Fortune telling on a wedding ring is a great way to pass the time. Fortune telling on a ring with a thread is an easy way to find out your future

Fortune-telling by rings people began since ancient times. Via simple actions, almost any girl could find out her future life, how many children she would have, how many times she would marry, and so on.

In divination, the most important thing is faith. A fortuneteller must fully believe that the prediction will come true. If you have any doubts about the veracity of fortune-telling, then it is better not to guess, but to postpone this matter until later.

You can't guess on Mondays. The best time for this is Friday evening. During fortune-telling, one should not be distracted, there should be perfect silence and peace around, therefore it is necessary that no one disturbs you at this time, it is desirable that you are absolutely alone in the room at the time of fortune-telling. It's good to have a cat nearby. Below are a few simple examples of divination with a ring.

Fortune telling with a ring with a thread

  • If the ring touches the right side of the glass, this means that the desire will certainly come true:
  • And if the ring touches the left side - alas, your wish will not come true.

Take the ring out of the glass and put it on your finger and sleep with it all night without taking it off. Everything that is dreamed in a dream will come true.

Fortune telling on the ring for the future groom

There are many different methods of divination for the groom with the help of a ring. Here we will look at three different ways.

First way: Take a wedding ring and a glass of water. Place 2 candles next to the glass and light them. Lower the thread into the glass with the ring hanging on it (so that the ring does not come into contact with water). Now listen to the taps of the ring on the edge of the glass, by these taps you can make out the name of the future betrothed. And if you can’t make out the name, then count the number of times the ring knocked on the walls, after so many years, wait for your wedding.

Second way: wait until midnight, take an ordinary glass (without patterns, with a flat and smooth bottom), pour water into it and throw a ring in the middle of the bottom, then try to peer into the reflection in the water, you should see your betrothed's face there.

Third way: at midnight, take a wedding ring from your mother or girlfriend, light a candle. Through the ring, peer into the flame of the candle, in it you should see the image of the betrothed.

Fortune telling by the ring in the water

Guessing in this way is desirable in winter, but if you don’t want to wait for winter, then just a freezer will do. Before you go to bed, take a glass of water, dip your ring in it, and leave it in the cold or in the freezer. And when you wake up, look at how the water froze.

  • If the ice on the surface is smooth, this promises success in the future;
  • There are tubercles and / or pits, then with their help you can find out how many children you will have in the future: we determine the number of daughters by the dimples, we determine the number of sons by the tubercles.

Fortune telling on the ring and the alphabet

Write down the entire alphabet on paper. Take any thread, thread a ring through it and hold it over the paper with the alphabet. As soon as the ring starts to swing, watch which letters it points to. In this way you can read your future.

Divination with the help of rings for prosperity

You need to take four different rings:

  • golden;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • with semi-precious stone.

Lay the rings out on a flat surface, such as a table or the floor. Ask someone to blindfold you, spin you around and guide you to the rings. You need to take only one ring from the table. By the ring you pick up, they determine your wealth in the future.

  • Golden ring - rich life;
  • Silver - small profit;
  • Copper - finances will be exactly the same as at the moment;
  • With a stone - permanent losses.

Another way to guess. You need a glass, a ring and a thread (white). Take only your ring, you had to wear it for at least seven days. Pour in half a glass of water. Thread the thread through the ring and lower it into a glass so that the ring does not touch the water. Ask the ring a question: “At what age will I get married?” Look into the water, and count how many times the ring will knock off the walls of the glass - wait for the wedding for so many years. If the ring does not loosen and does not knock, then you need to postpone fortune-telling for later.

You can ask absolutely any questions, as long as the answer to the question is a number.

Divination with a ring, bread and a hook

Take the ring, bread and hook, put them on the floor and cover them with a handkerchief, so that it is impossible to guess where everything is. Take out one of the items at random, use it to determine your fiancé:

  • If you took the ring, your betrothed will be a dandy;
  • Bread - the groom will be rich;
  • The hook is poor.

Divination with rings and cereals

Girlfriends gather in a room, and each puts her ring in a sieve. When all the girls put their rings, they are covered with any cereal, then each of the girls should take a handful of cereal:

  • If there is a ring in the handful, the wedding is coming soon;
  • A handful without a ring - not to be married for another year;
  • And if a girl gets her ring, it's very good sign and denotes a long and happy marriage.

Divination with ring, bread, brush and cigarette

Take a piece of bread, a ring, a cigarette and a brush. Cover each item with a cloth so that it is impossible to figure out where, which item is. Invite the person you are guessing to choose any item:

  • Got a ring - future groom will be a dandy;
  • Got bread - you live with the new Russian;
  • The brush is a simple person;
  • Cigarette - the groom will smoke a lot.

Divination with a ring, chain and earring

Take a glass and pour into it clean water, leave the glass in the cold. When the water hardens, put a ring, an earring and a chain on the formed ice. Then wait for the ice to begin to melt and watch what objects placed on top of it fall forward to the bottom.

Since ancient times, girls have worn rings as jewelry. Fragile female fingers looked great in elegant gold or silver rings. However, rings are not only an element of the image, but also a tool for divination. Fortune telling on a ring with a thread is one of the most common ways for women to find out their fate, especially during Christmas time (time for divination after January 7th).

In this thread:

Such fortune-telling will help answer a lot of questions: will the wish come true, will there be a narrowed one, will there be a child, if so, then a boy or a girl, will marriage happen in the coming year, and so on. You can guess, both in splendid isolation and in a group - it all depends on the chosen method.

Basic requirements for fortune-telling on a ring and a thread

  1. The ring must be silver or gold. Metals are able to conduct the energy necessary to perform the ritual.
  2. The ring should belong to a fortuneteller, or her close relative (for example, mother). The exception is fortune-telling in a group for a betrothed.
  3. Before the ceremony, the metal is relieved of bad energy with the help of holy water. The decoration is placed in a glass of water from the church for three days, after which no one except the fortuneteller can touch it.
  4. After the ceremony with the mother's ring, it must be immediately returned to the owner and made sure that she puts it on and does not take it off for a week.

The most popular divination for Christmas time on the ring

In the first case, they are guessing at the fulfillment of desires. You will need a ring, a red or black thread, a glass of water three-quarters full. Above the glass you need to hang a ring on a thread and ask a question to which you know the answer for sure. For example: "I'm 20 years old"? The question should be clear, specific and the answer should be “yes” or “no”. Then ask a second question with the opposite answer. For example: "Am I a man?" Track how the ring reacts in the first case and how in the second.

100% fortune-telling for a guy!! verified!!

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Fortune telling on a piece of paper. How to find out what to expect on a certain day? BY LEAH NADEL

Find out the future with the help of divination on a piece of paper! ☆general

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Fortune telling on paper that will surprise you ☆ht community

If the amplitude of the movement of the thread for each answer is different, then remember it, since then you will have to compare the answers already to the questions of interest with how the pendulum swung when you asked the elementary ones. If the ring moves in the same way, both to the first question and to the second, or if it stands still, postpone fortune-telling for five days. Once all the preparatory activities are completed, proceed to the ritual.

Ask your question, bring the ring on the thread to the glass and fix your hand. As soon as the swing starts, remember how the thread reacted to a question with a deliberately positive answer, and how - with a negative one. This will be the answer.

The second type of fortune-telling is for a child. You will also need a glass of water, a ring on a red thread or on your hair. Bring the ring to the glass and fix it so that it does not touch the water surface. Think about the gender of the baby. If the ring begins to sway from one side to the other, then it will be a boy, if it rotates in a circle, then a girl. If it freezes in place, repeat everything after 5 days.

Do not leave grain and water at home after the ritual, and do not throw them in the urn. It is necessary to pour or throw everything out into the street, not at the intersection of three roads. Rites on wedding ring reviews are rarely collected, since the technique itself is passed down from generation to generation, from children to grandchildren and great-grandchildren from time immemorial.

Since ancient times, rings have been attributed magical properties. This decoration was worn as an amulet or a talisman, and was also used in divination. Fortune telling on the ring is the most common and effective method know your future. Let's look at some types of divination with a ring that can answer any of your questions.

Divination with a ring on a string

This ritual is suitable for those who want to know the answer to any question. You need a ring wool thread and paper with a pen. Divide a sheet of paper into two parts. Write “yes” at the top of the sheet, “no” at the bottom. Then hang the ring on a thread, the length of which should be about 30 centimeters, light two candles and tune in to fortune telling. Write down the questions you will ask the ring in advance. They must be clear and understandable. Questions should be formulated in such a way that they can be answered either yes or no.

Lift the ring by the thread and hold it above the sheet of paper, preferably in its center. Try not to move your hand. Ask your question and see which answer the ring leans towards. If it moves in the “yes” direction, then the answer is positive; if it moves in the “no” direction, the answer is negative.

Divination with a ring and a glass

This divination is similar to the previous ritual. It can also answer any of your questions in a yes/no format. Pour water into a transparent glass, take a ring and hang it on your hair. Dip the ring in the water, and then lift it to the level of the edge of the glass. Ask your question. If the ring moves back and forth or left and right, then the answer will be negative, if it moves in a circle, then the answer will be positive. If it stands still, then this is a sign of the uncertainty of your fate on this issue.

Divination on the ring for marriage

This ancient divination was usually carried out in big company. unmarried girls Those who wanted to know when they would get married poured grain into a small bag and buried a ring in it. After that, each girl in turn took a handful of grain from the bag. The one who has a ring in her hand along with grain will be the first to marry.

There is another way fortune telling for marriage. This ritual can tell about future family life. Take your ring and put it in a small deep saucer. Add a teaspoon of any cereal there. A saucer with all the contents for the night must be taken out into the cold, or put in the freezer.

In the morning, you need to get a saucer and carefully look at the surface of the water. If the ice formed is even, then family life will be long and happy. If dents are clearly visible on the surface, the marriage will be unsuccessful and will bring a lot of trouble. If the ice on the surface of the saucer is covered with tubercles, there will be a lot of money and children.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

For fortune-telling, you must use only a wedding ring. Put it in a saucer of water, light two candles. Then lean a small mirror against the edge of the saucer so that you can see the ring in its reflection. Then ask your question and look closely at the reflection. In a few minutes, a clear outline of your future may appear there.

We hope that our fortune-telling on the ring will tell you about the events of the future and answer all your questions. Believe only in the best and do not forget to press the buttons and

If you want the ring to be frank with you, guess on the night before Christmas, Epiphany or on Christmas week. Those who do not want to wait for the approach of these holidays can try to find out the fate on other days. It is better to do this on Friday, on Monday you should not guess with the ring. Perform the ritual after sunset - in the evening or at night.

The ring should not have stones, drawings, engravings. Ideal for engagement. If you don’t have your own yet, you can ask a friend or relative for a while. If this fails, take the usual silver or gold, which meets the above requirements.

The girl herself must prepare for the sacrament. Hair must be loosened, it is necessary to remove a belt or belt, other rings, jewelry, a cross, a watch. Turn off the phone, retire (if you are guessing without a girlfriend). You should not be distracted by anything.

Put out the lights, light the candle, focus on the question you want to ask. After that, you can start fortune telling on the ring.

How to find out the numbers of interest

If you want the ring to tell you how many years you will get married, tell you about the number and answer other "digital" questions, use this divination method.

Cut 20 cm from the black thread, tie a ring to it. Ideally, it should be tied to your cut hair. That's how it was in the old days. If the fortuneteller has curls, she can do this, but hair extensions, of course, will not work.

Take this pendulum by its tip right hand. With your left hand, hold a glass filled with water a quarter. It's great if it's holy water. If it is not available, the usual unboiled will do.

Raise your hand above the vessel, lower the lower part of the pendulum into it so that the ring does not touch the surface of the water. Ask your question out loud. The ring will begin to swing and hit the walls of the glass. Count how many times it will do it. The number of touches will be the answer to the secret question.

Divination for marriage

For the next divination, you will need an assistant, 4 pieces of dark cloth and the same number of deep plates. You need to leave the room, and during this time, let your friend put the ring in one of the bowls, cover it with a cloth. Now you can go in and try to guess where she hid the jewelry. If you managed to do this on the first try, then in the near future you will have to get married. The second attempt will slightly delay this pleasant event. The third will tell you that marriage is not expected in the foreseeable future, or may not occur at all. But this does not mean that you will not meet a worthy person. And you can simply not believe in the sad results of fortune-telling on the ring.

The wedding ring is the main and iconic decoration in the life of every person. This decoration has magic power and it has been used in divination since ancient times.

Many centuries ago, girls used rings to look into the future and find out if they would get married. In some countries of that time, magical rites with rings were used in the adoption of important state issues (when choosing a ruler, in deciding to start a war).

A ceremony using a wedding ring can be performed even by inexperienced fortune tellers

This old method is very popular with the fair sex. With the help of a wedding ring, you can get answers to many questions. Unlike many other divination techniques, this ritual does not require special training. Even inexperienced fortune tellers will be able to find out the truth and get answers to their questions.

Divination rules on a wedding ring

The success and accuracy of the answers depends on whether fortune-telling was carried out on the wedding ring in compliance with all the rules.

Therefore, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Concentration. During divination, all thoughts should be focused on the magical action. In order to put your thoughts in order, calm down and tune in to fortune-telling, you need to look closely at the flame of a candle for some time.
  2. Silence. Man must be alone with himself. Therefore, pets should not be in the fortune-telling room. In addition, it is recommended to turn off the cell phone, turn off the lights and the TV.
  3. Correct thread color. For divination, only black, white or red threads can be used.
  4. Candles. For divination, you need to use wax (non-church) candles.
  5. Ask a question only once. Even if the question asked was not answered, then it is not worth asking again.
  6. Right days. It is best to carry out fortune-telling on a ring with a thread on Friday, on the night of Ivan Kupala, on any day during the holy week and at midnight of every full moon.
  7. The best time to carry out fortune-telling on a golden ring is 12 o'clock at night.

To conduct effective fortune-telling, you need not only to know how to guess, but also to prepare. Before the ceremony, a fortuneteller must remove all jewelry (including icons and crosses) from himself.

For the ceremony, it is best to choose clothes from simple materials, without metal parts, strings and fasteners. Hair must be loose in order to release feminine power. The ring used for divination must belong to close relative or a girlfriend who is happily married. After divination, the ring must be given to the hostess as soon as possible.

To obtain the most accurate information, before divination, the ring must be cleared of the information accumulated on it. The easiest way to get rid of negativity is to place it in a container of water and leave it overnight under moonlight.

To clean the ring, place it in a glass of water and leave overnight under moonlight.

In the event that there is no time for such a purification, you can clean the ring by heating it over a candle flame. For divination, you can only use melted water. It is worth preparing in advance a list of questions (no more than five), to which you can give clear answers “no” or “yes”.

Divination technique on the ring

This fortune-telling method can be used to get answers to any questions regarding career, personal life, health. The main thing is to clearly formulate questions and fully concentrate on them.

The ring is hung on a thread, about 40 cm long, and lowered into a container of water. For the ritual, it is not necessary to use threads; fortune telling can also be done on a ring on the hair. At this time, they ask themselves a question.

By the ring, or more precisely by its movements, you can find out the answer to question asked:

  1. Circular movements. The answer to the question asked is negative, and in determining the sex of the unborn child, he predicts the birth of a girl.
  2. pendulum movements. In the near future, everything conceived will come true, and regarding the sex of the baby, it portends the birth of a boy.
  3. The ring does not move. In this case, the answer is ambiguous and you need to rephrase the question. With regard to children, this position of the ring suggests that replenishment in the family is not expected in the near future.

The ring does not move - a harbinger of the fact that there will be no children in the near future

You can also drop the ring into an empty glass. If it hits the right wall, then the answer is positive and the wish will come true, and if it hits the left wall, the answer is negative and the wish will not come true.

Divination for the betrothed

Every girl dreams of meeting her betrothed. Many of the fair sex, even on the eve of the wedding, doubt whether they have chosen their life partner correctly or not. Therefore, fortune-telling for marriage is the most popular among all predictions. They carry out fortune-telling with a ring on the betrothed on Christmas night.

There is no difference between the usual getting answers to questions and this divination. If you listen closely, you can hear how the ring taps the name of the chosen one on the walls of the dishes. And you can also count the number of strokes, and find out after so many years the girl will get married.


For such a fortune-telling, it is necessary to write in a circle in a chaotic manner all the letters of the alphabet. A ring with a hair (or thread) is swung over the alphabet and they remember which letters it points to. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can spell your future. And also girls can find out the name of their betrothed.

Regardless of the chosen method of divination and the questions that are asked, you need to be very careful. Because a ring with a thread works on the principle of a pendulum, which in inept hands can attract trouble.

Before telling a friend to tell fortunes, you need to remember how important it is to respect magical rites, responsibly approach their implementation, and only then you can get answers to your questions without negative consequences.

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