Dominican Republic when is the best time to go. Dominican Republic: monthly weather and water temperatures. When is the best time to relax in the Dominican Republic? Services for finding cheap tours

Before choosing dates for a trip to any resort, it is worth learning about the climatic features of a particular area. Every year more and more tourists from different parts of the world come to rest in Haiti. The most popular is the Dominican Republic - a state in the eastern part of the island. When is the best time to go to rest in the Dominican Republic? As with any resort, this area has high and low seasons.

The choice of the season and specific dates for the trip should be made not only taking into account the weather, but also taking into account the purpose of your trip. One time is suitable for a beach holiday, and another for traveling around the island. There are tourists on the island almost all year round. Even the rainy season does not prevent vacationers from having a fun and comfortable time on the island. Here, precipitation falls mainly in the evening and at night, and in the first half of the day the earth already has time to dry out, and there are no traces of rain left. At the same time, the air humidity does not exceed 90%.

Dominican beaches

When is the best time to fly to the Dominican Republic for a vacation if your goal is to spend most of your vacation on the beach? In this case, choose the high season. This is the period on the island from the second half of November to April... This is the most favorable time for a beach holiday, since dry warm weather sets in here. There is no rainfall here and the air temperature is not too high. Water temperature is about 25 degrees, air - up to 29 degrees... During this period, a huge number of carnivals, shows and various holidays are held in the Dominican Republic.

From February to March, whales approach the shore, since their mating season begins. If you arrive on the island at this time, you will be lucky enough to see whales playing right from the shore. This season, you can not only lie on the beach and be a spectator at various shows and carnivals. High season is also suitable for visiting excursion programs. This is a great time to explore the main attractions of the Dominican Republic and to visit the most beautiful places on the island. When is the season in the Dominican Republic for a beach holiday? It runs from November to April. But the most suitable time is from the second half of February to the end of March.

Low season

From mid-May to late September there is a low season or a rainy season. During this period, the island, in its eastern part, receives the greatest amount of precipitation. The air temperature rises to 31 degrees, and the water temperature averages 29 degrees... At this time, hurricanes and typhoons are born in the sea. However, such phenomena rarely interfere with tourists and local residents, since in most cases they do not reach the territory of the Dominican Republic. However, strong gusty winds, pressure drops and tropical showers can still spoil a few days of rest on the island.

Despite the fact that it often rains during this period, a huge number of tourists arrive here, especially at the end of July. If the weather forecasts are satisfactory, you can safely buy plane tickets and go to Haiti even in low season. Even with high air temperatures, it is not too hot here thanks to the cool breeze from the northeast.

Dominican Airports

Chip flights

Many will ask themselves: is it cheaper to fly to the Dominican Republic? The largest discounts on air tickets are provided to passengers from May to the end of September, when the island is low season. During this period, many tour operators have last-minute tours, the cost of which is several times lower than similar tours in the period from November to April.

It should be borne in mind that if the trip is planned for one of the summer months, you should first find out the weather forecast specifically for the period when the vacation on the island is planned. The weather in this climatic zone is very changeable, and a sunny day quickly changes to a tropical rainstorm. Therefore, it is not necessary to find out the weather forecast for the whole month, but it is important to find the most accurate forecast for specific days.

Monthly weather

In order to better understand when it is better to relax in the Dominican Republic, what season to choose for vacation, you should find out what weather is set here every month. It's real summer here in January. The water may be too cold for swimming this month, however, the absence of precipitation, low relative humidity, not too high air temperature - all this makes the rest on the island in January very comfortable. Usually in January the water temperature is quite warm. As a rule, it reaches 25-27 degrees. But there are also cool days. At night, the air temperature does not drop below 20 degrees. The wind here is usually not strong this month - up to 3 m / s. This is the perfect time for diving.

In February the coldest weather for the whole year is set in the Dominican Republic. The air temperature drops to 24 degrees, but sometimes reaches 28 degrees. When planning your trip this month, be sure to pack your long sleeves. They are very useful for evening walks. During the day, the air heats up quickly and by 12:00 noon the temperature rises to 24-28 degrees. At night and early in the morning, the air temperature is at around 19-21 degrees. In February, there is almost never a storm or rain. Air humidity does not rise above 57%. This month the island offers comfortable conditions for families, children and the elderly.

In March the air temperature rises to 30 degrees. The water temperature is about 26 degrees. This is the driest month. Air humidity is no more than 53%. This month, a huge number of tourists who prefer a beach holiday arrive here.

Punta Cana International Airport is the only one that serves regular flights from Russia

April also suitable for a beach holiday. However, this month the water temperature gets much higher. The air temperature remains at around 30 degrees. This month is not suitable for sightseeing holidays due to low humidity and heat. And for a beach holiday, you can safely plan a trip for April.

In May the water in the sea and ocean is about 28 degrees, the air temperature is 30 degrees. Tropical rains begin on the island this month, marking the start of the low season. Typhoons are frequent this month. Until the end of October the island can experience typhoons, hurricanes and tropical showers. When planning a trip at this time, the main thing is to study the weather forecast for a specific period. Most hurricanes and typhoons in August and September.

Already in the second half of October the weather is starting to stabilize. At the end of the month, the island has a minimum number of tourists. In November, there are many more tourists here. This month is considered ideal for a vacation in the Dominican Republic. Strong heat is not felt here, the air humidity is optimal. November is suitable for both beach holidays and sightseeing.

December the number of tourists is increasing. Closer to the New Year holidays, a huge number of travelers from different countries of the world arrive here. The air temperature is about 28 degrees, water - 27 degrees. Precipitation, if it does fall, is rare and short-lived, so they will definitely not spoil your rest. In December, many people go to not only lie down on the beach, but also to conquer the nearby mountain peaks. In this case, be sure to take warm clothes with you, since the air temperature in the mountains this month can drop to 0 degrees.

In contact with

Climatic features in the Dominican Republic vary greatly from month to month and can make adjustments to tourist plans. Understanding when is the best time to relax in the Dominican Republic, it is very important to choose the right season for visiting this sunny country in such a way that it fully meets the requirements of the traveler and allows you to enjoy your vacation in comfortable conditions.

First of all, it should be noted that in such a state the climate presupposes not four seasons, but only two, which sometimes greatly surprises tourists. Each season in the Dominican Republic lasts for six months, and the weather conditions vary greatly. In view of this, the date of the trip is of decisive importance, since at certain times the probability of catching rainy weather is much higher.

There are only two seasons in the Dominican Republic - summer and winter. Each of them assumes its own weather conditions, which appear to be diametrically opposite. Contrary to popular misconceptions, most of the rains, hurricanes and other undesirable climatic events occur in the summer. Winter is characterized by warm, cloudless weather. Wanting to know when is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the characteristic features of the climate of this country.

For half a year, it rains constantly in the Dominican Republic, which can continue without interruption for several days. The situation is complicated not only by high humidity, but also by the increasing air temperature. In addition to such unfavorable conditions, it is advisable to add a large number of insects that wake up in the summer and make it difficult to stay in nature.

Considering the climatic features, the period from the end of November to March seems to be a suitable time to visit this state. During this time, the traveler can count on the following benefits:

  • Good weather and very little rainfall.
  • Coolness at night, allowing you to take a break from the heat.
  • Pleasant breezes and low air humidity, making it much easier to stay in the sun and the beach.
  • Calm sea and no natural hazards.

Thus, New Year's holidays can be called the optimal time to visit this country for the purpose of a beach holiday.

Weather and cost

However, weather conditions significantly affect the cost of tours and accommodation. Despite the fact that a number of agencies convince their clients of the possibility of a year-round beach holiday in the Dominican Republic, this information is absolutely not true.

For traditional recreation, including spending time on the beach and sightseeing trips, late autumn and winter are most suitable, while during the rest of the year the weather conditions do not allow it.

This leads to a serious decrease in prices with the end of the season, which is used by experienced travelers, wishing to save money and, oddly enough, to improve the quality of their vacation.

When planning a vacation after the end of the high season, a tourist can get serious benefits:

  • More affordable cost of travel, accommodation, food and entertainment.
  • The lack of a huge number of tourists.
  • More loyal staff attitude due to fewer other visitors.
  • Low workload of hotel infrastructure by vacationers.

However, all of these positive aspects of recreation will be accompanied by inconsistent weather conditions, precipitation, strong winds and the likelihood of hurricanes.

Beach, sea, sun

For those categories of tourists who cannot imagine their vacation without ideal beaches, warm sea and bright sun on a cloudless sky, winter seems to be the most suitable period to visit the country. It is at this time that there is practically no precipitation here, and the weather pleases with a successful combination of low humidity and pleasant breezes, which makes it easier to stay in the sun. This is perhaps the main reason why many tourists come here.

During this period, trips and tours here are much more expensive than at any other time. However, their cost is justified by the opportunity to celebrate the New Year in a tropical country with ideal weather conditions.

Among the disadvantages that are inherent in such a period are the huge number of tourists, high prices, as well as the congestion of the infrastructure. This significantly reduces the level of comfort.

Excursion tourism

Choosing when to fly to the Dominican Republic for a packed excursion program that includes jungle trips, sightseeing and learning about the country's history, the most exciting time to visit will be the start of the high season. At this time, the cost of tours and accommodation has not yet reached its peak, and travelers have a unique opportunity to purchase them at a lower price.

The beginning of the season allows you to comfortably use various types of vehicles, and also makes it possible to visit the jungle and natural sites without unnecessary inconveniences associated with humidity and an abundance of insects. The rare rainfall observed here at this time does not cause any particular problems, but it knocks down the cost of the tours.

Economical option

If you need to save as much as possible on your trip, and the weather conditions do not frighten the brave traveler, spring and summer are the right time to visit. At the same time, in the spring, a tourist has a chance to catch good weather during most of his stay in the country, while with the approach of summer, this probability is rapidly decreasing. Knowing when it is cheapest to visit this country, a tourist can save up to 25% of the cost of the trip.

In summer, the prices for vacations here reach their minimum, which is explained by a number of features inherent in this time of year:

But despite these features, it is quite possible to rest comfortably here, if you do not leave the hotel territory for a long time. First of all, it should be noted that the water in the Dominican Republic is suitable for swimming all year round, which allows you to indulge in this pleasure. It should also be noted that the sun, despite the high cloudiness, is very active, and the tourist will be able to get a good tan in a short time.

Russians do not need a visa to visit the Dominican Republic, so you can wait and buy last minute deals.

Is there a middle ground?

In the vast majority of cases, the tourist has to choose between a cheap tour and good weather. However, if you correctly approach the issue of choosing the time of your trip, you can successfully combine the low cost of recreation and excellent weather conditions. When exploring when to travel to the Dominican Republic for the successful combination of low prices and recreational weather, the tourist should pay attention to the off-season.

For such a vacation, the following months are considered to be the best:

Despite the fact that during these months the probability of rain is relatively high, the traveler has the opportunity to go on vacation with a substantial discount. In March and April, the chance of rain increases only slightly, but the high season in the Dominican Republic is already over, which allows you to enjoy excellent weather at a low cost of travel.

There are practically no typhoons and other dangerous phenomena at this time of the year, which allows you to safely relax on the beach, getting the perfect tan. In November, on the contrary, the rainy season is already coming to naught, and dangerous natural phenomena are observed less and less. At the same time, the cost of the trip has not yet managed to rise due to the beginning of the high season, which opens up wide opportunities for the tourist.

When should I cancel my trip?

It is possible to have a great time in the Dominican Republic in any weather, but there is a period during which it is impractical to travel to this island state. First of all, this is the very height of summer from June to August. At this time, the weather conditions seem to be the least suitable for tourists.

First of all, these are constant rains, which can go on for several days in a row, not allowing you to comfortably spend time on the beach. Another disadvantage of summer recreation is the abundance of truly dangerous natural phenomena such as hurricanes and typhoons. The likelihood of aggressive manifestations of the elements is extremely high here, which poses a certain threat to unwary tourists.

Such conditions are accompanied by an increase in air temperature, which greatly complicates breathing in combination with high humidity caused by constant precipitation. At night, the temperature practically does not drop, which makes it necessary to use an air conditioner in the room. You should definitely check its availability in advance, before checking into the hotel.

For excursions, this period is also not suitable. First of all, rainfall and high temperatures make jungle travel and sightseeing difficult. The situation is aggravated by the number of insects that do not allow spending a lot of time outdoors and make a spray from them a simply necessary attribute.

Vacation options in the Dominican Republic

As you can see, the island state offers tourists an incredibly varied vacation. First of all, these are extremely popular economical travels that allow you to relax in comfortable conditions, despite the vagaries of the weather.

Lovers of the hot sun will also be able to usefully spend time here, as the high season boasts just ideal conditions for relaxation, swimming, sunbathing and other indispensable vacation goals.

It will not be difficult to appreciate all the splendor of the Dominican Republic's attractions, if you choose the right time for your trip, which will save money and at the same time maintain a sufficient level of comfort.

Table: weather in the most famous resorts of the Dominican Republic by months

Resort name

Air temperature (expressed in ° C) The number of rainy days in a month

Water temperature (expressed in ° C)

"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 27.4

Night - 23.4

2 26.5
Boca Chica Daytime - 28.6

Night - 21.0

3 26.9
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 27.6

Night - 23.2

3 26.7
"La Romana" Daytime - 28.6

Night - 21.2

2 26.9
Maimon Bay Daytime - 26.8

Night - 21.1

4 26.5
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 27.4

Night - 23.4

2 26.6
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 27.3

Night - 23.2

3 26.3
Boca Chica Daytime - 28.7

Night - 21.2

3 26.7
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 27.7

Night - 22.7

2 26.4
"La Romana" Daytime - 29.0

Night - 21.1

1 26.7
Maimon Bay Daytime - 27.0

Night - 21.1

2 26.2
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 27.3

Night - 23.2

3 26.3
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 27.5

Night - 23.1

1 26.2
Boca Chica Daytime - 29.2

Night - 21.3

2 26.7
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 27.8

Night - 22.9

1 26.4
"La Romana" Daytime - 29.5

Night - 21.3

1 26.6
Maimon Bay Daytime - 27.2

Night - 21.2

3 26.1
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 27.5

Night - 23.1

1 26.2
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 28.3

Night - 24.0

2 26.6
Boca Chica Daytime - 29.7

Night - 22.3

6 27.1
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 28.5

Night - 23.8

3 26.8
"La Romana" Daytime - 30.0

Night - 22.2

5 27.1
Maimon Bay Daytime - 28.4

Night - 22.1

3 26.5
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 28.3

Night - 24.0

2 26.6
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 29.2

Night - 24.8

3 27.1
Boca Chica Daytime - 30.3

Night - 22.8

7 27.7
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 29.3

Night - 24.7

3 27.4
"La Romana" Daytime - 30.7

Night - 22.8

5 27.7
Maimon Bay Daytime - 29.1

Night - 22.9

6 27.0
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 29.2

Night - 24.8

3 27.1
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 30.2

Night - 25.5

3 27.7
Boca Chica Daytime - 31.2

Night - 23.5

5 28.2
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 30.2

Night - 25.3

2 27.9
"La Romana" Daytime - 31.9

Night - 23.2

2 28.2
Maimon Bay Daytime - 30.7

Night - 23.8

2 27.7
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 30.2

Night - 25.5

3 27.8
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 31.2

Night - 26.2

2 28.0
Boca Chica Daytime - 31.9

Night - 23.5

8 28.4
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 31.2

Night - 26.1

3 28.2
"La Romana" Daytime - 32.7

Night - 23.8

4 28.5
Maimon Bay Daytime - 31.7

Night - 24.0

2 28.0
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 31.2

Night - 26.2

2 28.1
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 30.8

Night - 25.9

6 28.5
Boca Chica Daytime - 31.7

Night - 23.3

10 28.8
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 31.0

Night - 25.6

7 28.6
"La Romana" Daytime - 32.5

Night - 23.6

6 28.8
Maimon Bay Daytime - 31.2

Night - 24.0

4 28.4
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 30.8

Night - 25.9

6 28.6
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 30.8

Night - 26.0

5 29.0
Boca Chica Daytime - 31.5

Night - 23.6

6 29.2
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 27.6

Night - 23.2

5 29.0
"La Romana" Daytime - 31.0

Night - 25.6

6 29.2
Maimon Bay Daytime - 30.9

Night - 24.1

5 29.0
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 30.8

Night - 26.0

5 29.0
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 30.4

Night - 25.8

5 29.0
Boca Chica Daytime - 31.1

Night - 23.6

6 29.2
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 30.4

Night - 25.4

5 29.0
"La Romana" Daytime - 31.4

Night - 23.4

6 29.2
Maimon Bay Daytime - 30.3

Night - 23.8

5 2.1
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 30.4

Night - 25.8

5 29.0
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 29.0

Night - 25.1

5 28.4
Boca Chica Daytime - 29.8

Night - 22.2

5 28.6
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 29.1

Night - 24.7

5 28.5
"La Romana" Daytime - 29.8

Night - 21.2

5 28.6
Maimon Bay Daytime - 28.3

Night - 23.0

7 28.4
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 29.0

Night - 25.1

5 28.4
"Arena Gorda" Daytime - 28.3

Night - 23.2

3 27.4
Boca Chica Daytime - 29.4

Night - 21.1

2 27.7
"Cap Cana" Daytime - 28.4

Night - 23.7

3 27.5
"La Romana" Daytime - 29.3

Night - 21.3

2 27.7
Maimon Bay Daytime - 27.7

Night - 22.0

3 27.4
Playa Bavaro Daytime - 28.3

Night - 24.2

3 27.4

Unfortunately, in this country, you can observe periods when the rest can hardly be called successful, due to the abundance of rains, extreme weather conditions, many insects and other negative factors.

Summing up, it can be noted that the climate of the Dominican Republic is extremely heterogeneous, which makes the choice of the right period for a trip one of the important indicators that determine the experience of the rest and its quality. At the same time, it is important to be guided by the requirements for pastime during your stay in the country, which will allow you to choose the right time for visiting, save money and get the most out of your trip to this friendly and sunny country.

Most often, tourists are interested in what season to choose for a vacation in a particular country. Our readers are concerned about the question of when is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic. The weather in this tropical country has its own characteristics depending on the time of year, so before the trip it is better to clarify what awaits you, dry and hot weather or endless rains.

When is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic

Answering the question when to rest in the Dominican Republic is most comfortable, it is worth noting that this country is a year-round resort, where the air temperature is constantly kept at 30 degrees. On the island, tourists can be found all year round.

However, there is a rainy season and even a hurricane season, when tour operators do not advise buying tickets. If you need to be extremely careful with your vacation during the hurricane season, having clarified the weather forecast in advance, then during the rainy season your vacation can also be as comfortable as possible, not inferior in quality to the high season.

It does not rain all the time here, rather it is short showers, mainly at night or early in the morning. So you don't have to worry about the weather. But many tourists are unaware of this and prefer to choose a different time to relax. Thanks to this, vacationers who choose this season can spend their holidays in a more relaxed atmosphere.

All this suggests that when to go to the Dominican Republic it is up to you to choose, at any time the rest in this country is wonderful in its own way. However, there are some things to consider if you want to relax a little better.

Dominican Republic: when is it better to go to rest

The rainy season in the Dominican Republic begins in May and lasts until the middle. Hurricanes happen in September-August, but can also happen in October and November. Strong storms are rare and not at all resorts in the country.

Despite the fact that the period from August to October is considered hurricane seasons, the weather can be absolutely calm during this time. Check the weather forecast with your tour operator before you leave. No tour operator will send you on vacation if there is a likelihood of a severe hurricane presenting a danger.

In summer, the air temperature reaches 36 degrees, so this is not the best time, when is the best time to relax in the Dominican Republic children, the elderly and those who do not tolerate heat well. Rains occur frequently at this time, these are strong and short-term showers, which occur mainly at night. After a downpour, dry weather quickly sets in, which makes for a great time on the beach.

The largest flow of tourists is in winter. During this period, many people relax on the beaches, and it is not always possible to find a free table in local restaurants. The time from November to is the high season.

When the season begins in the Dominican Republic

The season in the Dominican Republic starts from and lasts until April. Starting from this month, the most comfortable weather conditions for rest are established. In winter, the air temperature is kept at 30 degrees, and at night it drops to 20 degrees. The water temperature is 26-27 degrees.

In addition to a pleasant beach holiday, the Dominican Republic at this time can please tourists with a variety of holidays and interesting tourist events. For example, on February 27, guests of the island can attend the solemn celebration of the Independence Day. As a rule, marches and airplane shows are held on this day. The main festival is concentrated in, it is here that over a million tourists gather.

Fans of dancing and costume balls can visit the carnival, which takes place in the capital in February. The carnival that lasts for a week will bring a lot of positive emotions, make you feel like a real resident of the Caribbean, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of fun. You will never forget such an event!

In Cabarete in February there is the opportunity to take part in various sports and entertainment competitions. If you are an active person, then this is where you will get a rest to your liking.

In March, warmer weather prevails in the Dominican Republic than in February, so you can read about by clicking on the link.

The Dominican Republic is the country where animal lovers can watch them to their hearts content. Diving and snorkeling are very developed here. In addition, during the humpback whale season, which starts in and lasts until the end of March, you can book a special excursion to observe these amazing mammals.

The Dominican Republic has many natural and historical attractions, which makes it a very interesting tourist destination for lovers of educational tourism. It is in the winter time that it is most comfortable to visit excursions, since it is not so hot. On the other hand, if you are traveling to a country to study its culture and history, then you better prefer late spring or early summer, so you can avoid the crowds of tourists and explore everything thoroughly in a relaxed atmosphere.

Book on our website right now to have time to book the hotel you like.


Winter, spring, summer and autumn: when is the season for holidays in the Dominican Republic by months

Have you decided to spend a week or a little more on the wonderful beaches of the Dominican Republic? Great idea! In the meantime, you are packing your bags, read the information that will help you find out when the season to relax on the island and what to bring with you at one time or another. And so, the climate of the Dominican Republic by months and seasons.

Year-round climate in the Dominican Republic

The island is located almost at the very equator, so the climate here is warm, and you can relax at any time of the year. But that's in theory. In practice, this is completely different. In the Dominican Republic there is a rainy season, a high season and other times when you can or cannot rest.
In order not to get into the rainy season, and the rains here are such that it is simply impossible to go outside, you should not come to the Republic in summer, late spring and early autumn. But in the winter months, on the contrary, it is dry and sunny - this is the best time for a beach holiday in the resorts of the Dominican Republic.

It is also worth considering the fact that the south and east of the island is washed by the Caribbean Sea, and the north of the Dominican Republic is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Here even a schoolboy will tell you that the Atlantic Ocean is cool, and the Caribbean Sea is much warmer.

Weather table by month

As you can see from the table, there are no sudden temperature changes. Even in the rainy season, it is warm here. Still, you shouldn't tempt fate and fly here in the summer. It will be rainy, high humidity, and in general, there will be no beach holiday for sure.
In winter, the sun shines more than 95% of all days. Sometimes it is partly cloudy, sometimes it rains. As a rule, winter rains come at night, and during the day nothing will prevent you from enjoying your vacation on the beach by the sea.

Winter in the Dominican Republic

When there is snow in Russia and in most of Europe, the skating rinks are flooded, and it is cold during the day, it is real summer in the Dominican Republic. It is the winter months that are the best for relaxing on the island.
During the day, in the light of the sun, the air warms up to a comfortable +30 degrees. The rainy season is over and the humidity has decreased. The wind is weak, does not particularly affect the waves and the sea in general.
The peak tourist season is in late December and early January, when Christmas and New Year are celebrated around the world. At this time, there are a lot of tourists on the island, and prices rise several times at once. And if you did not have time to book a hotel in advance, then you will hardly be able to do it. And if there is a free number, then you will have to pay a decent amount of money for it.

Spring in the Dominican Republic

This is the most controversial time of the year in terms of weather. There are as many tourists on the island in March as in winter. This is understandable, since the weather continues to delight with the sun and warmth. There is still no rain, and tourists continue to relax on the beaches, go on excursions and admire nature.
But April comes and the weather changes. Of course not immediately, not on April 1, but still. Sometimes the rains can start almost from the very beginning of the month, sometimes they can go on the last day of April. Here, how lucky and predict in advance when the rainy season will begin, hardly anyone will be able to.

In May, there are still a lot of tourists in the Dominican Republic, although it is already raining a lot. Yes, most of the precipitation falls at night, but humidity rises, high waves appear on the sea, and a fairly strong wind blows. The only thing that pleases tourists is the lowest prices for vacations of the year. Even five-star hotels offer such discounts that anyone can check in.

Summer in the Dominican Republic

The beginning of summer in the Dominican Republic is unlikely to please tourists, although there are enough of them here. During the day everything is also warm. The humidity is increasing. It rains mostly at night, and there are 3-4 completely rainy days per month. Rest is still possible, but the conditions for rest are completely different.
In July and August, the air temperature on the island reaches its peak. During the day it is not lower than +32 degrees, it rains and the humidity is such that the shirts immediately become wet and without rain. But tourists still fly to the island. Someone likes heavy showers, someone just wants to admire the island, and still others hope for the indulgence of nature and the absence of rain. If so, then this is great luck - you will get a luxurious vacation for next to nothing.

Autumn in the Dominican Republic

September on the island is the time of hurricanes. They don't happen every year, but strong winds and high waves do happen every year. If you can still relax here in the summer, then at the beginning of autumn it is better not to risk it.
In October, tourists begin to flood the island, although the likelihood of hurricanes and typhoons is still high. But the rains are decreasing, the winds are slowly decreasing.
Of the autumn months, November is best for relaxation. At the end of autumn, there is very little rain, or it may not be at all. It is comfortable to rest, the humidity decreases. The closer to winter, the higher prices for hotel and air tickets. So it's worth taking care of this in advance.

The Dominican Republic is the perfect place for a beach holiday. We will tell you where it is better to relax and which resort to choose. Description and comparison of resorts: weather, prices and entertainment.

Map of resorts and beaches of the Dominican Republic

If you have not yet decided which resort to choose in the Dominican Republic, take a look at Punta Cana. The bustling and cheerful city is located in the center of the resort area of ​​the same name in the southeast of the country. Couples and businessmen come here to relax.

Beach vacation. According to reviews, Punta Cana is one of the best resorts in the Dominican Republic. There are several districts here. In the center there is an urban development with an airport. A little further - the fashionable Cap Cana area with expensive hotels and the more accessible Bavaro area, where there are shops, a hospital, pharmacies and banks.

The coastal strip stretches for 32 km. The beaches of Bavaro are considered the best in the Dominican Republic. The shore is covered with white sand, the entrance to the water is gentle, and the swimming area is separated from the shore by coral reefs. Hotel beaches have the necessary infrastructure, while municipal ones do not. Changing cabins, toilets and showers are usually not found in free places.

(Photo © Mustang Joe / / CC0 1.0 License)

Things to do... Punta Cana has a rich underwater world, therefore diving is developed. The resort's fish restaurants are reputed to be the best in the country. There are two national parks and a marine reserve in the vicinity.

Prices. Most of the coastal hotels are 4-5 *. On average, a double room in them costs from $ 80. It is much cheaper to live in a guesthouse - $ 25-35 per day.

Punta Cana in high season (winter):

(Photo © / @joelcasilla)

Where is the best place to relax in the Dominican Republic? If you are not on a budget, we advise you to go to the elite suburb of Punta Cana - Cap Cana. This is a young resort for wealthy clients.

Beach vacation. The coastline stretches for 8 km and is covered with white, very fine sand. The beaches of Cap Cana are clean, with a gentle entrance to the water. Some of them belong to hotels. The most beautiful beaches are located in the southwest of the resort.

Things to do... Cap Cana has a modern port with 200 yachts and 200 boats and excellent golf courses. Swim in the outdoor seawater pools, or visit the fitness center or spa. While on vacation, take a guided tour of the Manati Nature Reserve and observe exotic birds on the tropical island of Cayo Levantado.

Prices. Cap Cana has the highest prices among other resorts in the Dominican Republic. There are five luxury hotels and a boutique hotel. They provide an all inclusive service, so tours are expensive.

Cap Cana in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Green Village 03)

When asked where to go to the Dominican Republic for families with young children, many answer unequivocally - to Boca Chica.

Beach vacation. One of the best resorts in the Dominican Republic is located in a natural lagoon and is reliably protected by a coral reef from waves and large predators. The beaches are covered with white powdery sand. The swimming area is shallow - no more than one and a half meters. The main city of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, is located 30 km from the resort, so on weekends the beaches of Boca Chica are crowded with vacationers from the capital.

Things to do... Water activities are popular among tourists: diving, yachting, surfing and sea fishing. Take an excursion to Santo Domingo and visit the small tropical islands.

Prices. Accommodation is cheaper than in Punta Cana: there are no 5 * hotels and many budget 3-4 * hotels.

Boca Chica in high season (winter):

(Photo © / whala! Boca chica)

Where to go to the Dominican Republic if you want a relaxing holiday? Tourists recommend Juan Dolio - it is a quiet resort in the Dominican Republic, compared to neighboring Boca Chica. Located on the Caribbean coast, 50 km from the capital.

Beach vacation. The beaches of Juan Dolio are in no way inferior to others. Everything is as in the advertisement: fine white sand, turquoise water, rows of tall coconut trees. There are almost no waves near the coast, and the depth is shallow - 1.5-2 m. In some places, corals are located close to the coast, and there are fragments of them - take special shoes.

Things to do... Play golf, bowling, horseback riding, diving and snorkeling. Go see the sights of Santo Domingo: Aquarium Park, Columbus Lighthouse and Fort Ozama.

Prices. Juan Dolio is a budget resort in the Dominican Republic. The cost of rest in it is about the same as in Punta Cana.

Juan Dolio in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Marbella Juan Dolio I)


Many people think that it is best to relax in the Dominican Republic in the resort of Samana. It is located on a protected peninsula, far from major cities.

Beach vacation. Samana is called the ideal destination for individual holiday lovers, honeymooners and eco-tourism enthusiasts. Tourists love the beaches in the southern and northern parts of the peninsula, as well as on the island of Cayo Levantado.

Things to do... Horseback riding, jeeping, diving, snorkeling and deep-sea fishing are popular activities. Admire ancient cave paintings in deep caves, visit the 30-meter El Limon waterfall, watch dolphins and manatees. Humpback whales can be seen migrating from mid-January to March.

Prices. Accommodation in 3-4 * hotels will cost from $ 40 to $ 80, and a double room in a guesthouse - $ 20-30.

Samana in high season (winter):

(Photo © Einfach-Eve /

A large recreation area is spread out in the north of the country, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It combines three resorts at once - Playa Dorada, Cabarete and Sosua.

Beach vacation. The coastline is over 100 km. The beaches of the hotels are equipped. The conditions for water sports are ideal here because the ocean waves are higher than the Caribbean Sea.

Things to do... It is better to go to this resorts of the Dominican Republic for those who like to diversify beach activities with excursions and active recreation. In Puerto Plata, all attractions are compactly located. The coastal city has preserved the colonial style of the era of the conquerors - decorated with neat carvings, houses, defenses and Catholic temples. Visit the ruins of Columbus' home, the Amber Museum and the Brugal distillery.

If you enjoy being active, take the funicular to the top of Isabel de Torres. Take training at a windsurf school, play golf and go horseback riding. Watch the spectacular cockfighting at Club Gallistico.

Prices on vacation in the northern resorts of the Dominican Republic is slightly lower than in Punta Cana.

Puerto Plata in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Playabachata Resort)

A large resort center is located in the southern part, between Punta Cana and the capital of the country. La Romana is considered one of the best resorts in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean.

Beach vacation. Tourists love the silence and cleanliness. There are shady coconut groves on the shore, and the hotels have excellent beach infrastructure.

Things to do... The main activities are tennis, golf, diving, spearfishing, fishing, yachting, equestrian sports and jeeping. Tourists are in demand for excursions to the city of artisans and artists Altos de Chavon and boat trips to the islands of Saona and Catalinita. Visit Central Park, admire the City Hall and the old Catholic Church of Santa Rosa de Lima.

Prices. The cost of a holiday in La Romana is the same as in Punta Cana. For an independent budget holiday, choose 3 * hotels - accommodation costs $ 50-80 per night. Guesthouses will cost even less - $ 30-40.

La Romana in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Luxury Bahia Principe Bouganville)

Determining which resort in the Dominican Republic is the best is not easy. According to reviews, an unusual option is a vacation in the capital of the country.

Beach vacation. The city has a rocky coastline and no beaches. Bathing spots are located in the vicinity of Santo Domingo - Boca Chica and Juan Dolio. They are easily accessible by public transport. Also, locals and tourists like the picturesque sandy beach of Guayacanes.

Things to do... Santo Domingo is the first city of the New World, which was founded by Europeans at the end of the 15th century. Today it is the cultural and economic center of the country. Most of the city's monuments and museums are concentrated in the so-called "Colonial Zone".

Connoisseurs of architecture and history love to relax in the capital. Shopping fans love Santo Domingo as there are many markets, malls and boutiques. If you want to see natural attractions, head to the Three Eyes Cave, National Botanical Gardens, Zoo, Mirador Suri and Enriquillo parks.

Prices in the capital of the Dominican Republic is not higher than in other popular resorts in the country, and the choice of inexpensive housing is greater.

Santo Domingo in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Catalonia Santo Domingo)

The best resorts in the Dominican Republic receive the most flattering reviews from tourists from around the world. Holidays on the coast of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean are ideal for everyone who is not afraid of a long flight and relatively high prices.

According to reviews, a universal place for tourists with different needs is Punta Cana. Youth companies and families with small children prefer Boca Chica or La Romana. Those wishing to spend their holidays alone come to the Samana Peninsula. Whatever the choice, in any resort in the Dominican Republic you can count on clean beaches, comfortable hotels, water activities and interesting excursions.

Introductory image source: © Playabachata Resort /

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