Where does white nikita live. "Landing" of the Governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh: "What was that?". Conflict with the Communist Party

In 2009, when it became known about the appointment of the SPS leader Nikita Belykh as the governor of the Kirov region, they began to resent at internal political disputes in various public and party corridors. Say, this is what comes out, for several years a man went with a poster "Putin's gang to trial" and received a province for this, - voices were heard. Since career growth looks like this, everyone should be blamed in opposition and not in any, but in the most odious Kasparov's "Solidarity".

Fortunately, events in the aforementioned province were regularly on the federal agenda of discussions. Vice-governor for social affairs Maria Gaidar, adviser Alexei Navalny, then the Kirovles case: the "reserve of liberalism" did not tire of reminding himself of himself.

And the fact that Nikita's elder brother was a prosecutor at that time Perm Territory Alexander Yuryevich Belykh can be assumed to have provided some assistance or protection to his brother the governor, from 2009 to 2015 he headed the prosecutor's office of the Perm Territory. In June 2015, Alexander Belykh was appointed head of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Volga federal district. And when in the opened mail correspondence with Navalny they found letters from N. Belykh, where hewrote to him, now deal with the security forces yourself, - it can be assumed that until this moment Belykh had some kind of opportunity to cover along the power line. But now he himself was under arrest and, apparently, as a result of a long-prepared operation. Details of the detention indicate that the governor was "led". And the brother, it seems, did not know or did not want to warn the brother to be more careful and remove him from the territory of the region in advance with promotion, depriving him of the opportunity to assist him.

And Navalny and N Belykh during the Hunt.

The representative of the Investigative Committee emphasized that there were no political overtones in the case against Belykh and guaranteed that the investigation would be comprehensive and objective. One of the companies mentioned in the IC release, Novovyatsky Ski Plant, recently appeared in the media in connection with another criminal case. An entrepreneur from Belarus, Albert Laritsky, is accused by FSB investigators of fictitious lending to a company and embezzlement of loans from Sberbank. He is being tried under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“fraud in particular large size"). Laritsky was arrested in June 2015. Kommersant reports that he was a close friend of the governor of the Kirov region. Earlier in Kirov, the ex-director of the Novovyatsky Ski Plant Vladimir Sysolyatin and his deputy Natalya Fukalova were tried. They are accused of illegal VAT refunds in the amount of 38 million rubles.

In December 2014, the Kirov Court issued acquittals, but a year ago the cases were returned for additional investigation, where they are still being held.
Sysolyatin, in an interview with Kommersant, claimed that Laritsky framed him and Fukalov, since all the money chains actually passed through Laritsky's firms, and both ex-heads of the company were his "employees." The punishment under the article imputed to Nikita Belykh is from 8 to 15 years in prison with a fine in the amount of 70 times the amount of the bribe, or a fine in the amount of 80 to 100 times the amount of the bribe with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.

According to a law enforcement source cited by TASS, Belykh was detained during an operational experiment while receiving marked money: “100 euro notes marked with a special solution were handed over to Belykh under the control of operational officers as part of an operational experiment.” (June 24, 2016) In 2004, Belykh became the leader of the SPS. The media claimed that Belykh took advantage of the connections of his deputy in the Perm Union of Right Forces, Sergei Shcherchkov.
Shcherchkov is one of the deputy general directors of Territorial Generating Company No. 9, which is part of RAO UES, headed by SPS shadow leader Chubais. On December 17, 2007, at the SPS congress, Belykh announced the resignation of the head of the federal political council of the party, since he considers himself responsible for its defeat in the parliamentary elections. In his opinion, before the elections to the State Duma it was necessary to create a single democratic party in Russia, but this was not done. In addition, Belykh said that he was to blame for "not including a number of worthy people in the lists of candidates from the party who could attract additional votes."

On December 8, 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev submitted Belykh's candidacy for consideration by the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov Region to empower that governor. Belykh said that he accepted the proposal of the head of state, because he considered it possible to "realize himself in regional work." He expressed the hope of maintaining personal relations with former opposition comrades-in-arms, but some of them condemned him, suggesting that the post of governor was offered by Belykh as a reward "for abandoning the party" and helping to create the Right Cause. Belykh was also condemned by his associates in the Solidarity democratic movement, in the creation of which Belykh took an active part.

Even before the congress of democratic forces held in December 2008, at which the movement was established, Belykh announced his withdrawal from Solidarity. He explained his decision by the fact that the principles of the movement do not imply cooperation with the authorities, which, in turn, gave rise to accuse Belykh of apostasy. In 2009, Vyatka (the old name of Kirov) was visited by the head of state. Governor Belykh prepared thoroughly for Dmitry Medvedev's arrival. For example, a railway crossing was asphalted along the president's route (so that the cortege would not shake), and several sewer manholes were also rolled into asphalt for the same purpose. A one-way street was turned into a two-way street, with urgent road markings (so that a too zealous traffic police officer would not think of fined the head of state for driving into the oncoming lane), residents of the streets along which Medvedev drove were obliged to wash the windows.
In March 2011, Nikita Belykh sued the chairman of the board of directors of the Perm investment group Yermak, Nadezhda Agisheva, who on February 2, on the air of the Echo Perm radio station, announced the governor's involvement in the withdrawal of part of the assets of the Yermak company in 2008. Belykh demanded that the discrediting information be refuted and that 500,000 rubles be compensated for non-pecuniary damage. The Leninsky District Court of Perm decided to detain her husband, Andrey Agishev, deputy of the regional legislature (accused of illegal business), and Agisheva tied up criminal prosecution husband with a conflict between the shareholders of the Ermak group, co-owned by the Agishev family.

During the court session, the representative of Nadezhda Agisheva stated that there was no interview at all, and the telephone conversation with the journalist was of a “confidential nature”. In April 2011, it became known that Nikita Belykh divorced his wife, who gave him three sons. Belykh carefully concealed his divorce from his wife. The fact was revealed only during the filing of the declaration of income. The new document did not contain data on the income of the wife of the head of the region, although by law they must be published. In last year's declaration, the spouse was mentioned. The declaration was filed in accordance with the law,” Belykh’s spokesman Boris Vesnin said. At the same time, employees of the administration of the Kirov region reported that Nikita Belykh courted his deputy, Maria Gaidar. The marriage of Maria Gaidar herself broke up a long time ago. Although officially she divorced her husband in 2008.
The connection with Nikita Belykh is not the first attempt by Gaidar to arrange his life at the expense of the destruction of someone else's marriage. Maria is also credited with an affair with the famous blogger Alexei Navalny, who is also happily married, as was Nikita Belykh. And a number of bright love episodes. Main investigation department The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against the lawyer of the Moscow Chamber of Lawyers, blogger Alexei Navalny on the grounds of a crime under part 3 of article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing property damage by deceit or breach of trust in the absence of signs of theft).

According to the investigation, in 2009 Navalny, being an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region for voluntary, committed a number of illegal actions, as a result of which the Kirov regional state unitary enterprise "Kirovles" suffered damage on an especially large scale. Nikita Belykh in his blog called the accusations against Navalny groundless.
Meanwhile, Denis Dvornikov, chairman of the public committee For Open Justice, noted that law enforcement agencies may have good reasons to initiate a criminal case against Navalny. “I do not believe in his guilt until the verdict of the court. But I admit that this is a very real scenario, ”he said. In May 2011, addressed to the White Foundation " historical memory was charged with plagiarism. According to the results of research conducted by the foundation, allegedly in the scientific articles of Belykh, published as part of the preparation of a PhD thesis on the topic “Peculiarities of the formation and functioning of the camp economy in 1938-1953 (Based on the materials of the Vyatlag of the NKVD-MVD of the USSR) ”, written under the guidance of Professor V. A. Berdinsky at the Vyatka State University and defended at the Udmurt University in the summer of 2010, were borrowed from the Kirov local historian V. I. Veremiev without references.
In this regard, the fund sent an appeal with the requirements to take measures to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. At the same time, no borrowings were found in the candidate's dissertation itself. On the same day, Belykh denied the accusations, stating that information based on the same sources was considered plagiarism. He also provided Veremiev's statement, in which he confirms that there is no plagiarism. Belykh also pointed out that he provided references to Veremyev's works, but not in articles, but in a monograph.

Conflict with the Communist Party
The work of Belykh as Governor of the Kirov Region received a negative assessment from the Kirov Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and personally from its first secretary, Sergei Mamaev. In 2012, the Communists organized a series of protests against Belykh in the Kirov region, including a collection of signatures for his resignation. Claims were made against Belykh on a number of issues, such as the assumption of an armed conflict in the village of Demyanovo, the implementation of health care reform in the region, due to which there was a reduction in the number of district hospitals, and a deterioration in the situation in agriculture.
November 21, 2012 Sergey Mamaev spoke at the meeting State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the problems of the socio-economic situation in the Kirov Region, directly naming the Governor of the Kirov Region as the main culprit in the crisis situation and demanding his resignation. In response to this speech, Nikita Belykh filed a lawsuit to protect his honor, dignity and business reputation, in which he demanded to recover moral damages in the amount of 1 million rubles from Sergey Mamaev. On February 14, the court ruled to recover 90 thousand rubles from Sergei Mamaev in favor of Nikita Belykh.

Of course, immediately there was talk on the Web that "he was framed." But from previous experience it is known that Belykh was extremely inaccurate in communications before, meaning both the choice of counterparties and the manner of doing business. Experts, from where they just got it, write that the leaders of this rank do not deal with money at all: there is always an intermediary or some kind of scheme, an offshore account, a friendly company, some nephew after all. Nevertheless, over the past year, the third governor has already been "taken", who keeps money and valuables almost in cash under his pillow, just in this case, the history of Belykh looks quite organically in the series.

Nikita Belykh was detained while receiving only the third part of the bribe - a package with 150 thousand euros and a bottle of wine, which was handed over to the governor by Yuri Zudheimer - co-owner of the Novovyatsky Ski Plant (NLC), the first tranche - 200 thousand euros - Nikita Belykh received in 2014 from a former member Board of Directors of NLC Albert Laritsky, who is now in custody on charges of fraud with loans. The second tranche was in the amount of 50 thousand euros. In his testimony, the co-owner of the forestry management company and the Novovyatsky ski plant, Yuri Zudheimer, indicates that Nikita Belykh asked for money for patronage. Belykh, during his testimony, confirmed that he had taken the package.

The governor owns a land plot of 700 sq. m, a residential building of 344 sq. m, two apartments and 1/3 share of the apartment. One of the apartments is also in use by three children of the head of the region. Nikita Belykh uses three land plots, a residential building with an area of ​​133.6 sq. m and an apartment of 51.5 sq. m. Nikita Yuryevich moves in a 2011 Nissan Patrol car.

The residence and its surroundings as of 2010.

In the Kirov region, they are interested: on what basis does Governor Nikita Belykh and members of his team live in the Black Lake government residence affiliated as the governor's residence, and how much does its maintenance cost the regional budget. During litigation from the lips of Maria Gaidar, who testified to the court and mentioned that many issues of the management of the Kirov region were discussed there. We often talked, had dinner together, since there was a common dining room, exchanged views, discussed current problems and questions. Some meetings also took place on Black Lake, said a former official of the governor, Nikita Belykh.
Today, many in the Kirov region are interested in the question of the functioning of the so-called state residence of the governor "Black Lake". The fact is that in Russia, as you know, state residences are provided to two leaders of the country: the president and the chairman of the government, and the amount of financial resources for their maintenance is approved by the parliament. In the Kirov region, before the election of Nikolai Shaklein as governor, there was no mention of the residence: http://abos.ru/?p=79672

Belykh could not tell the court the address of his registration. The governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, in the Basmanny Court, answering the questions of the judge, said that he was divorced and had three minor sons, but did not remember the address of his registration.

There was an economic object intended for temporary stay statesmen Russian Federation, who come to the region on working visits. At that time, the cost of maintaining it was minimal. And then overhaul(I know about this as a former head of the administration of the Sovetsky district) they planned to transform the object into a branch of a hotel owned by the regional administration, ”the deputy notes. These plans, however, were not destined to take place.

Niktita Belykh: "The state should not manage the parties"
“The object, at the personal whim of Nikolai Shaklein, gradually began to turn into a place of residence for regional officials,” the deputy says further. - Personally for the governor's family, a luxurious mansion was built next to the complex of palace-type buildings, a Finnish bathhouse was erected nearby (according to rumors, with a pool) and a helipad to go hunting from it (this is also a popular version, which should be confirmed or rejected - nut). About 100 million rubles were allegedly spent from the regional budget on the arrangement of the object, which, at the suggestion of Shaklein's close circle, was called a "residence" (these figures were reported in some media reports). The number of service personnel increased sharply: from four to 25-30 people.

It was assumed that with the advent of the new governor, the obvious abuses of his predecessor, associated with the misuse of huge budget funds, would stop. But, unfortunately, the vicious system of malpractice continues to operate and even gain momentum. At the same time, the governor violates not only the moral and ethical rules of a civil servant, causing irreparable damage to the authority state power. Even worse: the governor and a number of his associates, who came from Moscow and Perm, did not consider it necessary to acquire service apartments. Many of them settled in the Black Lake. They began to live in the place of their new habitat widely, in a lordly manner, acquiring numerous servants. The object began to take on the appearance of a kind of noble nest, stylized as modern civilization: with gas heating, sewerage, hot water.

Sergei Mamaev reported the illegal use of the Black Lake economic facility for the personal interests of the governor and his entourage to the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Kirov Region, asking to check a number of facts and provide information on financial costs. However, the answer received by Sergei Pavlinovich from the chairman of the chamber, Yuri Laptev, did not satisfy him as a deputy of the Russian parliament:

Firstly, the certificate does not indicate the functional use of a number of objects included in the economic complex. For example, what is house number 1 with an area of ​​133 square meters intended for? House number 2 with an area of ​​​​51 square meters? a warm warehouse with an area of ​​316 square meters?

Secondly, the certificate does not explain why the regulation on the operation of the complex of buildings included in the Black Lake economic facility, as well as the costs of its maintenance, were not approved by a special resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the region.

Thirdly, the costs of ensuring the operation of the facility are given only for 2011-13, while, according to our information, the main share of the costs falls on the beginning of Nikita Belykh's governorship - 2008-10. Fourthly, the certificate contains references to circumstances that do not quite exactly correspond to the actual facts. In particular, it is alleged that the President of the Russian Federation and the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation were in the Black Lake during official visits, although during the almost five-year term of Nikita Belykh's tenure as governor, the head of state and the head of government visited the Kirov region with one-day short-term visits: in the morning flew in and departed for Moscow in the evening.

At the same time - in addition to the "Black Lake" - Sergei Pavlinovich invites Sergei Petrovich to deal with one more fact of bureaucratic extravagance. “The regional administration pays some Kirov restaurants, which include the elite Tsarskoye Selo, large bills for treating various guests arriving in the region,” the deputy writes, citing questions from voters. “And this at a time when there is an excellent restaurant in a hotel owned by the regional administration.”

What answer does Sergey Mamaev expect to his message? Honest and efficient - with acceptance necessary measures in case of revealing facts of misappropriation of budgetary funds. That is, he does not simply ask: "Is there legal grounds consider the economic complex "Black Lake" as a country residence of the governor of the Kirov region?", - but also proposes "to find out the costs of its maintenance, starting from 2008, including - to indicate whether Nikita Belykh and Sergey Shcherchkov pay for their stay in the residence ?

In addition, deputy Mamaev hopes that the prosecutor's check will finally help to understand “what is the amount of profit received from the operation of the hotel and restaurant owned by the regional administration? in what areas are they used? and does the regional administration really pay the bills coming from the elite restaurants of the city of Kirov, and if so, what is their total amount over the past five years? - notes the publication.

On the picture: Hut of Nikita Belykh - modesty and asceticism

Interestingly, the issue of Nikita Belykh's residence in the Black Lake residence was raised earlier. So, in 2010, the governor of the Kirov region, answering the "housing issue" said that he really lives in the residence, but pays for it himself. Moreover, the Socialist-Revolutionary Sergei Mironov hurried to the rescue of the Belykhs. Being then the speaker of the Federation Council, Sergei Mikhailovich shared that, while in the Kirov region, “he really lived in a residence - in a stone house, in a room that looked like a 5-star hotel. And the governor lives in a small house on the shore of the lake. Against this background, Nikita Belykh emphasized his modesty by posting a photo of the house. However, according to the archive of the newspaper "Vyatsky Observer", signed by Nikita Belykh, a decree was issued by the government of the Kirov region "On the approval of the borders and the regime of special protection of a natural monument regional significance“Lake Black near the village. Kominternovsky". The “Natural Monument” now includes not only the territory of the government residence, but also the entire mirror of the Black Lake, as well as forests and hayfields around it. And the costs of ensuring the established regime of special protection of the natural monument will be carried out at the expense of the regional budget,” the publication noted.

However, there are enough questions for Nikita Belykh even without the “house”. It is enough to look at the fact that to demand a legal assessment of the published package of documents. One episode related to a gift from Vyatka-Bank, for example, others, obviously, are waiting in line, just as lawsuits on already initiated cases, where Vyatka officials of various ranks appear, are waiting for their turn.”

It's too early to put a point, but conclusions must be drawn

The detention and then arrest of Governor Nikita Belykh on June 24 in a Moscow restaurant came as a complete surprise to many residents of the Kirov region. Some, according to their confessions, were simply shocked by this news. According to the investigation, Belykh personally and through an intermediary received bribes in an especially large amount totaling 400,000 euros for actions in favor of the bribe-giver and Novovyatskiy Ski Plant JSC and Forest Management Company LLC controlled by him. N. Belykh himself considers everything that happened to be a “set-up”.

The decision is up to the president

Today, the most actively discussed different versions happened. From: “It’s a set-up, definitely!” - to: “No matter how much the rope twists ...” The truth, most likely, as always, is somewhere in the middle. It is doubtful that operational measures regarding official of this rank could be carried out without the sanction of the highest level. However, the president of the country, through his press secretary, said that "the investigating authorities work independently, so here there is no talk of any consultations in advance." At the same time, Peskov added that the decision to remove the governor from office is made only by the president. “I cannot announce such a decision now, it will be his decision,” the press secretary of the head of state said.

Indeed, the decision is now up to the president. They also name the deadline for making such a decision: July 18 - two months before single day voting. Until that time, the situation remains “suspended”. The arrest of N. Belykh took his immediate subordinates by surprise. About how much confusion reigned in the regional government in the first hours, can be judged by a series of strange statements. So, for example, it was reported that during the absence of the governor, his duties would be performed IN TURN (!) by all of his 11 deputies. Meticulous journalists even calculated that in the time remaining before the possible elections, each of the deputies will be able to lead the region for a whole week! On the morning of Monday, June 27, an emergency meeting of the regional government was held. This meeting was closed to the press. As a result, residents of the region were informed that Aleksey Kuznetsov was unanimously appointed acting chairman of the government. In a press statement, he himself stressed: "The powers at my disposal make it possible to ensure the continuity of the solution of all issues related to the functioning of the region." However, the very next day, the same A. Kuznetsov, at a meeting with the heads of municipalities, admitted that in the current situation, the government, and with it the districts and cities of the region, was not up to "strategy", but, God forbid, to cope with "tactics", for which he called everyone "think about the current situation and take personal responsibility for their work."

Governorship. Results

The arrest of Belykh became an occasion for summing up some (hopefully, not final, but forcedly intermediate) results of his activities as governor of the Kirov region. Unfortunately, in journalistic collections, which are not numbered in last days, mainly achievements of a dubious quality prevail.

First of all, they remember the political "somersault" when, at the end of 2008, Nikita Belykh, the former leader of the right-wing liberal party "Union of Right Forces", which positioned itself as an opposition to the "Kremlin regime", decided to integrate into this very regime and head the Kirov region. “Nikita Yuryevich sold his soul to the devil,” Maria Gaidar, a member of the Presidium of the SPS political council, said at the time. However, this did not prevent then Maria Egorovna herself from accepting Nikita Yuryevich's invitation to become his adviser, and then his deputy.

By the way, the selection of the team is also considered to be one of the dubious achievements of the Vyatka governor. And if someone from this team voluntarily left the Kirov region, as, for example, the former deputies of the Belykhs - Sergei Karnaukhov and Maria Gaidar, then the fate of others turned out to be completely unenviable. Belykh's advisers - Alexei Navalny and Andrey Votinov, as well as the head of target projects Roman Shipov were convicted, and the man who escaped from the investigation former head Department of State Property Konstantin Arzamastsev had to catch as much abroad.

In general, searches in the office and at home of Governor Belykh on June 24 were not carried out for the first time. In 2013, the investigators had already been there in connection with the criminal case against the Urzhum distillery, but that time everything worked out...

Governor Belykh did not get on well with the largest opposition party in the region, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In 2012, the Kirov Communists held a series of protests against Belykh and collected signatures for his resignation. Belykh was accused of allowing an armed conflict on an ethnic basis in the village of Demyanovo. The communists blamed Nikita Yuryevich for the deterioration of the situation in a number of areas, for example, in agriculture and health care. The first secretary of the Kirov Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Sergei Mamaev, spoke in the State Duma with public criticism of the governor, after which Belykh sued him and won the case, suing the communist for 90 thousand rubles.

The story of the purchase of, as they wrote then, “the most expensive tomograph in Russia”, the “styrene scandal” at the opening of the perinatal center, the construction (now frozen due to the contractor’s financial difficulties) of the Terra-Sport facility on the territory of the Palace of Pioneers received great public outcry -memorial, massive “entry” into the region of various Perm and Moscow firms and retail chains, the construction of the Hilton hotel in the park near Diorama (the co-owner of the hotel is called ex-wife N.Yu. Belykh), the construction of the most diverse, sometimes controversial and even ridiculous, according to some Kirov residents, monuments in the regional center ...

"My friend Nikita Belykh"

Until the President's final decision is announced, heavyweight politicians prefer to remain silent. Definitely supported the Kirov governor, perhaps, only Anatoly Chubais. Grigory Guselnikov, an old friend and business partner of Nikita Belykh, the owner of Vyatka-Bank (Norvik), made a lengthy message on his blog on the Ekho Moskvy website. “In principle, there are no sinless people, if someone has forgotten, but Nikita is the last person in our power structure, in my subjective opinion, with whom this should have happened,” he wrote. “He did not spare himself and his health and did not hope that his sacrifice would ever be appreciated.”

Grigory Alexandrovich tried to explain how it could have happened at all that his friend was detained while receiving bundles of euros. According to him, it could be, for example, a debt that Nikita Yuryevich “most likely was paid in cash” (cash. - T.A.). He also settled on the version voiced by representatives of the Investigative Committee from the words, as reported, of N. Belykh himself. It is allegedly about the sponsorship of certain businessmen "for the needs of the city" (Kirov. - T.A.). G. Guselnikov spoke in detail about the many projects that the Kirov governor financed at his own expense: “He built ramps for the disabled in the city, invested personal money in bicycle parking and chapels, held city events ... I know that Nikita at his own expense led many parallel projects in the city - from the repair of old pavements to new monuments, from putting the parks in order to the restoration of temples. Many projects were large, so entrepreneurs chipped in to implement them. So, for example, we gave money for the Day of Romance and for the monument to Assol, restored the Apollo park ...

Recall that all works like “repair of pavements” were put up for auction, money for them was allocated from the budget, and not a single square meter of the roadway or sidewalks paid for from N. Belykh’s personal money was heard. As for the ramps, it was reliably possible to find out about two ramps paid for by Nikita Yuryevich - at the Druzhba cinema and near the circus. City events also went through a bidding procedure, and the sponsors who participated in their financing were always announced, and the name of the private donor Belykh never came across anywhere (for example, the sponsor of the Time Machine concert at one of the City Days was the same Vyatka- Bank" by G. Guselnikov, as reported on the official website of the bank, and at the performance of "Buranovskiye Babushki" Sberbank acted as an official partner, as evidenced by a giant banner on the stage). At the same time, tenders for financing these holidays were also posted on the public procurement website. That is, there was no talk of any "cache"! Then what is Guselnikov talking about?

Will the investigation work out?

Well, as Nikita Yuryevich himself said during the arrest, the investigation will sort it out, but for now a few comments about it. What can not be taken away from N.Yu., who is still the governor of the Kirov region. Belykh is his economic literacy. And who, if not him, knows how the budget of any municipality, for example, the city of Kirov. Receiving hundreds of thousands of euros in cash in a dim hall of a metropolitan restaurant clearly does not fit into any legal budgeting scheme!

In the meantime, it seems that the version with money “for the needs of the city”, voiced the next day after the arrest, may be an attempt to evade the accusation of taking a bribe on an especially large scale and try to reclassify what happened as abuse of office. Considering that for the first crime, the perpetrator faces a maximum of up to 15 years in prison, as well as a fine of 70 times the amount of the bribe (in this case, almost two billion rubles!), And for the second, you can get off with forced labor and a ban on holding certain positions for several years, then the game is worth the candle.

A few days ago, a solitary picket took place on Theater Square in defense of the arrested Kirov governor. Should Nikita Belykh be protected? Of course you need! Like any other citizen of Russia, who is guaranteed by the Constitution the right to defense and an objective consideration of the case in court. But even more important for the authorities, including the Kirov regional and city, today, without waiting for a court decision, to draw conclusions from this governor's "landing" - to each his own.


P.S. As it became known, the letter of resignation own will On June 28, brother N.Yu. Belykh - Alexander Yuryevich, who was the head of the department of the Prosecutor General's Office for the Volga Federal District. And on June 29, Nikita Yuryevich himself announced the start of a hunger strike in protest against the charges against him.

For the ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, eight years in a strict regime colony is tantamount to a death sentence. This opinion was expressed by Belykh's wife Ekaterina Reifert to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Any sane person, any person who even superficially observes this process, understands that the accusation is not just contrived, they ... I can’t even find a censorship word for this ... Because this is a blatant disgrace, in fact. And what the state prosecution requested is 10 years of strict regime, one hundred million fines, well, this is just beyond the understanding of justice itself, ”said Ekaterina.

Reifert said the verdict will be appealed by the defense:

Today, the judge of the Presnensky Court delivered a sentence: eight years, plus a stay in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, which, unlike all other pre-trial detention centers, has devastating consequences for the psyche and physical condition. With this in mind, six years is obtained, and a fine of 48 million rubles. It's on this moment good story to work with. We are going, of course, to appeal the verdict to the Moscow City Court. And then all the way to the Supreme Court.

She noted that in Lately The state of health of the ex-governor is deteriorating.

Today we asked every two hours to take breaks for droppers at the request of the doctor. And when today the break was half an hour late, Nikita Yuryevich began to literally lose consciousness. Eight years - or six plus - is a death sentence for him. We are faced with a choice - either to reconcile and this the death penalty, or fight, - she said on the air of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda. - All the people who watched the process, everyone understood that it was monstrous. Not only humanly, but also legally.

Recall that on February 1, Nikita Belykh was found guilty of taking a bribe of 600 thousand euros in several tranches from businessman Yuri Zudheimer. In one of several episodes, the court acquitted him. As a result, the ex-official was sentenced to 8 years in a strict regime colony and a fine of 48 million.

The investigation and trial in the case lasted a year and a half. During this time, while already in jail, Nikita Belykh managed to get married, and then get married in "Matrosskaya Tishina" with the poetess Ekaterina Reifert.

EXCLUSIVE! The first interview after the verdict of Nikita Belykh's wife."Eight years in prison is a death sentence for him." The first interview after the verdict was Ekaterina Reifert, wife of Nikita Belykh. Alexander Grishin, KP political observer and Anton Araslanov are in the studio.


The court sentenced Nikita Belykh to eight years in a strict regime for taking a bribe


Political scientist: in vain the defense of Nikita Belykh refers to his health, because health did not prevent him from taking bribes

Experts shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda their opinion on the decision of the Presnensky Court of Moscow to sentence ex-Governor of the Kirov Region Nikita Belykh to eight years in prison. Thus, Alexei Mukhin, director of the Center for Political Information, called this sentence "normal." At the same time, he noted that in vain the defenders of the former official refer to the morbid condition of their client, because his health did not prevent him from taking bribes.

Anatoly Kulikov: Belykh's verdict is a signal: stop robbing the country! And it's time to figure out how bribe-takers and thieves get into power?

For a comment, I turned to the well-known ex-silovik minister, Army General Anatoly Kulikov.

Anatoly Sergeevich, what is your opinion on the verdict on Nikita Belykh.

As far as the law is concerned, there is absolutely no violation. That is, from the point of view of criminal procedural, criminal, judicial proceedings ...


Belykh's wife Ekaterina: "Nikita and I have been communicating through the telegraph all this time"

Congratulations, Ekaterina, be that as it may, marriage is always a joyful occasion. How was the ceremony?

To be honest, it's hard to call what was a ceremony. Everything took place in prison, in the visiting room. The situation is appropriate, as you understand. Several people from Lefortovo were present, plus employees of the registry office



How liberal governor Belykh turned into a "bribe-taker"

Part 1

KP special correspondent Vladimir Vorsobin went to the Kirov region to personally find out what brought the ex-head of this region, the romantic and democrat Nikita Belykh, to accusations of corruption

Nikita came to us as a liberal, and left as a "bribe taker".

Part 2

Belykh appeared in the Kirov region when its steady development under the previous governors had already led to the fact that there was nothing to steal here. The industry has collapsed Agriculture shrank, the area was deserted, and, as the Kirov investigators put it, “everyone rushed to saw the forest”


What do you think about the verdict on Nikita Belykh?

Sergei STEPASHIN, ex-Prime Minister of the Russian Federation:

There should be no untouchables, and if you get caught, bear your responsibility, your burden.

Franz KLINTSEVICH, senator:

There was not much fanfare around this case. The sentence is tough. Considering how it was, I initially, when only Belykh was arrested, said that the sentence could be 8-10 years.

Viktor Alksnis, politician:

Mr. Belykh considered that, having become a governor, he is a celestial being and can do whatever he wants. As a result, he ended up in jail. A person who finds himself in power must behave like an ascetic, like a monk who has taken a vow of celibacy.

Sergey KARNAUKHOV, former deputy chairman of the government of the Kirov region:

As a human being, I sympathize with Nikita Yuryevich and his relatives - this is a great personal tragedy. Formally, legally, responsibility has come according to the lower bar. The sentence can be considered proportionate to the committed act.

Valery SAVKOV, peasant from Kirov:

The sentence is unfair. Everyone who knew Nikita Yuryevich for 7.5 years can safely say that he did not extort bribes, but often invested his money. Nikita Yuryevich came to the Kirov region, left his soul, energy, health and funds here. Planted. The only good thing about this verdict is that he was acquitted in terms of extortion.

Igor MOLOTOV, writer:

Belykh received the governorship as a representative of the liberal opposition: "Take it, Nikita, make an island of freedom." This is a great indicator of what liberal demagogues will do once in power. Instead of an island of freedom, the people of Kirov received corruption and nepotism. I consider the verdict against Belykh to be correct and confirmed by the investigating authorities.

Dmitry Puchkov, translator, blogger:

This is true. It is a rare case for an official of such rank to be caught, convicted and punished. And one question arises here - not much or little was given to Nikita Belykh, but why ONLY Nikita Belykh was given. After all, there are so many more wonderful people we have positions, take money, live well.

Nikita Belykh is a politician, journalist, former governor of the Kirov region, who, according to online ratings, is one of the most popular political bloggers in the Russian Federation. Nikita Yuryevich Belykh was born on June 13, 1975, in the historical city of Perm, which is famous for its theaters and cultural monuments. For example, there is the Gribushin House depicted in the novel Doctor Zhivago.

Nikita grew up with his older brother Alexander (who is now the prosecutor of the Perm Territory) in a typical Soviet, exemplary family. The childhood of the future politician was not rich in any events. It is known that his grandfather participated in the Great Patriotic War and, despite being wounded, he managed to prove himself courageously on the battlefield, for which he received numerous awards.

The governor's mother, Zinaida Dmitrievna, a chemist by profession, is known for her scientific achievements. The woman became the author of more than a hundred scientific works and made an undeniable contribution to education and pedagogy. Nikita's father, Yuri Alekseevich, is a candidate of technical sciences, who previously worked as the chief metallurgist at the Sverdlov plant.

The future politician studied excellently at school number 9 named after him with a physical and mathematical bias. After receiving a certificate with a gold medal, the young man continued his studies, his choice fell on the Perm State University. Unfortunately, the Belykh family lost their main breadwinner when Nikita turned 16, so the guy did not leave for the capital, but stayed to help his mother: to provide for his family, Nikita worked as a loader.

It is noteworthy that Belykh entered two faculties at once - economics and law, but the latter, due to the heavy workload, had to be left. Then Nikita entered graduate school and trained in the UK. Having become a certified specialist, Nikita Yurievich chose creative profession journalist, and then went into business. So, in 1993, Belykh became the founder of the Fin-East company, and since 1998 he has been the vice president of the Perm Financial and Productive Group.


From the biography of Nikita Yuryevich Belykh, it is known that in 1998 the guy became a member of the movement " new power”, which was organized by a politician. Three years later, the young man received a party card to the Union of Right Forces organization and became a deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly.

The Union of Right Forces is an opposition liberal Political Party, which existed on the territory of the Russian Federation until 2008. The founder of the bloc was Kiriyenko, as well as. In the spring of 2004, Nikita Belykh became vice-governor Perm region, after taking office as Minister of Natural Resources.

In 2005, Nikita Yuryevich was chairman of the Union of Right Forces - more than half of the delegates voted for Belykh. A few days later, Nikita Yurievich resigned from the post of deputy governor. In the autumn of the same year, before the elections to the Moscow City Duma, Belykh supported the idea of ​​merging the Union of Right Forces with the democratic party Yabloko.

In December 2006, the young man was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory on the list of the Union of Right Forces, and a year later Belykh resigned and was immediately re-elected. On September 26, 2008, Nikita Yuryevich left the post of chairman of the Union of Right Forces and left the party, and Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman took his place. Belykh's departure was due to the fact that the politician did not want to see himself in the Kremlin's project, at least, Nikita Yuryevich's LiveJournal testified to this.


In the winter of 2008, he put Nikita Belykh on the list for consideration Legislative Assembly Kirov region for the post of governor. In this regard, the politician stepped down as a deputy of the Perm Territory and stepped aside from the united democratic movement "Solidarity". On December 18, 2008, Nikita Belykh was given the powers of the governor, 86% of the delegates voted for the politician. In January 2009, the inauguration took place at the Kirov Regional Drama Theater named after him.

Among other things, Nikita Yuryevich participated in the weekly analytical program "Diary of the Governor" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". Every Monday, from 15:33 to 16:00 Moscow time, Belykh answered burning questions about the Kirov region.

January 15, 2010 Nikita Belykh reported on the results of the first year of work as the Governor of the Kirov region, publishing reports. It is also known that in the winter of 2013, a search was carried out in the politician's office, and then Nikita Yuryevich was interrogated as a witness.

The fact is that in 2010, the Urzhum distillery sold a 25.5% stake to the Globus Sistema holding at a price lower than usual, in connection with which a criminal case was initiated. In 2014, the governor's powers of Nikita Yuryevich came to an end, appointed Belykh as the acting governor of the Kirov region, until the upcoming elections. September 14, Nikita Yurievich nominated from the party " United Russia and was re-elected for a second term.

Criminal case

According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Nikita Yuryevich was caught red-handed in the Lotte Plaza restaurant, located in the center of Moscow. The representative of the Investigative Committee said that the governor of the Kirov region received a bribe in the amount of €100 thousand (according to other sources - €150 thousand), because of which a criminal case was opened.

In the role of a bribe-giver, having previously applied to the relevant authorities, was a German citizen Yuri Zudheimer, who is a member of the board of directors of the Novovyatsky Ski Plant. On charges of taking a bribe on an especially large scale, Nikita Yuryevich was arrested by the Basmanny Court for a period of 60 days, and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin removed the governor from office for obvious reasons. The place of Nikita Yurievich was taken by Igor Vasiliev.

Nikita Belykh in the courtroom

However, it is worth noting that Belykh's lawyers are confident in the innocence of the client. According to investigator Ruslan Mukhachev, during the interrogation, Nikita Yuryevich stated that the funds received were intended for the needs of the city of Kirov. In turn, lawyer Sergei Teterin believes that Nikita Yuryevich did not take money into his hands, but, in any case, the funds were sponsorship for the city fund of the Kirov region.

Vadim Prokhorov also said that the skin marking agent was found on the hands of Nikita Yuryevich, because the ex-governor shook hands with the bribe giver as a sign of greeting.

On February 1, 2018, the Presnensky Court of Moscow found Nikita Belykh guilty of taking bribes. He was sentenced to eight years in a strict regime colony and 48.2 million rubles. fine.

Personal life

The personal life of the ex-governor of the Kirov region is not a secret. According to unconfirmed information, Nikita Belykh was married, three sons were born in the marriage. On this moment the older one studies abroad, while the younger ones live in Perm.

Also, public interest was fueled by journalistic gossip about the relationship between Nikita Belykh and the Rodnopolis soloist Ekaterina Reutova. But according to some reports, Catherine played a wedding with Ruslan Shishkin. The media also became aware of the relationship between the politician and Ekaterina Reifert, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University.

Nikita Belykh now

In 2017, according to the news of the Interfax news agency, Nikita Belykh was hospitalized until the end of September due to deteriorating health: the ex-governor survived a hypertensive crisis.

It also became known that the Investigative Committee had completed the investigation of the criminal case against Nikita Yuryevich, but the court's verdict is still unknown, so one can only guess whether the politician will be released.


  • 2015 - badge of the Russian Foreign Ministry "For contribution to international cooperation"
  • 2012 - medal "For merits in conducting the All-Russian population census of 2010"
  • 2011 - commemorative badge "For Merit" Federal Service drug control
June 24, 2016, 18:32 ; updated October 13 at 10:00 am

The governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, was detained in Moscow, Life reports (for some reason, he is called the former governor in the article):

Employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia detained in the capital former governor Kirov region. According to sources, in the near future he will be taken to the central office of the ICR for the necessary investigative actions.

A little later, the official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin confirmed the information about the detention of Belykh:
The Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee of Russia initiated a criminal case against the governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh on the fact of receiving a bribe (part 6 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to investigators, Nikita Belykh, personally and through an intermediary, received bribes in an especially large amount totaling 400 thousand euros (which corresponds to 24.1 million rubles) for actions in favor of the bribe-giver and Novovyatsky Ski Plant JSC and LLC “ Forestry Management Company, as well as for general patronage and connivance in the service in the implementation by the Government of the Kirov Region of control over the implementation of enterprises investment projects and run entrepreneurial activity in the Kirov region.

Today, investigators of the Russian Investigative Committee, in cooperation with employees of the Russian FSB, detained Belykh red-handed while receiving a bribe in one of the restaurants in Moscow.

Anticipating the hysteria raised in such cases by supporters and associates, I want to immediately cool the ardor: corruption crimes do not have a political color. I think that citizens Khoroshavin and Gaizer can confirm this. To paraphrase well-known expressions - “A bribe does not smell ... but sometimes it glows. She is a bribe and a bribe to Africa.” The only thing that can guarantee the investigation is the comprehensiveness and objectivity of the investigation.

Nikita Belykh faces up to 15 years in prison.

Photo: SK

On the eve of Belykh wrote on his Facebook:

June 24, 19:00 Nikita Belykh was brought to the main building of the Investigative Committee for interrogation, according to live"Life".

June 24, 19:04 Nikita Belykh was detained during an operational experiment while receiving marked money, a law enforcement source told TASS. “100 euro banknotes marked with a special solution were handed over to Belykh under the control of operational officers as part of an operational experiment,” the agency’s interlocutor said. According to him, Nikita Belykh is the only detainee in the case. "The investigation has no claims against the persons who transferred money to the governor," he explained.

June 24, 19:11 An Interfax source reports that Belykh was detained while receiving the second part of the bribe, the first part was handed over to him earlier. Initially, the governor denied his guilt, but then the operatives showed him traces of banknotes marked with a special solution, the source added.

June 24, 19:17 The deputy chairman of the government of the Kirov region, Alexander Galitskikh, said that he was "shocked" by the information about the detention of Belykh. “I am currently in the Samara region at the iVolga youth forum, I found out about this five minutes ago. I am in shock. I can’t comment on anything,” he told RIA Novosti.

June 24, 19:18 The investigation will seek the arrest of Belykh, given his status and "extensive connections", TASS reports.

June 24, 19:30 Life reports that Belykh was detained in a restaurant located at 8 Novinsky Boulevard. The Lotte Plaza business center is located at this address.

June 24, 19:38

June 24, 19:42

June 24, 19:45"Interfax" writes that one of the co-owners of LLC "Forest Management Company" was the company "Kirovles". Kirovles owned 25% of the company's shares.

June 24, 19:54 The situation was commented on by the governor's mother, Zinaida Belyi. “I think this is nonsense, this simply cannot be. I know my son too well,” she said in an interview with Life. “This is definitely a provocation, but from whose side, I don’t know.”

June 24, 20:02 In April 2015, the former owner of the Novovyatsky Ski Plant, Albert Laritsky, was arrested by the FSB on charges of fraud, Vedomosti writes. Now, according to SPARK-Interfax, the company is owned by the German Südheimer Car Technik Fertribs GmbH.

RBC writes that, according to preliminary data, Belykh will spend the night in a pre-trial detention center, and tomorrow, June 25, the Basmanny Court will consider the issue of his arrest.

June 24, 20:33 They came to the administration of the Kirov region with searches, Interfax reports. When asked if there would be any comments in connection with the detention of the region's governor Nikita Belykh on suspicion of taking a bribe, the agency's source replied: "No one will say anything. The Investigative Committee is working with the assistant to the governor. Searches are underway." According to him, searches are going on "in the building and everywhere."

June 24, 21:20 Acting head of the Kirov region, even before the arrest of Belykh, was appointed Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Kuznetsov. "Today the governor was on a business trip and Aleksey Borisovich Kuznetsov was appointed acting head of the region," a source told RIA Novosti.

June 24, 22:03 The interrogation of Nikita Belykh is over, the car with him left the Investigative Committee, a law enforcement source told RIA Novosti.

June 24, 22:07 Nikita Belykh was brought to the Basmanny Court, Kommersant correspondent Emin Jafarov told Varlamov.ru.

Photo: Emin Jafarov/Kommersant

June 24, 22:16 Belykh pleaded not guilty to accepting a bribe in the amount of 400,000 euros. This was stated by the governor in court, reports "Moskva Speaks".

June 24, 22:16 The Basmanny Court of Moscow will decide on the arrest of the Governor of the Kirov Region Nikita Belykh tomorrow, June 25. This was reported to TASS by the press secretary of the court, Yunona Tsareva. "The whites were brought, but the petition was not received. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, after 22.00 court hearing cannot be done," she said.

June 24, 22:28 AFP photojournalist Dmitry Serebryakov, who is now in the Basmanny Court, informs that the meeting began, but the press was not allowed into the hall. Journalist Emin Jafarov told Varlamov.ru that the meeting was postponed until tomorrow.

June 24, 22:37“The court did not receive materials for the arrest of Belykh. He was brought and taken to the courtroom, but since there are no materials, after 10 pm according to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the court is not entitled to consider petitions, even if the investigator brought the materials later. There was no meeting, he was taken away. The materials will be available tomorrow," Yunona Tsareva, press secretary of the court, quoted RIA Novosti as saying.

June 24, 22:39 Nikita Belykh was brought to the temporary detention center, TASS writes. “Until the decision to arrest him, he will be in a temporary detention facility. If the court decides to place Belykh in custody, he will be placed in a pre-trial detention center,” the agency source explained.

June 25, 2016

June 25, 10:04 am Nikita Belykh has been charged with accepting a bribe on an especially large scale (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the UK said. He faces eight to 15 years in prison.

June 25, 10:12 am Nikita Belykh's lawyer will be Vadim Prokhorov, who is also the lawyer for Boris Nemtsov's family. The lawyer himself said this to an RBC correspondent.

June 25, 12:00 Dmitry Peskov declined to comment on the effectiveness of Belykh's work as governor of the Kirov region. At the same time, the presidential press secretary noted that Putin was informed about the detention, but law enforcement agencies work independently and there were no consultations in advance.

“The president was informed about this detention, naturally, law enforcement and investigative agencies work independently, so here there is no talk of any consultations in advance,” RIA Novosti quotes Peskov. “You know, this decision is made by the president, at what point to detain from office. I can’t announce such a decision now, it will be his decision.”

June 25, 12:08 The authorities of the Kirov region continue to work as usual. "Everything is as usual with us. All events planned for the weekend will be held. No emergency situation has been introduced in connection with the detention of the head of the region," the government of the Kirov region told the Interfax-Volga region news agency.

June 25, 14:38 The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested Nikita Belykh for two months. "The court ruled: to satisfy the petition of the investigation. To choose a preventive measure in the form of detention for two months, that is, until August 24," the Interfax quotes the judge.

According to the investigator, another measure of restraint may allow the governor of the Kirov region to hide from the investigation and impede the progress of the investigation. "We ask you to attach information about Belykh's state of health, as well as the results of operational-search measures provided by the FSB of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which data were obtained on the possibility of Belykh's pressure on witnesses, as well as taking measures to hide from the preliminary investigation authorities and the court," he quotes TASS investigator.

Belykh, in turn, said that he was not going to leave the country and put pressure on witnesses. “I didn’t have any plans to hide from the court, I didn’t have any plans to go abroad,” he said.

The lawyer asked the court to postpone Belykh's arrest and extend his detention by 72 hours, but he was refused. He also asked to send his client under House arrest in outskirts of Moscow. According to the lawyer, "in any case, this case will reach the European Court of Human Rights."

The investigator, speaking in court, said that Belykh had received a bribe from a foreign investor. He added that the governor does not deny the fact of receiving the money, but considers it not a bribe - the funds were intended for the needs of Kirov. "An object of a crime was found on him, traces of a crime were found on him, eyewitnesses pointed to Belykh as the person who committed the crime," the investigator added. - The imputed crime is one of the most serious and directed against state power. It is the most dangerous, and also has a systemic and lasting character.

The governor said he was ready to cooperate with the investigation and stressed that he did not take a bribe. Belykh does not admit his guilt, arguing that he has never conducted any criminal activity and is not going to conduct it. “I am ready to cooperate with the investigation in this part, to substantiate my every word, to explain every deed,” the defendant said. He also offered to release him on bail for an amount set by the court.

"I consider myself innocent, and I will do everything possible to legally prove it," the governor is quoted as saying. New Newspaper". - I think that house arrest is also an excessive measure. I want to honestly prove my innocence. I am a fairly successful official and I want to prove that I did not take bribes, I do not take them and never intended to. And this can only be done with the help of a normal, adversarial litigation, not by departure and comments from abroad."

The decision to arrest Belykh was made by Judge Artur Karpov, who is on the Magnitsky list and the Savchenko list.

Photo: agency "Moscow"

June 25, 15:57 Belykh will serve his arrest in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, a source familiar with the situation told Interfax.

June 25, 17:19 One of the arrested governor's lawyers, Sergei Teterin, explained the origin of the special paint on his hands. “Most likely, the luminous paint on his hands appeared after he shook hands with the man who carried the bag of money. But Belykh did not touch the money,” RIA Novosti quotes the defender.

June 25, 18:37 The foreign investor who, according to the investigator, transferred money to the governor, is presumably the German Yuri Zudheimer, Meduza writes. In 2013, he became the owner of Novovyatsky Ski Plant JSC, which is mentioned in the Belykh case. Zudheimer appears in the criminal case as a witness.

June 25, 18:45 Those close to Belykh assume that the money given to him was not a bribe, Interfax reports, citing an unnamed source close to the governor. As the interlocutor of the agency said, Belykh had previously held a meeting of entrepreneurs, which discussed the creation of an off-budget fund at the expense of sponsorship investments, the funds from which were to be used to repair city and regional facilities - facades, buildings and roads.

"The reason for the meeting with potential investors was the lack of funds in the budget of the city and the region for the data needed," the source said. According to him, one of those who agreed to invest their money in an off-budget fund was Yury Zudheimer, a co-owner of the Forestry Management Company and Novovyatsky Ski Plant, a native of the USSR, who has German citizenship and lives in Germany.

"In the restaurant where the detention took place, Belykh was alone with Zudheimer, now the latter is being tried as a witness in the case," the source said.

June 25, 18:55 Commentary by Anatoly Chubais (he, like Belykh, was a member of the Union of Right Forces party):

June 26, 14:34 United Russia senator Vyacheslav Timchenko may take the post of governor of the Kirov region, a source in the leadership of United Russia told RIA Novosti.

June 25, 16:45 An unnamed source of RIA Novosti, close to the investigation, said that Belykh was detained when receiving the third part of the amount. Earlier it was reported that upon receipt of the second. The arrested governor himself claims that this money was not a bribe.

"On Friday, Belykh received from Yuri Zudheimer a package containing 150,000 euros and a bottle of wine. In his testimony, the official confirmed that he had taken the package. This is the third tranche. The first - 200,000 euros - was received by him from Laritsky back in May 2014. The second was in the amount of 50 thousand," the source said.

Laritsky, a former member of the board of directors of Novovyatsky Ski Plant, was arrested in April 2015 on charges of fraud with loans. Now, according to SPARK-Interfax, the company is owned by the German Südheimer Car Technik Fertribs GmbH.

The fact that the governor received the first tranche from Laritsky back in 2014 is indicated in his testimony by Zudheimer, a source from RIA Novosti claims.

June 27, 11:46 The official representative of the UK, Vladimir Markin, commented on Navalny's possible involvement in the Belykh case. "Everyone is responsible for himself. And what about Navalny? Nikita Belykh is an independent person, he made his own decisions, and not under the influence of his colleagues," he said on the air of the Vesti FM radio station.

Markin added that all procedures for the detention and initiation of a criminal case against the governor are legal. "It was really the third part of the bribe. And he received 150,000 euros at this meeting," the representative of the UK pointed out. "There is no political color. A bribe is a bribe."

June 27, 14:18 Testimony against Belykh was given by former member of the board of directors of Novovyatsky Ski Plant (NLK) Albert Laritsky and the current co-owner of the company Yuri Zudheimer, a source familiar with the situation told Interfax. He also noted that so far there are no materials in the case confirming the version of the official that the money received was sponsorship of the Kirov region.

June 27, 18:51 18:50 Belykh gave his first interview after his arrest to Moskovsky Komsomolets columnist and human rights activist Eva Merkacheva. The governor said that during these three days he has already lost four kilograms, eats only bread, and drinks only water.

“I’m fine. In general, as a governor, I have visited many camps in my region over the past seven and a half years. And I’ll tell you this - they can’t be compared with Lefortovo. It’s not for nothing that it is called an ideal insulator,” Belykh added. "I hope I won't be late here. I just wish I could see my lawyer as soon as possible. In the meantime, I intend to read Brodsky. I love poetry. By the way, I also composed."

According to him, there are two positive aspects in the pre-trial detention center - the opportunity to lose weight and be alone with yourself. "IN last years I have always been in a large circle of people. So privacy was lacking. But the main thing is that it does not drag on. I will prove my innocence. The investigator who filed a case against me was obviously lucky," Belykh said.

June 27, 10:28 The governor gave another interview to Zoya Svetova, a member of the Public Monitoring Commission, a journalist from the Ekho Moskvy radio station. Belykh, in particular, said that he had written a letter to his friend and editor-in-chief of "Echo" Alexei Venediktov: "I must explain what happened. After all, this is a setup."

What else to read