Rare cosmic phenomena. Paranormal phenomena experienced by astronauts. A new type of catastrophic event

Space records

Space records are constantly updated, the more powerful telescopes and computers, the more humanity learns about space. The universe is so vast that the astronomical knowledge of our civilization is doomed to eternal development. Once people thought that the sun revolved around the earth, and the stars were not so far away. Since then, our data on the universe have changed, but the collection of records is clearly intermediate.

So, here they are - the main space records as of 2010 AD:

The smallest planet in the solar system

Pluto. Its diameter is only 2,400 km. The rotation period is 6.39 days. The mass is 500 times less than the earth's. Has a satellite Charon, discovered by J. Christie and R. Harrington in 1978.

The brightest planet in the solar system
Venus. Its maximum stellar magnitude is -4.4. Venus comes closest to Earth and also reflects sunlight most effectively because the planet's surface is obscured by clouds. The top layers of Venus's clouds reflect 76% of the incident sunlight. When Venus appears at its brightest, it is in the sickle phase. The orbit of Venus lies closer to the Sun than the orbit of the Earth, so the disk of Venus is fully illuminated only when it is on the opposite side from the Sun. At this time, the distance to Venus is greatest, and its apparent diameter is the smallest.

The largest satellite of the planet in the solar system
Ganymede is a satellite of Jupiter with a diameter of 5262 km. The largest moon of Saturn, Titan, is the second in size (its diameter is 5150 km), and at one time it was even believed that Titan was larger than Ganymede. In third place is Jupiter's satellite Callisto, adjacent to Ganymede. Both Ganymede and Callisto are larger than the planet Mercury (4878 km in diameter). Ganymede owes its status as "the largest moon" to a thick mantle of ice that covers its inner layers of rock. The solid cores of Ganymede and Callisto are probably close in size to Jupiter's two small inner Galilean moons, Io (3630 km) and Europa (3138 km).

The smallest satellite of the planet in the solar system
Deimos is a satellite of Mars. The smallest satellite, the dimensions of which are precisely known - Deimos, roughly speaking, has the shape of an ellipsoid with dimensions of 15x12x11 km. Its possible rival is Jupiter's moon Leda, which is estimated to be about 10 km in diameter.

The largest asteroid in the solar system

Ceres. Its dimensions are 970x930 km. In addition, this asteroid was discovered the very first. It was discovered by the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi on January 1, 1801. The asteroid got its name because Ceres, the Roman goddess, was associated with Sicily, where Piazzi was born. The next largest asteroid after Ceres is Pallas, discovered in 1802. Its diameter is 523 km. Ceres revolves around the Sun in the main asteroid belt, being at a distance of 2.7 AU. e. It contains a third of the total mass of all more than seven thousand known asteroids. Although Ceres is the largest asteroid, it is not the brightest because its dark surface reflects only 9% of sunlight. Its brightness reaches 7.3 magnitude.

The brightest asteroid in the solar system
Vesta. Its brightness reaches magnitude 5.5. In a very dark sky, Vesta can be detected even with the naked eye (this is the only asteroid that can be seen with the naked eye at all). The next brightest is the largest asteroid Ceres, but its brightness never exceeds the magnitude of 7.3. Although Vesta is more than half the size of Ceres, it is much more reflective. Vesta reflects about 25% of the incident sunlight, while Ceres only 5%.

The largest crater on the moon
Hertzsprung. Its diameter is 591 km and it is located on the far side of the moon. This crater is a multi-ring impact piece. Similar impact structures on the visible side of the moon were later filled with lava, which hardened into a dark solid rock. These details are now commonly referred to as seas rather than craters. However, no such volcanic eruptions have occurred on the far side of the Moon.

The most famous comet

Observations of Halley's comet are traced back to 239 BC. No other comet has historical records that compare to Halley's comet. Halley's comet is unique: it has been observed 30 times over two thousand years. This is due to the fact that Halley's comet is much larger and more active than other periodic comets. The comet is named for Edmund Halley, who in 1705 understood the connection between several previous comet appearances and predicted its return in 1758-59. In 1986, the Giotto spacecraft was able to image the nucleus of Halley's comet from a distance of only 10 thousand kilometers. It turned out that the core is 15 km long and 8 km wide.

The brightest comets
The brightest comets of the 20th century include the so-called "Great Daylight Comet" (1910), Halley's comet (when it appeared in the same 1910), the Schellerup-Maristani comet (1927), Bennett (1970) , Vesta (1976), Hale-Bopp (1997). The brightest comets of the 19th century are probably the "Big Comets" of 1811, 1861, and 1882. Earlier very bright comets were recorded in 1743, 1577, 1471 and 1402. The closest (and brightest) appearance of Halley's comet was noted in 837.

Nearest comet
Lexel. The smallest distance to the Earth was reached on July 1, 1770 and amounted to 0.015 astronomical units (i.e. 2.244 million kilometers, or about 3 diameters of the Moon's orbit). When the comet was closest, the apparent size of its coma was nearly five times the diameter of the full moon. The comet was discovered by Charles Messier on June 14, 1770, but got its name from Anders Johann (Andrei Ivanovich) Lexel, who determined the comet's orbit and published the results of his calculations in 1772 and 1779. He found that in 1767 the comet came close to Jupiter and, under its gravitational influence, entered an orbit that passed near the Earth.

Longest total solar eclipse

Theoretically, the total eclipse phase can take up the entire time of a total solar eclipse - 7 minutes 31 seconds. In practice, however, such long eclipses have not been recorded. The longest total eclipse in the recent past was the eclipse on June 20, 1955. It was observed from the Philippine Islands, and the total phase lasted 7 minutes 8 seconds. The longest eclipse in the future will take place on July 5, 2168, when the total phase will last 7 minutes 28 seconds Closest star

Proxima Centauri. It is located 4.25 light years from the Sun. It is believed that, together with the binary star Alpha Centauri A and B, it is part of the free triple system. The binary star Alpha Centauri is located a little further from us, at a distance of 4.4 light years. The Sun lies in one of the Galaxy's spiral arms (Orion Arm), about 28,000 light-years from its center. At the location of the Sun, stars are usually several light years apart.

The most powerful star in terms of radiation
Star in the Pistol. In 1997, astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope discovered this star. They named it "Star in a Pistol" for the shape of the surrounding nebula. Although the radiation of this star is 10 million times more powerful than the radiation of the Sun, it is not visible to the naked eye, since it is located near the center of the Milky Way at a distance of 25,000 light-years from Earth and is hidden by large clouds of dust. Prior to the discovery of the Star in a Pistol, the most serious contender was Eta Carinae, whose luminosity was 4 million times that of the Sun.

The fastest star
Barnard's Star. Opened in 1916. and is still the star with the largest proper motion. The unofficial name of the star (Barnard's Star) is now generally accepted. Its own motion per year is 10.31. " by 0.036 light years per century, it will become the closest star in 9000 years, taking the place of Proxima Centauri.

The largest known globular cluster

Omega Centauri. It contains millions of stars, concentrated in a volume about 620 light-years across. The shape of the cluster is not entirely spherical: it looks slightly flattened. In addition, Omega Centauri is also the brightest globular cluster in the sky with a total magnitude of 3.6. It is 16,500 light years distant from us. The name of the cluster has the same form as the names of individual stars usually have. It was assigned to the cluster in ancient times, when, when observing with the naked eye, it was impossible to recognize the true nature of the object. Omega Centauri is one of the oldest clusters.

Nearest Galaxy
The dwarf galaxy in the constellation Sagittarius is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. This small galaxy is so close that the Milky Way is swallowing it up. The galaxy lies 80,000 light years from the Sun and 52,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way. The next closest galaxy to us is the Large Magellanic Cloud, located 170 thousand light years from us.

The most distant object visible to the naked eye
The most distant object that can be seen with the naked eye is the Andromeda Nebula Galaxy (M31). It lies at a distance of about 2 million light-years, and is approximately equal in brightness to a star of the 4th magnitude. It is a very large spiral galaxy, the largest member of the Local Group, to which our own Galaxy belongs. In addition to it, the naked eye can observe only two other galaxies - the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. They are brighter than the Andromeda Nebula, but much smaller and less distant (at 170,000 and 210,000 light years, respectively). However, it should be noted that vigilant people on a dark night can see the galaxy M31 in the constellation Ursa Major, the distance to which is 1.6 Megaparsec.

The largest constellation

Hydra. The area of ​​the sky in the constellation Hydra is 1302.84 square degrees, which is 3.16% of the entire sky. The next largest constellation is the Virgo constellation, which occupies 1294.43 square degrees. Most of the constellation Hydra lies south of the celestial equator, and its total length is more than 100 °. Despite its size, Hydra does not really stand out in the sky. It is mainly composed of fairly faint stars and is not easy to find. The brightest star is Alphard, a second magnitude orange giant about 130 light years away.

The smallest constellation
South Cross. This constellation covers an area of ​​the sky of only 68.45 square degrees, which is equivalent to 0.166% of the entire area of ​​the sky. Despite its small size, the Southern Cross is a very prominent constellation that has become the symbol of the southern hemisphere. It contains twenty stars brighter than magnitude 5.5. Three of the four stars that make up its cross are 1st magnitude stars. In the constellation of the Southern Cross, there is an open star cluster (Kappa of the Southern Cross, or the "Jewelry Box" cluster), which many observers consider one of the most beautiful in the sky. The next smallest constellation in size (more precisely, occupying 87th place among all constellations) is the Lesser Horse. It covers 71.64 square degrees, i.e. 0.174% of the sky area.

The largest optical telescopes
Two Keck Telescopes located side by side at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Each of them has a reflector with a diameter of 10 meters, composed of 36 hexagonal elements. They were meant to work together from the start. Since 1976 the largest optical telescope with a solid mirror has been the Russian Large Azimuth Telescope. Its mirror has a diameter of 6.0 m. For 28 years (1948 - 1976) the largest optical telescope in the world was the Hale Telescope on Mount Palomar in California. Its mirror has a diameter of 5 m. The Very Large Telescope, located in Sierro Paranal in Chile, is a structure of four mirrors 8.2 m in diameter, which are tied together to form a single telescope with a 16.4-meter reflector.

The world's largest radio telescope

The radio telescope of the Arecibia Observatory in Puerto Rico. It is built into a natural depression on the earth's surface and is 305 m in diameter. The world's largest fully controllable radio antenna is the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, USA. Its antenna diameter is 100 m. The largest radio telescope array located in one location is the Very Large Array Array (VLA), which consists of 27 antennas and is located near Socorro in New Mexico, USA. The largest radio telescope in Russia is "RATAN-600" with a diameter of 600 meters of antenna-mirrors installed around the circumference.

Nearest galaxies
The astronomical object M31, better known as the Andromeda nebula, is the closest to us of all other giant galaxies. In the Northern Hemisphere of the sky, this galaxy looks brightest from Earth. The distance to it is only 670 kpc, which in our usual measurements is a little less than 2.2 million light years. The mass of this galaxy is 3 x 10 more than the mass of the Sun. Despite its enormous size and mass, the Andromeda nebula is similar to the Milky Way. Both galaxies are giant spiral galaxies. The closest to us are small satellites of our Galaxy - Large and Small Magellanic clouds of irregular configuration. The distance to these objects is 170 thousand and 205 thousand light years, respectively, which is negligible compared to the distances that are used in astronomical calculations. Magellanic clouds are distinguished by the naked eye in the sky in the Southern Hemisphere.

The most open cluster of stars
Of all the star clusters, the most scattered in outer space is a set of stars called "Hair of Veronica". The stars are scattered here at such great distances from each other that they are seen as cranes flying in a chain. Therefore, the constellation, which is an adornment of the starry sky, is also called the "Wedge of Flying Cranes".

Superdense clusters of galaxies

It is known that the Milky Way galaxy, together with the solar system, is located in a spiral galaxy, which in turn is part of a system formed by a cluster of galaxies. There are many such clusters in the Universe. I wonder which cluster of galaxies is the densest and largest? According to scientific publications, scientists have long guessed about the existence of giant super-systems of galaxies. Recently, the problem of the supercluster of galaxies in the limited space of the Universe has attracted more and more attention of researchers. And primarily because the study of this issue can provide additional important information about the birth and nature of galaxies and radically change the existing ideas about the origin of the Universe.

Over the past few years, giant star clusters have been discovered in the sky. The densest cluster of galaxies in a relatively small area of ​​world space was recorded by the American astronomer L. Cowie from the University of Hawaii. This supercluster of galaxies is located at a distance of 5 billion light years from us. It emits as much energy as several trillions of combined celestial bodies like the sun can generate.

At the beginning of 1990, American astronomers M. Keller and J. Hikr identified a superdense cluster of galaxies, which was given the name "Great Wall", by analogy with the Great Wall of China. This stellar wall is approximately 500 million light years long, and its width and thickness are 200 and 50 million light years, respectively. The formation of such a star cluster does not in any way fit into the widespread theory of the big bang of the origin of the Universe, from which the relative uniformity of the distribution of matter in space follows. This discovery posed a rather difficult task for scientists.

It should be noted that the nearest galaxy clusters are located in the constellations Pegasus and Pisces at a distance of only 212 million light years. But why, at a greater distance from us, the galaxies are located relative to each other in denser layers than in the parts of the Universe closest to us, as expected? Astrophysicists are still puzzling over this difficult question.

The closest star cluster

The closest open cluster to the solar system is the famous Hyades in the constellation Taurus. Against the background of the winter starry sky, it looks good and is recognized as one of the most wonderful creations of nature. Of all the star clusters in the northern starry sky, the constellation Orion is best distinguished. It is there that some of the brightest stars are located, including the star Rigel, located at a distance of 820 light years from us.

Supermassive black hole

Black holes often involve nearby cosmic bodies in rotational motion around them. The unusually fast rotation of astronomical objects around the center of the Galaxy, which is 300 million light years away from us, was discovered quite recently. According to experts, such an ultra-high speed of rotation of bodies is due to the presence of a supermassive black hole in this area of ​​the world space, the mass of which is equal to the mass of all bodies in the Galaxy taken together (approximately 1.4x1011 solar masses). But the fact is that such a mass is concentrated in a part of space that is 10 thousand times smaller than our star system, the Milky Way. This astronomical discovery so amazed American astrophysicists that it was decided to immediately begin a comprehensive study of the supermassive black hole, the radiation of which is locked in itself by powerful gravity. For this, it is proposed to use the capabilities of an automatic gamma-ray observatory launched into near-earth orbit. Perhaps such decisiveness of scientists in the study of the mysteries of astronomical science will finally make it possible to find out the nature of mysterious black holes.

The largest astronomical object
The largest astronomical object in the Universe is marked in stellar catalogs under the number 3C 345, registered in the early 80s. This quasar is located at a distance of 5 billion light years from Earth. German astronomers have measured such a distant object in the universe with a 100-meter radio telescope and a radio frequency receiver of a fundamentally new type. The results were so unexpected that scientists at first did not believe them. No joke, the quasar was 78 million light years across. Despite such a great distance from us, the object is seen when viewed twice as large as the lunar disk.

The largest galaxy

Australian astronomer D. Malin discovered a new galaxy in 1985 while studying a section of the starry sky in the direction of the constellation Virgo. But on this, D. Malin considered his mission completed. It was only after the rediscovery of this galaxy by American astrophysicists in 1987 that it turned out to be a spiral galaxy, the largest and at the same time the darkest of all then known to science.

Located at a distance of 715 million light years from us, it has a cross section length of 770 thousand light years, almost 8 times the diameter of the Milky Way. The luminosity of this galaxy is 100 times less than the luminosity of ordinary spiral galaxies.

However, as the subsequent development of astronomy showed, a larger galaxy was listed in the stellar catalogs. Galaxy 348, discovered a quarter of a century ago, was singled out from the vast class of formations faint in luminosity in the Metagalaxy, called the Markarian galaxy. But then the size of the galaxy was clearly underestimated. Later observations by American astronomers with a radio telescope located in Socorro, New Mexico, made it possible to establish its true size. The record holder has a diameter of 1.3 million light years, which is already 13 times the diameter of the Milky Way. It is 300 million light years distant from us.

The biggest star

At one time, Abell compiled a Catalog of galactic clusters, consisting of 2712 units. According to it, the largest galaxy in the Universe was discovered in the galaxy cluster number 2029 right in the center. Its dimensions are 60 times the size of the Milky Way and are about 6 million light years, and its radiation is over a quarter of the total radiation of the galaxy cluster. Astronomers from the United States have recently discovered a very large star. Research is still ongoing, but it is already known that a new record holder has appeared in the Universe. According to preliminary results, the size of this star is 3,500 times the size of our star. And it emits 40 times more energy than the hottest stars in the Universe.

The brightest astronomical object

In 1984, the German astronomer G. Kür and his co-workers discovered in the starry sky such a dazzling quasar (a quasi-stellar source of radio emission) that even at a great distance from our planet, estimated at many hundreds of light years, it would not be inferior to the Sun in terms of the intensity of light emitted to the Earth. although it is distant from us by cosmic space, which light can cover in 10 billion years. In its brightness, this quasar is not inferior to the brightness of ordinary 10 thousand combined galaxies. In the stellar catalog, he received the number S 50014 + 81 and is considered the brightest astronomical object in the boundless expanses of the Universe. Despite its relatively small size, reaching several light years in diameter, the quasar emits much more energy than an entire giant galaxy. If the magnitude of the radio emission of an ordinary galaxy is 10 J / s, and the optical radiation is 10, then for a quasar these values ​​are, respectively, 10 and 10 J / s. Note that the nature of the quasar has not yet been clarified, although there are different hypotheses: quasars are either the remnants of dead galaxies, or, on the contrary, objects of the initial stage of the evolution of galaxies, or something else entirely new.

The brightest stars

According to information that has come down to us, the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus first began to distinguish stars by their brightness in the II century BC. NS. To assess the luminosity of different stars, he divided them into 6 degrees, introducing the concept of magnitude into everyday life. At the very beginning of the 17th century, the German astronomer I. Bayer proposed to designate the degree of brightness of stars in different constellations with letters of the Greek alphabet. The brightest stars are called "alpha" of this constellation, the next in brightness - "beta", etc.

The brightest stars in our visible sky are the stars Deneb from the constellation Cygnus and Rigel from the constellation Orion. The luminosity of each of them exceeds the luminosity of the Sun by 72.5 thousand and 55 thousand times, respectively, and the distance from us is 1600 and 820 light years.

In the constellation Orion there is another brightest star - the third largest star Betelgeuse. By the power of light emission, it is 22 thousand times brighter than sunlight. Most of the bright stars, although their brightness changes periodically, are collected in the constellation Orion.

The star Sirius from the constellation Canis Major, which is considered the brightest among the stars closest to us, is only 23.5 times brighter than our star; the distance to it is 8.6 light years. In the same constellation there are stars and brighter. So, the star of Adar shines like 8700 suns combined at a distance of 650 light years. And the North Star, which for some reason was incorrectly considered the brightest visible star and which is located at the tip of Ursa Minor at a distance of 780 light-years from us, shines only 6000 times brighter than the Sun.

The zodiacal constellation Taurus is notable for the fact that an unusual star is located in it, characterized by a supergiant density and a relatively small spherical magnitude. As astrophysicists have found out, it mainly consists of fast neutrons scattering in different directions. This star was for some time considered the brightest in the universe.

Most very stars

In general, blue stars have the greatest luminosity. The brightest of all known is the star UW CMa, which shines 860 thousand times brighter than the Sun. The brightness of stars can change over time. Therefore, the brightest record star may also change. For example, reading an old chronicle dated July 4, 1054, you can find out that the brightest star shone in the constellation Taurus, which was visible to the naked eye even during the day. But over time, it began to fade and after a year it disappeared altogether. Soon, in the place where the star shone brightly, they began to distinguish a nebula very similar to a crab. Hence the name - the Crab Nebula, which was born as a result of a supernova explosion. Modern astronomers in the center of this nebula have discovered a powerful source of radio emission, the so-called pulsar. He is the remnant of that bright supernova described in the old chronicle.

the brightest star in the Universe is the blue star UW CMa;
the brightest star in the visible sky is Deneb;
the brightest of the nearest stars is Sirius;
the brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere is Arcturus;
the brightest star in our northern sky is Vega;
the brightest planet in the solar system is Venus;
the brightest minor planet is Vesta.

The dimmest star

Of the many faint fading stars scattered throughout outer space, the dimmest is located 68 light-years from our planet. If the size of this star is 20 times smaller than the Sun, then in terms of luminosity it is already 20 thousand times. The former record holder emitted more light by 30%.

The first evidence of a supernova explosion
Astronomers call supernovae stellar objects that suddenly flare up and reach their maximum luminosity in a relatively short period of time. As it was possible to establish, the oldest evidence of a supernova outbreak of all the surviving astronomical observations dates back to the XIV century BC. NS. Then the ancient Chinese thinkers registered the birth of a supernova and indicated on the shell of a large turtle its location and time of the outbreak. Modern researchers have succeeded in identifying the place in the Universe where a powerful source of gamma radiation is located in the Universe from the armored manuscript. It is hoped that such ancient evidence will help to fully understand the problems associated with supernovae and trace the evolutionary path of special stars in the Universe. Such evidence plays an important role in the modern interpretation of the nature of the origin and death of stars.

Shortest-living star
The discovery by a group of Australian astronomers led by K. McCarenome in the 70s of a new type of X-ray star in the region of the constellations of the Southern Cross and Centaurus caused a lot of noise. The fact is that scientists have witnessed the birth and death of a star, the life span of which was an unprecedentedly short time - about 2 years. This has never happened before in the entire history of astronomy. The suddenly flared star lost its brilliance in a time negligible for stellar processes.

The most ancient stars
Astrophysicists from the Netherlands have developed a new, improved method for determining the age of the oldest stars in our Galaxy. It turns out that after the so-called big bang and the formation of the first stars in the Universe, only 12 billion light years have passed, that is, much less time than previously thought. Time will show how correct these scientists are in their judgments.

The youngest star

According to scientists from Great Britain, Germany and the USA, conducting joint research, the youngest stars are located in the nebula NGC 1333. This nebula is located at a distance of 1100 light years from us. It has attracted increased attention of astrophysicists since 1983 as the most convenient object of observation, the study of which will reveal the mechanism of star birth. Reliable enough data, received from the infrared satellite "IRAS", confirmed the guesses of astronomers about the violent processes that are characteristic of the early stages of star formation. At least slightly south of this nebula, 7 of the brightest stellar nuclei were recorded. Among them, the youngest was identified, named "IRAS-4". His age turned out to be quite "infantile": only a few thousand years. It will take many hundreds of thousands of years for the star to reach the stage of its maturation, when conditions for the raging course of nuclear chain reactions will be created in its core.

The smallest star
In 1986, by the efforts of mainly American astronomers from the Kitt Peak Observatory, a previously unknown star was discovered in our Galaxy, designated LHS 2924, whose mass is 20 times less than that of the Sun, and its luminosity is six orders of magnitude less. This star turned out to be the smallest in our Galaxy. Light emission from it arises as a result of the resulting thermonuclear reaction of the conversion of hydrogen into helium.

The fastest star
In early 1993, a message was received from Cornell University that an unusually fast moving stellar object was discovered in the depths of the Universe, which received the number PSR 2224 + 65 in the stellar catalog. When they met a new star in absentia, the discoverers encountered two peculiarities at once. First, it turned out to be not round in shape, but guitar-like. Secondly, this star moved in space at a speed of 3.6 million km / h, which is much higher than all other known speeds of stars. The speed of the newly discovered star is 100 times the speed of our star. This star is at such a distance from us that if it moved towards us, it could overlap it in 100 million years.

Fastest rotations of astronomical objects

Pulsars, pulsating sources of radio emission, rotate the fastest in nature. The speed of their rotation is so enormous that the light emitted by them is focused into a thin conical beam, which the terrestrial observer can register at regular intervals. The course of atomic clocks can be verified with the greatest accuracy by means of pulsar radio emissions. The fastest astronomical object was discovered by a group of American astronomers in late 1982 using the large radio telescope at Arecibo on the island of Puerto Rico. It is a superfast rotating pulsar, designated PSR 1937 + 215, located in the constellation Chanterelle at a distance of 16 thousand light years. In general, pulsars have been known to mankind for only a quarter of a century. They were first discovered in 1967 by a group of British astronomers led by Nobel laureate E. Hewish as sources of high-precision pulsating electromagnetic radiation. The nature of pulsars is not fully understood, but many experts believe that they are neutron stars rapidly rotating around their own axis, exciting strong magnetic fields. But the newly discovered record-breaking pulsar rotates at a frequency of 642 rev / s. The previous record belonged to a pulsar from the center of the Crab Nebula, which gives out strictly periodic pulses of radio emission with a period of 0.033 rev / s. While other pulsars usually emit waves in the radio range from meter to centimeter, this pulsar also emits in the X-ray and gamma ranges. And it was in this pulsar that pulsation slowing was first discovered. Recently, by the joint efforts of researchers from the European Space Agency and the famous Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, a new binary star system was discovered when studying the X-ray radiation of stars. Scientists were most interested in the unusually fast rotation of its components around its center. The distance between the celestial bodies included in the stellar pair was also record-breaking close. In this case, the emerging powerful gravitational field includes a closely located white dwarf in its sphere of action, thereby forcing it to rotate at a colossal speed of 1200 km / s. The intensity of X-ray radiation from this pair of stars is about 10 thousand times higher than the radiation from the Sun.

Highest speeds

Until recently, it was believed that the maximum speed of propagation of any physical interaction is the speed of light. Above the speed of movement, equal to 299 792 458 m / s, with which light propagates in a vacuum, according to experts, there should not be in nature. This follows from Einstein's theory of relativity. True, in recent years, many prestigious scientific centers have begun to declare more and more the existence of superluminal motions in the world space. For the first time, superluminal data were obtained by American astrophysicists R. Walker and J.M. Benson in 1987. When observing the ZC 120 radio source located at a considerable distance from the galactic nucleus, these researchers recorded the speeds of movement of individual elements of the radio structure exceeding the speed of light. A careful analysis of the combined radio map of the ZS 120 source gave a linear velocity of 3.7 ± 1.2 times the speed of light. Scientists have not yet operated with large values ​​of the speed of movement.

The strongest gravitational lens in the universe

The phenomenon of a gravitational lens was predicted by Einstein. It creates the illusion of a double image of an astronomical object of radiation by means of a source of a powerful gravitational field in the path, which bends the rays of light. For the first time, Einstein's hypothesis received real confirmation in 1979. Since then, a dozen gravitational lenses have been discovered. The strongest of them was discovered in March 1986 by American astrophysicists from the KittPike observatory led by E. Turner. When one quasar was observed at a distance of 5 billion light years from the Earth, its bifurcation was recorded, separated by 157 arc seconds. That's a fantastic amount. Suffice it to say that other gravitational lenses result in a double image of no more than seven arc seconds in length. Apparently, the reason for such a colossal

Man looks at the stars, probably, from the moment of his appearance on the planet. People have visited space and are already planning to explore new planets, but even scientists still do not know what is happening in the depths of the universe. We have collected 15 facts about space, which modern science cannot yet explain.

When the monkey first raised its head and looked at the stars, it became a man. So the legend says. However, despite all the centuries of development of science, humanity still does not know what is happening in the depths of the universe. Here are 15 weird facts about space.

1. Dark energy

According to some scientists, dark energy is a force that moves galaxies and expands the Universe. This is just a hypothesis, and such matter has not been discovered, but scientists assume that almost 3/4 (74%) of our Universe consists of it.

2. Dark matter

Most of the remaining quarter (22%) of the universe is dark matter. Dark matter has mass, but it is invisible. Scientists guess about its existence only because of the force that it exerts on other objects in the universe.

3. Missing baryons

Intergalactic gas accounts for 3.6%, while stars and planets account for only 0.4% of the entire universe. However, in fact, almost half of this remaining "visible" matter is missing. It was called baryonic matter and scientists are struggling with a mystery where it could be.

4. How the stars explode

Scientists know that when stars eventually run out of fuel, they end up in a giant explosion. However, no one knows the exact mechanics of the process.

5. High-energy cosmic rays

For more than a decade, scientists have been observing something that should not exist according to the laws of physics, at least according to earthly ones. The solar system is literally flooded with a stream of cosmic radiation, the energy of the particles of which is hundreds of millions of times greater than that of any artificial particle obtained in the laboratory. Where they come from, no one knows.

6. Solar corona

The corona is the upper layers of the sun's atmosphere. As you know, they are very hot - over 6 million degrees Celsius. The only question is how the sun keeps this layer so hot.

7. Where did galaxies come from?

Although science has recently come up with a ton of explanations for the origin of stars and planets, galaxies are still a mystery.

8. Other terrestrial planets

Already in the 21st century, scientists have discovered many planets that revolve around other stars and may well be inhabited. But for now, the question is whether life on at least one of them remains open.

9. Multiple universes

Robert Anton Wilson proposed the theory of multiple universes, each with its own physical laws.

10. Alien objects

There have been numerous recorded cases of astronauts claiming to have seen UFOs or other strange phenomena hinting at an extraterrestrial presence. Conspiracy theorists claim that governments hide many facts they know about aliens.

11. The axis of rotation of Uranus

All other planets have an almost vertical axis of rotation in relation to the orbital plane around the Sun. However, Uranus practically "lies on its side" - its axis of rotation is tilted in relation to its orbit by 98 degrees. There are many theories as to why this happened, but scientists do not have a single convincing proof.

12. Storm on Jupiter

For the past 400 years, a giant storm has been raging in Jupiter's atmosphere, 3 times the size of Earth. Scientists find it difficult to explain why this phenomenon has lasted so long.

13. Solar temperature mismatch

Why is the sun's south pole colder than the north pole? Nobody knows this.

14. Gamma-ray bursts

Incomprehensibly bright explosions in the depths of the Universe, in which a colossal amount of energy is released, have been observed over the past 40 years at different points in time and in random regions of space. In a few seconds of such a gamma-ray burst, the same amount of energy is released as the Sun would have produced in 10 billion years. There is still no plausible explanation for their existence.

15. Ice rings of Saturn

Scientists know that the rings of this huge planet are composed of ice. But why and how they arose remains a mystery.

Although there are more than enough unsolved cosmic secrets, today space tourism has become a reality. There is at least. The main thing is the desire and readiness to part with a tidy sum of money.

Human exploration of space began some 60 years ago, when the first satellites were launched and the first cosmonaut appeared. Today, the study of the vastness of the Universe is carried out using powerful telescopes, while the direct study of nearby objects is limited to neighboring planets. Even the Moon is a big mystery for mankind, an object of study by scientists. What can we say about more large-scale cosmic phenomena. Let's talk about ten of the most unusual of them.

Galactic cannibalism. The phenomenon of eating their own kind, it turns out, is inherent not only in living beings, but also in space objects. Galaxies are no exception. So, the neighbor of our Milky Way, Andromeda, is now absorbing smaller neighbors. And inside the "predator" itself there are more than a dozen already eaten neighbors. The Milky Way itself is now interacting with the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy in Sagittarius. According to the calculations of astronomers, the satellite, which is now at a distance of 19 kpc from our center, will be absorbed and destroyed in a billion years. By the way, this form of interaction is not the only one; galaxies often simply collide. After analyzing more than 20 thousand galaxies, scientists have come to the conclusion that they have all ever met with others.

Quasars. These objects are a kind of bright beacons that shine to us from the very edges of the Universe and testify to the times of the origin of the entire cosmos, turbulent and chaotic. The energy emitted by quasars is hundreds of times greater than the energy of hundreds of galaxies. Scientists hypothesize that these objects are giant black holes in the centers of distant galaxies. Initially, in the 60s, quasars were called objects that have strong radio emission, but at the same time extremely small angular sizes. However, later it turned out that only 10% of those who are considered to be quasars met this definition. The rest of the strong radio waves did not emit at all. Today, objects that have variable radiation are considered to be quasars. What quasars are is one of the greatest mysteries of the cosmos. One of the theories says that this is a nascent galaxy, in which there is a huge black hole that engulfs the surrounding matter.

Dark matter. Experts failed to fix this substance, as well as to see it in general. It is only assumed that there are some huge accumulations of dark matter in the Universe. To analyze it, the capabilities of modern astronomical technical means are not enough. There are several hypotheses of what these formations might consist of - from light neutrinos to invisible black holes. In the opinion of some scientists, no dark matter exists at all, over time a person will be able to better understand all aspects of gravity, then an explanation for these anomalies will come. Another name for these objects is latent mass or dark matter. There are two problems that have caused the theory of the existence of unknown matter - the discrepancy between the observed mass of objects (galaxies and clusters) and the gravitational effects from them, as well as the contradiction of the cosmological parameters of the average density of the cosmos.

Gravitational waves. This concept refers to the distortion of the space-time continuum. This phenomenon was predicted by Einstein in his general theory of relativity, as well as other theories of gravity. Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light and are extremely difficult to capture. We can only notice those of them that are formed as a result of global cosmic changes like the merging of black holes. This can be done only with the use of huge specialized gravitational-wave and laser-interferometric observatories, such as LISA and LIGO. A gravitational wave is emitted by any matter moving at an accelerated rate; for the wave amplitude to be significant, a large mass of the emitter is required. But this means that he is then acted upon by another object. It turns out that gravitational waves are emitted by a pair of objects. For example, one of the strongest sources of waves is colliding galaxies.

The energy of the vacuum. Scientists have found that the vacuum in space is not at all as empty as it is commonly believed. And quantum physics directly states that the space between stars is filled with virtual subatomic particles that are constantly being destroyed and formed again. It is they who fill the entire space with anti-gravitational energy, forcing the space and its objects to move. Where and why is another big mystery. Nobel laureate R. Feynman believes that the vacuum has such a tremendous energy potential that in a vacuum, a light bulb contains so much energy that it is enough to boil all the world's oceans. However, until now, humanity considers the only possible way to obtain energy from matter, ignoring the vacuum.

Micro black holes. Some scientists have questioned the entire theory of the Big Bang, according to their assumptions, our entire universe is filled with microscopic black holes, each of which does not exceed the size of an atom. This theory of the physicist Hawking originated in 1971. However, babies behave differently from their older sisters. Such black holes have some obscure connections with the fifth dimension, mysteriously affecting space-time. Investigations of this phenomenon are supposed to be carried out in the future with the help of the Large Hadron Collider. So far, it will be extremely difficult to even verify their existence experimentally, and there can be no question of studying properties, these objects exist in complex formulas and the heads of scientists.

Neutrino. This is the name of neutral elementary particles, which practically do not have their own specific gravity. However, their neutrality helps, for example, to overcome a thick layer of lead, since these particles interact weakly with matter. They pierce everything around, even our food and ourselves. Without visible consequences for people, 10 ^ 14 neutrinos released by the sun pass through the body every second. Such particles are born in ordinary stars, inside which there is a kind of thermonuclear furnace, and during the explosions of dying stars. It is possible to see neutrinos with the help of neutrino-detectors of huge area located in the ice or at the bottom of the sea. The existence of this particle was discovered by theoretical physicists, at first they even disputed the very law of conservation of energy, until in 1930 Pauli suggested that the missing energy belongs to a new particle, which in 1933 received its current name.

Exoplanet. It turns out that the planets do not necessarily exist near our star. Such objects are called exoplanets. Interestingly, until the beginning of the 90s, humanity generally believed that planets outside our Sun could not exist. By 2010, more than 452 exoplanets in 385 planetary systems are known. The sizes of objects range from gas giants, which are comparable in size to stars, to small rocky objects that orbit small red dwarfs. The search for a planet similar to Earth has not yet been crowned with success. The introduction of new means for space exploration is expected to increase man's chances of finding brothers in mind. Existing observation methods are just aimed at detecting massive planets like Jupiter. The first planet, more or less similar to the Earth, was discovered only in 2004 in the Altar star system. It makes a full revolution around the star in 9.55 days, and its mass is 14 times greater than the mass of our planet. The closest to us in characteristics is the Gliese 581s discovered in 2007 with a mass of 5 Earths. It is believed that the temperature there is in the range of 0 - 40 degrees, theoretically there may be reserves of water, which implies life. The year there lasts only 19 days, and the luminary, much colder than the Sun, looks 20 times larger in the sky. The discovery of exoplanets allowed astronomers to make an unambiguous conclusion that the presence of planetary systems in space is a fairly common phenomenon. While most of the detected systems differ from solar, this is due to the selectivity of detection methods.

Microwave space background. This phenomenon, called CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background), was discovered in the 60s of the last century, it turned out that weak radiation is emitted from everywhere in interstellar space. It is also called relic radiation. It is believed that this may be a residual phenomenon after the Big Bang, which laid the foundation for everything around. It is the CMB that is one of the strongest arguments in favor of this theory. Accurate instruments were even able to measure the temperature of the CMB, which is cosmic -270 degrees. The Americans Penzias and Wilson received the Nobel Prize for accurate measurement of the radiation temperature.

Antimatter. In nature, much is built on opposition, as good is opposed to evil, and particles of antimatter are in opposition to the ordinary world. The well-known negatively charged electron has its own negative twin brother in antimatter - a positively charged positron. When two antipodes collide, they annihilate and release pure energy, which is equal to their total mass and is described by the well-known Einstein formula E = mc ^ 2. Futurists, science fiction writers and just dreamers suggest that in the distant future, spaceships will be powered by engines that will use the energy of the collision of antiparticles with ordinary ones. It is calculated that the annihilation of 1 kg of antimatter from 1 kg of ordinary antimatter will release the amount of energy only 25% less than the explosion of the largest atomic bomb on the planet today. Today it is believed that the forces that determine the structure of both matter and antimatter are the same. Accordingly, the structure of antimatter should be the same as that of ordinary matter. One of the biggest mysteries of the Universe is the question - why does the observed part of it consist practically of matter, maybe there are places that are completely composed of the opposite matter? It is believed that such a significant asymmetry occurred in the first seconds after the Big Bang. In 1965, an anti-deuteron was synthesized, and later even an antihydrogen atom, consisting of a positron and an antiproton, was obtained. Today, enough of such a substance has been obtained to study its properties. This substance, by the way, is the most expensive on earth, 1 gram of anti-hydrogen costs 62.5 trillion dollars.

6-07-2017, 13:55

The world amazes with a variety of colors, richness of forms and amazing phenomena. Space is no exception. There are so many comets, planets, stars and other objects in it that astronomers constantly have something to do while studying them. The researchers of the Universe told how the space will please or upset us this summer. Let us remember the phenomena that we will have the honor to observe in the near future.

All questions of space, its study, sending expeditions and rovers, of course, are dealt with by the American department of NASA. It tracks the picture in open spaces outside the Earth, informs us about them, publishes pictures and videos. A few days ago, the agency released an announcement video about the space phenomena that are coming soon. They say that they can be observed with telescopes and other optical devices in different parts of the world. Two months of summer will be bright and exciting for astronomers and enthusiasts alike.

This Sunday, earthlings will see the full moon. Our companion will show us itself in all its glory, and then it will be at the transformation stages for several more days. In the open and clear summer sky, such a spectacle will be breathtaking and mesmerizing.

In general, according to the astronomical dictionary, a full moon is a phase of the moon in which the difference between the ecliptic longitudes of the satellite and the sun is 180 degrees. That is, the plane drawn through the Earth, the Moon and the luminary will be perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic (the circle of the celestial sphere along which the Sun moves during the year). If all these objects "line up" in one line, then a phenomenon occurs, which I call a lunar eclipse.

On a full moon, our natural satellite looks like a luminous disk of regular rounded shape. Astronomers calculate the moment of its arrival to the nearest minute. This year it will happen at 7:08 am Moscow time and will take place in Capricorn. For several days, it visually seems that the Moon does not change its shape and remains "full", but this is actually not the case, it is slowly changing.

In addition, with a full moon for several hours, there can be a “confrontation effect”. At this time, the brightness of the Moon noticeably increases (maximum brightness is 12.7 m), therefore it seems larger, although its real size does not change at all. Also, earthlings see the complete disappearance of shadows on the surface of the satellite. The full moon, by the way, regardless of the season, always appears in the sky immediately after sunset.

At the end of the month, the movement of meteorites will intensify, in connection with which earthlings will be able to contemplate the real streams of these celestial bodies. At this time, there will be so-called "starfalls", in which people are so fond of making wishes. The peak of this phenomenon will be on July 30th.

A meteor shower is the fall of a collection of meteors that fall into the earth's atmosphere. However, it differs from a similar process called meteor showers. Such streams are observed at a certain time of the year, because meteorite swarms have their own beads of orbits in space, and their radiants, with such a phenomenon, appear in one specific point in the sky.

Meteor showers are very intense streams in which meteorites do not burn up in the atmosphere, but reach the surface of the Earth. During the peak on July 30, earthlings will see simultaneously two similar streams from the orbits of the Alpha Capricornids and the Southern Delta Aquarids.

The brightest cosmic phenomenon of this summer, truly, will be a total solar eclipse. Residents of the United States will be able to see it in full. It will be most evident in eight cities: Salem and Madras (Oregon), Idaho Falls, Grand Island (Nebraska), Casper (Wyoming), Nashville, Carndale and Columbia (in South Carolina).

Residents of other parts of the Earth, in particular, Latin America, individual countries of Europe and western regions of Russia, will be able to see a partial eclipse of the luminary. In Anadyr, Providence and the Bering part, people will also see it. In total, the phenomenon will last for about three minutes. During this time, about 200 million people in the United States are going to look at it. In this regard, it has already been dubbed the Great American Eclipse.

This phenomenon is considered unique, as it occurs once every 18 years. A total eclipse was last tracked in 1999, and the next is expected to occur in 2035. Ordinary people, who will look at the Sun at this time through tinted glasses, may experience unusual and mystical sensations.

Astronomer Jay Pasashoff says that during an eclipse, one celestial body (the Moon) "covers" the other (the Sun). Then the feeling of colors and the perception of objects change. In the last minutes before the eclipse, a reaction is formed in people in their heads that something is wrong, it can generate fear. Scientists, at the same time, can better study the Sun, establish what is happening in its halo and behind it.

The main secret, which the researchers hope to uncover in August this year, is why the sun's corona is significantly hotter than the surface of the star. Associated with it is the hypothesis that the magnetic field of a celestial body reflects energy and "makes" the surface colder. In addition to total, partial and annular eclipses of the Sun also occur.

Thus, this summer, the inhabitants of our planet will definitely not be bored. They will have time to see the full moon, and meteor showers, and a total eclipse of the sun. In addition, at this time there will be clearly visible stars, and several asteroids should fly near the Earth.

Natalie Lee - RIA VistaNews correspondent

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  • Participant: Terekhova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
  • Head: Andreeva Yulia Vyacheslavovna
Purpose of the work: to compare the course of physical phenomena on Earth and in space.


Many countries have long-term space exploration programs. In them, the central place is occupied by the creation of orbital stations, since it is from them that the chain of the largest stages of mankind's mastery of outer space begins. A flight to the Moon has already been carried out, many months of flights are successfully carried out on board interplanetary stations, automatic vehicles have visited Mars and Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have been explored from flyby trajectories. Over the next 20-30 years, the possibilities of astronautics will increase even more.

Many of us in childhood dreamed of becoming astronauts, but then thought about more earthly professions. Is going into space an unrealizable desire? After all, space tourists have already appeared, perhaps someday anyone will be able to fly into space, and a childhood dream will come true?

But if we fly into space flight, we will face the fact that we will have to be in a state of weightlessness for a long time. It is known that for a person accustomed to earthly gravity, being in this state becomes a difficult test, and not only physical, because much in zero gravity happens in a completely different way than on Earth. Unique astronomical and astrophysical observations are carried out in space. Satellites in orbit, space automatic stations, spacecraft require special maintenance or repair, and some of the satellites that have expired must be eliminated or returned from orbit to Earth for alteration.

Does a fountain pen write in zero gravity? Is it possible to measure weight in the cockpit of a spacecraft using a spring or beam balance? Does water flow out of the kettle there when you tilt it? Does a candle burn in zero gravity?

Answers to such questions are contained in many of the sections studied in the school physics course. Choosing the topic of the project, I decided to bring together the material on this topic, which is contained in different textbooks, and give a comparative description of the course of physical phenomena on Earth and in space.

purpose of work: to compare the course of physical phenomena on Earth and in space.


  • Make a list of physical phenomena, the course of the course of which may differ.
  • Examine sources (books, internet)
  • Create a table of phenomena

Relevance of work: some physical phenomena proceed differently on Earth and in space, and some physical phenomena manifest themselves better in space, where there is no gravity. Knowledge of the features of the processes can be useful for physics lessons.

Novelty: such studies were not carried out, but in the 90s an educational film about mechanical phenomena was shot at the Mir station

An object: physical phenomena.

Item: comparison of physical phenomena on Earth and in space.

1. Basic terms

Mechanical phenomena are phenomena that occur with physical bodies when they move relative to each other (the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, the movement of cars, the swing of a pendulum).

Thermal phenomena are phenomena associated with the heating and cooling of physical bodies (boiling of a kettle, the formation of fog, the transformation of water into ice).

Electrical phenomena are phenomena that occur during the appearance, existence, movement and interaction of electrical charges (electric current, lightning).

It is easy to show how phenomena occur on Earth, but how can you demonstrate the same phenomena in zero gravity? For this I decided to use fragments from the series of films "Lessons from Space". These are very interesting films filmed at the time on the Mir orbital station. The real lessons from space are taught by the pilot-cosmonaut, the hero of Russia, Alexander Serebrov.

But, unfortunately, few people know about these films, so one of the tasks of creating the project was to popularize "Lessons from Space", created with the participation of VAKO "Soyuz", RSC Energia, RNPO "Rosuchpribor".

In zero gravity, many phenomena do not occur like on Earth. There are three reasons for this. First: the effect of gravity does not appear. We can say that it is compensated by the action of the force of inertia. Second: in zero gravity, the Archimedean force does not act, although even there the Archimedes' law is fulfilled. And third: surface tension forces begin to play a very important role in weightlessness.

But even in zero gravity, the unified physical laws of nature work, which are true both for the Earth and for the entire Universe.

The state of complete absence of weight is called weightlessness. Weightlessness, or the absence of weight in an object, is observed when, for some reason, the force of attraction between this object and the support disappears, or when the support itself disappears. The simplest example of the occurrence of weightlessness is free fall inside a closed space, that is, in the absence of the influence of the force of air resistance. Let's say a falling plane is itself attracted by the earth, but a state of weightlessness arises in its cabin, all bodies also fall with an acceleration of one g, but this is not felt - after all, there is no air resistance. Weightlessness is observed in space when a body orbits around some massive body, a planet. Such circular motion can be viewed as a constant fall on the planet, which does not occur due to circular rotation in orbit, and there is no atmospheric resistance either. Moreover, the Earth itself, constantly rotating in its orbit, falls and cannot fall on the sun in any way, and if we did not feel the attraction from the planet itself, we would find ourselves in weightlessness relative to the sun's attraction.

Some of the phenomena in space are exactly the same as on Earth. For modern technologies, weightlessness and vacuum are not a hindrance ... and on the contrary, it is preferable. It is impossible to achieve such high degrees of vacuum on Earth as in interstellar space. Vacuum is needed to protect the processed metals from oxidation, and metals do not melt, vacuum does not interfere with the movement of bodies.

2. Comparison of phenomena and processes



1.Measuring masses

Cannot be used

Cannot be used

Cannot be used

2.Can the rope be pulled horizontally?

The rope always sags due to gravity.

The rope is always free

3. Pascal's law.

The pressure applied to a liquid or gas is transmitted to any point unchanged in all directions.

On Earth, all droplets are slightly flattened due to gravitational force.

Performs well for short periods of time or when mobile.


flies up

Will not fly

5. Sound phenomena

In outer space, the sounds of music will not be heard because for sound propagation, a medium (solid, liquid, gaseous) is needed.

The candle flame will be round because no convection flows

7. Using the watch

Yes, they work if the speed and direction of the space station are known.

They also work on other planets

Cannot be used

B. Mechanical pendulum clock

Cannot be used.

You can use a watch with a winding, with a battery

D. Electronic clock

Can be used

8. Is it possible to fill a bump


9. The thermometer is working


The body slides down the hill due to gravity

The item will remain in place.

If you push, you can ride indefinitely, even if the slide is over

10. Can the kettle be boiled?

Because there are no convection currents, then only the bottom of the kettle and the water around it will heat up.

Conclusion: you must use a microwave

12. Spread of smoke

The smoke cannot spread because no convection currents, no distribution will occur due to diffusion

The pressure gauge is working


Spring stretching.
Yes, stretches

No, it does not stretch

Ballpoint pen writes

The pen doesn't write. Writing pencil


I compared the course of physical mechanical phenomena on Earth and in space. This work can be used to compose quizzes and competitions, for physics lessons in the study of certain phenomena.

During the work on the project, I became convinced that in zero gravity, many phenomena do not occur like on Earth. There are three reasons for this. First: the effect of gravity does not appear. We can say that it is compensated by the action of the force of inertia. Second: in zero gravity, the Archimedean force does not act, although even there the Archimedes' law is fulfilled. And third: surface tension forces begin to play a very important role in weightlessness.

But even in zero gravity, the unified physical laws of nature work, which are true both for the Earth and for the entire Universe. This became the main conclusion of our work and the table that I ended up with.

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