The meaning of the name Artemy and its detailed characteristics. What does the male name Artemy mean in a boy’s life?


The male name Artemy has ancient Greek roots and means “dedicated to Artemis.” It is not as popular in Russia as the name Artyom (you should know that these names are not a form of each other, they can rather be called distant relatives), being dismissed by parents as something that has a “church” sound.

Characteristics of the name Artemy But in vain, because the name Artemy has colossal driving energy, which gives its owners such character traits as perseverance, perseverance, determination, and independence. As a rule, Artemia is a strong personality, a person with extraordinary thinking and views on life, an avid traveler, an interesting interlocutor, a talented storyteller, and a true leader. Artemy is always lucky in everything, however, he is quite capable of achieving a lot on his own, thanks to a sense of responsibility and love for work. It is almost impossible to force Artemy to support someone’s point of view: he has his own vision for everything, prefers to solve problems in an unconventional way

- and this makes him very interesting in the eyes of others and indispensable in work that requires a creative approach.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs The name Artemy is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius. Taurus (April 20-May 20) is similar to Artemy in simplicity and intelligence; under the auspices of this sign he will be an observer of life, a little pragmatic, capable of poetry, and also very kind and peace-loving. The imperious Leo (June 23-July 23) suits Artemy with his creative energy, determination, careerism, and desire to be the best. This is the sign that is perhaps closest inner world

Artemia. As for Sagittarius, under his protection Artemy will worry not about his career, but about extreme sports. His whole life will be spent in constant search of moral and physical risk, he will travel all over the world, try everything and it will be very difficult to stop him.

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the decision to name the child Artemy? The advantages of this name are that it is very beautiful, harmonious, rare, goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and its owners have an excellent character. The disadvantages of the name Artemy can be seen in the fact that it is quite difficult to choose an abbreviation or diminutive form for it, because if you do not use abbreviations that come from named Artyom(Tyoma, Temchik, Artyomka), then Artemievs can only be called Artemyushkas, Artyushas, ​​Artyuns.

Upbringing. Laws. Health. Development. Family. Pregnancy

It should be said that the Artemievs are in excellent health; they are usually men with good physical fitness and external characteristics, who like to play sports at an amateur level.

Love and family relationships

Artemy finds it difficult to find himself in the family. Due to workaholism and unbridled energy, the owner of this name should not get married early (usually Artemy tries to tie the knot at a fairly early age). at a young age, having chosen a very beautiful doll girl as his wife), since his life in the process of becoming an adult will change dramatically, and the family may suffer from this. It is best for Artemy to “settle down” at the age of about 35 - it is then that stability and time for a family will come in his life, which, by the way, at this age Artemy will appreciate, adore and cherish.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Artemy is a treasure for work that requires a creative approach to business. He can be a wonderful programmer, a manager, a restaurant manager or any other establishment, an advertising and PR worker, a computer designer, a director, a journalist, and so on.

Name day

A person's name is his important distinguishing feature. A lot in the life of each of us depends on the name.

What does the name Artemy mean? What is the origin and history of the name Artemy?

The meaning of the name Artemy

Artemy is the church version of the name Artyom. Artemy is healthy. Messenger of the Goddess Artemis. A strong and purposeful man. The zodiac sign that accompanies him is Libra. He allows Artemy to find an informed decision in any situation.

The planet that accompanies a man is Venus. She allows him to arrange a full personal life. The color that suits Artemy best is dark blue. The tree that will become a talisman for him is rowan. The stone that will protect you from troubles is beryl.

Origin and history of the name Artemy

The name is ancient Greek origin. In the old days it was believed that Saint Artemius needed to be prayed for healing from chronic ailments. To win in court cases. Today the name is widespread throughout Europe.

In Italy they use a form of the name Artemio. In Poland the name sounds like Artemiuz. Artemy celebrates his name day twice a year - on the sixth of July and the second of November. The meaning of the name Artemy is healthy, which determines his physical and spiritual strength.

The character and fate of Artemy

TO positive traits Artemy's character should be attributed to:





Artemy is growing up before our eyes. He does not like to make acquaintances among his peers. It is much easier for him to communicate with older children. Artemy loves to learn something new, he is so inquisitive that almost anything can captivate him.

Negative character traits of Artemy include:



As a child, Artemy grows up to be a calm and quiet boy. He likes to play alone, he doesn't like big companies. He reads a lot and knows a lot. At school he is the teachers' favorite. He is very reserved in his statements and selective in his friends.

It is difficult for parents to find contact with Artemy. They are increasingly beginning to fear that the boy will fall in love with loneliness and will grow exclusively in it. He will try to help both mother and father, but at the same time he will always have his own point of view. It is precisely because Artemy has powerful arguments in defense of his point of view that he becomes a favorite in the class.

He loves sports. He enjoys attending various clubs and sections and spares no time in developing his skills and talents. Artemy can do a lot and strives for even more. But he has few friends. When Artemy becomes successful, he begins to impose his will on others. Few people will like this.

Artemy gets to the heart of the matter and does not miss the slightest detail. He is interested in exact sciences, reads a lot and is actively developing. Loves to discuss and exchange experiences. But at the same time, he remains unconvinced. He achieves great success in sports. And all thanks to perseverance and effort. Parents are surprised by Artemy’s determination. The mother dotes on her son and tries in every possible way to promote his spiritual and physical development.

Often, Artemy finishes school earlier than his classmates only because he strives to start his adult life faster. Artemy is inclined to study languages. He loves to travel and see new countries. That is why he may know several foreign languages– to easily communicate on them anywhere in the world.

It’s better not to get into an argument with Artemy. It is very easy to negotiate with him. It is practically trouble-free when it comes to personal requests. But, if someone doubted his professionalism and devotion, Artemy will no longer maintain personal communication with this person. He will nullify it.

Artemy will make a wonderful political scientist, economist, lawyer, and philosopher. If Atemiy connects his life with science, he will reach great heights. Artemy will also have successful business. He is not afraid to take risks, but if he takes a risk, he will definitely get wonderful results.

Artemy has few friends, his colleagues often disappoint him, his comrades betray him. But he never stops developing and looking for like-minded people. As a leader, Artemy is too tough. What does the name Artemy mean? Healthy, strong, resilient. Such a man can lead and large company, and create it yourself family business.

Artemy has excellent hearing, but he does not seek to connect his life with art. He loves music and listens to it for relaxation, for the soul. He loves order in everything, so he demands a lot from the people around him. Can give on time useful advice. At the same time, Artemy does not cause envy among others, he rather causes admiration.

Lyubov Artemiya

Artemy's character and fate also determine his position in the family. He will never allow his wife to control him. He would rather agree to mutually beneficial cooperation than to matriarchy. He chooses a life partner who is smart and well-read, with whom it is comfortable to communicate and remain silent, looking at the surface of the water.

Artemy needs a woman who will take care of the house while he works hard. He will not tolerate betrayal, but he himself does not look around. He values ​​his beloved, and she values ​​him. Artemy believes that family is more important than work, while almost everything is his own free time spends at work.

Household members may even temporarily forget what he looks like if Artemy has an important project or business trip. The wife patiently waits for her husband, receiving his love and affection for this. U Artemy complex nature and only a wise woman can get along with him. Which will be able to subtly and unobtrusively guide him.

Artemy loves children, but devotes little time to them, believing that this is the concern of their mother. He loves to travel with the whole family. This brings him a lot of pleasure. Despite his busy schedule, Artemy always finds time for his friends and loved ones. In his house the doors are always open for them. That is why Artemy is surrounded only by close and devoted people, tested by time and life situations.

The meaning and difference in the names Artem and Artemy.

Today, not only young parents are faced with a similar problem: how to register their child correctly. No, an adult doesn’t have that choice, it’s just Lately There have been a lot of discussions on the topic of whether it is correct to call Artem Artemy (or vice versa). Maybe it's absolutely different names and have no relation to each other or, on the contrary, simply different shape one name.

Name Artem and Artemy: different names or not?

How many people, so many opinions. Some vehemently dispute that the names are completely different, while others see little difference. Before we give a final verdict, let's delve a little deeper into the history and meaning of such a name. Perhaps this will give you some clues or clues.

Let's delve into history - what is the origin of the name:

  • This name has Greek roots. In principle, it is Greece and the Greek people who should thank us for most of our names. Well, more precisely, to their gods. Because the main part takes its roots precisely from the names of gods or goddesses.
    • Some interesting facts! Goddess Artemis- An ancient Greek virgin, who is known to most as a huntress (or warrior). She became famous for archery. But she is also the goddess of fertility and female chastity. She is also the patroness of a happy and harmonious marriage and easy childbirth. And, of course, it should be noted that Artemis is also the protector of all life on Earth.
    • This combination was given to her by her parents – Zeus and Leto. Let us remind you that Zeus considered the god of thunder and lightning. A Summer- this is my daughter heavenly gods, who were also kings in the North.
  • So we received the first signal - the name Artemy comes from the name of this very goddess (by the way, she is considered a goddess fourth generation). Its characteristics are partially reflected in the character and fate of the person with this name (but more on that a little later).
  • It is difficult to determine what year it was. Because the, greek gods existed, just like herself Ancient Greece, even before our era. And the name takes its roots from those times.
  • But the name Artem began to gain momentum in the 17th century (meaning in Rus'), as result of spoken language. And since then, its popularity has only blossomed.

Artemy (from the Greek “artemes”) is “dedicated to Artemis,” as most have already guessed. Also, the name is interpreted as “healthy”, “invincible” and “impeccable health”. Well, the meaning of the name Artem has the same wording.

Now we come to the main question - is this the same name? Let's just say that these are different forms of the same name! Artemy acts as if he were the progenitor of Artyom, because it was colloquial speech that supplanted this ancient name.

IMPORTANT: The name Artem is not in the church sacrament. That is, you can only baptize a child with the name Artemy.

  • By the way, interesting fact- the name Artemy disappeared from use just at the time when Christianity was adopted in Rus'.

Therefore, you can also designate names like this : Artemy is an ancient church form of the name Artem. Also, the second option is a shortened form.

Artem and Artemy: how to correctly say their full name?

If we talk about abbreviated or diminutive options.

  • There are a whole lot of them: this is Artosha, and Artya, as well as Artemchik, Artemka, Artemushka, everyone Famous Theme and even Tyunya. And also Artesha, Tyusha, Artemino, Artyukha and Artyusha. As you can see, everything depends only on your imagination.
  • And it is also worth noting that there are other synonyms for the name:
    • Artemios (this is what it sounds like in Polish);
    • Artsem (in Belarusian);
    • Artemio (that's what his name sounds like) Italian and Spanish);
    • Artamon or Artemon (this is another folk forms one name);
    • Artemi (another option).
  • Important! From the legal side, these are two different names. Even, three. Since the name Artyom and Artyom are also different names. Yes, when the first red tape arises with papers, this fact will come out.

Here we touch on another important issue - the reasons for such a discussion:

  1. The first reason is probably already clear - this is the legal side. Yes, in documents (in all) it is important to indicate exactly down to each letter. Any even slightest deviation will give you a new name. By the way, the same problem will arise with the surname. A striking example(although this name is still considered the same), but when Yulia receives a passport and in the “name” column she will write herself down as Yulia. Then she will have a different name, because according to the documents it will be so.
  2. The second reason is the popularity of old names. For a while historical time Artemy was slightly embossed with the name Artem. And in the last period we begin to return to the original version.
  3. And, perhaps, the combination of the two previous reasons pushed us towards another fashion - any name today is considered independent. Let us repeat once again that according to the documents, the slightest changed letter already makes the name different and independent, therefore.

Also, one cannot help but mention the name day or, as we are more accustomed, Angel’s Day. Basically, only two or four angel days are allocated, but in church calendar There are several name days of this name.

IMPORTANT: The Church does not share these names! This is considered one name, but it is correct to write it Artemy, since Artem, as a name, arose a little later. And the Bible is not rewritten for every change in the fashion for names. By the way, it is not a fact that Artyom was a colloquial option in those days (as Artyom is today). Just church language slightly different from our modern dialect.

Artem or Artemy

Celebrate (old style dates in brackets):

  • January 17 (4) - on this date they remember one of the 70 apostles who were chosen by Jesus (except for the main twelve), the Listrian Apostle Artem.
  • February 26 (13) - on this day they celebrate in honor of the righteous Artem of Palestine.
  • April 6 (March 24) - in honor of St. Artem, Bishop of Thessalonica.
  • May 12 (April 29) - this day is celebrated in memory of the martyr Artem Kazichesky, who was killed along with eight supporters of Christ.
  • July 6 (June 23) - name day in honor of the righteous youth Artemy Verkolsky, who died from a lightning strike at the age of 13.
  • November 2 (October 20) is the day of two saints. Also the youth Artemy of Verkolsky and the Great Martyr Artemy of Antioch, who predicted the death of the pagan Julian.
  • November 12 (October 30) - on this day the Apostle Artem of Lyria is again venerated.

IMPORTANT: Angel Day depends on your date of birth. That is, all these days do not need to be celebrated; each of us can only have one name day. For example, if a person was born on September 9, then his Angel Day falls on November 2. And if the baby’s birth falls on March 2, then the name day should be celebrated on April 6.

Artem and Artemy: characteristics of names

If we speak openly, then it would be correct to do it this way and that way. Heavenly hail will not fall on you and no one will throw stones at you. We have already said that any change in the letter of a word entails the formation of a new name. But there are no strict rules.

  • If we talk about church requirements, then Artemy would be correct to write. After all, we have already said that the church does not recognize other names, like Artem or, for example, Sophia (this is also a colloquial form, according to church canons the correct name is Sophia).
  • From a legal point of view, you simply end up with two different names, but both options will be correct. This is at the discretion of the parents. By the way, you can also write the letter “e” or “e” at your discretion.
  • No matter how you write the baby's name on the birth certificate, he will still be called Theme (this is the most common shortened form). And it doesn’t matter whether it was written by Artyom, Artyom or Artemy.
  • Today, as they say, “every whim is for your money.” You can, if desired, specify any form and this will already be considered a separate name. That is, formally these will be different names. But in essence - one and the same.

Name Artem

If we talk about a person’s character and the influence of his name on fate:

  • First of all, I would like to note his early maturation. More precisely, such children most often communicate with older children. Because with their peers they soon become bored and uninteresting. Therefore, friends will be older at an early age, and in the future they often choose older wives.
  • They also become independent early and try hard to prove their independence. In adulthood, this trait does not disappear, but becomes even more pronounced. They do not like to turn to someone for help, because then they feel like they are becoming a debtor. And Artem doesn’t like this.
  • Diligence and hard work is evident in early childhood, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact in adult life. Especially when you consider the career aspect.
  • As a rule, these are hardworking individuals. This is already noticeable in school years. Artem can study well, diligently and with interest, but he can become bored. Often average level study may discourage him from doing so. Also, he quickly grasps information and understands it. But a lack of workload can discourage you from striving for anything. As a rule, they don't do very well at school. But purely due to lack of information and difficulty of learning.
  • This is also affected by the baby’s excessive activity. This is a very active child from childhood and often lacks perseverance in his studies. They prefer outdoor games.
  • It’s impossible not to mention them leadership skills. By the way, this also affects your studies. Parents should take note that your child simply needs to attend various clubs and groups where he could realize himself. Let us repeat that for this he has great zeal and desire to present himself in the best light. Just don’t send the boy to the dance without his consent (this applies, by the way, to any male names).
  • Artyom is very stubborn and argues a lot, which is for him and positive quality, and a negative feature. He does not give in to difficulties and other people's opinions. And to convince him of something is simply a useless exercise that will only provoke an argument.
    • Often these representatives impose their opinions and are overly demanding. And sometimes they control strangers too much, especially their significant other.
  • Although Artemy is considered a non-conflict person who knows how to diplomatically solve any problem. But sometimes stubbornness gets in the way.
    • Character traits such as stubbornness and exactingness are especially pronounced in autumn representatives. Therefore, problems often arise even with parents. It will not work to force him to do anything or impose your opinion. By the way, these children need help to discover their talents and gently guide them.
    • Winter Artems have a contradictory character, but at the same time they have great perseverance and hard work. They are considered good and hospitable hosts. He loves to travel and learn something new. Therefore, do not shut down his curiosity and interest.
    • Those born in spring will good friend, because he has well-developed sympathy and empathy. Already in early childhood he is distinguished by great responsibility. But, at the same time, these are selfish and capricious children (the character does not change in adulthood either), who are also distinguished by their great temper. But there is an approach to him - he loves praise.
    • Summer representatives have the most developed discipline and desire for leadership. Sometimes they are overly picky about details, and are also prone to strict adherence to rules. But he will turn out to be a gallant gentleman who likes to think through everything to the finest detail.
  • And, of course, it is also worth highlighting such a feature as the inability to adapt to people and their behavior. Artem will always have his own opinion, which, by the way, he will certainly voice. Are you happy to hear it or not?

Name Artem

If touched love aspect and creating a family:

  • Regardless of whether Artem or Artemy is in front of you family life treat with caution. Even if they have early marriages in their youth (this is extremely rare, the ideal option for them would be civil marriage), then in most cases end in divorce. No, he is not so dedicated to work, he just chooses his wife very carefully, even slightly excessively.
  • People become ready to start a family after thirty, or even forty years. Again, he feels great being in a civil marriage.
    • Girls and women who are next to him must learn one truth - under no circumstances put pressure on your chosen one. In principle, he does not like this and simply may not be ready for marriage. What to do in this case is another conversation. But a little advice - turn on your feminine charm.
  • They really appreciate delicious food and comfort in the home. By the way, they make caring husbands and they are on the side of equality. Yes, these are the men who are ready to share household chores with their wife. But the woman must meet his requirements and show her need for him.
  • With children, Artem is often too strict and harsh, but compensates for this with excessive pampering. There is no need to discourage him from taking his child somewhere or buying him a toy, even if you are in a difficult financial situation.
    • And one more piece of advice to their wives - do not limit his freedom! These representatives, above all, value their independence.
  • But Artems cheat extremely rarely. By the way, they don’t agree to divorce either. The only exception is the incredible new love and complete misunderstanding in the family. But! If there are children, he is ready to endure until the last.
  • If we talk about him family ties, then he is reluctant to communicate with distant (and even close) relatives. He even keeps his distance. Again, you need to force him to go to a family dinner, just try to unobtrusively maintain contact with them.
  • The Artems have few friends, and even less so. Although they are sociable, they do not open up to everyone. Yes, and they trust too.


  • Since childhood, they have given parents a lot of trouble. Especially, they often suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and bronchitis becomes their favorite ailment.
  • Often, before they have time to recover, they contract a new disease. But as you grow older, your immune system gets stronger and is already adolescence rarely complains about health. In adult life, he also rarely gets sick and tolerates everything on his feet well.

Intimate side:

He sees sex, first of all, as a way to relax and relieve tension. He is a very gentle and sensitive lover and has a well-developed imagination. Supporter role playing games. Therefore, a woman must also be a passionate person who will not allow his ardor to fade and will contribute to his potential.

If we talk about compatibility with female names:

  • A successful marriage develops with Anna, Lyudmila, Tamara, Larisa, Svetlana, Ekaterina and Maria
  • But relationships with Yulia, Olga, Natalya, Marina and Elena will be very difficult

But! This does not mean that such people are not destined to be together. You just need to constantly work on your relationships and look for a middle ground. And the main thing in a relationship is trust in each other.

What is the difference between the names Artem and Artemy?

As can be seen from everything described above, there is no difference between these names. By at least, according to church canons, these are different forms of the same name. From the legal side, yes, these are different names. The meaning and characteristics of their names are identical, but there is a slight difference. This is a middle name.

  • If Artem, then the children will be Artemovich, Artemovna;
  • If dad is Artemy, then the children will be Artemyevich, Artemyevna.

Can Artem be called Artemy?

We have already examined the situation inside and out, so we can safely answer the question posed - we can call Artem Artemy. Moreover, when baptized or visiting church, the only name will be Artemy. The same can be said vice versa. In general, friends or relatives will call both of them more simply - Tema. And this will also be correct.

Video: The meaning of the name Artem

The mystery of the name

Artem, Artemy- healthy (ancient Greek).
A strong, respectable name, relatively rare.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: dark blue.
Talisman stone: beryl.
Auspicious plant: rowan, chrysanthemum.
Patron name: cricket.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: self-confidence, calmness.


Artemy Verkolsky, holy righteous, July 6 (June 23). The son of a peasant from Arkhangelsk province, lived in the 16th century, in his adolescence he pleased God with meekness and obedience. He died at the age of thirteen. 28 years after his death, Artemy’s relics were found incorrupt and placed in the Verkola Church of St. Nicholas.
Artemy, St. Great Martyr, November 2 (October 20). He was one of the outstanding military leaders during the reign of Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great, and then his son and successor, Constantius. Artemy had many awards for excellent service and courage, and was appointed governor of Egypt. In this position, he did a lot to spread and strengthen Christianity in Egypt. Constantius was succeeded on the throne by Julian. The apostate emperor, wanting to revive paganism, waged an irreconcilable fight against Christianity, sending hundreds of Christians to death. In Antioch, he ordered the torture of two bishops who did not want to renounce the faith of Christ. At this time, Artemy came to the city and publicly accused Julian of impiety. The angry apostate subjected him to severe torture and then threw him into prison. During prayer, Christ Himself appeared to him and strengthened him in faith and suffering: “Be courageous and rejoice - you will be with Me in My Kingdom.” The next day, having encountered Artemy’s decisive refusal to recognize the pagan gods, Julian again resorted to torture. The ascetic endured everything without a single groan. He predicted to Julian that he would soon receive fair retribution for the evil he had caused to Christians. The apostate became enraged and resorted to even more severe torture, but they did not break the will of the great martyr, and then, in 363, Artemy was beheaded. His remains were buried by Christians. Soon the prophecy came true. Julian the apostate fought the Persians. Near the city of Ctesiphon he met an old Persian who promised to betray his compatriots, and taken as a guide to Julian’s army, the old man deceived the Apostate and led the army into impassable places where there was neither water nor food. Exhausted by hunger and thirst, Julian's army was forced to engage in battle with fresh Persian forces. During the battle, the Renegade was mortally wounded by an invisible hand, an invisible weapon. Dying, he said: “You have won, Galilean!”


They turn to Artemy for help in healing a hernia.


Adult Artem always carefully thinks through his decisions and most often achieves good results. He is distinguished by his ability to delve into the essence of the matter, to be able to work without being distracted by thoughts on extraneous objects. It is useless to “pressure” him, but he needs praise, it inspires him, doubles his strength.

Artem loves exact sciences, is interested in economics, and chooses a profession in which all actions depend only on him: traveler, scientist, military man, artist. He can achieve excellent results in business because he is not afraid of risks and boldly makes decisions.

Artyom has few close friends: he won’t call everyone his friend.

He loves his family very much, carefully takes care of and protects his family hearth.

Surname: Artemovich, Artemyevich, Artemovna, Artemyevna.


Artemy Lavrentievich Ober (1843-1917) - Russian animal sculptor. All his life he studied and sculpted animals, putting hard work and rare talent into it.

Artemy was born in Moscow into the family of an imperial theater manager. The father wanted his son to become a scientist, “... but all I did,” the artist recalled, “was sculpt and draw. When I was 8 years old, I drew forty-eight hunts in one notebook...”

The calling has won. After studying a little at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, at the age of 22, Aubert left for Paris. There was a world-famous zoological garden with a drawing school attached to it, which was headed by famous artist A. Bari. The main thing in art for Bari was the depiction of animals. It was in relation to his work that the word “animalist” was used, which gave the name to the new artistic genre.

Artemy Ober studied a lot with his French teacher. The chosen area of ​​creativity required high vocational training, skill. This is what he wrote about his daily routine: “I went to the Zoological Garden in the morning, after breakfast... to the Louvre to draw from antiquities, and in between studied the marvelous Louvre Museum... In the evening I went to evening classes... to the school of decorative arts.” .

In September 1870, Ober had to interrupt his studies and hastily return to his homeland - the Franco-Prussian War. For some time he lived with his parents in Moscow, then moved to St. Petersburg. For the first time, he showed at an exhibition at the Academy of Arts in 1872 a composition almost the size of life: “A Lion Devouring a Gazelle.” The sculptor was awarded a silver medal, and his work was acquired by the Academic Museum.

The work was significant for the development of animal theater in Russia. Before Ober, sculptors depicted portraits of "posing" animals. Ober sought to show them in life situations- in the chase, in the fight, in the rapture of one’s prey. This is what amazed the audience in “The Lion Devouring a Gazelle.” The group was portrayed extremely accurately and emotionally captivatingly.

Ober's skill reached its peak in the mid-1880s. To the number best works This period belongs to the “Winner Bull”, representing a powerful animal proudly towering over the defeated wolf. Thin bronze casting conveys all the nuances of confident sculpting, the folds of rough skin, and the play of powerful muscles.

Artemy Ober showed his sculptures almost every year - at the Academy of Arts, at exhibitions with the Peredvizhniki, in the World of Art society, and participated in international exhibitions; in London and Paris he was awarded personalized medals. His most successful works were cast in bronze by the best companies in St. Petersburg, and in cast iron by the famous Ural plant in Kasly.

Ober is unique in conveying rapid movement. What is difficult for the human eye to perceive, the sculptor not only accurately captures, but also masterfully conveys.

"An Indian gazelle pursued by wild dogs" lies spread-eagled in the air. And this unstoppable flight captivates with its elemental beauty, overshadowing the dramatic clash of animals.

With light humor and warmth, the artist depicted the group “Chimpanzees”: two monkeys, surprised and grimacing, examine a turtle; their poses, gestures, and facial expressions are unusually expressive.

Made in plaster, the “Snarling Wolf” grinned fiercely, ready to repel the enemy. Dynamic sculpting with sharp shadow contrasts enhances the sense of tension.

Before Artemy Ober, there was no sculptor in Russian animal art with such a choice of themes and images: exotic predators, domestic animals, inhabitants of forests and seas - everything was subject to his talent.

Artemy is an unpopular church form of a familiar name, the interpretation of which means “who worships Artemis” or “healthy,” “indomitable,” unharmed.”

Origin of the name

The male address Artemy was invented back in the days of ancient Greece in honor of the goddess of the hunt, the beautiful Artemis.

Although many linguists stubbornly argue that this name, which has become Orthodox, is connected with the popular Artem in Rus' only indirectly, such a theory seems dubious, even based on comparative characteristics personal qualities owners of such similar nicknames.

general characteristics

Little Artemy is persistent and stubborn, loves the company of adults and neglects playing with his peers. The boy will benefit from a strict upbringing, with minimal comfort conditions - a Spartan one.

It’s great if a child is raised by a family of athletes, because young Artyomushka has a lot of mobility and flexibility, and a parental example will be an ideal incentive for conquering the most daring heights.

Among the owners of the name there are often consummate debaters and talkers, especially if their birthday falls in the winter. Letny Artemy manages to direct his speech talent along the literary path - he turns out to be a good poet and speaker.

People who were lucky enough to bear the “divine” name Artemy were rewarded by nature with excellent intuition, tolerance, endurance and the ability to analyze.

Therefore, when turning to Artyomushka, adults never use methods of communicating with small children - they do not lisp or try to distract his attention - this boy will appreciate straightforwardness and a clearly stated remark fairly and without unnecessary offense.

Positive character traits

Artemy is an altruist, he loves animals, takes care of the weak and does not expect praise in return. The work in his hands is successful, and the ability to correctly distribute responsibilities and plan the stages preceding the achievement of a goal makes a man an indispensable employee and an excellent leader.

In his personal life, Artemushka will always be an unspoken leader, and his significant other will never feel unloved or deprived of attention.

Negative character traits

It is extremely difficult to find negative qualities in Artemia. He is principled, has a personal point of view, but will not impose his ideas on anyone - after all, he values ​​each person as a separate person, unlike others.

If anyone thought that such a person could be ridden, they are deeply mistaken. Artemy’s intuition never sleeps; if he feels that you want to use him for selfish, unjust purposes, he will simply stop communicating.

Zodiac sign

Astrologers give the most favorable forecast of fate for Artemy, born in Libra. Also name would be suitable Taurus and Capricorn.
Patronize the owner old name there will be distant, bright Venus.
The color that brings peace and joy is beige.
The talisman stone recommended for wearing is topaz.


Artie, Tesha, Temushka, Artem, Tema, Artema.

Name options

The shortened form of the name Artem has become a separate, more popular title.

Historical figures

end of the 13th – beginning of the 14th centuries. - military leader, Christian martyr Artemius of Antioch.
1520-–1532 - a youth who died after a thunderstorm from hunger and cold, counted among the saints Artemy Verkolsky.
Born 1955 – rock journalist, musician, critic Artemy Troitsky.
Born 1975 – traveler, designer, inventor Artemy Lebedev.
Born 1991 - Russian hockey player Artemy Panarin.

Name day

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