Psychology of color - the meaning of colors in psychology. How is purple different from lilac?

home Psychology of color as a branch of modern psychological science is studying the relationship between the characteristics of color perception and the functioning of the human psyche. Meaning purple in psychology is of interest to many, because the color purple is actually fascinating. It is relatively rare in nature, and therefore for a long time at first human history he was not given of great importance , then mainly white, black, red, yellow and green colors . The history of purple symbolism begins in the Middle Ages. Along with blue, violet was associated with mysticism, transcendence, spirituality, and the combination of contradictions and opposites. This symbolism was also accepted by the Christian church, and therefore the color purple was often present in the robes and decorations of clergy (as a combination of the spiritual, divine and human). Almost the same meaning was attached to this color by medieval Islam, although there it was still sometimes associated with the phenomenon of mirage, the deceitfulness of the earthly.

human life Color in human psychology began to be studied with the works of I.V. Goethe and V. Kandinsky. In their works, the color purple is associated with depression and sadness. In their opinion, the color purple is large quantities and without being diluted with other colors (especially yellow, gold), it is difficult for a person to tolerate and causes negative reactions in him emotional condition

. Color psychology takes these early works into account, and they are partly confirmed today. In psychology, the color violet is still considered a symbol of the unity of opposites, because the color itself is made up of the superposition of two other, opposite colors - red (meaning passion, rage, energy) and blue (carrying calm, relaxation). That is why modern meaning

Color in human psychology is also associated with his individual personal characteristics. According to the results of research conducted by G. Eysenck, the color purple (together with black) is often preferred by introverts, while for ambiverts purple is the most attractive color. Another interesting relationship is between high scores on the neuroticism scale (studied by G. Eysenck’s methods for determining temperament) and a preference for the color purple. Purple color in psychology is considered depressing, overwhelming, but this effect can be useful in order to reduce anxiety and tension.

Tatiana Kulinich

Purple color is one of the most mysterious in the entire color spectrum. It is located at the very end, as if it represents the crown of their development, the unity of all colors. In fact, purple is a truly beautiful symbol of the unity of opposites, because it is obtained from a mixture of two colors: red and blue. These shades are completely opposite in both appearance, and by their symbolism. So, what secrets does this mysterious color hide?

Shades of purple

Most shades of purple are named after flowers. For example, lavender is a soft, slightly dusty purple, reminiscent of the color of a famous mountain flower. Lilac or lilac – light purple with a slight pinkish undertone. Violet is a rich, deep variety of this color. IN last years Fuchsia color is becoming more and more fashionable. This is a rather rich tone of purple mixed with dark pink. Amaranth is a purple color with a brighter pink undertone. It is named after the tropical flower amaranth.

Symbolic meaning of purple color

On a subconscious level, this color is perceived as a symbol of everything mysterious and otherworldly. This is magic, astrology, esotericism, healing. Looking at the paintings depicting various magicians and witches, you can see that most often they are wearing purple robes. Purple symbolizes other world, with whom only a select few have the right to communicate. By the way, since ancient times purple clothes indicated the uniqueness of the one who wears them. For example, the color purple, which is often mentioned in ancient stories about kings and priests, is closest to violet. Simple people had no right to use this shade.

In the Middle Ages, this color was considered mourning. However, it could still only be worn by members royal family. The custom of associating this shade with noble sorrow has been preserved in Orthodox Church. During fasting, priests wear vestments of this particular shade. It is believed that purple promotes inner concentration, detachment from the world, which is necessary for spiritual cleansing. Another meaning of this color is transformation, the transition from one state to another. This includes pregnancy, death, and profound internal changes. If this color often appears in your dreams, this may indicate that something will soon change dramatically in your life.

Physiological and Health Effects of the Color Purple

Purple color is a cold color, which means that it has a calming, inhibitory effect on the human body. The uniqueness of this shade in comparison with other cold colors is its ability to put a person into a deep trance. Therefore, it is good to use it for relaxation after extremely difficult, stressful situations. It will clear the subconscious of negative memories and restore spiritual harmony. Purple color, like all cool shades, reduces arterial pressure and reduces appetite. In the latter, it is even more effective than blue.

One of the main meanings of colors is transformation. Therefore, by meditating on this shade, you can speed up the process of wound healing and regeneration internal organs, restoring health after severe operations. In esoteric teachings it is believed that it has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, protecting the baby and mother.

Psychological effects of purple

The color violet takes you away from the world of everyday problems and puts you in a philosophical mood. It is not for nothing that this shade is so often used in the design of their temples and religious objects by both representatives of traditional religions and modern esotericists. This shade helps to establish contact with the subconscious. Under the influence of a violet person, they begin to experience insights more often. He learns to listen more deeply to himself. If you look at a purple candle before going to bed or put a purple stone (for example, amethyst) under your pillow, you can see prophetic dreams. This shade enhances intuition and makes you pay attention to details hidden from most human eyes.

The color purple enhances suggestibility. A hypnologist, a specialist in inducing hypnosis, often uses objects of this color to quickly induce trance in his patients. This property of violet can also be used by various charlatans. An excess of this color makes you sleepy and lulls your vigilance. This color is also known for its ability to positively influence human memory. He awakens the earliest, repressed memories, which are difficult to get to the bottom of without his help.

Purple color in clothes, image

The richness of shades of this color allows you to choose an outfit for any type of appearance. For cold types (“Summer” and “Winter”), girls with light eyes and pale skin, stylists recommend using lavender and violet. It can be combined with black, gray, soft blue. Representatives of the “Spring” and “Autumn” types should try on warm shades of purple: fuchsia, amaranth. In this case, it can be combined with pink or beige. The same rule should be applied when choosing the shade of lipstick and eye shadow. Fashionable fuchsia lipstick is suitable for tanned blondes or brown-haired women. Rich burgundy - for brunettes. Makeup artists recommend using shades of purple, especially in the form of shadows, in evening or holiday makeup. Gently lilac is suitable for daytime makeup.

The color purple in clothing and makeup creates the image of a mysterious, detached and romantic woman. It is suitable for people with non-standard appearance and interests. This color attracts attention, but at the same time inspires that the person wearing it needs special approach. Therefore, clothes of this shade are suitable for those people who are used to enjoying only high-quality communication and want to keep overly annoying fans away.

This color is subconsciously associated with nobility. Therefore, it looks best on fairly closed clothes made of materials such as silk and velvet. The exception is the playful fuchsia color. It can be safely worn in the form of miniskirts and T-shirts.

Purple color in the interior

This shade is perfect for decorating bedrooms and personal accounts creative, non-standard people. When choosing a variety of purple for the bedroom, you should pay attention to the lilac shade. Unlike darker ones, it does not put you into a trance, but on the contrary, it encourages gentle, intimate communication. To enhance sensuality, it can be combined with pink or fuchsia. At the same time, like all types of purple, lilac promotes better sleep and increased intuition. In a purple bedroom, you will have prophetic dreams twice as often. A violet color is suitable for the office. It is especially recommended for people creative professions. However, when decorating your office in this color, do not overdo it with its quantity; dilute it with white or silver.

For home spaces, the atmosphere of which should inspire communication (kitchen, living room), purple is not recommended as the main color. However, you can easily choose interesting accessories of this color. An exception may be the nursery, especially if your child can be called an “indigo” child, original and gifted. The color lilac in a nursery improves a child’s sleep, develops his curiosity and creativity. This shade is an excellent choice for decorating various yoga studios, esoteric and spiritual practices. Here purple will be absolutely in its place.

Purple color in advertising

This color is often used in advertising of cosmetics and luxury perfumes. In this way, advertisers try to emphasize the prestige and uniqueness of their product. This shade can also be found in advertising of psychological or esoteric services. Here purple is used as a symbol spiritual development and self-knowledge. It is not uncommon to see subtle shades of purple in advertisements for baby care products.

Color and character: love for the color purple or its aversion

As mentioned above, purple is a symbol of everything unusual and mysterious. People who love this color are used to feeling like the “black sheep” in the crowd. They have completely different interests and tastes than most. Most often, they lead a solitary life, communicating only with a few close people. They are capable of deep relationships. Their weak sides- This is passivity and shyness. They are often considered eccentrics, unadapted to the demands real life. People who love purple may be well versed in philosophy or religion, but not know how to cook their own food or clean their apartment.

Most people who don't like the color purple are those who are down-to-earth and rational people. They are straightforward to the point of rudeness, and cannot tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty. Dislike for the color purple often indicates a rejection of everything mystical. Such people scoff at belief in omens and are not religious. They may have excellent intelligence, but lack creativity.

Violet color can surely be called the king of all colors. Its sophistication, nobility and mystery inspire artists and poets. It is not surprising that he is especially loved by representatives of symbolism, a creative movement built on the use of various allegories and riddles. Purple is the color of spiritual wealth and deep unity with the Cosmos.

Tatyana Kulinich for All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is permitted only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

Since ancient times purple endowed with mystical properties. Being a combination of red and blue, passion and prudence, fatalism and fanaticism, strength and blind love, the color violet in psychology is considered a reconciling color, uniting opposites. Thus, people who prefer this unusual color have a very creative approach to life and are capable of incredible achievements by combining seemingly incompatible things.

While black means absolutely nothing,

purple represents hidden secret

Gottfried Haupt: dissertation “Color symbolism in sacred art.”

Violet flowers are very often associated with the color violet: violets, lilacs, dream grass, autumn colchicum, which bloom primarily with the change of seasons.

H. Frieling and X. Auer in their book “Man, Color, Space” distinguish between red-violet and blue-violet color shades. Their subjects described the psychological impact of the red-violet color as “bewitching, ambiguous, contradictory, frail and painfully weakened,” and the effect of blue-violet as “mystical, restless, burdensome, aggravating” (Frieling H., Auer X., 1956) .

Among the stones associated with the color violet, first of all, amethyst with its delicate lilac color. IN catholic church The cardinal wears a purple amethyst in his ring as a symbol of temperance. Amethyst is also believed to protect against drunkenness.

Purple is a heavy color. It must be diluted with gold, otherwise it can lead to depression. Not recommended for working with children; reduces heart rate.

Purple color in psychology personifies not only the unity of opposites and negations, but also the dissolution, destruction of these opposites in him and the creation of something extremely new and previously unseen. This is precisely the mysticism and mystery of the purple color.

Treats physiological diseases: concussion, epilepsy, neuralgia, multiple sclerosis.

This color is loved by homosexuals; Because of the veil, pregnant women choose. Preference - when there is a need for identification with someone, sentimentality. Such people are completely surrendered to their feelings. Also, this color is chosen by lower-class Lyuli, because... They cannot find the strength to realize themselves. This color is rejected due to a penchant for sensuality and eroticism; such people are afraid of losing independence; they have rational control of their emotions, as well as a critical look at their own emotions and actions.

Along with the combination of properties of blue and red, receptivity and desire, purple color in psychology is also defined as very sensitive and vulnerable. A person who gives preference to this color tends to lead a dreamy lifestyle; he does not want to put up with generally accepted norms, but builds his own reality, understandable only to him, with his own rules, principles and values. Unlike the obvious “red” leader, “purple” people never strive for high positions, but, on the contrary, possessing innate intuition, they remain on the sidelines and become, as it were, secret advisers to the first leaders. Often, the enormous influence of “purple” people goes unnoticed, but this does not prevent them from achieving their goals.

Helps with negative mental states: neurosis, loss of faith, despair, loss of self-esteem.

Purple color has a calming effect on nervous system representatives of creative professions.

Organ with which the color purple is associated: right hemisphere of the brain, pineal gland.

Purple color in psychology secretly and unobtrusively makes itself felt in the area of ​​the subconscious and intuitive thinking. Often “violet” people cannot give a logical explanation for their actions and thoughts, but on a sensory level they are confident that they are right.

In myths - in the Middle Ages - the color of repentance.

Symbolizes mysticism, the spirit of the omnipotence of God and spiritual love, the manifestation of other higher or otherworldly forces. Purple is a powerful color. It means night, mystery, mysticism, suggestibility, modesty, abstinence, as well as sadness, disaster, old age, eclipse. The purple road is the road of sacraments and self-sacrifice.

Symbolism of purple

In Christianity, the color of St. Mary Magdalene. Purple is the color of the robes of Catholic priests. Kabbalah reveals in this color the origin or basis of the foundations.

In myths - in the Middle Ages - the color of repentance. The cardinal's ring contains a purple amethyst - a symbol of abstinence.

“Violet” people are sensitive, suggestible, easy to hypnotize, they are easily excitable, strive to make an impression and at the same time are able to look at themselves from the outside. They are very vulnerable and need support and encouragement more than others.

“Purple children” live a rich inner world. If at the same time they are “yellow”, then they are distinguished by artistry.

Violet color diluted with white becomes lilac. Girls prefer this color. Here weakness, tenderness, strong feeling loneliness and at the same time defenselessness, immersion in one’s own inner world and frequent musical abilities.

The effect of purple color on humans

Under the influence of this color, the ability to perceive events in the surrounding world is limited. At the same time, a person’s consciousness is unloaded and the process of expanding consciousness begins to more easily achieve peace of thoughts. Therefore, meditative receptivity is well increased.

The color violet acts on the central nervous system, restoring peace and tranquility to creative people, has an amazing healing effect on various shapes neuroses. Occultists use it to develop spiritual intuition, achieve the abilities of psychokinesis, telepathy, levitation, materialization, bioenergetic and telepathic healing at any distance, etc.

The effect of purple color on humans is interesting. On the one hand, there is the greatest degree of slowing of breathing among all introverted (cold) colors. Its depth decreases and the duration of exhalation increases. The pulse slows down and weakens. Even with short-term exposure, violet light reduces performance more than complete darkness. The “counting numbers” reaction slows down as much as possible. Often has a suppressive effect on the intellect. Makes you lose heart. Or causes a depressive-melancholic state. On the other hand, the effect of violet color on the heart, lungs and blood vessels increases their organic endurance.

Color psychology correlates the preferred choice of purple with the desire to charm and at the same time with the tendency to suggest. The color violet manifests sensual identification with a partner, as a desire for magically erotic actions. The effect of whitened violet (lilac) color on female genitals has a beneficial effect. It’s not for nothing, apparently, that it has been considered a color all over the world since ancient times underwear.

The wearer's purple outerwear often speaks not only of her susceptibility to the influence of other people, but also of her irresistible desire to influence them herself.

Under normal living conditions, this color suggests following social norms behavior. There is a certain kind of conservatism.

It's interesting that intellectuals reject purple.

Survey results showed that 75% of children before puberty (age with undifferentiated sexual characteristics) prefer the color purple.

IN extreme conditions his preference is characterized by an optional readiness for contacts. And even a certain efficiency or impulsiveness, more typical of red.

Thus, purple is preferred by pregnant women with future “uncontrollable” behavior during childbirth. This is a sign of severe imbalance of the autonomic nervous system.

Alcoholics prefer the color purple, reflecting loss real world. In psychiatry, violet medium is used to calm violent patients.

It is also used as a narcotic painkiller.

For medicinal purposes, the color violet is well used to treat mental and nervous disorders, rheumatism, concussion, concussion, tumors, cerebral-vertebral meningitis, kidney and bladder diseases.

Purple color is not beneficial for plants; it has a depressing effect on them.

Both Luscher and Klar insisted on the great suggestibility of the color violet. It is not surprising that this color serves, as in the days of early Catholicism, for the repentance and humility of sinners, and contributes to the sincere recognition of criminals.

Preference - when there is a need for identification with someone, sentimentality. Such people are completely surrendered to their feelings. Also, this color is chosen by people of the lower class, because they cannot find the strength to realize themselves. This color is rejected due to a penchant for sensuality and eroticism; such people are afraid of losing independence; they have rational control of their emotions, as well as a critical look at their own emotions and actions.


Dark purple symbolizes rudeness and authority.

Lilac (light purple) calms anxiety, symbolizes intuition; has a mild, non-intense effect, improves vision ( pansies contribute to this).

Lilac - vanity, immaturity, chosen in adolescence.

Complex human psychology suggests unique system Therefore, today many ways have been developed to use such color therapy to create a certain mood, as well as to achieve very specific goals. The psychology of color today is confidently present in all aspects of our lives, whether we want it or not. Properly chosen shades of the wardrobe help in moving up the career ladder, allow you to adjust your mood, and even Image Makers specifically help their clients choose the right wardrobe in order to conquer certain heights in life. Everyday life.

The psychology of color allows you to accept correct solution When choosing a partner, you just need to know the characteristics of different colors and listen to your own intuition. For example, a surge of excitement, and blue-gray shades, on the contrary, are considered calming and balancing. Colors act directly on the human sensory system; this feature is well known to advertisers who seek to promote new products by psychological impact to the buyer's feelings. They have long noticed that color can excite, attract and calm.

In psychology it is associated with observation, wit, vanity, hypersensitivity and mood swings. Since the color purple is a combination of red and blue (colors of opposite meanings), the personality of “purple” people can be extremely contradictory. They constantly have to find a balance between the calmness of blue and the energy of red. Relationships with such people are sometimes very easy, but it can be very difficult to really get to know them - such people are quite secretive. Even the closest people may not be able to understand them, since their feelings are quite incomprehensible and contradictory.

The different shades of purple allow people to express their sensuality and individuality without too much aplomb. Purple color is very helpful for creative and sensitive people, they easily tune in to its positive vibration. People who experience nervous tension and mental imbalance are recommended to periodically turn to such shades, because the color purple in psychology, due to the mixing of two opposite shades of blue and red, means veiled excitement. The color violet has a great effect on the nervous system, allows you to restore balance and harmony in your personal life, and even has positive impact to various forms of neuroses.

In psychology, it is not without reason that the color violet is considered the color of pregnant women; it heightens sensuality to the point of individuality. In everyday use, violet shades are quite heavy to perceive, so it is recommended to dilute them with gold. The ancient Aztecs called purple the color of wisdom and knowledge of truth, in Ancient China even the evening sky was designated by the principle of courage (YAN) and was expressed in the color violet, and in Buddhism this color symbolizes the “color spiritual father" The abundance of purple shades in the aura is interpreted as altruism and the possession of high spiritual qualities, especially since the purple color in psychology means aspiration to higher spiritual consciousness.

The desire for harmony and perfection is inherent in a person from his very birth; psychology is responsible for this feature, but this does not mean at all that only “green” people are harmonious and perfect people. The balance of colors and state of mind allows you to find a compromise in communicating with the outside world and feel like one of its most important components.

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