Hungary territory area. Hungary. Official language of Hungary

home Goulash, Ikarus buses, Omega group, Rubik's cube - these are the associations we have when we mention Hungary. But this small European country

There is also something to boast about - the ballpoint pen was invented here, Imre Kalman and Franz Liszt worked here, the longest tram in the world runs here (54 meters)!

Well, and, of course, Hungary is famous for its capital – Budapest. That’s what we’ll talk about today – all the most interesting things in our TOP 6!

Fact #1: The capital of Hungary consists of two parts

They are called Buda and Pest. The first part is more hilly, the second is conditionally “flat”. Once upon a time these were two different towns located on opposite banks of the Danube - and only in 1873 were commercial Pest and ancient Buda united into the modern “pearl of the Danube”.

Today, parts of the capital of Hungary are connected by numerous bridges - the oldest of them, the Chain Bridge, finally connected Pest and Buda. By the way, this is one of the symbols of Budapest and Hungary - every tourist leaving the city has a photo of the Chain Bridge in their camera.

Fact No. 2: The capital of Hungary - Budapest - is considered one of the best resorts

We are accustomed to the fact that the capital is, first of all, government quarters and business centers. But in Budapest, among other things, it is customary to relax with health benefits! Under the city, at a depth of about 1 kilometer, there are thermal springs - they were first used by the ancient Romans. By the way, it was they who built the first baths on the site of the future capital of Hungary. Today most of The baths look like outdoor pools with warm water

, as well as saunas. People from all over the world come here - magnesium and sulfur-rich waters help cope with cardiovascular, rheumatic and gynecological diseases.

Fact No. 3: The most beautiful view of the capital of Hungary, Budapest, opens from Gellért Mountain

Today, it is the Citadel that photographers from all over the world climb - from here a stunning panorama of old Budapest, Fortress Mountain, Chain Bridge and other sights of Hungarian Budapest opens. By the way, UNESCO even included the view of Fortress Mountain on the World Heritage List.

Fact #4: If you want the Middle Ages, go to Buda

Even ancient travelers considered I will be one of most beautiful places old Europe. Today people come here for a unique feeling of belonging to history. It is enough to walk along the streets of Fortuna or Tarnok, or look into or into the Fortress Quarter to feel like you are on the set of a historical film.

You can also drink coffee and eat apple strudel (which, by the way, is prepared in Hungary no worse than in Austria!) in the Miro restaurant - in its place in the 16th century the first city cafe was located.

Fact #5: The best shopping in Hungary and Budapest is in the “Big Circle”

If you look at the Hungarian capital from the Buda Mountains, you can clearly see the unusual layout of the city. The center of Budapest is surrounded by a small ring of highways, the huge Hungaria highway is visible in the distance, and between them there is a middle circle - Nogy Kerut, or Great Circle. This is one of the most famous and busiest places in the capital - tourists love to walk here and locals enjoy spending time here.

In addition, this is the main shopping street of Budapest - it is simply impossible to count all the shops, boutiques, restaurants, hotels and pastry shops! At some point, a tourist may feel as if he is walking along one endless shop window - it is better not to come here with an empty wallet.

The most popular, typically “Hungarian” goods among tourists are lace and hand-painted porcelain, paprika, cherry palinka (local vodka) and goose liver.

Fact #6: Vegetarians will be sad in Budapest

After a trip to the capital of Hungary, photos of local culinary masterpieces will take up most of the camera’s memory! Hungarians, like no other, know how to cook game and fish - in local restaurants you can find a record number of meat dishes.

Firstly, vegetable oil is not accepted here - only natural pork fat. Secondly, they clearly do not skimp on sour cream - this product is considered one of the traditional ones and is prepared using ancient technologies. The main dish to try in Budapest is, of course, goulash. Here this is what they call either a thick and rich meat soup or a meat stew. By the way, it is for this reason that experts advise going to the capital of Hungary in winter – on chilly January evenings goulash goes great!

If you want something more original, order paprikash, veal offal, Buda carp or the legendary Esterhazy cake. In general, you definitely won’t go hungry in Budapest!

And finally, some tips and useful information for those who are already packing their bags for Hungary, or more precisely, for its capital, Budapest:

  • You can buy a Budapest Kartya card from local travel companies - it will give you the right to travel for free public transport, buy museum tickets at better prices and even dine at some restaurants with good discounts.

  • There are only 3 metro lines in Budapest - and each time you change lines you will have to buy a new ticket (at newsstands or directly at the metro entrance). By the way, the same tickets are valid not only in the metro, but also in city buses, trams and trolleybuses. But tourists are not advised to take a taxi - it is very expensive, and in Budapest there is no single set tariff.

  • The main attractions of Budapest and Hungary in general are museums. They usually work from 10.00 to 18.00, closed on Monday.

  • Grocery stores in Budapest are open on weekdays from 7.00 to 19.00, and on Saturdays - only until 14.00. So, if you want fresh yogurt on a Saturday evening, you will most likely have to go to the supermarket - only they are open 24 hours a day.

  • If you plan to travel to Budapest for treatment, it is worth taking with you an extract from your medical record translated into English. It would be a good idea to arrange in advance for a translator who could help local doctors with diagnosis and treatment.

  • According to Hungarian laws, you cannot appear on the street without documents - this rule also applies to tourists. It is not necessary to carry the original passport with you - leave the documents in the hotel safe and take photocopies with you.

Useful information for tourists about Hungary, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Hungary, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions in Hungary.

Geography of Hungary

Hungary is a country in Central Europe, bordering Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.

The Danube River crosses Hungary almost in the middle; another river, the Tisza, flows to the east; both are from north to south. The total area of ​​the country was equally divided into lowlands and mountains of medium height.

Most of the right bank of the Danube is occupied by a hilly plain - Transdanubia, which is crossed by a strip of limestone mountains with plateau-like massifs and a height of 400–700 m. More than high mountains, reaching their maximum value in the Matra array. The highest point in Hungary, Mount Kekes (1015 m), is also located here.

West of the Danube is Lake Balaton - the largest not only in the country, but throughout Central Europe. This is the warmest lake in the region.


State structure

The form of government is a parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. Parliament is a unicameral National Assembly, elected by the population for a term of four years.


Official language: Hungarian

Many Hungarians speak English, German or Russian.


Catholics - 67%, Protestants (mainly Lutherans and Calvinists) - 25%, Jews.


International name: HUF

1 forint = 100 fillers. Coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 forints. Banknotes: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10000 for.

Currency exchange can only be done at official exchange offices, and a certificate of currency exchange must be kept until leaving the country.

History of Hungary

Modern Hungary was in ancient times part of the Roman province of Pannonia and was one of the first to be conquered by Germanic tribes in the second century AD. After this, the country was under the rule of the Huns, Avars and Franks. At the end of the 9th century, Pannonia was captured by the Madya Rami.
Stephen I (the Saint) became the first king of the Hungarians in 1000, receiving the blessing of Pope Sylvester II. For almost 300 years the Kingdom of Hungary was independent, but after Mongol invasion in 1241, royal power began to weaken and at the beginning of the 14th century foreign dynasties began to rule the country.
In 1521, Turkey began a successful war against the Hungarian king, after which the country actually broke up into several relatively independent regions and remained in this state for almost 150 years. At the beginning of the 18th century, power in the country passed to the Austrian royal house of Habsburg, and another 150 years later, Austria and Hungary became independent kingdoms under the rule of one emperor, and in 1867 Austria-Hungary arose.
On November 11, 1918, the empire was officially liquidated, and five days later Hungary was proclaimed a republic. In the 1920s, the monarchy was restored with the establishment of the pro-fascist Horthy regime, but in 1945 Hungary again became a republic. One of the important, albeit dark, pages of Hungarian history is the 1956 uprising, suppressed Soviet troops.
In 1989 the Hungarian People's Republic was renamed the Republic of Hungary, the communists were effectively removed from power, and in March-April 1990 the first free multi-party elections were held in 45 years. Hungary is a member of the UN, IMF, World Bank, GATT, Council of Europe.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Hungary

Where to stay

Hungary attracts numerous tourists not only with its magnificent nature, but also with its excellent climate and numerous healing springs and thermal centers. Accommodation in Hungary offers many options to suit every taste. The official classification of hotels was adopted in Hungary in 2003. The gradation is generally accepted in Europe: from two to five stars.

In Hungary, you can stay in one of the fashionable hotels, where, in addition to excellent service and a beautiful, well-thought-out interior, you can enjoy a continental breakfast, the opportunity to use a fitness room, parking, a beauty salon or a hairdresser. Two or three star hotels offer acceptable service for a very affordable fee. Breakfast is included in the room rate; you should check the amenities in advance, as some rooms do not have a bathroom or toilet.

In resort areas, you can stay in one of the SPA hotels, which also range from two to five stars. Here, in addition to accommodation, guests can use spa services and medical procedures. A higher level of service and a wide range of health services are provided by wellness hotels (graded from three to five stars).

In Hungary, you can also stay in a garni hotel, that is, one that does not have a restaurant. This is compensated by comfortable living conditions and relatively low fees. And the presence of numerous cafes and restaurants in the immediate vicinity will help solve food problems.

In addition, you can rent apartments. The cost of living here will depend both on the level of service and on proximity to historical monuments or thermal resorts. As a rule, apartments are rented for any period of time. During the tourist season, you should make reservations in advance.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Hungary

Hungary is one of the most famous thermal spas in Europe. Picturesque nature, healing springs and many historical and architectural attractions make holidays in Hungary varied and unforgettable.

One of the most famous attractions of Hungary is Lake Balaton - largest lake in central Europe. Balaton and its coastal area have long been famous for their mineral and thermal springs, and are also considered the most popular resort in Hungary. In the northwest of Lake Balaton is the small town of Heviz, and next to it, in the crater of a long-extinct volcano, is the lake of the same name - the largest thermal lake in Europe and the most popular place for spa treatment, the main specialization of which is the treatment of the musculoskeletal system .

Very popular place is the picturesque Tihany Peninsula, dividing Lake Balaton into two parts. The main attraction of the peninsula is the Benedictine Abbey of St. Agnoche, built in the Baroque style. Along the northern shore stretches the Balaton Upland National Park with stunning volcanic landscapes. This also includes protected area Kish-Balaton. Above the shore of the lake rises Mount Badocany, which is famous for its vineyards. Among the most famous resorts of Lake Balaton, it is also worth highlighting Balatonfüred with its carbonic water sources, Tapolca with its famous caves (the air of the caves is considered very beneficial for the respiratory system), Siófok, which is the cultural center of Balaton, Keszthely with beautiful architectural monuments and the picturesque Balatonlelle with beautiful beaches . On the Balaton coast is the city of Sümeg, famous for the largest and one of the most ancient fortresses in the country.

The capital of Hungary, Budapest, located on the banks of the Danube, is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities peace. Budapest impresses with various historical, architectural and cultural monuments. The main cultural center of the city is Andrássy Avenue with a huge number of famous buildings (the avenue is listed world heritage UNESCO). Among the most famous attractions in Budapest, the most famous are: Royal Palace(Buda Castle), St. Stephen's Basilica, Parliament Building, Vajdahunyad Castle, National historical Museum Hungary, Aquincum Museum, Opera House, Gresham Palace, Matthias Church, Central Synagogue and Freedom Bridge. The capital is also famous for its baths with thermal springs and healing water. The baths are located at the foot of the Buda Mountains, which are also famous for their stunningly beautiful caves. In the very center of Budapest, in the middle of the Danube, there is the picturesque Margaret Island with healing thermal and mineral springs. In Budapest great amount excellent restaurants that offer both traditional Hungarian dishes and masterpieces of world cuisine.

Debrecen is a famous European balneological resort. The most famous sights of the city are the Reform Cathedral, the Deri Museum, Cathedral St. Anne's, Nagyördő Thermal Park, City Hall, Windmill (the largest in Central Europe), University building and much more.

Hungary is also famous for its ancient castles, among which the most interesting are: Brunswick Castle (Martonvasar), Grasszalkovich Castle (Gedel), Festhejic Palace (Keszthely), Wimpfen Castle (Erd), Siklos Fortress and the ruins of the king's castle Matvey Corvina in Visegrad.

Hungarian cities and resorts such as Veszprem, Miskolc, Pecs, Szeged, Győr, Vyšehrad, Hajdúszoboszló, Lillafüred and Nyregyháza are also popular among tourists.

Hungarian cuisine

Hungarian cuisine is characterized by dishes rich in harmonious taste, made using red peppers, onions, tomatoes and capsicums: the famous Hungarian goulash, chicken paprikash with dumplings and cabbage rolls.

The consumption of snacks in Hungary is very limited. The most popular are ham with horseradish, Hungarian sausage with salami, champignons in eggs and goose liver fried in lard, and meat salads.

The assortment of first courses is extensive. Among them, the first place is occupied by fish soup (halaszle) and chicken broth (ujhazi). Fish soup is made from fish different types using paprika, both a spice and fresh, tomatoes and onions.

Almost all national dishes paprika plays a leading role - for example, goulash, perekelt, tokan and paprikash. Goulash is a cross between a soup and a meat stew, perekelt is a stew in which chopped onions predominate, tokan is a dish similar to perekelt, but paprikash is the name for all dishes with sour cream sauce and paprika.

Popular flour dishes include noodles with cottage cheese, roll (with cherries, cottage cheese, poppy seeds), as well as shomloi and vargabelesh dumplings. Soup is usually served as the first course, followed by the main course and dessert.

The most famous Hungarian wine is Tokaji, which has been around for centuries honorary title"the king of wines and the king of wines." The most valuable variety is “Tokay Asu”, the quality of which improves as late harvest grapes are added to the wine.

Hungarian beers Dreher, Aranyaszok, Kobanyai, Soproni and Bak. The most famous variety of champagne is Terley.

Hungarian cuisine is characterized by dishes rich in harmonious taste, made using red peppers, onions, tomatoes and capsicums: the famous Hungarian goulash, chicken paprikash with dumplings and cabbage rolls....


In restaurants, service is not included in the bill, so, as a rule, they tip 10-20% of the final amount. The same applies to hairdressers, beauty salons, taxis and other types of services.


Office hours

In Budapest, grocery stores and shopping centers are usually open from 07:00 to 19:00 on weekdays, and from 07:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays. On Sundays, only some large supermarkets are open until 14:00. Clothing and other consumer goods stores and department stores are open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Museums are usually open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., closed on Mondays. Many museums are open for free one day a week. Banks are open on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and closed on Saturdays and Sundays.


VAT on industrial goods in Hungary is 25%, on products and services - 12%. Foreigners leaving Hungary can claim the tax amount if the unit value of the goods exceeds 50 thousand Ft. This rule does not apply to antiques and works of art. There are several offices in Budapest where you can make tax-free purchases. But the refund will not be more than 18% of 25%.

You can get a tax refund from customs when you leave the country. Refunds will only be made in forints. If you paid when purchasing credit card, the amount can be transferred to your bank account. In this case, make sure that the customs office has stamped the receipt.

Hungarian Republic

Square: 93 thousand sq. km

Administrative division: 19 regions, 1 city of republican subordination (Budapest)

Capital: Budapest

Official language: Hungarian

Currency unit: forint

Population: 10.06 million (2006)

Population density per sq. km: 108 people

Proportion of urban population: 60 %

Ethnic composition population: Hungarians, Germans, Slovaks, Croats, Romanians, Serbs, Slovenes, Bulgarians, etc.

Religion: Christianity (about 50% of the population are Catholics, the rest are Protestants of various denominations)

Basis of the economy: agriculture and industry

Employment: in the service sector - St. 80%; in agriculture - approx. eleven %; in industry – 7%

GDP: 149.3 billion USD (2004)

GDP per capita: 14.8 thousand USD

Form of government: unitarianism

Form of government: parliamentary republic

Legislature: unicameral parliament

Head of State: the president

Head of the government: Prime Minister

Party structures: multi-party system

Fundamentals of government

Hungarian statehood began to take shape at the end of the 9th century, as part of the so-called Finding of the Homeland by the Hungarians under the leadership of Arpad. In 1001–1526 there was the Kingdom of Hungary, which, having fallen under the rule of the Habsburgs and having experienced various transformations, in 1867 became part of Austria-Hungary. After the collapse of the dualist empire, Hungary was proclaimed a republic (November 16, 1919). After World War II and the second proclamation of the republic (February 1, 1946), Hungary began to adhere to a socialist orientation. By 1948, key positions in the government were occupied by communists. The Constitution adopted on August 18, 1949 declared Hungary a people's republic. Change political situation in Europe in the mid-1980s. led to the creation of a democratic of the Hungarian Republic(October 23, 1989). Unlike other countries of the former socialist camp, Hungary did not change its Basic Law. The Constitution of 1949, as amended in 1989, is currently in force. The short preamble states that the text of the Constitution is approved “based on the goal of promoting a peaceful political transition to rule of law bringing to life multi-party system, parliamentary democracy and social market economy.” The Constitution consists of fifteen chapters and seventy-eight articles (paragraphs). Amendments are adopted by two-thirds of the votes of deputies of the State Assembly. The most significant changes were made in 1997 and 2003.

The head of state is the president, “who guards the democratic functioning of the state apparatus.” Elects him State Assembly(parliament). A candidacy is nominated based on individual written proposals from deputies; at least fifty such proposals (in support of one person) must be received, then a secret vote takes place. The one who receives at least two-thirds of the votes is considered elected the first time. The term of office of the president is five years; one re-election is possible. The lower age limit for the head of state is thirty-five years. A proposal to impeach the president can be made by a fifth of the deputies of the State Assembly, but the final decision is made by the Constitutional Court.

The highest body of legislative power and popular representation is the unicameral parliament - State Assembly. Parliamentary elections are held according to a mixed system: one hundred and seventy-six deputies are elected from single-member constituencies in two rounds using a majoritarian system, one hundred and fifty-two deputies are elected from party lists in multi-member territorial districts, and fifty-eight are elected from party lists in a national electoral district. In multi-member constituencies, parties must pass the five percent threshold. The term of office of deputies is four years. Parliament sessions are held twice a year, and emergency sessions can be convened.

According to the Constitution, the right of legislative initiative is vested in the head of state, the government, all commissions of the State Assembly and each member of parliament. The right to pass laws belongs exclusively to the National Assembly. The president approves (signs) laws. If the latter does not agree with the law or any of its provisions, he can send it for revision or examination to the Constitutional Court.

Executive power is exercised by the government. The head of government (prime minister), at the proposal of the president, is elected by the State Assembly. The decision to appoint a prime minister is made simultaneously with the government program. The composition of the cabinet is determined by the head of government, but the appointment of ministers and their dismissal is made by the president. In its activities, the government is accountable to parliament.

The chapter on local self-government in an updated form was included in the text of the Constitution in 1990. It states that citizens with the right to vote “exercise self-government through the representative institutions they have elected.” The chairman of the local representative institution is the mayor. The central government, after requesting the opinion of the Constitutional Court, may dissolve the representative body whose activities contradict the Constitution.

Judicial system

According to the Constitution (as amended in 1997), the parts of the judicial system are the Supreme Court of the Hungarian Republic, courts of appeal, courts of the capital district, regional courts, local courts, as well as labor dispute courts.

Chairman Supreme Court at the proposal of the head of state, elects the State Assembly (at least two-thirds of the votes must be received in support of the candidacy). The president appoints deputy chairmen, but at the same time he takes into account the opinion of the chairman himself.

The Prosecutor General, who, according to the Constitution, ensures the protection of the rights of citizens, as well as the “steady prosecution of any act that violates or threatens the constitutional order, security and independence of the country,” is also appointed by parliament (at the proposal of the president).

The appointment of prosecutors is made by the Prosecutor General, and the appointment of judges by the head of state.

Judges of any court, according to the laws of the Hungarian Republic, cannot be party members and do not have the right to conduct political activities.

A separate chapter of the Basic Law is devoted to the Constitutional Court, which has the right to repeal laws and other legal norms, if they do not comply with the Constitution (the chairman of the Constitutional Court before his election to the presidency was Laszlo Szolyom).

The members of the Constitutional Court (eleven people) are elected by the National Assembly.

Leading political parties

Before the changes of the last decade of the twentieth century. The Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, to which the Fatherland People's Front was subordinate, was a state party.

Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party(VSRP) was created on the basis Communist Party Hungary(organized in 1918), in September 1944 renamed Hungarian Communist Party(VKP). In June 1948, the CPSU merged with Social Democratic Party of Hungary(SDPV), operating since 1890. The result of this association was Hungarian Workers' Party(VPT) in November 1956, after the suppression by Soviet troops of the Hungarian uprising directed against “barracks socialism”, reorganized into the HSWP. Since 1954, the support of the VPT/HSRP has been Fatherland People's Front(ONF), designed to strengthen the “socialist unity of the nation.” With the beginning of democratic reforms in Hungary, the HSWP experienced another global reorganization and in October 1989 received the name Hungarian Socialist Party(VSP); she is currently ruling. It is noteworthy that the “old” HSWP has also been preserved, uniting opponents of change, but its numbers are small.

The multi-party system in Hungary was formalized legislatively in 1989, but even before that they resumed their activities Small Farmers Party(PMSH), which was the ruling one until 1947, SDPV, etc. New parties also appeared, the strongest of which turned out to be Hungarian Democratic Forum(WDF), led by communist reformers led by Imre Pozsgai. Initially, it represented a mass movement in support of the “third way” (neither socialist nor communist) development of Hungary. The current President of Hungary, L. Solyom, participated in the creation of the VDF. WDF supports Alliance of Young Democrats, created in the mid-1990s.

The largest opposition party in Hungary is Hungarian Civil Union(FIDES), led by Viktor Orban.

Enjoy voter support Union of Free Democrats, Christian Democratic People's Party and etc.

The president

Since June 2005 – Laszlo Solyom

Prime Minister

Since October 2004 – Ferenc Gyurcsany (VSP)

From book Secret Wars Soviet Union author Okorokov Alexander Vasilievich

HUNGARY. 1956 Brief historical and geographical background Hungary is a country in the middle reaches of the Danube. In ancient times, its territory was part of the Roman provinces of Pannonia and Dacia. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Avar Khaganate formed there, which was defeated in the 8th century. Karl

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Hungary Janos Bolyai (1802-1860) mathematician It is impossible to live peacefully and be happy while there is still at least one unfortunate person living on earth. The purpose of life is the prosperity and happiness of all

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Post-reform Hungary 1989. Opening of the border with Austria. Exhumation of the remains of Imre Nagy and his associates, solemn ceremony reburial. October 23 – proclamation of the Republic. Citizens of the GDR, in order to emigrate to the Federal Republic of Germany, can leave the country through the territory

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FEG (Hungary) Main tactical and technical characteristics: The FEG company (original name Fegyver es Gazkeszuelekgyara NV, currently FEGARMY Arms factory, Ltd.) produces its “version” of Browning High Power. Rice. 13. FEG P9M pistol In the USA, these pistols were supplied under the designation PJK-9HP, and in

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From the book Abroad author Chuprinin Sergey Ivanovich

Republic of Hungary Consular Section of the Embassy: Budapest, 1062, st. Nepkeztarshashag, 104, tel. 131-89-85. Consulate General: Debrecen, st. Arany Janos, 3, tel. 108-83 (24 hours a day),

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HUNGARY There are few Russian writers in Hungary. And what, strictly speaking, should Russian writers do in Hungary?.. But it was here in 2007 that the headquarters of the very ambitious International Federation of Russian-Speaking Writers, headed by Oleg, was located

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Hungary Ferencváros (Budapest) (Club founded in 1899) Winner of the 1965 Fairs Cup, 2-time Mitropa Cup winner, 28-time Hungarian champion, 20-time Hungarian Cup winner, 4-time Hungarian Super Cup winner. Cup final cup winners played

From the book Countries and Peoples. Questions and answers author Kukanova Yu. V.

HUNGARY (Hungarian People's Republic) Magyarorszag. Magyar Nepk?ztarsasag State in the South-East. h. Center Europe. Terr. 93 thousand sq. km. Us. 10.7 million (1978), 96% - Hungarians. Capital - Budapest. State language - Hungarian. Hungary is a socialist state. The People's Republic was proclaimed in August. 1949.Den.

From book Self-loading pistols author Kashtanov Vladislav Vladimirovich

Where is Hungary located? Hungary is located in Central Europe and is landlocked. The Danube River and its tributaries make the country very fertile: rich crops of agricultural crops grow in the valleys, including hot pepper and paprika.In the south of Hungary

At the end of the 9th century, Magyar tribes from Western Siberia moved to the Danube, thus beginning the formation of the state of Hungary. Modern Hungary is visited annually by millions of tourists to see numerous Hungarian historical monuments, visit the famous local balneological resorts, and also swim in the waters of the “Hungarian Sea,” as Lake Balaton is sometimes called.

Geography of Hungary

Hungary is located in Central Europe, bordering Slovakia to the north, Romania and Ukraine to the east, Yugoslavia and Croatia to the south, and Slovenia and Austria to the west. The total area of ​​this country is 93,030 square kilometers, and the total length of the state border is 2,242 km.

A significant part of Hungary's territory is located on the Middle Danube Plain. This means that most of Hungary's territory is flat. In the north of Hungary there is the Mátra mountain range. It is there that tourists can see the highest Hungarian mountain – Kekes, whose height is 1,014 m.

The Danube River flows through the entire territory of Hungary from north to south. Another one largest river in Hungary - Tisza.

Hungary is famous for its lakes, of which there are a lot. The most famous of them is Lake Balaton, whose area is 594 square meters. km, as well as lakes Velence and Ferte.


The capital of Hungary is Budapest, whose population is this moment is almost 1.9 million people. The history of Budapest begins in the 1st century. BC. – then there was a Celtic settlement in this place.

Official language of Hungary

In Hungary, the official language is Hungarian, which, according to linguists, belongs to the Ugric group, part of the Uralic language family.


The main religion in Hungary is Christianity. About 68% of the population of Hungary are Catholics, 21% are Calvinists (a branch of Protestantism), 6% are Lutherans (a branch of Protestantism).

Government system of Hungary

Hungary is a parliamentary republic. Legislative power belongs to a unicameral parliament - the National Assembly, in which 386 deputies sit. Since 2012, a new Constitution has been in force in Hungary.

The head of state is the President, who is elected by the National Assembly.

Hungary consists of 19 regions, as well as Budapest, which is considered a separate administrative region.

Climate and weather

The climate in Hungary is continental with cold, snowy winter, and with a warm summer. In the south of Hungary near the city of Pécs the climate is Mediterranean. The average annual temperature is +9.7C. average temperature in summer - from +27C to +35C, and in winter - from 0 to -15C.

About 600 mm of precipitation falls annually in Hungary.

Rivers and lakes

The Danube River flows through Hungary for 410 km. The main tributaries of the Danube are the Raba, Drava, Sio and Ipel. Another largest river in Hungary is the Tisza with its tributaries Samos, Krasna, Koros, Maros, Hernad and Sajo.

Hungary is famous for its lakes, of which there are a lot. The most famous of them are Lake Balaton, as well as lakes Velence and Ferte.

The length of the coastline of Lake Balaton, which, by the way, the Hungarians themselves call the “Hungarian Sea”, is 236 km. Balaton is home to 25 species of fish, and storks, swans, ducks and wild geese live near it. Now Lake Balaton is an excellent beach and balneological resort.

We also note another famous Hungarian lake - Heviz. This lake is a popular balneological resort.

History of Hungary

Celtic tribes lived on the territory of modern Hungary BC. In 9 BC. Hungary (Pannonia) became a province Ancient Rome. Later the Huns, Ostrogoths and Lombards lived here. At the end of the 9th century, the territory of modern Hungary was settled by the Magyars (Hungarians)

Most scientists believe that the homeland of modern Hungarians is somewhere in Western Siberia. This theory is supported by the fact that the Hungarian language belongs to the Ugric group, which is part of the Uralic language family. Those. Hungarian is similar to Finnish and Estonian.

In 895 AD. The Magyars created a federation of tribes, thus forming their own state.

The heyday of medieval Hungary began under King Stephen the Saint (ca. 1000 AD), when the country was officially recognized as a Catholic apostolic kingdom. After some time, Croatia, Slovakia and Transylvania were annexed to Hungary.

The Hungarian king Béla III had an annual income of 23 tons of pure silver. For comparison, at that time the annual income French king amounted to 17 tons of silver.

In 1241-1242, the Tatar-Mongols invaded the territory of Hungary, who, however, were unable to conquer the Hungarians.

Since the end of the 14th century, the Hungarians waged constant bloody wars against the Ottoman Empire. In 1526, after the defeat at Mohács, the Hungarian king became a vassal of the Turkish Sultan.

Only in 1687 were the Turks driven out of Hungary, and this country began to belong to Austria, i.e. Habsburgs. In 1867, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was formed, in which the Hungarians actually received equal rights with the Austrians.

After the end of the First World War, in 1918, the Hungarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed in Hungary, which existed until August 1919.

During World War II, Hungary fought on the side of Germany. After the end of World War II, the Hungarian People's Republic was proclaimed (this happened in August 1949).

In 1990, Hungary held its first multiparty elections, and political map The Republic of Hungary appeared in the world.


Hungarians are very proud of their culture, which is noticeably different from neighboring countries. The fact is that the Hungarians (Magyars) are an alien people in Europe who moved to the territory of modern Hungary from Western Siberia in the 9th century.

The Hungarian culture was significantly influenced by Ottoman Empire, as well as Austria. This is understandable, because Hungary for a long time was actually a province of these empires. However, the Magyars (Hungarians) still remain a distinctive people.

The most famous traditional folk festival in Hungary is Farsang (Maslenitsa), which has been celebrated since the Middle Ages. In Charköz, Maslenitsa is celebrated especially magnificently, because... it is believed that “real” Hungarians live in this region, whose ancestors came to the Danube in the 9th century from Western Siberia. During Maslenitsa, before the onset of Lent, Hungarian youth walk the streets wearing scary masks and singing humorous songs.

Every February, the Mangalitsa festival is held in Budapest with numerous competitions, exhibitions and tastings of Hungarian cuisine. The fact is that Mangalitsa is a famous breed of Hungarian pigs.

Hungarian architecture is closely associated with the name of Odon Lechner, who at the end of the 19th century created the national Hungarian architectural style.

Among the Hungarian poets and writers, one should definitely highlight Sándror Petőfi, Sándor Márayi and Péter Esterházy. In 2002, the Hungarian contemporary writer Imre Kertesz received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The most famous Hungarian composer is Franz Liszt (1811-1886), who created the Weimar school of music. Other Hungarian musicians and composers include Bela Bartók and Zoltán Kodály.

Hungarian cuisine

Hungarian cuisine is as special as the Hungarian culture. The main ingredients of Hungarian dishes are vegetables, meat, fish, sour cream, onions and ground red pepper. In the 1870s, pig farming began to actively develop in Hungary, and now pig meat is traditional in Hungarian cuisine.

Perhaps someone will say that the famous goulash glorified Hungarian cuisine, but in Hungary there are still many traditional very delicious dishes. We recommend that tourists in Hungary be sure to try halasle fish soup, chicken with peppers, potato paprikash, trout with almonds, fried pork with sauerkraut, lecho, salty and sweet dumplings, bean soup and much more.

Hungary is famous for its wines (for example, Tokaj Wine), but this country also produces good beer. By the way, in recent years, for some reason, Hungarians have begun to drink more beer rather than wine.

Sights of Hungary

Hungary is a real “treasure” for tourists who love sightseeing tours. In this country there are a large number of historical monuments, among which there are about 1 thousand palaces and medieval fortresses. In our opinion, the top ten best attractions in Hungary include the following:

Cities and resorts

Many of the Hungarian cities were formed on the sites of Roman settlements. This is how Pécs and Székesfehérvár appeared, which are now considered the most ancient cities in Hungary.

At the moment, the largest Hungarian cities are Budapest (1.9 million people), Debrecen (210 thousand people), Miskolc (170 thousand people), Szeged (more than 170 thousand people), Pecs (about 170 thousand people) . people), Gyor (130 thousand people), Niregyhaza (120 thousand people), Kecskemet (110 thousand people) and Szekesfehervar (about 110 thousand people).

Hungary is famous for its balneological resorts, among which the most popular are Heviz, Hajdúszoboszló, Count Széchenyi Baths, Sárvár on the banks of the Raba River and Balatonfüred. In general, there are about 1.3 thousand in Hungary. mineral springs, which can be used for medicinal purposes.

Popular beach resort in Hungary is Lake Balaton, although balneological (thermal) resorts are also located here. On the shores of Lake Balaton there are such popular resorts as Balatonfured, Keszthely and Siófok.


  • Paprika (ground red pepper);
  • Wine;
  • Palinka (fruit vodka made from plums, apricots or cherries);
  • Embroidery, including tablecloths, bed linens, towels, napkins and clothing;
  • Porcelain (the most famous Hungarian porcelain factories are Herend and Zsolnay);
  • Dried meats (especially Mangalitsa pork).

Office hours

Store opening hours:
Mon-Fri: from 9.00 to 18.00
Sat: from 9.00 to 13.00

Large supermarkets are open 24 hours a day, and some are open on Sundays.

Bank opening hours:
Mon-Fri: from 08:00 to 15:00
Sat: from 08:00 to 13:00


To enter Hungary, Ukrainians need to obtain a visa.

Currency of Hungary

The forint is the official currency of Hungary. International symbol for the forint: HUF. One forint is equivalent to 100 fillers, but now the filler is no longer used.

In Hungary, banknotes in the following denominations are used: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 and 20,000 forints. In addition, there are coins in circulation in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 forints.

Hungary, Budapest. Street musician. HUNGARY (Hungarian Republic), a state in Central Europe. Area 93 thousand km2. Population 10.3 million people, including Hungarians (97%). The official language is Hungarian. Believers are predominantly Catholic.... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Hungary- (Hungary, Hungarian Magyarország)Hungary, official name. The Republic of Hungary, a state in Central Europe, borders Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria; pl. 93033 sq. km, 10600000 people. (1990, evaluation);… … Countries of the world. Dictionary

Republic of Hungary, state in the Center. Europe. The name is from the ethnonym Hungarians. The Hungarians themselves call themselves Magyars, and their country Magyarorszag is the country of the Magyars. See also Transylvania. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Hungary (Hungarian Magyarország [ˈmɒɟɒrorsaːɡ], “Magyar Country”): a country in Central Europe, named after the ethnonym of the main people inhabiting it, the Hungarians (the self-name of the Magyars, Hungarian Magyarok [ˈmɒɟɒrok]), known until January 1, 2012... ... Wikipedia

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Room. Republica Bănăţeană German. Banater Republik Serb. Banatska republika/Banatsk Republic Hung. Bánáti Köztársaság republic ... Wikipedia


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