Akhmetkhan National Guard. Minnikhanov was introduced to his former security guard as the head of the National Guard for the Republic of Tatarstan. And “thanks to the people” is not so little! Good luck to you

Employees of the Iristonsky Ministry of Defense of North Ossetia-Alania became known as "executioners" after the story of the death of the father of two children, 39-year-old employee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic, Vladimir Tskayev, was rumored throughout the region. In October this year, a man died in hospital after being tortured by the police.

Tskayev caught the eye of the police after shortly before that, in Vladikavkaz, on V. Abaev Street, an unknown person wounded a riot policeman Roman Pliev from a firearm. Colleagues of the wounded man immediately began to look for the culprit. Those who caught the eye were taken to the department. Then, of course, having figured it out, they let go.

But the father of two children, 39-year-old Vladimir Tskayev, after a "conversation" with law enforcement officers was taken first to the RCH, and then to the morgue. Shortly before this, the man buried his mother.


On that Friday, December 31, the house of Tskayev was crowded: they spent the day of remembrance of his mother. When it was over, the man went to take the guests home. It was then that the police detained him. As the relatives later established, the police claimed to Vladimir Tskayev that he had been identified by a couple. And then they even reported that the wounded policeman himself had identified his abuser. How plausible this version is, investigators have to figure out.

Wanting to gain recognition, the police "overdid it" - by midnight Tskayev with numerous head and limb injuries was taken to the RCH, where he died.

The worst thing is that a few days later a certain Marik Bukulov came to the police. The 37-year-old man himself reported to the law enforcement agencies and said that he had wounded Rolan Pliev. As proof of his guilt, he handed over the weapon from which he fired, and told the details of the incident.


“Our version” has already told about how the relatives and friends of Vladimir Tskayev came out in the center of Vladikavkaz to a rally against police arbitrariness. They stated that innocent Tskayev was beaten and forced to confess to a crime.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately shook - inspections began, the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the North Ossetia-Alania opened a criminal case under the article "abuse of office with the use of violence." The suspects - three operatives were taken into custody of the Iristonskiy ROVD. The deputy chief for operational work of this department was dismissed from work.

The head of the republic, Tamerlan Aguzarov, even went to the relatives of the deceased and promised that all those responsible would be punished and the investigation would be objective and effective.


The Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia-Alania Artur Akhmetkhanov has resigned. I would like to believe that I decided to clear the honor of the uniform from the bloody stain of the lawlessness of his subordinates. But his resignation in the government was not accepted, they offered to rest and think over everything thoroughly. Like, time will pass, you will rest, everything will be forgotten, and again start leading your thugs.

And he agreed!

Three years ago, a high-profile scandal cost the ministerial office to another head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but this time of Tatarstan, Asgat Safarov. Then on March 9, 2011, after torture at the Dalny police station, a detainee died - the man was tortured by putting a bottle in his anus.

At first, Safarov made tough personnel decisions - for negative reasons, he fired some of the employees of the Dalniy OP, and dispersed the rest in other departments. Supported the initiation of criminal cases against six of his employees. When he raked the "Augean stables" in the republic's police, General Safarov resigned.

Who forced Artur Akhmetkhanov to write a resignation report? If the officer's conscience did not allow Safarov to lead a collective of thousands of Tatarstan policemen, then where is Akhmetkhanov's?

Media: Now Artur Farvazovich is simply unrecognizable.

The ex-deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkiria, and now the deputy commander of the Russian Guard in the Volga Federal District, Artur Akhmetkhanov, radically changed his image, having lost about 40 kg. Previously, a 54-year-old man weighed about 120 kg, and the extra weight of the lieutenant general has repeatedly become a topic of discussion.

According to the portal kavpolit.com, the appearance was the reason for reproaches from the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev. Judging by the pictures published during a recent meeting with Rustam Minnikhanov, Artur Akhmetkhanov looks vigorous and noticeably rejuvenated. Note that the man got rid of excess weight for about a year. So far we have not managed to find out from the general the main secret of his new image.

While serving in North Ossetia

Nutritionist Olga Khafizova:

Judging by the pictures, in this case, the weight loss, most likely, passed without sudden jumps. As a rule, it is easier for men to lose weight and maintain it in the future than for women. And I have practically no doubt that this person will be able to maintain his weight in the future. Men are known to be reluctant to "reinvent the wheel" if they follow instructions, changing recommendations is a very successful strategy when it comes to correcting their eating behavior. However, a more accurate prognosis will also depend on how he was losing weight. If this was done with the help of starvation diets, then with a probability of 95%, the weight will be restored within a year. If the weight has been reduced by judiciously getting rid of the so-called ballast calories, then the chances of maintaining weight are very high.

Akhmetkhanov Artur Farvazovich was born in 1962 in the village. Journals of the Salavat region of the BASSR. Higher education - in 1993 he graduated from the law faculty of the Bashkir State University, in 1999 - from the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. By education - a lawyer.

He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in 1985, after serving in the army. He worked his way up from an operative of the criminal investigation department to the head of the Ordzhonikidze police department of Ufa, which he headed from 1994 to 1999. Since 1999, he was the head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

From February 2005 to December 2008, Artur Farvazovich served as Deputy Minister - Head of the Public Security Police Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

In December 2008, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

On April 1, 2011, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree "On the assignment of a special rank of the highest commanding staff to the employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the appointment of officers of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation", in accordance with which the special rank of police lieutenant general was awarded militia lieutenant ARTUR FARVAZOVICH AKHMETKHANOV.

During the period of service, he was awarded state awards:

Order of Merit for the Fatherland IV degree

Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland, II degree"

medal "For distinction in maintaining public order",

medal "For the population census".

She has departmental awards and the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Bashkortostan".

How do you feel about strict diets?

I know that the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is performing his duties, but there is a question about his stay in the republic,- said today at a meeting of the Council of the Parliament of the Republic of the Vice-Speaker Stanislav Kesaev.

He suggested asking the republican deputies in the State Duma to find out where the minister of the republic’s Interior Ministry is.

At the next meeting of the Duma, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will make a report Vladimir Kolokoltsev... I ask one of our deputies in the State Duma to make an inquiry about the leadership of the republic’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. I'll write it myself, but it would be nice if you support the idea itself, - said Stanislav Kesaev.

Parliament Speaker Alexey Machnev said:

We cannot oblige MPs to ask this question,- explained Machnev.

the site decided to find out the exact location of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic. For information, we turned to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where we were told that the minister is now at his workplace.

Today he, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers, attended the funeral of the captain of the internal troops. Soslana Tedeeva, which was blown up in Ingushetia. Yesterday he sent logisticians to his house to find out what kind of help the family needed. On Saturday, a children's party was held at Dynamo for the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at which Artur Akhmetkhanov was also. And yesterday, together with the public organization "National Civil Committee" Public Recognition "", he handed crosses to veterans of the internal troops and the children of deceased employees, including his son Marika Metsaeva, — told the site Alla Akhpolova.

As a result, we were left with nothing, since the words of the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament were available against the words of the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. That is why they asked Alla Akhpolova to prove her words with facts. She referred to the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and from there provided us with photographs.

After that, deciding that the journalists misinterpreted Stanislav Kesaev's words, literally understanding his words about the absence of the minister in the republic, we decided to clarify another question that he asked at the last meeting and asked Alla Akhpolova “but it is true that the minister was not in the republic for a month and a half ? ".

- Lies- Briefly said the head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. And she invited us, together with Stanislav Kesaev, to collect evidence, since we do not believe the facts and material evidence provided. The Head of the Republic may be among the first witnesses in the case of establishing Akhmetkhanov's whereabouts. Taimuraz Mamsurov... It was he who was awarded the Order of Kindness yesterday by Artur Akhmetkhanov.

After being convinced of the words of the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we decided to ask the North Ossetian State Duma deputies whether they would fulfill the request of the parliamentarians. We first got through to United Russia Makharbek Khadartseva, who listened to our question and said that he "now has no time." Then we called the "communist" Kazbek Taysaev, who not only delved into the essence of the question, but also answered it. According to him, he just met with Minister Akhmetkhanov in his office today.

The Minister of the Interior is where he should be. He works very well and copes with all his duties. What does Stanislav Kesaev have to do with the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Let Kesaev ask me where the Minister of the Interior is. The question is what? Does he think he is performing poorly?- said Kazbek Taisayev.

He also advised all those who have questions about the whereabouts of the Minister of the Interior to call the department itself, where they will answer this question.

A little later, we again managed to contact Makharbek Khadartsev, who said that Akhmetkhanov was "the most worthy of all the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have been with us recently."

Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Former Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania


Graduated from the Bashkir State University, the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.


Artur Akhmetkhanov became the Vice Prime Minister in charge of the security forces in Bashkiria

One of the new Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic was a native of Bashkiria, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov. Now he holds the post of deputy commander of the Volga District of the National Guard troops for the organization of non-departmental security and licensing and permitting work. In the Government of the Republic of Belarus, he will oversee security issues, interaction with the Ministry of Emergencies, the State Committee for Justice, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports. Acting Head of the region Radiy Khabirov announced the appointment to the new post at an operational meeting in the Government.

Artur Akhmetkhanov has been appointed Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Bashkortostan

By the decree of the Acting Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Radiy Khabirov, Artur Akhmetkhanov was appointed Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Nine years for informant Jaco: how the Interior Ministry colonel was punished

The informant of the famous Jaco's gang - the gangster and murderer of Aslan Gagiev - was sent to prison by the verdict of the court. On Wednesday, former Interior Ministry colonel Vadim Shavlokhov received 9 years in a strict regime colony. In addition, the former servant of the law lost the rank of police colonel and must pay a fine five times the amount of the monetary reward he received.

As MK reported at one time, in June 2013, an important member of the organized criminal group, Arkady Gabalov, through another member of the group, Arsen Gabolaev, met Shavlokhov, who at that time held the position of an operative for especially important cases of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The acquaintance was facilitated by the fact that Gabalov and Shavlokhov are fellow countrymen: they found common friends.

The letter to the minister was assessed by the deadline

As it became known to Kommersant, for the Interior Ministry Colonel Vadim Shavlokhov, accused of bribery and abuse of office, the prosecutor's office requested 12 years in prison - two years more than Colonel Yuri Budanov, in whose murder he participated. The defense insists on the full acquittal of the defendant Shavlokhov, believing that he was slandered by the accomplices of Aslan Gagiev, accused of organizing 60 murders.

At the hearings in the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow, the state prosecution requested ten years for Vadim Shavlokhov for accepting a bribe on an especially large scale (part 6 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and two more years for exceeding official powers (part 1 of article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) ... The prosecutor's office believes that, as an additional punishment, a fine of 210 million rubles should be imposed on him, and in addition, he should be demoted from colonel to rank and file.

There is nothing to be surprised at: Akhmetkhanov can become a guard in the Volga Federal District

Lieutenant-General Artur Akhmetkhanov, a native of Bashkiria, may become the deputy commander of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops in the Volga Federal District. According to ProUfu.ru sources from the Russian Guard, the prosecutor's office received a request for his candidacy.
Artur Akhmetkhanov last year left the post of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Prior to that, he served as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Belarus. During his service in the North Caucasus, he developed good relations with some of the current leaders of the Russian Guard.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia is headed by Mikhail Skokov

By his decree, Russian President Vladimir Putin today made a number of personnel changes in some federal bodies.

Mikhail Skokov appointed head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia

Prior to his appointment, Skokov headed the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Rostov and Smolensk regions.

TSKHINVAL, 12 Apr - Sputnik. Police Major General Mikhail Skokov has been appointed the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for North Ossetia-Alania. The corresponding presidential decree was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

Mikhail Skokov may become the new head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia

According to Abon, 48-year-old Police Major General Mikhail Skokov will become the new Minister of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia. Now he is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Smolensk region.

The republican Ministry of Internal Affairs did not confirm or deny this information, stating that "before the decree is signed by the president, it may still change." Nevertheless, the department is preparing for the arrival of Major General Skokov.

Was born in 1968 in the Rostov region. Serves in the internal affairs bodies since September 1990. He began his service in the Department of Internal Affairs for the Rodionovo-Nesvetaysky District as an operative of the Criminal Investigation Department.

The media reported on the transfer of the chief of the Smolensk police to North Ossetia

Mikhail Skokov may become the new Minister of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia, according to the information portal "Abon".

The news of the appointment of Mikhail Skokov to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia was not confirmed or denied to the journalists, saying that "before the signing of the decree by the President, it may still change." However, according to the portal, the department is preparing for the arrival of Major General Skokov.


Police Major General Mikhail Skokov has been appointed Minister of Internal Affairs for North Ossetia. The decree of the President of Russia has been published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

Previously, Mikhail Skokov headed the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Smolensk region. He has served in the internal affairs bodies for over 25 years. The rank of Major General of Militia was awarded to him by the President of Russia in 2010. Skokov was awarded the 2nd degree medal "For Services to the Fatherland".

V. Putin dismissed the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karachay-Cherkessia.

06/03/2013, Moscow 09:58:23 The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Police Major General Zhaudat Akhmetkhanov, was relieved of his post by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. This was reported by the Kremlin press service.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130603095823.shtml


During an expanded meeting of the Public Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the Republic of North Ossetia-A, held in Vladikavkaz on March 15, the Minister of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov, repeatedly complained that today there is no clearly defined ideological base in the process of educating the younger generation. Hence, they say, and the problems, among which the main one is the susceptibility of young people to the propaganda of extremist postulates. As an alternative example, Mr. Akhmetkhanov cited the multinational Soviet Union, where the principle of internationalism dominated as one of the main foundations of society.
link: http://www.sknews.ru/main/ 55270-nacmenam-veleno-druzhit. html

General Akhmetkhanov's word and deed

As you know, on April 1, President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev signed a decree on the appointment of heads of regional internal affairs bodies in accordance with the new Law "On the Police". Artur Farvazovich Akhmetkhanov was among the first to be appointed to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs for North Ossetia with the title of "Police Lieutenant General". The conversation published below is the first exclusive interview that Artur Akhmetkhanov gave in his new position.
link: http://region15.ru/articles/ 2998 /

Artur AKHMETKHANOV: "We are determined to identify everyone who was involved in the murder of Dzhikayev"

The general was thrown for a breakthrough
He was 46-year-old Major General Artur Akhmetkhanov, who previously held the post of Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkiria. He has served in law enforcement for almost 24 years, worked in the criminal police, headed the Ordzhonikidze Department of Internal Affairs of Ufa, the Bashkir State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Graduated from the Bashkir State University and the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
link: http://www.rg.ru/2008/12/02/ reg-kuban / axmetxanov.html

The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Alania held a reception of citizens

Over the weekend, the Minister of Internal Affairs for North Ossetia-Alania, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov and his deputies went to remote and high-mountain villages of the republic to receive citizens on personal matters, to listen to their problems and complaints.
link: http://www.mvd.ru/news/show_ 103630 /

The cops are told to learn bitter lessons

Yesterday, Russian Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev held an extraordinary meeting of the board in the mode of a video press conference, in which the leaders and officers of all regional police units took part. The course of an open and principled conversation online was closely followed by representatives of the leadership and personnel of the North Ossetian Interior Ministry, headed by Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov.
link: http://osetia.tv/2012/03/18/81

Artur Akhmetkhanov addressed children

The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov, congratulated the students of various schools in North Ossetia, inmates of Orphanages, as well as the children of the killed employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the beginning of the school year and wished them success in their studies, briefly spoke about the police service, about its divisions, about the tasks standing in front of the guards.

“Perhaps, having seen how the police work, in the future you will want to become employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you will study well, play sports, get professional military skills by serving in the ranks of the Russian Army, and we will be happy to accept you into our ranks!” children A. Akhmetkhanov.
link: http://ironradio.ru/obshestvo/ 39807-artur-akhmetkhanov- obratilsja-k-detjam.html

Artur AKHMETKHANOV: "So that not one of the criminals escapes responsibility ..."

The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Lieutenant General of Militia Artur AKHMETKHANOV, spoke about the painful and topical issues in an interview with SO.
link: http://osetia.kvaisa.ru/1- rubriki / 22-eto

The situation in the Muslim community of Ossetia is close to critical

The Interior Minister for North Ossetia-A, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov, in an interview with the newspaper "North Ossetia" called the identified base of the Islamists involved in the murder of Dzhikayev, "an extremist enclave." According to the law enforcement officer, 3 F-1 grenades with fuses, a noise grenade, a magazine from a Kalashnikov assault rifle, the alleged murder weapon of Shamil Dzhikayev - a sword similar to the Japanese national sword, several baseball bats, nunchucks, woolen hats with slits for the eyes, were found at the base. a set of uniforms for a traffic police officer with all attributes, a large number of CDs with recordings of lectures of the odious extremist Buryatsky, various books of religious content, including the book "Ruined Peoples" published in Turkey, a set of Afghan clothes worn by the Taliban.
link: http://www.newsland.ru/news/ detail / id / 714142 /

An expanded meeting of the Public Council of the republic was held at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Before the meeting, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov, presented the Order of Courage to the former riot police officer Soslan Bagaev, who, risking his own life, covered himself with a grenade and saved dozens of civilians from death. In addition, three residents of the republic were awarded valuable gifts for assisting the internal affairs bodies in arresting criminals and preventing crimes, the press service of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs reports.
link: http://ossetia.ru/news/ society / detail.php? ID = 47285

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia is the leader in the North Caucasus region in solving grave and especially grave crimes, said its head

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia ranks third in Russia and first in the North Caucasian Federal District in terms of solving grave and especially grave crimes. This was announced today by the Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov at a meeting of the parliament of the republic.
link: http://region15.ru/news/2012/ 02/28/21-05 /

"Skif" - "Nart" tamed the fans

The Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov, who was present at the lesson, praised the decisive and lawful actions of the police officers. This was quite reasonable, since the action was played out quite for real. The crowd of fans, dissatisfied with the results of the football match and unfair, in their opinion, refereeing, destroyed everything in its path.
link: http://journalist-virt.ru/ medianews / 83-daytoday / 1856- lskifr-lnartr-ukrotili-fanatov

"Bastion": a test of strength

During their studies, the students met with the Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communication Vladimir Kozlov, Deputy Head of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Mass Media of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Vadim Subbotin, Deputy Head of the Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Media Department of Rospechat Sergey Ustyugov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Sergey Tobolov, Minister of Internal Affairs for North Ossetia-Alania, Police Lieutenant General Artur Akhmetkhanov, Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District for work with personnel, Colonel Vladimir Zharov, Commander of the 58th Army, Major General Andrei Kartapolov.

Rustam Minnikhanov and Rustem Gumerov. photo: prav.tatarstan.ru

Gumerov was officially introduced by Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops Sergei Lebedev. An order was signed today to confer the rank of colonel on Gumerov. From 2011 to 2016, he worked as the head of the Minnikhanov security service.

Sergey Lebedev and Rustem Gumerov. photo: prav.tatarstan.ru

The meeting took place in Minnikhanov's office at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Deputy Commander of the Volga District of the National Guard Troops Artur Akhmetkhanov, Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Ayrat Shafigullin and Chief of Staff of the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan Asgat Safarov took part.

Safarov's biography, by the way, is a good example of what a successful career a presidential security guard can make. The starting point for the "big" career of the current chief of staff was in 1998. Overnight, Shaimiev's main bodyguard became the republic's minister of internal affairs, replacing Iskander Galimov in this post. The latter also participated in the conspiracy against Shaimiev. In 2012, after the scandal around the Dalny OP, Safarov resigned. A year later, in 2013, he headed the apparatus of the head of the republic.

What else to read