Landscape design of a park area. Characteristics of the park area

home A park

- open green area intended for recreation. As a rule, parks are maintained by the state and are available for recreation to everyone.

The following main types of parks are distinguished:

by location:

Urban (citywide and regional);



by functional purpose:


Specialized (sports, recreational, exhibition, zoological, botanical, ethnographic, memorial, amusement parks, etc.);

by size:

Large (more than 100 hectares);

Medium (from 20 to 100 ha);

Small (from 5 to 20 hectares);

by demographics:



For all age groups of the population;

according to natural landscape conditions: On;

forest areas

In floodplain areas;

In disturbed areas;


on methods of landscape formation:

· landscape;

· regular.


· English Park is one of the names of the landscape park. · Botanical park-territory , on which with research, educational and educational purpose collections of living plants are cultivated, studied and demonstrated different parts

light and different climatic zones. Arboretum - an area allocated for cultivation in open ground

woody plants (trees, shrubs, vines), placed according to systematic, geographical, environmental, decorative and other characteristics.

· The Zoological Park is one of the unique laboratories for preserving the diversity of the animal world and the Museum of Wildlife, created by man, is a scientific and educational institution.

· Forest park is a partially artificially created or landscaped forest located within the boundaries of a city or town. Designed for recreation of the population. Forest parks occupy a significant area from several hundred to 2-3 thousand hectares or more.

· National park is an area where, for protection purposes, environment human activity is limited.

· Park of culture and recreation

· Amusement park is a collective term that describes a number of attractions and other types of entertainment located on the same territory.

· Natural park - a protected vast area of ​​natural or cultural landscape; used for: recreational (for example, organized tourism), environmental, educational and other purposes. Unlike nature reserves, reserves and some other protected areas, the protection regime in natural parks is the least strict.

· French park-Regular park - a park that has a geometrically correct layout, usually with pronounced symmetry and regularity of composition. Characterized by straight alleys, which are axes of symmetry, flower beds, parterres and pools correct form, pruning trees and shrubs, giving plantings a variety of geometric shapes.

· Private park

· Ethnocultural park

· Sports park

· Children's park

· Exhibition parks

· Functional zoning is to determine the composition, location, area, configuration and linear dimensions of the main functional areas of the park.

· The composition and area of ​​the main functional areas of the park are determined in accordance with functional profile park, the nature of the current and future use of the territories adjacent to the park.

· The location, configuration and linear dimensions of the functional areas of the park are determined taking into account the following factors:

· features of the landscape conditions of the designed site (steepness of the relief, orientation of the slopes, proximity of reservoirs, etc.);

· absence or presence of sources of environmental pollution in the areas adjacent to the park (streets with heavy traffic, boiler rooms, etc.);

· convenient placement of the functional zones of the park in relation to the entrances from adjacent residential and public areas and objects, as well as the functional zones of the park among themselves;

· expected intensity and directions of movement of visitors around the park.

· The distance between park entrances should be no more than 300 m.

· Zone mass events, entertainment, attractions are created near the main entrances to the park at a distance of up to 150 m from them. It houses: an area for holding public events, entertainment and exhibition facilities, catering facilities, rental points, attractions and other public facilities.

· A noise-protective strip of green space should be created around the attraction complex.

· It is better to locate an open green theater in a more quiet zone using the natural slopes of the terrain.

· Sports and recreation area placed in open areas with relatively flat terrain, near a reservoir. It contains: sports grounds, tracks for running, roller skating, etc. Sports grounds and facilities should be located near the entrances to the park from residential areas, schools, which ensures their convenient loading and minimization of transit through other park areas.

· Children's zone includes playgrounds for children of various age groups, which should preferably be located separately, near the entrances to the park from residential buildings and children's institutions. Playgrounds for children of different age groups should be spatially separated.

· Quiet area for walking includes green spaces, recreation areas with light park structures (canopies, gazebos). A quiet recreation and walking area is usually located in the peripheral part of the park, away from noisy objects. For her, it is important to create picturesque landscapes along walking alleys and create viewing platforms.

· Economic zone located on the periphery of the park with transport entry from the adjacent street and connection with the park alleys, which serve as internal park passages. It houses: a building for the administration and park employees, workshops for the repair of garden furniture and equipment, a warehouse for seasonal equipment, a room or shed for machines intended for collecting garbage, mowing the lawn, etc.

· The area of ​​the economic zone is determined at the rate of 0.2 square meters. m per park visitor. For parks with an area of ​​more than 100 hectares, it is permissible to organize flower and greenhouse farming.

· Parking lots for visitors should be located outside the park territory and designed at the rate of 5-7 parking spaces per 100 one-time visitors with an estimated area of ​​25 square meters. m (2.5 x 5.5 m) per passenger car. Based on aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is recommended to separate the park area and parking lots with green spaces, and the architectural and landscape design of the parking lots themselves using green spaces.

· Barrier-free zone for people with limited mobility. When determining the location of the main functional areas of the park, the need to create a barrier-free area, equipped taking into account the requirements of physically impaired persons, should be taken into account. The barrier-free zone includes children's playgrounds, places for walking, physical education and recreational activities, which should be located near the entrances to the park. Requirements for the arrangement of a barrier-free zone are given in Section 12.

· The optimal fleet solution must meet the following criteria:

· · minimizing distances from park entrances to places of concentration of potential visitors;

· · minimization and rational organization of transit flows through the park;

· · ensuring spatial isolation of areas with poorly compatible functions (quiet rest, walks and public events, entertainment, attractions; children's and household, etc.).

General provisions

Green areas for public use are conventionally divided into three groups:

§ 1-group multifunctional parks (urban and regional), intended for mass leisure of all age groups of the population;

§ 2-group monofunctional (specialized) parks, intended for specialized types of recreation and use;

§ 3rd group – green areas of community centers (squares, boulevards, pedestrian alleys.

Multifunctional parks are complex cultural institutions created in cities and towns for the purpose of organizing cultural leisure for the population and holding cultural events (culture and recreation parks or recreation parks). In turn, they are divided into two categories:

§ urban multifunctional parks - serve the population of the entire city, are distinguished by their large territory, offer favorable natural conditions and good transport accessibility. Parks of this type should be evenly located in the city within a walking radius of 1.5...2.0 km (with the participation of public transport - 3...4 km, metro - 6...7 km). The time spent arriving at the park should not exceed 20...30 minutes;

§ district multifunctional parks are close to residential areas. The minimum area of ​​a district park is 15 hectares, and the radius of pedestrian accessibility is 0.8...1.2 km.

Monofunctional (specialized) parks represent a variety of objects by type of use, namely: sports parks, exhibition parks, sculpture gardens, botanical gardens, zoos, hydroparks, memorial parks.

Green areas of community centers- these are gardens, squares, green pedestrian routes and alleys, which are unique pedestrian zones and through which the city communicates with streets and squares, residential buildings, and city-wide parks. Pedestrian zones, walking roads, alleys are green areas, free from transport and used year-round for tourism purposes, as well as for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Significant specific gravity These territories are occupied by vegetation and small architectural forms, structures for serving the population.

City parks, their classification and purpose

City Park– multifunctional or specialized green area with a developed landscaping system and recreational activities, intended for periodic mass recreation of the population and having an area of ​​at least 15 hectares.

Parks are classified according to their functions, location and planning structure populated areas, natural features and historical and cultural purpose (Fig. 2.1).

According to their own functions parks are divided into:

§ to multifunctional;

§ specialized(sports, children's, botanical, zoological).

In my own way location In the planning structure of populated areas, parks are divided into:

§ to citywide ones;

§ district;

§ suburban;

§ rural.

According to natural features parks are divided into:

§ to forest parks;

§ meadow parks;

§ hydroparks;

§ seaside parks.

For historical and cultural purposes parks are divided into:

§ for parks – monuments of landscape art;

§ memorial parks;

§ ethnographic parks;

§ arboretums.

A special group of parks is identified - specially protected areas : National parks, natural parks, nature reserves, sanctuaries. In parks of historical and cultural significance, great importance have architectural structures. Palaces, pavilions, temple buildings, swimming pools, fountains, stairs, retaining walls make up the main composition of the planning solution.

Multifunctional parks. Multifunctional parks are available to all groups of the population without exception for cultural leisure, entertainment, walks and recreation, participation in a variety of cultural events that meet the needs of park visitors. They are divided into parks according to the intensity of visits:

§ with high visitor density – more than 60 people/ha;

§ with medium and low visitation density – less than 60 people/ha.

On the territory of the park, the construction of buildings for park maintenance is permitted, the height of which does not exceed 8 m; The height of park structures and attractions is not limited.

The functional organization of the territory of the multifunctional park is presented in Table. 2.2.

Zone of cultural and educational events includes structures (reading rooms, lecture halls, exhibitions, open theaters), with which communication with citywide transport must be provided. On the territory of large city-wide parks, open theaters, attractions, restaurants, cafes, stadiums, etc. are provided.

Children's recreation area includes various sites: sandboxes, technical modeling sites, training in the rules of movement and riding cars, bicycles, scooters, rollerblades and go-karts, adventure sites, fairy-tale towns and many other devices for outdoor games.

These sites can be located at the main entrance, at secondary entrances associated with residential areas.

Public Events Area is provided for the organization of mass recreation, including attractions, playgrounds and clearings for games and dances. This should be designed to accommodate large flows of vacationers, so it is farthest from the walking area.

Zone of physical education and recreation activities intended for sports, entertainment sports games, training exercises, walks on bicycles, boats, skis. The main structure in the zone is a stadium with an area of ​​1.5...2.2 hectares with a running track and athletics grounds. In addition, in this area there are tennis courts, grounds for playing volleyball, table tennis, urban tennis, etc. If there is a reservoir, a boat station and a section of the beach will be organized.

Walking area (quiet rest area) created for quiet relaxation and walks. The main improvement consists of creating a marked walking route, bicycle paths and roads for horseback riding. Walking routes are laid along the most characteristic areas of the park with the creation of clearings for recreation, equipped with garden furniture. In quiet recreation areas and forest parks, the installation of unsightly structures should be limited, as this has a negative impact on the natural landscape.

When designing parks, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the growth of trees and shrubs in a given area. climatic zone. In artificially created compositions it is necessary to include plants of local species.

When designing parks and identifying quiet recreation areas, it is necessary to provide for the use of grass cover on lawns and recreation fields, and flower and ornamental plants in clearly visible areas. An assortment of perennials, both flowering and decorative deciduous (depending on their habitat), is appropriate.

Economic zone And service zone include administrative buildings, food outlets, utility yards.

Specialized parks. Created in largest cities. The functional purpose and planning organization of specialized parks correspond to the direction of their specialization.

The purpose of specialized parks is presented in table. 2.4.

Table 2.4. Purpose of specialized parks

Sports parks. Such parks are clearly focused on physical education and sports, active recreation; intended for mass visits by the population. Sports parks include regular sports parks, Olympic complexes, and hydroparks.

Functional zoning regular sports parks provides the following zones:

§ sports zone - occupies approximately 50...70%; the core of the sports zone is usually a stadium, sometimes a complex of sports facilities;

§ entertainment zone – includes attractions, exhibitions, venues board games, children's playgrounds;

§ quiet recreation area - intended for walking, cycling, scooters, roller skates;

§ service area – facilities are located here Catering: cafes, buffets, kiosks, administrative and outbuildings.

Olympic complexes. Designed for international sports competitions with a regulated range of specialized sports facilities and devices that meet high class international requirements. They differ from ordinary sports parks in the large-scale design of the structures - giant stadiums, pre-stadium unloading areas, the clarity of the construction of pedestrian and transit routes with a width of 10 to 120 m, occupying 60...70% of the entire territory. There are a sports zone, a training zone, a sports equipment zone, an Olympic village, an entertainment and service zone. Olympic complexes can be compact, located on one territory, or consisting of several areas.

Hydroparks are sports parks for physical education and water sports for all age groups of the population. The territory of the hydropark is characterized by a high proportion of water areas, constituting 25% of the total balance. The presence of a beach and sports facilities implies large loads of recreational capacity, amounting to up to 500 people. For 1 hectare of park area.

In the hydropark, which primarily performs sports and recreational functions, beaches, sports facilities, structures are created: bridges, boathouses, yacht clubs, harbors for sailing and motor boats, boat stations, entertainment attractions, hydrocarousels, water jumps, toboggans, water cascades, water theater venues and restaurants.

Depending on the nature of the territory and natural conditions, functional zoning is provided in hydroparks: sports zone, entertainment zone, cultural and educational zone, children's zone, service zone.

Children's parks designed for children to relax in nature using special equipment and structures. The architectural and planning organization of the territory should contribute to the imaginative and cognitive content of its elements in order to foster a caring attitude towards nature and cultural behavior in natural environment. Children's parks are calculated based on the population in residential areas. The minimum area of ​​a children's park is at least 5 hectares.

Children's parks are divided into urban (more than 8 hectares) and regional (from 4 to 8 hectares). Attendance at children's parks is determined approximately at the rate of 20...30% of the child population of the entire population of the city or region, while 10 m 2 of park area is allocated per visitor. The educational and recreational work of the park is organized by age groups - preschoolers, junior, senior and middle school age.

Functional zoning of the children's park:

§ cultural and educational zone - includes such facilities as children's art houses, theaters, circuses, lecture halls, museums, reading rooms; near the house of creativity it is possible to set up corners for young people, young technicians;

§ zone physical education– includes such facilities as a stadium, sports grounds, swimming pool, training pavilions, cloakrooms, showers, rental shops;

§ entertainment zone – the most visited part of the park, attracting all age groups of children; includes gaming complexes, physical education and playgrounds and playgrounds for children of different ages; Intra-park transport can be located here: monorail railway, boats and boats, etc.

§ service zone.

Exhibition parks refer to territories where visual exhibition devices have been organized among the natural environment, introducing the population to achievements in various fields National economy. The size of the territory ranges from 100 to 500 hectares.

According to the purpose and composition of exhibitors, exhibitions are divided into international, national, regional, regional, city and district. They can be located on a separate territory or as exhibition sectors in the territories of various parks.

Exhibitions can be stationary, regularly repeated or dedicated to significant dates.

Functional zoning of exhibition parks:

§ exposition zone, park zone, entertainment zone - 40...60%;

§ administrative zone – 30…40%;

§ economic zone – 2…3%;

§ service area – 12…20%.

Memorial parks associated with the place of birth, life, activities of remarkable people, places of historical events.

They represent a garden and park complex, which makes up the main part of the territory and is preserved in an untouched form, a buffer zone along with fields, forests, residential villages that have preserved fragments dating back to the period of life of outstanding figures or historical events.

When restoring estates, a method of restoration close to the original or recreation of the era is determined. In memorial parks, excursion routes are developed that promote the preservation of landscapes and are used in regulated tourist services; they include tour desks, parking, food outlets, kiosks with souvenirs and information publications.

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Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

"Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Natural Geography

Department of Economic, Social Geography and Methods of Teaching Geography

Specialty: “Gardening and landscape construction”

Course work

Landscape design of a park area

Completed by: OZO student

Arestov Denis Sergeevich

Volgograd, 2012

1.2 Park classification

2. Landscape design

2.1 Park design


1. Landscape design of the park area

1.1 History of architectural design

Landscape design or landscape design as the science and art of creating parks and gardens originates from time immemorial. The definition of “landscape architecture” first appeared in the United States about two hundred years ago, but the clearest path of the emergence and development of landscape design styles dates back many centuries. In the places where ancient farmers settled and lived, the formation of anthropogenic landscapes - significantly altered by humans - begins natural landscapes. The first attempts to cultivate garden plots, according to scientists, were made in Mesopotamia.

In the 10th - 8th centuries BC, the art of creating parks and gardens appears in Ancient Greece. At first, the main characteristic of gardens was their utilitarianism. Later, straight paths and alleys in the garden, decorated with columns, vases and sculptures, became distinctive feature. About the features of landscape design Ancient Rome known from the works of Horace (65 - 8 BC). Pools, grottoes, fountains, straight alleys dividing the garden - the presence of all these elements was characteristic of ancient Roman landscape design. In China, the science and art of landscape design originated approximately three thousand years ago. Formation of landscape style in Ancient China occurred under the influence of religion and philosophy, in particular, the theory of following the laws of the universe. For example, the influence of Taoism, which calls for the unity of nature and man, to follow intuition on the path of knowledge, is great. One cannot fail to mention the philosophy of Feng Shui, which originated about six thousand years ago and had an undeniable impact on the formation of the landscape style of parks and gardens in China. The traditions of Japanese gardens go back to ancient times. In Europe in Lately The Japanese style of landscape design, permeated with the philosophy of Zen Buddhism and Shintoism, the original Japanese religion, is extremely popular. At first, the Japanese style also featured motifs from Chinese landscape design. Over time, Japan established its own national style of landscape modeling with its own principles, ideas and theory. It should be noted that the theory of the Japanese garden style is extremely complex and full of symbols: a Japanese garden - a small plot of land - symbolizes a picture of the world; a person, connecting with nature, discovers the essence of existence. The Renaissance is a kind of milestone in the development of landscape design. This period is characterized by the desire for harmony of landscape and architectural ensembles. The garden received the closest attention. Renaissance gardens were replete with sculptural ensembles, artificial ponds and spreading trees. The 19th and 20th centuries AD are considered to be the peak of development of the science and art of landscape design. During this period, all attention was focused on vegetation, the search and introduction of new elements of composition and the desire for unity of styles - landscape design and architectural. The history of the emergence and development of the landscape architect profession is also rich. In Russia of the 17th-19th centuries, the concept of “designer” or “architect” did not exist, and this profession was called “organizer of gardens and parks.” It should be noted that in most cases, masterpieces of park and garden design of that time were created by painters. A quote from that time most fully and accurately reflects the purpose of landscape design and reveals its essence: “if the architect’s task is to cover space, then the garden designer’s task is to open it.” This statement covers the entire range of environmental modeling, from the smallest compositions to large-scale projects and does not lose its relevance to this day.

In the USSR and other socialist countries, the main line of development of gardening art is public park construction. The types of parks of culture and recreation are especially characteristic of the USSR; the first park of this type was the Central Park of Culture and Recreation named after. M. Gorky in Moscow, 1935-41, architect A.V. Vlasov, which became an important part of the landscaping system of Soviet cities and other populated areas. Soviet gardening art is also developing in the process of specialization of parks and gardens for various functional purposes - children's, sports, exhibition, botanical, zoological, parks at memorial buildings, etc. For example, solemnity and severe monumentality are distinguished by the Victory Memorial Parks in St. Petersburg . In parks created on the basis of existing forest areas (for example, Goloseevsky forest in Kyiv, Vingis in Vilnius, Izmailovsky green area in Moscow), masters of landscape gardening art strive to reveal the aesthetic possibilities of the forest environment and include the necessary landscaping elements in it so as not to destroy existing environmental patterns and give it maximum artistic expressiveness.

1.2 Classification of parks

Classification of green areas - this is a way of systematizing ozele Not of these territories depending on the area and functional purpose.

The system of green public areas of the city includes parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, plantings on the streets, at administrative and public institutions. Each of the listed categories of plantings is characterized by certain functional and urban planning features.

A park is a vast territory (from 10 hectares) in which there are existing natural conditions (plantings, reservoirs, relief). Reconstructed using various techniques of landscape architecture, green construction and engineering improvement, and representing an independent architectural and organizational complex, where a hygienic and aesthetically favorable environment for recreation of the population has been created. There are several types of parks.

The park of culture and recreation is a green area, which in size, placement in plan settlement And natural characteristics provides best conditions for public recreation and organization, mass cultural, educational, sports, political and other events.

Green spaces occupy at least 70-80% of it total area. In addition, landscaped pedestrian paths covered with crushed stone, brick, and slabs are being laid on its territory; water supply system providing watering of at least 25% of the total area of ​​the park; arrange external lighting and construct buildings and sites provided for by the project. In the largest cities, a network of cultural and recreational parks is usually created.

In the central park of culture and recreation of union and republican significance, a complex of cultural, educational and health-improving work is carried out. In terms of scale and content, this work is not only citywide, but also republican or union in nature. Based on the fact that each visitor should have at least 60 m of space, and total number visitors simultaneously staying in the park can reach 5% of the city’s population; at least 20% of the park’s area is allocated for structures with year-round operation.

The accessibility of the park is of no small importance. It is placed in such a place that it is possible to get to the cultural and recreation park from different residential areas of the city public transport in 40 min.

The city-wide cultural and recreation park is the central part of the city’s park network. It is intended to carry out one of the types of cultural work. The content and scope of its activities are citywide. In terms of capacity, size and accessibility, it is similar to the central park of culture and recreation, and at least 10% of the total area of ​​the park is allocated for structures designed for year-round operation.

A cultural and recreation park of district significance can accommodate 5% of the district's population. It is placed in such a way that from the most remote part of the area it can be reached on foot in 30 minutes or by public transport in 15 minutes. At least 10% of the total area of ​​the park is occupied by year-round facilities.

In a cultural and recreation park of a small city, town or regional center, a complex of cultural, educational and recreational activities is carried out. Its capacity is designed for at least 10% of the city’s population, and accessibility (distance from residential areas) corresponds to the distance covered in 20 minutes on foot or by public transport.

Stadium (Sports Park) - an area where various athletic facilities, as well as facilities for visitors’ recreation and cultural and educational work. In large and major cities, a network of sports parks of various types is usually created.

The sports park of union and republican significance houses large demonstration structures designed to host international, union, republican and citywide competitions in various sports, as well as facilities for training athletes and serving visitors.

When placing the park in the city plan, it is possible to serve it with mass passenger as well as individual transport.

A sports park of citywide importance, as opposed to a park. Union and republican significance is designed to host citywide competitions. Parks of citywide significance are also parks of regional significance.

The sports park of regional significance is designed to host regional competitions and mainly for everyday training and physical education. Its accessibility is determined by a radius of 1.5 km. Plantings in the sports park occupy at least 50% of the total area. A type of it is a water sports park (located on the banks of a reservoir), in which facilities for sports and recreation on the water predominate.

Amusement park - the area where the big number attractions and entertainment facilities, and at least 40% of this area is occupied by plantings and places for visitors to relax.

A park or garden at a sanatorium, holiday home, pioneer camp is a green area outside the urban area, created for recreation and physical education, cultural and educational work and medical procedures.

A city park is a green area with a limited set of facilities for serving the population, intended mainly for walking and recreation. Its level of improvement meets the requirements for cultural and recreation parks.

Exhibition park. The basis of such a park is a complex of pavilions and sites for organizing exhibitions of city, regional, republican, union and international importance on a variety of topics. In addition to exhibition pavilions, such a park houses educational and entertainment facilities, as well as household facilities. At least 35-40% of the exhibition park area is allocated to plantings. Improvement is carried out at the city park level.

The Botanical Park is a research, cultural and educational institution. At the same time, it serves as a place for recreation for the urban population. It is studying plant resources domestic and world flora, as well as cultural and educational work to disseminate knowledge in the field of biology.

A zoological park is a research, cultural and educational institution in which animals are housed in natural groups in a close to natural ecological environment.

Forest park is a landscaped forest area intended for various types recreation. The forest park has a limited number of visitor services.

Improvement of the territory of the forest park consists of laying pedestrian paths and a limited number of highways, irrigation water supply, lighting of ski slopes, in the arrangement of places for recreation, shelters from the rain. Areas of the forest park within a radius of 500-800 m from the entrances and banks of reservoirs are landscaped at the level of city parks.

Mass recreation areas are created in forests and on the banks of reservoirs. They house institutions for short-term and long-term recreation: boarding houses, tent camps, motels, holiday homes, recreation centers, etc. Woodlands Around boarding houses, rest houses and sanatoriums, as well as on the banks of reservoirs (where there are beaches) within a radius of 500-800 m, landscaping is being done at the level of city parks.

A park-reserve is a kind of “natural monument” that represents a special scientific, cultural or economic value. To preserve the characteristics of the park, operational activities on its territory are limited. Visiting nature reserves is permitted only in accordance with organized excursions. Facilities required for scientific work and visitor services, are located on the periphery of the reserve; roads are laid in a limited number, in accordance with operational needs.

National Park. Its territory is usually very large. It combines the functions of a nature reserve and a forest park and is included in the urban area in exceptional cases (“Losiny Ostrov” in Moscow).

Historical park. The main content of activities in a park of this type is to familiarize visitors with historical monuments of landscape architecture. Preserved and restored historical buildings are used for museums, exhibitions, etc.

Attendance historical park organized on an excursion basis. Its main purpose is to ensure the preservation of the layout, small architectural forms and plantings with the restoration of their historical appearance.

The ethnographic park is intended to demonstrate unique examples of residential, domestic and other structures of the past in a natural landscape. The park organizes thematic exhibitions and conducts research work on the history of architectural creativity. The ethnographic park also serves as a recreation area for the population. It is being landscaped at the level of a city park.

A memorial park is organized in areas of historical-revolutionary or historical-cultural significance, associated with an important historical event or with the name of an outstanding figure in politics, science or culture. Visitors are accepted here on a guided tour, since the main goal is to ensure the safety of memorial structures and places (during the necessary restoration work).

The children's park is a green area with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, intended for games, entertainment, physical education and cultural and educational events for schoolchildren and preschool age. Improvement is carried out at the level of the cultural and recreation park.

The city garden is a green area located in a residential area, smaller in size than a park. The garden is intended for recreation of the population of adjacent microdistricts. It can house structures and areas for games, physical education, and entertainment.

A square is a small green area in a square or street, used for short-term recreation and architectural purposes.

A boulevard is a green strip along the roadway of a street or embankment. Serves for pedestrian traffic and short-term recreation.

Greening of streets and roads. This type of landscaping is used on pedestrian streets and alleys designed like boulevards, and on streets with traffic. In this case, trees or bushes are planted on one or both sides of sidewalks for protection from dust, noise and sun, as well as for architectural purposes.

Plantings at administrative and public buildings. These are green areas that are a place for short-term rest and waiting, as well as an important element of the architectural design.

Restricted plantings. Plantings at schools, technical schools and higher education institutions educational institutions They are a green area used for physical education, games, recreation, and also for special outdoor activities.

Plantings at kindergartens and nurseries - a variety of plantings in order to isolate the site from adjacent areas, create shaded and open areas for games, physical education and sleep for children.

Plantings of residential microdistricts and blocks built up with apartment buildings - microdistrict and intra-block gardens, as well as various plantings around residential buildings, designed to improve sanitary and hygienic conditions and create places for recreation and physical education.

Plantings at research institutions are green areas for outdoor scientific work, as well as for recreation and physical education for employees.

Plantings at hospitals and other medical institutions are green areas for walking, relaxing and special procedures.

Plantings at industrial enterprises plantings intended to organize rest areas for workers and employees and to protect them from adverse influences of this production(dust, noise, smoke).

Plantings at residential buildings in estate development areas are a green area with decorative, fruit and vegetable crops, which also houses outbuildings and platforms.

Plantings special purpose. Protective zones at industrial enterprises.

Plantings in the area between the enterprise and residential buildings, reducing the adverse impact of this production on the surrounding areas of the settlement.

Protective zones from unfavorable natural phenomena- plantings to protect a populated area or its individual areas from winds, snow and sand drifts.

Water protection zones are plantings along the banks of lakes, ponds, reservoirs and rivers, created to reduce water evaporation and protect water bodies from pollution.

Fire-fighting plantings are plantings around fuel warehouses and other fire-hazardous objects that serve as an obstacle to the spread of fire in the event of a fire.

Plantings for protective, reclamation and reclamation purposes - designed to strengthen banks, slopes, eliminate landslide phenomena, stop gully formation and drain excessively wet areas.

Plantings along highways and railways- plantings to protect the road surface from snow and sand drifts, as well as to form the landscape of areas adjacent to the roads.

Plantings in cemeteries for decoration and landscaping.

Nursery and flower farms are areas intended for growing ornamental plants in open ground, greenhouses and greenhouses.

The combination of the listed categories, interconnected into a single whole, constitutes the city’s green space system.

2. Landscape design

Today, the landscaping industry provides its fans with almost limitless possibilities. Making your dream come true has never been easier. With this level of capabilities, it is almost impossible to take into account all options and methods, so design, which is preceded by pre-design preparation, is becoming increasingly important. It is quite clear that when designing your country cottage area As construction progresses, you will more than once encounter the problem of ergonomics, and even more often you will remember the good saying that a good thought comes later. Immediately before creating the layout personal plot, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures. Some rely on their own strength, the help of friends, colleagues and relatives. Others prefer to turn to specialists in the field of landscape design. After the first contact with the company, you will meet the designer, who will definitely come to the site of the future construction to assess the scale of the work and find out the smallest nuances. A good specialist will always ask you in what light you see the future site. It is imperative to take into account the number of residents and their wishes so that the project can meet the requirements of all participants. Next, the designer will try to determine the area as accurately as possible future work, having built a topographic plan reflecting the bindings of objects. After clarification general information, necessary in field conditions take into account all possible obstacles and features of the area. Otherwise, it may happen that after designing a future layout in office conditions, it turns out that some building will end up at an important node of engineering communications, which will automatically entail a re-design. It’s clear that no one wants to lose money and time, so the designer will try to find out from you the location of all communication networks. In addition, sources of pollution and the prevailing wind direction will be taken into account so that the recreation area does not have a view, for example, of a highway. For similar purposes, photographic recording of the site will be carried out, which will help identify successful and not so successful species. It's time to start analyzing the details that will directly affect the construction itself. Careful measurements will help to draw up a relief map, which will reflect the elevations and depressions of the terrain, as well as calculations of the spatial structure, which will show the percentage of volumetric areas. Here the point is not only in the complexity of construction, but also in visual effects. The specialist will not forget to determine the location of the site relative to the cardinal directions. Now you can take care of the plants by conducting an insolation analysis, showing the degree of shading of the area, determining the acidity of the soil and the chemical composition. Afterwards, an inventory of green spaces is carried out and their assessment for decorative and sanitary condition. After such a massive preparatory stage You can proceed directly to design based on the data obtained. Initially, it is worth making a logically sound sounding of the area, highlighting areas of active and passive recreation, main entrances, garden and garden areas, and utility parts. After this, a network of roads and paths is developed. The sketch is drawn on graph paper or designed using a personal computer, taking into account the scale of the area. After receiving one or more sketch options, the specialist returns to the construction site to evaluate the proposed layouts together with the customer. After discussion and adjustments are made, you can begin to create a master plan. Just before doing this, be sure to study the layout and imagine it on the ground, since not everything drawn on paper on the ground will suit your tastes. The master plan is a set of sketches for various purposes, which describe the designer’s idea in great detail. It must be done in color on a computer or manually. The layout drawing is intended for builders who, using the specified dimensions and relative coordinates, will be able to erect canopies, buildings, gazebos, retaining walls for green compositions, dig reservoirs, etc. As a rule, the connection is made on the basis of existing buildings or plantings. In addition, the layout drawing is supplied with a section of structures using the method of squares or base lines, where all dimensions must be indicated in meters. The planting drawing included with the master plan will be used by the landscapers. The peculiarity of the plan is that only objects for reference and directly designed green areas are plotted on it, indicating the scale and cardinal directions. The landing drawing is supplied with a legend. To arrange the trees, a dendroplan is used, which reflects the location of the house, the boundaries of the project, flower beds from the planting drawing and the size of the tree crowns at the time of flowering. Sometimes the landing drawing and the dendroplane are combined. One way or another, letter codes are written next to each plant, meaning the name of the breed or variety in abbreviated form and a numerical fraction. The numerator is the item number in the assortment list, and the denominator is the required quantity. Actually, the assortment list is a detailed list of plants and species used. Usually consists of five columns: serial number, name in Russian and Latin, average height in meters and the required quantity. As a rule, plants are sorted according to certain rules. So, deciduous tree species are recorded first, followed by coniferous trees. Shrubs are added to the assortment list in the same order. Afterwards, vines, perennials, various herbs and ferns are included in the document. Completes general plan explanatory note, reflecting the design task itself, an analysis of the state of the site and also a compositional solution. Often the most optimal walking routes and calculated ratios of objects are attached to the papers. various types, as well as brief instructions for caring for used plants. After receiving the general package, you can begin to implement the idea. Here it no longer matters which company will work with the drawings, although there is the concept of author’s support, when the designer controls the accuracy of the layout. Architectural supervision is also used, when specialists continue to monitor the project for a year after execution.

2.1 Park design

The park is one of the important objects of green construction, the leading element of the urban gardening system. Its size is 10 hectares or more.

The structure and layout of the park is determined by the purpose, location, climate in the area, location, topography, soil and the nature of existing plantings.

There is the following classification of parks.

1. By intended purpose - culture and recreation parks, children's, recreational, sports, resort, medical, sanatorium, monuments of landscape gardening art, memorials.

2. Locally common system landscaping - suburban, citywide, regional.

3. By natural conditions- hydroparks, meadow parks, forest parks, water-protective parks (near lakes and canals), mountainous, hilly, terraced. The intended purpose has a decisive influence on the architectural and planning structure and shape of the park's plantings. Each park, depending on its intended purpose, the influence of local specific conditions, landscape qualities of plantings, size shapes, water features, etc. should receive its own distinctive appearance, distinguishing it from other parks in this category.

Therefore, the main task when designing a park is to fully and thoroughly familiarize yourself with the basic needs and requirements for this park.

The ratio of different zones of the park is influenced by the size of the total territory of the park. The area for walking and quiet recreation is less saturated with buildings, has a sparse road network and constitutes a well-organized green complex that has a beneficial effect on the sanitary and hygienic condition both within the zone and in the surrounding area. That is why more than 50-60% of the territory is allocated for this zone.

Of great importance is the ratio of the height of the plantings surrounding the clearing with its width, i.e. H/L (where H is the height of the clearing, and L is its width; the most favorable ratio in this case is 1:1 -1:5). The size and configuration of clearings depends on their functions. For a quiet holiday, a series of small clearings is most suitable; for a noisy, active rest- large-scale clearings.

In almost every park site, one can note the main clearing, which is the main compositional unit, and smaller clearings adjacent to it and uniting a whole series of landscapes into one common complex. It is desirable that the road network leads to the clearing from different sides so that new landscape paintings can be perceived from each approach. It is advisable to border the entrances to the clearing with the crowns of trees, which will create scenes of the background, and emphasize the depth of the opening views and panoramas.

It is very important to correctly position the clearing in relation to the cardinal points. If its configuration is elongated, then the best position of the clearing along the long axis will be from east to west or from northeast to southwest. In this case central part The clearing will be illuminated throughout the day.

When designing vegetation, it is necessary to take care not only about the future of the park or garden, but to strive to ensure that the park turns out to be a completely finished and integral creation immediately after the completion of construction work. For this purpose, temporary fast-growing tree species are used, planting large trees, creating quick effect shrubs and perennials. If we distribute these plants according to the speed of the effect obtained from them, then in the first year after the establishment of the park, the main decorative effect will be given by lawns and annual flowers, in the second year - by lawns, perennials and partly shrubs, and in the fourth and subsequent years they begin to join the garden " symphonies" tree species.

If there is a sufficient amount of planting material, the effect of tree species can be obtained much earlier, thanks to thickened plantings that create a certain mass and defined contours of the groups. However, this technique requires not to be late in the future with the subsequent thinning of such groups.

When designing the use of large trees in a park, it is necessary to link their height with the surrounding plantings so that they do not rise as lonely “giants” among other, relatively low vegetation.

All plant material that is used as a temporary plant must be closely related to the basic design of the park. It must be linked to it from an aesthetic point of view, i.e. so that its colors and shapes do not contradict the colors and shapes of the main plantings, and from the biological side, so that temporary plantings do not drown out or slow down the growth of the main plantings. One of the main tasks when designing green spaces is to ensure that each season of the year is marked by its colors and flora. The change of seasonal patterns in the design and construction of gardens and parks is still little taken into account. Autumn foliage color is sometimes still taken into account, but winter or early spring effects are almost never taken into account. It is necessary to strive for a garden or park to be beautiful and unique at all times of the year. The second direction involves changing the colorful effects in the same landscape paintings by creating continuously flowering plants in a certain area of ​​the garden. Such a garden seems poor in all seasons, since there are few flowering plants in each period. Therefore, here too it is necessary to arrange larger groups of simultaneously flowering plants. An example of such pictures is the change of effects in large tree plantations: in the spring before the leaves bloom - spring ephemerals, after the leaves bloom - the difference in the spring shades of the leaves, in the summer - the floral outfit of edge and bordering plants, in the fall the coloring of foliage, in the winter - evergreen trees and trees with colorful trunks and fruits. All this is combined in landscape paintings so that some rocks, being a background for others for some time, come out on their own in the next season. foreground and were the best decoration paintings.

Particular attention should be paid to the spring flora, since at this time the garden and park are the poorest, and the modest first-born spring flowers are greeted with greater delight than the luxurious summer flowers in a later period.

The route diagram should be positioned so that it connects together in in a certain order the main sections and compositional centers of the designed object. As a result of moving along the route, the visitor should have a complete and memorable image of the garden or park.

Roads are a means of communication between individual points of the garden and at the same time serve as a guide to the garden. They should lead the visitor from the main entrances to the park or garden primarily along the most beautiful places. Roads must be planned so that they are convenient for the movement of people. From point to point, roads should take the shortest route, without making sharp or frequent bends. The cause of a bend in the road may be either a change in the profile of the ground surface, or some object that cannot or is difficult to remove: a stone, rock, tree, bush or group of trees and bushes.

If the road makes a bend, then at its place some object should be designed that could serve as a logical explanation for this bend and at the same time obstruct the “direct” path. Minor footpaths may have more frequent turns.

Some poorly designed parks create a series of paths created by visitors without permission. It is usually thought that they arise due to the lack of discipline of visitors, but in fact they arise due to a poorly thought out route scheme.

The roads are a series of points from which panoramas of the garden unfold. Therefore, they must pass through such places and have a direction that would provide the best possible perception of the opening panorama or other beautiful place.

Design of water surfaces in parks - design of water disposal, drainage.

Water surfaces in parks can be represented by reservoirs and water features of both natural and artificial origin. Water is effectively used as a means of healing natural environment, aesthetic enrichment of the landscape and creation of full-fledged recreation areas.

When designing parks and drainage in floodplains, the following options for engineering preparation of the territory are possible: partial filling of beaches and sites for buildings, construction of polders with gravity discharge of water into the lower parts of the reservoir, complete or partial filling of the territory, embankment, drainage, drainage, as well as the creation of new water areas and artificial landforms.

When designing reservoirs and drainage systems in parks, it should be taken into account that the state of water causes different moods in people. Moving waters (waterfall, cascade, river) cause a person to feel cheerful and joyful. The water of an enclosed body of water - a pond, a swimming pool, their reflective water mirror promotes daydreaming and tranquility. When designing drainage systems, it should be taken into account that the speed of the flow and the direction of the river bed are determined by the relief, the composition of the rocks, for example, a stormy, noisy mountain river or calm current, smooth bends lowland rivers. The streams running among stones, grasses, and trees in the park are spectacular with their movement, sparkling in the sun, and the music of murmuring water. Fountains in parks create an atmosphere of pomp and completeness of the composition.


landscape design park design

This work reviewed materials on the history and design of park compositions, and also fulfilled the goal set in the introduction: - to consider the figurative content of landscape design of park areas.

In addition, the material under consideration allowed us to perform the following tasks:

Having studied the history of parks, we discovered that the art of park design appeared in the era of the slave system and, continuously developing, came to its present state;

The types of parks depending on their content are considered;

When studying the structure of park compositions, it was concluded that today the park represents a complex element of the urban environment with an equally complex structure;

Having analyzed the creation of the image of park compositions, we determined its dependence on the content of the park structure.

Landscape art, having emerged in the era of the slave system, continuously developed over time, absorbing its own characteristics from each period: thus, the utilitarianism of Gothic art was fully reflected in its parks, as well as the baroque splendor and social orientation of the USSR. We can say that the park, like any other form of art, accurately characterizes the directions of time, remaining an integral part public life. Therefore, it is divided into types depending on its content. At the same time, the structure also depends on the content, that is, its content is selected taking into account the goals of creating the park. So, for example, if a park is a sports park, then its contents, from paths and playgrounds to types of trees, will be appropriate.

A park is a complex and diverse element of the urban environment, which is why it is so necessary to study its history, types, and contents for a more complete understanding of the art of landscape design as a whole.

List of used literature

1. Gorbachev, V.N. Architectural and artistic components of urban greening: textbook. manual for artistic and industrial universities and architecture fak. / V.N. Gorbachev. - M.: graduate School, 1983. - 207 p.

2. Zaleskaya, L.S. Landscape architecture: textbook. for universities / L.S. Zaleskaya, E.M. Mikulina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Stroyizdat, 1979. - 240 p.

3. Kocherezhko O.I. Landscaping of your garden plot. Designer's advice / O.I. Kocherezhko, N.V. Kocherezhko. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2003. - 272 p. - (Everything about everything).

4. Ozhegov S. History of landscape architecture / S. Ozhegov. - M.: Architecture-S, 2003. - 232 p. - (Home garden floriculture, garden and vegetable garden).

5. Pavlenko L.G. Landscape design. Garden design / L.G. Pavlenko. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005. - 192 p. - (Construction and design).

6. Russian state library [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

7. Russian State Library [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

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home- this is a vast territory (from 10 hectares) in which there are existing natural conditions (plantings, reservoirs, relief). Reconstructed using various techniques of landscape architecture, green construction and engineering improvement, and representing an independent architectural and organizational complex, where a hygienic and aesthetically favorable environment for recreation of the population has been created. There are several types of parks.

The park of culture and recreation is a green area, which, in size, location in terms of the settlement and natural characteristics, provides the best conditions for recreation of the population and organization, mass cultural, educational, sports, political and other events.

Green spaces occupy at least 70-80% of the total area. In addition, landscaped pedestrian paths covered with crushed stone, brick, and slabs are being laid on its territory; water supply system providing watering of at least 25% of the total area of ​​the park; arrange external lighting and construct buildings and sites provided for by the project. In the largest cities, a network of cultural and recreational parks is usually created.

Park area is a territory arranged according to a single plan, including elements of transport, engineering and business infrastructure for the effective functioning of various industries aimed at obtaining economic, social, and budgetary effects from the use of a single infrastructure.

Economic entities have the opportunity to conduct business on a prepared site, with developed infrastructure, communications, road junctions and the necessary approvals.

Location in park areas involves reducing production costs for private investors due to more efficient organization of the production, storage and transportation of goods.

  1. Characteristics of the forest zone

The forest zone is characterized by the distribution of forest vegetation mainly of coniferous and deciduous species and the predominance of podzolic and brown earth types of soil formation.

Average air temperatures in the coldest months range from -40 to 5°C, and in the warmest months from 10 to 20°C. Almost everywhere more moisture falls than evaporates, so for forest areas temperate zone characterized by high-water rivers, which mostly freeze in winter. The plains are swampy over vast areas.

The vegetation has relatively little diversity. The number of forest-forming species in forests usually does not exceed 5-8 species; in areas of the most continental climate, trees of only one species often dominate. The diversity of vegetation cover increases in places where forests and meadows, forests and swamps, forest and steppe areas interpenetrate. In areas with frosty winters in the interior and eastern parts of the continents of the Northern Hemisphere, coniferous forests from spruce, fir, pines, larches, often containing an admixture of small-leaved species (birch, aspen, etc.). They have a well-developed moss cover and herbaceous-shrub layer. Broad-leaved forests are common in the oceanic parts of continents. They have a more diverse composition and complex structure. Beeches, oaks, lindens, and maples predominate. The undergrowth and grass cover are well developed. Mixed forests occupy an intermediate position between coniferous and broad-leaved forests. Among broad-leaved species, oaks, maples, and lindens are most common in them; among coniferous species, spruce, pine, and fir are common; small-leaved species are also very common.

Under coniferous vegetation, permafrost-taiga and podzolic soils predominate, under mixed forests- sod-podzolic, under deciduous forests- brown forest soils.

Russia, Voronezh

09.11.2017 at 13:53

Topic: Park area
Hello. What application should be submitted to the administration for the playground? If the land is municipal and is listed on the cadastre as a park area?

An application for the construction of a playground, preferably a collective one. the federal law dated 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ (as amended on 03.11.2015) “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals Russian Federation" "" Article 2. The right of citizens to appeal "" 1. Citizens have the right to appeal personally, as well as send individual and collective appeals, including appeals from associations of citizens, including legal entities, to government bodies, organs local government and their officials, government and municipal institutions and other organizations entrusted with the implementation of publicly significant functions, and their officials. 2. Citizens exercise the right to appeal freely and voluntarily. The exercise by citizens of the right to appeal must not violate the rights and freedoms of others. 3. Consideration of citizens' appeals is free of charge.

Novosibirsk, Russia

08/11/2017 at 06:04

Subject of the question: How to cut down trees
According to the court, I was granted an easement in a park area owned by the district administration for access to my private housing plot. Trees grow on the easement area. HOW TO CULL TREES IN A PARK AREA? Where to contact?

You need to contact the city administration to obtain permission by sending a request; it is often necessary to organize and, importantly, pay for an inspection of the tree or shrub to be removed.

Hello! To obtain permits for the demolition, replanting, and reconstruction of green spaces, the applicant submits to the Improvement Committee of the Administration, the district administration, in accordance with the grounds specified in paragraph 18 of these Rules, a written application indicating the reasons for the demolition, replanting, and reconstruction of green spaces. Attached to the application are copies of: documents confirming the rights of individuals and legal entities to a land plot, provided for by the civil and land legislation of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases where demolition, replanting, and reconstruction of green spaces are carried out on public lands; act of choice land plot(routes) and (or) permits for construction, reconstruction, major repairs of objects (excavation work) - during construction (laying), reconstruction, repair of linear objects; construction plan of the construction site, reconstruction, overhaul and (or) master plan utility networks and landscaping plan (greening) at the “working draft” stage. In general, you need to apply and submit documents for the easement. You cut down yourself or hire someone Demolition, replanting, reconstruction of green spaces on a land plot owned by an individual or legal entity, is carried out by the owner of this land plot at his own discretion in compliance with the requirements established by federal and regional legislation. At the same time, the owner of the land plot must not violate the rights and legally protected interests of other persons.

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