The bathroom window was open for ventilation. He escaped through it. Order from competitors

The bathroom window was open for ventilation. I ran away through it

The Investigative Committee got involved in the scandal of torture in a rehabilitation center for drug addicts on Southern Urals

Daria Shelekhova / website

Organs Investigative Committee Russia in Chelyabinsk region began an investigation into a complaint of torture in a rehabilitation center for alcohol and drug addicts in the Chebarkul region. The head of the investigation department for the Chebarkul district, Vitaly Alexandrov, reported this to the site. The institution itself, the rehabilitation center “Restoration Plus,” rejects all accusations, assuring that no one held the man by force in the institution, much less used force against him.

“There aren’t even bars”

“The application was received by the police duty station, the material was handed over to us on Wednesday, October 3, we began an investigation, during which all the circumstances will be established. Based on the results of the inspection, a procedural decision will be made,” said Vitaly Alexandrov.

As the site’s correspondent managed to find out, one of the patients of the Rehabilitation Center “Restoration Plus” LLC, Danil K., complained about torture. It is this institution, opened a month and a half ago, that is now being checked by the police and investigative authorities. The first results of the test are puzzling.

. “No more than a dozen patients are kept there; the management has contracts with them personally, and not with their relatives. Content is voluntary. None of the interviewed patients expressed any complaints. Most likely, there is no corpus delicti there. Another thing is that the applicant claims that he was kept in handcuffs not only here. Mentions two other houses on the territory of Chelyabinsk. Now the Investigative Committee is looking into this.”

The director of the Rehabilitation Center “Restoration Plus” LLC, Semyon Bukreev, told the site that he himself was previously addicted to prohibited substances, but went through rehabilitation and is now trying to help those who are in the same situation as him.

“I communicate with many communities of alcoholics and drug addicts anonymous,” said Semyon Boukreev. — Not long ago, representatives of one of them approached me and told me that a good rehabilitation center from Bashkiria, whose branch was in Chebarkul, had closed. And now the guys there who need help and support are worried. My friend and I thought about it, collected documents, filmed good house in a suitable location in Chebarkul and opened their center. That is, we have been working for no more than two months, setting up everything.

We recruit patients exclusively voluntarily; we enter into contracts only with them, not with their relatives. We do not work with any other centers, we do not accept anyone from them.

So far we have few patients, all are in the recovery stage.”

Friends in one of the Alcoholics Anonymous communities told him about Danil K. as an adequate, smart guy who wants to undergo rehabilitation.

“At the beginning of September, we met him in Chelyabinsk, picked him up by car, the guys who recommended him to us said goodbye to him on a friendly note,” says Semyon Boukreev. — We drove along the highway towards Chebarkul, talked, I personally followed him. He asked to stop to go to the toilet. We stopped the car and he got out. And at some point I see him running across the road, practically throwing himself under the trucks. Naturally, we were worried and grabbed him.

I told him: “Bro, what are you doing?!” He began to answer that he thought that we were taking him to the forest and wanted to bury him there. Then he suddenly started saying that he just wanted to find his driver license, which he threw out, then replied that the rights were not his. We arrived at the center, he looked around some more and said that good conditions we have.

I didn’t stay in the center for long, from four to seven days. On Sunday I called home, then asked to take a shower. The bathroom window was open for ventilation. He escaped through it, as the employees told me. I thought: well, he left, and God bless him, his right. And a few days later I find out from the Internet that in some rehabilitation center in Chebarkul this man was allegedly beaten and humiliated. And then the police came to me, this guy, the investigators..."

Semyon Bukreev said that employees law enforcement They interviewed him, all the patients, volunteers, and the applicant himself. The latter, as Boukreev assures, when asked by the security forces whether he had any complaints against the center, replied that he did not.

“He only said that they didn’t let him out into the street, but then he added that he didn’t ask to do so either. And then for some reason he ran away from the police station. I don't know where he was kept before that. Neither with “Growth”, nor with “Border” (other rehabilitation centers, the names of which have already been mentioned in the media in the context of this story - editor's note)“We don’t work,” says Boukreev. — We do not have branches in Chelyabinsk or anywhere else. I myself am from Magnitogorsk.”

Patient version

Where exactly the man was before Chebarkul is not entirely clear. He himself does not speak clearly about this. Everyone learned about this story at the suggestion of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chelyabinsk Region, Margarita Pavlova. It was she who was the first to be approached by the man. According to the regional ombudsman, we are talking about a commercial organization that is declared as a rehabilitation center for addicts in Chebarkul. They promise to help people cope with any type of addiction and mental disorders. Moreover, the services are paid, their cost is approximately 30 thousand rubles per month, but the center determines the final amount based on the financial situation of the patient’s relatives.

“They are shown a beautiful two-story cottage in which psychologists and doctors will work with the client. In reality, everything happens completely differently. According to the patient, for any offense people are stripped naked and doused with ice water, then beaten on the neck with their hands. They are systematically subjected to moral humiliation,” said Margarita Pavlova.

Press service of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chelyabinsk Region Margarita Pavlova

According to the man who approached her, on July 5, 2018, he left the entrance of his house in Chelyabinsk. Several men approached him, showed them their badges and introduced themselves as law enforcement officers. They reported that a crime had been committed and he was detained. When asked on what grounds, the man was tied up, handcuffed and taken to an unknown place in the Traktorozavodsky district. There they left him in handcuffs and began using physical force on him, demanding that he admit that he had an addiction.

After this, the man was forcibly kept for some time in a two-story cottage in the AMZ area. Then, according to him, they were transported to a house in Chebarkul, where besides him there were at least 20 other people.

According to the man, the employees of the rehabilitation center “do not care what they treat”: the main thing is that the fee paid by the patient’s relatives must be worked off. At the same time, it is important to extract recognition of the addiction, and the patient is free to choose it himself. After this, the rehabilitation process begins.

“The person is stripped naked and doused with ice water from a hose. They pour it on the body and crown. The water temperature is two degrees, the dousing time is from 10 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the offense. Until the body becomes completely numb. After this they hit him on the neck with their hands. They are forced to do physical exercises without stopping for 3-4 hours under the threat of beating and pouring water on them,” the press service of the Ombudsman quoted the applicant as saying.

The man also talks about moral humiliation, which is accompanied by threats of new physical violence.

“For example, if a person is considered arrogant, they roll up a crown about a meter high from linoleum, write “king” on it, put it on his head, put bottles inside it and make him walk like that for several days. And she is very heavy. If a person touches a wall or a doorway with it, he is beaten,” says the escaped patient.

In the Urals, the FSIN's proposal to introduce substitution therapy for drug addicts was criticized

Other offenses are punished in no less sophisticated manner, the man said. For example, if someone does not share his experiences with others, he is forced to carry a backpack with bricks. So he must understand how difficult it is to carry grievances within himself. They can also give you a 25-kilogram weight and make you wear it all the time for a week. You can't put it down to take a break. If a person is considered vindictive, a tail made of bottles is tied to him: he must walk around the house with it, without having the right to get rid of this tail. For any refusal to obey, they are beaten with hands, feet, and sometimes with sticks.

According to the escapee, the vast majority of those he met in the rehabilitation center, like himself, are being held forcibly. Age, gender and the nature of the addiction do not matter: the conditions are the same for everyone, and the torture is cruel. The youngest of the patients is 17 years old, the oldest is 60. Many of them do not even smoke and do not understand why they found themselves in such conditions.

The center's employees are not touched by the tears of young girls or the suffering of older people.

“I had such bruises on my body that I had never seen in my life. I suspect a rib fracture, I'll go get an x-ray. I saw that the man’s entire leg was completely blue,” the applicant assures.

Margarita Pavlova sent appeals to the regional prosecutor's office and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chelyabinsk Region with a request to verify the facts stated in the appeal and take response measures. According to her, at least three more patients of the center are also ready to testify to law enforcement agencies about ill-treatment. One of them is a resident of Yekaterinburg, where employees of the center came to pick him up to forcibly take him to Chebarkul (the management of the center in Chebarkul refutes this fact - author's note).

“Of course, alcohol or drug addiction is a big problem for a family, and relatives are ready to pay any money to ensure that their loved ones return to ordinary life. But the facts alleged by the applicant deserve careful verification. The use of torture methods against them is unacceptable,” Pavlova said.

Order from competitors?

Journalists suggested that the story about torture refers to the Rost and Gran rehabilitation centers. Organizations are registered at one address and have one contact phone number. However, the management of Rost flatly disowns both the cottages at the AMZ and the most scandalous patient, and calls the Gran center inactive.

“We did not have an agreement with such a person or with his relatives, we are legally registered at Sulimova, 38, where only the office is located, there are no patients here,” says Oleg Filatov, president of the ANO Rost. — One cottage ( where patients are treated - approx. ed.) We have one in the village of Talovka in the Sosnovsky district, the second one is at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant in Pershino. Patients are kept there and need to report to the Federal Penitentiary Service.”

Filatov noted that the methods the man spoke about are not used in their center. The center works according to the 12 Steps program and consults with capital specialists. All this is described on the official website of the institution. The center's psychologist Olesya Samarina assures that she knows all the patients personally, but this is the first time she has heard about this man.

As for Grani, according to Oleg Filatov, this legal entity has not been operating for a long time. The SPARK database confirms that the organization has had a zero balance over the past two years.

“I did my little research and found out that our competitors decided to denigrate our center in this way. I can’t say what kind of organization this is, because it’s ugly. But I know who did it,” Oleg Filatov unexpectedly put forward his version about the background of the scandal.

How can this happen? What to do if a drug addict refuses treatment?

Theoretically, compulsory treatment of a person with drug addiction (with an established diagnosis) is possible by court decision, since drug addiction is mental illness and in certain cases may qualify for involuntary hospitalization. However, in practice this does not happen at all, that is, there is no actual legal mechanism for involuntary treatment of drug addiction in Russia.

Any rehabilitation center, in which a drug addict is placed against his will, works outside the legal framework (Article 127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Unlawful deprivation of liberty). There are already several dozen precedents of prosecution under this article in Russian regions with convictions and actual prison terms for employees of rehabilitation institutions.

However, neither the police nor medicine provides an answer to the question of what to do in a situation where a drug addict makes the life of his family unbearable, and he himself is in constant danger from the possible fatal consequences of his illness. That is, the family of a drug addict legally does not have the opportunity to change the situation if the person refuses treatment and finds himself in hopelessness.

The demand in society for a solution to this problem is enormous, and naturally it gives rise to supply.


Today, many rehabilitation centers offer intervention, a service that means that, by persuasion, persuasion, intimidation, deception or force, the drug addict will end up in a rehabilitation center, from which he will be able to leave only by the decision of his relatives with whom the agreement is concluded. As already said, legally this is a crime, but the hopelessness of the situation is often much stronger than the fear of legal consequences. Many rehabilitation institutions guarantee that a person, based on the results of the intervention, is 100% likely to end up in a rehabilitation center.

The question often arises: is something like this effective at all if it happens against a person’s will.

The answer is: rehabilitation is a conscious process and it is possible only with the voluntary participation of the patient. But this process is also possible if the patient decides to undergo treatment while already in a “rehabilitation center”, where he ended up not of his own free will. In other words, awareness of the need to undergo treatment or rehabilitation for such patients may come after several weeks or months of forced isolation and, accordingly, the inability to use drugs. And, to achieve this awareness and his own decision from the addict is much more difficult or simply impossible without isolation from the drug, from his social circle, that is, co-users. In such a situation, the rehabilitation center becomes a physical barrier between the person and the continuation of drug addiction. And this barrier remains until the person comes to his senses and opens his eyes to his and his real situation in life. After this, the real rehabilitation begins.

The situation may be similar even if the addict himself agreed to rehabilitation, but he did it under strong pressure from relatives, not accepting the need for this process, that is, silently denying treatment.

With a qualified process setup, this approach is effective. That is, having found himself in a rehabilitation center not of his own free will, but having already been in the rehabilitation process, having realized and agreed that he has a problem and it needs to be solved, that is, treated, a person may well begin to recover and there are many examples of such a path to recovery a bunch of.

Quite often, rehabilitation that begins without the patient’s consent is divided into two large stages: motivational and rehabilitation itself, and these two stages can be carried out in different rehabilitation centers. It’s even better if these two different tasks are solved in different centers, even within the same organization, since these tasks are truly different: the first is to achieve awareness of reality, the second is to learn to live in a new way.

If the family of an addict chooses this path, then it is necessary to choose a rehabilitation center very carefully.

Considering the duration and significant total cost of the rehabilitation process, many unscrupulous organizations operate in this area, whose goal is to retain patients for a long time under the guise of rehabilitation, which is paid for by his family. Therefore, despite the fact that in a situation with drug addiction one cannot hesitate, the choice of a rehabilitation center must be thorough and justified.

Another danger that may pose a threat to the described process of forced rehabilitation is the existing possibility of police intervention in the work of a rehabilitation institution (an unscheduled inspection of the organization with the removal of all patients to the police station). Such an incident is always a shock to the addicted patient and can ruin even a successful and sustainable recovery process.

Another way of dealing with a drug addict who refuses treatment is to create an intra-family motivational crisis - concerted pressure on the addict and depriving him of any form of support (financial, social, emotional, etc.) until he agrees to treatment. The path is more complex, longer, but, from the point of view of the therapeutic effect, it is more correct.

After the groundless initiation of a criminal case 5 years ago, they first tried to convict a person for more than 2 years, and then he “turned the mince back” for the same amount of time. And you know, he pulled it off. And this is his merit - his, as they say, will to win. We only helped him.

For rehabilitation, our colleague joined the case. The work is done by him, I am just the storyteller.

At the end of 2014, the criminal case, having gone to court twice, was finally dismissed due to the lack of evidence of a crime. But this did not mean at all that law enforcement agencies realized their guilt, repented of what they had done and rushed to make amends for the harm caused. Alas.

Unfortunately, they began to behave like mischievous schoolchildren.

The prosecutor did not apologize, as he was obliged to do. For some reason (I really don't understand why) they really don't like to do this. Having learned that the rehabilitated person had received an application for compensation to the court, he simply went and “retroactively” canceled the investigator’s decision to terminate the criminal case. So there is no basis for rehabilitation.

Did an additional investigation begin after this? Of course not. Nobody was going to see him off. It was clear to everyone that the prosecutor’s office was hiding from rehabilitation. And, in principle, it can do this indefinitely. No matter how funny this behavior may seem.

What should our client do in this situation? Write complaints. On the “unsportsmanlike” behavior of the prosecutor. There were a lot of complaints. To different authorities. “What God's dew,” as they say. It was even impossible to establish where the criminal case was actually located. They hid it.

This is how 2015 passed. On New Year's Eve, my client called me and shared his secret desire to pick up a machine gun and “tra-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta!” The guy is stubborn and has combat experience... I advised him to continue writing complaints. They're not going anywhere.

At the beginning of 2016, the investigator, who also did not like the prosecutors’ tricks at all, dropped the case again. They didn't cancel. Apologize too.

For unknown reasons, the rehabilitated person’s application to the court for compensation for damage ended up in the civil office instead of the criminal office. And the judge terminated the proceedings due to the impossibility of considering the application in civil proceedings. And who, one wonders, asked him to do this in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation?

With a mouthful of tolerance, the defense went to court for the third time, writing in large bold letters who should consider the application and how.

They realized that they couldn’t get away with it. We began to slowly meet the demands. First, they returned the money spent on legal assistance. Then they ordered the prosecutor to apologize. And then they compensated for moral damage.

Although no. They tried to get out until the last minute (details in court decisions). But all these people seem to be serious. Sovereigns...


1. Application for compensation for harm to a rehabilitated person152.5 KB
2. Order for damages (compensation for attorney and lawyer's costs)2.8 MB
3. Order for damages (compensation for attorney's fees)3.5 MB
4. Resolution obliging the prosecutor to apologize1.1 MB
5. Decision on compensation for moral damages and legal expenses3.2 MB

All documents in this section are available only to professional portal members who have .

So many programs and clinics promise effective treatment alcoholism and drug addiction treatment... How to avoid disappointment, deception, wasted costs and efforts on the path to overcoming addiction? Who to believe? What treatment methods for alcoholism and drug addiction should I choose?

Holy Scripture teaches:“There is no wisdom, and there is no understanding, and there is no counsel contrary to the Lord” (Prov. 21:30). For believers, there is a simple rule: before accepting something new into life, check whether it corresponds to Christian teaching and the spirit of Scripture. As we will see, everything written below is reflected in the Bible, and this is not surprising. Even the wise Solomon said: “What has been is what will be; and what has been done will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. There is something about which they say: “look, this is new”; but [this] was already in the ages that were before us” (Eccl. 1:9,10). All the diseases and problems of mankind have long been well known to God, and the essence of man has not changed at all throughout his history. The same passions, the same pride, grievances, joys, weaknesses, fear, love, hatred, sins. Everything that moves a person, because of which he suffers and rejoices, is still unchanged.

Treatment of alcohol addiction and treatment of drug addiction - Christians, American psychologists, believers who worked in the 1960s were the first to study and help these problems. social sphere, organizers of support groups for drug addicts, alcoholics and their families. Their approach largely determined all further research in this direction, which may be why, among different specialists and authors, in different time There was the same idea about addiction and ways to overcome it. After all, there is always only one truth! And she is with God. “The Lord God is the truth; He is the living God and the everlasting King” (Jer. 10:10).

Reasons for the formation of dependent behavior and methods of treating alcoholism and drug addiction.

Holy Scripture says:“For behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). And every kingdom, first of all, presupposes clear boundaries and its own internal politics, as they say: “to have a king in your head.” Without these signs, both the state and the individual cannot be called existing, autonomous. And a man without borders and his own domestic policy not a separate person, but a part and extension of another person, a rebellious, uncontrollable, diseased area. While others think, decide, pay and protect him, there is not and will not be his own “king in the head”, because he sits in another place! All this is unnatural.

One of the first principles laid down by God as the basis for human relationships in the family is the principle of gradual separation from parents, from their control and total influence (severing the umbilical cord). “Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife; and they will become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). There comes a certain time when a child must become independent, autonomous, learn to make choices, relying on his judgment, learn to take responsibility for his actions, and correct mistakes. This is the necessary responsibility of parents, who must gradually transfer the control of life into the hands of the child. Then he is interested and free to live in a family. He looks at his parents as older comrades who set an example of life, and not as masters and masters.

The delay of these events on the part of parents leads to the formation of stable psychological dependence in children. They are dependent, lack self-confidence, and expect guidance, influence, protection, or that certain actions will be performed for them. Parents for a long time continue to control their lives, correct mistakes for them, impose their will, determine the path of development, etc. This attitude significantly delays the normal development of children, the formation of personality boundaries, and deprives them of the opportunity to acquire the necessary life experience and social skills.

As a rule, this causes resistance and rebellion on the part of the child, leading to early generational conflict in the family. A teenager, evading parental dependence, goes “out into the street” in search of independence, where, due to his inexperience, he becomes an easy prey to chemical addiction: from tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and the lifestyle of the same “comrades in misfortune.” Running away from the influence of his parents, he falls under the influence of “bad company.” Over time, a teenager, young man or already middle-aged person has serious problems with drugs, alcohol and other consequences. As a result, he (she) is forced to again turn to his parental family for help, where he is again offered to transfer control of his life to relatives, to become dependent, but not on drugs, but on his parents. A vicious circle of addiction is formed, and treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics becomes increasingly difficult!

The result is a situation that the Bible describes as follows:“And a man’s enemies are his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; Whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matt. 10:36,37). No person should become an idol or god for another. Parents should not pretend to be gods for their children, trying to subjugate them to their will and, on the contrary, make idols out of children and sacrifice everything to them, including their own. own life and happiness. This won't end well! The first commandment of the ten reads: “I am the Lord your God, ... thou shalt have no other gods before Me” (Ex. 20:1-3). This is said to both parents and children. The commandments also tell children: “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days on earth may be long.” By breaking the commandments (spiritual laws of life), allowing children to break them without knowing it, we bring upon ourselves a curse. It is known that ignorance of the law does not exempt one from responsibility. But, fortunately, God delivers! The Lord Jesus Christ said: "...and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free!"

Treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics - EXIT:

1. Understanding and recognition that addiction is a family disease that arises as a result of ignorance and failure to comply with spiritual laws in life.

2. Recovery and treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism as a process can begin with any family member. The Scripture says: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and all your house will be saved” (Acts 16:31).

3. Come to God in a prayer of repentance and offer your dependent relative in it.

Jesus said about himself: “I am the door; whoever enters through Me will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture... I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10:9-10).

Here is the gospel story of the successful recovery of a family, where the father came and prayed for himself and his son:"Help us!" he said in his prayer...

“One of the people said: Teacher! I brought to You my son, possessed by an unclean spirit: wherever he seizes him, he throws him to the ground, and he emits foam, and grinds his teeth, and becomes numb. I told Your disciples to drive him out, but they could not. Answering him, Jesus said: ...Bring him to Me. And they brought him to Him. As soon as [the demoniac] saw Him, the spirit shook him; he fell to the ground and lay there, emitting foam. And Jesus asked his father, “How long ago did this happen to him?” He said: since childhood; and many times the spirit threw him into both fire and water to destroy him; but if you can, have pity on us and help us. Jesus said to him: if as much as you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. And immediately the boy’s father exclaimed with tears: I believe, Lord! help my unbelief. Jesus, seeing that the people were running, rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to him: the spirit is dumb and deaf! I command you, come out of it and do not enter it again. And he cried out and shook him greatly, and went out (Mark 9:17-26).

Church: All things are possible to God and all things are possible to the believer, turn to Christ with your whole family, intense prayer and prayer of unity can do a lot, He said: “Truly I also say to you that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, then whatever they ask , it will be done to them from My Father who is in heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:19,20).

This is why people unite in churches to pray together about their needs, find support and understanding there, learn correct everyday behavior, those approaches and methods that have already helped many families correct the situation and completely normalize life. The fact is that God certainly answers everyone who turns sincerely, but not quite in the way many expect. Most likely, he will not solve your problems for you, God does not act like a pike or a firebird from a fairy tale, but He is ready to teach you this, give you strength, and be with you all the way. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest; take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls"(Matt. 11:28,29).

It won’t be easy; it will take time and effort to overcome disbelief, fear, the strength of habitual reactions and behavior, and learn to live and act in a new way. "Kingdom Heavenly force He is taken, and those who make the effort take him away” (Matt. 11:12). But there is no other way, and with God everything is always much easier than without Him. “With God we will show strength; He will overthrow our enemies” (Ps. 59:14).

Remember! “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh,” says folk wisdom. This is what happens when we try in every possible way to speed up and bring the desired event closer, we often make mistakes and fail.

The “Exodus” rehabilitation ministry assumes that for each chemically dependent participant in the program, after initial physical, mental and spiritual recovery in an inpatient center, a second stage of rehabilitation is required. Independent life in an unfamiliar city, organizing everyday life, time, distributing and saving money, interacting with others in ministry settings, participating in the work of the church and social movements, discipline, responsibility, accountability, this is the practical restoration of vitality and training in basic social skills. To prevent a breakdown at the second stage, mentors and friends are always nearby. The interest of the family is always to speed up the sending of their son, daughter, husband to a rehabilitation center, and then to prevent the addict from relapse and leaving the program. This kind of drug addiction treatment and alcoholism treatment gives the best results. Success in this matter always requires coordinated actions of the family and responsible rehabilitation workers who know what they are doing. To do this, we constantly learn, analyze experience, and take into account mistakes. The Bible warns, “It is not good for a soul without knowledge, and he who hastens his feet will stumble” (Prov. 19:2). But for successful interaction and a correct understanding of the situation, parents also need confident knowledge about all the nuances associated with addiction and rehabilitation.
But, as practice shows, greatest number departures from the program occur precisely at the second stage. Firstly, after six months of sobriety, the illusion of recovery arises. Secondly, for well-known reasons, the participant avoids working on himself, overcoming life’s difficulties and responsibilities, and strives for his comfort zone, home. Where it is possible to do what you want, live at the expense of others, fool everyone, and most importantly, NOT stress. This will happen as long as possible. All efforts are useless if such a comfort zone exists. The proverb says: “A fish looks for where it is deeper, and a person looks for where it is better for him,” that’s how we are made. Therefore, we repeat: rehabilitation and treatment of drug and alcohol addicts is impossible, or at least very difficult, if the attitudes and relationships accepted in the family do not change at the same time!

For detailed consultations and help, you need to contact church ministers working with families of addicts, attend seminars - lectures, support groups, study a manual for family members of addicts, then the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics, their successful rehabilitation becomes effective and predictable.

The legal community recognizes that Svetlana Davydova, who was accused of treason and has now been rehabilitated, has every reason to demand compensation for the damage caused. Davydova’s defense notes that they will definitely demand that those responsible for what happened be punished. Whether this will be expressed in monetary terms is still unknown. Lawyers and rehabilitated citizens admit that it is not so easy to completely rehabilitate oneself and even receive decent compensation.

A resident of the city of Vyazma, Smolensk region, Svetlana Davydova was detained by FSB officers in January and ended up in Lefortovo. The mother of seven children, the youngest of whom was only two months old, was charged under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Treason.” As the investigation stated, in April 2014, Davydova reported to the Ukrainian Embassy that military unit, located next to her house, was empty, and the soldiers could be sent to Donetsk. Recently, Davydova’s case was closed and the Prosecutor General’s Office even sued the mother of many children for what happened.

However, the sediment, as they say, remained. Now Davydova has every reason to demand the restoration of violated rights on rehabilitative grounds. Will she take on such a difficult task and how realistic is it?

The institution of payment of financial compensation at the expense of the state in cases of rehabilitation “successfully works and is applied,” admits lawyer Vladislav Kocherin, managing partner of the law firm “Kocherin and Partners.” He notes that the courts usually satisfy such claims “without any special difficulties, they treat them somewhat more carefully than other claims,” but in most cases “they are more loyal to representatives of the state, so the plaintiff needs to be as prepared as possible for the process "

Achieve rehabilitation: your own lawyer

What happens to the restoration of one’s own rights, not in theory, but in practice? There are very significant cases. The story of entrepreneur Valery Gaiduk is known, who is now engaged not only in business, but also in human rights matters. The first charge brought against him was a classic one - under Article 159 “Fraud”. The businessman served six years in a general regime colony, which he received as a result of a court verdict in 2008. Vladimir region. Valery claims that the case was ordered: they decided to “squeeze” his business and luxurious premises in the center of the capital, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Three years later, Gaiduk moved to a settlement colony, parole was approaching. The entrepreneur filed a claim with the arbitration court demanding the allocation of a share of his business and began attending meetings. “My opponents, seeing me in arbitration, were amazed and decided to take advantage of the moment: how is it - a convicted fraudster is walking around Moscow! As a result, a new case was opened against me - for escape, although I left the territory of the settlement with the permission of the management.” Gaiduk was sent to a punishment cell, he was no longer eligible for parole, but a new term was dawning, but the businessman wrote to all authorities, including the president.

“Some of the complaints went off the rails.” The head of the colony called me and said: write an application for parole. It’s surprising that he was released on parole. This is a precedent when a person is released on parole in the presence of a criminal case,” says Gaiduk. He continued to fight for his acquittal. Finally, in January 2013, the “escape” case was closed, recognizing the former defendant’s right to rehabilitation.

“I decided to punish all those who participated in this. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Finance - they were all defendants. I collected all possible documents, including gas receipts and tickets when my family came to visit me. There were about 500 thousand papers. I decided that I would be principled.” The trial lasted eight months. Gaiduk won 70 thousand rubles for moral damage and 450 thousand rubles for material damage; his winnings became one of the largest among claims on rehabilitative grounds. Now, by the way, the entrepreneur has achieved the initiation of proceedings against his former partners, and then opponents, trying to restore both property rights to his business and reputation. And if a court verdict is passed against these individuals, the situation will become the basis for a review of Haiduk’s first sentence. The businessman intends to achieve complete rehabilitation.

The story of Valery Gaiduk is similar to the misadventures of the St. Petersburg family, which has already covered. The Lobanov family has been trying to hold employees accountable for several years. kindergarten, guilty of causing harm to the health of their son. During these battles, the head of the family was accused of attempted murder, which he allegedly took against the kindergarten nurse, trying to figure out what happened to the child. After several months of investigation and trial, it turned out that they tried to apply a harsh article to the man in vain, and the case was dropped. Only by that time Viktor Lobanov had lost his job, and the family had spent a lot of nerves and money. Only a few years later it was possible to achieve the complete rehabilitation of Victor as innocent of the crime, and his wife defended him: during these ups and downs, Olga Lobanova retrained from a painter to a lawyer.

Lawyer Elena Lysenko agrees that it is difficult to achieve compensation on rehabilitative grounds. Elena once defended entrepreneur Nikolai Kudelko, who also survived a raider takeover of his business - only not from competitors, but from law enforcement agencies. In November 2009, a court in the Moscow region town of Vidnoye sentenced a businessman to six years in prison for illegal entrepreneurship (Article 171 of the Criminal Code) and illegal use of a trademark (Article 180 of the Criminal Code). In 2010, the Moscow Regional Court admitted that some of the charges did not constitute a crime, and acquitted the businessman of these episodes. The prison term was reduced to three years and Kudelko was released on parole.

“There were grounds for rehabilitation, but the court decided otherwise,” explains Elena Lysenko. - Nikolai had two episodes: illegal business and attempted illegal business, preparation for it, while receiving income in large size. In the second part, the court dismissed the case for lack of evidence of a crime. And according to the Code of Criminal Procedure, this is an unambiguous basis for rehabilitation.”

When the entrepreneur later tried to obtain compensation for his lost business through the court, a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs made it clear that the basis for this could only be a guilty verdict handed down to the department’s employees. Spouses Larisa and Nikolai Kudelko have been fighting for several years to restore their rights and reputation and have already succeeded in initiating cases against several defendants in the raider takeover.

A disaster for law enforcement

In general, how often does the investigation apologize and drop the case on exonerating grounds? “A formal apology has been made to the person who was unlawfully persecuted. But how? The man was called into the office and an apology was muttered to him - this is not public. And often, you need to be reminded of this, says the manager research programs Foundation "Public Verdict" Asmik Novikova. - They usually don't want to apologize. And this is an important stage of rehabilitation. They took a man and ruined his life.”

Hasmik Novikova is sure that the investigation is extremely reluctant to dismiss the case on rehabilitative grounds: “Sometimes they even reach an agreement with the victim: we will now release you, we will close the case, but you will not go to court to demand something and apply for rehabilitation.” After all, the termination of the case on exonerating grounds means that the investigators did not do enough work, the prosecutor’s office poorly controlled the investigation, that is, all the bodies appointed by the state to carry out criminal prosecution, committed violations of constitutional rights. For prosecutors and investigators, this is a poor performance indicator and they receive minus points.

“Employee performance evaluations are based on personal ratings. How many cases are brought to court with an indictment is a key indicator. The number of cases dismissed with the right to rehabilitation is a devastating indicator. So, when a case is dropped on exonerating grounds or a person is acquitted in court, it’s a disaster,” continues Asmik Novikova.

The Supreme Court of Russia, notes lawyer Elena Lysenko, gave clarifications on situations in which a person has the right to partial rehabilitation, but even now these conditions are not clearly stated in the law. Moreover, the lawyer believes, the investigation or the court have not begun to use rehabilitative grounds more often - they prefer to choose other paths: after the statute of limitations has expired, for reconciliation of the parties, for active repentance.

Is it possible to compensate for losses?

And yet, citizens who have the right to rehabilitation after unlawful criminal prosecution often go to court with a claim for damages. The amounts of compensation vary, but the main thing is that they exist, notes Asmik Novikova. The problem is that the number of those whose right to rehabilitation is recognized is negligibly small. It's about specifically about cases when a criminal case is terminated with the right to rehabilitation or a person is acquitted by the court.

One of the examples given by a representative of the fund is the Krasnoyarsk case of Evgeniy Chekhlov. A resident of Krasnoyarsk received ten years in prison in 2010 for the murder of his brother. A few months later, the court overturned the verdict, the case was first sent for a new trial, and then returned to the prosecutor. All this time Chekhlov was in custody. In 2011, after two years of arrest, Chekhlov’s preventive measure was finally changed to a written undertaking not to leave. And only in May 2011, investigators issued a resolution to terminate the criminal prosecution due to the lack of corpus delicti in Chekhlov’s actions and recognized his right to rehabilitation.

“Thus, the illegal criminal prosecution continued for more than two years. At that time, there was a threat of illegal conviction, investigative actions were carried out, trials. Until the fall of 2011, Evgeniy gathered his strength, tried to put his ruined life in order, and then took up rehabilitation issues,” explains Alexander Brester, a lawyer who represented Chekhlov’s interests. As a result, Chekhlov was awarded 500 thousand rubles in compensation for moral damages for illegal criminal prosecution, 50 thousand rubles for beatings in a temporary detention center that were not explained by the state, as well as almost 209 thousand rubles in property damage and 6 thousand rubles in legal expenses - a total of almost 765 thousand rubles, one of the record amounts of compensation on rehabilitative grounds. It is worth noting that this was not achieved quickly: the trials took two years.

Photo: Yuri Martyanov / Kommersant

Elena Lysenko believes that you need to use your rights in any case. Let's say former head Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense Evgeniy Vasiliev has the right to partial rehabilitation: “For a number of circumstances, they did not find evidence of her guilt. She can try to prove that in this part she suffered material harm, and not just moral harm. The person was under arrest, did not work, lost several months of his earnings or income. Another thing is that if a citizen is partially rehabilitated, like Vasilyeva, a difficulty arises. After all, we can say: you still did not work while under arrest on other charges. How then to calculate the damage caused? It turns out, ideal conditions there are ways to compensate for harm, but in practice they are sometimes impossible to achieve.”

But there are no regulations or algorithms for these calculations. Thank you, the lawyers believe, because there is moral satisfaction from the fact that you were acquitted at all and did not go to jail. Abroad, Elena Lysenko notes, compensation for damage on rehabilitating grounds is very significant and the percentage of acquittals is high.

Yuri Kudinov, a lawyer at KPFM LLC, does not believe in “independent activities” when fighting for one’s rehabilitation and believes that in order to receive maximum compensation, a citizen must be legally literate. After all, not everyone even pays attention to the phrase about rehabilitation in the documents issued to them. “For the common man to prepare Required documents very problematic, it is better to seek help from a lawyer. If there are procedural documents from the court or investigator, which recognize the right to rehabilitation, there are usually no difficulties with initiating the procedure itself. But sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity. If a citizen files a claim for rehabilitation, the Ministry of Finance must report this to the prosecutor’s office.

She raises the citizen’s criminal case and checks it for the legality of termination. There are cases when cases were resumed, and the initiator was given a new term,” says the lawyer. Experts advise collecting all possible documents, including financial ones, and also taking into account the risks of reviewing the case.

“There are things that you should just be ashamed of”

Svetlana Davydova’s lawyer Ivan Pavlov, in a conversation with a correspondent, emphasized that in the situation with his client, the Prosecutor General’s Office not only apologized, but also did it in writing, which is a serious step. Why was such an emphasis placed on Davydova’s case? After all, they could also hush it up. But it didn't work out. “In her case, the system behaved strangely,” believes Ivan Pavlov. - I didn’t calculate two moves ahead and drove myself into a situation where I had to choose between a small evil and a big one. It was a small evil to drop the charges against Davydova, because then the big evil would have been to admit the fact of sending Russian troops to Ukraine".

Photo: Gennady Gulyaev / Kommersant

The defense is convinced that someone should be brought, if not criminally, then to administrative liability. “After all, both the FSB and the Prosecutor General’s Office were involved here, which, even the day before the case was closed, continued to say that they were not against opening a case against Davydova. What about the judge who took an innocent man into custody? It makes no sense to translate this into rubles; not everything is measured in money. How will 100 or 200 thousand help? In my practice, there have been cases when a person was acquitted by the court, and then those involved in his accusation had excellent career growth.”

But for now we have to deal with another issue: Svetlana has not yet been returned material values that were seized during the search: phones, computer. “We have already contacted the investigator so that he can finally consider our application for return,” explains Ivan Pavlov. - And we will sort out this red tape. After we resolve this issue, we will be able to draw some conclusions and understand what is left in terms of damage. And then we will start asking the system who is punished for what happened and how.”

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