How to prepare for the exam in compulsory subjects

Even at the very beginning of the geography course, in the sixth grade, students learn the skills to read and understand a map. In order to pass UNT2015 well in geography, you must perfectly read, understand and know the map. To read and understand a map means to compare, to be able to compare cartographic images with real ones. This means you need to know what types of cards are, what are used in them conventions. When preparing for the UNT in geography, it is especially important to advance in this matter by next level- knowledge of maps, i.e. the ability to represent the objects depicted on it from memory.

And testing knowledge is an important step in preparing for the UNT in geography

Of course, as in any subject, in preparation for the UNT in geography, it is necessary to periodically check your knowledge. You need to download UNT 2014 variants or tests for another year and test your knowledge yourself. It is very convenient to test after each topic, so you will be sure that your efforts have results.
Sign up for trial testing, which will be a preliminary test for you, will allow you to identify omissions in preparation for the UNT 2015 and gaps in knowledge. Good luck to you!

How to prepare for the UNT compulsory subjects

While nothing has changed significantly in UNT-2016, graduates take tests in five subjects. It is important to choose the fifth subject in the UNT, because it will be associated with your future specialty, and a lot of things in life depend on this. It is better not to make a mistake right away and choose the right one. It is equally important to prepare for subjects that will definitely need to be taken for the UNT. Compulsory subjects for the UNT in Kazakhstan are mathematics, history of Kazakhstan, Kazakh language and Russian.

How to prepare for the UNT in mathematics

People acquire knowledge sequentially, but knowledge is interconnected, as a rule, in a tree structure. Therefore, for a better understanding and fixation in memory, it is necessary to read and study the structure of the acquired knowledge. Memorization features allow any person to memorize a very large amount of knowledge, for example, you can memorize a hundred thousand pictures, which is much easier than memorizing the text of a thick novel. Therefore, to fix the material in mathematics, teachers and students often use diagrams, tables, graphs with arrows describing the relationships of various theorems, rules, laws, and other information that needs to be remembered. It has long been known that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. This is due to the structure of our brain, the pinnacle of evolution. To quickly restore the forgotten, you always need to solve a couple of at least simple examples on the current topic of repetition, the hands themselves will “remember” what you may have forgotten “by ear” and cannot formulate in words. Mnemonic rules are one of the favorite techniques for memorizing a large amount of knowledge. For example, in order to remember the sequence of colors, they came up with the sentence "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasants Sit."

Ways to prepare for the UNT on the history of Kazakhstan

Start preparing for the UNT in the history of Kazakhstan by checking if you have the most recent curriculum, so as not to miss the latest changes in the school curriculum. Test yourself on all points of the program. If you do not remember the contents of the paragraph, look for a tutorial with educational information on this point. Do not rush to mark the points, act according to the principle - first check, then approve. It is necessary after repetition to do a series of exercises on the topic and see that you remember the story. The correct answer is you don't know. If several answers are given to a question, about which you are sure that they are not correct, choose the answer about which you do not know, or are not sure. It is most likely the correct answer. For confidence in passing the UNT in history - read interesting books on any historical topic during the year or six months before the exam. On history, you can always find very entertaining books with a lot of photographs and diagrams, which will make it easier for you to memorize, unlike a dry set of facts.

How to systematize preparation for the UNT in the Kazakh language

Repetition often reveals significant gaps in exam preparation. Therefore, when preparing for the UNT in the Kazakh language, it is extremely important to go through all the points of the subject program. Repeat the parts of speech, their declensions and conjugations, sentence members. Test your knowledge of changing the endings of words during declension by cases, tenses and types of verbs. The features of the Kazakh language must be repeated carefully so that they can always be remembered when compared with other languages, especially related ones. Repeat exceptions, this is an important part of language knowledge, many people miss this point when preparing, and often spoil their grades because of this. Modern technique exam preparation can safely include applications for modern smartphones or tablets to save time on preparation. While riding in transport, instead of waiting painfully for your stop, you can use this time to your advantage by reading and exercising with the help of special programs to prepare for the exam. There are programs of low cost, including those with tests for the UNT in the Kazakh language. Since these applications are usually more attractive than textbooks, they allow you to build knowledge more solidly and faster than with textbooks, saving a lot of effort and time.

How do the difficulties of colloquial speech affect the preparation of the Russian language

Most often, graduates lose points on the exam on topics that are less common in the language, therefore, they have less experience in this topic, and therefore it is worth repeating these topics in the first place. To do this, you need to know the frequency of using the rules of the Russian language. Take the program for the exam and go through all the points. Many rules are not used in colloquial speech, but only in writing, apparently these are just the rules that are used less often and you have less experience and more mistakes. For example, these are punctuation rules, types of sentences, and some others that are not needed in a conversation. Sometimes it happens the other way around, when people read well and write well, but speak poorly, put stresses incorrectly and incorrectly intonate a question or affirmative sentences. In this case, you should pay attention to the phonetics of the Russian language and listen to reading books in order to improve your speech.

MBOU Shchelyayurskaya secondary school, settlement, Shchelyayur, Izhemsky, district, RK

A series of publications on preparations for a unified state exam from the specialists of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) continue recommendations for preparing for the exam in geography.

General view about the structure and content of the examination paper gives demo version control measuring materials(KIM) in geography, published on the FIPI website. It is important to understand that in real exam options there will be similar tasks. For example, in task 21 (tests the ability to read and analyze geographic information presented in the form of graphs and tables), data on different topics geography course. Task 29 can also be based on the content of different topics, it may need to explain both the features of the nature component of a particular territory, and the features of the demographic situation or location industrial enterprises.
“Be sure to use the maps of school atlases when preparing for the exam, find everything on the maps geographic features- seas, islands, countries, cities, which are mentioned in the assignments, ”advises the chairman of the federal commission of developers of the KIM USE on geography Vadim Barabanov.
As reference materials in KIM for geography are included political map of the world and a map of the federal structure of Russia. It is important to understand that these cards can and should be used when completing all the tasks of the examination paper. Maps can be very helpful when completing assignments to identify a country or region of Russia according to brief description and other tasks for which you need to represent the position of the country or region on the map.
At the exam, you must be careful when filling out the answer forms. There are cases when an USE participant writes down his correct answers in the wrong fields of the answer forms in which they are needed.
Typical offensive mistakes in the geography exam are most often associated with an inattentive reading of the conditions of the assignments. When performing tasks 2, 5, 6, 8, 22, 23 to establish correct sequence it is necessary to pay attention to whether it is required to arrange objects in ascending order (from smallest to largest) or decreasing of one or another indicator. The answer to task 21 can be a negative number; in this case, it is important to write down the minus sign in a separate cell. The answer to task 28 must be a drawing, so it is inappropriate to spend time on any written explanations for this drawing, they are not graded.
Good luck on the exam-2017!


USE-2017: preparation for the exam in geography
The series of publications on preparation for the unified state exam from specialists of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) continues with recommendations for preparing for the Unified State Examination in geography.
To repeat the material, you can use any school textbooks included in the federal list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. It is important to keep in mind that more than half of the tasks test the ability to apply the knowledge gained at school for analysis. various sources information: maps, text sources, statistical graphs and tables.
A general idea of ​​​​the structure and content of the examination paper is given by a demonstration version of control measuring materials (CMM) in geography, published on the FIPI website. Task 29 can also be based on the content of different topics, it may need to explain both the features of the nature component of a particular territory, and the features of the demographic situation or the location of industrial enterprises.
AT open jar USE assignments posted hundreds of assignments from examination papers past years that you can use to prepare for the exam.
"Be sure to use the maps of school atlases when preparing for the exam, find all the geographical objects on the maps - seas, islands, countries, cities that are mentioned in the assignments," advises Vadim Barabanov, chairman of the federal commission of developers of the KIM USE on geography.
As reference materials, KIM on geography includes a political map of the world and a map of the federal structure of Russia. There are cases when an USE participant writes down his correct answers in the wrong fields of the answer forms in which they are needed.
Typical offensive mistakes in the geography exam are most often associated with an inattentive reading of the conditions of the assignments. The answer to task 28 must be a drawing, so it is inappropriate to spend time on any written explanations for this drawing, they are not graded. A kind of creator of the emotional background for the development of the personality of students in the conditions of the classroom team is the class teacher. And so it can really influence the opportunities for students to master new form exams. The work of the class teacher with parents is to provide necessary assistance when studying the regulatory framework of the UNT, in discussing the mandatory conditions that a family can and should provide. The class teacher helps students overcome anxiety in front of the unfamiliar, unusual and see in this new real opportunities of his growth. A lot depends on how flexible and attentive the class teacher is to building the role positions of students in the activities of the team, whether it gives them the opportunity to realize the functions of a leader, performer, "leader-inspirer", ensuring that everyone passes through all these positions, creates conditions for the formation positive and calm self-confidence. For the successful work of class teachers with students in terms of preparing for the UNT, a system of close interaction between the class teacher and parents, schoolchildren, and subject teachers is recommended. The key positions of this system at all levels of interaction (with students, parents and subject teachers) are the focus on the formation of a positive attitude towards the UNT, the provision of comprehensive assistance to students throughout the entire period of preparation, during and after the UNT. It is important to orient students to action as a necessary and obligatory condition for successful passing of testing. In the course of this work, the class teacher needs to identify the degree of awareness of schoolchildren about the procedure for passing the UNT and eliminate the gaps. Further, it is advisable to organize a discussion of the UNT rules for graduates within one or more classes. The form of holding may be different: "round table", discussion, debate, etc. It is assumed that the outcome of such meetings will be positive attitude schoolchildren for the UNT. In addition, such meetings orient the class teacher to conduct individual work with individual students, groups of children who have learning problems or apply for a certificate with honors. The organization of educational homework, mode of work and rest of graduates. The class teacher, together with parents, is called upon to help each child make a choice in determining elective subjects. Also, the class teacher is the link between the student and the subject teacher. Often the situation is such that the amount of material studied in school is very large, and often teachers do not have enough time to develop basic skills, not to mention more complex skills. This means that preparation for the UNT should begin already at the middle level of the school. Thus, it is possible to carry out both theoretical and psychological preparation students for the exam. When repeating, you need to get the students to comprehend each step, require them to refer to the relevant rules, formulas, laws, so that the students form the necessary associations. It is imperative to control the repetition, to carry out independent and control work on each block in conditions close to examination ones, in the form of testing. It is necessary to familiarize students with the criteria for evaluating work, to orient them to the fact that in order to receive marks "3", "4", "5" you need to complete a strictly defined amount of tasks. Intermediate testing is carried out in schools, teachers are actively introducing test technologies into the education system. Such exercises to do test tasks students will actually increase the final score. Knowing the typical constructions of test tasks, the student during the exam will practically not spend time following the instructions. During such trainings, the corresponding psychotechnical skills of self-regulation and self-control are formed. Psychotechnical skills not only increase the effectiveness of preparing for exams, allow you to behave most successfully during the exam, but also generally contribute to the development of mental work skills, the ability to mobilize yourself in a decisive situation, to master your own emotions. It is also important to rehearse because the following fact is known in psychology: if the memorization of information and its reproduction occur under similar conditions, then reproduction will be more successful. Good knowledge of the material is necessary for success, but this knowledge must also be demonstrated, and exactly when it is needed. Anxiety and anxiety in an exam situation can be even greater enemies than not having the best knowledge of the subject. It would be good if the teacher began to appreciate not humility and obedience, but began to appreciate the character, knowledge, abilities of the student, which can give high results on the UNT, which in turn will ensure the image of the teacher. Long-term psychological trainings and special consultations for parents can be carried out to develop students' self-confidence. It is in your power to teach a student to cope with excessive anxiety when preparing for exams, because self-confidence is too serious a thing, which, with all the desire, is already difficult to form in a short time. How to do it realistically? Given that any exam is stressful, and passing the UNT creates psychological problems for schoolchildren, the need for the help of a specialist - a psychologist is increasing. The subject of psychological and pedagogical support at the school level is a psychologist. Throughout the course of study, he accompanies graduates, teachers, parents. The teacher, having received psychological material, provides them with students and parents. Parents provide for students. Students, having received the appropriate roles (conflict manager, assistant psychologist, etc.), psychologically provide for their peers. Psychological and pedagogical support can be group and individual. Psychological support is aimed at all students graduating high school. Psychological and pedagogical support should be consistent, flexible and focused on the needs of the graduate.

Kazakh abstracts, abstracts in Kazakh

After the end of the UNT-2008, there was a rumor that the Unified National Testing in 2009 would be cancelled. In fact, the journalists simply misunderstood the words of the Minister of Education Zh. Tuymenbaev, so he even had to give a refutation.
In fact, Tuymenbaev said that it is necessary to separate school leaving exams from this. This is the main idea of ​​how UNT-2009 will be held.
Standard UNT(as I understand it, it will be held according to the same rules as always) will replace the final exams. Those who have scored passing scores and wish to enter the university on paid department, will be able to relax - they will not need to take anything else.
Those who apply for a grant (I believe that all beneficiaries should be included in this category - Altynbelgists, orphans, the disabled, etc.) - will have to pass one more test - Comprehensive Testing of Applicants or KTA.
It will take place in July, like CT. It will need to pass a complex of three subjects, the testing time is 2 hours (90 minutes).
KTA will also have to be passed by graduates of previous years, college graduates, soldiers, oralmans, Foreign citizens- in short, all those who do not graduate from Kazakh schools this year.
As you can see, the new testing scheme will most of all affect the most capable students - Altyn-Belgists, excellent students, i.e. those who apply for grants, as well as students from socially vulnerable segments of the population - those who cannot pay for their own education - orphans, the disabled, rural youth.
They will have to pass both stages of testing, which means that the number of different subjects for preparation may be 7 (5 for UNT + 3 for CT), although some subjects may coincide.
Shake it all. I also want to say that in 2008 it was also planned to switch to a 2-stage UNT. All documents were prepared, the new Rules for admission to universities in Kazakhstan (which I used when preparing this answer). But, in mid-March, everything was canceled ...
So that, graduates-2009 don't get too excited just yet! Of course, prepare slowly, but on the other hand, be prepared for unexpected changes.

How to pass on 100 exam points in social studies

You should not be limited to a single book - it is better to use three textbooks from different authors. What is it for? How many lawyers, exactly the same number of opinions. Social science deals with the study of the structure of society and the state, written by authors who have a legal education. Even on the topic "what comes first: society or the state?" There are many hypotheses that need to be well known. If you prepare for the exam in this subject with only a single book, knowledge will be limited to the opinion of one person on any issue. However, the exam may come across enough tricky questions and it is simply necessary to have material for reasoning. Since the subject of social science is studying state and legal issues, in books there are often references to articles on any law, and you should familiarize yourself with the legislation currently in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. For a sufficiently successful passing of the exam with only the necessary and basic acts. To pass the exam, you need to learn the Constitution, Criminal and Civil codes Russia. If it is not possible to buy them, you can find on the Internet all the necessary acts of law and regulations.

Kharitonova Valentina Dmitrievna - online tutor via Skype

Social studies, preparation for admission to a university, elimination of gaps in knowledge, preparation for the Unified State Examination and State Academic Examination.
Experience as a tutor: 23 years.
Teaching experience: Teacher of social studies in a secondary school for over 30 years.

Murahovskaya Daria - geography tutor via Skype

Assistance in the preparation of homework, essays. Help those who are lagging behind in the subject. Preparation for the exam and GIA in geography.
Experience as a tutor: 6 years.
Teaching experience: Geography teacher in a secondary school for over 9 years.

Rantseva Nina Valerievna - Skype tutor in physics

I will help you catch up on missed and misunderstood topics, prepare for control work or an exam.
Experience as a tutor: 3 years.
Teaching experience: Physics teacher in a women's gymnasium for over 5 years.

Vladimir - teacher of physics, mathematics and computer science via Skype

In my work, I adhere to the main principle - the quality of service. This favorably distinguishes me from many modern school "teachers" and contributes to the growth of my qualifications.
Constantly collecting information from other cities, I adapt to a changing environment.

Sumkina Larisa Viktorovna - biology teacher on Skype

Preparation for the exam and GIA in biology. Assistance in the preparation of homework, essays. B) Experience as a tutor: 11 years
Teaching experience: Teacher at the university for over 17 years.

USE-2017: preparation for the exam in geography

It is important to keep in mind that more than half of the tasks test the ability to apply the knowledge gained at school to analyze various sources of information: maps, textual sources, statistical graphs and tables. A general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure and content of the examination paper is given by a demonstration version of control measuring materials (CMM) in geography,. Task 29 can also be based on the content of different topics, it may need to explain both the features of the nature component of a particular territory, and the features of the demographic situation or the location of industrial enterprises. The open bank of USE assignments contains hundreds of assignments from past exam papers that can be used to prepare for the exam. "Be sure to use the maps of school atlases when preparing for the exam, find all the geographical objects on the maps - seas, islands, countries, cities that are mentioned in the assignments," advises Vadim Barabanov, chairman of the federal commission of developers of the KIM USE on geography. As reference materials, KIM on geography includes a political map of the world and a map of the federal structure of Russia. Maps can be very helpful in completing tasks to identify a country or region of Russia by a brief description and other tasks for which you need to represent the position of a country or region on a map. At the exam, you must be careful when filling out the answer forms. nbsp; nbsp;

-- Pass the exam and UNT in mathematics with excellent marks --

Get a solution to the problem for free, preparation for geometry for the UNT 2014
Learning to calculate and convert logarithms, tasks in mathematics UNT 2014
Learning to find the areas of figures bounded by graphs of functions
Solving a definite integral and finding the antiderivative
Learning to find derivatives of functions, preparation in mathematics for UNT 2014
Solution trigonometric equations online, basic trigonometry formulas
Learning to solve problems in mathematics for arithmetic and geometric progression
UNT 2014 tasks for cosines, sines, tangents and cotangents
We learn to solve problems in mathematics, with the compilation of equations for a text problem
We learn to solve systems of inequalities, find the range of values ​​according to the schedule
Learning to find the domain of definition of various functions
Learning to find the range of values ​​of various functions
Solving trigonometric inequalities in mathematics UNT 2014
Solving systems of equations in mathematics, preparing students for UNT 2014
Learning to explore a function, find critical points, intervals of increase and decrease
Graphic solution systems of trigonometric inequalities in mathematics
Methods for solving inequalities, through the coordinate line and on the graph
Solving equations online, help in preparing for the UNT 2014 in mathematics
Solution Methods logical tasks in mathematics, preparation for UNT 2014
Plotting various mathematical functions, chart conversion
Methods for simplifying expressions of various fractions, preparation for UNT 2014 in mathematics
Learning to correctly reduce fractions, mathematics UNT 2014 for students
Ways to solve mathematical equations, finding the roots of equations online

Geography via Skype (Skype lessons)

Geography is the only school subject that combines knowledge of the fields of natural and social sciences, as well as scientific disciplines: economics, astronomy, geology, soil science, ethnography, etc.
Obviously, a person cannot do without geographical knowledge anywhere, mastering geographical culture is simply necessary for the life of every modern person.
Geography is called upon to play an important role in the development of schoolchildren's knowledge about the enormous diversity and unity of the habitat, to instill a conviction about the need to preserve it for people living on our planet, their future generation and all living beings.

Based on your wishes and goals for studying geography, we will select a suitable online geography tutor for you. Each teacher of our online school "Remote Teacher" is a certified specialist, certified in the direction of his activity, has a long work experience and vast experience in tutoring.
Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find a good geography tutor, unfortunately, he does not live next door, so trust our school in choosing the right online teacher for you.
The online school "Remote Teacher" brings together the best tutors from all over Russia, who are active employees of schools, universities, many have defended their dissertations and are engaged in postgraduate research.
There is no doubt about their high qualification, which is why your education and preparation for the exam with us will be at the highest level!
1. General online geography course via Skype
The general course in geography is intended for those students who just want to start studying this subject from scratch, who need to “pull up” their current academic performance, as well as close existing gaps in knowledge of geography.
2. Specialized online course in geography via Skype
A specialized course in geography provides for a deeper study of the subject and intensive training in the following areas:
GIA in geography via Skype;
USE in geography via Skype;
Olympiad in geography via Skype.

GDZ in Geography for grade 11

Why study geography?
Geography is one of the subjects school curriculum. The subject of the school curriculum related to the humanities. You can’t use the eternal objection of a schoolboy to geography - “I definitely won’t need it in my life!”. The foundations that this discipline provides are the study of our planet. Geography provides an opportunity for the student to gain an understanding of natural phenomena and processes, teach cartographic literacy. This is extremely important for the younger generation.
At present, many statesmen are extremely concerned about the issue of qualitative study of geography. The population of the country needs to raise the level of awareness of geography. After all, ignorance of such aspects of science as, for example, using a map, can lead to the fact that a person will depend solely on gadgets, and in conditions without access to them, he will not be able to simply read the map. And agree with an excellent knowledge of geography, it will be much more interesting to go on exciting trips, as in home country, and throughout the globe!
Geography is the oldest science, which previously had only a descriptive nature of nature, because the first rock paintings, the history of the emergence of the continents and what we know about them in our time, are all thanks to her. Geography - studies the processes of the relationship between man and nature. This science is no longer descriptive - as it was before, but answers specific questions related to climate change on the planet, changes in the population, as well as the burning question of how to preserve nature in the world. GDZ grade 11 in geography, at correct use, will help to get to know this amazing and informative science of the school curriculum - geography even better.
In the 11th grade, a rather rich program in geography. In preparation for homework help out a lot GDZ in geography Grade 11. Suppose the correct answer is known, but you need to make sure. In this case, it is very convenient to use GDZ in geography Grade 11 for workbook by geography Maksakovskiy V.P.
For parents, as well as for the students themselves, grade 11 is the most exciting. After all, he is the final one. A new level of education lies ahead. Future applicants have a huge burden to prepare for the lessons. GDZ in geography Grade 11 can reduce preparation time.
If a graduate decided to enter a university after school, where they focus on in-depth knowledge of school discipline, then GDZ grade 11 in geography will be a faithful assistant to test his knowledge. And for those students who do not need geography as a discipline for admission, GDZ in geography Grade 11 will help to prepare more thoroughly for other tasks, by reducing the time for searching necessary information.
More importantly, thanks to GDZ grade 11 in geography, the need to purchase to buy great amount notebooks, books. On our site you can instantly get all the necessary information.
So, GDZ in geography Grade 11 - this is

Kazakh schoolchildren will study chemistry and physics in English Education in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstani schoolchildren will study four subjects in English, reports. The widespread transition of schools to trilingual education will occur by 2023.

Mariam Mukatova, vice-president of the National Academy of Education named after Altynsarin, at a briefing at the CCS announced that a "Roadmap for the development of trilingual education for 2015-2020" had been developed and approved. It is planned to create a trilingual education center at the academy, which will oversee the transition to trilingual education in Kazakhstan. A unified language standard for teaching three languages ​​will be developed in order to ensure the continuity of trilingual education and prepare for a phased transition to English language education in high school, colleges and universities.

According to the speaker, the potential of Bolashak program graduates will be used to provide educational organizations with qualified personnel and English-speaking specialists. A system of incentives for teachers will be thought out and the form and content of the Unified National Testing will be improved.

"In high school, teaching in English will be conducted in four subjects: computer science, physics, chemistry, biology. A schedule for the transition to trilingual education and a schedule for the transition to English in high school are being developed. In the 2017-2018 academic year, students will come to the fifth grade who began to learn English from the first grade. From this period, the preparatory period for the transition to English in high school will begin," Mukatova said.

"(...) In English lessons, material from these four subjects will be used. From the fifth grade, work will begin on the study of terminology in these four subjects in English. (...) After the ninth grade, external evaluation level of students by language, work will be carried out to organize extracurricular activities in English. And individual items on elective courses will also be held in the main school in English," the speaker added.

There will also be access to teaching materials in three languages ​​of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School. It is planned to organize a summer language school for students in grades 5-11.

"In the 2022-2023 academic year, it is planned to switch to English teaching in KTL, international schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and multilingual schools. And next year - the 2023-2024 academic year - it is planned to switch all secondary schools," the speaker emphasized.

According to her, the implementation will be carried out on the basis of a collegial decision of the pedagogical council and parent committee.

"(...) Until 2022, 2450 teachers and lecturers will take language courses. (...) The issue of studying the history of Kazakhstan in the Kazakh language is being worked out, and the subject The World History- in Russian in all schools and colleges, regardless of the language of instruction," she said.

Answering a clarifying question from about how the UNT form will change, she explained that the exam will change by 2019.

"A roadmap has been created to carry out everything systematically without straining students, parents and the public. Changes in the form and content of the UNT as a final certification are planned only for 2019. If I now start talking roughly about what is planned, this will cause unnecessary excitement. K By this time, the monitoring results will be ready, Scientific research. The roadmap is confirmed not only by educational, methodological and informational support, but also by research support. You don’t have to worry, within the framework of the trilingual policy, of course, the existing form of the UNT will change.”

Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed to develop roadmap development of trilingual education. "We are making it so that English must now be taught from the first grade. And in grades 11-12, all subjects should be in English," Nazarbayev said earlier.

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1. The concept of the integrity of the oceans was established after the trip
A) F. Magellan
B) Abel Tasman
C) D. Cook
D) Vasco da Gama
E) H. Columba
2. The scale recorded with an explanation (for example, 1 cm - 100 m) is called
A) Numerical.
B) complex.
C) digital.
D) named.
E) Linear.
3. The following terms: barometer, breeze, monsoon - refer to the shell
A) biosphere
B) hydrosphere
C) neosphere
D) lithosphere
E) atmosphere
4. People of the equatorial race are different
A) yellow skin and eyes wide open.
B) an elongated skull and fair skin.
C) narrow nose, narrow slit eyes.
D) narrow nose and curly hair.
E) dark skin color, curly hair.
5. A scientist who explored the Tien Shan mountains:
A) V. Bering.
B) A. Chirikov.
C) S. Makarov.
D) P. P. Semyonov.
E) G. Sedov.
6. The area where Rudny Altai is located:
A) East Kazakhstan.
B) Almaty.
C) Aktobe.
D) Pavlodar.
E) Karaganda.
7. Southwest Africa is located ...
A) the Namib Desert.
B) the Thar Desert.
C) Libyan desert.
D) the Sahara desert.
E) the Kalahari desert.
8. Researcher of the soil cover of Kazakhstan -
A) A.N. Krasnov.
B) I.V. Mushketov.
C) S.S.Neustruev.
D) K.I.Satpaev.
E) I.G. Borshchov.
9. The last glaciation took place during:
A) Paleogene.
B) Cretaceous.
C) Neogene.
D) Quaternary.
E) Jurassic.
10. The forest-steppe zone of Kazakhstan is located on
A) northwest.
B) far west.
C) south.
D) southeast.
E) north.
11. Mouflon is found in ... the reserve:
A) Ustyrt.
B) Markakol.
C) Kurgalzhinsky.
D) Naurzym.
E) Aksu-Zhabagyly.
12. Ferrochromium smelting plant is located
A) Atyrau.
B) Temirtau.
C) Karaganda.
D) Aktobe.
E) Pavlodar.
13. Basic chemistry produces:
A) polyethylene.
B) gasoline.
C) synthetic rubber.
D) synthetic fibers.
E) mineral fertilizers.
14. Central Kazakhstan produces for export
A) antimony.
B) Phosphorites.
C) Aluminum.
D) Steel.
E) Chromites.
15. Countries with low fertility rates
A) Italy, Japan.
B) India, Denmark.
C) France, Ethiopia.
D) Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.
E) Chile, Japan.
16. The oldest and most dependent on natural conditions branch of the economy
A) industry
B) construction
C) trading
D) transport
e) Agriculture
17. Inland state known for its watches, sweets, banks:
A) Switzerland.
B) Luxembourg.
C) Austria.
D) Hungary.
E) Liechtenstein.
18. The main cultivated crop of Cuba:
A) coffee.
B) Sugar cane.
C) Bananas.
D) Corn.
E) Cotton.
19. Monarchic countries Africa
A) Mali, Libya.
B) Mozambique, Algeria.
C) Morocco, Lesotho.
D) Congo, Zaire, Senegal.
E) Somalia, Rwanda.
20. Latitudes in which descending air currents predominate and high pressure belts are formed:
A) Equatorial and tropical.
B) Equatorial and polar.
C) Tropical and temperate.
D) Tropical and polar.
E) Moderate and polar.
21. The richest spectrum altitudinal zonality typical for:
A) Southern Andes
B) Southern Himalayas
C) Western Cordillera
D) Northern Altai
E) Southern Alps
22. Determine the time zone of the city of Minsk if it is 5 am in Astana and 2 am in Minsk
A) I belt
B) V belt
C) II belt
D) IV belt
E) III belt
23. Most of rainfall in the Kazakhstani part West Siberian Plain falls on:
A) summer.
B) autumn.
C) winter.
D) spring.
E) end of autumn.
24. In terms of population among the CIS countries, Kazakhstan is inferior
A) Ukraine, Moldova
B) Russia, Belarus
C) Ukraine, Uzbekistan
D) Armenia, Georgia
E) Kyrgyzstan, Armenia
25. The Republic of Belarus is characterized by
A) Lack of forests
B) Weak development of the chemical industry
C) Development of the machine-building complex
D) Availability large deposits coal and iron ore
E) Rapid Population Growth

Select the category Biology Biology tests Biology. Question answer. To prepare for the UNT Educational and methodical manual on biology 2008 Educational literature on biology Biology-tutor Biology. Reference materials Human Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene Botany Zoology General biology Extinct animals of Kazakhstan Life resources of mankind The real causes of hunger and poverty on Earth and the possibility of their elimination Food resources Energy resources Botany reading book Zoology reading book Birds of Kazakhstan. Volume I Geography Tests in geography Questions and answers on the geography of Kazakhstan Test tasks, answers in geography for applicants to universities Geography tests of Kazakhstan 2005 Information History of Kazakhstan Tests on the History of Kazakhstan 3700 tests on the history of Kazakhstan Questions and answers on the history of Kazakhstan Tests on the history of Kazakhstan 2004 Tests on the history of Kazakhstan 2005 Tests on the history of Kazakhstan 2006 Tests on the history of Kazakhstan 2007 Textbooks on the history of Kazakhstan Questions of the historiography of Kazakhstan Questions of the socio-economic development of Soviet Kazakhstan Islam on the territory of Kazakhstan. Historiography of Soviet Kazakhstan (essay) History of Kazakhstan. Textbook for students and schoolchildren. THE GREAT SILK ROAD ON THE TERRITORY OF KAZAKHSTAN AND SPIRITUAL CULTURE IN VI-XII centuries Ancient states on the territory of Kazakhstan: Uysuns, Kangly, Xiongnu Kazakhstan in antiquity KAZAKHSTAN IN THE MIDDLE AGES (XIII - 1st half of the XV centuries) Kazakhstan as part of the Golden Horde KAZAKHSTAN IN THE ERA OF MONGOLIAN DOMINATION Tribal unions of Saks and Sarmatians Early medieval Kazakhstan (VI-XII centuries) .) Medieval states on the territory of Kazakhstan in the XIV-XV centuries ECONOMY AND CULTURE OF THE MEDIEVAL STATES OF KAZAKHSTAN XIII-XV centuries. A READING BOOK ON THE HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD Religious beliefs. Spread of Islam Xiongnu: archeology, origin of culture, ethnic history Xiongnu necropolis Shombuuziyin Belcheer in the mountains of Mongolian Altai School course in the history of Kazakhstan August coup August 19-21, 1991 INDUSTRIALIZATION KAZAKH-CHINESE RELATIONS IN THE 19TH CENTURY ) КАЗАХСТАН В ГОДЫ ИНОСТРАННОЙ ИНТЕРВЕНЦИИ И ГРАЖДАНСКОЙ ВОЙНЫ (1918-1920 ГГ.) Казахстан в годы перестройки КАЗАХСТАН В НОВОЕ ВРЕМЯ КАЗАХСТАН В ПЕРИОД ГРАЖДАНСКОГО ПРОТИВОСТОЯНИЯ НАЦИОНАЛЬНО-ОСВОБОДИТЕЛЬНОЕ ДВИЖЕНИЕ 1916 ГОДА КАЗАХСТАН В ПЕРИОД ФЕВРАЛЬСКОЙ РЕВОЛЮЦИИ И ОКТЯБРЬСКОГО ПЕРЕВОРОТА 1917 г. КАЗАХСТАН В СОСТАВЕ ​​СССР KAZAKHSTAN IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 40S - MIDDLE OF THE 60S SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF KAZAKHSTANI IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Stone Age Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) 2.5 million-12 thousand BC COLLECTIVIZATION INTERNATIONAL SITUATION OF INDEPENDENT KAZAKHSTAN National liberation uprisings of the Kazakh people in the XVIII-XIX centuries. INDEPENDENT KAZAKHSTAN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE IN THE 30s. INCREASING THE ECONOMIC POWER OF KAZAKHSTAN. Socio-political development of independent Kazakhstan Tribal unions and early states on the territory of Kazakhstan Proclamation of the sovereignty of Kazakhstan Regions of Kazakhstan in the early Iron Age Reforms of governance in Kazakhstan SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE 19TH-EARLY 20TH CENTURIES Kazakhstan in the XIII-first half of the XV centuries Early medieval states (VI-IX centuries) Strengthening of the Kazakh Khanate in XVI-XVII centuries ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: ESTABLISHING MARKET RELATIONS Various materials for studies Russian language Tests in Russian language Questions and answers in Russian language Textbooks in Russian language Rules of the Russian language








Prepared by:

Geography teacher of school-lyceum No. 23

Chikrizov E. S.



Teacher: Chikrizov Evgeniy Sergeevich

school-lyceum No. 23 named after Kosmodemyanskaya, Shymkent

Based on the conditions dictated by modernity, it becomes obvious that the formation state system objective control of the quality of education is one of the urgent tasks facing society and the state. In this regard, one of the most important issues of modern public policy in the field of education is the provision of state guarantees for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to education. And, above all, ensuring equal access of young people to a full-fledged education. Admission to higher educational establishments countries, since 1999, is carried out according to a new model, consisting of three stages (UNT, certificate competition, enrollment based on certificates of state educational grants). Since 2004, in our republic, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the introduction of a unified national testing”, the UNT has been carried out, which combines the final state certification of graduates of organizations of secondary general education and entrance exams to secondary vocational and higher vocational schools.

As practice shows, the subject "geography" is one of the most popular elective subjects in the Unified National Testing. The content of the proposed tests checks knowledge in the following aspects:

    as a form that most objectively reflects and explains the patterns of the Earth's evolution;

    natural objects of the Earth, reflecting its structure and spatial patterns;

    processes and phenomena on the globe.

That is why, in order to successfully pass the UNT, students must show sufficiently deep and holistic knowledge in the following sections of the curriculum:

    about the environment;

    general economic and geographical characteristics of the world;

    population of the Earth and nature;

    the development of the science of geography;

    nature, population and economy of Kazakhstan;

    place of Kazakhstan in the world market; global problems humanity;

    modern world economy.

With the seeming relative ease of the subject of geography compared to mathematics, physics, chemistry, comprehensive testing shows that students experience great difficulties and problems when answering questions on geography. And there are several reasons for this phenomenon:

    Students answer UNT questions in geography for the entire school course from the 6th to the 11th grade and the questions of the courses of physical geography of the 6th grade, the geography of the continents and oceans of the course of the 7th grade are already thoroughly forgotten and difficult for an accurate and correct answer.

    Testing is overloaded with small details and questions, and many of the main questions on knowledge of geographical patterns and phenomena are not presented in testing.

    Students have poor knowledge of spatial representations on a geographical map, cartographic knowledge, and there are a lot of questions on knowledge of the map in the UNT;

    Many students are focused only on repeating test items, but do not consider it necessary to repeat the theoretical material, therefore, with a slight change in test items, the student cannot find the correct answer;

    Most of the time when answering the UNT test tasks is given by the student to mathematics, the history of Kazakhstan, the Kazakh language, and geography usually leaves 10-15 minutes of time during testing.

However, the specifics of the problem are much deeper. Responsibility for the preparation and results of the UNT should equally lie with all participants educational processand not just the subject teacher. The most successful model should look like this:TEACHER - STUDENT – PARENTS . But - in practice - it often turns out that at the end of the UNT, responsibility is shifted onto the shoulders of the subject teacher.

Based on the above set of problems and the specifics of preparing for the UNT in geography, geography teachers should develop their own methods and techniques to help students successfully pass the unified national test.

Based on my own practice, I offer my step-by-step vision for solving this problem:

    Preparation for the UNT should begin with an analysis of the mistakes of last year's exam and the preparation of a plan for preparing for the UNT

    Identification of children choosing the fifth subject "geography"

    Conducting explanatory work

    Establish a system of interaction: TEACHER - STUDENT - PARENTS

At this stage, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the traditional system in which geography teachers of schools for 11th grade students in preparation for the UNT is recommended to conduct consultations on geography, where using various forms of preparation: lectures, seminars, lectures with practical elements, seminars with elements of lectures, workshops, modern conditions turns out to be outdated and needs to be replaced, with one in which students more deeply assimilate the program material in geography of grades 6-11 or grades 6-9, and for direct preparation for the UNT in geography, schoolchildren are recommended to use study guides:

    Geography of Kazakhstan. Schoolchildren's handbook. 8-9 grade. Compiled. Smailov, Almaty, publishing house "Arman-PV", 2005

    BeisembaevaM. B. Thematic tests in geography grades 6-9. - Almaty: "Atamura", 2007.

    Abilkasymov V.O. Geography of Kazakhstan in tables and figures. Almaty, I.D. "Taimas", 2006

    Beisenbayeva M. B., Kotyakhova G. M., Larionova G. S. Collection of test tasks in geography, grade 8, Keleshek-2030, 2008

    Beisenbayeva M. B., Kotyakhova G. M. Collection of test tasks in geography Grade 9 (for preparation for the PGC), Keleshek-2030, 2007

    In the organization of the educational process are used Information Technology-electronic textbooks for geography courses grade 8-9:

    The work of students on the electronic manual: "Economic and social geography of Kazakhstan", Almaty, 2007

    Electronic manual " physical geography Kazakhstan", Almaty, 2007

    Birmagambetova A., Mamyrova K. Physical geography: a textbook for the 6th grade of a comprehensive school, Almaty, Atamura, 2006

    Beisenova A.S. etc. Geography. Continents and oceans: a textbook for the 7th grade of a comprehensive school, Almaty, Atamura, 2007

    Beisenova A.S., Karpekov K. Physical geography of Kazakhstan: a textbook for the 8th grade of a comprehensive school, Almaty, Atamura, 2004;

    E. A. Akhmetov, N. N. Karmenova, Sh. Sh. Karbaeva, B. K. Asubaev. Economic and social geography of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Mektep publishing house, 2005;

    Changing Lesson Planning, where the same time is given to students who pass geography at the UNT, and students who do not pass geography. Such a lesson should take into account the following components:

A) The leading learning tool in preparation for the UNT in geography remains textbook.

The work of students with the textbook should be realized exclusively through learning activities, which differ in variety and specificity depending on the structural component used and should be carried out according to the following basic rules:

    the study of a new course in geography must begin with introduction to the textbook;

    when learning how to work with it, you need to take into account level of previous training students;

    Techniques training needs to be done step by step;

    It is important to teach students how to work with all components of the textbook: with each separately and in different combinations.

B) It is objectively important from the very beginning to teach students how to navigate the textbook correctly, work with the table of contents, section plans, and see its entire structure. So text analysis, work with a map, statistics, drawings, photographs, tests should be key techniques used at different stages of the educational process: when studying new material, consolidating, testing and correcting knowledge and skills.

Great importance for successful preparation for the UNT in geography has selection of the main material, which the student must understand and memorize in the lesson. It is necessary to rely on the list of basic knowledge and skills in geography, voiced in the Geography Program.

C) In addition, an important part of the training is the recommended curriculum geographical nomenclature . Its study should pursue the following goal: to firmly fix in the memory of students a certain minimum of the names of geographical objects, their correct spelling and placement on the map.

D) Mandatory in preparing for the UNT is the work with statistical material. Statistics is used to form in schoolchildren:

    scientific concepts economic and social geography;

    necessary quantitative representations;

    ability to use absolute and relative indicators;

    skills in working with graphic teaching aids - diagrams, graphs.

Curiously, experience shows that the use of numbers in the educational process gives good results if the teacher:

    is fluent in statistics, constantly updates it;

    carefully selects figures, rounds them up and includes them in studying proccess only in case of real need;

    owns methods of working with statistical data;

    makes extensive use of tables when interviewing students;

    organizes the dosed implementation of exercises and practical tasks;

    knows how to present numbers so that they are understandable to students.

The teacher, under these conditions, needs to allocate for students in preparation for the UNT and PGK key figures, the list of which is established directly by the curriculum. These are the size of the territory, and the length of sea and land borders, and the total population, and population density, and the level of urbanization, and the composition of the population of Kazakhstan, and modern statistics of births, deaths and natural increase, and the share of the urban population, arable land, TPPs, HPPs ; the number of economic regions, regions, nuclear power plants, and the years of creation of the protected areas of Kazakhstan, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe continents, and the magnitude of the radius of the Earth and the length of the equator, and the surface area of ​​the Earth, and the surface of the World Ocean, land, and similar information.

E) In addition, an important component in preparing for the UNT in geography is working with cartographic and other illustrative materials.

AT curricula Geography 6-9, 10-11 grades, the teacher forms the techniques and skills of working with maps in schoolchildren. In grades 9-11, students should already have formed the skills and abilities of "reading" maps, creating geographical maps visual image of the area.

Preparation for the UNT checks the fulfillment by schoolchildren of a triune didactic task - to understand, read and know the map.

understand the map- means to learn the main properties and features different types cards, their legend and methods of use.

Know the map means to represent from memory mutual arrangement, relative sizes, shape and names of the studied objects. Knowledge of the map is based on its understanding and ability to read, and is formed in the process of studying geographical nomenclature.

The most important methods of working with cartographic material are visual analysis and description on maps.

With their help, the presence, properties, features of placement, relationships and dynamics of objects and phenomena are established. They also include elements of comparison, grouping, determining quantitative characteristics, compiling or filling in tables, diagrams, and end with an assessment of the phenomena and processes under consideration, and the formulation of conclusions. As a result, students should form a visual, cartographic image of the reality being studied. An effective learning outcome will be guaranteed if the principles of developmental learning are used, such as:

    teaching methods of educational work

    formation of positive motivation

    operation based on diagnostics


    general development of students based on the formation of mental activity

6. Regularly monitor knowledge and diagnose the most common errors, “sinking” links in the system of geographical knowledge of ninth-graders for geography courses of grades 6-9,10-11

7. Identification of lagging behind (organization, courses, additional classes)

8. In the geography classroom, arrange a corner for preparing for the UNT in geography for 11th grade; create folders for monitoring the preparation for the UNT in geography, folders with the UNT test database different years, methodical literature.

10. It is recommended to provide psychological support for 11th grade schoolchildren in preparing for the geography exam, where the geography teacher directly works in objective cooperation with the school psychological service.

In conclusion, I would like to draw Special attention to moments that often escape our attention, while their understanding is essential for the proper organization of preparation for the UNT:

* Preparation for the UNT is carried out by all school geography teachers, and not just those working in the 11th grade

* it is desirable that the teacher worked in all classes: from 6th to 11th grade

* the teacher can forget something, but always needs to know where it can be found

* preparation should not start in grade 11, but in grade 6 and be initiated by the teacher

Preparation for the UNT should develop functional literacy

* Close contact should be established with the teacher leading the courses

Such systematic work is designed for full return and obligatory interest in the result, both on the part of the teacher and on the part of the student and his parents. And its end result should be successful delivery UNT.

UNT - 2015-2016

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