic cultures and languages, personnel issues, etc.

The general political situation in a multiethnic state depends on the state of interethnic relations. In conditions of interethnic harmony and peace political situation in a multiethnic society is characterized by stability. And vice versa, when interethnic relations are tense or conflicting, this directly undermines political situation in general, destabilizes social development. Often in a multiethnic state, the severity of interethnic relations comes to the fore, determining the entire socio-political situation. This is exactly what happens in modern Russia in connection with the situation in the Caucasus and, in particular, in Chechnya. It should be said that in the 90s, problems of interethnic relations almost constantly kept people in suspense. multinational Russia, which indicates their great importance.

Ethnologists identify the following factors in interethnic relations: historical, social, political, cultural, psychological and situational.

Among the historical factors influencing interethnic relations are important have three types of phenomena: the course of historical events, as a result of which the relations of peoples developed; historical events that acquire symbolic meaning in interethnic interactions; features of the historical and social development of peoples who came into contact.

Ethnic groups enter into relationships as a result of different historical circumstances. When interethnic tension arises, historical events such as conquests, forced annexations, the colonial past, etc. most often appear in the memory of the people. In this case, both forms of colonization (conquest or voluntary accession) and relations with the metropolis are taken into account. Historians highlight, for example, the British and French forms of colonization, the so-called external and internal colonialism.

Among the group social factors influencing interethnic relations, the following most significant ones should be highlighted:

a) the relationship between social and ethnic stratification;

b) the impact of social and structural changes;

c) ethnic factor in the process of social mobility.

The optimal situation in interethnic relations is when the contacting ethnic groups have the same status. However, this type of relationship is rare. The more common option is discriminatory. In such cases there is a change social status interacting ethnic groups. However, the desire for equal-status communication usually leads to tension in interethnic relations. The source of the conflict is that the dominant ethnic community must “lose” its status. At the same time, the discriminated ethnic group has increasing needs to strengthen its status.

Political factors of interethnic relations include principles and forms government system, character political system, a type of state national policy. The form of government - unitary or federal - matters for interethnic relations. Other than that equal conditions federal state is a democratic organization of national-territorial structure. As for the political system, then, naturally, the possibilities for cultural pluralism are much wider in a democratic society than in totalitarian or authoritarian regimes.

For any type of government or political system important role plays a role in the ethnic policy of the state, especially in relation to ethnic minorities. Here we can distinguish two directions that directly affect the nature of interethnic relations: integrating policies and the policies of cultural pluralism. Integrating policies are pursued by the authorities of some states, for example, Estonia and Latvia. The policy of pluralism concerns not only the areas of culture, language, and education. In a broad sense, this includes the representation of citizens of different nationalities in the government bodies of a multi-ethnic state.

Cultural factors, influencing interethnic relations, can be divided into two groups: the first is associated with education and information, the second - with the traditional norms of each culture. As for education and enlightenment in general, their role is enormous in the destruction of interethnic socio-cultural boundaries, in overcoming interethnic prejudices, and in promoting patterns of interethnic communication.

Regarding traditional norms of behavior, it should be noted that traditions determine people’s behavior not only in everyday life. They also influence relationships business sphere, namely: they affect the choice of business partners, are manifested in the norms of communication in work teams, affecting people’s relationships. It has been noticed that business people prefer to work with partners of their own nationality, since in this case they trust each other more. This especially applies to representatives of small peoples.

Among Russian experts, there is a popular point of view that interethnic relations are communications, mechanisms of interaction between people of the same ethnic group and fellow citizens or residents of other states representing other nations. Their essence can be based on the discussion of everyday, family, political and other topics, joint decision tasks. Experts in the field of psychology identify two main levels at which interethnic relations are built - personal and collective.

Factors of friendship between peoples: collective level

What determines the nature of appropriate communications? That is key factor whether interethnic relations will be positive, or, on the contrary, will they carry the potential for conflict? First of all, we note that everything depends on the level of interaction between people - one of the two that are noted above.

First, let us study the factors characteristic of the collective. Experts believe that the forecast for how different nations will communicate on a collective level may depend primarily on how they interact historically. This is logical: most nations and ethnic groups modern world formed hundreds of years ago, and if we talk about some peoples, then thousands. There are relatively few “young” peoples who do not have significant historical experience of interethnic communication, although they do exist.

Global factors

Another important factor is the socio-political situation in the country, in the region, and in the world as a whole. There are precedents that indicate that peoples who were quite friendly, based on historical premises, could “quarrel” (or, conversely, “make peace”) as a result of some changes in political processes. The influence of the media also plays a role, which, however, does not always reflect socio-political realities.

Friendship of personalities

What are the factors influencing interethnic relations at the personal level? Of course, those we listed above also play a significant role. However, they may well come to naught if people get along well with each other (or, conversely, have contradictions) at the individual psychological level. Also, how some peoples will relate to others is influenced by the specific actions of people in certain situations. If, for example, representatives of two traditionally warring nations find themselves in a difficult situation and work together to get out of it, then it is possible that they will have friendship, as they say, without spilling water.

Criteria for effective national policy

The political and socio-economic development of the countries of the world probably primarily depends on how balanced domestic policies are built. And only after that - on the quality of communications in the external arena. There are, of course, states in which such a problem does not arise - simply because the population is almost “mono-ethnic”, monolingual, the nation is consolidated by default due to the unity of culture and mentality.

But Russia is a country in which hundreds of different peoples live, all having their own language, culture, and worldview. Therefore, the authorities in the Russian Federation are always faced with the task of conducting constant high-quality monitoring of interethnic relations within the country, identifying problem areas and effectively resolving difficult situations. But what are the criteria for an adequate national policy? How to find and successfully solve problems of interethnic relations? Experts refer to a variety of criteria. Let's look at the most logical and reasonable examples.

Ensuring equal political rights

And what is important - in relation to all nationalities inhabiting the state. Interethnic and are, first of all, parts. Accordingly, the nations that participate in it must have the same resources to express their own position, views, and beliefs. They should have at their disposal comparable, and ideally identical, tools for interacting with the authorities. In practice, this may consist of equal political rights, which are usually considered basic - to elect and to be elected. That is, representatives of different peoples of Russia must have the resources to express their interests and participate in shaping the political agenda for the entire country.

Practical tools for this could be providing national regions with broad opportunities for self-government, as well as the presence of electoral mechanisms through which people of different ethnic groups can be represented in federal and higher government structures.

Smoothing socio-economic inequalities

Harmonization of interethnic relations within one country is difficult if different peoples, even if they live very far from each other, have unequal and disparate income, access to good education, medicine, infrastructure. The authorities must build a model of the country’s economic development in which national regions in need of economic support would receive it, but not to the detriment of those where things are going better.

Practical tools here are balanced taxation and reasonable investment - in industry, infrastructure, education.

Creating an atmosphere of mutual tolerance

It happens that several different nationalities have such different mentalities and cultures that they lose the ability not only to constructive dialogue, how much to the implementation of communications as such. They may not understand each other, even if the communication is in the same language, understandable to each of them. It's about, perhaps not about the meaning of phrases, but about actions, principles, and norms of behavior. But this understanding can help to establish a certain third nation through the institution it created, designed to solve such problems, providing each of the “non-understanding” with a certain compromise model of behavior, creating an atmosphere in which the shortcomings of another nation are accepted and not denied. Must be the case, saying modern language, tolerance in interethnic relations.

Practical tools for implementing this component of national policy can be improving educational programs, working with the media, and holding federal-scale events in the field of cultural exchange.

Russian scenario

To what extent do interethnic relations in Russia meet the above criteria? On the one hand, the state was able to build the necessary institutions that reflect each of the named mechanisms. In each national republic It has its own parliament and representatives in the Federation Council. Any ethnic group living in Russia has completely equal political rights. With the economic part, everything is more complicated, but this is rather due to the objectively large territory and, as a consequence, the impossibility of equalizing citizens in all regions. Moreover, the difference in living standards between individual regions of Russia is practically not tied to the national factor. It is determined primarily by resource availability, as well as climate and infrastructure. In the media, by at least those that are usually classified as state-owned maintain a completely tolerant editorial policy, as well as in the main educational programs. On the other hand, Russia, within its current borders and in its current political formation, is a very young state. And therefore, it is too early to draw clear conclusions regarding the fact that interethnic relations and national politics are ideally structured in our country. Although, of course, there are basic prerequisites for this, and we have named them.

Let us now consider how interethnic relations develop in Russia at the level of individual social institutions. Let's start with the education sector.

School of Nations

With all possible comments to Soviet system education, one of its undeniable advantages is the availability of training in those disciplines that are most significant from the point of view of the development of society - history, literature, social science. At the same time, the national card was never played. Historical and political events were practically not presented to children through the prism of hostility between the peoples inhabiting the USSR, or as the result of the heroism of any particular nation. All the good things that the socialist homeland achieved were achieved thanks to the efforts of the entire Soviet people.

Many of today's experts believe that largely thanks to this attitude, laid down in school, today's adult citizens of the Russian Federation, by default, view other nations mainly in a friendly way, believing that now we are an integral part of a single Russian people. Some experts believe that we should be largely grateful to the Soviet-era school for the relative harmonization of interethnic relations now. It is important not to lose the valuable experience that teachers from the USSR era accumulated over decades.

Of course, there are individual examples of when interethnic relations at school are accompanied by difficulties. However, they probably do not represent a system. Today's children, like their Soviet predecessors, are for the friendship of peoples.

State concept

Interethnic relations in modern Russia are built by the state based on the official concept. Let's consider its features.

One of the first significant legal acts in this direction is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, signed in the summer of 1996. This document has already lost force, but this legal act contains enough interesting system views, as well as priorities and various kinds of principles that authorities at the federal and regional levels should adhere to regarding national relations. The purpose of creating a legal act was to ensure the unity of the peoples of Russia in a new historical context.

The document says that the culture of interethnic relations in our country has developed over centuries. Most of the ethnic groups inhabiting Russia are indigenous peoples who played an important historical role in the process of formation of statehood. It is emphasized that it played a unifying role, thanks to which Russians are a nation characterized by a unique combination of unity and diversity of ethnic groups.

90s trends

The 1996 Decree noted a number of trends that, according to the authorities, may characterize interfaith and interethnic relations in Russia. Let's list them.

Firstly, while the transition stage is underway (at the time the law was written, not many years had passed since the collapse of the USSR), development Russian nation influences the desire of many peoples for independence.

Secondly, the ethnic groups that form our nation feel the need for the authorities to carry out a course of effective reforms, taking into account the fact that the socio-economic resources of the regions may be unequal.

Thirdly, interethnic relations in modern Russia are characterized by the fact that the peoples inhabiting our country strive to preserve and further develop their cultural identity.

Directions of work today

What does the law offer in terms of practical policy directions today? What measures do they envisage for the harmonization of interethnic relations in Russia? The Decree of 1996 was replaced by a new presidential decree published in 2012. Many of the key concepts we noted above are confirmed by this legal act. So, what does the government propose to do when building interethnic relations in Russia? Here are a number of excerpts that can give an idea of ​​the possible practice of the mechanisms set out in the new presidential decree.

Firstly, it is expected to develop and intensify interregional cultural communications, disseminating knowledge about others among some ethnic groups.

Secondly, the state sets the task of intensifying work in the ethnographic direction, in the field of cultural and educational interethnic events, tours, and sports competitions.

Thirdly, improvement is considered an important area educational work with children and youth with an emphasis on patriotism and increasing civic consciousness.

Friendship of nations is the foundation for the development of Russia

These and many other mechanisms of interaction between government and society should, as the Russian legislator believes, create a powerful foundation on the basis of which the development of society will be built not only for the present, but also for future generations. The idea is certainly wonderful. Its implementation depends not only on the policies of the authorities, but also on the actions of the citizens themselves.

  1. Name the levels of interethnic relations, show what is common and different in these levels.
  2. What is the essence of two trends in the development of interethnic relations? Give examples of manifestations of these trends.
  3. What is the essence of interethnic cooperation?
  4. What are interethnic conflicts? Name their main reasons.
  1. What are the ways to prevent and overcome interethnic conflicts.
  2. Describe the principles of national policy of the Russian Federation.

Think, discuss, do

1. UN documents indicate that tolerance is a moral duty, a legal and political necessity, leading from a culture of war to a culture of peace; aims to respect and understand the diversity of cultures; means an active attitude to reality, formed on the basis of recognition of universal human rights and freedoms. Based on personal experience, historical and modern facts, show how the principles of tolerance can be implemented in interethnic relations.

2. Explain why today it is especially important to follow the principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other, and to overcome common difficulties together.

3. Scientists believe that humanity, while becoming more interconnected and united, does not lose its ethnocultural diversity. If you agree with this point of view, then confirm its correctness with facts from the social development of the twentieth and beginning of the XXI V.; If you do not agree, give reasons for your views.

4. Think over the answer to the question: how can the professional activity of a historian, lawyer, or economist contribute to interethnic cooperation and conflict prevention?

5. Analyzing the main trend of the modern policy of the Russian Federation in the field of interethnic relations, scientists believe that it consists of switching from the national-territorial direction to the cultural-educational and cultural-educational ones. How do you understand this conclusion of scientists, do you share this point of view? Give reasons for your answer.

Work with the source

Read a fragment of the work of ethnologist V. A. Tishkov. Ethnonationalism in post-Soviet states The most serious challenge for Russia and a number of other post-Soviet states is ethnonationalism in its radical and intolerant manifestations. So-called national movements in peaceful political and cultural forms among peoples former USSR have played and continue to play an important role in the establishment of decentralized forms of government and administration, in the preservation and development of the cultural integrity and distinctiveness of large and small nations, in the growth of socio-political activity of citizens. But the ethnic factor in a number of cases has become the basis for the formation of programs and actions, as well as for the promotion of ideas and attitudes that provoke intolerance, cause conflicts and violence.

The nationalism of small peoples, being a reaction to past traumas and the degraded status of non-Russian cultures, often takes on aggressive forms in conditions of social crisis, political destabilization and weak modernization of the population. This is manifested in attempts to usurp power and prestigious positions in favor of representatives of one ethnic group, change the demographic composition of the population by forcibly expelling ethnic “outsiders”, change administrative or interstate borders, carry out spontaneous secession (secession from the state - Ed.), including including by force of arms. Instead of improving governance and socio-cultural living conditions, extreme nationalism offers seemingly simple, but essentially unrealistic solutions, attempts to implement which cause inter-civil tension and conflicts...

No less a threat to democratic transformations and social peace is posed by the growing nationalism of the hegemonic type, formed on behalf of the numerically dominant peoples. In Russia, Russian nationalism is trying to gain the status of a national ideology, to appropriate the idea of ​​all-Russian patriotism and to replace the formation of a common civic identity with the same unrealizable slogan of self-determination of the Russian ethnonation. Extremist groups and individuals are increasingly promoting fascist ideas, anti-Semitism and disdain for minorities.

Tishkov V. A. Requiem for Ethnicity. Research
in socio-cultural anthropology. - M. 2003. - P. 319 - 320.

Questions and assignments to the source

  1. What is ethnonationalism?
  2. What is the difference between radical ethnonationalism and peaceful forms of national movements?
  3. Illustrate with examples from history and modernity the position that radical ethnonationalism is a great danger for the peoples and states of the post-Soviet space.
  4. What causes and how does the nationalism of small nations manifest itself?
  5. What is the essence and danger of hegemonic type ethnonationalism?
  6. The opinion is often expressed that the development of democracy in civil culture and the stabilization of the socio-economic situation will have a positive impact on overcoming ethno-nationalism. Do you agree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer.

There is some debate about this

The non-Russian population makes up only 20% of the total population of the Russian Federation. This gives some authors a reason to consider Russia a mononational state. This point of view meets with objections, because it does not take into account the historical conditions of Russia's development and the commitment of many peoples to their languages, culture and way of life. What is your opinion?


Lesson topic. Interethnic relations and national politics.

Lesson type: learning new material

Goals : 1) introduce the levels of interethnic relations, trends in the development of interethnic relations, show the essence of interethnic cooperation, the causes and nature of interethnic conflicts, ways to prevent and overcome them;

2) develop the ability to search, systematize social information on a topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problematic problems, and conduct a conversation;

3) Foster tolerance, form negative attitude to the manifestation of nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism.

Basic concepts and terms : interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts, national politics, ethnology, separatism, xenophobia, tolerance.

Equipment : handouts (package of documents, test tasks), diagrams, student presentations.

Board design : recording of the lesson topic, statement by philosopher N.A. Berdyaev, the problematic question “Why is it now especially important to follow the principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other, to jointly overcome common difficulties?”, basic concepts and terms.

During the classes.

I.Organizational moment.

II. Updating basic knowledge.

Frontal conversation.

-Remember and explain the concept of “ethnic community”, name its types.

Teacher: The famous Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev said: “When the power of the state and nation is declared to be a greater value than a person, then, in principle, war has already been declared, everything has already been prepared for it spiritually and materially, and it can arise at any moment.”

- Think about how right the philosopher is? Isn't it too pessimistic? he paints a picture for us?

The complexities of interethnic relations, trends and problems of national politics will be discussed in our lesson.

Lesson topic: « Interethnic relations and national politics.”

At the end of the lesson you will have to answer problematic issue “Why is it now especially important to follow the principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other, together overcome common difficulties?

Lesson plan.

  1. Interethnic relations. Main trends in the development of interethnic relations.

  2. Interethnic cooperation. Interethnic conflicts.

  3. Regulation of interethnic relations.

III. Learning new material.

1. Interethnic relations. Main trends in the development of interethnic relations.

- Remember what interethnic relations are?

The problem of interethnic relations is quite multifaceted and complex. It includes the following questions:

History and modern everyday life;





Economic, political, legal relations.

From the middle of the 19th century. is investigating this problem ETHNOLOGY is a science that studies the processes of formation and development of various ethnic groups, their identity, forms of their cultural self-organization, their collective behavior, interaction between the individual and the social environment.

What conclusions did ethnologists come to?

Two levels of interethnic relations.

science, art, etc. family, household, educational.

1. Self-isolation in general. 1. Economic and political

2. Protectionism in the economy. unions.

Globalization- historical process rapprochement

2. Interethnic cooperation. Interethnic conflicts.

Teacher. Interethnic relations can be friendly, mutually respectful or, conversely, conflictual and hostile. We need to analyze the nature of these relationships.

Group work.

Group I - paragraph 1 § 9 analyzes “Interethnic cooperation”

Questions and tasks:

1) How do you understand the essence of the term “cooperation”, how can it manifest itself?

2) What trends emerged in the 20th century? Give examples, confirming the presence of these integration processes. Group II - paragraph 1 § 9 analyzes “Interethnic cooperation”, but the tasks of the groups are different.

Questions and tasks:

1) Does Russia participate in the integration process? What does this mean?

2) Create a scheme for Russia’s participation in the integration process.

Group III – paragraph 2 § 9 analyzes the issue “Interethnic conflicts”

Questions and tasks:

  1. How does social conflict differ from conflict between ethnic communities?

  2. Name and analyze the main reasons for the following interethnic conflicts: territorial, economic, social, cultural and linguistic.

Group IV - paragraph 2 § 9 analyzes the issue “Interethnic conflicts”.

Questions and tasks:

  1. What is “separatism”? How do you feel about the problem of separatism? Analyze its nature.

  2. What is “xenophobia”? Analyze its nature. Give examples of this phenomenon

Student messages using presentations on the integration process using examples European Union and interethnic differentiation using the example Yugoslavia.
3. Regulation of interethnic relations.
Teacher. IN Currently, in world science and practice, significant experience has been accumulated in resolving national conflicts, a wide arsenal of means of “extinguishing” interethnic “fires” has been developed: from organizing the negotiation process to physically separating hostile parties through the introduction peacekeeping forces. It depends:

From the stage of the conflict itself (beginning, culmination or stage of gradual

Fading confrontation);

Ideological attitudes in the national consciousness;

Lots of other factors.

Despite the world experience in resolving national conflicts, the ideas of the superiority of some nations over others still enjoy some popularity. Humanity again and again thinks about the question: “What contributes to inciting conflicts in relations between peoples, and what contributes to overcoming them?”

Here is the document “Ethics of Interethnic Relations”, authored by philosopher V.S. Solovyov. Read the document carefully and answer the questions:

  1. Why, when speaking about treating other peoples as his own, did the philosopher not equate “psychological sameness of feeling” with “ethical equality”? What are the differences?

  2. What do the words "ethnic love" mean? What is it connected to, how is it formed, what does it lead to?

  3. What do the words “love of approval” mean? Why is she not identical with her feelings for her people? What moral law (norm, rule) is known to you, according to V.S. Solovyov, the basis of interethnic relations? Find in the textbook a position that is close in meaning to the moral position of V.S. Solovyova.
IV. Consolidation.

Conversation on issues.

1. Name the levels of interethnic relations.

2. What is the essence of interethnic cooperation?

3. What are interethnic conflicts?

4. Which national conflicts in our country do you consider the most difficult? Why?

5. Imagine that you work in government and are responsible for national relations. What priority steps would you suggest to take to overcome interethnic conflicts?
Test tasks(6 students)

V. Lesson summary (reflection)

At the beginning of the lesson a problematic question was posed, answer it:

« Why is it now especially important to follow the principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other, and to overcome common difficulties together?”
VI. Homework. Learn § 9, questions p. 97, task 4 p. 98.
Test assignments for the lesson on the topic “Interethnic relations and national politics”

Option 1

  1. The trend towards interethnic integration leads to
A) separatism

B) strengthening national characteristics

B) bringing peoples closer together

D) national isolation.

  1. On what basis are they singled out? social groups: clan, tribe, nationality?
A) demographic

B) ethnic

B) territorial

D) class.

  1. K. was born in Berlin, his parents left Russia immediately after the 1917 revolution. K. knows the Russian language and Russian culture well. He is proud that he is Russian. This is a manifestation of signs of community
A) demographic

B) territorial

B) ethnosocial

D) confessional

  1. The science that studies the processes of formation and development of various ethnic groups, their identity, the forms of their cultural self-organization, their collective behavior, the interaction of the individual and the social environment is
A) sociology B) political science

C) ethnology D) ethics.

  1. Civilizational approach to the solution national problems provides
A) renunciation of national violence in all its forms

B) providing military assistance to the separatists

C) a course towards weakening multinational states
D) support for all forms of people’s struggle for self-determination.

Option 2.

1. One of the reasons for tension in interethnic relations is:

A) violation of human rights

B) respect for national customs

C) suppression of illegal activities of criminal groups

D) support of national culture.
2. Contributes to overcoming national contradictions

A) redistribution of powers from national entities in favor of the center

B) government support for small businesses

C) ensuring individual rights and freedoms regardless of nationality D) transition to market methods of farming.

3. Are the following statements true?

Interethnic cooperation promotes

A. development of national culture.

B) overcoming national limitations.

1) only A is correct

2). Only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect.

  1. Tribes and nationalities are
A) ethnic communities

B) historical types of society

B) social strata

D) demographic groups

  1. The historical process of rapprochement between nations and peoples, between which traditional boundaries are gradually erased, and humanity turns into a single political system- This
A) globalization B) differentiation

C) integration d) democratization.

V.S. Soloviev “Ethics of interethnic relations”».

“The highest moral ideal requires that we love all people as ourselves, but since people do not exist outside of nationalities (just as a nationality does not exist outside of individual people) ... then the direct logical conclusion from here is that we must love all nationalities, like your own.
The requirement to love other peoples as one’s own does not at all mean psychological sameness of feeling, but only ethical equality of volitional attitude: I must also want the true good of all other peoples, as well as my own... Of course, such ethical love is associated with... understanding... positive characteristics... of foreign nations, having overcome... senseless and ignorant national enmity, we begin to know and appreciate foreign nationalities... But this “love of approval” cannot be identical with that which we feel for our people, just like the most sincere love for our neighbors, ethically equal to self-love, can never be psychologically the same with it. For oneself, for one’s people, the invariable primacy of the starting point remains.”

EU - integration process

Yugoslavia – interethnic differentiation

What else to read