Igor Udalov. Maria Mironova (II) - biography, information, personal life. Photos from the life of a Russian actress

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- Maria Mironova. Her main achievements are many productions in leading domestic theaters. In addition, the actress appears in films, which also adds to Maria’s popularity among television viewers. In 2006, our heroine received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In addition to this, she is the recipient of many different awards in the field of theater and film arts. Also, Mironova is the founder of several charitable foundations

who support young artists. Let's quickly look at the path to success of this sought-after woman.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Mironova

But in advance, it’s worth saying a few words about the physical data of a particular person. Exact numbers are often of interest to fans and anyone who is at least somehow familiar with the star’s work. Therefore, we present to your attention height, weight, age. How old is Maria Mironova? This is the question asked by those who watched films with her participation for the first time. Well, there are no state secrets in this topic - the approximate height of the actress is just over 175 centimeters, with a weight of 58 kilograms. Many say that this combination is ideal.

At the end of May 2018, Maria Mironova celebrated her 45th birthday. It is pointless to compare photos from her youth to now - many will not even be able to answer exactly how old the girl is in recent photographs. All thanks to the fact that she takes care of her appearance.

Biography of Maria Mironova

The biography of Maria Mironova begins in May 1973. The hometown of the future actress is Moscow. The girl’s parents are quite famous people, about whom we’ll talk a little later. But after birth, mom and dad divorce, so little Maria remains with her mother. In the very, Mironova begins to show a desire for art. First of all, dance. Many friends said that the girl could have a great future in ballet. However, it was not possible to sign up for a special club due to the specific nature of young Maria. She did not like the structure of the jury, which closely studied each candidate - the future actress herself wanted to observe. She very often advised her mother what color to choose for this or that outfit.

It is noteworthy that Maria Mironova made her film debut very early - when she was only ten years old. It was the movie “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, where the young actress played an important character. Later, the girl will tell you that she didn’t like the set, but her mom and dad decided for her. At that time, Maria was very impressionable, and often recalls the Indian character whom she was afraid of.

After finishing school, Maria enters theater university, better known as "Pike". But later, she quits studying and formalizes her first marriage. The birth of my son did not go well with my studies, so it was decided that after my vacation I would enroll in VGIK. Around this time, she began to realize that she wanted to connect her life with cinema - before that, she simply liked studying at the theater. Thus, she continued to gain experience in the field acting, and successfully completed educational institution.

Filmography: films starring Maria Mironova

After receiving a diploma higher education, Maria is invited by a theater called “School of Contemporary Play”. However, the girl refuses the invitation and starts working at Lenkom.

The first significant productions began here, such as “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Two Women”. With each new performance, the girl became more and more popular, and the number of characters gradually increased.

The year two thousand brought the first cinematic success - that year two films were shot at once, “Russian Revolt” and “Wedding,” which were warmly received by the audience. Film critics did not stand aside and praised Maria’s talent very highly. Again, the level of popularity among directors who offer Mironova roles in their projects is growing. The next success was in the film “Oligarch”, which also starred Vladimir Mashkov. The audience remembered this duet for a long time.

A year later, the multi-part film “Main Roles” appears on television screens, where Mironova reveals her talent from many sides. After two years, the actress appears in “State Advisor,” where leading Russian cinema stars also participated. In general, the Russian actress has an extensive filmography: films with the participation of Maria Mironova in leading role easy to find. At the same time, many paintings will be of interest to representatives of different generations - both younger and older.

Personal life of Maria Mironova

The personal life of Maria Mironova, although not full of various scandals, will be interesting for our readers to know a few facts. The girl registered her first marriage while she was a student. But they did not manage to live together with Igor Udalov for a long time and the young people broke up.

Later, the news headlines were updated with the following information - Maria Mironova, the daughter of Andrei Mironov, began dating Dmitry Klokov, whom she married. Again, a little time passed, and the actress filed for divorce.

What follows is a complicated story. Alexey Makarov claims that he was married to Maria Mironova for two years. But the actress herself does not talk about this, but rather the opposite - she denies the fact that she had a new husband.

Family of Maria Mironova

The family of Maria Mironova is quite famous in her homeland and consists of popular actors. Father Andrei Mironova has the title of People's Artist, and is known to a wide range of viewers for his roles in “The Diamond Arm”, “Three Plus Two” and other cult Soviet films. When Maria was 14 years old, her father died. She was present at Mironov’s last performance - he was hospitalized right from the stage. Several days of fighting for his life led to nothing. Maria could not come to terms with the loss of her loved one for a long time.

Mom - Ekaterina Gradova, is also a famous Soviet actress. The audience immediately fell in love with her after her role in “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” Also, another notable movie is “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” As you already know, after the birth of Maria the couple divorced. Andrey Mironov finds new woman, and adopts her daughter. It is noteworthy that both girls are called Maria, and both of them connected their lives with theatrical art.

Children of Maria Mironova

Despite the fact that the Russian actress has several novels and marriages, the topic “Children of Maria Mironova” is not that big. In total, the woman has one son, who was born in her first marriage. Some fans are waiting for information about their grandchildren, but there is no need to rush into this - Andrei has only recently graduated from an educational institution, and has not even found the companion of his heart.

Of course, rumors arose around the boy - the whole point is that many media outlets doubted who Andrei’s biological father was. In fact, he is Igor Udalov. The actress says that despite everything, she is still grateful to this man for all his actions.

Son of Maria Mironova - Andrey Udalov

The son of Maria Mironova, Andrei Udalov, was born in 1992. It is easy to calculate that he is now 25 years old. He had long ago decided on his future profession– the man decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents and get involved with cinema.

Several years ago, Andrei graduated from the Shchukin School. After that, he was invited to the Vakhtangov Theater, where he still works. The actress says she supports friendly relations with my son's father. In addition, despite being often busy, she always found time for Andrey and is now very proud of him. Of course, she was present at her son's theatrical debut.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Igor Udalov

Ex-husband Maria Mironova - Igor Udalov was born in 1964, and is almost ten years older than his wife. Now he is a sought-after businessman, as well as the president of a large television company.

After a romantic relationship, Maria and Igor got married in 1991, and a year later, their first-born Andrei was born. Because of this, Maria had to leave her studies for a while, and then completely transfer to another university.

By the way, they decided to give the boy his father’s surname, with which he still lives. Together, married couple lived for almost 8 years, and after the divorce, both spouses support warm relations, and often visit each other on various holidays.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Dmitry Klokov

The next ex-husband of Maria Mironova is Dmitry Klokov, four years younger than his wife. At the time they met, the man held the position of adviser to the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Along with his main activity, Dmitry is now engaged in own business, and also produces several emerging artists.

This marriage lasted for five years, and then both spouses decided to dissolve it. The main reason is kept secret, but many journalists claim that Dmitry’s betrayal is to blame for everything, and Maria could not forgive such behavior. As you already know, this marriage did not bring new children to the actress’s family.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Alexey Makarov

The ex-husband of Maria Mironova, Alexey Makarov, is a famous actor in Russian Federation. In addition, his mother is Lyubov Polishchuk, which immediately makes his person popular. Alexey is known to Russian television viewers primarily for his roles in the films “Turkish March” and “In August ’44.”

There are two opposing views on this marriage. Alexey Makarov himself says that their wedding took place in 2011, and they lived together for a year and a half. Maria categorically denies such information and says that she and the actor are simple comrades and have never started any serious relationship. It’s difficult to say what really happened there, because both “spouses” do not share their personal lives with journalists.

Photo of Maria Mironova before and after plastic surgery

Many artists, especially those who often appear in front of audiences, use the services of plastic surgeons. This is mainly to please the fans. fresh look and attract new ones.

On this moment, the actress is not limited by the attention of fans, and she is completely satisfied with her personal life. Of course, on the Internet you can find many photos of Maria Mironova before and after plastic surgery, but they hardly have anything in common with reality. The actress is still quite young, so age-related changes are not so scary for her yet. In addition, it is worth adding that she does not comment on such procedures in any way - perhaps, if necessary, she will turn to specialists. Attentive fans will definitely notice changes in appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Mironova

Hard to imagine modern life without social networks - this is a very convenient way of communication, advertising and other things. Especially often, these privileges are used famous personalities to always stay on the same page with fans.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Mironova are quite popular among fans of her work. And not surprisingly - with the help social network, people will be able to explore her life off stage or on set. And an open information resource will tell you a list of films with the participation of the actress - anyone who wants to immediately get acquainted with her work by watching several iconic films.

Photos of naked Maria Mironova

Of course, fans cannot ignore the photo of naked Maria Mironova. Finding something for such a request is not difficult. For example, in some movie scenes, the actress is filmed in a revealing manner, which makes it possible to fully appreciate her figure - this will be appreciated by male representatives.

There is no information regarding men's glossy publications. Most likely, invitations were received from them, but the actress did not agree. We recommend subscribing to official pages Maria - there sometimes appear photographs from vacations, which also reveal the figure and appearance Mironova.

Andrey Igorevich Udalov. Born on June 4, 1992 in Moscow. Russian actor theater and cinema. Grandson of Andrei Mironov.

Father - Igor Aleksandrovich Udalov, businessman, president of the World Fashion Channel Russia television company.

Mother - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia.

Grandfather - , Soviet actor theater and cinema, National artist RSFSR.

Grandmother - Soviet theater and film actress.

Andrei’s parents lived together for more than seven years, but then Maria Mironova began an affair with actor and PR man Dmitry Klokov, who is ten years younger than her. She divorced Andrei's father and married Dmitry.

After the divorce, Igor Udalov continued to help raise his son.

WITH early years Andrey plunged into the creative atmosphere, and not only of theater and cinema. He is well versed in painting, which his mother introduced him to: Maria often took her son to museums. Andrei Udalov said in one of his interviews that he loves the artists Bruegel, Rembrandt, Goya, Renoir and Bosch.

After school, he entered the Moscow City University of Management of the Moscow Government (MSUU) at the department of socio-cultural activities. But I only studied at the university for a year, after which I quit and decided to continue family dynasty- become an actor.

In 2014 he graduated from TI named after. Shchukin, workshop of Vladimir Ivanov. Diploma performances: Cat - “Puss in Boots”, C. Perrault (dir. Vladimir Ivanov); Ivan Maksimovich Molchanov, spendthrift - “Spendthrift”, N. S. Leskov (dir. Rodion Ovchinnikov); Lysander - “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, W. Shakespeare (dir. Pavel Safonov); Alfredo - “Kitchen”, A. Wesker (dir. Kirill Pirogov); “Musaica”, class-concert (dir. Vladimir Ivanov).

Since 2015 - actor of the Theater. Vakhtangov. Andrei himself said: “I dreamed of working at the Vakhtangov Theater. By the way, grandfather Andrei also wanted to work there, but he was not accepted.” Among his works in this theater: Floridor / Celestin - “Mademoiselle Nitouche”, based on the operetta by F. Herve (dir. Vladimir Ivanov); “The Imaginary Invalid”, Molière (dir. Silviu Purcarete).

He made his film debut in 2009 in the film “The Man from Capucino Boulevard.” Then he played small roles in the films “Betrayal” and “Nightingale the Robber.”

In 2018, a historical series with his participation “ Golden Horde", in which he played Trishka.

The first serious work in cinema was the main role in the war drama directed by Alexei Kozlov "Save Leningrad". About the start of Andrey's filming significant project His mother Maria Mironova even reported on social networks, expressing confidence that her son would succeed: “First day of filming! The main role! Huge project! Russian "Titanic". God bless you, son! We will finally send Leonardo DiCaprio to his well-deserved retirement.”

According to the plot of the film “Save Leningrad” (by the way, the plot of the film is based on real events), wanting to save his only son from participating in brutal defensive battles, Colonel Gorelov puts Kostya on Barge 752, next for evacuation. His beloved girlfriend Nastya is sailing with Kostya (she is played by the daughter of a famous actress). They are happy to be together. And only for this reason, cadet Kostya Gorelov agrees with his father’s arguments. By the time the decision is made, none of them yet know that, in fact, the young people are going to hell, because in a few hours the ship, crowded with people, will be caught in a severe storm and under fire from enemy aircraft.

Andrey Udalov in the film "Save Leningrad"

In 2019, he played the role of Johann of Denmark in historical project"Godunov."

Andrey Udalov's height: 183 centimeters.

Personal life of Andrei Udalov:

Since 2011, he has been in a relationship with a girl named Ksenia. We met two years earlier, when both were studying at the University of Management. Ksenia, like Andrey, left the institute without graduating from the Faculty of Law and entered the Moscow Architectural Institute to study as an architect. In 2017, Andrei announced preparations for the wedding.

Filmography of Andrey Udalov:

2009 - Man from Capucino Boulevard - episode
2011 - Treason - Mitya, son of Sergei and Katya
2012 - Nightingale the Robber - captain
2014 - Music (film-play)
2018 - - Trishka
2019 - Godunov - Johann of Denmark
2019 - - Kostya
2019 - Two sisters

Maria Andreevna Mironova was born in Moscow in 1973. Her father is the famous actor and favorite of millions Andrei Mironov. And mother Ekaterina Gradova was a daughter famous architect. The baby was named after her grandmother.

God himself ordered the baby to become an actress, since she made her film debut a few months after birth. Mariska appeared as the daughter of radio operator Kat in the bestseller “Seventeen Moments of Spring.”

Andrei Mironov left the family almost immediately after the birth of his daughter. Already at the age of two, the girl began to dance, so her father prophesied her the fate of a ballerina. Maria was a very shy and thoughtful little girl. She flatly refused to show the dance steps to the choreographers.

The little girl had a subtle perception of beauty. She could look at her mother's theatrical dress and advise changing the color scheme.

There was a moment in the biography of Maria Mironova when she starred in the role of Becky Thatcher at the age of ten. The girl sincerely did not understand why she needed it. She was afraid of Injun Joe, suffocated from the heat and was terribly cold in the cave. But the parents said that it was necessary, and the girl endured it.

Little Maria did not get star fever. She continued to study at school and developed a complex due to the obsessive attention of fans to her person. It is worth noting that at a young age the girl never acted in films again.

After finishing school, Maria entered the Shchukin School, but did not graduate for objective reasons. A year after leaving Shchuka, the woman enters VGIK. At that moment she realized how much she wanted to become an actress. Not ordinary, but professional and bright. Maria first showed herself as a director by filming the short film “Lullaby for my daughter.”

After graduating from VGIK, Mironova entered the service of the famous Lenkom, rejecting the offer of the School of Modern Play theater. The actress is still involved in productions of this theater.

At the same time, Maria plays in productions of the Theater of Nations. The actress’s filmography is also extensive, including about forty films and TV series.

Mironova starred in commercials. She is the winner of various awards and was nominated for the Golden Eagle and Golden Mask film awards. The film “The Wedding,” in which Maria played the main role, was recognized as the best at the Cannes Film Festival.

She takes an active part in political and public life countries.

Does Maria Mironova have a husband?

While still studying at the Shchukin School, Maria married Igor Udalov. The man was ten years older, but could help his wife in everything and fully provide for her. Udalov was a businessman and president of the TV channel. The family broke up after seven years of marriage.

Dmitry Klokov became the second husband of Maria Mironova. On the contrary, he was ten years younger than his wife. The guy worked as an adviser to the president Russian Academy Sci. The couple lived together for five years and separated due to rumors about the betrayal of their young spouse.

After breaking up with Dmitry, the actress decided to return to her first husband, who still loved and waited for her. However, we lived ex-spouses together not for long, because Maria met a new love.

She turned out to be none other than Alexey Makarov. The couple was official marriage about a year. The marriage broke up due to jealousy and scandals. Alexey is known in acting circles as a drinker. Maria could not endure the drunken showdown for long.

Maria is currently divorced and is in no hurry to start a new relationship. By the way, she often mentions that she still loves Igor, her first husband. They maintain fairly friendly relations, and, what is most interesting, Udalov is one of the first to know about each new hobby of his wife.

Beloved son of Maria Mironova

The famous actress managed to be married three times, however, she has few children. The son of Maria Mironova, Andrei, was born from her first husband, Igor Udalov. Before school, the boy bore the surname Mironov, but then Maria changed her grandfather’s surname to her father’s.

The guy looks very much like his mother. He is very active and cheerful. Andrey is actively looking for himself in life and already knows that he wants to forever connect his life with cinema and theater.

Mironova’s son is already playing on the theater stage in the production of “Puss in Boots.” He is actively building a career as a film actor, playing episodic roles in a number of films “The Nightingale the Robber”, “The Golden Horde”, “Treason”.

The guy is busy in a row theatrical productions Theater named after Vakhtangov. He shines in Mademoiselle Nitouche and The Imaginary Invalid.

Little family of Maria Mironova

Maria Mironova's family is small, but very friendly. Maria maintains a very warm and trusting relationship with her son. They are more like friends than mother and child.

Since childhood, Maria noticed the makings of an actor in Andryusha, however, she did not dissuade him from entering the University of Management. The guy studied for a year and realized that it was pretty boring. As a result, Andrei took up the acting path on his own, and not with the guidance and patronage of his famous mother.

Maria believes that her son should do only one thing, but professionally.

Andrey is dating a girl, so the small Mironov family can be expanded by one or even two people.

The biography of Maria Mironova begins with her birth on May 28, 1973. Her father was the wonderful and talented film actor Andrei Mironov, and her mother was actress Ekaterina Gradova, who was loved by all viewers in the country as radio operator Kat from the film “17 Moments of Spring.” This film became Maria Mironova’s first film debut, because in it she played a tiny baby with whom a Soviet radio operator was hiding from the Germans.

Masha's parents met at the theater and after several dates decided to get married. Some evil tongues claim that such a fleeting wedding took place due to the fact that Andrei wanted to annoy Tatyana Egorova with his ex-lover. A year after the wedding, Maria was born, who was named after her grandmother. Masha also has a younger sister, who also chose the profession of an actor. In March 1976, Maria Mironova's parents divorced. The father moved to live with his old love Larisa Golubkina, and little Masha and her mother went to live in Vladimir region. Soon, Maria Mironova’s mother married a famous physicist.

In her childhood, Andrei Mironov’s daughter rarely saw her father and grew up as a calm and quiet child, dreaming of becoming a famous dancer from the age of three. In her youth, Maria Mironova loved music, dancing and constantly asked her mother to send her to study at a ballet school. But living in an ordinary village, Masha had to be content with only a dance club. But even this activity allowed her to develop an even posture, as well as a beautiful gait.

In August 1981, Maria Mironova, at the age of 10, played the role of Becky in a children's film about the adventures of Tom Sawyer. According to the girl, she didn’t particularly want to star in this film, but simply gave in to her parents’ wishes. At the age of 14, Masha experienced a terrible personal tragedy - the death of her own father. When her father was hospitalized with a diagnosis of brain aneurysms, Maria Mironova did not leave his side for a single minute until that terrible moment when the actor’s heart stopped beating.

After finishing her studies at her rural school, Masha entered the Shchukin School, but she was unable to finish it due to an affair with successful businessman Udalov, from whom Mironova gave birth to a son in her first year. She named the baby in honor of his father - Andrey. After taking care of her baby for 1.5 years, Maria enters VGIK, which she brilliantly graduates in 1997. Having received her diploma, the graduate gets a job at Lenkom, where she begins to play intensively in various performances, gradually moving from small secondary roles to the main ones.

Since 2000, Maria Mironova begins to frequently act in films. Her film library includes many films where she stars with talented and famous actors from home and abroad. Many critics are beginning to say that she inherited the talent of her father, Andrei Mironov, and she brilliantly plays any role. From 2000 to 2018, the actress managed to star in more than 30 films, where she mainly played leading roles. Some films have become business card talent of Maria Mironova (“State Councilor”, “Russian Revolt”).

The latest news about Maria Mironova indicates that, despite her age, she regularly meets with her first husband and they have an excellent relationship. Igor Udalov takes care of her and claims that their second wedding may soon take place. They have a beautiful and cozy house in the Moscow region. In the photo, Maria is still young.

Many women would like to know the beauty secrets of Maria Mironova, to which she replies that she inherited beauty and plasticity from her father. Today, the actress never stops acting in films and visiting the theater, where she plays leading roles and meets with interesting people. Many men are still in love with Maria Mironova, but now the most important things for her are family and work.

Personal life of Maria Mironova

Thanks to her external data, Maria Mironova was a great success among men. So, while studying at the Shchukin School, Masha had an affair with Anton Yakovlev, and at the end of the first year she married businessman Igor Udalov.

In February 1999, this marriage breaks up, and Mironova moves to live with Dmitry Klochkov. New husband Maria at that time was an adviser to the president of the Academy of Sciences, with whom she entered into a legal marriage. Having lived in this marriage for 5 years, the actress returns to her first husband. According to some family friends, the reason for breaking off relations with Dmitry Klochkov is that her former second Maria Mironova's husband was unfaithful to her.

But the actress herself had a love affair with actor Alexei Makarov from 2011 to 2013. Thus, Maria Mironova’s personal life turned out to be quite bright and replete with bright meetings and bitter partings.

Maria Mironova's husband

Maria Mironova was married twice, but she felt the greatest outburst of feelings with her first husband. Igor Udalov. From the first time we met, this guy impressed the girl with his gallant manners and romantic style of courtship. They fell in love almost instantly and got married after meeting for a short time.

But family life exposed some irreconcilable differences between them and Mironova broke up with her husband. Igor didn’t show it to anyone, but in his heart this divorce greatly affected him. The actress’s ex-husband did not appear in public at all for some time and led an ascetic lifestyle.

Even more stressful for him was Maria’s hasty marriage to Dmitry Klochkov. But his love for Masha continued to live in him, and when their relationship resumed after a 5-year break, he did not hesitate to invite his beloved to his home. We can say that in their case real love overcame all obstacles.

Son of Maria Mironova

Thanks to their high-profile surname, Maria Mironova’s children have always been of interest to journalists and fans, and given that the actress has only one son, interest in him only increases over the years. His biography and personal life are quite varied and interesting. So, Maria Mironova’s son, Andrei, chose the profession of an actor from childhood.

Due to the fact that the young mother devoted a significant part of her time to work and study in childhood, Andrei Udalov was cared for by a nanny and grandmother. After graduating from school, the guy enters the Moscow Government University of Management, but after studying there for a year, he takes his documents and goes to study at the Shchukin School. Already, Maria’s son has managed to star in 7 films and regularly appears on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. Andrei’s mother claims that not only his grandfather’s talent was passed on to him, but also his beauty and intelligence. Maria Mironova is confident in the successful future of her son and predicts a successful artistic career for him.

", "The Diamond Arm") left her mother Ekaterina Gradova ("Talents and admirers", "The meeting place cannot be changed", "Seventeen moments of spring") and married actress Larisa Golubkina ("Liberation: Arc of Fire", "Give me a plaintive book "," Hussar Ballad ").

By existing legend, Maria first appeared on screen in the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” in the role of the newborn son of radio operator Kat, played by her mother. However, in reality, the scenes with the baby were filmed back in 1971, and the film was completed in the fall of 1972, when Gradova was in her third month of pregnancy.

From the age of three, Maria dreamed of becoming not an actress, but a ballerina. But her mother did not send her to a specialized school. At the age of eight, the girl played Becky Thatcher in the film directed by Stanislav Govorukhin “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,” which was filmed in Sukhumi in 40-degree heat. Masha herself didn’t want to act; her parents decided for her. Having received a matriculation certificate, the girl entered the theater school named after. Shchukin, and after the birth of her son in 1993 she transferred to VGIK. Since 1997, Maria became an artist of the Lenkom Theater. She made her debut on this stage in the plays “A Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro”, “Two Women”, “City of Millionaires”, “Barbarian and Heretic”, “The Taming of the Tamer”, “The Lady’s Visit”, “Tartuffe”.

Maria Mironova: “Theater is a living art, it takes away without reserve. If in a movie you can “hide” behind the director, script, makeup, then you can’t hide on stage. Everyone sees what you really are."

Film career of Maria Mironova

In 2000, Mironova played the main role in Pavel Lungin’s film “The Wedding”. The Russian-French melodrama was filmed near Tula, and Maria did not leave there for two months. Director Lungin has assembled a truly unique and harmonious cast. Mironova's company included Maria Golubkina, Marat Basharov, Andrei Panin, Alexander Semchev and others. At the Cannes Film Festival, the film “The Wedding” was awarded for “Best casting”. Two years later, Pavel Lungin again invited the actress to play the main role in his film - the drama “Oligarch”.

Maria Mironova: “I am a supporter of the American formula for success: if you want something, achieve it. Don’t wait for fate’s favor - go and make your own happiness.”

In 2008, four films were released starring Maria Mironova. In “Grandfather as a Gift,” Alexander Mikhailov became the actress’s partner, in the film, which was favored by critics and won a number of film awards. Swing"She worked in tandem with Andrei Merzlikin, in the drama directed by Sergei Go Vorukhin" Nobody except us" - with Sergei Shnyrev, and in the crime film " Thirteen months" - with Gosha Kutsenko. 2012 was also successful for the actress in films. So, Maria starred in the film “ Leader of the heterogeneous"Based on the story by O. Henry, Dmitry Dyuzhev played opposite her. At the same time, she appeared in the film about the everyday life of a fearless police major with Alexei Makarov, “Personal File of Major Baranov” and the TV series “Triple Life”.

In 2013, the artist was invited to the role of Anna of Austria, which she played in the directorial debut of the popular actor and famous producer Sergei Zhigunov in the film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas “The Three Musketeers” and its serial version. The actress was involved in the TV series “Apothegeus” with Daniil Strakhov and “The Cry of an Owl” with Sergei Puskepalis. In 2014, Mironova played the title role in the dramatic story “ Son"with Juozas Budraitis, and in 2015 she received a role in the action-packed series from director Pavel Lungin with Vladimir Mashkov "Motherland" - a Russian adaptation of the cult series Homeland, filmed in the USA.

In 2016, Mironova starred in the dramatic film Sarik Andreasyan“Earthquake”, which tells about the events during a large-scale earthquake in Armenia. Together with Maria, Konstantin Lavronenko, Artem Bystrov, Sabina Akhmedova, Irina Bezrukova and others played in the film. In the same year, the artist worked in the detective project “Investigator Tikhonov” and the medical drama “Dr. Richter” - a Russian adaptation of the popular American show “Dr. House” . In 2017, the dramatic film directed by Klim Shipenko “Salyut-7”, based on a real case in 1985, when the Soviet space station out of control. In this film, which won two “Golden Eagles” and “Nick” among a number of film awards, Maria played the role of Nina Fedorova, the wife of the commander of the Soyuz T-13 crew (Vladimir Vdovichenkov).

In 2018, the premiere of the detective series from producer Valery Todorovsky “Garden Ring” took place, where Mironova played Vera Smolina, who once happy woman, whose world collapsed after the disappearance of her son. Afterwards, the artist joined the film crew of the comedy film “ Speakerphone».

Personal life of Maria Mironova

The first time Maria married a businessman Igor Udalov, president of the World Fashion Channel Russia television company, from whom in 1992 she gave birth to a son, Andrei, who later entered the Shchukin School, like his mother.

Mironova's second husband was politician Dmitry Klokov, then adviser to the Russian Minister of Energy. In 2012, the press reported that, secretly from the public, Maria signed with actor Alexei Makarov (“Personal File of Major Baranov,” “Cuba,” “The Story of an Assignment”), in whose company she had been noticed a year earlier. In 2013, information appeared that the couple had divorced.

Unlike Makarov, Maria does not admit that she was the official wife of the son of Lyubov Polishchuk, claiming that she and he were just Good friends. In January 2018, in the studio of the program “The Fate of a Man” on the “Russia 1” channel, the artist told the show’s host Boris Korchevnikov, who raised the question of her relationship with Makarov, that the latter simply “treats her very tenderly,” and she, in turn, cherishes I have a similar feeling for the actor. When Korchevnikov directly asked Mironova whether she was married to Alexei, she evasively stated that she had always perceived Makarov as a friend, whom she had known since early youth.

In September 2019, Maria’s second child was born in one of the clinics in Athens. She informed the reader of her microblog on Instagram about this. Shortly before this, she declassified the name of her current husband and father of the child. According to the actress, his name is Andrey, he has nothing to do with show business, but is the development director of a Russian-Japanese company engaged in medical technologies.

In addition to theatrical and cinematic work, Maria Mironova is involved in charity work. She is one of the founders of the Artist support fund (since 2008) and is a member of the directorate of the Territory festival.

Maria Mironova: “The Artist Foundation arose out of necessity. I just saw that it needed to be done. Specifically, we help those who live in the home of stage veterans. These are very elderly people, over 75, lonely, in need of the basics: medicine, some household items. But in addition to these everyday difficulties that our foundation is trying and will solve, there is also the issue of attention to these people. We are trying to solve this too."

Awards and achievements of Maria Mironova

1998 - laureate of the Evgeniy Leonov Prize
2000 - winner of the Vera Kholodnaya Prize for playing the leading role in the film “The Wedding”; winner of the newspaper competition TVNZ» “Faces of the Year” in the category “Actress of the Year”
2005 - nominee for the Golden Eagle film award for Best Supporting Actress (Julie, State Councilor)
2006 - honorary title"Honored Artist of the Russian Federation"; laureate of the Central House of Actors named after A. A. Yablochkina “Acting Success” (the role of Phaedra / Vera Ivanovna in the Theater of Nations play “Phaedra. The Golden Spike”)
2007 - winner of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper prize and laureate of the Golden Mask theater award in the category “Best Actress” for the role of Phaedra in the play “Phaedra. Golden Ear"; laureate of the Russian business circles award "Idol" in the nomination "Best Actress of the Year"
2008 - laureate of the “Theatrical Star” award in the category “Best Actress of the 5th Anniversary” according to Teatral magazine
2011 - laureate of the Andrei Mironov “Figaro” acting award
2015 - nominee for the Golden Eagle film award for best actress in the series “The Cry of an Owl”; laureate of Moscow's highest theater award "Crystal Turandot" for the best actress of the season (Marina Mnishek, play "Boris Godunov", Lenkom Theater)

Theatrical works of Maria Mironova

“Two Women” - Verochka
“The Executioner’s Lament” - actress Eurydice
“Barbarian and Heretic”, director Mark Zakharov - Mademoiselle Blanche
“City of Millionaires” (stage fantasy based on the themes of Eduardo De Filippo’s play “Filumena Marturano”)
"The Taming of the Shrew" - Katerina
“Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” by Beaumarchais - Fanchetta
"Tartuffe" by Molière - Elmira
"The Lady's Visit" by Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Clara Tsakhanassyan
“Jester Balakirev” - Ekaterina Alekseevna, Empress of Russia
"Boris Godunov" - Marina Mnishek
The State Theatre of Nations
“The experience of mastering the play “The Seagull” using the Stanislavsky system” - Nina Zarechnaya
“Phaedra. The Golden Ear”, director Andrey Zholdak - Fedra / Vera Ivanovna Pavlova
“Carmen. Exodus", directed by Andrey Zholdak - Carmen
"Caligula" - Caesonia

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