Virgo and Scorpio compatibility in love relationships. Astrological compatibility of Scorpio and Virgo. From the book by Wolinsky S. "Astrolove"


Compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio is high. Water and land enrich each other. Without moisture, the land remains empty and unfertile, and without soil, water quickly evaporates.

These zodiac signs are committed to serious, long-term and stable relationships. The union is built on mutual support, everyone makes their contribution to it. Virgo organizes it, and Scorpio revives it, as it should be between two elements, water and earth.

Characters of signs

What character traits does the horoscope give to Virgo and Scorpio? How do their natures influence relationships? Let's take a closer look at this.

Scorpio character

People born under the constellation Scorpio are mysterious and mysterious personalities. Their characters combine opposite traits. They are independent and affectionate, cold and passionate at the same time. Inside every Scorpio there are hidden bright, extremely strong emotions. They rarely show them, and when they break down, a storm of feelings destroys everything in its path. Scorpios are individualists and have difficulty letting people near them. They are perceptive, see right through a person, do not like lies and never lie themselves. The characteristics of Scorpio will be incomplete without talking about his reliability. Intelligent, smart and educated people

  • They are interested not only in everyday life. They are interested in religion, politics, social activities, and try to uncover the secrets of the universe. Here are their main character traits:
  • Secretive and mysterious
  • Insightful
  • Independent mavericks
  • Passionate
  • Self-confident
  • Purposeful
  • Hardworking
  • Reliable
  • Suspicious


VIRGO + SCORPIO - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Virgo and Scorpio. Compatibility Horoscope Love and Sexual Horoscope

Compatibility of Scorpio man and Virgo woman

Compatibility of Virgo man and Scorpio woman


Scorpios are not without negative traits. They are suspicious and don't trust anyone. They do not accept criticism and do not like praise. Confidence often outgrows self-confidence. People of this sign can be cruel, their authority reaches the point of despotism. They are vindictive and never forget insults. They do not engage in open battle with enemies; they prefer to act secretly, which is even worse. Sometimes Scorpio's revenge overtakes the offender after many years.

Virgo character

Under the constellation Virgo, people are born who love order to the point of fanaticism. They are trying to systematize, sort out the whole world around them. They achieve everything in life hard work, do not imagine how you can count on luck or a lucky break. They come up with thousands of rules and restrictions for themselves and others, and try to follow them.

By nature, they are independent people, they have their own opinions. They don’t like to spend money; they prefer to save and invest their savings in long-term projects. They feel confident if they don’t owe anything to anyone. Virgo's character is described as follows:

  • Organized
  • Disciplined
  • Pedantic
  • Purposeful
  • Self-confident
  • Petty
  • Calm and reserved
  • Balanced
  • Conservative
  • Thrifty.

The main negative trait of Virgos is criticism. They can be grumpy and sarcastic, and do not forgive the mistakes of others. They do not accept comments addressed to them, while being self-critical, they see many of their own mistakes, even non-existent ones. They are constantly awaiting punishment for sins unknown to anyone. They can be vindictive and vindictive, and do not forgive other people’s mistakes or unfulfilled obligations.

General Compatibility

The horoscope of the signs Virgo and Scorpio promises good compatibility for them. These people complement and support each other. Scorpio can be chaotic, he looks inward and pays little attention to the external environment. Virgo will bring system and order into his life, help organize his affairs, his personal space. Scorpio will dispel dark thoughts Virgo, will open up new perspectives for her. He is confident in himself and will pass this confidence on to his partner. The couple has a good combination with each other and is able to create an ideal union, just like in the picture.

Incredibly, both signs feel relaxed in each other’s company.

The leader and boss in the duet is Scorpio, he protects the union of the Virgo-Scorpio couple and points in the right direction. Together they form one whole for interaction and protection from outside world. There is almost no threat to their friendship and love. Unless both get carried away with criticism, then Virgo and Scorpio will ruin their relationship forever. Their living together turn into hell, and the union will soon fall apart.

Additional factors

People are influenced by more than just their sun sign. An additional compatibility factor is the Moon and its ascendant. If he is in a sign with which Virgo or Scorpio has poor compatibility, the relationship does not work out or is destroyed. The eastern horoscope also has an influence. Fire Dragon gives Virgo leadership qualities, she enters into a fight with Scorpio. When his birth year is Goat or Dog, their ability to obey is in dissonance with Scorpio's independence.

It is bad if both signs of the leader, for example, Tiger and Horse. The Snake will give Virgo more insight, and Scorpio will strengthen it. The Rooster will make the Virgo grumpy, and the Monkey will increase the intelligence of Scorpio, but will make him a great schemer. It’s good if both zodiac signs have a Cat or Ox year of birth, then their compatibility will only increase. Whoever the partners are Chinese horoscope, relationships need to be built on mutual love and respect.

Sexual compatibility

Compatible in love relationships and in sex between Virgo and Scorpio it’s not bad. It’s true that the signs have different approaches to intimacy, but the differences are easily overcome.

Scorpio Sexuality

Scorpio's sexual energy is probably designed for several people. Representatives of this sign begin sexual activity early, they take sex seriously, for them it is a special sacrament, with mystical overtones. They often devote their entire lives to searching for sensual pleasures. Casual relationships are not for them; Scorpios prefer permanent partners. But they won't hold on to a relationship if it's dead.

Scorpio men and women are relaxed in bed, no matter who they end up with.

There are no complexes or restrictions for them. Prone to sadism, tenderness and cruelty are surprisingly intertwined in their love game. The Scorpio woman loves to dominate; she decides what her partners will do in bed. Having become disillusioned with men, Scorpio can find happiness in lesbian love.

Virgo sexuality

In bed, Virgos are reserved, cold, and rarely show their emotions. Sex is not the main thing in life for them. Even if they are in love, the practical side of the relationship plays more important role in the mind of the Virgo, than carnal pleasures. They are not averse to improving their technique, but they put little passion into it. Virgos begin their sex life late, this applies to both men and women. We are always ready to exchange sex for a quiet evening with a book or watching TV.

Despite their coldness and restraint, Virgos have great erotic potential. Not everyone can open it. If your partner succeeds, he will be pleasantly surprised. Virgo plays in bed passive role, willingly obeys. It happens that after a stormy night, she begins to be tormented by doubts as to whether she did the right thing by succumbing to what she considers a base impulse. In such cases, the support of the partner and his sincere expression of love are important. The stronger Virgo's affection, the more relaxed she is in bed.


Scorpio is one of the few zodiac signs that can awaken Virgo's sexuality. He will conquer her with his skills, affection and tenderness. Virgo will become a blessed partner for Scorpio, over whom he will completely dominate and realize all his fantasies. Sexual harmony will reign between the signs if they learn to perceive each other as they are, to take advantage of the benefits that the connection gives both.

The compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio in love is disrupted by different approaches to intimate pleasures.

For Scorpio, sex is the highest manifestation of love, an act filled with romance, mysticism and high feelings. Virgo looks at the bed down to earth, she is satisfied quickly, she is interested in the technical, and not the sensual, side of a love relationship. Contradictions are erased when Scorpio manages to awaken the hidden sexual energy in his partner. Or he puts up with coldness and stiffness for the sake of other aspects of the relationship.

Compatibility of Scorpio man and Virgo woman

A Scorpio man and a Virgo woman are capable of a happy marriage. A guy is attracted to a girl's calmness and organization. He dreams of the quiet haven that Virgo provides. The girl sees in the guy a reliable and faithful protector, devoted to loved ones and family. In an ideal couple, partners find a compromise. Virgo puts up with the fact that Scorpio does not adhere to her rules and can be chaotic and hot-tempered. She acts as a peacemaker between him and his relatives and does not abuse criticism. Scorpio will curb his love fervor, accept Virgo’s coldness in bed, and pedantry in everyday matters.

The leader in the couple is the man, he is responsible for providing financial support for the family, and this suits the wife. There are no financial problems; Virgo and Scorpio are thrifty and fully compatible in money matters. Disagreements will arise if everyone begins to prove that they are right and focus on shortcomings. Virgo criticizes, Scorpio tries to change her. A man is annoyed by his wife’s immersion in household chores, her inability to understand him inner world have high aspirations. A woman does not perceive her husband’s excessive emotionality and spontaneity. On this basis, scandals arise, friendship and love come to an end.

How can a Virgo woman and a Scorpio man improve compatibility? Here are some tips:

  • Less criticism, especially from your wife
  • A man accepts his wife as she is, appreciates her organization and neatness, and her talents as a housewife.
  • Relationships are not built on the principle of boss and subordinate, they are equal
  • It is important to pay attention to common rather than opposing character traits
  • Spouses are able to enrich each other and promote personal growth
  • Family responsibilities are clearly distributed.

Love and mutual understanding strengthen the union and become the key to a long and happy family life.

Compatibility between Virgo man and Scorpio woman

The Scorpio woman and the Virgo man are quite happy in family life, although they are different in character and temperament. Scorpio girl and Virgo guy quickly find mutual language, they are brought together by their love for philosophical conversations, analysis of events and people’s actions. In an ideal couple, spouses complement each other, relationships are built on friendship and love. A man listens to his wife’s advice, appreciates her ability to analyze and see prospects where he does not see them. The wife appreciates her husband’s organization and discipline, which she herself lacks so much. Relationships are built on equality, household responsibilities are distributed equally, and both spouses earn decent money.

Virgo man and Scorpio woman break compatibility when they get carried away with mutual criticism. The husband notices the slightest mistakes of his wife and begins to “nag” her. But you can’t criticize Scorpios; you won’t get anything from them using this method, you’ll only get a cruel answer from which it will take a long time to recover. A woman is annoyed by her husband’s slowness and emotional coldness. She begins to push him to action, to remake him. But Virgos do not accept it when their territory is invaded, they try to control, they are independent and also do not accept criticism. Without receiving positive feedback on their actions and desires, the spouses move away and soon separate.

To improve relationships, it wouldn’t hurt for a couple to listen to the following advice:

  • Stop criticizing each other
  • Set a goal or start a common cause
  • Communicate more, be in public
  • Don't get hung up on everyday issues
  • Treat your partner as an equal
  • Accept shortcomings, because everyone has them
  • Emphasize each other's dignity.

If each of the partners is truly in love, the husband values ​​his wife, and the wife values ​​her husband, they don’t care about any trials. The marriage of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman will last for many years.

The compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio is quite high. Water and earth signs have a beneficial effect on each other. Together they are able to build brilliant careers, improve themselves and, most importantly, get rid of the negative traits of their characters. By at least neither one nor the other will notice them.

Virgo brings more order to relationships and stabilizes them. Scorpio is responsible for the sensual and emotional sphere, making the connection lively and intense. In terms of divorce rates, this couple is rare. If Scorpio and Virgo get together, they will live happily ever after.

These zodiac signs are committed to serious, long-term and stable relationships. The union is built on mutual support, everyone makes their contribution to it. Virgo organizes it, and Scorpio revives it, as it should be between two elements, water and earth.

The relationship between the mysterious Scorpio and the perfectionist Virgo is largely determined by the characteristics of their natures. They are different, but complement each other perfectly. What does the horoscope say about these zodiac signs?

Scorpio character

The mysterious planet Pluto makes Scorpio very secretive and mysterious. Emotions are seething in his soul, but they rarely break out. Few people manage to unravel the contradictory nature of this sign. Scorpio is courageous and strong, but often an excess of emotions undermines his strength. By personality type, he is an introvert, his social circle is narrow, and gaining the trust of Scorpio real problem. But loved ones can always count on his help and support. Here a brief description of Scorpio and its main features:

  • Mysteriousness
  • Stealth
  • Developed intuition
  • Bravery
  • Masculinity
  • Decency
  • Reliability
  • Loyalty
  • Suspicion
  • Vindictiveness
  • Selfishness.

Scorpio, along with positive features character, has many shortcomings. He is an owner and manipulator, seeks to limit the freedom of loved ones and control their entire lives. Selfishness, vanity, and love of intrigue also do not add to his fans. There are legends about the vindictiveness and rancor of this zodiac sign.

Virgo character

In terms of closedness, Virgo can compete with Scorpio. This sign does not allow anyone to unravel their true feelings or penetrate into their inner world. Virgos are very conscientious, pedantic, and try to put the whole world around them in order. Any business they undertake is brought to perfection. They do not like noisy companies or communication with strangers. This zodiac sign feels most comfortable in own home where perfect order reigns. Here are the main character traits of Virgo:

  • Accuracy
  • Pedantry
  • Charm
  • Punctuality
  • Discretion
  • Honesty
  • Practicality
  • Discipline
  • Organization
  • Integrity
  • Restraint
  • Equilibrium.

Virgo takes everything very seriously. The pedantry of such people sometimes reaches the point of fanaticism. They tend to get hung up on little things, missing out on big opportunities. Representatives of this zodiac sign are self-critical, but they love to criticize others even more. That’s why Virgos have a reputation for being grumpy bores. They are constantly afraid of punishment for their mistakes, which is why they often suffer from pathological anxiety. They are vindictive, vengeful, calculating.

General compatibility of signs

The relationship between the signs of Virgo and Scorpio develops successfully, contrary to all logic. An earth sign is confident that it can correct and improve anyone. Scorpio will not only not allow this, he will not allow a stranger to know even partially the secret of his soul. However, these two get along very well. Virgo never pretends to be a leader; she meekly acknowledges Scorpio’s superiority and sees him as a faithful protector. The spirit of Pluto has a calming effect on the restless Virgo; next to her companion she feels more confident and calm. Scorpios behave very freely in the presence of Virgos, which happens to them extremely rarely. They will never agree with the generally accepted opinion about their partner’s fussiness and nervousness. Mutual support allows Virgo and Scorpio to confidently walk through life, together they achieve great success than alone.

No matter how good the compatibility horoscope of Virgo and Scorpio is, problems arise between them, Mars provokes discord. After all, the characters of these signs are very different. The earth sign is pedantic and organized, he tries to bring any task to perfection. Scorpio is also purposeful, but extreme perfectionism is unusual for him. But his views on life are broad, he does not understand Virgo’s pettiness, considers her too slow. It is difficult to expect that Virgo will keep company in the endless searches and adventures of Scorpio; she is tied to home, she is interested in more specific things. At the same time, Virgo may be irritated by Scorpio’s excessive emotionality and self-confidence. Both signs love to shout at each other, but Scorpio does it more harshly; after his criticism, no stone is left unturned.

The compatibility of the signs of Scorpio and Virgo is influenced not only by the Sun, but also by the Moon. If the lunar ascendant of one of the partners is ruled by the element of air, this will distance them. Fire will make Virgo and Scorpio rivals. When the Moon sign is from the water or earth element, the couple will find even better mutual understanding. Moon Virgo in solar Scorpio in a woman or man makes them pedantic, and Scorpio in Virgo makes them emotional. Eastern horoscope also has a significant impact on the compatibility of Scorpio and Virgo. The Snake, Tiger or Dragon are perfect for a water sign, and the Rat, Horse and Cat for an air sign. The relationship will be bad if one of the partners is Ox, Monkey or Pig. In such a union, misunderstanding and confrontation will reign. But the Dog and the Goat are a good combination, especially if the Goat is Virgo and the Dog is Scorpio.

Erotic horoscope

Sexual compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio is not as good as in other areas. Virgo takes a practical approach to physical intimacy. She strives to satisfy her needs without attaching special mystical meaning to sex, like her partner. Venus endowed Scorpio with a passionate and sublime nature; for him, intimate relationships are the highest act of love and spiritual unity. He is ready for any experiments in bed, loses his natural restraint, becomes frantic, and completely surrenders to passion. Virgos, especially women, are often captive of prejudices. They are constrained in bed, you need to try hard to reveal their sexuality and get rid of their complexes. For Scorpio and Virgo to find compatibility in a love relationship, they need to try hard.

If the union of the signs of Virgo and Scorpio arose on the basis of deep feelings, the lovers trust each other, they will have good sex. Scorpio will be able to reveal the deeply hidden capabilities of Virgo. It is important that the upbringing of an earth sign is not too strict; it is not pressured by the prejudices of society. Then the couple has a better chance of finding harmony in intimate relationships. Scorpio should not put pressure on his soul mate; she will gradually open up to him. Virgo, in turn, should become more flexible, discard the baggage of past failures, and dissolve in her partner. Then she will understand that there has never been and never will be a better lover in her life. Virgo and Scorpio will find compatibility in sex if the love between them is strong and real. Otherwise, they will part without ever fully knowing each other.

Compatibility between Virgo man and Scorpio woman

The Scorpio girl and the Virgo guy are quite compatible, so they quickly manage to attract each other’s attention. Most likely, when they meet, they will immediately start a long intellectual conversation. If they meet in a group, the two of them sit in a corner and begin to discuss the behavior and personal qualities of all the guests. This will not be gossip, but a deep psychological analysis of all participants in the holiday. The girl will see in the guy the one she has been looking for for a long time, an organized and promising partner. At the same time, he does not claim either a leading role in the union or complete control. The guy will be charmed by the analytical mind, strength, and confidence of his girlfriend. He will understand that next to such a woman he himself will become stronger. Only Scorpio can withstand Virgo’s criticism and tediousness, which is why a man feels so comfortable next to his girlfriend.

Virgo man and Scorpio woman are a happy and harmonious couple. They find many similarities in each other. Both set goals and work to implement them; they are not used to sitting idle. Scorpio and Virgo will not miss a moment to criticize someone, discuss all their friends, movie stars or politicians. Because of this tendency, they receive not the most flattering reviews from friends, but their partners do not care about this. A woman in such a family will be the driving force; she comes up with new ideas, both when arranging a home and creating a common business. A man is always on guard. After all, the wife does not fully calculate the results of her actions and does not know how to organize the space around her. The husband will be a “cleaner” and a “corrector.” He will correct any mistake in time so that the family ship does not tilt and sails in the right direction. The marriage of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman is generally going well.

How to solve problems

The compatibility of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman in marriage may be shaken, because it is never ideal. Since they both like criticism, they will not miss a moment to reprimand each other. At first it will go unnoticed, but at some point it will get to you. Scorpio will flare up and sting Virgo painfully. She, in turn, will regard criticism as an attack on her own personality. The husband will be annoyed by his wife's disorganization and her constant desire to move forward. He will not miss a moment to make a remark. And Virgos criticize harshly, which can greatly offend Scorpio. The wife will not be able to tolerate the pettiness and passivity of the Virgo’s husband. After all, she doesn’t understand how you can spend so much time on little things and not see the big picture at all.

You can increase the compatibility of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman if you truly respect and value your partner. The husband should criticize and make comments less. In this way he will not be able to get anything from his wife. All Scorpios respond to criticism with even greater resistance, the situation will only get worse. The wife needs to be more tolerant and turn a deaf ear to the nagging. You can turn criticism into discussion and analysis of the situation; during conversations, spouses will forget their complaints against each other. A common cause or hobby will unite the family. But it is necessary to clearly divide the roles, the husband deals with tactics, and the wife with strategy. If spouses pay more attention to their strengths than to their weaknesses, their relationship will become much better.

Compatibility of Scorpio man and Virgo woman

A Scorpio guy and a Virgo girl are able to interest each other. They see a partner who can provide them with stability in their relationship. If Scorpio fell in love with a Virgo, he will try to melt her ice and unravel her secretive nature. The girl strives to streamline the guy's life. At the same time, she sees in him reliable protection and support in the stormy sea of ​​life. Scorpio guy and Virgo woman find quickly common topics for conversation. They discuss current events and analyze the behavior of friends. It seems to those close to them that they are too different to be together. In fact, this couple lives quite happily, they positively influence each other, change in better side. Virgo becomes more sensual and opens up wide horizons. Scorpio pacifies his own passions and learns patience.

Scorpio man and Virgo woman are capable of creating quite harmonious couple. In such a marriage, the husband and wife set high goals for themselves. They strive to achieve material well-being, make a career, become public figures. The man thinks about strategic plans, the woman does daily planning and corrects mistakes. Before reaching mutual understanding in family life, a couple of Virgo woman and Scorpio man go a long way. But having overcome all the obstacles, having experienced mutual grinding, they become wiser and more tolerant of each other. Often the wife acts as a peacemaker and helps her husband establish contacts with friends and relatives. A man protects his wife from troubles, stimulates her spiritual, intellectual and emotional development. In general, both partners become better in such an alliance. Plus, they achieve success in their careers and work.

How to resolve conflicts

The compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Scorpio man is not ideal, which is why conflicts often arise in a couple. If spouses begin to focus on each other's shortcomings, a quarrel cannot be avoided. The husband is annoyed by his wife's down-to-earth nature and her obsession with trifles. His aspirations rise much higher than everyday problems, and his wife pulls him to the sinful earth. Sensuality, emotionality, and the eternal search of Scorpio remain incomprehensible to Virgo. She is a realist and does not strive for high ideals. Her environment, order in her home and in her thoughts are important to her. It is difficult to imagine that Virgo will become Scorpio's girlfriend in his wanderings, adventures, or a passionate lover. If a husband and wife try to correct each other and are too critical of each other's shortcomings, the couple will most likely break up.

Virgo and Scorpio are able to dissect any plan and any thought to the bone. They are sure to bring their research to a successful conclusion. This is a defining part of the chemistry of these signs, and the compatibility of the Virgo and Scorpio couple depends on it. There are few couples who can think through a plan more deeply and carry it out more successfully.

Virgo - Scorpio: is there compatibility?

Virgo obliges Scorpio not to lose sight of the end result. Scorpio forces Virgo to remember that passion is necessary for the successful completion of the planned task.

Both strive for excellence. Despite the fact that the compatibility of the Virgo and Scorpio signs is not easy, common ground can be found.

The formula for success is that everyone must play the chosen role as best as possible. Life tests you. Uphold shared values. They are your treasure.

People around you will look at you as a serious couple. Work intensively towards your own goals. You challenge each other in your own ways.

Willingness to serve your partner's interests makes you both grateful. If you are disciplined, you can do anything.

If you have a project, you must put all your energy into completing it. Marriage compatibility Virgo - Scorpio is quite fruitful.

By working together, it is easier to find the way to a lover's heart. You can both quickly discern truth from lies in business. It's great if you know you've given your lover the best he has to offer.

Virgo man - Scorpio woman

A Virgo man next to a Scorpio woman is full of awe. He knows what he wants and knows how to achieve it. This is what a man submissive to Mercury thinks.

But he is not allowed to penetrate the mind of a woman subordinate to Pluto. She knows how to avoid leading questions. This attracts the attention of the Virgo man. He likes the way she goes about things.

Who does she remind him of - isn't it himself? She has a tenacious memory and business acumen. The man submissive to Mercury is excited by her passionate glances, but he is not confident in himself.

Is he able to hold her for a long time? He wants this woman to come into his life, although she will disrupt the usual order. “Let,” he thinks, “without her, life will lose its charm.”

Her deep, charming eyes add spice to the routine of his life. It is clear to her that he is hypnotized by her mysterious soul. The Virgo man is delighted that she trusted him.

“This is real,” he thinks, “how can I explain that I feel strong and confident?” The Scorpio woman understands that the Virgo man is very smart. It seems he was born wise.

He is always different, but she wouldn’t want him to look at life too gloomily. She likes that he listens to her carefully. There's a hint of sensuality in his eyes.

She persistently strives to interest him in herself. She does not want to completely devote her life to him, although he would like this. The Scorpio woman strives to be true to herself.

Otherwise, she is like a lone swimmer in the middle of the ocean. She hopes that the man with longing eyes will allow her to remain herself. She's saving up mental strength.

He doesn't even try to enter her sanctum sanctorum without permission. If he is restrained and patient, she will rush into his arms. But if he is aggressive, she restrains him.

She also craves love, but not possession. He looks at her as if he wants to become her property. She is pleased that a man submissive to Mercury reads her heart.

She appreciated that he courageously faced the truth and lived by his principles. She encourages him.

Woman - Virgo - man - Scorpio

The Virgo woman clearly sees that the Scorpio man studied the world already in his early years. She responds to the demands of his sensitive heart rather than his discerning intellect.

“His cold intellect is testing me,” she thinks. A woman submissive to Mercury and a man submissive to Pluto can do business on equal terms. She knows the world in her own way.

She hasn't been through thick and thin, but she knows what's worth a pound. His vulnerability, which he does not even suspect, pleases her heart. The Scorpio man is strong. She hopes that his strength will further increase in the struggle for ideals.

He is a fiery lover. She hopes that she knows everything about the secrets of love. His voice is sexy and enticing. He knows how to evaluate her answers. She likes that he can guess her mood.

She would like him to learn to read her heart one day. She is ready to wait patiently for him. He strives to interest others in himself.

He is shrewd and creative in love, which makes her desire him. The Scorpio man understands that the Virgo woman's mind is always on alert. She reacts quickly and responds resourcefully.

A Pluto-submissive man likes that a Mercury-submissive woman makes him think twice before saying anything. In general, he is reserved, but sometimes he makes mistakes.

The Scorpio man likes that she doesn't leave the ground. She is not a skeptic, but not a reckless optimist either. She trusts people who don't pretend to be too happy.

A man submissive to Pluto prefers people who have a real reason to be happy. He is one of those himself. He wanted to know if their bond would stand the test of time.

The Scorpio man dreams of knowing the love of a Virgo woman. She tries to analyze the inner essence, using all the capabilities of her intellect. She returns his love.

He simultaneously longs for a hug, but is also afraid of her. Not everyone is given the opportunity to penetrate his soul.

The Virgo woman looks at him with curiosity and desire, as if saying: “I trusted you, but I would like to see that when I am with you, your eyes sparkle.”

You love. You are ready to accept the world as a whole. Your love is truly fruitful. You have awakened desire and passion in your partner. This must be handled with care. Desire should not be feared, it should be cherished.

Virgo and Scorpio - a marriage of lovers and friends at the same time. You expect each other to be faithful. You are eager to exchange thoughts with each other. Tired of the hardships of the day, tell your partner everything that has accumulated in your heart.

This will bring you even closer. Share your joys. Don't hide your grief. Let your dreams inspire you. After all, true love cannot be groundless! You both are two parts of one whole!

Astrologers - about the compatibility of Virgo with Scorpio

From Olshevskaya N.’s book “Astrology for Women”:

You are a Virgo, he is a Scorpio: you both strive for self-improvement and make high demands on yourself, while severely criticizing others.

You respect each other's education, thirst for knowledge and analytical abilities; Just don't want your partner to analyze you - it's scary.

Problems include disagreements regarding sex, which Virgo can do without much more easily than Scorpio.

When making love, Virgo can pay too much attention to technique, which offends the more emotional and passionate Scorpio. This combination is more suitable for platonic friendship or business partnership.

You are Scorpio, he is Virgo: if Scorpio knows something for sure, it is himself. You can be very self-critical and go so far as to tear your self-esteem to shreds.

You also have ideas for self-improvement; so if someone annoys you with unsolicited criticism, you may explode!

As in the union of a Virgo Woman with a Scorpio Man, you will encounter various manifestations of passionate feelings.

Scorpio appreciates Virgo's knowledge and skill, but you wish he was less like a clockwork machine - especially in the bedroom.

(I was told that there is one thing that Virgo never takes off, except in the shower, so that it does not get ruined by the water, and that is her watch.)

Do you like to chat in bed? Virgo is an excellent conversationalist: he will not turn over and fall asleep immediately after making love.

From Wolinsky S.'s book "Astrolove":

Physically, this is a couple one can only dream of, because Scorpio’s sensuality with its depth and insight reveals in Virgo her own sexual powers, gives her confidence and the opportunity to be useful, and this is what Virgo values ​​so much in love!

But this couple is doing well not only in bed, because with the courageous strength of Scorpio and his ability to protect all the worries and whining of Virgo are simply not needed.

Virgo can see through almost all of Scorpio’s maneuvers, and she is not repulsed, but, on the contrary, excited by his mystery.

But what you shouldn't do is tease or criticize your Scorpio, and he needs to get his jealousy under control.

If any cruel words do escape from one of the parties, it will neither be forgiven nor forgotten. So you should not forget about this, because few relationships are as deep as yours.

Love and compatibility in a pair Virgo - Scorpio

From the book by G. Novoselova “Your Love Signs”:

Have you ever heard of oral sex? (No, that's not a typo.) Well, listen. “I wouldn’t mind, but then my ears will be blocked for a whole week.” Don't think that there is something wrong with your eyes.

Better see what a sign it is. I won’t be mistaken if I say that this is Virgo discussing her sexual projects with her Scorpio partner.

The most hated thing for a Virgo is dirt. Call her unexpectedly - and you will hear water pouring - she is talking on the phone without getting out of the bath, basking in thick foam.

Some Virgos are so pure that they just squeak when you pinch them! (And not at all from pleasure!)

Well, okay, this is all great, until our neat “Mercurian” meets sexy Scorpio and ignites.

Because the first obstacle this couple will face (besides the bedroom door) is cleanliness.

While Scorpio rushes around the bedroom, increasingly burning with passion and dimming the lights more and more (and tripping over the bed), Virgo will carefully check for dust and dirt, looking into every nook and cranny.

(A smart Scorpio will quickly turn off the light as soon as he enters the bedroom - and for this very reason!) She will thoroughly check the sheets before he has a chance to put her to bed.

Have no doubt - a self-respecting Virgo will never go to bed with a Scorpio if he is a slob and smells of sweat. Phew! (Although some of them are capable of some pretty dirty thoughts!)

Finally, when Scorpio is shining clean, they will go to bed and then to the bath, and everything will be very good for them, although usually Virgo and Scorpio achieve great success in family matters and career.

But if their union is based only on sex, it is unlikely to be lasting.

The virgin Virgo will have a decidedly difficult time withstanding the attacks of Scorpio's "plutonium" passion, and she will not be able to maintain the fire under this mixture of pepper and garlic.

Although Virgo belongs to the element of Earth, which makes her very thorough (but not restrained!) and emotional, she is ruled by this dwarf Mercury, and she is much more intellectual than Taurus or Capricorn.

As a result, after several passionate and incredibly sensual escapades with her perfectly washed Scorpio (bath before and after), Virgo may decide that all this is a little tiring.

And, perhaps, it’s still too dirty for this “Mercurian”, so she will wash herself all day and night in her pristine bath (the very first water bills can put an end to this romance!).

So, when Scorpio gets her laundry dirty for the tenth time in a row, she will kill his desire in the bud and switch to the ternary system (you, me and TV).

Then Virgo, who values ​​public opinion more than anything else, will jump out without even combing her hair and run to deliver lunches to the disabled (the exhausted “Mercurian”, who did not have time to say “no”, will only have time to grab a sandwich with herring from the tray while she is packing the next batch food, or go to the kitchen to cook your lunch!).

Life will be a little easier if the “plutonium” prince proposes his hand and heart (or something else) to the lovely “Mercurian”.

o Virgo and Scorpio must be very careful - otherwise, in this situation, their ship will face more dangers than a ferry crossing the English Channel during a storm. Oh my God!

From the book “Astrology of Happiness” by Marina Gorets

The union of these souls has every chance of smooth, good relationships. In practice, it really can be successful.

The interaction of the carriers of these two zodiac signs reveals all the most best friend in a friend. Virgo quite consciously allows Scorpio to pave the way and is completely satisfied, following him.

Scorpio feels like a protector of his fragile partner, filled with doubts, and helps Virgo in all her endeavors.

Representatives of these signs instinctively understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and, in a strange way, like each other.

Scorpio does not in the least regard Virgo as nervous or restless, and Virgo does not seem to regard Scorpio as cold, calculating or dangerous at all.

All that is necessary for the complete success of their union is Virgo’s duty to remember Scorpio’s dislike for comparisons with anything or anyone, and the impossibility for him to bear criticism of himself.

In addition, it is useful for Scorpio to know that Virgo should be treated very gently. The marriage of Virgo and Scorpio shows many opportunities for the realization of a variety of plans.

Psychological games for compatibility in a couple Virgo and Scorpio

Compatibility game “Introspection, or internal analysts”

Games in the marriage of Virgo and Scorpio are based on the fact that the signs at times become too contemplative and neglect the main ideas of the partner. In the process of intense mental work, both sometimes relax.

In the game “Introspection, or internal analysts”, both of you are at times confused when making important decisions or at the moment of choice. Water Scorpio may disappear for the duration of the event.

Scorpio instinctively hides in a hole, well disguised from the outside world, and stubbornly protects his privacy.

Virgo, reflecting on the situation, experiences fear, because the signs submissive to Mercury hesitate, not knowing what decision to make. No method suits them.

Signs even sometimes encourage each other to go a little further than expected. But a short break in the relationship brings confusion into it. for a long time.

You are afraid to get close again, and remembering the past makes you irritated. Lack of honest conversation usually breeds mutual dissatisfaction. It's hard to get back on track.

You need to signal each other. The dilemma is who will start the conversation first.

Compatibility game “Constant Passion”

If you get caught up in the web of obligations, you find yourself in a game of Constant Passion. Its distinctive feature is the inability to limit oneself to reasonable limits. Don't overexert yourself. Why?

Virgo simply does not see where to stop. The desire to achieve perfection motivates her to move further and further until she falls exhausted.

Virgo brings herself to a nervous breakdown, not knowing how to deal with the little things. Scorpio is oppressed by control. The reason for the game is the inability to stop in time.

Control makes Scorpio overextend. A deep irrational desire for success or love upsets the balance of relationships.

The desire to achieve primacy at any cost outweighs reasonable caution. Your relationship loses perspective if you make unrealistic demands on each other.

You crave love, but at the same time you are torn apart by numerous extraneous desires. You risk achieving nothing.

Compatibility game "Sabotage"

The reason for the game "Sabotage" is a change of points of view. What you once thought was good now seems bad. This often happens unconsciously, but is nonetheless fraught with trouble.

You make it difficult for your partner to achieve their goals. The game can provoke an outburst of anger or jealousy. Virgo is not happy that her opinion is ignored.

Scorpio is offended, believing that his partner is trampling on his feelings. Virgo gains strength by achieving the embodiment of her ideas.

Scorpio feels a surge of energy if his partner helps him. Scorpio goes ahead, ignoring the opinions of others, but he will be indignant if he is betrayed at the last minute.

You both want your ambitions to be fulfilled. By refusing to support each other, you create minefields in your path. Remember that together you are much stronger than each of you alone.

Behavior strategy

In the game "Introspection or internal analysts" you need to remember the main component. Have you guessed what it is? Yes, you are right - we need to talk!

Silence in itself is not dangerous. Virgo can think things through. Scorpio needs solitude to relive the past or make new choices.

Through your connection, you both have the best of all worlds. To do this, do not stop communicating. You don't have to worry about whether your partner has the necessary space to act.

Do not allow him to move too far, otherwise the ice will break. Your talent for foresight can be successfully used in business.

You are signs who are able to collaborate successfully in business transactions. Don't let your lover's mood changes scare you. Although, of course, time is needed to discuss difficult problems. Passion excites.

By influencing your partner's nervous system, you will inevitably encounter a response from time to time. When one or both of you seek privacy, explain to your partner why you are doing so.

And remember that the smartest thing to do is to help your partner solve problems. Support him if he doubts what to do, but don't fetter his initiative. Otherwise, there is a danger that your partner will lose interest in you.

By encouraging each other to be courageous, you strengthen your bond at the same time! The game of Constant Passion requires discipline to curb your appetite.

Put yourself within reasonable limits, then you will get the most out of life more joy. When you take on a difficult task in ignorance, you become furious when it fails.

Success can motivate you to work even harder. There's nothing wrong with this. Problems begin when your ambitions or desires finally fade away.

You cannot withstand the limits that must be taken to implement your plans. Sometimes you have to work more than you want to. But the hot time will not pass without benefit.

Virgo and Scorpio get to know each other deeply and completely. Keep your eyes on your partner. Don't be a workaholic. Marriage compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio is based on passions, think about romance.

The Sabotage game encourages you to refrain from making negative and unproductive comments. By hurting your partner, you are actually hurting yourself. Indulging in anger means losing the game.

By denying everything, you will achieve nothing. You have great penetrating power. If you start a civil war, you find yourself flying in a plane with failed engines.

Isn't it better to use your energy not to fight, but to help each other? When you overcome this game, love will bring you true joy.

Do you want to fly high without paying attention to each other? Defuse the negative atmosphere and soar towards the sun!

Virgo compatibility with other signs:

This couple’s amazing ability to combine opposites turns into art - even if the life together of Virgo and Scorpio resembles hell on earth, heavenly roses bloom in this hell. “Give your best” - for Virgo and Scorpio, compatibility lies in this. Both do not accept half measures, which is why the efforts they make to achieve what they want are simply inhuman.

Virgos and Scorpios, at first glance, have no compatibility. It is difficult for Virgo and Scorpio to start a relationship - they can be nearby day after day and not notice it, but when they notice, they will not step aside.

Both do not forgive betrayal; they are also equally jealous. True, if you accuse an innocent Scorpio of treason, he will do everything to bring this guilt to life - a share of the claims have already been received, so that at least it won’t be offensive.

The secret of Virgo and Scorpio compatibility.

Such respect for each other as in this couple is not very common, so your life together has every chance of happiness. However, mistakes in interpersonal politics can be costly.

Virgo, your Scorpio has an explosive temperament and is capable of stinging painfully, this is his nature - do not bring him to such a state, sometimes you should just take a step to the side and let him think and calm down. Scorpio is capable of drawing conclusions and apologizing without your help.

Scorpion, take it easy with Virgo, she is still more gentle than you. However, you shouldn’t completely weaken, because Virgo needs a strong partner nearby. From time to time, a show of strength is simply necessary, otherwise Virgo may lose the feeling that there is someone nearby whom she can rely on.

Your main problem is a misunderstanding of each other's motives and suspicion. If Virgo and Scorpio direct their efforts at least to restraining the desire to be sarcastic to each other, they will be very happy together.

Scorpio man and Virgo woman.

This is the optimal combination of signs, however, provided that the Scorpio man is sufficiently spiritually developed, well-educated and knows how to restrain excessive passions, including jealousy and possessive instincts. The Virgo woman is a fragile nature, easily excitable, so a love relationship with a low-type Scorpio man can be a real test for her. The sooner she understands who she is dealing with, the better!

The tall Scorpio type will be a real find for the Virgo woman. Here the relationship will work out well if the Virgo woman does not tug at the man for any of the most insignificant reasons and stops restructuring him for herself.

Scorpio woman and Virgo man.

The Scorpio woman, without realizing it, can have strong influence for a Virgo man. He is a man who lives an understandable, simple and modest life, and the Scorpio woman seeks bright feelings and literally hypnotizes men, attracting them to her.

The best thing a Virgo man should do is not to pay attention to the whims and demands of a Scorpio woman and educate himself more - strengthen his will, look for his own interesting business, develop comprehensively, so as not to one day lose himself next to a persistent and truly strong woman Scorpio.

She appreciates and respects self-sufficient men who have the ability to remain themselves in any circumstances. With such a man, she will not allow herself too much, she will serve him faithfully, giving herself to her beloved man without reserve.

Love compatibility horoscope for Scorpio and Virgo.

Compatibility in love between two people different people is quite harmonious, while everyone in this union can become happy. So what's the deal?

Virgo is unpretentious and knows how to be useful, she is methodical and smart, in the life of such a person there is a lot of order and understanding of essential things. life problems and the ability to resolve them without unnecessary pathos and noise.

Yes, she can be overly picky and critical, because everything she undertakes wants to be perfected. It is difficult for her to accept the looseness, impetuosity and creative breakdowns of people who live by feelings, and it is also difficult to resist the pressure of people who are overly direct, rude and authoritarian.

However, this is all good in theory. In practice, Scorpio people are much more adequate to the world around them; they perfectly feel the unsightly side of any beautiful shell and know how to resist temptations.

So it turns out that despite all the apparent incompatibility, Virgo and Scorpio can find a common language. For Virgo, Scorpio is perceived as a strong personality, for all his activity and dynamism, even impetuosity, he knows how to control himself and is generally tuned to a stable and understandable life. Scorpio, like Virgo, thinks well and does correct conclusions- they have something to discuss and think about.

Scorpio is a researcher, and Virgo is an analyst - such a tandem can solve any problems, understand any problems.

In this sense, ordinary love and family life can become very interesting and even mutually beneficial for both. They will always come to a common opinion thanks to Virgo’s ability to adapt and argue, to maintain common sense and understanding of the current moment.

Scorpio will bring emotionally rich experiences into this union, a certain depth of sensations and the actual relationship in the couple. He will expand the horizons of perception of Virgo’s love life and will be there without unnecessary complaints, because Virgo is able to repel the presumptuous Scorpio, knowing his “weak spot”.

Representatives of the zodiac signs Virgo and Scorpio are characterized by astrologers as firm, assertive and independent personalities. The relationship between this couple is quite complicated. The difference in temperament leaves an imprint on their entire joint activities. The restrained Virgo has difficulty accepting the violent manifestations of Scorpio's emotionality. In the union of these zodiac signs, there is often misunderstanding. Scorpio is annoyed by the lack of activity in Virgo's behavior, and she is infuriated by unfounded outbursts of jealousy and scandals organized by her partner.

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If Virgo and Scorpio fall in love with each other, both should eradicate the habit of making decisions on their own. Otherwise, the union will constantly be rocked by conflicts. For the relationship to be harmonious, everyone in this couple will have to give up their independence.

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      • Struggle for leadership

        Strength of character is manifested in Scorpio and Virgo in all types of activities. Regardless of whether they are male or female, representatives of these signs clearly demonstrate rigidity in decision-making. This quality, coupled with the independence of each, prevents partners from discussing current affairs and listening to each other’s opinions. Both consider themselves to be quite reasonable, so in the union they rarely think that it would be a good idea to first discuss this or that problem before doing anything on their own.

        By nature, both Virgo and Scorpio are leaders, so each strives to take a dominant position in the couple, but their ways of resolving issues are radically different.

        Virgo has a conservative approach to everything, while Scorpio prefers to act intuitively, using progressive ideas. If representatives of these constellations decide to go on vacation together, then everyone has their own idea of ​​how and where to spend their time. At the same time, neither one nor the other is inclined to think about the preferences of the partner and discuss joint plans. Closer to vacation, they suddenly find out that their opinions fundamentally differ: Virgo wants to relax in silence, go out of town, and Scorpio has already agreed on a trip to a noisy resort and planned active entertainment

        , including skydiving, downhill skiing and daily discos. As soon as such differences in preferences are revealed to both, a conflict flares up between the couple. The partners refuse to give up ground, so everyone rests according to their own program. If similar situations

        are repeated regularly, but Scorpio and Virgo do not seek compromises, and the union very soon falls apart. Relationships between these signs are impossible without choosing a leader; someone must recognize the dominant position of the other and focus on the common decisions made by him, otherwise disagreements and mutual dissatisfaction will push the partners away from each other.

        Friendship It is unlikely that representatives of these constellations will become bosom friends, but their friendly relations develop well. Virgo and Scorpio have little common interests

        If they have been friends since childhood, Scorpio has always been slightly strained by this friendship. Over the years, he understands that the frequent company of a friend can be very tiring, and Virgo is convinced of the need to maintain relationships with regular meetings, so he bores his partner.


        As colleagues, Virgo and Scorpio complement each other perfectly. The union of this couple can be a real godsend for a wise leader. The frantic activity, energy and pressure of the determined Scorpio in tandem with the reasonable and practical actions of Virgo give a stunning result. The horoscope of each of these signs indicates hard work and responsibility. Scorpios and Virgos are considered very reliable workers.

        This couple can be entrusted with the most complex and urgent projects; thanks to the responsible approach of both employees, everything works out before our eyes. While one is thinking, the other is actively implementing well-thought-out plans. These partners work very well together in the field economic activity. The classic solutions of Virgo, based on many years of experience, coupled with the extravagance of modern ideas of Scorpio, will lead the company to the heights of prosperity.

        In a pair of boss-Scorpio and subordinate-Virgo, these signs are unlikely to work together; the violent manifestation of the manager’s emotions will not find understanding in the eyes of the employee. But if Virgo is in charge, then the relationship can turn out very successfully. The Scorpio subordinate will love and respect the Virgo boss very much, because they are very hardworking and fair. They deserve respect in the team. And Scorpio knows how to maintain subordination, so he will hide his violent temper, happily acting under the control smart person.


        Scorpio sets the passionate tone for the relationship in this couple. Virgo constantly extinguishes her partner’s violence and slows him down in every possible way. Her tediousness causes a lot of grief: the adventurous Scorpio prefers fireworks and explosions; for a representative of this zodiac sign, life is empty if it flows smoothly and grey. Incompatibility of temperaments brings disharmony to a love union, but mutual feelings allow lovers to find a middle ground that suits both. Virgo's prudence complements the lack of caution in Scorpio's behavior. These partners balance each other perfectly if they strive to create a strong couple. Although the cocky Scorpio sometimes gets bored in the company of a bore, this sign knows how to adequately assess the other abilities of its chosen one. In Virgo he is attracted to:

        • reasonableness;
        • honesty;
        • tact;
        • ingenuity.

        The intelligence of both partners is usually developed, so they always have something to talk about. In a love relationship, Scorpio is ready to turn a blind eye to Virgo’s moralizing monologues, because he sees in them a sincere desire to achieve a goal and correct, reasonable arguments. Virgo admires her partner’s selflessness. Well aware of their shortcomings, representatives of this sign highly value people who are able to withstand their pickiness. From the first minutes of a relationship, Virgos notice Scorpio’s lack of restraint, so they regularly reproach their partner for being too emotional. Their pedantry can infuriate anyone, but a Scorpio in love regards this quality in their chosen one as a counterbalance to their own sloppiness, and tries to respond adequately to constant attacks and reproaches.

        True, deep love in this couple arises over time, when both representatives of the signs get to know each other better and begin to trust their partner. This union is durable only with complete trust, otherwise Scorpio’s jealous attacks will force the calm Virgo to break off the relationship in order to preserve nerve cells. However, the separation of reasonable partners does not happen often. If they are imbued with mutual sympathy, then their couple clings tightly to intimate compatibility. Scorpio is pleased to discover in Virgo the ability to submit in bed. She, in turn, secretly grins, allowing herself to be guided without making any effort, getting the opportunity to completely relax and receive satisfaction in the hands of a skilled lover.


        The family union of these partners is developing extremely successfully. Virgo is unlikely to enter into marital relations, without being 100% sure of the need for such a connection. The marriage of representatives of these signs is concluded only if each spouse understands his role in the family and is ready to take on certain obligations.

        The comfort in the family life of this couple is maintained by the homely Virgo, regardless of gender, while Scorpio most devotes time to satisfying his own ambitions at work, although he performs his duties at home regularly. In this family, conflicts often arise when resolving financial issues; the partners’ views on this area of ​​life are very different. Virgo considers making capital and investing in home improvement the most important tasks young family. And Scorpio loves to live on a large scale, so he does not want to put off luxury and entertainment indefinitely.

        In material matters, these partners need to immediately determine amounts that will satisfy both of them for established expense items.

        Money issues cannot be resolved by Scorpio and Virgo without compromise, because neither one nor the other will change their life attitudes in this area. To create harmony, Virgo will have to come to terms with significant waste of the family budget on entertainment and recreation. And Scorpio must strictly follow the established procedure for investing in the fundamental goals of the spouse.

        The relationship of a couple depends on the gender of the zodiac signs. The Virgo girl is more pliable and flexible than the Scorpio lady, and the Virgo guy may well end up under the heel of his wife, but this will never happen with a male Scorpio.

        Scorpio man and Virgo woman

        The union of this couple is quite successful. A woman of this sign is able to show flexibility and hand over the main reins of power to a man due to the fact that a conservative approach to everything also leaves an imprint on relationships with the opposite sex. These ladies recognize male dominance.

        If a man’s income allows a woman to do housework without being distracted by work, the union of this couple is ideal. The woman is always under the supervision of Scorpio, so he does not torment himself with the pangs of jealousy. The lady in these relationships fully demonstrates her pedantry, her home sparkles with cleanliness, she is able to devote whole days to arranging things in the right order. The Virgo woman loves and knows how to cook, so her husband will always be satisfied with a hearty and tasty dinner.

        Scorpio is annoyed by the pickiness of his chosen one, but he highly appreciates her merits, so he is ready to put up with this shortcoming, although sometimes he cannot stand it and causes a scandal. But in other aspects of the relationship, this couple has nothing to complain about; harmony and mutual understanding reign between them. The compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Scorpio man reaches 90%.

        Scorpio woman and Virgo man In this combination fold up infrequently. If love breaks out between a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man, then things are unlikely to come to a wedding. This is due to the fact that the representative of the stronger sex in this couple counts on female pliability, but the Scorpio lady crushes all his hopes to dust. This representative of the zodiac circle is considered the most insidious and powerful woman, therefore it is impossible to conquer and subjugate her, but she herself can easily crush any man with her power.

        In this union, it will be difficult for Virgo to cope with her habit of pointing out flaws to everyone. In addition, he will also receive a violent rebuff to every remark. The Scorpio woman cannot be educated, so the man faces a difficult battle, in which he may well lose. If at the dawn of a relationship he naively believes that he can cope with the unrestrained temper of his chosen one, then over time he understands that it is easier to give up or retreat. In this union, the partners have equal rights or the Scorpio wife dominates. Everything depends only on the man; if he has the strength and wisdom to understand and accept his wife with all her shortcomings, then the relationship can work out smoothly. When he is weak in spirit, this woman imperceptibly adjusts him to herself.

        The Scorpio wife is capable of being tender and affectionate, but her husband’s tediousness constantly drives her out. And when she is angry, she does not control her expression, which greatly hurts Virgo’s pride. If a wife manages to drive her husband under her thumb, she loses respect for him, nothing good comes out of such a marriage. Both responsibly fulfill family responsibilities, but the woman begins to look to the left. Only Virgo is very attentive, so he immediately notices changes in his wife’s behavior, and this man does not forgive betrayal.

        Very often this marriage breaks up because the man, insulted and humiliated, leaves his rebellious wife. If the relationship continues, partners should learn to keep their mouths shut: the husband should, if he wishes, express criticism of his companion, and the wife should conflict situations. As a percentage, the compatibility of these spouses does not exceed 70%.

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