Students in the dormitory having fun with the girls at night. In student dormitories there is a struggle for “open night”. Signed up for their lack of freedom


Even though we have been studying space for quite a long time, phenomena occur periodically that do not fit into the equation. Or they fit, but are unusual in themselves..

Sounds inside Saturn's rings Scientists have created a rather interesting algorithm that converts radio and flame waves into an audio format that is easy to understand. And they provided a device with a similar algorithm spacecraft

Cassini. While he was flying peacefully in outer space, everything was fine. Standard noise, occasional predictable bursts. But when Cassini reached the space between the rings, all sounds disappeared. At all. That is, due to some physical phenomena, space was completely shielded from certain types of waves.

Ice planet No, not in our solar system. But scientists have long found methods that allow not only to identify exoplanets, but also to judge their chemical composition

. And somewhere in space there is definitely a ball of ice flying, almost the size of the Earth. This means that water is not so rare. And where there is water, there is life. Moreover, it is not known whether there is geothermal activity there, as on one of the moons of Jupiter - the first candidate for the presence of extraterrestrial life.

Rings of Saturn

Still, perhaps, one of the most interesting phenomena in our solar system. The most interesting thing is that the already mentioned Cassini managed to slip between these rings without even harming itself. True, it was impossible to get in touch at this time, so we had to rely only on programs. But then the connection was restored and we received unique photographs.

"Steve" This unusual phenomenon

nature was discovered by space exploration enthusiasts. Essentially, this is something like a super-hot (3000 degrees Celsius) air flow in the upper layers of the atmosphere. It moves at a speed of 10 km per second and it is completely unclear why this happens. But scientists have already begun to slowly study this phenomenon.

Habitable planet Just 40 light-years away, LHS 1140 is a prime candidate for extraterrestrial life. Everything coincides - the location of the planet, the size of the sun (15 percent more in total), and. So, purely theoretically, the same processes could take place there as in our country.

Dangerous asteroids

A huge boulder with a diameter of 650 meters flew extremely close to the Earth. By astronomical standards, of course. In fact, it was located from us at a distance 4 times greater than the distance from the Earth to the Moon. But this is already considered dangerous. Just a little more... And I don’t even want to think where all this could lead.

Space "dumpling"

Everyone knows that planetoids have a roughly spherical shape. Very roughly, but still. But natural satellite Saturn's Pan form is, to put it mildly, strange. Sort of like a “space dumpling”. The images were taken by Voyager 2 in 1981, but the peculiarity of this planetoid was noticed only recently.

Photos of a habitable star system

Trappist-1 is another candidate for the search for life. Only 39 light years. Several planets orbit in the “life zone,” although the star is much less powerful than the Sun. So you need to pay attention to this system.

Date of collision between Earth and Mars

Let's just say that there is practically nothing behind the loud headline. We are talking about an insignificant chance in billions of years. Simply because, purely theoretically, due to a change in the Earth’s orbit and a weakening of the Sun’s gravity (a billion years is no joke). And Mars and the Earth have already interacted in the past - more than 85 million years ago, the Earth’s orbit changed from circular to elliptical with a frequency of once every 1.2 million years. Now it’s less common - only once every 2.4 million. It will probably be even less common in the future.

Gas vortex in the Perseus cluster

Let's just say that galaxies are formed under approximately these conditions. A huge accumulation of stellar gas, heated to 10 million degrees, which occupies a space of more than a million light years. Honestly, a fascinating sight.

The site team and journalist Artyom Kostin follow new news from the world of science with interest. After all, every new discovery brings us one step closer to understanding. And, hopefully, to the use of these laws.

Every year, scientists are increasingly faced with phenomena on our planet that they cannot explain. In the USA, near the city of Santa Cruz (California), there is one of the most mysterious places on our planet - the Preizer zone. It occupies only a few hundred square meters, but scientists believe that this is an anomalous zone. After all, the laws of physics do not apply here. So, for example, people of the same height standing on a completely flat surface will seem taller to one and shorter to the other. The anomalous zone is to blame. Researchers discovered it back in 1940. But after 70 years of studying this place, they were never able to understand why this was happening. In the center of the anomalous zone, George Preiser built a house in the early 40s of the last century. However, just a few years after construction, the house tilted. Although this shouldn't have happened. After all, it was built in compliance with all the rules. It stands on a strong foundation, all angles inside the house are 90 degrees, and the two sides of its roof are absolutely symmetrical to each other. They tried to level this house several times. They changed the foundation, installed iron supports, even rebuilt the walls. But the house returned to its previous position every time. Scientists explain this by the fact that in the place where the house is built, the earth’s magnetic field is disturbed. After all, even the compass here shows absolutely opposite information. Instead of north it indicates south, and instead of west - east. Another curious property of this place: people cannot stay here for a long time. After just 40 minutes of being in the Preiser zone, a person experiences an inexplicable feeling of heaviness, his legs become weak, he feels dizzy, and his pulse quickens. Long stay may cause sudden heart attack. Scientists cannot yet explain this anomaly, one thing is known that such a terrain can both have a beneficial effect on a person, giving him strength and vital energy, and destroy him. Researchers of the mysterious places of our planet in recent years have come to a paradoxical conclusion. Anomalous zones exist not only on Earth, but also in space. And it is possible that they are interconnected. Moreover, some scientists believe that our entire solar system is a kind of anomaly in the Universe. Having studied 146 star systems that are similar to our solar system, researchers found out: the larger the planet, the closer it is to its star. Closer to the luminary is the most big planet, then follows less and so on. However, in our solar system everything is just the opposite: the most major planets– Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are on the outskirts, and the smallest are located closest to the Sun. Some researchers even explain this anomaly by saying that our system was allegedly created artificially by someone. And this someone specially arranged the planets in such an order to make sure that nothing happened to the Earth and its inhabitants. For example, the fifth planet from the Sun - Jupiter - is the real shield of planet Earth. The gas giant is in an orbit that is atypical for such a planet. It’s as if it’s specially positioned to serve as a kind of cosmic umbrella for the Earth. Jupiter acts as a kind of “trap”, intercepting objects that would otherwise fall on our planet. Suffice it to recall July 1994, when fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy crashed into Jupiter at tremendous speed, the area of ​​​​the explosions was then comparable to the diameter of our planet. In any case, science now relates to the issue of searching and studying anomalies, as well as trying to meet other intelligent beings already serious. And it bears fruit. So, suddenly scientists did incredible discovery– there are two more planets in the solar system. An international group of astronomers recently published even more sensational research results. It turns out that in ancient times our Earth was illuminated by two suns at once. This happened about 70 thousand years ago. On the outskirts solar system a star appeared. And our distant ancestors, who lived in the Stone Age, could observe the radiance of two heavenly bodies at once: the Sun and a foreign guest. Astronomers called this star, which tours alien planetary systems, Scholz's star. Named after the discoverers Ralf-Dieter Scholz. In 2013, he first identified it as a star belonging to the class of closest to the Sun. The size of the star is equal to one tenth of our Sun. It is not known exactly how long the celestial body spent visiting the solar system. But in this moment Scholz's star, according to astronomers, is located at a distance of 20 light years from Earth, and continues to move away from us. Astronauts talk about many anomalous phenomena. However, their memories are often hidden for many years. People who have been in space are reluctant to reveal the secrets they witnessed. But sometimes astronauts make statements that become a sensation. Buzz Aldrin is the second person after Neil Armstrong to set foot on the moon. Aldrin claims that he observed space objects of unknown origin long before his famous flight to the Moon. Back in 1966. Aldrin was then performing a spacewalk, and his colleagues saw some unusual object next to him - a luminous figure of two ellipses, which almost instantly moved from one point in space to another. If only one astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, had seen the strange luminous ellipse, then this could be attributed to physical and psychological overload. But the luminous object was spotted by the command post controllers. The American Space Agency officially admitted in July 1966: the objects that the astronauts saw were impossible to classify. They cannot be classified as phenomena explainable by science. The most surprising thing is that all the cosmonauts and astronauts who have been in Earth orbit mentioned strange phenomena in space. Yuri Gagarin repeatedly said in interviews that he heard beautiful music in orbit. Cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, who visited space three times, said that he clearly heard a dog barking and a child crying. Some scientists believe that for millions of years the entire space of the solar system has been under the careful supervision of extraterrestrial civilizations. All the planets of the system are under their control. And these cosmic forces are not only observers. They save us from cosmic threats, and sometimes from self-destruction. March 11, 2011, 70 kilometers from east coast Japanese island An earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale occurs in Honshu - the strongest in the history of Japan. The center of this destructive earthquake was located in Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 32 kilometers below sea level, so it caused a powerful tsunami. Huge wave it took only 10 minutes to walk to the largest island in the archipelago, Honshu. Many Japanese coastal cities were simply washed away from the face of the Earth. But the worst happened the next day - March 12. In the morning, at 6:36 a.m., the first reactor exploded nuclear power plant Fukushima. A radiation leak has begun. Already on this day, at the epicenter of the explosion, the maximum permissible level of pollution was exceeded 100 thousand times. The next day, the second block exploded. Biologists and radiologists are sure: after such huge leaks, almost the entire Earth. After all, already on March 19 - just a week after the first explosion - the first wave of radiation reached the shores of the United States. And according to forecasts, the radiation clouds were then supposed to move further... However, this did not happen. Many at that moment believed that a catastrophe on a global scale was avoided only thanks to the intervention of some inhuman, or rather extraterrestrial, forces. This version sounds like science fiction, like a fairy tale. But if you trace the number of anomalous phenomena that the residents of Japan observed in those days, you can draw a striking conclusion: the number of UFOs seen was more than in the last six months around the world! Hundreds of Japanese photographed and filmed unidentified luminous objects in the sky. Researchers are absolutely sure that the radiation cloud, which was not unexpected for environmentalists, and contrary to weather forecasters, dissipated only due to the activity of these strange objects in the sky. And there were many such amazing situations. In 2010, scientists experienced a real shock. They decided that they had received the long-awaited answer from their brothers in mind. The American Voyager spacecraft could become a liaison with the aliens. It was launched towards Neptune on September 5, 1977. On board it was both research equipment and a message for extraterrestrial civilization. Scientists hoped that the probe would pass near the planet and then leave the solar system. This carrier plate contained general information about human civilization in the form of simple drawings and audio recordings: greetings in fifty-five languages ​​of the world, children's laughter, sounds of wildlife, classical music. At the same time, valid at that time American President, Jimmy Carter, participated in the recording personally: he addressed extraterrestrial intelligence with a call for peace. For more than thirty years, the device broadcast simple signals: evidence of the normal functioning of all systems. But in 2010, Voyager’s signals changed, and now it was not the aliens who needed to decipher the information from the space traveler, but the creators of the probe themselves. First, the connection with the probe was suddenly lost. Scientists decided that, after thirty-three years of continuous operation, the device simply malfunctioned. But literally a few hours later, Voyager came to life and began broadcasting very strange signals to Earth, much more complex than they had been before. At the moment, the signals have not been deciphered. Many scientists are confident that the anomalies that lurk in every corner of the Universe are, in fact, just a sign that humanity is just beginning its long haul to knowledge of the world.

Processed every day at observatories around the world great amount data. New discoveries are made regularly that can be very useful for science, but seem unremarkable ordinary people. However, some cosmic phenomena, which astronomers have been able to observe in recent years, are so rare and unexpected that they will surprise even the most ardent opponents of astronomy.

Ultradiffuse galaxies

This is what a rare space object looks like - an ultra-diffuse galaxy

It's no secret that the shapes of galaxies can vary greatly. But just a few years ago, scientists did not even suspect that so-called “fluffy” galaxies existed. They are very thin and contain very few stars. The diameter of some of them reaches 60 thousand light years, which is comparable to the size milky way, however, there are about 100 times fewer stars in them.

This is interesting: Using the giant Mauna Kea telescope located in Hawaii, astronomers discovered 47 previously unknown ultra-diffuse galaxies. There are so few stars in them that any outside observer, looking at the desired part of the sky, would see only emptiness there.

Ultradiffuse galaxies are so unusual that astronomers still cannot confirm a single guess about their formation. Perhaps these are simply former galaxies that have run out of gas. There is also an assumption that UDGs are simply pieces “broken off” from larger galaxies. Their “survivability” raises no less questions. Ultradiffuse galaxies were discovered in the Coma cluster - a region of space in which dark matter bubbles, and any normal galaxies are compressed at enormous speeds. This fact suggests that ultradiffuse galaxies acquired their appearance due to the crazy gravity in outer space.

The comet that committed suicide

As a rule, comets are tiny in size, and if they are very distant from Earth, they are difficult to observe even with the help of modern technology. Fortunately, there is also the Hubble Space Telescope. Thanks to him, scientists have recently witnessed a rare phenomenon– spontaneous disintegration of the comet’s nucleus.

It is worth noting that in reality, comets are much more fragile objects than they might seem. They are easily destroyed during any cosmic collisions or when passing through the gravitational field of massive planets. However, comet P/2013 R3 disintegrated thousands of times faster than other similar space objects. It happened very unexpectedly. Scientists have found that this comet has been gradually disintegrating for a long time due to the cumulative impact sunlight. The sun illuminated the comet unevenly, thereby causing it to rotate. The intensity of rotation increased over time, and at one point the celestial body could not withstand the load and fell apart into 10 large fragments weighing 100–400 thousand tons. These pieces slowly move away from each other and leave behind a stream tiny particles. By the way, our descendants, if they wish, will be able to witness the consequences of this decay, because parts of R3 that did not fall on the Sun will still be encountered in the form of meteors.

A star is born

Over 19 years old size and appearance young stars have changed significantly

For 19 recent years Astronomers are able to watch as a small young star, called W75N(B)-VLA2, matures into a fairly massive and mature celestial body. The star, only 4,200 light years distant from Earth, was first noticed in 1996 by astronomers at the Radio Observatory in San Augustine, New Mexico. Observing it for the first time, scientists noticed a dense gas cloud that emanated from an unstable, barely born star.

In 2014, the radioelectric telescope was again pointed towards W75N(B)-VLA2. Scientists decided to once again study the emerging star, which is already in its “teenage years.” They were very surprised when they saw that in such a short period of time, by astronomical standards, the appearance of W75N(B)-VLA2 had changed noticeably. True, it evolved as experts predicted. Over the course of 19 years, the gas part of the star has been greatly stretched during its interaction with the colossal cluster. cosmic dust

, surrounding the cosmic body at the time of its origin.

An unusual rocky planet with large temperature fluctuations 55 Cancri E is one of the most unusual planets

known to astronomers

Scientists have dubbed a small cosmic body called 55 Cancri E a “diamond planet” due to the high carbon content in its depths. But recently, astronomers have identified another distinctive detail of this space object. The temperature on its surface can vary by as much as 300%. This makes this planet unique compared to thousands of other rocky exoplanets.

Because of its unusual position, 55 Cancri E completes a full circle around its star in just 18 hours. One side of this planet is always turned towards her, like the Moon towards the Earth. Considering that temperatures can range from 1100 to 2700 degrees Celsius, experts suggest that the surface of 55 Cancri E is covered with constantly erupting volcanoes. This is the only way to explain the unusual thermal behavior of this planet. Unfortunately, if this assumption is correct, 55 Cancri E cannot represent a giant diamond. In this case, we will have to admit that the carbon content in its depths was overestimated.

Confirmation of the volcanic hypothesis can be found even in our solar system. For example, Jupiter's moon Io is located very close to the gas giant. The gravitational forces acting on it turned Io into a huge red-hot volcano.

Kepler 7B is a planet whose density is approximately the same as that of polystyrene foam

The gas giant called Kepler 7B is a cosmic phenomenon that surprises all astronomers. Firstly, experts were amazed when they calculated the size of this planet. It has a diameter 1.5 times larger than Jupiter, but weighs several times less. Based on this, we can conclude that the average density of Kepler 7B is approximately the same as that of expanded polystyrene.

This is interesting: If somewhere in the Universe there was an ocean in which one could place such giant planet, she would not have drowned in it.

And in 2013, astronomers were able to map the cloud cover of Kepler 7B for the first time. It was the first planet outside the solar system to be explored in such detail. Using infrared images, scientists were also able to measure the temperature on the surface of this celestial body. It turned out that it ranges from 800 to 1000 degrees Celsius. This is quite hot by our standards, but much colder than expected. The fact is that Kepler 7B is located even closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun. After three years of observations, astronomers were able to figure out the reason for the temperature paradox: it turned out that the cloud cover was quite dense, so it reflected most thermal energy.

This is interesting: One side of Kepler 7B is always shrouded in dense clouds, while the other side is constantly clear. Astronomers do not know of any other similar planet.

The next triple eclipse of Jupiter will occur in 2032

We can observe eclipses quite often, but we do not understand how rare such phenomena are in the Universe.

A solar eclipse is an amazing cosmic coincidence. The diameter of our star is 400 times larger than that of the Moon, and it is approximately 400 times farther from our planet. It just so happens that the Earth is located in ideal location so that people can observe how the Moon obscures the Sun, and their contours coincide.

A lunar eclipse has a slightly different nature. We stop seeing our satellite when the Earth takes a position between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the latter from its rays. This phenomenon is observed much more often.

This is interesting: Both solar and lunar eclipses magnificent, but the triple eclipse of Jupiter is much more impressive. In early January 2015, the Hubble Space Telescope was able to record the moment when the three “Galilean” satellites of the gas giant - Io, Europa and Callisto, as if on command, lined up in one line in front of their “dad”. If we could be on the surface of Jupiter at this moment, we would witness a psychedelic triple eclipse.

Fortunately, the perfect harmony of the satellites' movements causes this phenomenon to repeat itself, and scientists are able to predict its exact date and time. The next triple eclipse of Jupiter will occur in 2032.

A colossal “nursery” of future stars

Astronomers have discovered a forming globular cluster of stars, in which so far there is only gas

Stars often form groups or so-called globular clusters. Some of them include up to a million stars. Similar clusters are found throughout the Universe, only in our galaxy there are about 150 of them. Moreover, they are all quite old, so that astronomers cannot understand the mechanisms of formation of star clusters.

But 3 years ago, astronomers discovered a rare object - a forming globular cluster, which so far consists only of gas. This cluster is located in the so-called “Antennae” - two interacting galaxies NGC-4038 and NGC-4039, belonging to the constellation Raven.

The emerging cluster is 50 million light years away from Earth. It is a giant cloud with a mass 52 million times greater than the sun. Perhaps hundreds of thousands of new stars will be born in it.

This is interesting: When astronomers first saw this cluster, they compared it to an egg from which a chicken would soon hatch. In reality, the chicken probably “hatched” a long time ago, because in theory, stars begin to form in such areas after about 1 million years. But the speed of light is limited, so we can observe their birth only when their real age has already reached 50 million years.

The significance of this discovery is difficult to overestimate. It is thanks to him that we begin to learn the secrets of one of the most mysterious processes in space. Most likely, it is from such massive gas regions that all the stunningly beautiful globular clusters are born.

Stratospheric observatory helped scientists solve the mystery of cosmic dust

All stars were once formed from cosmic dust

NASA's sophisticated stratospheric observatory, used for infrared imaging, is located on board a state-of-the-art Boeing 747SP aircraft. With its help, scientists conduct hundreds of studies at altitudes from 12 to 15 kilometers. This layer of the atmosphere contains very little water vapor, so the measurement data is practically not distorted. This allows NASA scientists to get more accurate views of space.

In 2014, SOFIA immediately justified all the money spent on its creation when it helped astronomers solve a mystery that had been troubling their minds for decades. As you may have heard in one of their educational shows, all objects in the Universe are made of the smallest particles of interstellar dust - planets, stars, and even you and me. But it was not clear how tiny grains of stellar matter could survive, for example, supernova explosions.

Looking through the infrared lenses of the SOFIA observatory at the former supernova Sagittarius A, which exploded 100 thousand years ago, scientists found that dense gas regions around stars serve as shock absorbers for particles of cosmic dust. This is how they are saved from destruction and dispersion in the depths of the Universe when exposed to a powerful shock wave. Even if 7-10% of dust remains around Sagittarius A, this will be enough to form 7 thousand bodies comparable in size to the Earth.

Bombardment of the Moon by Perseid meteors

Meteors constantly bombard the surface of the Moon

The Perseids are a meteor shower that annually illuminates our sky from July 17 to August 24. The highest intensity of “star rain” is usually observed from August 11 to 13. The Perseids are observed by thousands of amateur astronomers. But they could see a lot more interesting things if they pointed the lens of their telescope at the Moon.

In 2008, one of the American amateurs did just that. He witnessed an unusual sight - constant impacts of cosmic rocks on the Moon.

This is interesting: Since 2005, NASA astronomers have observed more than 100 such “massive space attacks.” They have collected a huge amount of data and now hope that they will be able to protect future astronauts or, what the hell, colonists of the Moon from bullet-shaped meteorite bodies, the appearance of which cannot be predicted. They are capable of breaking through a much thicker barrier than a spacesuit - the impact energy of a small pebble is comparable to the power of an explosion of 100 kilograms of TNT.

NASA even drew up detailed bombing plans. So if you ever want to take a vacation to the Moon, we recommend checking out the meteor hazard map, which updates every few minutes.

Huge galaxies produce far fewer stars than dwarf galaxies

The process of star formation occurs most rapidly in dwarf galaxies

As the name implies, the size of dwarf galaxies on the scale of the Universe is very modest. However, they are very powerful. Dwarf galaxies are cosmic proof that what matters most is not their size, but the ability to manage them.

Astronomers have repeatedly carried out studies aimed at determining the rate of star formation in medium and large galaxies, but they only recently got to the smallest ones.

Having analyzed the data obtained from space telescope Hubble, which observed dwarf galaxies in infrared range, the experts were very surprised. They found that stars form in them much faster than in more massive galaxies. Before this, scientists assumed that the number of stars directly depends on the amount of interstellar gas, but, as you can see, they were wrong.

This is interesting: Tiny galaxies are the most productive of all known to astronomers. The number of stars in them can double in just 150 million years - an instant for the Universe. In galaxies of normal size, such an increase in population can occur in no less than 2-3 billion years.

Unfortunately, at this stage, astronomers do not know the reasons for such fertility of dwarfs. Note that in order to reliably determine the relationship between mass and star formation features, they would need to look back about 8 billion years. Perhaps scientists will be able to unlock the secrets of dwarf galaxies when they discover many similar objects located on different stages development.

400 years ago, the great scientist Galileo Galilei created the first telescope in history. Since then, studying the depths of the Universe has become an integral part of science. We live in an age of incredibly rapid scientific and technological progress, when important astronomical discoveries are made one after another. However, the more we study space, the more questions arise that scientists cannot answer. I wonder if people will one day be able to say that they know everything about the Universe?

I lived in a hostel for about 7 years. Throughout the five years of studying at the university, 2-3 other people lived in the room with me, who changed periodically.

What can I say: all people are different, you can talk to someone about the topic of sex and relationships, but with some virgin neighbors you didn’t even have the determination to bring up this topic, let alone ask to go for a walk fresh air an hour and a half. The walls in the rooms are very thin, and any sound or creaking of the bed can be clearly heard from the neighbors and in the corridor. Therefore, in most cases, having sex in the room was problematic.

Many couples retired at night in the kitchen or on the ground floor in the corridor where we had a shower. I myself witnessed similar scenes a couple of times when I got up at night to drink some water and went to the kitchen with a glass. Mostly couples tried not to compromise themselves and indulged in joy sex life quiet. Often in the morning you could see a pair of used condoms in the common bin in the kitchen. Some did not use protection, and there were cases when girls became pregnant and married guys from the dorm, and, as a rule, these were girls of not entirely correct behavior, in the sense that they had this kind of relationship with more than one neighbor in the dorm.. .

The sexual activity of students increased when there were holidays and people drank alcohol: their minds became cloudy, and many young ladies were no longer able to refuse the guy they liked. Although I know many stories when love began from such casual sex, and then people started dating and got married, and many of them are still together.

It was very important for me that they didn’t talk badly about me behind my back or whisper about my personal life. This was a matter of principle, and multiple attempts by guys to court me in the hostel turned out to be nothing for them. Many of the girls who had, for example, very strict parents, having finally freed themselves from their care and control, went to great lengths and behaved erratically. sex life. Often at night in the kitchen (and the kitchens in the dorms are shared) I found couples of lovers looking for privacy. All this was simply explained: it was almost never possible to be alone in the room, because... Of the 4 people living there, someone was always at home, so this option was rarely used. I remember my neighbor had sex at 6 in the morning with her classmate, and I not only heard the whole process, but also saw...

Since the walls in the dormitories are very thin, you, unwittingly, become unwitting witnesses and “listeners” of the stormy romances of your neighbors. But I didn’t judge or discuss anyone, because this is life, and no one is immune from spontaneous sex.

In fact, living in a hostel is very difficult. There is little space, there is no opportunity to be alone and calm. On the other hand, it is priceless life experience, which makes it possible to learn to better understand people and adapt to life in any conditions.

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