Points of contact between a man and a Virgo woman are Gemini. Gemini virgo love compatibility. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Virgo women in relationships


Rat + Monkey = love and creativity The compatibility horoscope of the Rat and the Monkey is one of the most promising. The attraction between the signs is so strong that these two literally cannot live without each other. And it doesn’t matter at all in what area the Monkey and Rat come into contact - the compatibility of this pair will manifest itself in any area human relations

: be it love, friendship or business partnership.

What do they have in common?

First of all, the Rat and the Monkey are a powerful creative tandem, in which the Rat inspires the Monkey to achieve feats, and the Monkey supports the Rat in all its endeavors. This is how the Rat receives much-needed support, and the Monkey receives a vector of development and the opportunity to realize their own talents. Thus, the most extravagant plans of these two are easily translated into reality. It is noteworthy that these plans most often concern profit. Similarities:

talkativeness, selfishness, creativity, ambition, cunning, developed sense of possessiveness, materialism. Differences:

The Rat is wise, and the Monkey is thoughtful, the Rat is a strategist, and the Monkey is a tactician, the Rat loves solitude, and the Monkey prefers company.

Of course, there are many more similarities and differences; the most important ones for this pair are given.

Monkey and Rat: love or addiction? Compatibility of signs in love and marriage

The Monkey takes the Rat unceremoniously and strives for manipulation. The Rat subtly senses such notes in relationships and adapts only if this state of affairs is beneficial to it. Therefore, sometimes the Monkey should let go of the situation and hand over the reins to the Rat. In general, this couple has many common points of contact. You just have to stay out of other people’s territory and give each other free space. Do you hear, Monkeys? Adviсe. It would do well for both signs to be more tolerant of each other, to give in more often and to give more dedication, or at least occasionally to show altruism towards their other half. After all, marriage is not only mutually beneficial cooperation

, but also caring about your partner.

Friendship between Rat and Monkey? It may very well be. The foundation, of course, is a community of interests, views and aspirations. The sophistication of these two knows no bounds. As a result, this couple is never bored in each other’s company.

Rat and Monkey: compatibility horoscope at work

Just business relationship among these animals are the strongest. Provided that each of the signs pursues not only its own interests, but also respects the interests of the partner. As they say, the game is “at both ends”. In this case, productivity in a joint business will be high.

The compatibility of the Rat and the Monkey is quite promising, but their relationship is not without problems.

Outwardly, the Rat and the Monkey are similar to each other in their sociability and irrepressible energy, but their love is rarely deep on its own - for this they need to make additional efforts. In addition, by connecting their destinies, people of these signs enter into a vector marriage, and this can equally develop relationships and complicate them.

To find out what awaits this couple in love and married life, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of both signs and their horoscope astrological compatibility more details.

Characteristics of signs

People born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their versatile intelligence, dexterity and sociability. They are bright individuals and great originals, capable of achieving success in any business (provided they learn to direct their energy in one direction). At the same time, Monkeys are subject to internal contradictions and are not very reliable. Much also depends on the zodiac sign of these people - for example, those born under the sign of Gemini or Aquarius, Monkeys become even more restless, creative and fickle, and those born under the sign of Virgo or Capricorn are more calm, economical and home-loving.

Men and women born in the year of the Rat are practical and sociable; in life's ups and downs they show flexibility and endurance.

Outwardly, these people are charming and cheerful, but inside they are often worried and tense. (The latter is sometimes expressed in a tendency to act aggressively). However, negative qualities are often balanced by the influence of the Zodiac sign: for example, the Rat-Leo is distinguished by complacency, calmness and thoroughness, Sagittarius by optimism, and Pisces by creative imagination and rich imagination.

According to astrologers, at the first stage of a relationship, the prospects for the union of the Rat and the Monkey are high - be it friendship, love or marriage.

Partners get along easily, they are fun and interesting together. However, both are perceptive enough to recognize over time the true essence of a loved one, hidden under the mask of charm and sociability. By accepting their partner’s shortcomings, they take their relationship to the next stage of development, achieving true sincerity, depth and mutual understanding in them.

Compatibility between Rat man and Monkey woman

The Rat man and the Monkey woman are a dynamic couple who, despite the difficulties, are able to make their union happy and promising. Having good compatibility in love, they unite their destinies, and the marriage relationship develops successfully at first. Of course, the Monkey manipulates the Rat, but he does it so skillfully that the partner remains in blissful ignorance for a long time. However, the Rat man is smart enough to eventually understand the behavior and motives of the Monkey girl. And he is not always satisfied with the guess that all this time he was dancing to his partner’s tune.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Compatibility by year of birth and zodiac sign. Compatibility of signs by year

In this case marriage is vector, and the Monkey dominates it. The biggest danger for her is to become overly self-centered and domineering. An exhausted Rat will not be able to withstand the pressure - she simply will not have the energy to stay in the marriage. The Monkey should be aware of the responsibility of a dominant position, because it has the power to use its power for good.

According to the horoscope, the Rat is endowed with business acumen, but lacks scope. This is what the Monkey woman must correct - help the Rat form grandiose plans and realize her maximum potential.

In turn, the man in this marriage must be tolerant of the leadership habits and some manipulations of his partner - these are not malicious attacks on her part, this is just the way she is. Otherwise living together promises them a lot of joy - they are for a long time They will retain an ardent passion, and if they try, over time they will acquire strong friendships and good income.

Compatibility of Rat woman and Monkey man

The Rat woman and the Monkey man will face somewhat greater difficulties than the previous couple, but they are also quite capable of preserving love and building a strong marriage. Compatibility in marriage will depend on the ability of each of them to understand the needs of the other and make certain compromises. The Monkey man is active and energetic - by increasingly leaving home, he will prove his right to independence. If the Rat woman begins to rush around, worry and nag her partner, the situation will worsen. She must remember that the Monkey is not prone to cheating by nature, just an active lifestyle is a necessity of his character.

A man, in turn, is better off directing his energy to something unifying. The ideal option is to find a “life’s work”, interesting work, which captivates and requires dedication. In this way he will realize his potential and create financial well-being for the family, and his time will be distributed in the safest way - between work and home. The rat should not throw himself headlong into the household and family problems, otherwise she will cease to be interesting to the Monkey. Fun, gloss, interesting events- everything that was at the dawn of their passion should remain in marriage.

Possessing an inexhaustible imagination, the Rat woman is able to captivate a man again and again - she must believe in her capabilities and try to worry less.

These two signs can get bogged down in a power struggle, which will destroy not only mutual understanding in the family, but also the marriage itself. The monkey dominates this couple both as a man and according to the theory of vector marriages. The Rat should be smart enough to understand this and not waste energy.

  1. The compatibility of a Monkey man and a Rat woman is directly proportional to the desire of both partners for development and growth. In this couple, it is especially important for a man to use his mind and vigorous energy in work or a serious hobby and be sure to develop spiritually. A woman also cannot stand still - develop creatively, spiritually and intellectually, so as not to get bogged down in the routine of everyday life, not to lose her individuality and interest in life.
  2. Both signs love secular society and fun activities, but they are strongly recommended to sometimes relax just the two of them - somewhere in a forest hut, in the mountains or on the coast, communicating only with nature and restoring harmony in the couple.
  3. Partners should understand the features of a vector marriage and under no circumstances consider this circumstance to be purely negative. In such a union they have a greater chance than in an ordinary marriage to experience a deep unity of souls. In moments of crisis, each partner needs to be alone - it is not necessary to get a divorce or live separately, it is enough for everyone to mind their own business and not cross paths for some time. And be sure to remember that this is a temporary measure. Don’t worry, don’t make complaints and don’t give in to insults - very soon you will see the situation in a new, much more favorable light.

Compatibility between Rat and Monkey according to the eastern horoscope is considered one of the most successful. This is a union of two loving friend a friend of people who are capable of anything for their partner. They sincerely share love, tenderness and care, receiving the same in return.

Despite the fact that from the outside their relationship may seem quite complex and contradictory, astrologers promise a happy future for the couple. You will have to work hard at preserving your feelings, but the end result will be happy, harmonious relationships, in which everyone gets what they want.

What is characteristic of the union of the Monkey and the Rat:

  1. They understand each other perfectly without words. They perfectly sense changes in their partner’s mood and can influence it. Therefore, quarrels are rare and pass quickly.
  2. It is detrimental for them to spend time together around the clock. It's incredibly tiring. Therefore, it is important for everyone to have their own, personal circle of friends and interests.
  3. It is important for the Monkey to understand that the Rat never gives in to feelings one hundred percent. It may offend, anger, upset, but you have to accept it. After all, it was the mystery of this sign that was so attractive at the very beginning of the relationship.
  4. Both love and value freedom. It is important to understand this, and not to limit your partner, not to try to control him. Then the relationship will develop well, and conflicts will be avoided.

It is also very important for them to make a worthy impression, so in the eyes of others they will seem perfect couple, even if in this moment relationship in crisis. This is a plus, because partners do not tolerate quarrels in public, preferring to solve all problems only among themselves.

Rat Woman and Monkey Man

This version of the union has its controversial issues. But the chances of happy love still great. Let's consider what is typical for these relationships.

Pair Features:

  1. They often argue, but never turn to claims, accusations and barbs. The truth is born in their disputes, so they are not destructive to the relationship.
  2. The man in this couple is an active nature. He is always positive and very sociable. This helps him quickly find mutual language with your partner and win her heart.
  3. She immediately understands that this man is ideal for a relationship. He is committed to marriage and family, will not have affairs, is serious, and moderately responsible. This is paradoxical, because in relationships with other signs a man manifests himself more often from the position of a Casanova and a womanizer.
  4. At first the man is frightened by how serious feelings appear to his chosen one. He is used to treating other women with coolness - they quickly succumb to his charm, and he just as quickly loses interest.
  5. They usually take a long time to get to marriage and family, precisely because of the man’s doubts and his lack of self-confidence. But if a woman sets clear boundaries and shows how she should be treated, everything will work out well.

Astrologers believe that the marriage in this couple can be strong. But to prevent partners from getting bored, it is useful for them to flirt with other people. This will not destroy the union, but will only strengthen it. The main thing is not to lead to betrayal.

Rat Man and Monkey Woman

The compatibility of such a couple is considered extremely successful. Partners are able to build truly happy, harmonious relationships and carry their love through many years.

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. Partners have common goals and hobbies. They are not only lovers, but also partners who move towards success together, supporting each other in everything. This allows you to keep relationships strong even in times of crisis and conflict.
  2. A man deifies his chosen one. For him, she is an inspiration and a person who gives energy for achievements. It is unlikely that he will start looking at other women, because his companion wins on all counts.
  3. The woman, in turn, values ​​and respects her partner. She never tires of admiring his successes, is always grateful for compliments and gifts, and strives to give all the love, care and tenderness that she is capable of.
  4. Both are developing in the relationship, striving to become better. They support each other in everything, together they choose a promising vector for development. The advantages of the partners are only enhanced, and the shortcomings are not given much importance.
  5. They can create a successful and profitable business. This is an exceptional couple that does not quarrel if they work together. Moreover, the person responsible for generating creative ideas is a woman. And the plans are implemented by a man who takes on all the most difficult work.

Conflicts between them do occur, but usually do not last long. Both wonderful feeling humor, which helps to quickly make peace without mutual insults and claims.

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According to the Eastern horoscope of compatibility between the Rat man and the Monkey woman, this family union has every chance of becoming happy. The spouses have very similar interests and aspirations, which determines their mutual interest in each other.

The Rat man never tires of admiring her, as well as her dexterity and resourcefulness. And she appreciates in her husband his ability to think strategically, and even his ingenuity. She also really likes him life goals and priorities.

Both spouses provide significant assistance to each other both in personal growth and in career advancement. career ladder. They think alike and rejoice in mutual achievements. As a rule, in the union of a Rat man and a Monkey woman, an important place occupies family business or general aspirations. Together they are able to endlessly make plans, actively discuss them, make various adjustments and, most importantly, enthusiastically implement them. In this tandem, the Monkey woman is the generator of ideas, and the Rat man is their embodiment. Both spouses accept each other's shortcomings with understanding, and thanks to their innate sense of humor, they easily resolve any difficulties in life.

Rat Man and Monkey Woman - Compatibility

The compatibility of a pair of male Rat and female Monkey is very good. You could even say 5 points. They are very close in their interests and aspirations, they are never bored together. But, it should be noted that, despite good compatibility, their relationship is full of contradictions. Both partners prefer not to wash dirty linen in public, so the external picture of their relationship is not always what it really is. It seems that they live in complete harmony, lead an active lifestyle, travel, but internally they may become disappointed in each other. This is due to the difference in character and the inherent insight of both. It is their developed intuition that does not allow them to live in an illusory world, seeing all the shortcomings of their partner, without embellishment. Their family life goes through a zebra crossing of good and bad moments. The main thing is that their compatibility gives them strength for life, struggle, pleasure, and they can overcome those problems that would be fatal for other signs.

From the first minutes of acquaintance, a spark jumps between the Rat man and the Monkey woman. A dynamic, bright and interesting Monkey girl cannot help but interest the Rat man. She is cunning, dexterous, charming, so she easily takes control of relationships with men, and does it completely unnoticed. But the relationship will be full of fire only until the Monkey woman gets tired of playing the chosen role. The Rat man in love also does not look for easy ways. Women have attracted his attention since his youth, and if he really likes someone, he will move towards his goal, no matter what. One minus - . And if a woman is not ready to give up right away, then he, again, rushes into battle without looking back. He can pursue his beloved, block her from passing, and throw flowers at her. He is capable of strong and deep feelings, but he also demands the same dedication and complete submission from his beloved. He needs the woman to know her place and not strive for freedom of action. Strong and independent women will not be able to get along next to this man, but the Monkey woman can play the role of a small and defenseless girl, so they can live together and happily. Of course, if the Monkey woman wants to play this role.

A man born. He demonstrated it more than once. This person is not so smart as he is strong-willed and brave. He will not hesitate to rush into battle against a dangerous opponent, especially if the well-being of his family is at stake.

A family union between a Rat man and a Monkey woman can both bring happiness to both spouses and complete dissatisfaction with life. Both partners understand each other perfectly, they have a similar rhythm of life and the same way of thinking. They are intelligent, inquisitive and very active. Both love noisy parties, travel and new experiences. In order for there to be a complete idyll in the family, the Monkey woman should not pay attention to some mystery and enigma of her husband. He needs his own space and this must be given to him in order for him to feel comfortable. Despite the certain secrecy of the Rat man, he has nothing to hide, he is an excellent family man, a wonderful father and a loving, caring husband. And the Rat man needs to learn to calmly react to the ridicule of the Monkey woman. She's not out of malice, she just has that kind of character. Her jokes are reminiscent of the pranks of a little girl. Therefore, the Rat man needs to either “educate” his Monkey, or come to terms with the peculiarities of her character. It is very important that the Monkey woman does not use manipulation in her relationship with her loved one. Sooner or later he will understand this and conflicts will begin, even despite the fact that she does not want anything bad.

Also, the jealousy of the Rat man brings discord into the relationship of this couple. If he begins to be uncontrollably jealous of his wife, she will be disappointed in him once and for all. The Rat man needs to accept his wife for who she is and understand that she does not need other men, but only their attention, worship, and admiration. Her husband can shower her with gifts and compliments as much as he wants, but she will always miss it. It just so happens that a woman born in the year of the Monkey draws energy and inspiration from the attention of the people around her. Accept her, because she will never violate the sacred commandments of marriage.

The Rat man never becomes so immersed in a relationship that he forgets about his interests, ideas, and plans. He can easily break off a relationship if he doesn’t see any practical meaning in it. A woman is born and independent, and love for her is like a game that she will leave if she gets bored. The Monkey woman is not the easiest partner in marriage, because her frivolity can destroy even a very successful union. But the practicality of the spouse comes to the rescue. The Rat man and the Monkey woman perfectly support and complement each other, both in marriage, friendship, and business.

The compatibility of a male-Rat and female-Monkey couple increases significantly when a child appears in the family. The Monkey Woman is looking forward to this event with great impatience, because she sees special happiness in children family life. After the birth of a child, the spouses have a common goal - healthy and happy children. They will be treated kindly by everyone, and their mother will not let anyone offend them and will do everything to make them happy.

Rat man and Monkey woman - compatibility in love

In the sexual sphere, in a pair of a man-Rat and a woman-Monkey, like life, there will also be black and white stripes. On the one hand, this will be a rich, vibrant relationship, but on the other, the Monkey woman will still lack the dynamics, enthusiasm and fire next to the Rat man. The Monkey woman wants romance, tenderness and passion, but the Rat man is too serious for this. At the same time, it is important for him to get pleasure in an unusual way, he fantasizes, but the Monkey woman does not understand this and does not support it. Therefore they intimate relationships may resemble a struggle between two principles - sophistication and simplicity.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Rat Man and Monkey Woman couple

The family happiness of the Rat man and the Monkey woman is in their hands. The stars give them a great chance to create ideal family, giving them practically perfect compatibility. But, naturally, much will depend on the partners themselves. From their desire to compromise, to be interested in each other’s realization, and, of course, from their mutual respect and love.

It is worth noting that for both the Rat man and the Monkey woman, the most important thing is how other people perceive them, the external impression of their couple in principle. Their home is usually luxurious and cozy, and their children have an excellent education, so that there is a reason for pride. However, both should pay more attention to the sincerity in the relationship and the feeling of the partner, otherwise in pursuit of material well-being it may be lost.

They are very different, at first glance you won’t guess what a Rat and Monkey couple might have good compatibility. These two, in fact, are drowning in love for each other, and everyday difficulties turn into nothing if their loved one is nearby. Such love is valued in the world, and astrologers advise them to continue in the same spirit. The Monkey woman is not the easiest partner in marriage, because her frivolity can destroy even a very successful union. But the practicality of the Rat comes to the rescue. If the couple is a Monkey, then everything is much easier. He has his own clear idea of ​​when to have fun and when to take household chores seriously. Good couple will live in marriage for many years, and their children will listen with delight about their parents’ first date.

Horoscope 12 cycles

The eastern horoscope is much more complex than the classic one. It does not contain zodiac signs, which change every 30-31 days, but special symbols of the year. Every year the world's ruling symbol changes. Every year is new, it brings prosperity to the world, protects those who firmly believe in the cyclical nature of the world. In the East, people prepare for the New Year differently than in Europe. The main thing is to collect as many symbols of the coming year in the house as possible, to prepare everything so that he likes it. Then love, happiness, and luck in money come to the house.

You can celebrate too New Year according to Eastern style. Who knows, perhaps harmony and prosperity will also come to your home. The patron of the year endows people with his own character traits, and the month of their birth determines how strong his manifestations are.

Of course, there is no point in looking for a partner only using information from the horoscope. It serves to help lovers maintain happiness and build a strong family in marriage. If you are just looking for a person with maximum compatibility, then such searches can drag on for many years.

Sometimes, according to the horoscope, happiness does not shine for people. This is easy to change. Your love, understanding, hope for the best work wonders. Don't stop - Eastern horoscope sends you a lot of opportunities to become happy.

Rat man, Monkey woman

The Rat man has real courage. He had to demonstrate it more than once. This person is not so smart as he is strong-willed and brave. He will rush into battle against a dangerous opponent without a second thought, especially if the well-being of his family or best friend. Loves money, but does not make it the main priority in life. He knows how to achieve his goals, but his goals are not always very complex and lofty.

In love, the Rat man does not look for easy ways either. He loves women, they have attracted his attention since his youth. If he likes someone very much, he will move towards his goal. One drawback is that the Rat man is not very patient. If a woman is not ready to surrender to the mercy of the winner immediately, then he, again, rushes into battle without looking back. He may pursue his beloved, throw flowers at her, and won’t let her pass.

Compatibility with other signs is better, the weaker it is female symbol. He is lucky with such partners; they succumb to beautiful words and assertive character. A difficult period awaits him in his marriage, because he will want to do everything his own way, and not every woman is ready for this.

The Monkey woman is not as simple as it seems. He looks like a frivolous, lively person who loves attention, bright holidays, and parties. In fact, the Monkey woman has thought through her line of behavior well, knows how to make useful contacts and impress everyone without exception.

In love, she does not know how to be restrained, especially if this is a real feeling. The Monkey periodically feigns love for his own purposes, but once he falls in love, he cannot be stopped. It good wife, housewife and mother. She loves children very much, is ready to spend a lot of time with them, and children love her for her unpredictability and willingness to participate in games.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Monkey and Rat couple is successful, because they know how to balance each other. It is very important. With other signs the Monkey can be unrestrained and flighty, but with the Rat she is disciplined. This also has a beneficial effect on the Rat, who receives nonverbal rebuff from the Monkey.

Love and relationships in couples

The Monkey woman will readily accept a marriage proposal. She is very open and impulsive, so for the next few months you will be accepting congratulations in advance. Well? If all this pre-wedding fuss gives your partner so much pleasure, then you should take a very active part in it.

The Rat man in marriage is very thorough, reliable person. He will do the cleaning himself because he has his own ideas about how to do it correctly. If the Monkey decides to intervene, then they will need some time left for negotiations. Dividing household responsibilities can be more difficult than it seems, because no one wants to give in. The monkey loves his home very much and brings all the best to it.

When a couple decides to have a child, it a big joy. The woman was really looking forward to such a proposal from her husband, because in children she sees the special happiness of family life. Their compatibility increases after this, because the common goal is now healthy and happy children. They will be treated kindly by everyone, and their mother will not let anyone offend them.

Family life goes through a zebra crossing of good and bad moments. Some features of the characters of this couple can spoil the idyll at one moment. It is best to approach the problem with humor. The Rat here must learn this from the Monkey. They are lucky in their marriage, because together they can overcome difficulties that would be fatal for other signs.

The compatibility of partners gives them strength for life, struggle, and pleasure.

Even the most lucky couples are going through difficult times. Do not be afraid of difficulties, especially if they occur through the fault of one of the partners. Most often, the Monkey can be intolerant in marriage. She is used to receiving everyone's attention, achieving any desired goals in an honest or not entirely honest way. If the Rat does not understand that this method is in its nature, they will have problems.

Accept your spouse for who she is. Less jealousy. Your compatibility in marriage is great, but if the Rat begins to be uncontrollably jealous of his partner, then she will be disappointed once and for all. She does not need other men, but only their admiration, attention, worship. The husband can shower her with compliments and gifts as often as he likes, but this will not be enough.

It so happens that the Monkey woman is an attention addict. Just leave everything as it is, because she will not violate the sacred commandments of your marriage with her desire to show off.

Monkey man, Rat woman

The pairing is difficult, but quite possible. The Monkey man is an active, positive and very sociable person. He is not stupid, he knows how to build the right relationship with any symbol, but his compatibility in love is not so great. Few people are ready to make a couple with him, and even fewer think about marriage. The problem may be his communication skills. He knows how to have affairs with several young ladies at once, and if they reveal his secret, the Monkey man is not very upset.

He is a good worker where you need to be creative. Boring calculations and balance sheets are not for him. Modern companies, smart gadgets, beautiful business cards. The Monkey man can present all this in the best possible way.

He hardly planned anything serious with the Rat woman, but her fighting spirit, proud gait and active life position changed his view.

It is not as simple as it might seem. The Rat woman hardly has any outstanding external characteristics, but she is a very pleasant conversationalist, a good listener, and a kind adviser.

“A Monkey man can behave in such a way that a Rat woman will do whatever he wants, and she will consider it her desire. But sometimes misunderstandings arise between partners living together, and accordingly conflicts arise again.”

It’s not very clear who lured whom into the web of love. Very often, for practical reasons, the Monkey does this. In love, he knows how to give, although he loves to receive expensive gifts. It is very important that his partner appreciates him, and the Rat will appreciate the Monkey for everything good. This is a successful union, because their compatibility is great. Live many happy years in marriage? Easily! Although, the Monkey periodically glances to the left.


Love and relationships in couples

They are planning a wedding together and it promises to be phenomenal. This is where both of their imaginations come into play, so expect surprises from the newlyweds. The main thing for them is that everything goes better than others. The wise Snake here can give in to his desire for superiority, so that everything will go bright and brilliant.

After the wedding, the Stars advise you to travel for at least a month. Both need to take a break from the pre-wedding bustle and devote this time to their love. The Monkey is incredibly happy about the opportunity to escape to the other side of the world with his wife, because no one knows him there yet, which means he can have great fun and make new friends.

When the couple is ready, it is worth talking about children. There may be 2 or 3 of them, both are ready to take on such responsibility. The monkey will become a very good father who always has time to walk, play, and have fun with his children. The snake will take care of their upbringing and training. Thus, by dividing responsibilities, they will become even more united, and the compatibility of partners reaches its peak when all attention and care are directed to the children.

Your home should have enough personal space for everyone. The Monkey man loves to be in company, but sometimes he needs privacy. It's okay, he thinks about his life, plans something, comes up with something. Don't bother him. He will only thank you and appreciate it if you give him a few hours alone with you. His compatibility with his partner is only possible if both can be frank in marriage.

Talk about your feelings, talk about what worries or confuses you. Monkey and Rat are understanding people. They can accept each other without fear or reproach. To do this, you don’t need to be silent, silently experience your problems. The Rat does not like loneliness just like the Monkey, but she does not want to sit alone for hours. So, give her inspiration for creativity, shopping, walks with friends. This way, everyone is busy with their own business, and your marriage prospers.

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