Exercises to develop voice qualities. A combination of certain consonant and vowel sounds. Causes of voice loss


Hello, dear friends!

Many of us love to sing or would like to learn this siren skill. A correctly delivered voice is mesmerizing, the notes are intoxicating and have colossal radiation and temperament of the owner.

Of course, not everyone has enough confidence in their own abilities to go to a vocal teacher. Many are held back by a lack of time, a thought that often comes to men’s minds: “What will people think?” and of course the biting financial component of this issue.

That is why we hone our skills wherever we have to: in the bathroom, in karaoke, at a corporate party, in a duet with a cat or with friends in the kitchen. But how to train your vocal cords at home? Without harm to health and at the same time getting a small profit?

Exercises for warming up and pumping the “voice muscles” can and should be performed at home, having previously decided on the mission. Do you want to become a professional performer and devote all your free time to this craft? This is one path vector. In case you want to shine at parties by performing famous hits

, noticing the jaws of the listeners hanging with delight - this is a completely different path of development. But what unites these similar paths of development is the approach to the work ahead, desire, and systematic implementation of exercises. People who did not delve into the essence of " how it works?

» may initially experience discomfort or unusual sensations in the throat area. There is no need to be afraid of this, but you need to approach the beginning of your experience as an expert in the field of theory and, directly, practice right away.

Learning to sing beautifully instantly is impossible. I am not talking now about innate and non-human capabilities. I would like to give an example of the average person taking vocal lessons.

Secondly, many people who are already listening to the finished product in a recording on the radio, or a file posted on the Internet, forget about the preliminary work. And also about the efforts made by the performer and the techniques that made it possible to understand the basics of the skill and apply them in practice.

The benefits of training

How to put a voice? - You ask. I’ll answer this: even if you don’t see yourself opera singer After five years or a superstar on the big stage, rehearsals can improve your speaking technique. Organically pure speech, without obvious flaws and the habit of muttering to oneself, is extremely important, both in the work field and in everyday, everyday affairs.

In order for you to be able to speak clearly and distinctly, as well as have a clear and pleasant voice, you need to resort to articulation training. What does it mean?

IN oral cavity located a large number of muscles that provide high-quality sound extraction from the upper and lower registers using ligaments and sends. And since these are muscles, they certainly need development and exercise!

To warm up your speech apparatus behind short term, I will advise you to use these proven exercises. The time that should be allocated to work through each of them should not be less than 2-3 minutes. Remember important rule. Your body position should always be vertical! Sitting, lying down, upside down is a bad option, due to blocking access to the diaphragm and poor quality air intake.

And one more feature. Strive to take air with your lower abdomen, and at the moment of supplying it, strain the muscles of the process, following the example of “pushing out”.


  1. Before you begin to make sound from your throat, I will mention the need to do it alone at first, so that no one bothers you to give yourself completely to the process.
    So, imagine the process of rinsing your mouth. Only instead of throwing your head up and taking a mouthful of water, you need to slowly turn your head from left to right with a characteristic, resonating sound.
  2. Take a deep breath, pause, hold your breath. With your lips closed, you need to open your jaws and slightly round your mouth, as if you were going to say the letter “o and m.”
    As a result, you should get a mooing sound and at the same time, you need to do light palpation of the nostrils and the area of ​​the maxillary sinus (barely perceptible tapping)
  3. Similar to the second, only instead of tapping on the nostrils, manipulate the nasolabial wrinkles (facial wrinkles).
  4. Pronounce the sound “would-would-would-would-would” as you exhale. The second time, add palpation of the upper lip.
  5. Pronouncing the sound “we-we-we-we-we” or “se-se-se-se-se”. With the second approach, add palpation of the lower lip.
  6. Take a deep breath through your mouth. Prepare your fist to lightly tap your chest from left to right, while chanting the sound “aaa-ooo-oooo” in the lower register.
    The sound should be even, a little quieter than usual, since lower notes are used. Don't rush to use up the air. Do the exercise smoothly.

What to exclude?

For singing, it is very useful to use taboos on certain foods before starting a rehearsal, practicing exercises, or public speaking.

Namely, you should refuse:

Instead, I will recommend chilled, non-sweet herbal teas, as well as clean water room temperature. Sometimes adding a teaspoon of honey to it is helpful.

In our modern world, you don’t have to have a live instrument at home, you just need to download an application or install a program with ready-made pieces for playing.

As for what's important. The music industry is full of confusing terms and names that you will encounter.

There are 3 types of resonators in the human body with which we produce sound:

  • thoracic (lungs, bronchi and trachea);
  • head (mouth and nasopharynx);
  • central (larynx).

The main problem for people who have just started working with sound is that they use exclusively the head resonator.

Try to sing and speak using your sternum. The sound will be more voluminous and holistic.

Again, without preliminary warming up, these manipulations are strictly forbidden. Since nodules can form on the ligaments, which are dangerous for further activities. A non-sparing approach to your voice will ensure you go to a phoniatrist.

Friends, be healthy and explore new horizons and fields.

I sincerely wish you victories! Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us about your proven ways to train your vocal cords.

See you on the blog, bye-bye!


Mother Nature has not endowed everyone with sonorous and melodic speech. But don’t despair, everyday work will help improve the situation. Clear and understandable speech is needed not only by actors, presenters and other public figures. Suffer from a creaky, hoarse and muffled voice ordinary people. Those with unrelated speech are afraid to speak in public, make acquaintances, and communicate with people. If you are asked several times what you said, then it’s time to take action. Learn how to make your voice beautiful and pleasant to others.

How to make your voice beautiful?

Healthy vocal cords are the first step towards a beautiful and pleasant voice. Therefore, it is important not to trigger viral diseases. A harmless disease, if left untreated, causes complications in the form of laryngitis and pharyngitis. In this case, the ligaments suffer, and the voice takes on a hoarse and hoarse tone.

Strengthen your immune system. Healthy image life, walks fresh air, consumption of vegetables and fruits. Follow these rules to strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from colds.
Drink fluids. If the body does not receive additional moisture, the ligaments remain dry. This is where hoarseness and hoarseness appear.
Do not be nervous. , don't get annoyed. Nervous tension leaves its tint on the timbre of the voice and makes speech unclear.

Minimize consumption (spicy, bitter foods). Think about it bad habits. After smoking, the voice becomes hoarse. Which does not add attractiveness and charisma to a girl.

Exercises for a beautiful voice

Get ready to work on your speech. To perform gymnastics you will need a tape recorder and a mirror. A recording device helps you understand how your voice sounds and what changes have occurred. The mirror is used to remember facial expressions when pronouncing sounds correctly. Exercises for a beautiful voice:

Draw out the vowels. Take a position near the mirror and start making vowel sounds. Follow a certain sequence. Start with i-i-i-i, then extend: uh, a, oh, y. Rush is not welcome, repeat the sounds in a circle several times. If you are thinking about how to make your voice deeper, then focus on the letter “u”. Next, complicate the exercise. When pronouncing sounds, hit your chest with your fists. Tarzan will be an example to follow. If you don't remember, watch the movie again. Speak your sounds slowly and loudly.

Moo. Many people purr and hum to themselves while going about their business, doing homework. This exercise is great for training your vocal cords. To perform correctly, do not open your mouth. Pronounce sound mmm quietly, then louder and louder. Thus, the vocal cords are gradually strained and do not break.
Growl. Similar sounds are made by a tractor or a tiger. After growling for 3-5 minutes, pronounce the words. First starting with the letter “r”, then with this sound in the middle and end of the word. Write out the words in advance so you don't have to pause. When pronouncing, deliberately growl, emphasizing the “r” sound. Repeat the words 3-4 times.
You want to laugh. Yogis are known to have a pleasant and melodious voice. Such speech is achieved through constant training. To perform the exercise, draw in air and hold it in your stomach. Then exhale sharply and pronounce the sound “ha”. It would be more correct to say shout, the louder the better. If you don’t understand how, then find a video with martial arts. See how karate followers make shouting noises during their movements.

How to make your voice pleasant?

Beautiful speech depends on strong ligaments and resistance to colds. To reduce the number of infectious diseases respiratory tract, do simple exercises. It is important to observe regularity of execution. Spend 10 minutes in the morning.

Silent question. Without opening your lips, pronounce the letter “m”. Moo for 1-2 minutes, and at the end, as if asking a question: mm-mm-mm? If, while doing gymnastics, you feel vibration in the area of ​​your nose and lips, then you did everything right.
Breath! Do not breath. Take a full lungful of air and exhale sharply. Imagine that you are extinguishing a candle or blowing away dust particles. To make the exercise work, place sheets of paper on the table. Now try to move the paper from its place with your breath.
Prolongation of consonants. Write down the sounds on a piece of paper and say them one by one. Prolong each sound, then move on to combinations so that there is a consonant at the end (bomm, bimm, boom).
Mo-, mi-, mu-, me-. Repeat these combinations in a circle. Speak as you exhale. First briefly, and then protractedly, focusing on the vowel letter.

Show your tongue. You probably did this exercise as a child, competing with friends. To begin, extend your tongue as far as possible and try to reach your chin. Remaining in the same position, tilt your head up. Then shade the tube tongue towards your nose. Help by raising your head up.

How to change your voice?

We judge a stranger by his manners, clothes, and speech. It’s unpleasant when a nice girl pronounces phrases in a hoarse, hoarse and unintelligible voice. Sometimes such speech serves as a refusal to fail. Imagine a secretary of a large company or a translator with an unpleasant voice. Immediately form a negative impression of the organization.

Ask a friend or friend for help. Sit your partner next to you and make the “a” sound. Move your head while doing this. Turn it slightly, tilt it back or forward. These should not be sudden or unnatural movements. Record your feelings about in what position the letter sounded more melodic and pleasant. Ask a friend's opinion. Remember the sensation, sound and head position. Try to repeat and achieve a beautiful sound.
My phone rang. Play useful and fun game. Give your friend the role of caller. Let her guess which organization she is going to call (a travel agency, a pharmacy, a club, a serious organization, a plumber). Your job is to answer the call. However, your voice must be consistent with the institution. Play with your voice, change pronunciation, add new notes. Record when your voice sounded beautiful and attractive.
Check the reaction. Have your friend sit with their back to you. Before this, prepare two events: pleasant and challenging. Retell the news. First pleasant, then after a pause negative. Ask your interlocutor how your voice has changed. Surely you will hear that the intonation has changed. Your voice sounded beautiful and pleasant when you told the good news. Take note of this science.

As you do the exercises, pay attention to the tempo and volume of your voice. It’s nice to listen to your interlocutor speaking calmly and quietly. At the same time, the person does not mumble, makes pauses, and makes appropriate accents. The ideal rate is 120–150 words per minute.

February 2, 2014

In the previous article we talked about the basic laws or principles of singing, and today we will continue the conversation about how to learn to sing and offer you a series of exercises with which you can independently develop your voice at home.

I have been dealing with this issue professionally for quite a long time, and I have taught this art great amount people, and also see how this practice affects their lives, or rather, their improvement. So I hope that this information will be useful not only for beginning (or “continuing”) singers, but also for people who have to speak publicly or even just speak a lot and convincingly.

Why do you need proper voice production?

Many singing people often wonder: is my voice well-positioned and how correctly is it done? And beginners simply ask why they need correct positioning vote.

There are a great variety of approaches to this issue, along with a variety of styles of music and, accordingly, vocals. Voice staging, according to most experts, can be academic, opera, pop, etc.

How to determine whether you are singing correctly and whether you have any voice production?

How can I determine if my voice is correct?

Initially, of course, you can determine whether your voice is good by the sound. If your voice (not just the sound of notes, but your own timbre) flows freely and you can be heard by a medium-sized audience - yes, you have achieved certain results in the field of singing (through your tireless work, if you put some effort into it, or your natural abilities, when your muscles themselves function correctly and you can sing well without much effort).

At the same time, in order to determine how correct your voice production is and whether it exists at all, it is not enough to listen to some period of your performance (although for professionals, of course, this is enough).

An important factor that can help us in this difficult task is the health of your vocal apparatus, which is determined, for example, by how long you can sing without stopping (if it’s a 2-hour concert, then bravo!), whether your voice shrinks after exercise and can you even lose it?

If such problems and difficulties occur, we can conclude that not everything is in order with your voice production, some muscles are not working correctly, somewhere in the body there are tensions that need to be gotten rid of.

Of course, another indicative element of voice production is your natural timbre. Very often you can speak in one register and sing in a completely different register, and this is not always wrong.

It is possible that your range is quite large, but you speak in the part of it where you are most comfortable. At the same time, when you sing, your voice does not sound depleted.

If everything happens the other way around, that is, ordinary life you speak with your natural timbre, but sing not with your (impoverished) voice, your production is probably incorrect, since it does not take into account your natural data, which has a very unpleasant consequences for your voice.

This leads to the conclusion that we made in the previous article that singing and speech are very similar concepts.

Acquiring vocal support skills

So, voice production begins with finding and acquiring the skill of vocal support and the correct functioning of the muscles of the musculoskeletal and articulatory system (tongue, palate, facial muscles, etc.). These muscle groups, unlike some other (for example, internal) muscles, can be trained.

Before I give you a list of necessary exercises, which, by the way, is not closed (you can search for yourself best options training for the development of vocal muscles), consider the concepts of support and articulation in more detail.

Vocal support. Let's start, perhaps, with the most important thing. In order for the voice to sound correctly and our ligaments to close painlessly, it is necessary to support the air correctly. Figuratively speaking, you need to create an air column that will “support” the ligaments.

Correct breathing for singing

The beginning of the column, according to our feelings, should be in the stomach - that is why correct singing (and in general in life) breathing is breathing from the stomach. Notice how our children breathe or, for example, how a person breathes when he sleeps.

It follows that at the very beginning of developing a voice for singing at home, you need to learn how to breathe correctly.

The singing inhalation is no different from the natural one (living inhalation), but the exhalation when singing is not at all the same as in life. The exhalation phase here is much longer, when, as in a normal situation, it is equal in duration to the inhalation phase. It is at a uniform optimal flow air, a singing support is built.

In order for our voice to rest correctly, active work of the muscles of the press, back (lumbar region), neck, etc. is necessary. This muscle group must be trained. Trained muscles during singing should be in good shape - not tense or relaxed (we talked about this in our first article).

Such a skill free work muscles are necessary for those would-be singers who, in search of support, tighten the muscles of the abs and neck, which creates tension in which the voice stops flowing freely and may even sit down.

So, how can we learn to use our voice correctly on our own?

Exercises for vocal support

  • We pump the press: (slow lifts of the torso, legs, plank). We do it until the muscles get tired.
  • We pump our back (boat, plank, sit-ups while lying on our stomach and placing our hands behind our heads). We do it until the muscles get tired.
  • Exercises for anchoring the neck (lie on your back, raise your neck parallel to the floor, watch your chin so that it does not lift up) – 2 approaches. We do it until the muscles get tired.

These and other exercises (there are a great many of them) need to be done once every 1-2 days, gradually increasing the time the exercises are performed.

2 more words about how to feel the support of your voice while doing physical exercises: in the correct plank position, your voice will be supported.

The plank is very similar to the push-up pose. Here it is important to pay attention to a straight back, no arching of the lower back and raised neck at the same level. In this position, it is necessary to sing fragments of a song or some kind of chant. After you stand up, try to musclely replicate the feeling of a plank.

If your abdominal, back, and neck muscles are toned (they are warm and functioning freely), begin to train your breathing.

Breathing exercises for singing

Breath. Naturally inhale with your stomach and exhale slowly and evenly on some sound (for example, o, ooh) and in a range convenient for you. In such exercises for training breathing for singing at home, it is better not to overexert your breathing. Act within reason.

How to develop articulatory muscles for voice production and singing

The work of the articulatory apparatus. Perhaps there are those who would not call the work of this muscle group necessary for voice production and singing, but I want to say that without proper functioning articulatory apparatus, all our support and the sound of the voice will come to naught, since the transmission of sound occurs, to a greater extent, due to the articulatory muscles.

We will include the most basic ones - these are the muscles of the tongue, palate, jaw, “mask” (that is, the facial muscles that make us smile). Proper work articulation will contribute to the entry of sound into the resonators, regulation of sound frequencies, not to mention the basic formation of sound by the tongue and other muscles.

How to train them?

Exercises to train articulation at home

  • Language- quick movements from side to side, Toothbrush– we pass along the teeth in a circle; chants and tongue twisters (only slowly) with the tongue out (or the middle part of the tongue, when the tip rests on the lower teeth), etc. Work until your muscles get tired. The main skill that needs to be acquired is to raise the root of the tongue so that it does not fall down, and this happens. correct formation sound.
  • Smile. Raise the facial muscles and hold until exhaustion. After rest, we repeat the exercise with the jaw lowered, the tongue outward (its middle part).
  • Jaw– we practice the freedom of movement of the pubescent jaw, moving it a little in order to remove a possible clamp.
  • General tone of facial muscles and emotional warm-up– we make faces until our muscles get tired.

Let us remind you once again that the law of 2 days is also applicable in this case - you need to train as rarely as possible, every other day, in order not to lose the skills you need.

The last thing I would like to talk about in this article is the search (for those who have lost) their own timbre.

As we have already said above and in more detail - in (which you'd better read if you haven't already): You need to start developing your voice at home with your speech.

Watch yourself and your muscles

To summarize all that has been said, we would like to remind you of the importance of constantly monitoring your physical condition, in order to prevent tension or, conversely, flabby muscles.

The most important thing in singing is health, and, by the way, not least good mood. Therefore, we wish you, as a portal of learning and self-development, to always be healthy and reach new heights both in vocals and in other areas of your life. And of course, to do this, visit our portal more often and read our other articles about singing, voice training and other creative self-development.

Voice is one of the tools for interaction between people. If he is naturally weak and insecure, there is a high probability that the words you say will not have the desired effect. But Professor Felix Alekseevich Kuzmin believes that the power of the voice can and should be trained.

You can develop its power with special exercises the same way you develop muscles in physical education classes. The voice will become lower and more euphonious, its range will expand, and pronunciation will become clearer.

Exercise 1

Stand in front of the mirror. Exhale, then inhale and say each sound until you have enough breath. So, take a breath and begin:

- Eeeeeeeee.

- Eeeeeeeeeee.

- Aaaaaaaaaah.

- Ohhhhhhhhhh.

- Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

This sequence is not random, you start with the highest frequency sound - “i”. If you place your palm on your head, you will feel a slight vibration of the skin. This is evidence of more intense blood circulation. Pronouncing the sound “e” activates the neck and throat area, you can feel this by placing your hands on your neck. Pronouncing the sound “a” has a beneficial effect on the chest area. When pronouncing the sound “o”, the blood supply to the heart increases, and exercise with the sound “u” has positive impact on the lower abdomen.

Say all the sounds slowly one after the other three times. Do you want your voice to be lower and deeper? Then say the sound “u” many times throughout the day.

Exercise 2

Now you need to activate the chest and abdomen area, to do this you need to pronounce the sound “m” with your mouth closed. Do exercises on the sound “m” three times. Once very quietly, the second time louder and the third time as loud as possible so that the vocal cords tense. When you place your palm on your stomach, you will feel a strong vibration.

Exercise 3

Special attention You should pay attention to the sound “r”, as it helps improve pronunciation and gives strength and energy to the voice. In order to relax your tongue, do some preliminary preparation: raise the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth behind your front upper teeth and “grow” like a tractor. So, exhale, then inhale and begin to “growl”: “- Rrrrr.” After this, say the following words expressively and emotionally with an emphatically rolling “r”:



steering wheel

boxing ring










Exercise 4

In conclusion, do the “Tarzan exercise,” which is the best prevention against colds and myocardial infarction. Stand up straight, exhale, then take a deep breath. Make fists with your hands.

Say the sounds from the first exercise loudly, starting with the sound "i", and at the same time beat your chest with your fists, as Tarzan did in famous movie. Then continue by making the "e" sound and so on. At the end of the exercise, you will notice how your bronchi are cleared, how your breathing becomes free, how you are charged with energy.

After several weeks of training, compare your current voice with your previous one; it is best to do this by recording your voice on a voice recorder before starting training. You will see that your voice has changed noticeably. It is now more powerful, which means that you speak more convincingly and have a stronger impact on others. As a result of such training, not only your voice, but also your thoughts become calmer and deeper. The deeper and lower the voice, the more it settles in the consciousness, the more impression the spoken words make.

Human charm largely depends on the beauty and strength of the voice. Its beautiful timbre and euphony are sometimes simply bewitching.

Simple exercises for a beautiful voice

Human charm largely depends on the beauty and strength of the voice. Its beautiful timbre and euphony are sometimes simply bewitching. Anyone can develop such qualities of their own voice by regularly performing simple exercises.

Exercise 1

Take a deep breath and begin to stretch as long as you can breathe:

- I-i-i-i-i-i-i...

If at this moment you place your palm on your head, you will feel light vibrations. Then take a deep breath again and continue to work according to the same pattern in exactly this sequence with sounds:

- Uh-uh-uh...
- Aaaaaaaaaa...
- Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh...
- Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

So, gradually moving from higher to lower frequencies, you consistently improve blood flow to the vocal cords, activate the neck and throat area, develop the capabilities of your chest and work the lower torso.

Repeat this cycle three times to soon notice excellent results: your voice will become deeper.

Exercise 2

Again, after taking a deep breath, start making the sound “M-mm-mmmmmm” with your mouth closed. This allows you to work out chest.

You also need to perform the exercise in three approaches: the first time very quietly, then louder, and the third time at full strength in order to feel the tension in the vocal cords.

Exercise 3

To “pump up” the energy of our speech, we train the pronunciation of the sound “R-r-rrrrrr”. First, place the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth and rumble like a tractor. And then, with a full inhalation, roar for as long as your breath lasts. Then recite the following words as loudly and expressively as possible:

steering wheel
boxing ring

Exercise 4

And the final exercise which helps clear the bronchi and fill your chest with energy.

Stand up straight, clench your fists, take in more air and begin to make sounds according to the list from exercise 1, while beating yourself on the chest with your fists in the manner of Tarzan. This exercise has a pronounced tonic effect, so it is not recommended to do it at night; it is better to devote the first half of the day to this.

After two or three weeks of such training, it will be impossible not to notice that your voice has become more flexible and stronger, and your speech has become calmer and more confident. Audio recordings, which should be made before starting classes and repeated every 10 days, will help you clearly see this. published

What else to read