How to survive in the forest: useful tips just in case. How to survive in the forest without everything: useful tips Survival in the forest without nothing


The other day we met with our old traveler friend. He himself is from Finland and came to Russia to get acquainted with the local beauty and landscapes. And he told us in broken Russian-Finnish about how he got lost in the forest and miraculously escaped, and if he had not been saved, then this story would not have existed. Having set out to hitchhike, he ended up in one of the quiet cities of which there are a great many in our country. Not finding anything interesting in the city, our friend decided to go to a more green and natural place

. In general, he headed into the forest and walked there for several hours until it began to get dark. When our hero realized that it was time to leave, he discovered that he had been passing by the same tree several times already. It was obvious that he was lost and would not have time to get out before nightfall.

We will share with you the tips that a wandering friend told us; he tried all this on himself and survived in the forest, and now these tricks will help you too. Although we were all taught a lot of this in childhood, with the flow of new information, the old one is sometimes removed from memory, so it won’t hurt to refresh it.

1. Stay calm
If you realize that you have been walking past the same bush more than once, then stop wandering and stop. There is no need to panic. Be a man and stay calm.
Try to restore the route. If you don’t have a compass, then take a closer look at natural landmarks. For example, moss on a stone grows on the north side. Look at a tree trunk: on the south side its bark is always whiter and cleaner than on the north. The branches of a free-standing tree are thicker and longer on the south side. Lichens and mosses grow on the north side of the trunk.
If you find yourself in the forest in winter, then follow the same main rule: the south side is heated more by the sun, so the snow melts faster south of a tree or stone.

Also try not to move and remain quiet, there is a chance that you will hear the noise of a train or cars from the highway.

It’s already dark and you should postpone searching for the road to the city until tomorrow. While you still have the opportunity to see something, start arranging your overnight stay, at least for the next night. Try to find a place with dry soil. Find 2 long stakes with branches at the end, drive them into the ground, at a distance of about 2 meters from each other. Insert a strong stick into the branches from above, and then place poles on it, the branches will be held on them. The poles are attached to the stick with soft branches or rope if you have one. Place branches with dense foliage on the poles, this will save you from rain and wind.

3.Light a fire

After you have arranged a place to stay for the night, start making a fire. Fire is not only great way to keep warm, but also an opportunity to give a signal. The flame can be noticed from afar, and this is a chance for salvation. We have already talked about various without matches. Read them, such information will be useful to everyone.

4. Get water

To stay alive you definitely need water, here are a couple of ways to get it in the forest: take off your T-shirt and wrap it around a tree trunk. Fallen dew will be absorbed into the fabric. Then you can squeeze the water out of the T-shirt and drink it; Dig a small hole and cover its bottom tightly with leaves or polyethylene. If you're lucky and it rains, you'll be able to drink the collected liquid.
After you have managed to obtain water, it is advisable to disinfect it before use; to do this, the liquid must be boiled.

5. Who can you eat in the forest?

Don’t forget that in the summer the forest is full of berries, but don’t rush to eat anything, the fruits can be poisonous. Be careful with bright and strong aromatic plants. The easiest way to find out if a berry is poisonous is by observation. You probably know that birds and animals will not eat poisonous berries. Watch what the bird eats, eat what it eats. By the way, the bird itself is also a good option for a snack if it’s really hot. Moreover, you already know how to properly build a fire.

6. Know for the future

Most main advice! If you are going to the forest, take with you everything you need: a backpack, a sleeping bag, a mug, a spoon, a bowl, a knife, a pot, matches, a first aid kit, a flashlight, a rope, a compass, and personal hygiene products. Remember that the forest is a habitat for various biting creatures such as mosquitoes and ticks. Consider this too, take with you means of protection against them: spray, lotion, spirals. choose comfortable and sports clothes and shoes. Take a warm blanket with you, even if you go to the forest in the summer, it’s still cool at night.
And grab a couple of steel eggs, they will come in handy if you get lost in the dark forest, from which you can expect anything.

We all believe that nothing can happen to us. That our train will never go off the rails, the car will never stop in the middle of the road with a broken tire, and the trip for mushrooms will end successfully and the path will lead straight to the house. Usually, in 99.9% of cases, this is exactly what happens. However, every thousandth person is still unlucky. If you think about this constantly, it’s easier to sit at home and not stick your nose out the door, saying goodbye to hiking and traveling.

Although in order to safely get out of such a jam, in fact, you need very little: take with you a map of the area, a spare tire and a repair kit when you go on the road, matches and a knife when you go mushroom hunting. The rules on how not to get lost are very simple. Surviving when lost is also not difficult - so much so that even girls from high school, falling behind the group, are able to spend several days in the forest and safely wait until rescuers find them.

Our ancestors looked with surprise at people who did not know how to survive in the forest - a place that from time immemorial fed people. But today the vast majority of tourists who find themselves in extreme conditions, is capable of dying of hunger, passing by a richly laid table of forest delicacies. In fact, the most nutritious and simple protein food is right under any traveler’s feet. And you don’t need a gun or a knife to catch her. A shovel or, at worst, a digging stick is enough. Because this protein-rich food is earthworms.

A creeping storehouse of protein and vitamins

In order to survive, you will have to eat them. It is enough to dig up the worms and place them in running water for several hours so that the digested earth comes out of them. It’s almost impossible to look at such food, but it’s quite possible to eat it. They even have a taste - far from exquisite, but still. It’s even better to boil the rinsed and soaked worms - eating them in this form is much more pleasant.

Green and bouncy

The following forest-meat dish is a frequent guest in restaurants, especially French ones. Of course, our frogs are not nearly as large as those served in France, but you can eat them too, because they taste almost like chicken, and they are quite common in the forest. And it's not difficult to catch them. The main thing is to remove the skin and place the legs on sticks to fry. You can eat it raw, but people are more accustomed to hot and cooked food.

Mice are more difficult to get, but still possible. Observations of polar wolves and subsequent experiments on humans, described by Farley Mowat, showed that a person who eats field mice whole, along with their entrails, receives a complete set of substances necessary for life and may not even suffer from vitamin deficiency.

We've sorted out the meat menu. The second dish necessary for a person is bread. Of course, a tourist may come across an abandoned but sown field or pick up a crust thrown by a magpie, but in fact, it is much easier to get bread in the forest. Especially if you come across a river or lake.

White lily flower. She's Water Lily

Large white lotus-like flowers, rounded leaves - this is what a water lily or white lily looks like. Now there are not so many of them left in Russian reservoirs, but if we're talking about about human life, you don’t have to choose. The water lily rhizome consists of 49% starch, 8% protein and about 20% sugar. Of course, before gnawing it, you will have to dry it, grind it into flour and soak in running water to remove tannins. But then, after drying, this flour can be used for baking bread or dough strips wound on sticks over a fire, or simply whiten a soup with it for satiety.

By the way, similar flour can be made from acorns and even dandelion roots, an eternal weed and thunderstorm summer cottages. True, they will also have to be dried first, then soaked twice, and only then, having dried again, ground into flour or cereal to create porridge, but when you are hungry, you don’t have to be particularly picky.

The same Rogoz

The rhizome of the cattail is also good for flour - the same one from which the children make spears, calling it reed. Moreover, you don’t have to soak its root, just cut it into pieces, dry it, grind it and bake it and cook it as much as you want. And if you fry pieces of roots, you can also make a coffee drink from them. Not Arabica, of course, but it invigorates you on a hike, and what more could you want from reeds? You can also collect young shoots, boil them and serve them with frog legs - the taste of the shoots is reminiscent of asparagus. From a distance, of course. But the menu for the forest “French” restaurant is almost ready.

Icelandic lichen

Icelandic lichen, which is found in middle lane Russia in pine forests, also edible. And not just for deer. It contains 44% soluble lechenin starch and about 3% sugar. In order for a person to eat it, it is necessary to deprive the lichen of bitter substances. Therefore, Icelandic moss is soaked with soda or potash for 24 hours. For those who are not used to carrying soda with them industrial scale, we can advise you to pour the Icelandic moss with an infusion of ash. Approximately 2 tablespoons of ash per liter of water, add another two liters of water and you can soak one hundred grams of Icelandic moss. After a day, the moss needs to be washed and soaked in plain water for another day. And then either dry, grind and add to other flour, or boil into jelly and pour in jellied meat or jelly from wild berries. In addition, the cunning Swedes distill alcohol from Icelandic lichen. So the forest is not only ready to feed and shelter any lost tourist, but also to give the skilled one the opportunity to have fun and warm up from the inside.

Another green edible plant that is usually forgotten is burdock. Its roots are best collected in early spring or late autumn, but even in summer they are quite capable of feeding tourists. They can be eaten raw, boiled, and even better, baked. Completely replaces potatoes, carrots or celery. And if you boil peeled and chopped burdock roots with sorrel or sorrel, you can get excellent sweet and sour jam.

The common and seemingly useless plant chickweed can also be eaten - in salads, soups or even purees. They do the same with sorrel, snytka and “ hare cabbage" And young ones can completely replace Brussels sprouts in forest green soups or baked as a side dish.

The forest table is not as familiar as our everyday one, but it is much richer than ordinary tourists imagine. When you have canned food and cereals with you, you can neglect them, but you still need to know about them. And only then, in an extreme situation, decide whether it is worth dying of hunger next to such delicious dishes.

Hello, dear readers! Vladimir Raichev is with you again, and today I have prepared a lot of interesting things for you. Today’s article will answer the question of how to survive in the forest alone and without special means.

Survival in the forest is a reality! Anyone who reads such advice never imagines that such a situation could happen to them. But such is the irony of fate that it is not those who are prepared who are left alone with nature, but people who do not allow the thought of such a turn of events.

But does this happen to anyone? Isn’t it better to worry in advance and spend a little time studying survival techniques? wildlife. It's about survival in the forest, where you can end up completely by accident, going for mushrooms or taking a shortcut by car and getting stuck with a broken tire.
People with extensive experience of living in deep forests know that the forest is a living, huge organism, with its own laws and rules, which does not forgive mistakes, but provides shelter and food for a prepared person.

It’s good if we are talking about spending one day in the forest, but what if, by chance, fate throws you into the endless wilds and you have to live for a month or two? No matter how fantastic this situation may seem, anything can happen in life.

Start with something. As quickly as possible, get into your head the idea that this has already happened to you and sooner or later you need to stop screaming and calling for help (although this is not bad).

You should immediately cope with panic, provide first aid to your companions, invent or build shelter from bad weather, take care of food and water, and finally prepare all kinds of distress signals that will help search groups find you as quickly as possible.

Now, in order, let's start with point number one - victory over fear. Panic is the worst of helpers, and first you need to extinguish this terrible feeling. To do this, you should stop moving through the forest and simply look around.

Following this advice will help you learn more about the place you are in and create the feeling that you now have at least one area under control. It is victory over panic that will help you accept in the future right decisions.

Location orientation

If you are lucky and have a compass, finding your way around the area will not be difficult, but you are not always so lucky.

The cardinal directions can also be determined by “indicators” of nature, such as the location of moss or the number of branches on the side of a tree.

If you decide to move, then, if possible, mark your path with notches on the tree or stones in visible places.

How to determine where north is using the polar star?

For those who understand at least a little about astronomy, a hint for determining north by the polar star will be useful. This landmark has been used by sailors since time immemorial and was often the only “compass”.

To locate the polar star, you should find the constellation Ursa Major. Next, draw an imaginary line through the two “bucket handle” stars, lengthening it five times, taking the distance between these two stars as one reference unit.

The line will point to the polar star, which always points north. This method is more accurate than determining cardinal directions by the sun.

How to determine where north is by looking at the moss?

Moss is mainly located on stones and trees on the side facing north. But do not rely on observations from one tree, compare readings on several trunks.

In addition, the bark of trees facing the north side is often darker and rougher than on the south side.

Providing first medical care to the injured companion or yourself

Of course, ideally, no matter where you are, have a first aid kit in your briefcase, bag, backpack, in which you need to have a bandage, iodine, plaster, tourniquet, etc.

But if it is not there, then you should use available means. A tourniquet can be replaced with a rope or intertwined willow twigs; a neckerchief, belt, or shirt sleeve are also suitable to stop bleeding.

Ideally, have at least some idea about medicinal plants.

For example, sphagnum moss, which grows in abundance in peat bogs, perfectly stops blood and is also an excellent bactericidal agent.

Bird cherry leaves, brewed instead of tea, will help with loose stools or intestinal colic. Cranberries and raspberries have the ability to lower temperatures. There are a lot of similar examples, and this is another reason to devote a little time to studying natural healers.

How to build a shelter from bad weather?

This point is one of the most important, since it is shelter from bad weather and overnight accommodation that will become one of the first points of semblance of comfort and coziness. The ability to build a semblance of a “house” from available materials is, first of all, limited by imagination.

Any device is good here: a canopy, a hole in the snow, a hut and much more. If you are lucky enough to find a low horizontal branch growing straight from the tree, you can use it as a base.

In this way, the “structure” will also be strengthened. Relying on such a branch, straight poles are laid on both sides, onto which spruce branches can already be attached. You can secure the branches using willow twigs or bark, but you need to knit them immediately before the bark begins to dry out and break.

Getting food and water

If there is no emergency supply of water and food at hand, then a resourceful and at least slightly prepared traveler will not have any difficulty finding food in the forest.

The forests are rich in berries, roots, mushrooms, nuts, and there is also a chance that a stream flows nearby. If you do not understand mushrooms, then it is better not to risk it.

You can replenish the protein supply in the body with the help of insects, earthworms, frogs, snakes, birds and other living creatures.

Distress signals

The most reliable means is a fire. It should be diluted open place so that the smoke is not blocked by tree branches. The amount of smoke determines the distance from which you can be seen.

Therefore, add moss, pine needles and half-damp straw to the fire. If you are waiting for rescuers in one place, then find a clearing where you can lay out an arrow with stones or any objects that will indicate the direction in which you are located to passing rescue teams.

To summarize, it is worth noting that during such a forced journey, your body and resourcefulness themselves will make every effort to survive, you just need to stock up on at least a small amount of knowledge.

Such knowledge will be useful on a picnic or on a hike, and will definitely help you out in the most difficult situations. extreme situations.

That’s all I have for today, I told you everything I knew. Did you like the article? Share it with your friends on in social networks. Subscribe to blog updates - there is still a lot of interesting and useful things to come. Until we meet again, bye-bye.

Perhaps someone still believes that only a person who gets there for the first time can get lost in the forest. But this is far from true: jokes with the forest are bad and the consequences can be extremely unpleasant even for experienced huntsmen and scouts. Do you like hiking? Do you often take your family outdoors? Do you love picking mushrooms or berries? Take note of the following practical recommendations, which will certainly help you when hiking in the forest or mountains.

What to take with you when going to the forest

When preparing for a trip, first of all, put several necessary items in your backpack or bag: a watch or compass, a whistle, matches, a lighter and, of course, a knife. A watch is needed because it can replace a compass at any time if you don’t have one or it gets lost. Using them as a guide is quite simple: point a large arrow at the sun, and divide the angle between the hour line of the arrow and the unit in half. The bisector created in this way will always indicate the direction of south.

If you still get lost. What to do

The most important thing in similar situation– don’t get scared, don’t fuss and don’t panic. In such conditions, fear is the most dangerous of all possible enemies. It is natural when people who realize that they are lost begin to get nervous and worry. But at the same time, they inevitably lose the strength they need so much - both moral and physical. This means that the primary task is to maintain maximum calm.

Finding Basic Landmarks

When you realize that you are calm and ready to look for a way out of the current situation, take a careful look around. Take your time, use all your powers of observation and attention, and slowly begin to look for landmarks around you. The best of them are rivers, springs and streams. If the area is familiar to you (and most often this is the case), then you probably also know in which direction these flow. water arteries. Then boldly go to the shore and determine the location of the nearest settlement.

An equally reliable landmark can be a power line or some country road - even if they turn out to be old and abandoned, but in any case they will lead to where people live. At the same time, try not to move away from your landmark, even if you are tired and you really want to take a shortcut.

What else could be a landmark in the forest?

The bark of trees, if the side is north, will be rougher and darker than on the south side. Everyone knows from school that lichen and moss appear on the bark of trees in the northern part of the trunk. In addition, the hills and hills on the southern side are always drier, and there is noticeably less grass there, and there are more gullies and gullies, since the soil is more eroded by water due to the scarce and thin turf layer.
Pay attention to the posts that are usually installed in logging clearings. These clearings are always cut in one of two directions: either west-east or north-south. These pillars are always numbered from an increasing number, so this is also a fairly promising guideline.

Started walking in circles?

Remember the very first advice - maximum calm. Under no circumstances should you wind yourself up with tales about goblin or ghouls - this will upset you even more. Instead, focus on what is real and proven by science. It’s just that the length of one step (most often the right one) is often less than the length of the left one. That is why it only seems to you that you are walking straight, but in fact you are moving in a circle and inevitably returning to the place where you were already. Such “tricks” usually happen in forests and in more open spaces, where the loop of the path traveled will be shorter.

In the evening and morning, when the fog looks like thick steam due to increased pressure in the atmosphere, audibility becomes ideal, so much so that noise from trains and large cars can be heard many miles away. This will be your lucky chance to decide which direction to go.

How to prepare for an overnight stay in the forest

If you still couldn’t get out of the forest during the day, you’ll have a difficult night ahead. There is no need to be scared, but you need to be patient and organize your thoughts. At night, the main thing is fire! And not so much because the light and crackling of a fire scares away nocturnal predators (they themselves will never attack unless provoked), but because the fire will give you required heat.

In addition, fire will also be useful for cooking, which in turn will provide you with an influx of new strength to find a way out of the forest. At the same time, you need to start preparing for the night before dark. When choosing a place to spend the night, look for a dry area and at the same time collect as much firewood as possible so that at night you don’t have to go to someone unknown where.

The problem of food

Let’s say that all the food you brought with you has long since run out. Remember: eat in the forest only what is familiar to you. Of course, it’s a big plus if this misfortune happened to you in the fall, when there are a lot of mushrooms and berries around, but if it’s spring or the first weeks of summer, you’ll have to really try to find food. You can look for berries that have successfully overwintered under the snow and are well preserved.

However, the most valuable and nutritious product of the forest is still the mushroom. If you are lucky enough to find last year’s mushrooms, then you need to boil them in two waters, first cutting them as finely as possible. The food problem can be solved if you find yourself near some body of water where you can find frogs, waterfowl or try to catch a fish. Sharpen a suitable stick, and the rest is a matter of ingenuity and sleight of hand.

All these recommendations require some preparation in some places, but if such a nuisance does happen to you, you will have to remember everything that is needed in such conditions. But the main advice in such cases is to remember to tell your loved ones or acquaintances where and for how long you are going to go and where approximately you will be.

Educational film. How to survive in the forest without equipment

In the film, the characters eat, also known as Siberian hogweed.

So, you should constructively think through every step without fuss in order to provide yourself with the most necessary things, without wasting time on all sorts of trifles, and determine what needs to be done first, second, third, and what in the near future.

List of urgent matters:

  1. First of all, you need to find a safe place.
  2. Prepare a place to stay for the night and protect it from unpleasant weather conditions.
  3. Restore damaged or make new clothes.
  4. The fourth point on how to survive in the forest without anything is to find a drinking source.
  5. It is worth taking care of food and finding possible sources while it is still light.
  6. It is necessary to collect dry brushwood for the fire and do it with a reserve.
  7. Take care of how to build a fire.
  8. Make tools from available materials.
  9. If you are lost, decide whether you should act actively or passively wait for rescue.

Carrying out urgent activities.

Choosing a safe place.

You need to immediately go around the place and see if there are any dangerous insects (hornets, wasps) or nesting places of predatory animals in the vicinity.

Accommodation for the night.

It's time to prepare the sleeping bed. The day was overloaded with the first preparations, so you are unlikely to succeed before dark. But you need to at least take care not to freeze at night. Spruce “paws” are best suited for this. The branches of spruce or pine are very soft and retain heat well, and the aroma of pine needles perfectly repels mosquitoes. But be sure to keep in mind that you need to position yourself exactly parallel to the fire. Not at the head, not with your feet towards the fire, but only parallel! To be able to evenly turn from side to side at night and bask to your heart's content.

Construction of a shelter house.

  • If bad weather occurs in the forest, you can take shelter under the trees. It's better not to choose in a thunderstorm tall trees towering above the bulk of the forest. You should know that the worst thing is to hold back water deciduous trees, and best of all is fir. In order to improve protection from rain, the lower branches are supported by slings and additional branches with leaves or paws are placed on top coniferous trees. Such a shelter will help you wait out a short rain and stay dry.
  • The tree's eyelids break off to the height of a person, and poles are installed in a circle at a distance of about 1.5 meters, the top of which rests on the trunk. The poles are intertwined in a circle with branches. Branches with leaves or spruce branches are attached to the resulting frame. This results in double crown protection and a constructed shelter.
  • If there is a fallen or broken tree nearby, you can also build a shelter under it; to do this, you first need to check the stability of the trunk; if everything is in order, branches that look downwards are broken under the tree, so as to create a hole. Next, they are broken off and placed on the side branches, the branches sticking out at the top. The thicker the side walls, the warmer and drier it will be under the fallen tree.
  • Taiga hut. A simple and affordable way to make a hut in the forest. Take two poles with slingshots in the upper part, about 2 meters long, and drive them or attach them to the ground at a distance of 2-3 meters. A pole and a ceiling beam are placed in the slingshots. The best option for a ceiling beam, two branches side by side standing trees Pre-prepared poles with broken knots protruding 3-6 cm at the top are leaned against the beam at an angle of 45-65 degrees. Rafters and straight branches are placed on the knots along the length of the hut. Instead of tiles, use tree branches or spruce branches. On the branches and spruce branches near the breaking point, a twig is made by which it is hung on the rafters. The branches should be hung from bottom to top. In windy weather, the ends of the hut should be braided with branches to create a wall, and the roof should be covered with a second layer of branches. To prevent water from getting inside, a drainage ditch is dug around the hut to drain the water down the slope. If the soil is very moist, you can build a kind of bunk inside from branches.

The shelters described above will help protect you from bad weather only for a short time and are used more often for overnight stays during transitions or temporary shelter from bad weather. This design can be used from several hours to days. To protect yourself for a longer period of time, you need to build more reliable structures.

In the forest it could be: berries, mushrooms, nuts. The main rule is that you can’t eat something you’ve never tried! Only proven plant foods!

In addition to plants, the forest can be home to wild animals, birds and, if there is a river, fish that will serve as food.

Even if you don’t find one, it doesn’t matter! A person can live without food (scientifically proven) for about a month! But without water it’s less (about a week!). We'll talk about what you can eat below.

  1. Woke up! We rejoiced at the morning rays. It's time to build a hut! Sleep under open air Of course it’s more romantic, but the hut is actually more practical!
  2. Don't forget to build some identification marks from tree branches. What if you are not playing survival school, but are truly lost? And although it’s good in the forest, it’s better at home! Therefore, in order to be noticed, you need to take care of this too!

As a rule, in the forest on the slopes, you can find springs near the trees. Natural natural springs with the purest spring water. If there is no source nearby or there is no time to look for it, pay attention to the soil under your feet; if it is wet enough, you can try to get to the water. Available means for this purpose can be a small snag, a stick or a flat stone. Maybe you can find a piece of some kind of tin, anything will do! Wet soil soft enough and will be easy to pick. Once you have reached a source of water, do not rush to collect water. Let it sit for several hours and only then pick it up, but don’t drink it without boiling it! You will learn how to quickly purify water.

There should be enough firewood not only for the evening, but also for the whole night, in order not only not to freeze, but also to scare away wild animals and cook food.

  1. Have you collected firewood and brushwood, but have nothing to start a fire with? Despair early! The method of our ancestors, of course, also has a right to exist, but it’s still better to try something simpler. You will need any of the following
  • dried toadstool spores (tinder fungus will also work)
  • lint from cloth (tear a piece from clothing)
  • wood dust from under the bark, eaten by insects
  • rotten things
  • dry bark, ground into dust
  • dried moss, fleecy parts of dry plants.

Take 2 stones and hit each other to create a spark. The sparks should fall on the tinder fungus or dry toadstool; it will be the first to ignite and quickly ignite the rest of the above combustible mixture. And only after that, slowly add dry brushwood and thicker branches to the fire.

Build identification signs so that rescuers can notice you.

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