International relations at the end of the 20th century presentation. Presentation for the lesson "International relations of Russia in the 21st century." Directions of colonial expansion and international conflicts of the 20th century

Reasons for the aggravation of international
relations at the beginning of the 20th century
Leading countries and their aspirations
Peaceful and military means to resolve

Creation of a system of military-political blocs

Reasons for the deterioration of international relations at the beginning of the 20th century

Accelerating pace
development of countries, later
Economic development,
increasing the competitiveness of these
states in the world
economic and
military status
Completing the section
world in the second
half of the 19th century
Creation of a colonial
systems, operation
peoples of the colonies and
dependent countries
The desire of countries
"late" to
previous section
the world, to its redistribution
Growth of population strata
military) aspiring
to independence
Activating them
peoples of the colonies and

movements of peoples

Leading countries and their aspirations

Establishing control over the territories that served
market for the sale of goods, area of ​​capital investment,
source of cheap agricultural and raw materials products
powers, defense
from them as if they were our own
spheres of influence,
so and
including for
LEADING cooperation
peoples' attempts
SIMILAR colonial and
ASPIRATIONS of addicts



Features of the policies of leading countries
In 1899 USA
the principle of "open
doors" in China,
none of the powers
shouldn't have
privileges than
Main thing for yourself
considered protection
principle of equals
opportunities for
world market
Separated from the Rivals
oceans, the USA was not afraid
attacks on one's own
Tradition of isolationism
assumed that the United States would not enter into
unions and does not interfere in
conflicts outside Western
hemispheres, does not create large
ground forces
Capacious and growing
domestic market
economic development
Thanks to
"Monroe Doctrine"
powers of Europe in
American affairs
secured for herself
benefits when
Latin markets


Largest colonial
power did not refuse
from further attempts
expansion of its
Special meaning
was given
supremacy at sea
to protect both
metropolis and
sea ​​routes V
colonies. British
the fleet should have
simultaneously fleet
two strongest
powers of the world
In London they thought
unacceptable to anyone
dominance over the continental
Europe or the emergence
anti-British coalition
continental powers
An idea was hatched
stretch a chain of possessions
UK from Egypt
to India, connecting to
single array
African and Asian
Ruling circles
Great Britain
feared assassination attempts
on the empire and their own
considered opponents
Germany, Russia,


France sought to enlist the support of England and
Italy, compromise on colonial issues
world power,
conflicted with
Great Britain because of its spheres of influence in
Central Africa
and South-Eastern
Mainly his
considered her enemy
Germany because
Alsace and Lorraine,
which were
lost after
wars of 1870-1871 And
proximity to more
strong in the military
regarding German
Great importance France attached to the convention on
mutual assistance with Russia (1839), which implied
providing military support to each other in case of
German attacks on one side


Russia at the beginning of the 20th century – relatively
economically weak power, with low
competitiveness of military goods
From here
Russia in alliance with
Russia's ruling elite
believed that
poses a danger to her
Germany is the only one
a power capable
pretend to
dominance in Western
Russia has become more active
in Central Asian
direction, at the beginning of XX
century arena of expansion
became Far East
Traditional for her
there was aspiration
establish control over
Black Sea
straits - Bosporus and
Dardanelles to
protect yourself from threats
from South
interest was reinforced
desire to protect
Slavic peoples on
Balkans from
Muslim Turkey and
Catholic Austria-Hungary


Germany was considered the strongest in the military
regarding the country of Europe
Strengthening the navy
Germany's rapprochement with
Turkey, providing military
assistance in rearmament
army, construction
railway BerlinBaghdad-Basra.
She sought redistribution
colonies and spheres of influence
The union of Germany with Austria-Hungary in 1879 was
directed against Russia
and Slavic states
in the Balkans
Ruling circles
Germany was not hidden
what is the most important goal
their policies in Europe
is a rout
France and relegation
her up to the role


Austria-Hungary was weak at the beginning of the 20th century
Annexation of Bosnia and
Union with Germany
Hostile attitude towards
Serbia as a possible center
associations Slavic peoples on


Italy's relative military and economic weakness
made her fear conflicts with major European
reunification of the country.
claims to Yuzhny
Tyrol (Austria-Hungary),
as well as to Nice and
Savoy) France
Hesitation of the ruling
circles of Italy in choice


Japan at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries was inferior in level
economic development other powers, testing
lack of natural resources.
The most dangerous
an enemy for yourself
considered Russia
Tried to create
colonial power for
expansion account in China

Peaceful and military means to resolve conflicts


Pacifist beliefs


Directions of colonial expansion and international conflicts of the 20th century

A country
Main directions of expansion
Participation in wars and conflicts
Southeast Asia, (Philippines)
Spanish-American War
Afghanistan, Southeast Asia (Siam),
China, Tibet, Persia, South Africa
Boer War
Southeast Asia, (Siam), Northern
Northern China (Manchuria), Korea,
Afghanistan, Near and Middle
East (Türkiye, Iran), Tibet.
North Africa (Morocco), Middle and
Middle East, China, Balkans
Northern, East Africa
(Libya, Ethiopia)
Russo-Japanese War
Italo-Turkish War
Korea, China.
empire in 1898

Creation of a system of military-political blocs


Military-political blocs

Military-political bloc
formed in 1879-1882,
which marked the beginning of the section
Europe to hostile camps. Countries
bloc was united by the desire to
redistributing the world in my favor. Ch.
organizer of T. s. was Germany,
concluded a military agreement in 1879. alliance with
Austria-Hungary. The core was created
aggressive military group in
Europe, directed against Russia and
France. 20 May 1882 Germany,
Austria-Hungary and Italy signed
Secret Tripartite Treaty
French caricature: Germany, Austro-Union
Hungary and Italy smoke
on a barrel of gunpowder
Military-political bloc
created in
as a counterweight to the Triple
Union" (A-Entente); developed in
mainly in 1904-1907 and
completed the demarcation of the great
powers on the eve of the First World War
war. The term originated in 1904
originally to designate
Anglo-French alliance, and
the expression l'Entente was used
cordiale (“cordial agreement”) in
memory of the short-lived Anglo-French alliance in the 1840s,
bearing the same name.

Main eventsTerms 1. The main contradiction in international relations was between ___________ and ___________ countries. The destruction of the ___________ empire began. 7 industrial developed countries fought for spheres of influence in the world:______,_____,_______,______,_____,______,___. “powder keg” of Europe Eastern Question 2. The era of imperialist wars began: 1898 – 1899 – 1902 – 1904 – 1905 – 3. The creation of military blocs began, which led to the threat of world war Creation of the Triple Alliance: 1882 - a military-political alliance was signed between …. Creation of the Entente: 1904 – 1907 – Pacifist movement – ​​II International -

Name the main events of 1898 – 1902 – 1905.

Answer the questions In international relations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, historians identify two contradictions. Which? (Between which countries?) Which of them was the main one? Which state maintained its integrity only thanks to contradictions between leading European states?

Russia at the turn of the century Social sphereEconomic sphere Spiritual sphere Apparatus of officials autocracy Church estates Manual labor Political sphere Secular art appears Agriculture National composition Subordination of education to the church Serfdom labor religion Confessional composition K early XIX century Russia was a ________ society

Domestic policy Alexander I in 1801 - 1806 Activities of Speransky Emperor Alexander I Secret Committee 1801 Personality Limitation of autocracy Beginning of reforms Composition F.S. Laharpe Decree on “free cultivators” First steps Senate Reform higher authorities authorities Educational reform Cabinet of Ministers Father's influence liberalism Participation in a conspiracy manifesto Thesis: Already in the first years of the reign of Alexander I, his firm intention to improve the situation in the country with the help of reforms was evident. amnesty bordersbooks and goods Permanent council 1804 State Council Speransky reforms Contents Goals and objectives implementation

Homework Read and retell according to SO §1.3 Get acquainted with the documents for §1.3 Dates: 1777, March 11, 1801, transformations of 1801, reforms of 1802, reforms of 1803, 1804, 1810 Terms: amnesty, manifesto, Unspoken Committee, State Council Persons: Alexander I, Laharpe, P.A. Stroganov, N.N. Novosiltsev, A.A. Chartoryski, V.P. Kochubey, M.M. Speransky, N.M. Karamzin Aphorisms are welcome. Workbook: 1,5,7 pp. 8-11

Main classes Nobility - 400 thousand (0.91%) Clergy - 215 thousand Peasantry - 90% (39.6 million people) Middle class - up to 4% Merchants - about 1% Cossacks - 1.5 million (3. 4%) Population Russian Empire by the beginning of the 19th century there were 44 million people


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Sections: History and social studies

Lesson objectives:

  1. Contribute to the formation of specific historical knowledge about the development of international relations in late XIX-early 20th century leading European countries (France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy).
  2. Promote the activation of students’ cognitive activity by developing skills in working with documents and educational text.
  3. Contribute to the formation of communication and organizational skills.


  1. Map “Europe 1870-1914.” ”,
  2. Document texts:
  3. From B. Bülow's speech in the Reichstag on December 11, 1899;
  4. Bismarck's speech in the Reichstag on February 6, 1888;
  5. Letter from Russian Foreign Minister Giers to Russian Ambassador in Paris Morenheim, August 21, 1891
  6. From the memoirs of the German admiral A. Tirpitz.
  7. Group and class checklists.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

1. introduction teachers.

II. Main part.

1. Historical warm-up “International situation at the end of the 19th century. ”

2. Work in groups with texts of documents.

3. Working with text teaching aid“Creation of military blocs” (§31” International relationships: diplomacy or war? textbook “New history, 1800-1913. ” A. Ya. Yudovskaya, P. A. Baranov, L. M. Vanyushkina.)

4. Work on selecting an epigraph for the topic of the lesson.

5. Consolidation of the studied material.

III. Summing up the lesson. Group ratings.

I. 1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

The topic of our lesson is “International relations of the late XIX - early XX centuries. " Over the course of several lessons, we examine various issues related to international relations at the end of the 19th century, which changed greatly for a number of reasons, the most important of which is the increase in economic rivalry between the great powers. In search of cheap raw materials, low prices At the end of the 19th century, the great powers rushed to land and cheap labor to fight for colonies; very often they strive to fight for the redivision of an already divided world. The goal of our lesson is to comprehensively consider the process of the formation of international relations at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Today, working with documents of those years and the text of the textbook (§31), we must answer main question Topics: - Why Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. faced the threat of world war?

Teacher. In order to better understand the main international events of the late 19th century, we will conduct a “Historical Warm-up”.

II. 1). “Historical warm-up.”

1. What were the states that played a leading role in international relations called? (Great powers)

2. Which European states of the 19th century can be classified as “great powers”? (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, France, England, Italy)

3. Show them on the map?

4. What name corresponds to the designation of the general course of the state in international affairs? (Foreign policy)

5. What is expansion? (Expansion of the territory of countries through the seizure of foreign territories)

6. What was the beginning of the expansion of Europeans? (Great geographical discoveries)

7. What are the names of states that have colonies? (Metropolises)

8. What was the basis of racist theory? (The doctrine of the inequality of races.)

9. Which British colony was the richest? (India)

10. Which peninsula in Europe was the focus of attention of politicians in Russia and Austria-Hungary? (Balkan)

11. Show it on the map.

12. What name did the Balkans receive at the end of the 19th century? (“Powder Magazine”)

Students answer “warm-up” questions and receive tokens for correct answers.

2). Teacher. And now we move on to a very important and interesting part of our lesson, working with documents. On the tables of each group you have the texts of documents with questions for them. The nature of international relations was determined by the 4 great powers Germany, England, Russia, and France.

Using these documents, we must find out how these countries treated each other and draw a conclusion about the international situation of those years.

The “Memos” lying on the tables will help you in working on the document.

“Memo for working with the document”

  1. Please read the document carefully.
  2. Determine what event you are talking about.
  3. What is the attitude of the author of the document to the problem reflected in it.
  4. Determine the main provisions of this document.

Students. They study the documents and then answer the questions posed.

Teacher. While getting acquainted with the documents, we saw how complex the international situation of those years was, how difficult international relations developed at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

What do you think these relations between the great powers could lead to?

Students.(to war, to the creation of military alliances, etc.)

3). Teacher. Now, using the text (§31 p. 250), we will try to determine how correct our conclusions made while working with the documents are. I suggest you answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main contradictions that arose between the great powers at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries?
  2. Determine the names, time of formation, composition of participants in the two opposing military-political blocs?
  3. What are the main goals of the participants in these military-political blocs?

Students. They answer the questions asked. (Symbolic images of these blocks are attached to the board.)

Teacher draws attention to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson

- Why did Europe face the threat of world war at the beginning of the 20th century?

Students They answer that both opponents sought to achieve superiority over each other and did not want to make concessions.

Teacher. Indeed, 7 years will pass after the final formation of military blocs and in 1914 the World War, in which 38 states will take part.

4). Teacher. And now, at the end of work on the topic, when we know the answer to our main question, we will try to choose an epigraph for this topic.

Groups, one after another, offer epigraphs. (the best one gets 10 points, the rest get 5 points).

5). Teacher. At the end of our lesson, let's remember again

About what military-political alliances of the late XIX - early XX centuries. and countries participating in these unions?

Students answer the question.

III. 1. Teacher sums up. Evaluates the work of groups. Thanks everyone for their work.

International relations at the beginning of the 20th century Teacher of history, social studies, MHC MBOU "Secondary School No. 48", Vladivostok Svetlana Nikolaevna Shabalina

plan Reasons for the aggravation of international relations at the beginning of the 20th century Leading countries and their aspirations Features of the policies of leading countries Peaceful and military means for resolving conflicts Creation of a system of military-political blocs

Reasons for the aggravation of international relations at the beginning of the 20th century

Acceleration of the pace of development of countries that later began industrialization Completion of the division of the world in the second half of the 19th century Creation colonial system, exploitation of the peoples of colonies and dependent countries Development of the economy, growth of the competitiveness of these states in the world Changes in the economic and military status of powers The desire of the “latecomer” countries for the previous division of the world, for its redistribution Intensification of their colonial policy Growth of segments of the population (national bourgeoisie, intelligentsia, military) seeking independence The rise of the anti-colonial movement of the peoples of dependent countries

Leading countries and their aspirations

Great Britain USA France Russia Italy Japan Germany Austria-Hungary Leading powers Their policies were based on similar aspirations Establishing control over territories that served as a market for goods, an area for capital investment, a source of cheap agricultural and raw materials To prevent the strengthening of competing powers, to protect against them as their spheres of influence, as well as their own territory To suppress, including through cooperation with competitors, attempts by the peoples of colonial and dependent countries to achieve independence

Features of the policies of leading countries

USA Features of the policies of leading countries Separated from rivals by oceans, the USA was not afraid of an attack on its own territory A capacious and growing domestic market ensured further economic development Thanks to the “Monroe Doctrine”, which declared the inadmissibility of interference by European powers in the affairs of American states, the USA secured advantages for itself in the use of markets Latin America The tradition of isolationism assumed that the United States did not enter into alliances or interfere in conflicts outside the Western Hemisphere, and did not create large ground forces. It considered the main thing to be the protection of the principle of equal opportunities in the world market. In 1899, the United States proposed the principle “ open doors"in China, according to which no one power should have greater privileges than the others.

England Peculiarities of the policies of the leading countries The idea was hatched to stretch the chain of British possessions from Egypt to India, uniting African and Asian colonies into a single array. The ruling circles of Great Britain feared attempts on the empire and considered Germany, Russia, and France their possible opponents. The largest colonial power did not give up attempts to further expansion of their empire. London considered it unacceptable for anyone to dominate continental Europe or the emergence of an anti-British coalition of continental powers. Particular importance was attached to dominance at sea to protect both the metropolis and sea routes to the colonies. The British fleet had to confront simultaneously the fleets of the two strongest powers in the world

France Peculiarities of the policies of leading countries She considered Germany her main enemy because of Alsace and Lorraine, which were lost after Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 and proximity to the militarily stronger German Empire, France attached great importance to the convention on mutual assistance with Russia (1839), which provided for the provision of military support to each other in the event of a German attack on one of the parties. The second colonial power in the world, France was in conflict with Great Britain over spheres influence in Central Africa and Southeast Asia, France sought to enlist the support of England and Italy, a compromise on colonial issues

Russia Peculiarities of the policies of leading countries Russia at the beginning of the 20th century is a relatively economically weak power, with low competitiveness of military goods. Traditionally, it has sought to establish control over the Black Sea straits - the Bosporus and Dardanelles, in order to protect itself from threats from the south. Geopolitical interest was reinforced by the desire to protect Orthodox Slavic peoples in the Balkans from Muslim Turkey and Catholic Austria-Hungary Russia became more active in the Central Asian direction; at the beginning of the 20th century, the Far East became the arena of expansion. The ruling elite of Russia believed that Germany, the only power capable of laying claim to dominance in Western Europe Hence Russia's interest in an alliance with France

Germany Peculiarities of the policies of leading countries Germany was considered the most militarily powerful country in Europe. It sought the redistribution of colonies and spheres of influence. The ruling circles of Germany did not hide that the most important goal of their policy in Europe was the defeat of France and its reduction to the role of a second-rate state. The Union of Germany with Austria-Hungary. in 1879, was directed against Russia and the Slavic states in the Balkans. The rapprochement of Germany with Turkey, the provision of military assistance in the rearmament of the army, the construction of the Berlin-Baghdad-Basra railway. Strengthening the Navy

Austria-Hungary Features of the policies of the leading countries Austria-Hungary by the beginning of the 20th century was a weak state Union with Germany Hostile position towards Serbia as a possible center for the unification of Slavic peoples in the Balkans Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Italy Features of the policies of leading countries Completion of the territorial reunification of the country. Territorial claims to South Tyrol (Austria-Hungary), as well as to Nice and Savoy) France Hesitation in the ruling circles of Italy in the choice of allies The relative military and economic weakness of Italy made it fear conflicts with major European powers

Japan Peculiarities of the policies of leading countries It considered Russia its most dangerous enemy. It sought to create a colonial power through expansion in China. Japan at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries was inferior in terms of economic development to other powers, experiencing a shortage of natural resources.

Peaceful and military means to resolve conflicts

Pacifist beliefs European pacifists believed that the use of military means in solving controversial issues inhumane and uncivilized But at the same time they did not protest against colonial wars, leading with little blood and far from the metropolises They believed that diplomatic maneuvers could well be combined with wars of a limited scale Pacifist beliefs were widespread in the social democratic movement of Germany, France and England Pacifism - (lat. pacificus - peacemaking, pacifying) - anti-war peacemaking movement , whose representatives advocate ending the practice of military resolution of political conflicts.

Directions of colonial expansion and international conflicts of the 20th century Country Main directions of expansion Participation in wars, conflicts USA Southeast Asia, (Philippines) Spanish-American War of 1899 England Afghanistan, Southeast Asia (Siam), China, Tibet, Persia, South Africa Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 France Southeast Asia, (Siam), North Africa (Morocco) Russia Northern China (Manchuria), Korea, Afghanistan, Near and Middle East (Turkey, Iran), Tibet. Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Germany North Africa (Morocco), Near and Middle East, China, Balkans Italy North, East Africa (Libya, Ethiopia) Italo-Turkish War 1911-1912. Japan Korea, China. Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Colonial empires in 1898

Creation of a system of military-political blocs

Military-political blocs TRIPLE ALLIANCE ENTENTE Military-political bloc of GERMANY, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, ITALY, formed in 1879-1882, which marked the beginning of the division of Europe into hostile camps. The countries of the bloc were united by the desire to redistribute the world in their favor. Ch. organizer of T. s. was Germany, which concluded a war in 1879. alliance with Austria-Hungary. The core of an aggressive military group was created in Europe, directed against Russia and France. May 20, 1882 Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy signed a secret treaty on the Triple Alliance. The military-political bloc of RUSSIA, FRANCE, ENGLAND was created as a counterweight to the “Triple Alliance” (A-Entente); formed mainly in 1904-1907 and completed the delimitation of the great powers on the eve of the First World War. The term originated in 1904, initially to refer to the Anglo-French alliance, with the expression l'Entente cordiale ("cordial agreement") being used in memory of the short-lived Anglo-French alliance in the 1840s, which bore the same name. French cartoon: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy smoking on a barrel of gunpowder

Sources D0%A2%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B9%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D1% 81%D0%BE%D1%8E%D0%B7 Koval T.V. Lesson notes on the history of Russia 20th century. – M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS. 2002 Zagladin N.V. Recent history foreign countries. XX century – M.: LLC “TID” Russian word- RS", 2005 Danilov A. A. History of Russia in tables. XX century – M.: Bustard, 1998.

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