6 of wands relationship tarot. Six of Wands combined with other tarot cards. Standard character orientation

home Despite the fact that Aries and Libra are the opposite of each other, the horoscope indicates good compatibility between these zodiac signs. Both are naturally endowed leadership qualities

, but thanks to the softness and pliability of Libra, all their conflicts are resolved quickly and do not cause their partners much distress. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:

“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    In such relationships, it is important that Aries knows how to restrain his desires in self-affirmation through dominance and personal victories. Libra needs to be more lenient towards Aries and accept the fact that manifestations of a partner’s fiery character are not a desire to destroy the relationship, but only a consequence of his way of thinking.

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      Love relationships and marriage

      • The percentage compatibility of Aries and Libra is:
      • in love – 100%;
      • married – 85%. The difference in the thinking of such people is that they have different ways

        achieving their own goals - Libra prefers to achieve everything through intelligence and hard work, and Aries prefers to achieve everything through eloquence and determination.

        The motto of this couple can be such a famous saying as “Opposites attract.” This is due not only to the difference in characters, but also to the fact that on the zodiac circle these zodiac signs are located diametrically opposite.

        Aries man and Libra woman Such a couple has every chance of turning their love relationship into happy marriage

        . But for this to really happen, partners must accept each other as they are. The Aries man is a purposeful, open and active person , and the Libra woman is very delicate, mysterious and sophisticated. Such different but consistent qualities allow these people to create harmonious family relationships

        , where the husband will sincerely wish to give his beautiful wife the whole world, and in return she will tenderly love and surround him with affection and care.

        The role of the head of the family in this couple from the first days is assigned to the strong and courageous Aries. He, in turn, can always hope that his wife will not leave him alone in a difficult situation, but, as befits a faithful wife, will definitely come to the rescue in difficult situations.

        Depending on what these partners are focused on - creating a family or the opportunity to prove to each other that they are right and strong - their relationships can develop completely differently. In the first case, they will be able to come to a comfortable and eventful family life, and in the second - to mutual depression and disappointment in each other.

        From the first minutes of meeting, a Libra man and an Aries woman understand that they are very different, which is why their mutual interest increases. It's hard for them to find at first mutual language and establish a balance between contradictory characters, but with prolonged interaction they learn each other’s habits, desires and interests, which allows them to adapt and build the necessary line of communication.

        The Aries woman in this couple may attempt to take on the role of head of the family, but it will be better if both partners have the right to make decisions. But excessive determination and independence of the spouse can negatively affect psychological state Libra men.

        Even when partners get to know each other well and live together for several years, they will not be bored together, they will always have common topics for conversations.

        Sexual compatibility

        The planets that rule this couple are Venus and Mars, personifying the feminine and masculine essence. Thanks to this, the couple becomes one in bed, and their physical interest and passion do not dry out even after many years of living together.

Other names for the Six of Wands tarot card: Wands, Clubs, Crosses, Scepters, Staves, Clubs, Cudgels, Maces, Sticks, Branches, Rods, Arrows, Torches, Rainbows, Rainbows, Rods, Rods, Sticks, Clubs

The Six of Wands is a card of victory, success, glory and “national recognition”, and from here joy and satisfaction. To be completely precise, it represents the publication of success, the proclamation of victory. So in everyday life it can also simply mean good news, without any pomp or parade. As a rule, this card shows that our work and our efforts will be crowned with success. Sometimes it is an unexpected “undeserved” success.


The card shows that in our work we can count on success and recognition. Our work will be rewarded and will not be in vain - we are now in a successful period. And this success is not of an ordinary scale, it is the highest score for a brilliantly passed exam, an ovation for a speech or public speaking. This card falls to the winner of an election, a popular artist, in general to a person experiencing something joyful and interesting, and, speaking of everyday and mundane things, to someone who has been promoted.


This card shows that our search for clarity and meaning in an issue will be successful. This may also mean the liberation from tiresome thoughts and worries that we have been waiting for for a long time. Or a period of recovery that gives us such confidence in ourselves and our abilities that we have never experienced before. Hence another meaning: a change in consciousness, the replacement of the “psychology of a loser” with the psychology of a winner.

Relationships and love

Here, this winner card means that we are about to have exciting, joyful experiences: the beginning of a new, wonderful union or a rise to the heights of happiness in an already existing union. This map also shows that we will be able to resolve some long-standing problem related to a person or your partnership. At the everyday level, it can mean good news, pleasant news or a call that you may have been waiting for a long time.

Inner meaning of the card

Here the Questioner can expect something new to appear on the scene, but this time the news is good. Expect very good news, a message of hope, news of victory. In addition, there may be an indication of the imminent receipt of gifts. Either way, what you were hoping for is about to happen.

Combinations with other cards


Tower: humiliation, lack of recognition

5 of Pentacles: rejection, lack of recognition

5 of Cups: loss, defeat

10 of swords: falling into a trap


Chariot: triumph, self-confidence

9 of Cups: achieving what you want

Sun: recognition, prominent position

10 of Cups: Peace




Jupiter in Leo

10°—20° Leo

Original title: Lord of Victory. The original composition in the Golden Dawn system: two hands reaching out from the clouds, right and left, joining at the center in a First Order handshake. They hold six wands crossed in threes. Tongues of fire emanate from the intersection points of the wands

Color of Tiphareth according to the King's scale: light pink
The colors of Jupiter on four scales: violet; blue; juicy purple; bright blue with streaks of yellow
Leo colors on four scales: yellow (greenish); deep purple; grey; reddish amber
Formula: Six (Tiferet) + Wands (Atzilut) + Jupiter in Leo = VICTORY.

The Six of Wands is called “Victory,” the Six of Cups is “Pleasure,” the Six of Swords is “Victory,” and the Six of Disks is “Success.” All four Sixes are great cards. But why? Are they something special? Yes exactly!

The Sephira Tipheret on the Tree of Life is a direct reflection of Kether. This is the Son of the Father. It occupies a perfectly balanced position, both horizontally and vertically. This is the heart center of our subtle body and the Ruach of our soul. This is the Sun King, around whom the spheres of the planets revolve: Chesed (Jupiter), Geburah (Mars), Netzach (Venus), Hod (Mercury), Yesod (Moon) and even Binah (Saturn). Therefore, even with the most difficult planetary and zodiacal correspondences, the Six remains beautiful: every Six is ​​Tiphareth, and Tiphareth is beauty itself.

In the case of the Six of Wands, the successful position on the Tree of Life is complemented by the happy union of the magnanimous, boastful and generous Jupiter with the powerful Leo, the abode of the Sun. And this is a guarantee of triumphant Victory.

Frieda Harris follows fairly closely the prototype described in the Golden Dawn materials. However, the wands have a slightly more complex form: they are modeled after the implements used in Golden Dawn ceremonies by various ministers. The upper two, surmounted by winged solar disks, are the wands of the Supreme Adept, and the remaining two in each pair are the Phoenix Wand and the Lotus Wand.

This card corresponds to Tiphareth in the suit of Fire, which means Energy in a perfectly balanced manifestation. The Five, filled with revolutionary fervor, broke into the closed system of the Four, but at the same time married with it, and as a result the Son was born, also known as the Sun.

In addition, the chart is ruled by Jupiter and Leo, clearly implying that this distribution of wands is marked by harmony and beauty. The three Wands of the three Adepts are now arranged in order on each side, and even the tongues of fire no longer burst in all directions, but burn evenly and smoothly, as in lamps. There are nine of them here, according to the number of Yesod and the Moon - an indication of the stabilization of energy and its perception and reflection by the Feminine principle.

This system is not enclosed in a circle. She, like the Sun, maintains herself in a stable state.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

This character is obviously this moment"at the top" and the whole world celebrates his success solemn parade! Because of your willingness to take on life's recent challenges - you will now or soon be enjoying a magnificent ride on the tiger of success. Welcome it, enjoy it and share your joy with others - and remember that all holiday parades have a beginning and an end. If you remember this and squeeze every drop of juice out of the happiness you currently feel, you will be able to embrace the future when it comes without regret. Resist the temptation to try to delay this blooming moment or make it plastic so that it lasts forever.

Straight position

The greatest wisdom is to remember that all the phenomena of our life, whether they are valleys or peaks, will pass. Celebrate and keep riding the tiger.

The meaning of the card

Look at the ocean waves. The higher the wave rises, the deeper it then sinks. One moment you are a wave, the next moment you are a trench between the waves. Enjoy both - don't get caught up in one. Don't say: I would like to stay on top forever. This is impossible in the nature of things. Then what should you do? Enjoy the peak while it lasts, and then enjoy the valley as it happens. What's wrong with the valley? What's wrong with going down? This is relaxation. The peak is excitement, but no one can stay excited for long. (Osho)

This card is like a greeting card in a reading. She just says “Happy Victory Day!” According to tradition, the card symbolizes a favorable outcome of any business, its completion to a victorious end, the triumph of will and courage. Its appearance in the reading heralds that a streak of good fortune is beginning, and fate favors the questioner, and what he hopes for will soon happen.

Hopes will come true, wishes will be fulfilled, gifts will be received. She says: you will confidently reach the victorious end, overcome difficulties, do not lose your optimistic mood. This is a map of conquests and victories, bright prospects, life success, progress, efforts that bring reward (logically it follows the struggle-filled Five and precedes the protection of one’s conquests according to the Seven).

If other cards in the layout hint at some kind of struggle, then the Six of Wands says that the battle will be crowned with inspiring success. In general, it usually falls out after some difficult life test, period hard work, giving reason for joy. Even if this is not the case, in any case, its appearance suggests that this period is very favorable for undertakings, be it starting a family or making a career. Success in any chosen field of activity is guaranteed!

The Six of Wands is also in charge of all kinds of important and joyful news.

This card allows for successful business trips.

As the resulting card of the alignment, the Six of Wands suggests that all previous influences are needed to make a person more mature, strong and courageous to move along his own path, overcoming difficulties, resistance and conflicts. As one modern tarot reader noted, the Six of Wands is not a “rotten compromise,” but rather a victory after a struggle and a well-deserved (although sometimes seemingly “undeserved”) reward.

This card cannot be called intimate; it always has an element of pomp and parade - publicizing success, proclaiming it to others.

“Here he comes, the conquering hero.” And it doesn’t go, but it goes! This is a man who has stood the test of strength and proven that he is not a fool. He has conquered the force he was fighting and is now open to positive communication. He realized his own value and significance, and now he transmits this discovery to others. This card is in charge of an active life position. Full of strength and self-confidence that impresses others. However, there is an element of a mask here, as if a person’s strength depends on how much he can demonstrate it to others (“put on a good face,” no matter how the game goes).

This is also significant because the Six of Wands often speaks of being in the spotlight. Well, in the spotlight, a mask is simply necessary. A public figure, a person whose popularity is created by collective opinion. Sometimes the card says that the external, ostentatious side of things is very important for a person - some events, PR (this can manifest itself both at the level of friends and neighbors, and on a mega-scale).

But first of all and above all, the Six of Wands is a card of satisfied ambition, pride. According to it, a person often receives recognition and admiration. There may be an element of narcissism and the risk of forgetting about the feelings of other people. At its worst, the card describes an arrogant, arrogant person.

If the questioner cannot identify himself with this card at all, then it simply heralds the need to adapt to someone stronger.

In general, this is a map of material and social actions, controlled by the instinctive forces of masculine nature, actions taken in complete harmony and fusion with this energy. The card can symbolize inspiration, turning to higher planes - teaching, spiritual growth, service, awareness of your path in this life, in the Universe. The reversed Six of Wands emphasizes humility, vows of obedience, silence, renunciation of brilliance and glory.

Astrological associations: “The second decade of Leo symbolizes the fullness of living life and confident mastery of its material and spiritual riches. This decade is ruled by social planet Jupiter. Respect for cultural achievements and traditions develops inner nobility and connects a person’s goal with the goals of other people, who naturally become his helpers.

In the situation described by this card, it is important not only to show strength of character, but also to strive to use your will for joint creation, showing the complacency characteristic of Leo and elevating your subjective ideals to universal ones. Luck and power over others can give a person excessive pride. His sense of superiority can irritate other people, turning them from potential friends into enemies - thereby returning the person to the task of developing self-awareness.

A person's more attentive attitude towards weaknesses, on the contrary, opens the way to further heights, helping to become a conductor of spiritual energies and strengthening his internal power over himself, which is the basis of external leadership. The task of this decade is to master powerful energy channels that increase Leo’s natural ability to give and give.”

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: believe that everything will be fine, continue your path and achieve victory! Moreover, it is very important to do this by honest means, open struggle, pursuing a noble goal. Demonstrate strength and self-confidence to others, behave as a model for others.

As an obstacle: pride and snobbery that prevent you from facing the truth. Self-praise that takes you away from reality (for example, the case when for others you are a winner, but you still feel lousy). Reassessing your capabilities. Showmanship, over-interest, star fever. The desire to force everyone to adapt to themselves. The shadow side of the card is the triumph of power, abusing the subordinate position of the weak, in general, forceful actions and an imperious manner. The risk of falling from the conquered peak (if the Tower is also present in the scenario, then with a great roar).

This is the case when achievements allow you to be in the forefront and on the crest of the wave. A brilliant card for career matters!

Achievement, approval, satisfaction are under her control, as well as triumph, fame, success in the grandest sense. This can be either the successful completion of a long-term project or simply the effective resolution of work matters. A map of truly effective efforts, progress, and fulfilled desires. Things have been brought to success (at least intermediate) as a result of hard work, and what you hope for will soon happen, all that remains is to dispose of the fruits wisely and calmly.

Organizationally, the Six of Wands can describe the stage when, following the strife of the Five, the participants in events consolidate around the emerging leader. Motivation, confidence, development of an action program. The difficult stage of changes and transformations of the Five of Wands has come to an end, obstacles have been overcome, and creative activity can begin.
The Six of Wands indicates the prospect of getting an excellent job or recognition of one's professional merits. Career growth, promotion, salary increase. A map of brilliant specialists, the best in their field. They dispatch their opponents without blinking an eye. However, this is a card of fair, interesting competition, a healthy challenge, confrontation, a duel of wills from which everyone benefits.

Like the Ten of Pentacles, the Six of Wands can mean working in a large institution, a large company.

At a lower level, the card can be played out as the fate of the very successful “six” (the symbolic meaning of this word seems to be superimposed on the “official affairs” traditionally attributed to the wands). In terms of astrology, this is an overly successful VI house (by the way, it is the sixth house!), when the abundance of perfectly fulfilled duties leads to almost complete absorption in work rhythms, and a person turns into a cheerful, efficient automaton, for whom, in a certain sense, the authorities pray. It remains to be noted that in ancient clashes the Six of Wands is associated with servants, servants, workers, and in traditional astrology it is the VI house that is responsible for servants and workers.

Successful defense of a diploma, passing exams, obtaining a qualification. Taken peaks. Public acceptance. Fame. Glory. Reward. According to the Six of Wands, there are all sorts of spectacular numbers in their business - bypassing competitors and the like.
Favorable business development, conquering new markets. Progress in business, the enterprise is gaining momentum.
Productive negotiations.

Prosperity and success. Profit, a reward for your efforts. After a period of struggle - financial success and acquisitions, improvement of situation. Investments, including long-term ones and those associated with a share of risk, will pay off. Favorable chances for improving your financial situation, opening up new opportunities. Winning. Receiving gifts. Abundance, wealth, prosperity.

It is believed that this card symbolizes a time of happiness, peace and cooperation, harmony and mutual understanding in the family. However, everything is so simple here. Here there is a victor-triumphant, even if there seems to be no vanquished. What kind of fight was this? “What was it, whose victory?”

There is an emphasis on overcoming the difficulties of the previous period, and if the partners are united and equally understand the essence of these difficulties, then the Six of Wands is an excellent card, indicating that they have emerged victorious from their trials, and their union is truly viable . Everything that could be destroyed has already fallen apart as a result of past actions, and the moment has come when you should forget about everything and plunge headlong into the structure of your life. “The flame burns again,” writes Ziegler, “love, rebirth, creative power unite and strengthen each other.”

But if one was a “difficulty” for the other, then it makes sense to look for the other under the horse’s hooves. This card can also describe the triumphant side in love triangle, in general, a person who forces everyone to adapt to himself, a playmaker in relationships. According to the Six of Wands, serious family conflicts are coming to an end, and especially situations in which someone else has appeared.

Surprisingly, in ancient interpretations the Six of Wands is confidently assigned the meaning of home, home, family life, housekeeping. Even more surprising is that this is confirmed in modern practice.
Among the meanings that can be found in personal books are such as “home improvement, mutual trust in the family, correct views and relationships, respect for other people’s needs.”

The “messenger” aspect is also strong in the Six of Wands - sometimes this card is accompanied by a declaration of love, an open expression of feelings (and received favorably). This card speaks of winning someone's heart. The fortress fell, the winner entered in triumph and perhaps without a fight. He may use some means to express his affection, such as some token gifts or other grand gestures. With appropriate surrounding cards, the Six of Wands increases the likelihood of a legal marriage, and in ancient interpreters, marriage is one of its meanings.

Recovery after illness.
Inverted - weakness of the immune system, inability to overcome the disease. Falling from height.

In the Six of Wands reversed, the horse becomes a “Trojan”. The enemy is at the gate, betrayal, treason. Fall from heights after success. The weakness of a leader, “a colossus with feet of clay.” Employees can contribute to the failure of their bosses. The whole situation turns out to be “false,” without appearances. real basis, dust thrown into the eyes. Benefits are superficial and unreliable, success is fragile. It may come later than expected - or it may go to someone else rather than the person asking.

The meaninglessness of the benefit compared to the effort expended.

The reversed card has mainly two meanings: failure and pride. From an astrological point of view, she resembles a planet in decline: she has the highest opinion of herself, but in fact - a lack of power of manifestation and failure, a “fall” and an element of shame. In an inverted position, the Six of Wands means exaggeration of one’s own importance and, at the same time, fear of failure (it is very difficult to accept morally). Hence - waiting, fear, reinsurance, fear, apprehension, doubt in one’s abilities. But in both cases, be it pride or insecurity, there is a loss of followers. Inability to compromise in relationships.

According to the inverted Six of Wands, there is criticism from others or lukewarm praise. They don't take into account achieved by man success, belittle its importance. Jealousy of other people's success, forcing you to put a spoke in your wheels. Unpleasantly experienced news about other people's victories.

At a low level, the card works like Virgo, giving subordination, dependence, helpfulness, constraint in thoughts and manifestations, servility and, at the same time, poor performance of duties, unprofessionalism.

Bad news. Success without satisfaction, superficial gain, insufficient gain. You should not count on victory and wait for good news. Obstacles can ruin an entire enterprise. Victory can literally slip away from under your nose.
Another meaning: waiting, a delay in time (including caused by someone’s treachery). Misunderstandings, loss of information, letters, documents, failure to receive news. Postponed trip.

Goddess of Victory Nike

Archetype of the winner-triumphant

St. George the Victorious

Entrance to Jerusalem

“Triumph and defeat should be perceived equally, because it is all just an illusion.”

Straight position

The Six of Wands is a favorable lasso. In the general scenario, it is a symbol of victory, the completion of all assigned tasks, even the most difficult ones. The person who makes the layout can become famous or receive popular recognition for worthy merits, because the main meaning of the card is to announce victory.

The fortuneteller will definitely make wise decisions in the most complex issues, because he is confident in himself and his influence on others. Fully set up for success due to useful qualities such as responsibility and diligence.

Any task in the hands of this master will not remain in the middle of the path, it will reach the end. IN Everyday life everything may not be very pompous and solemn.

The card appears in the layout in upright position, if the other day there is good news, an acquaintance that will help in solving the problem. The Six of Wands is a sign of successful completion of affairs. However, Arkan does not speak about the success that appears out of thin air, sent by fate, but about the success that is rightly deserved through one’s own efforts.
Inverted position

The Six of Wands appearing upside down in the layout carries the meaning of delaying results and the emergence of difficulties on the way to achieving the goal.

The card also indicates that in everyday life a person will be able to show himself from the negative side, showing the most bad qualities, dishonesty, which will earn a bad reputation, will create new problems that will interfere with the solution of the main task.

The lasso is a warning for a person who must prepare to repel the blows of fate in order to stay afloat and achieve his own success.

Six of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

In an upright position, the Six of Wands always indicates success on the personal front. If the fortuneteller is lonely, he will have a fruitful romance, which will bring with it new emotions, impressions, and vivid feelings.

In the case when the fortuneteller already has a relationship, the card symbolizes pleasant changes in the union, for example, an engagement, an imminent wedding, the birth of a desired child.

If there are any omissions, misunderstandings, or lack of mutual understanding between the partners, which develops a problem in the relationship, Arkan points to the resolution of this issue.

The card also foretells a good call or simply news that will bring great news and remind you of old acquaintances with whom you need to establish contact and communication.

If a layout is made for a new acquaintance with a question, for example, is it worth having something in common with this person, the Six of Wands definitely gives the answer “yes”.

Inverted position

A reversed card promises problems in love relationships. It could be jealousy or betrayal. If the fortuneteller has a rival, he has a greater chance of doing what he has planned and getting what he wants.

The lasso can be a symbol of rash actions that will create new problems with a partner. He also points to a long wait in the development of a relationship with a lover. For example, a woman will wait a long time for her partner to get engaged.

Six of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Issue

Straight position

Well-deserved career success for the work done Good work, which will lead to an increase in salary or a rise in salary career ladder. In studies, for example, when defending a diploma, everything will go smoothly and couldn’t be better; the fortuneteller will receive the highest scores from the teachers.

The long-term project will finally come to its logical, pleasant conclusion. When all the problems are resolved, the person who makes the alignment will have a journey, perhaps not to distant lands, but certainly full of new impressions, giving inspiration and impetus for ideas.

In work, if partners need to sign an agreement, this will be done, especially if a lot of effort is put into this. The card also warns that serious and urgent decisions will have to be made in order to resolve matters in a favorable manner. Don't worry, you will take the right side.

Inverted position

Self-doubt, lack of material resources, just a series of unpleasant little things - the reasons may be different, but the essence is the same - loss.

You haven't accepted the challenge, the recognition you so deserve is slipping away indefinitely, and money will generally become a sore subject. Do you need to sign an agreement? Don't be surprised if the meeting is postponed or even cancelled. Attending job interviews will become futile and employers will refuse.

If main question the fortuneteller concerns romantic or friendly relations Perhaps such an alliance will not bring anything good, so you should abandon ties altogether. The partner will begin to humiliate, treat without due respect, tenderness and love, which will lead to a series of problems and loss of trust.

Often the card indicates that the spouse has cheated or is putting their own interests above their lover.

Six of Wands: Card of the Day Meaning

The day will be very successful and will bring many pleasant surprises in the form of resolved problems that the fortuneteller had been working on for a long period of time. Things started recently will go uphill.

It is worth remembering that only those cases that brought headache and large expenses, that is, achieving the goal will be completely justified and deserved.

At the everyday level, the card can simply portend monetary reward or a bonus. It’s worth sharing the taste of victory with your loved ones, have a celebration! It will bring pleasant emotions both to you and to those around you.

The Six of Wands means the beginning of a white streak, when a series of pleasant surprises and successfully completed affairs and works begins. The time of material stability and large incomes will begin. Share your joy with your family and friends, they will definitely support you.

Six of Wands: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

unexpected joy

Ace of Wands

successful movement towards the goal

Ace of Cups

win love

Ace of Swords

Ace of Pentacles

achieving a material goal

manipulation of other people's ambitions

King of Wands

successful leader

King of Cups

healing; reach an understanding

King of Swords

conquest; pursue one's own policy

King of Pentacles

increase in material status

unravel secret signs

Queen of Wands

forward-looking business management; career

Queen of Cups


Queen of Swords

get a divorce

Queen of Pentacles



stunning result

Knight of Wands

go too far or, worse, in the wrong direction; heroic journey

Knight of Cups

An offer of marriage; Contract

Knight of Swords

violent confrontation

Knight of Pentacles

arrival; making progress


get ahead of competitors

Page of Wands

emergence of new opportunities; careful progress; reasonable calculation

Page of Cups

reciprocity; pregnancy

Page of Swords

movement towards independence

Page of Pentacles


follow the leader; go get the teacher

Two of Wands

business stop; prioritization

Two of Cups

marriage, engagement; reaching agreement; deal

Two of Swords

reach a compromise; alliance

Two of Pentacles



win love

Three of Wands

successful cooperation; the right direction

Three of Cups

wedding; holiday of like-minded people

Three of Swords


Three of Pentacles

project promotion


success in driving

Four of Wands

successful business; popular project; wedding

Four of Cups

unresolved issues in the team

Four of Swords


Four of Pentacles

take power

spare an opponent; show nobility

Five of Wands

Five of Cups

discord in the team

Five of Swords


Five of Pentacles

bear financial burdens


not finding understanding among allies; lack of response from people

Six of Wands

Six of Cups

renewal of relations

Six of Swords

conquest of new territories

Six of Pentacles

getting what you want

crucial moment

The caste of Wands refers to fire element, she is the fourth in the sequence Minor Arcana. Through the entire gallery of this suit, it consists of 14 cards, there is a drawing of a rod, club, stick, staff, mace - this is the symbol.

The caste of Wands belongs to the fire element


The stick has several meanings:

  • in one case, it is a stick on which you can lean, it helps to resist falling, facilitates the process of life’s journey;
  • in another case, it is a club with which you can defend yourself from enemies and life’s misfortunes.

The wands foretell great glory to the fortuneteller. This suit provides answers to questions related to finance and business, career and obligations. However, unlike other suits, it indicates potential, personal capabilities and aspirations; this is a kind of “magic kick-start” in order to move forward and not make a mess. The cards will tell you about hard work, pressing problems and current affairs, and will tell you how to overcome difficulties, relying only on yourself. This suit doesn’t like it when responsibilities are shifted to weaker ones; it will show how much power and perseverance you have that you didn’t even suspect before.

Six. What does it show?

A card that shows an even number of clubs, namely six, is the six of staves. In the foreground, a young man sits on a horse; he majestically holds a staff in his hands, on top of which a victory wreath proudly flickers. The warrior returned after the battle safe and sound. We see that he is a winner, as his brow is crowned with a laurel wreath. In the background there is a crowd carrying the remaining five wands. This is his retinue, or people delighted with his victory.

The Six of Tarot Wands is a triumphal card; it exudes pride and arrogance; she is convinced that her power has no equal. It will make you, like a knight, brave, invincible, cunning and seasoned, in any battle you will emerge victorious, any intended goal will be closer to realization than ever before. Try to curb the pride that will certainly envelop you; it can destroy everything that has been achieved so hard and for a long time.

Six brings luck, fortune, fame, recognition of you and your deeds and joy, satisfaction. Your victory and achievements will not remain in the shadows, it will be joy not only for you, it will ring a bell for everyone, the news will spread “the whole world.” Remuneration for work, material profit, a breakthrough in career - all this can be realized this map. She seems to be hinting that the stagnation is over, the black streak has already gotten to you to the point of “I can’t.”

In everyday life, in the current situation, in pressing matters, 6 of Wands may just mean positive news, without any emotional outbursts, fanfare in your honor and medals around your neck. The card says that all your efforts will be noticed and rewarded, sometimes even in unexpected ways.

Schedule for the day

When you lay out tarot cards for the coming day and you get 6 staves, you can expect victory. This card promises good luck for the whole day in any of your endeavors. Today doors are open to you everywhere, the streak of troubles will recede, things will go up. You will receive long-awaited attention, recognition, and a reward for what you have done. Be sure to share your victory with your loved ones, family, and friends.

Be careful that along with universal recognition comes vanity and pride, and you should under no circumstances succumb to the provocations of these feelings. There will be many admirers of your talent around you, many followers inspired by your actions. Don't be arrogant, don't put yourself above others. Because you can’t do it without outside help; you can’t fight alone in the field. You can’t let anyone stop you from achieving your goal; don’t create envious people and enemies for yourself.

The card encourages you to realize your fears and strive to overcome them, and to do this you need to believe in yourself and your strength, that you are capable of more, that you can move mountains. In any game, you will be a winner if you do not give up, believe in your capabilities and do not refuse the help of loved ones. Like the young man in the picture, you need reverence, without it you will not be able to fully enjoy the treasured spoils.

The 6 of Wands card encourages you to acknowledge your fears and strive to overcome them

Answers on questions

Having laid out the tarot, the Six of Wands answers for you:

  • now is a favorable period when all the people who love you unite and make common efforts to help you;
  • today you are a winner and it’s time to accept congratulations;
  • trust your surroundings, do not refuse the help offered, realize that you need allies and they need you;
  • confidence, as if by magic magic wand, has settled in you, you flutter like a butterfly, on the wings of positivity, expectation of something good - inner voice does not deceive you, the tremulous beating of the heart suggests that this time luck will not go away, it’s as if it itself is sticking to you;
  • today is the place to be for unprecedented pride, your friends, colleagues, and you yourself will not recognize your former self - sweet self-satisfaction, longed-for triumph will lift you to the pinnacle of glory, you will be proud of yourself.


For lonely people thirsting for love, the six will give a long-awaited meeting. You will be enveloped in excitement, joyful experiences, today you will meet your soulmate. This is a sudden encounter on the street, in the corridors of a work building, during a lunch break in a nearby cafe, a call from an unfamiliar number. Don't miss Cupid's arrow, it strives to hit your heart.

For a person in a relationship with a family, this card will mean that your family is your fortress, you once did right choice, and today you are reaping its benefits. Your family is like a close-knit team that works for overall result, you strive together and work towards the same goal. All your ideas and desires will be positively received.

Today, relationships that stretch from the distant past, but have not had an end, can be resolved. This is news from your past life, past relationships. On this day you will put an end to matters that are “hanging in the air.”

Direct card position

Let's look at the six of wands tarot meaning in the upright position. When the card appears, it foreshadows a real victory, indicating that you can receive a prize and gain power. You will become a leader for someone weak, or you will have a patron who will help you climb Olympus, get the desired job, promotion, or bring good news. Others will follow you, your desire and self-confidence will inspire not only you, but the entire team. The main thing is that only good intentions are at the head of motivation, strive to work together, the six will help everyone, both the leader and the followers, achieve success.

The upright card symbolizes inspiration, the desire to develop, learn new things, and conquer one’s place and position in society. Very often the card falls out after severe tests, it is like a sign of approaching success.

Open values:

  • achievements, conquests, triumph, happy news;
  • leadership, public recognition;
  • success at work, material wealth;
  • sincere love, new bright feelings;
  • vanity, pride, self-confidence;
  • travel, winning the lottery, a gift of fate.

The card encourages you to believe in fate, not to rely too much on luck, but not to push it away either.

Reversed card position

The reversed Six of Wands has a different meaning than in the upright scenario. The cards are trying to warn that next to victory comes envy; someone will want to spoil your success. Take a closer look around, keep your ears open, there is a traitor in your environment. Your team may rebel, even suppress their leader.

Watch your behavior, your attitude towards your subordinates or your friends is too arrogant. Don’t let pride and self-confidence upset the balance in the team. Such a close triumph slips out of your hands, suddenly some stumbling blocks will appear, fear will take over you, anxiety will cloud your mind and everything will fall apart. It may happen that your expectations will not be met and you will have to abandon your plan.

The reversed Six of Wands has a different meaning than in the upright reading

A reversed card may reveal inner feelings, you don’t want to take on an unbearable burden, you don’t see the point or benefit in your promotion, you try to avoid forced deals.

Greed, the desire to be first can take over you. You have a real or imaginary opponent, and you want with all your might to prevent him from “flying up.”

IN real life this could mean an illness, a health problem, a bruise, or a fall. It seems as if a black cat crossed your path, followed by a woman with an empty bucket.

Reversed values:

  • fraud, betrayal, obstacles in achieving goals;
  • delay in fulfillment of desires;
  • fears, disbelief, internal bad feelings;
  • unfavorable period for the implementation of plans;
  • illness, physical and moral decline.

Combination with other cards

The Six of Wands in combination with various layouts can promise increased omens:

  • with the lasso “tower” - humiliation of one’s abilities, rejection by society;
  • from 5 coins - your merits will not be recognized;
  • from 5 cups - loss, loss;
  • with 10 swords - a trap is being prepared for you.


  • with the lasso “chariot” - conquest, self-confidence;
  • from 9 cups - the embodiment of the plan;
  • with the “Sun” lasso - pedestal, popularity;
  • from 10 of cups - calm.

Wait, soon this card will bring you mind-blowing success! You just need to have a little courage to look into the future and patience to wait for real success in all your endeavors.

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