She is a cat and he is a pig. Compatibility of Rabbit (Cat) and Pig (Boar): a harmonious and emotional tandem. Compatibility of a Rabbit woman with a Pig man


By the way, the compatibility of the Rabbit and the Pig is almost one hundred percent. This couple could have a great future. This is an emotionally pleasant, warm and cordial union. Everyone in this couple is trying to develop and not stand still.

Even the “difference” of characters does not prevent these two from building a long-lasting relationship with a happy happy ending in the form of rings and a stamp in the passport.

One hundred percent "yes"

The compatibility of the Cat and the Pig (the so-called rabbit and pig in the Chinese horoscope) is unconditional. There are components of success:

It is worth paying tribute to the Pig (boar) man - it is he who takes the initiative. Lady Rabbit is a more timid and cautious character. The result is a beautiful and long-lasting novel. These two lack the need to be a leader in their family. This allows you to avoid “clash of character” among these signs and eliminates the need to prove something to someone. As practice shows, these two can be so good together that they want to stay together forever!

Marriage bond In general, as a wife, the Cat man sees exclusively a woman who will give him the opportunity to lead a calm and peaceful life. The wife of the Rabbit sign in this case is just what the doctor ordered. These balanced spouses, in return for their diplomacy in family life

receive stability and comfort. Everyday and emotional problems are not about them. These two like to share free time

together. This is exactly the same union when all the most wonderful things can be found within the walls of your home.

What about intimacy? This area of ​​relationships is no exception to the general picture. The compatibility of rabbits and pigs is almost one hundred percent. They understand each other at a glance, and this harmony extends to intimate relationships

Sex in this couple occupies an important place and is full of interesting moments, because each spouse is able to boast of sensuality and tenderness in relation to the needs of the other. They both feel genuine pleasure from positive emotions husband - wife. Sexual pleasures in these relationships are regarded as a way to become closer spiritually.

A little about everyone

One may get the impression that this couple is from the category of calm people who are alien to ordinary human passions. However, this is not the case. Initially, the Rabbit man will be surprised, and even shocked, by the difference in the images of his girlfriend. Advice: don’t try to understand the patterns of her behavior, just love every aspect of her. Enjoy your relationship as often as possible. One way or another, the Pig (boar) woman is a warm, caring and sensitive partner. What else is needed for happiness?

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘


Characteristics of the sign - Rabbit (Cat)

Eastern horoscope for 2018 for the Pig

Characteristics of the sign - Pig


If we add more specifics to the description of the characters, then the spouse in this couple can be called more proactive, active and public. He likes to achieve his goals. The Rabbit woman in this sense is more gentle, timid, and soft. When we're talking about She can think about making some important decision for quite a long time. This does not affect their compatibility in any way. Rather, the lovers complement each other well: the man in this pair is able to give his beloved a feeling of confidence in the future. Without unnecessary criticism and conditions.

Fly in the ointment: the Rabbit woman is sometimes capable of being petty and nagging her husband. These traits are absent in the Pig (boar) man. The breadth of his soul, all his positive qualities can give his partner ease in perceiving the world, relaxedness and joy from relationships. The compatibility of a rabbit and a pig according to the Chinese horoscope is impeccable. However, this does not mean that these relationships will not need to be worked on.

Partners' strengths

Having legalized the relationship, each of these two objectively perceives the world, without unnecessary illusions and “ rose-colored glasses" This allows spouses to do the most for each other. Live, work, do household chores - and they do everything equally well.

The wife's homeliness gives the Rabbit man a reliable rear and stimulates him to “exploits” in other areas. Therefore, despite his natural gentleness and calm disposition, he can achieve a lot thanks to the support of his wife.

Reasons for quarrels

A good relationship can work out if neither he nor she has been “spoiled” by life. If the partners met too late, and the Pig (Boar) man had already experienced the “taste of freedom,” he may for some time become a test of strength for the impressionable Rabbit woman. And the compatibility of partners will be under attack.

The whole point is that the man in this union becomes a respectable family man precisely at the suggestion of his wife. If for a long time he lived alone, his path was inconstancy, frivolity and eternal dissatisfaction with everything and everyone. Emotional instability and unpredictability are not qualities that can please the pragmatist Rabbit, who is seriously puzzled by finding a worthy candidate for a husband. Her husband is her support and protection. Which is very important for her. She herself is often completely unsuited to living alone. Her strong point- inspire, support, guide. A rabbit and a pig are an excellent symbolic combination, unless the environment has had time to make its own adjustments.

Forecast for the future

The Chinese horoscope states that the Rabbit man and the Pig woman are a favorable partnership. They are similar to each other in many ways. This could turn the relationship into a boring routine, but this will not happen, thanks to the variability of the Pig woman.

To understand each other, the Pig woman and the Rabbit man also do not need constant searches for compromises or radical changes in character. Their partnership develops on its own, without much effort. They not only intuitively feel each other in marriage, but also develop harmoniously on their own in this marriage. “Freedom for two” allows you to find complete happiness, unclouded by anything.

Compatibility between Rabbit (Cat) and Pig (Boar) is good. A woman and a man have every opportunity to create a strong and happy family. The differences in the characters of these people allow them to complement each other, thanks to their partner, to develop the missing qualities in themselves. Supported by real feelings, the relationship between them promises to become harmonious and long-lasting.

In the Rabbit (Cat) partner, the Pig (Boar) woman is attracted by his creative nature, resourcefulness, ingenuity and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations. In addition, such men are usually well-mannered, know how to behave in society, are gallant and courteous with women. They are characterized by innate charm, charm and sexual magnetism. In a woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar), the Rabbit man (Cat) admires her selflessness, good nature, sincerity and romance. At the same time, behind external femininity and deceptive weakness lies strong will, courage and perseverance are qualities that are sometimes lacking in men born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). An alliance with a Pig (Boar) woman will allow a man to develop and improve these properties in his character.

In addition to love, the basis of a strong union between a Pig woman (Boar) and a Rabbit man (Cat) is their commitment to traditional family values. Both value home comfort and love children. At the same time, they do not like quarrels and conflicts; they prefer to solve problems peacefully. Such people know how to listen to each other, are open in communication and are ready to compromise, which allows the couple to achieve well-being and mutual understanding.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Pig woman (Boar): general compatibility

The Rabbit man tries in every possible way to avoid uncomfortable situations and unpleasant conversations

From those born under other signs Eastern horoscope Rabbit (Cat) men are distinguished by their delicate taste, pronounced individuality and aristocratic manners. His clothes may not correspond to the latest fashion trends, but they will definitely be neat and stylish. In society, the Rabbit man (Cat) stands out not only for his elegant suit and original image, but also for the behavior of a true gentleman.

In any social environment, the Rabbit man (Cat) behaves with honor and dignity, making an indelible impression on people. He is a charming and witty person. He is polite, well-mannered and rarely raises his voice. The Rabbit tries to avoid scandals, without stooping to insults and showdowns in a raised voice. Men born in the year of the Rabbit generally have a peaceful and friendly character. They don't like change and surprises. They prefer a calm, measured life without sudden changes.

Rabbit men are usually creative people. They have a rich imagination, refined taste, many talents and extraordinary abilities. If a Rabbit (Cat) man has chosen a different path of development, he will always be attracted to the arts. He will be aware of the latest events in the world of culture, go to the cinema, theaters, visit museums, art exhibitions. Rabbit men (Cats) often become successful entrepreneurs due to their intelligence, developed intuition, and ability to avoid risks and dangers. In addition, such people inspire trust, which contributes to the establishment of strong relationships. business connections and making profitable deals.

Among other signs of the Chinese horoscope, the Rabbit man (Cat) stands out for his attitude towards representatives of the opposite sex. This is a real ladies' man - gallant, gentle, sweet and courteous. He knows how to surround a woman with attention, subtly senses her mood, and always listens and consoles his interlocutor. The Rabbit (Cat) is able to win the heart of any lady. However, one should not expect decisive actions from him to protect women's interests. The Rabbit Man (Cat) is a good adviser and comforter, but due to his innate caution and lack of courage, he will go into conflict for the sake of his chosen one only as a last resort.

In the year of the Pig (Boar), kind, sincere, gentle and romantic women are usually born. They are honest, open and trusting, which is often taken advantage of by various kinds of swindlers. However, you should not deceive such a woman - an angry Pig is difficult to stop; in his rage, he sweeps away everything in his path. Despite the outward softness, good nature, complaisance and desire to avoid conflicts, the Pig (Boar) woman has a steely character and will. She's got enough inner strength and the drive to overcome all obstacles in achieving your goals.

The Pig (Boar) woman is energetic, active and proactive. Her openness and honesty endear her to other people. Ability to find mutual language, establish sincere relationships without quarrels and omissions, scrupulousness and responsibility allow such a woman to achieve high altitudes V professional career regardless of the field of activity. However, in her life, the Pig (Boar) woman more often gives preference to the role of the keeper of the family hearth. She loves to do landscaping home life, take care of her husband and raise children. True, at the same time, she can go too far in an attempt to establish complete power over her family and friends. However, in general, the Pig (Boar) woman honors traditions, recognizes the authority and primacy of her husband in the family, and is ready to obey him.

Despite their kind-hearted and flexible nature, women born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are brave and fearless. They are not afraid of failure, they resolutely take on any task and bring their goals to life. Such women are restless, emotional, and often change their image. They have a sensitive and romantic nature. The Pig (Boar) woman loves melodrama and fiction. She reads a lot, but her knowledge is usually superficial and far from deep philosophical reasoning. Despite their romanticism, such women are simple-minded, straightforward and harsh in their statements.

Pig (Boar) women attract men with their tenderness, kindness and sincerity of feelings. They are sweet, trusting and at first glance seem soft and weak. When meeting such a woman, a man straightens his shoulders, feels stronger, tries to take her under his wing and protection. Only over time does he understand that behind the external helplessness lies a force capable of crushing any man under his heel.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Pig woman (Boar): compatibility in marriage

The Rabbit man takes on the entire burden of financial responsibility in the family

A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) and a Rabbit man (Cat) have all the necessary qualities and character traits to make them marriage was long and happy. They are close in temperament, calm, kind and peaceful by nature. They have many common interests and the same views on life, family and work. Such people are prone to compromise and know how to find a common language with different people, strive to avoid conflicts. They love trusting, open communication without disputes or disagreements. The compatibility of the Rabbit man (Cat) and the Pig woman (Boar) improves the fact that each of them in this union can receive from their partner the missing strengths and develop best qualities and get rid of shortcomings.

Next to the Pig woman, the Rabbit man will become more courageous and decisive. He can learn from her fearlessness and assertiveness in solving problems, and feel confident in his abilities. The Rabbit (Cat) is weaker than the Pig (Boar) in character, usually a cautious and risk-averse man. In his Pig wife he will be able to draw the courage and energy he lacks. The full support of such a woman, who provides her chosen one with a reliable rear in the house, will be a powerful incentive for personal development Rabbit men. He will be able to reach new heights in life, career and creativity.

For a Pig (Boar) woman, marriage with a Rabbit (Cat) man is an excellent chance to find the home she desires, children, material well-being and even luxury. The Rabbit (Cat) is able to fully provide her with everything she needs if the Pig (Boar) woman manages to make him more courageous. However, to do this, she should moderate her power and assertiveness and at least outwardly submit to her husband. Rabbits are quite loving creatures, and they are also afraid of harshness and pressure directed at them. In case of obvious attempts to subjugate them, such a man will not make a scandal; he will quickly find himself another lover.

The Pig (Boar) woman should come to terms with the supremacy of her husband, which, however, fully corresponds to her worldview. However, when paired with the Rabbit (Cat), she should not expect much help from him in solving everyday issues. He loves a calm home environment, but completely relies on his wife to run the household. In response, the Pig (Boar) woman will receive not only material well-being, but also true love, sincere care and attention from her Rabbit husband (Cat). She will feel welcome and loved, she will always be listened to and understood. The relationship of such a couple is usually based on honesty, openness and mutual understanding.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Pig woman (Boar): compatibility in love

Between a Pig woman (Boar) and a Rabbit man (Cat), mutual sympathy often arises at first sight. They are attracted to each other by kindness, tenderness, warmth and responsiveness. At the same time, both partners are endowed with sexual energy and attractiveness.

The sexual compatibility of a Pig woman (Boar) and a Rabbit man (Cat) is remarkable. Their love relationships in bed are varied and harmonious. Both spouses strive to please their partner, from which they themselves derive pleasure. Their sexual relations filled with caresses and tenderness. Intimacy for such a couple becomes something more than just physical intimacy. This is a merging at the subconscious level, the penetration of souls into each other. This makes a man and woman truly close and dear.

Sex plays to cement the marriage of a Pig woman (Boar) and a Rabbit man (Cat) quite important role. And yet, the main factor in their family well-being will be care and attention to each other’s feelings, the ability to find a compromise and, at the right moment, refuse to satisfy their personal ambitions for the sake of maintaining peace and harmony in the house.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Pig woman (Boar): useful tips for a couple

If a Pig woman can adapt to a Rabbit man, then the relationship can become long and happy

The subtle taste and social manners of the Rabbit man (Cat) will help you change in better side sometimes to a simple-minded Pig woman. She will become more educated, elegant and delicate in communication. If a Pig (Boar) woman accepts her Rabbit husband’s craving for art and accompanies him on going out, going to theaters, cinema, museums, concerts and art exhibitions, this will increase her cultural and general educational level. She will get rid of her characteristic rudeness and become a more harmonious person.

A woman’s straightforwardness and harshness can somewhat irritate a sophisticated man, which in turn will worsen the compatibility of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Pig (Boar) in love and marriage. The spouse is also confused by the emotionality and variability of a woman’s nature. It is difficult for the always balanced, constant and conservative Rabbit man (Cat) to understand the impulses of the soul and the changes in mood of his chosen one. She may seem frivolous and frivolous to him. However, he should stop looking for the motives and patterns of the emotional outbursts of the Pig (Boar) woman, especially since they do not exist. He must accept this as a given and an inseparable side of her character. Behind this lies decency, responsibility, honesty and devotion to one’s family duty and spouse. The variability of her image will fill life together pairs of Rabbit and Pig with variety, new colors and interests.

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The compatibility of Rabbit and Pig, according to astrologers, is close to ideal. This couple builds a warm, pure relationship that allows partners to develop throughout their lives. There is no possible conflict of interest between them, so a gap between representatives of the signs rarely happens.

Characteristics of the Rabbit

The representative of this sign is non-conflict, calm and kind, loves to enjoy life and looks to the future with confidence. It has the following features:

  • he is an optimist, rarely loses his fortitude;
  • with his behavior he is able to charm and make people fall in love with him;
  • has a rare charm;
  • is an interesting conversationalist;
  • has an inquisitive mind;
  • talented and can achieve success in many areas of activity;
  • always soberly assesses the situation;
  • has a good understanding of people;
  • can't stand it conflict situations and always leaves, feeling danger or the onset of a scandal;
  • sometimes it’s easier for him to close his eyes and pretend that he doesn’t notice what’s happening around him.

The representative of this sign is passionate and knows how to love. He is capable of delivering true pleasure to his partner. He never lacks admirers, so he has a wealth of experience in relationships. He will settle down only with age, and he will be completely satisfied with a calm relationship. If everything is not so smooth, he is able to compromise if he truly falls in love.

Characteristics of the Boar

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their knightly character. You can completely trust them; they will not let you down, sell you out or deceive you. At first glance they seem naive and weak, but this is not so. Pigs are strong but peaceful personalities.

The pig is often fooled and his trust is abused. The same situation occurs in love relationships. She will be loved by many, but many will also deceive and disappoint her.

This sign has few friends, but they are real and will accompany him throughout his life, and he will be ready to do anything for them.

Rabbit Man and Pig Woman

Cat Man

If a woman wants to get an interesting partner who knows how to listen to her, she should choose the Rabbit. A man born this year has the following qualities:

  • he is a realist and definitely goes towards his goal, and his goals are not exorbitant, but quite realistic;
  • builds his life step by step in material and career terms;
  • loves a beautiful life and comforts;
  • prefers fishing and billiards to active sports.

Pig Woman

The Pig woman is beautiful in appearance, flexible and good-natured. She is the one who will help in Hard time, therefore it becomes good friend not only for women, but also for men. It is impossible not to love her, she is polite, calm, responsive and incredibly charming. Sometimes with her naivety she resembles a child, but in reality she has her own mind. If her interests or the interests of her loved ones are affected, the representative of this sign goes ahead.

The pig is sensitive and trusting; it is easy to deceive her in love.

The representative of the sign is easily influenced, so she needs to avoid bad company. The Rabbit man and the Pig woman can build strong union, if these relationships are built on mutual respect.

Pair compatibility

The Pig and the Cat have quite high compatibility. These two consider each other good candidates for a serious relationship. He is wise and talented, and easily finds a way out of the current situation. The fair sex likes the calmness and sophistication of the Rabbit, so she will respond to the proposal. The partner is reliable, selfless and obedient, the man will be flattered by her devotion and generosity.

The compatibility of the Rabbit and the Pig allows them to build a strong union. They will enjoy each other for many years to come. These two will not only be passionate lovers, but also good friends.

Relationship problems

The cat is uncomfortable with people who give him trouble. He considers peace and peacefulness to be the main thing in his life. The altruistic Pig can infuriate anyone with her gullibility, even the Cat. If the Pig makes friends who have a bad influence on her, the relationship will collapse.

The reason for this will be the scandals that the fair sex will start in order to justify herself. The peace-loving Cat will only have to leave.

Pig Man and Rabbit Woman

Pig Man

The Pig man is one of the most honest signs of the Chinese horoscope. It has the following features:

  • conservatism, it is difficult for him to master nanotechnology;
  • he is a fighter for justice, he considers lies a crime;
  • the ability to forgive people's mistakes;
  • gullibility, compassion, ability to sympathize.

The Pig is sensual and sometimes has an addiction to alcohol and gambling.

Cat Woman

The Cat woman is confident, elegant and spends her days twirling in front of the mirror. She has crowds of fans, she knows that she is made for love. The representative of this sign is gentle, she makes a good housewife who always takes care of cleaning the house.

Pair compatibility

A Pig man and a Rabbit woman can make a wonderful couple. She will be amazed by his courage and devotion, and will help him find a solution in difficult situations. They are both cheerful and optimistic about the future. The man is impressed by the kindness and caution of the Cat, he pronounces her name with reverence, he will be able to surround her with luxury and not demand more than she can give. What more could you ask for in a relationship?

The Pig man and the Rabbit woman are capable of creating good family. In love, he is surprisingly sensual, will teach the Puritan Rabbit to love passionately and will open to him the world of bodily pleasures. A woman will be glad to become his universe, an object of desire and generosity. This union will enrich the partners, but in real life It happens extremely rarely.

The compatibility of Rabbit and Pig, according to astrologers, is close to ideal. This couple builds a warm, pure relationship that allows partners to develop throughout their lives. There is no possible conflict of interest between them, so a gap between representatives of the signs rarely happens.

Compatibility of Pig and Rabbit in love and marriage

Characteristics of the Rabbit

The representative of this sign is non-conflict, calm and kind, loves to enjoy life and looks to the future with confidence. It has the following features:

  • he is an optimist, rarely loses his fortitude;
  • with his behavior he is able to charm and make people fall in love with him;
  • has a rare charm;
  • is an interesting conversationalist;
  • has an inquisitive mind;
  • talented and can achieve success in many areas of activity;
  • always soberly assesses the situation;
  • has a good understanding of people;
  • does not tolerate conflict situations and always leaves, feeling danger or the onset of a scandal;
  • sometimes it’s easier for him to close his eyes and pretend that he doesn’t notice what’s happening around him.

The representative of this sign is passionate and knows how to love. He is capable of delivering true pleasure to his partner. He never lacks admirers, so he has a wealth of experience in relationships. He will settle down only with age, and he will be completely satisfied with a calm relationship. If everything is not so smooth, he is able to compromise if he truly falls in love.

Characteristics of the Boar

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their knightly character. You can completely trust them; they will not let you down, sell you out or deceive you. At first glance they seem naive and weak, but this is not so. Pigs are strong but peaceful personalities.

The pig is often fooled and his trust is abused. The same situation occurs in love relationships. She will be loved by many, but many will also deceive and disappoint her.

This sign has few friends, but they are real and will accompany him throughout his life, and he will be ready to do anything for them.

Rabbit Man and Pig Woman

Respect each other

Cat Man

If a woman wants to get an interesting partner who knows how to listen to her, she should choose the Rabbit. A man born this year has the following qualities:

  • he is a realist and definitely goes towards his goal, and his goals are not exorbitant, but quite realistic;
  • builds his life step by step in material and career terms;
  • loves a beautiful life and comforts;
  • prefers fishing and billiards to active sports.

Pig Woman

The Pig woman is beautiful in appearance, flexible and good-natured. She is the one who will help in difficult times, so she becomes a good friend not only for women, but also for men. It is impossible not to love her, she is polite, calm, responsive and incredibly charming. Sometimes with her naivety she resembles a child, but in reality she has her own mind. If her interests or the interests of her loved ones are affected, the representative of this sign goes ahead.

The pig is sensitive and trusting; it is easy to deceive her in love.

The representative of the sign is easily influenced, so she needs to avoid bad company. A Rabbit man and a Pig woman can build a strong union if this relationship is built on mutual respect.

Pair compatibility

The Pig and the Cat have quite high compatibility. These two consider each other good candidates for a serious relationship. He is wise and talented, and easily finds a way out of the current situation. The fair sex likes the calmness and sophistication of the Rabbit, so she will respond to the proposal. The partner is reliable, selfless and obedient, the man will be flattered by her devotion and generosity.

The compatibility of the Rabbit and the Pig allows them to build a strong union. They will enjoy each other for many years to come. These two will not only be passionate lovers, but also good friends.

Relationship problems

The cat is uncomfortable with people who give him trouble. He considers peace and peacefulness to be the main thing in his life. The altruistic Pig can infuriate anyone with her gullibility, even the Cat. If the Pig makes friends who have a bad influence on her, the relationship will collapse.

The reason for this will be the scandals that the fair sex will start in order to justify herself. The peace-loving Cat will only have to leave.

Pig Man and Rabbit Woman

All quarrels can be overcome

Pig Man

The Pig man is one of the most honest signs of the Chinese horoscope. It has the following features:

  • conservatism, it is difficult for him to master nanotechnology;
  • he is a fighter for justice, he considers lies a crime;
  • the ability to forgive people's mistakes;
  • gullibility, compassion, ability to sympathize.

The Pig is sensual and sometimes has an addiction to alcohol and gambling.

Cat Woman

The Cat woman is confident, elegant and spends her days twirling in front of the mirror. She has crowds of fans, she knows that she is made for love. The representative of this sign is gentle, she makes a good housewife who always takes care of cleaning the house.

Pair compatibility

A Pig man and a Rabbit woman can make a wonderful couple. She will be amazed by his courage and devotion, and will help him find a solution in difficult situations. They are both cheerful and optimistic about the future. The man is impressed by the kindness and caution of the Cat, he pronounces her name with reverence, he will be able to surround her with luxury and not demand more than she can give. What more could you ask for in a relationship?

The Pig man and the Rabbit woman are capable of creating a good family. In love, he is surprisingly sensual, will teach the Puritan Rabbit to love passionately and will open to him the world of bodily pleasures. A woman will be glad to become his universe, an object of desire and generosity. This union will enrich the partners, but in real life it develops extremely rarely.

Relationship problems

Pig's gullibility becomes the reason for his frivolity; he often falls under the influence bad companies. The inconstancy of a man frightens the Cat woman; this is a real test for her. She thinks pragmatically and is looking for a reliable and promising partner, support in life, since she is not very confident in her abilities.

The personal characteristics of both partners must technically complement each other, in addition, the partners must have some common interests. Characteristics of your sign Chinese Zodiac will help you learn more about yourself, and chinese horoscope compatibility will predict the likelihood of certain problems arising in relations with a particular potential partner.

The Rabbit hates various conflicts and quarrels, as well as the slightest tension. Over many years of trying to avoid quarrels, conflicts and the slightest disagreements, you have developed wonderful oratorical skills, you are a true master of negotiations, you are able to resolve any disagreements and reconcile opponents. You are a master at expressing your thoughts, you are impeccably polite and are able to convince anyone of anything. You disarm a potential opponent with the help of very convincing logical arguments, and in the end your patience pays off handsomely - the opponent listens to your point of view. However, if such tactics do not produce results, you try to escape. Rabbits do not know how to fight, they are not able to cope with conflicts. You would rather sever all relations with a certain person than you start fighting him.

The rabbit is wise and careful. It is not so easy for unscrupulous individuals to fool you because you always pay attention to details. Despite your inherent caution, you are quite capable of completely relaxing and simply enjoying life. You feel the moment at which you should pause, get rid of stress and just have a good rest. You are subject to frequent mood swings, so you need a partner who can give you support in those moments when you feel depressed.

The Pig is similar to the Rabbit in many ways. Mutual attraction arises between these individuals in a completely natural way. The pig is smart and sociable. Just like the Rabbit, she hates various quarrels and conflicts. If you meet a Pig at a party, most likely he will not be the center of everyone's attention, but at the same time he may well support friendly relations with those people who are the soul of the company. The Pig easily resolves any conflicts, acting as a peacemaker. She can really give you the support you need. She has nothing against the role of a vest into which people close to her cry. Sometimes the Pig becomes too trouble-free, which is not at all good for her.

Despite the apparent gentleness and dependability, the Pig at the same time knows how to work hard. If this woman takes on any project, she will work on it systematically and consistently, taking into account all the details, step by step following the developed plan until she reaches her goal. As a rule, the Pig is quite capable of maintaining a balance between work and pleasure in his life. Everyday life, despite the fact that she is drawn to everything pleasant, beautiful and sophisticated and really enjoys quality rest.

You are quite capable of building a harmonious and long-term relationship with this woman. You both love everything beautiful and are true connoisseurs of art, and you will truly enjoy working together to decorate your own home. Most likely, you will be able to share the pleasure of admiring with each other natural landscapes in any season. The Pig is quite sensitive and is able to notice that in a given situation it begins to put too much pressure on you. She senses the moment at which she should retreat, so this woman is unlikely to hurt you or scare you away.

In those moments when you are not in the mood or feel depressed, the Pig will be able to give you the necessary support, and you, in turn, will remind her to continue working at the moment when she loses her work spirit and wants to have fun . This relationship is favorable for both of you, and there is unlikely to be any friction between you. Most likely, you will be happy together even without making significant efforts.

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