110 interesting facts about tourism. Interesting facts, amazing facts, unknown facts in the museum of facts

  1. home
  2. It's still not clear why Lake Hillier in Western Australia is pink. To protect against evil spirits, people of the Akha tribe living in northern Laos nail wooden models of Kalashnikov assault rifles and hand grenades
  3. . People are sure that not a single evil spirit will dare to pass through such a gate.
  4. The driest place on earth is the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, where there has been no precipitation for two million years. Actually large quantities
  5. The population of Africa speaks languages ​​- the number of African languages ​​exceeds two thousand. The rarest of them is the Bikya language. In 1998, only one 87-year-old woman from a village on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria spoke this language.
  6. Holland is a province within the Netherlands, which in the 16th–18th centuries was the political and economic core of the state. Since then, the history of this province has merged so much with the history of the entire country that the Netherlands began to be called Holland. At the geographic poles (North and South), time can be chosen at your discretion, since all meridians converge at one point, and therefore the concept of geographic longitude loses its meaning. Since calculating the time of day anywhere on Earth is related to geographic longitude
  7. this place, then the uncertainty of longitude at the geographic poles leads to the uncertainty of the time of day at them.
  8. Istanbul, Türkiye, is the only city in the world that is located on two continents. Most Old city
  9. in the world - Damascus, the capital of Syria. It flourished for several thousand years until the founding of Rome in 753 BC. The most large building
  10. in the world - the Burj Dubai skyscraper (Dubai Tower). Its height is 828 meters (164 floors).
  11. Costa Rica does not have a regular army.
  12. Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined.
  13. The smallest states: Vatican City - approximately 0.44 square meters. km. Population 770 people; Monaco - approximately 1.9 sq. km. Population - 32,000 people; Nauru - approximately 21 sq. km. Population 13,000; Tuvalu - approximately 25 sq. km. Population - 12,000 people; San Marino - approximately 61 sq. km. Population: 29,000 people.
  14. Streets in Japan have no names.
  15. Persia changed its name to Iran in 1935.
  16. 10 percent of the Russian government's revenue comes from the sale of vodka.
  17. Japan is 70% mountainous.
  18. All 14 mountains that are higher than 8000 meters are in Asia.
  19. The most high mountain in the world with a foot on the ocean floor is Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Its height is 10203 m, but only 4205 m are above sea level.
  20. In Korea, it is considered tactless to keep your hands behind your back or in your pockets.
  21. In Brazil, pulling down the lower eyelid of the right eye means that the listener doubts what you are saying.
  22. The full name of Los Angeles is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula" and can be reduced to 3.63% of the original size: "LA".
  23. In 1980, there was only one country in the world where there were no telephones - Bhutan.
  24. The character Donald Duck was banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
  25. IN Saudi Arabia A woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee.
  26. 7% of Americans don't know the first 9 words of the American anthem, but know the first 7 words of the Canadian anthem.
  27. 5% of Canadians don’t know the first 7 words of the Canadian anthem, but they know the first 9 words of the American anthem.
  28. The West African Matami tribe plays football with a human skull.
  29. The state of Papua New Guinea includes the islands of New Britain and New Ireland.
  30. The capital of Vermont, Montpelier, is the only state capital in the United States without a single McDonald's.
  31. Montpelier (Vermont) is the smallest state capital in the United States. Its population is only about nine thousand inhabitants.
  32. The most clear sea on Earth is considered the Weddell Sea in Antarctica.
  33. The farthest point from all the oceans on Earth is in China.
  34. In France, Italy and Chile the existence of UFOs is officially recognized.
  35. In May 1948, two New Zealand volcanoes, Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe, erupted simultaneously.
  36. Unlike most African nations, Ethiopia was never a European colony.
  37. Lebanon is the only state in the Middle East without deserts.
  38. The city of Hong Kong ranks first in the world in the number of Rolls-Royce cars.
  39. IN South America only two countries that do not have access to the ocean: Bolivia and Paraguay.
  40. Amsterdam and Antwerp have 26 islands each, St. Petersburg has 101, and Venice has as many as 118.
  41. In the town of Calama, located in the Chilean Atacama Desert, it never rains.
  42. The widest street in the world is located in Brasilia (Monumental Axis street, width - 250 meters).
  43. Residents of the island of Lesvos are called lesboians and lesbosians, rather than lesbians and lesbians.
  44. The Red Sea is the warmest sea on Earth.
  45. Indonesia is located on 17,508 islands.
  46. There is not a single river in Saudi Arabia.
  47. The Ob River has about 150,000 tributaries.
  48. The Greek national anthem has 158 versions. No one in Greece knows all 158 versions of their country's anthem.
  49. In Malaysia, they believe that by bathing a child in beer, you can protect him from all sorts of troubles and illnesses.
  50. The 7 most numerous peoples in the world: Chinese (Han), Hindustani, US Americans, Bengalis, Russians, Brazilians and Japanese.
  51. The tallest extinct volcano on Earth is Aconcagua, located in Argentina. Its height is 6960 meters.
  52. Several buildings in Manhattan have their own zip code. And the World Trade Center even has several of them.
  53. There is only one river in the world that originates at the equator and flows into a temperate climate zone: the Nile. For some unknown reason, the remaining rivers flow in the opposite direction.
  54. The center of Europe is located on the territory of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region between the cities of Tyachev and Rakhiv, near the village of Delovoye, and the center of Asia is in the city of Kizyl, Tuva Republic.
  55. In Thailand, it is still considered indecent to use a fork when eating. The fork is used only to transfer food from the plate to the spoon.
  56. Despite the fact that Delhi and Novosibirsk are almost at the same longitude, their time differs by an hour and a half. This is due to the fact that India has special maternity hours.
  57. 23 out of 50 American states have access to the ocean.
  58. On February 18, 1979, it was snowing in the Sahara Desert.
  59. There are 17 active volcanoes in Japan.
  60. The first capital of the Russian state was Ladoga.
  61. Cuba is the only Caribbean island with railways.
  62. Nauru is the only state in the world that does not have an official capital.
  63. The largest ports in the world: Rotterdam, Singapore, Kobe, New York, New Orleans.
  64. The last eruption of the Japanese volcano Fuji occurred in 1707.
  65. 336 rivers flow into Lake Baikal, but only one flows out (the Angara).
  66. Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) is considered the coldest capital in the world.
  67. Until almost the end of the 1980s, there was not a single telephone in Bhutan.
  68. Of the 25 highest peaks in the world, 19 are in the Himalayas.
  69. Less than 1 percent Caribbean Islands inhabited.
  70. There are as many as 3 cities in Peru and 9 more in Paris in the USA.
  71. The Ganges has the largest delta of all rivers.
  72. Japan includes more than 3,900 islands.
  73. In the state of Togo, a man who compliments a woman is obliged to marry her.
  74. In the central square of the Canadian town of Glendon stands its official symbol- dumpling 9 meters high and weighing 2700 kg.
  75. The eruption of the Mexican volcano Paricutin lasted 9 years (from 1943 to 1952). During this time, the volcano's cone rose 2,774 meters.
  76. There are 5 states in Europe that border only one other state - Portugal, Denmark, San Marino, Vatican City and Monaco.
  77. 7 most big countries world (Russia, Canada, USA, China, Australia, Brazil and Argentina) occupy half of the planet's total land area.
  78. The inscription Allah Akbar is repeated 22 times on the Iranian flag.
  79. The Philippines archipelago includes 7,107 islands.
  80. The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses exactly 3901 bridges.
  81. The Kingdom of Tonga is the only monarchy in Oceania.
  82. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper, and the first American flag was woven from hemp paper.
  83. House numbering was first adopted in London in the 18th century, before which the address was determined by the owner's name.
  84. In 1991, a monument to the ax was erected in Canada on a concrete pedestal. The weight of the monument was 7 tons.
  85. 60% of all cultural values ​​are concentrated in Italy Western Europe. Any Italian city is an open-air museum.
  86. In the city of Tegazi (Sahara) there are houses with walls made of rock salt. This is one of the driest places on Earth.
  87. In Finland, Italy, Germany, England, France and Spain, the number of cell phones exceeds the number of regular phones.
  88. Visitors to the museum in Wupperteil are given identical postcards and asked to send them from their hometown. They make up the exhibition.
  89. In the city of Tombsone, men and women over 18 years of age are prohibited from smiling if they are missing more than 1 front tooth.
  90. The Ecuadorian postal service stamps the envelopes: Pyramid, located on the equator and dividing the world in half.
  91. In England, 12 million old cell phones and 2 million televisions are thrown into landfill every year.
  92. In London, a true Cockney is considered to be one who was born in the East End, within earshot of the bells of St Mary-le-Bow.
  93. During the construction of the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, there was such a demand for Romanian marble that even tombstones throughout the country were made from other materials.
  94. The cities of Makhachkala and Buinaksk are named after the Dagestan revolutionaries Magomed-Ali Dakhadaev (Makhach) and Ullubiy Daniyalovich Buinaksky.
  95. The Russian city of Armavir received its name in honor of the ancient capital of Armenia - Armavir. Now they are sister cities.
  96. Canada has been declared the best country to live by the UN 4 times over the past 5 years.
  97. There are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are Canadians in Canada.
  98. There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos.
  99. The only country where not a single birth was registered in 1983 is the Vatican.
  100. If all the steel cables of the largest Akashi-Kaikyo suspension bridge were stretched out in length, they could encircle the Earth as many as seven times.
  101. The windiest place is Victoria Land, located in Antarctica. The wind speed here reaches 215 kilometers per hour.
  102. Andorra is the only country in the world with free postal services.
  103. Scrolling your finger at your temple means “I think” in Argentina and Peru. In other countries, the same gesture means “crazy.”
  104. In Japan, it is considered very indecent to kiss in front of witnesses.
  105. The equator passes through 13 countries of the world.
  106. In Iceland, tipping is considered an insult.
  107. The United Nations University is located in Tokyo.
  108. Venice in Italy is built on 118 islets and connected by 400 bridges. She gradually sinks into the water.
  109. In Paraguay, registered blood donors can legally duel.

    Cuba - largest island in the Caribbean Sea with an area of ​​almost 110 thousand km² with a population of more than 11 million people. Perhaps one of the most talked about states of the 20th century, Cuba is famous for its communist regime and the legendary icons of the revolution that took place in it, mainly the country’s leader Fidel Castro, who led it for more than half a century (1959-2011), as well as one of the most famous people century - Commander of the Cuban Revolution Ernesto Che Guevara.

    Of course, Cuba is known not only for its socio-political status, but also for the world's best cigars, some of the best rums, its classic cars and some of the most beautiful and picturesque landscapes that tourists can enjoy in the Caribbean. Here are the reasons why Cuba has always been a popular tourist destination over the years.

    25. Until 2008, Cubans were not allowed to own or use mobile phones.

    24. Cuba is the only country for which Americans need to obtain government permission to visit.

    23. Ernest Hemingway was the only American who loved Cuba and often visited this country. In fact, he wrote the story “The Old Man and the Sea” and the novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls” while living in Cuba.

    22. Until 1997, contacts between tourists and Cubans were outlawed for fear that foreigners might represent local residents a reality different from the one they are shown in the media mass media. Over the past 19 years, things have changed for the better.

    21. Nearly 70% of the 2 million Cubans and Cuban-Americans living in the United States live in Florida.

    20. A couple of months ago, Barack Obama became the first sitting US president to visit Cuba in nearly 100 years, and the first since the 1959 revolution that overthrew US-backed dictator Batista.

    19. Portuguese Matias Perez, who lived in Cuba and ran an awning business in Havana, was an adventurer and pilot hot air balloon, who disappeared during an attempt to make an aeronautical flight from the central park on June 28, 1856. His disappearance had such an impact strong influence to Cuban culture that when something disappears into thin air, Cubans say “flew away like Matias Perez.”

    18. Cuba is the second country in the world in terms of the number of doctors per capita. She boasts one of best systems health care in the world.

    17. Cuba has one of the highest literacy rates in the world (99.8%).

    16. John Lennon was especially loved and adored in Cuba. There is a statue of him in one of the parks named after him. The only problem with this statue is that people were stealing glasses from it all the time, and now a guard has been placed near the sculpture to make sure that they don’t disappear anywhere else.

    15. At the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, more than 150 nuclear weapons were stationed in Cuba.

    14. For almost 60 years, Coca-Cola was banned in Cuba. It became possible to legally buy this carbonated drink only last year. Cuba was one of two countries to ban Coca-Cola in the 21st century. The second country is North Korea.

    13. I don't know if this should say anything about Cuban men, but surgical operations Penis enlargement treatments in Cuba are done free of charge.

    12. When Fidel Castro came to power, he promised to fight Western capitalism. On his orders, all Monopoly games were destroyed in the country.

    11. Dating back to the Carboniferous period Paleozoic era, the Cuban shellfish (Atractosteus tristoechus) is a fish that lives only in the waters of Cuba and nowhere else in the world.

    10. Cuba is also the only place on the planet where you can see the Cuban crocodile, an incredibly scary reptile that is on the verge of extinction. According to some experts, the Cuban crocodile is the most aggressive crocodile in the world.

    9. Fidel Castro is widely known for his beard, but few people know that he initially started growing it because he couldn’t find a razor due to the American embargo.

    8. The beards of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara became iconic symbols of resistance in the West, especially among young people, and terribly irritated the American government. The CIA developed another assassination attempt on the Cuban leader using thallium salts, which were supposed to cause beard loss. This was one of more than (600!) failed attempts on Fidel Castro's life.

    7. Despite the hostility between the United States and Cuba on a political and cultural level, Cuba was one of the first countries to offer assistance after destructive hurricane Katrina. The Cuban government offered its medical care, Venezuelan gasoline and $5 million. The Americans refused.

    6. In Cuba it is prohibited to photograph military, police and airport employees. Those who try to do this will be arrested.

    5. It is estimated that only 5-6% of Cubans have access to open, free internet. Others have access to a government-controlled, censored version.

    4. The famous drink made from rum, Coca-Cola and lime, known in the USA and Europe as “Cuba Libre” (“Free Cuba”), is called “mentirita” in Cuba.

    3. Any government vehicle obliged to fail roadside voters or citizens who need to go somewhere, regardless of the reason.

    2. Despite the low income of the average Cuban, 92% of the population live in their own homes.

    1. First and last time Snow fell in Cuba on March 12, 1857. In other words, it was the only snowfall in the history of the country.

    Nov 18, 2017 Gennady

    Tourism, however, like many other industries modern life has a lot of very informative and interesting facts in its history. Why will these facts be of interest not only to avid travelers, but also ordinary people to expand your horizons. The specialists are very for a long time studied the history of tourism, and after research and analysis, a list of the most interesting tourism facts was compiled:

    1. The most expensive tour in the history of tourism cost exactly twenty million dollars. It was this amount that Tito Denis had to pay in order to become the first space tourists.

    2. Many people think that sex tourism among women is an extremely new phenomenon, but this is far from the case. According to the information obtained during the analysis this type travel began back in the distant 1840s. It was at that time that a woman went on an unaccompanied tour specifically to seek such intimate adventures.

    3. As you know, literally a hundred years ago only the richest people could go on a trip, but the first tour for not very wealthy citizens was organized in early 1840. This gave rise to the development of mass tourism in the world.

    4. At the moment, tours to Thailand are very popular, but few people know that this country owes its popularity, oddly enough, to the war in Vietnam. It was at this time that American soldiers were hiding in Thailand.

    5. Today there is an active creation of the most comfortable tourism, but almost no one knows the fact that it was Adolf Hitler who initiated this idea. However, the great Fuhrer always insisted that people who spent their vacation as comfortably as possible in the future have greater efficiency and resistance to stress.

    6. In our country, the initiators of children's hikes and various excursions were none other than the Decembrists. After all, it was they who paid maximum attention to children's education.

    7. According to Forbes magazine, the excursion to the Chernobyl zone is recognized as the most dangerous and interesting excursion, because it is here that you can see plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else.

    Of course, this is not a complete list of the most interesting and educational facts about tourism, however, these are the facts that are highlighted as the most interesting and educational.

    1. In German bakeries, the workers in their critical days It is prohibited to pack bread. It is believed that it will quickly become moldy. Energy, however.

    2. The largest number of police cars in Germany are Mercedes.

    3. The Germans do not know and are afraid of dried fish.

    4. An affirmative answer: “Yes, yes!” pronounced with the intonation of the Russian “Nu-nu!” means “Kiss my ass” and is understood as such.

    5. Due to a demonstration of forty nationalists, traffic in Gamurga is blocked, and the path of the demonstration is cordoned off by a regiment of policemen in helmets and bulletproof vests. They protect... nationalists. Not a joke, but a fact.

    6. In Germany you don’t have to work and live on social assistance. True, it’s very poor, but there’s life.

    7. Dialect difference German language such is that television programs in the north of the country are sometimes shown with sign language translation when spoken by southerners.

    8. If the question: “How to get there?” They will smile at you, take out your iPhone, look at the navigation and, after explaining how to get there, offer to give you a ride by car - you are in Germany.

    9. The fine for slapping is 500 euros.

    10. If you want the court's leniency, you must confirm that you did not clench your fists at the beginning of the fight.

    11. If you do not work in certain areas and do not engage in dubious activities, then you can live your whole life in Germany without ever encountering obvious crime.

    12. If you are nevertheless attacked and hit, a retaliatory blow must be struck within one second. If after two, then you will be judged.

    13. Banned in Germany traumatic pistols and gas cartridges.

    14. The police in Germany, even when they catch up with you, do not beat you.

    15. 80% of crime in Germany is carried out by foreigners.

    16. If you have incurred debts of even half a million, it is enough to declare your ruin and you will be obliged to find a permanent job, they will leave you about a thousand euros to live on and in less than 10 years, your debts will be written off.

    17. It is extremely difficult to evict even a tenant who does not pay rent in Germany.

    18. Living in rented housing in Germany is the norm. Three quarters of the population live in rented apartments and houses. The security of the tenant is extremely high. Even the wealthiest segments of the population live in rented housing.

    19. Repairing anything in Germany is so expensive that it is often easier to buy a new thing.

    20. The Germans relate to their Nazi past in the same way that the Aborigines relate to the eating of Cook.

    21. Blame for the Second world war is being introduced into the consciousness of Germans from kindergarten.

    22. Children in Germany can do anything. In general - everything. Parents will be responsible. If there are no parents, then no one.

    2 3. Beer in Germany is very good and there are an incredible variety of it.

    24. In Bavaria, a person has the right to drink a glass of beer during the working day.

    25. Homeless people often have dogs. They receive additional money for their maintenance.

    26. Germans are wary of foreigners. And there is a reason for it.

    27. Drawing a swastika or raising your hand in a Nazi salute is illegal in Germany.

    28. With the introduction of the euro, most prices in Germany doubled. But the standard of living in Germany is still considered one of the highest in the world.

    29. In Hamburg, the Hells Angels motorcycle gang gained such influence over local criminals that bikers were legally prohibited from wearing club symbols. Any large convoy of motorcyclists is accompanied by a police truck.

    30. Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is prohibited. Strictly.

    31. The worst German insults translate to "Ass hole" and "Son of a bitch"

    32. The Germans are very attentive to their health and what they eat and drink.

    33. The former mayor of Hamburg and the mayor of Berlin are homosexuals. In society, “gay” people are treated almost as if they were the norm.

    34. The level of culture of the average German significantly exceeds the level of culture of the average Russian. But, as a rule, the level of education is inferior.

    35. Alcohol intoxication is a mitigating circumstance in court. With the exception of traffic precedents and malfeasance.

    36. Until recently, German women practically did not use cosmetics. Due to the influx of colorful foreign women, German women began to wear makeup and ceased to be one of the most terrible women in Europe.

    37. German women wear high heels only for “occasional occasions.”

    38. In companies, the boss is most often treated on a first-name basis.

    39. One of the leaders of the Green Party proposed singing the second verse of the German anthem in Turkish.

    40. Organic stores are quite popular. Prices there are on average 30% higher than in a regular store. Organic bananas are smaller than regular bananas, and lemons are indeed much more flavorful.

    41. Only prostitutes wear over-the-knee boots work time and foreigners, those who haven’t figured it out yet and those who don’t care.

    42. An offer to drink a cup of coffee together in the evening from a German often means an invitation to sex.

    43. There are fewer women than men in Germany.

    44. The Germans are sure that the most popular Russian toast sounds like “To your health!” It is useless to persuade.

    45. Christmas in Germany is celebrated much more significant and brighter than New Year.

    46. A crowded refrigerator in Germany means that you are from Russia.

    47. The institution may be rude to you. If you pretend that you are about to grab your face, they become very polite.

    48. Dogs in Germany are very friendly. It is extremely rare to hear a dog bark.

    49. The idea of ​​a multicultural society in Germany failed miserably, as Merkel herself was forced to admit.

    50. In Germany sanitary standards so high that you can safely eat not only uncooked meat, but also raw meat.

    51. In Germany, quite often you can enter a residential building without taking off your shoes.

    52. A one-time ticket to the sauna costs just under 20 euros.

    53. The cost of prostitute services on the Reeperbahn averages 200 euros per hour.

    54. Germans rarely respect beer German made. Surprisingly, I quite often heard positive reviews from Germans about one Ukrainian manufacturer; I will not indicate the brand of beer, so as not to advertise.

    55. Among German women, it is common to view sex as fitness.

    56. A bribe to an official in Germany, such as a police officer, usually starts around 50,000 euros. However, in one of the cities where I lived, it was possible to remove a photograph from a traffic machine for only 300 euros.

    57. A civil servant in Germany does not pay public taxes and cannot be fired.

    58. Most apartments in Germany are equipped with fire detectors. If you overcook something or haven’t closed the door to the shower, it goes off, starting to squeak disgustingly. A naked man swearing and poking the ceiling with a mop is a common sight seen by pets.

    59. German women often don’t know how to cook.

    60. The “Nationality” column in Germany is determined by citizenship.

    61. Germans are surprised at Russians’ ability to pronounce the letters “P” and “Y”

    62. The proverb “Without a piece of paper, you’re a turd” was apparently invented by the Germans.

    63. All business letters in Germany they end with the phrase “With friendly greetings.” Even a summons for a fine.

    64. The word "Foreigner" is considered a dirty word in Germany.

    65. Germans are generally welcoming and friendly in their communication. But don’t flatter yourself too much, they’re just well-mannered.

    66. Married couples of Russians and Germans are quite rare, due to too different mentalities. They prefer to remain lovers. That's good.

    67. In a café-eatery, leaving the waiter a tip of more than one euro is regarded as a good tip.

    68. Germany becomes an emigrant’s home when you feel like you’re littering on the street and you’re littering in your apartment, and you have a desire to clean up someone’s trash in a public park.

    69. Tattoos and piercings are very popular in Germany. Both among women and among men.

    70. In Germany, a popular TV presenter was fired because she said that good autobahns were built under Hitler.

    71. In Germany, they are very attentive to how owners treat pets. Even if a blind disabled person mistreats his guide dog, the dog will be taken away from him.

    72. Germany is a paradise for those with a sweet tooth. It seems to me that there are no more diverse and beautiful sweets anywhere in the world.

    73. Russian grocery products can be bought in almost every large supermarket in Germany.

    74. In Germany, I sometimes met men who had never fought in their lives.

    75. To go fishing in Germany, you first need to complete the appropriate courses. Where one of the sections will be devoted to how to handle caught fish so that it does not experience unnecessary suffering.

    76. One of the most expensive hunting clubs in Germany is the Wolf Hunters Club. The annual fee is around 100,000 euros.

    77. A change of workplace often leads a German to a psychotherapist.

    78. The reason for not allowing you into a German disco or club may simply be that the security guard did not like you. Girls are rarely allowed in. Beautiful girls They are always missed, they serve as bait for visitors. They are also often given special cards entitling them to free drinks. A group of young Turks in many cities has virtually no chance of passing. The security guard could be fired for this. There is no smell of Nazism here, it is a justified necessity.

    79. Germany goes to bed and gets up very early.

    80. You can walk along the zebra crossing across the German road with your eyes closed.

    81. The fine for throwing a cigarette butt on the asphalt in Germany is 20 euros.

    82. One of the most popular drinks among German bikers is Jackie-Cola, a mixture of Jack Daniels whiskey and Coca-Cola (in no case with Pepsi!)

    83. The Germans snack on beer with special rolls with grains of salt, they are called “Pretzel”

    84. You get less drunk from draft German beer than from bottled beer. Why dont know.

    85. German cuisine is no different. But it’s hearty and substantial, like everything German. Potatoes, cabbage, pork - classics, in general.

    87. Everything that is necessary is very cheap in Germany. Everything related to convenience and whims is expensive.

    88. The closest ice cream taste to Soviet ice cream in Germany is at McDonald's.

    89. The Germans are sentimental and surprisingly romantic.

    90. Germans, when communicating with Russian friends, often say “I am a German potato.”

    (I don’t agree with this point, because I’ve never heard... You can say this: "Ich bin eine deutsche Pflanze." - I German plant.)

    91. The mentality of the Germans is such that they do not get into a fight first. But, if the fight has already begun, they often fight to the last.

    92. Unfortunately, there are many pedophiles in Germany. However, in Russia they probably just beat them very painfully. But here it’s impossible. Even planting it is difficult.

    93. In Germany, it is normal for a girl and a guy to each pay for themselves. If you pay for a girl, this can be seen as unexpected generosity or a claim on her independence.

    94. After the emigrant masters the language, interethnic problems practically disappear.

    95. German police, as a rule, are not looking for unnecessary heroism. There are exceptions. But rarely.

    96. If I had not taken it upon myself to write these 100 facts, then at the beginning of the second night I would not have been the only one in the apartment building who was still awake at that time.

    97. In Germany, getting sick leave for three days is no problem.

    98. In Germany, a seasonal disease is common, but in Russia it is practically unknown - intestinal flu. If you catch it, hold on... Otherwise, from a low start, it will blow you away.

    99. In Germany, the fiercer the chef, the tastier the meat he cooks.

    100. When getting a job in Germany, you should remember that the immutable law of developed capitalism begins to apply - “Are you carrying one bag faster than others? Well done! Carry two. Are you carrying two? Great, here's your third one. Can not? Do not want? He’s fired, we don’t need lazy people.”

    1 01. If you have public rather than private health insurance, the wait to see a doctor can last several weeks.

    102. When the German list of the most dangerous dog breeds was compiled, not a single German breed was included there, even though it was ahead of others in the number of unmotivated attacks on humans.

    103. A German Kneipp is a small beer hall, more like a club, where many middle-aged and older Germans while away their evenings, sometimes staying in the Kneipp until nightfall, and the owner practically lives in it. How many interesting stories you can hear from old regulars there, over a glass of beer...

    104. In Germany, many people do not smoke. The Germans, as I already said, take care of their health.

    105. Mixed couples are very common in Germany. African guys often choose incredibly fat German women. This is a tradition. It is a great pride for an African to have a fat wife. This means he is so rich that he can feed her. Well, fat German women, walking next to the ebony handsome man, are quite happy with life and, finally, with themselves.

    106. “Mine, mine, mine” is very developed in Germany. But it must be said that “Yours - yours - yours” will be respectfully and delicately taken into account and observed. This applies to everything from candy to silence.

    107. On many municipal buildings in Germany, menacing eagles have been preserved, clutching shields in their talons, from which the swastika has been neatly knocked off. They say, well, the bird has sat down, now it’s beautiful.

    108. There are two types of German humor: black and abstract.

    109. In Germany, it is required to separate waste into food and plastic. In fact, in trash bins, most often everything is thrown into one pile. The purpose of this idiocy is to discipline the already disciplined Germans.

    110. Duckstein is a German beer with a cognac aroma, aged in an oak barrel. But for some reason it gives me a headache in the morning. Maybe because I'm not German.

    Well, that's all, applaud me, I spent an hour of my life on this list. And this is also a fact!

    In other states, less than 50% of residents are also actively willing to spend money on exploring the area. For example, in China there are 48% of such inquisitive tourists, and in Germany - 47%.

    Residents of the Netherlands were the most disinterested in excursions - 28%. At the same time, only 12% of travelers from Russia are ready to save on excursions - both last year and this year.

    While in other countries, from 45% (Italy) to 63% (Spain) of respondents rely on the opinion of their significant other.

    Among Russians, the majority of tourists were those who planned to spend their holidays at their dacha - 48%. Abroad, this holiday option was preferred by 7% (USA) to 37% (Turkey) of residents.

    Even more often, Russian travelers chose the sea as a dacha - 63%. It is no coincidence that even in the New Year's top 10 popular destinations among our tourists, the second place is occupied by Thailand, which is famous warm weather and sandy beaches.

    Moreover, this country is usually present in the first lines Russian rating all year round. Only the Portuguese (65%) and Italians (65%) were planning to go to the beach more than Russians.

    47% of Russians like to explore unexplored corners as part of an organized excursion group with a guide. This is the largest percentage compared to residents of other countries. The Germans (32%) and the Portuguese (31%) also showed a similar love for sightseeing tours.

    More than such trips, our compatriots like only independent walking tours to the places chosen for recreation - 71% of Russians were in favor of this option of getting to know the sights.

    49% of Russian tourists who participated in momondo surveys are ready to save on evening entertainment while traveling, 43% on shopping, and 37% on car rental. Among tourists from other countries, significantly less people agree to such restrictions. Only the same number of Portuguese prefer to refuse new things.

    20% of Russians noted sports recreation as their preferred vacation activities, and 19% mentioned cycling. This higher interest for such active types of recreation compared to other countries.

    It is noteworthy that access to the Internet is more important for Russians than for tourists from other countries. 49% Russian travelers noted the presence free Wi-Fi as one of the main amenities they need in a hotel during their vacation.

    Wherein smallest value when planning a vacation for Russians, it has an original hotel design and differences from other hotels. Only 5% of our compatriots said that they are looking for a zest in housing.

    It is interesting that, compared with residents of other countries, among Russians there were the largest number of travelers who, based on the results of their vacation, decide to change their place of residence within their city or country (14%) or even move to another state (14%). Most often, such desires appear among young people, but with age such impulses subside.

    So, if among people aged 18-22 years old 19% and 23%, respectively, decided to change housing or host country, then among tourists 56-65 years old - only 10% and 1%. Abroad, Americans most often began to strive to move within their own country (13%), and the British (12%) began to strive to move outside its borders. The least number of those who would like to leave after a vacation motherland, turned out to be in Finland (2%).

    According to the study, 38% of respondents from Russia are confident that Russians welcome guests the best way. Although our country is not considered the most hospitable abroad. Russia managed to get a maximum of 9% of the votes - that is how much its cordiality was appreciated in Turkey and China.

    Such a low assessment of the friendliness of local residents may be due to the fact that few foreign tourists managed to visit the Russian expanses. In particular, due to serious visa requirements and high prices.

    Italy won the ranking. The largest number of people who found Italians the most attractive were in Spain (32%) and Portugal (39%). Russia took tenth place in the top 18, ahead of Denmark, the Netherlands, Japan, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, Portugal and China.

    The majority of Russians (71%) shared in surveys that after a week-long or longer trip it is difficult for them to return to study, work and standard daily chores. Four out of ten Russian tourists are helped to escape from boredom by dreams of being on vacation again, and 32% by dreams of a new trip.

    Moreover, our compatriots are thus saving themselves from bad mood more often than residents of other countries. Among tourists from abroad, significantly fewer respondents responded in a similar way - only in Germany, 32% of respondents reported desires to go on vacation again, and 31% reported dreams of future travel.

    Abroad, they were overtaken only by residents of Portugal (29%), Great Britain (29%), the Netherlands (30%), Norway (33%), Italy (34%) and Turkey (37%).

    “Curious and dreamy, independent and digital, organized and economical, active and easy-going... It’s nice that our tourists are distinguished by such qualities.

    This combination, in my opinion, is the best fit for travelers,” comments Irina Ryabovol, representative of momondo travel metasearch in Russia.

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