Modern weapons in the Ukrainian army. Western weapons for Ukraine. Rusty trash in the service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in the field of weapons

And now the summer review of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine from #Ronin. Build your view on real facts, not on Facebook hysteria

Approximately every six months, I write an article about how things are going in the military-industrial complex of Ukraine in particular and the defense sector in general. Well, judging by the amount of good news, the time has come for the next issue - the last one was still in winter.

Naturally, not all the news we have is good - tanks lost on the site flashed by, from which two departments denied at once, people died during exercises, there were unpleasant flights at the front. But, in principle, we are all used to the fact that there is reality, but there is a point of view on it. This is especially true of the issues of the country's defense capability in the conditions of both the information war and the financial and industrial groups that are fiercely competitive.

For example, the reality is that there were 4 incidents with the 2B11 "Sani" mortars in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and 8 with the "Hammers". "Fuses for 120-mm are 29 years old, they are beyond the shelf life). Time is relentless. For example, I personally saw a red expelling charge in varnish, rotten through to the primer, rust and dust inside. If we buy 60-mm mines and started producing, we produce VOG, then 120-mm mines, except for small experimental series, are still the mobilization stocks of the divisions of the USSR, and this is already a certain lottery.

Soviet portable mortar 2B11 caliber 120 mm

The reason for the incidents is quite understandable: either the calculation hands that twist the flags and mechanisms from double loading (for various reasons - economic - they do not lubricate and disassemble according to instructions, they want to give out the rate of fire here and now); or the physical destruction of the fuse from time to time, the use of "non-native" fuses, or even a combination of factors (the fuse can become armed, even without being pierced - from a blow or destruction of the mechanism). But "Hammers" is a deadly "handicraft" craft, while "Sled" is a classic proven over the years, you don't ask anyone. And no one is interested that, for example, "Sled" already in 2016, according to The Military Balance, there were only 200 pieces, and since that time they have also been actively developing a resource and going for scrap, while a series of 280 pieces M-120-15 "Hammer" was delivered completely, and, most likely, there were more orders. It is quite logical that from 2016 to 2018 there are twice as many emergency situations (there are simply twice as many of them in the troops).

2S12 "Sani" - Soviet mortar complex, consisting of a 120-mm mortar 2B11 and a GAZ-66 truck for its transportation

There, in theory, there is simply nothing to break, it's just a copy of the same "Sled". There are no complex technologies, new sights, rifling, shutter. Peeling paint or a crooked seam cannot start a mine in a barrel, and a hitch or expelling charge will not be fatal if the fuse does not start, but public opinion has already been formed. And often not only among people who saw the “Hammer” in the picture, but also among those who actually fought or served in the army. Although, of course, we are all waiting for the results of the investigation. After all, the question is much wider than mortars - a huge number of Ukrainians still mentally live in 2014 and believe that we are not preparing for war, we are wasting precious time, losing people, we could have done more or we are moving in the wrong direction. Therefore, the parallel topic of our today's article, in addition to the usual news, is myths against reality in the field of national defense. Only the White Book, The Military Balance, adequacy and brains can help us. There are no secret insiders and secret knowledge that may be of interest to Comrade Major here.

Anti-tank weapons

It is always not enough, always not enough and always for a month of conflict, if it starts. It was heard by almost everyone who was interested in the topic. Well, mathematics is the most honest science. In the Armed Forces of Ukraine from 2014 to 2017, 66 anti-tank systems were handed over. In 2018, the number of anti-tank systems was classified (quite logically in connection with the transfer of Darts, a large-scale order for emerging units and SRW). Let's not fantasize about an increase in production until there are concrete facts - let's say another two dozen launch units were transferred in 6 months. Plus, at least 35 3rd generation launchers that came to us as part of military-technical cooperation from the United States. 121 launch units. Before the war, there were also purchases, but let's imagine that we lost them in the LAP and they broke down as a result of hostilities. But we do not forget about the transfer of weapons to the State Border Guard Service and the NSU (for example, only in the NSU - about 40 anti-tank systems, starting from 2014). Total for all departments - up to 180-200 new anti-tank systems.

More than 2,000 ATGMs were produced for them, which is much more than the ammunition load for ATGMs, and this is quite a worthy figure. In addition, more than 600 TUR - guided tank missiles have been delivered, which expands the ability of tank battalions and companies of motorized brigades to counter enemy tanks (although modernized vehicles will be equipped with them, and they will go to tank brigades so as not to smear them along the line). Well, let's not forget about the "Barriers" BTR-3 and BTR-4 (for example, 15 armored personnel carriers were shipped to Novosibirsk State University in 2017, and 46 units to the Armed Forces of Ukraine). Their number in all departments is rapidly approaching 400 pieces. Let me remind you that Poland, which is actively switching from its bowups to KTO Rosomak, has purchased only 570 pieces since 2003, spending three times as much money on defense over 15 years.

BTR-3 equipped with ATGM "Barrier"

By the way, given that it is Luch Design Bureau that makes both Stugna, and Corsairs, and Barriers, and Barriers-V for helicopters, and issues an export order to Algeria and Azerbaijan, and completes the “desert” modification of the Ukrainian ATGM "Skif", then it (KB) works almost on the verge of its capabilities. Despite this, with the combat modules of Ukrainian armored vehicles (there is also active work under the module for the Varta and specialized anti-tank models), we have from 600 platforms capable of carrying anti-tank weapons. Not counting helicopters, hundreds of ATGMs of Soviet divisions in storage, with which, after 4 years of a positional campaign, we dismantle dugouts on the Svetlodarskaya Bulge and spend on routine purposes like water carriers; not counting "Assaults" and "Competitions" on "brothels"; not counting the tanks with the WTO - 600 platforms and under 3000 weapons. And there will be more at the end of this year, including 3rd generation ATGMs, because a significant increase was planned in the defense order, and the next $ 100 million package from the United States will come in a matter of weeks. One can say that more is needed and strive for it, but it is impossible not to note an increase by an order of magnitude. And, of course, this is not a “coffin, coffin, cemetery”, it’s time for many to thoroughly treat their brains.


We wrote a lot about helicopters, even a separate article was published - whoever wanted, he took communion. So, there are two directions for growth points. Put storage on the wing, upgrade and remotorize vehicles from transport to surrogate Mi-8MSB-V, from naked Mi-24, "chemists" and commander's modifications to PU-1, and later to all-weather and night. Plus, buy new models abroad, as the Georgians do, for example, in the field of air defense, without waiting for the secret developments of the domestic military-industrial complex, which do not know analogues, two teaspoons a year. Which, by the way, is being done safely. For example, in 2017 alone, 12 cars were delivered. Among them are both the Mi-24 PU-1 and the Mi-8MSB-V. Plus, a sensational contract with the French for 55 multi-purpose vehicles - naturally, they will be used in the east of Ukraine, as in the summer battles the DSNS and GPSU equipment was used.

Ukrainian helicopter Mi-8MSB-V manufactured by Motor Sich

At the beginning of 2018, a dozen Mi-2MSBs were shipped - excellent aircraft in our conditions for training or reconnaissance missions. Upgraded "crocodiles" are handed over 3 cars a year, but together with flying cars in brigades and animated from grass, there are now up to 45 of them. With the "surrogate" Mi-8MSB-V, which were handed over as 3 + 4 + 8 + 8, the final figure is pleasing. Despite the traditional problems with spare parts, AA managed to keep the last year's raid and increase the number of flying cars. In the same Poland, for example, attack helicopters, even with the possible purchase of Apaches in the United States, are less than half, not to mention Romania and other countries of Eastern Europe (albeit with a large GDP). The use of more than 60 "crocodiles" and multi-purpose Mi-8s that are capable of inflicting BShU from the operational depth in the event of an aggravation is still the level for our financial realities. When 55 multi-purpose helicopters arrive from France, then Ukraine will have more than 120 flying helicopters - an impressive figure for Eastern Europe, no matter how you turn it and try to pull the evil here.


Against the backdrop of tantrums about the purchase of "Polish scrap metal", we should also look closely into the eyes of reality. Britain, whose military experts love to write about how we can fight off the Russian threat, has 86 self-propelled guns. There are 101 of them in Germany. Yes, these are modern vehicles with FCS, with automatic loading and excellent rate of fire. But they are a gulkin nose even to the borders of Germany and Britain, and if you take away the in-line repairs and training units, it is still more than bad, despite their space budgets. Polish "Crabs" ordered 40 units (received 14 and 8), the deadline of the contract is in 2019, but it is not a fact that they will be in time. In Ukraine, as of 2018, there are 606 self-propelled guns in service, not counting the “Non” of the DShV. When the whole batch of Gvozdik 2S1 arrives from Poland, there will be almost 700, 700 self-propelled guns.

In 2017 alone, more than 35 UAVs were handed over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. With deliveries from previous years, "crows" from the United States, shipments to other departments and volunteer deliveries, we have more than 350 tactical UAVs. This is still below the requests of the security forces of Ukraine. But in conjunction with the radars supplied from the United States, we are able to carry out tasks both in counter-battery combat or isolation of the battlefield in the theater of operations, and in slowing down the pace of a possible offensive by turning tactical rear areas, warehouses, junction stations, repair assembly points into a "mess". With the help of more than 1000 barrels of portable artillery - by the way, Britain has 126 units of portable artillery (an order of magnitude less). This year we will see in the metal "Verba" based on "KrAZ", modernized "Hurricanes", perhaps the long-awaited OTRK - mass production of corrected shells and the usual nomenclature has begun. A huge systematic work has been carried out, which cannot be ignored.


Everything is quite transparent here. Despite the jambs with the stabilization system and the SLA at the competitions in Germany at the T-84, these BTTs (which have been either in storage for years, or in line for modernization and in-line repairs) do not particularly affect the combat capability of tank troops. All fantasies about 100 Oplot tanks until 2018, tables from Ukroboronprom by years, how many BM Oplot should leave the shops, and how many T-84s and so on, have so far remained on paper, and thank God. Why? This has been said many times before, so we won't repeat it. A company of "Oplotov" per year is, of course, good, but the T-64 battalion is tactically more flexible in our conditions, and they can tritely complete more tasks; money will appear later - new tanks will appear. As of 2017, approximately 180 modernized vehicles have been delivered - with the replacement of the engine, DZ, installation of a sight and night vision devices. The rest were raised from the grass, from the storage facilities, having carried out an average or major overhaul. It is difficult enough to name the exact figure so as not to catch repeated repairs.

BM "Oplot" (dramatically modernized tank T-84U "Oplot")

Today, Ukraine has up to 17 tank battalions and 12-13 separate companies in all departments, and together with tanks for reserve corps battalions, there are about 800 T-64, T-72 and T-80 vehicles of various modifications. We are experiencing problems with spare parts, mobilization stocks of spare parts and the ability to carry out field repairs, but this number is more than in Germany, Britain and a couple of Eastern European countries in the appendage. At the very least, we can tie down the enemy in the red zone on the LBS and be able to operate with reserves to the north and on the isthmus if the Russian Federation wants to raise the stakes. The same Poles do not hesitate to raise bald T-72s out of the grass and create a new tank division, for which the Ukrainians will produce dynamic protection kits (a contract for 500 pieces indicates that the Polish authorities are determined to revive their entire fleet to zero in the light of Russian aggression) . So we are on the right track, of course, with an eye to our budget and the capabilities of the industry.

Staff and training

For three years now, the strength of the Ukrainian army has been at the same level - 204,000 fighters and 46,000 employees; at the level determined by the Rada and the budget. Understaffing in combat units and filling the staff at communication centers, training grounds with signalmen and heads of warehouses is a completely ordinary process. People want to sleep in their beds, see their wives and celebrate the holidays at home, and not scoop up knee-deep dirt on the GP. The same processes were closed by the United States in Iraq with the help of locals and PMCs, the Russians in the Donbas - by rotations of regular units and mercenaries, we - by business trips and personnel outside the state. But here it should be clearly understood: there is no critical situation. If there was a threat of loss of combat capability, then 30-40 thousand reservists would be instantly called up, somehow out of 300 thousand UBD there would be 10% who would return to duty.

And secondly, numerous Kordas, combined fire groups of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Border Guard Service in quantities would go to zero to close the gaps in the line of contact, but for now they are all engaged and serving according to the schedule. Both sides retain the potential to build up the grouping in the red zone, but are well aware that now they will not be able to complete tasks in direct confrontation, so a war of attrition is being waged. Despite the objective problems, there is an increase in the number of exercises - compared even with 2016 - both at the brigade (twice) and at the battalion level. It was possible to maintain a flight time of 50 hours per person, increasing the number of flying aircraft, it turned out to call on more than 80 thousand reservists in all departments.

let's sum up results. Up to 700 self-propelled guns in the foreseeable future in service and the gradual deployment of production for 155-mm caliber, 120 helicopters in the next 3 years, dozens of modernized MLRS, hundreds of artillery barrels, 400 new armored personnel carriers, 200 new anti-tank systems, launches of "Barriers-V" from helicopters and pre-series models of PTO-complexes. 800 tanks, more than 1500 vehicles, not counting 300 armored ones; if we take cars from NSU and GPSU, this number will double. It’s still not too much for hundreds of battalions to have personnel at “zero” and in systematic work - a dozen cars, several anti-tank systems, a couple of sanitary motorized leagues and Bogdanov, a company of “bears” and old D- thirty. The main work remains behind the scenes, but it is carried out, and carried out on a large scale. 16 billion hryvnias for the purchase of weapons and equipment, 2.1 billion hryvnias for the development of the defense industry through the Ministry of Industry for the machine park, deliveries from the United States worth hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons, communications equipment, cars (in 2017, about 80 cars were received as part of the military-technical cooperation). For example, it seems to everyone that communication is simple, but replace it in every armored personnel carrier and infantry fighting vehicle out of more than 2000, in each command post, create chains from the brigade level to the command, purchase tropospheric and satellite communications, while maintaining the pace of military construction. It is easy only to criticize and advise, everything else is hard.

Not visible are the dozen reinforced concrete, fortified and strewn ammunition depots that have been erected since the beginning of the year; and brigade training centers at the final stage of delivery. A dozen radars from Iskra, including 79K6 on a chassis from Belarus from the MZKT (which means currency and cooperation in both directions), and so for the past 4 years - four dozen new and modernized radars. The serious modernization of the machine park at Vizar, Artyom, at Luch Design Bureau, Pavlograd, where the plant was raised from its knees from the state of half-dead workshops to 1.5 thousand personnel and solar panels on the roof, the launch of a workshop for the production of cases to the BTR-4 in Kharkov. The transfer of 4 EW helicopters to the MTR unit was not too publicized, and the fact that EW complexes are already working on the front end, and they are working effectively regarding the fight against UAVs. In the meantime, a whole industry comes to life - the production of gunpowder, primers, cartridge cases. They are purchasing equipment for the production of 155 mm caliber shells, the production of 30 mm and 40 mm grenades, mines of all calibers has begun, they are restoring and upgrading missiles for three types of air defense systems at once. Due to the fact that the S-125, S-300V1, Torah and Kuba were removed from storage, the number of complexes on combat duty will be increased by a third.

Work is endless. We need to produce cable products, communications, prepare airfield services, transfer troops to a new power supply system, produce easel grenade launchers to replace the killed LNG (an excellent caliber for Minsk and another ten years "balls" for ammunition), disposable grenade launchers and rocket-propelled flamethrowers, expendable products from smoke grenades and mines to targets for MANPADS, purchase spare parts, make mobilization stocks of fuel, ammunition, clothing and ammunition in case of mass conscription. The problem of the Ukrainians is not only that a wave of propaganda and lies fell upon us against the backdrop of the war. The problem is also that the majority of even adequate people were far from the army for a quarter of a century, mowed down from it, were not interested in it. And now our problems will be solved either by thousands of ATGMs and guided bombs, or by Korean self-propelled guns and British experts, or by the liquidation of conscription, or by thermal imagers in each squad. And it is systematic work that is being carried out - monotonous, difficult and ungrateful. Supply, logistics, training of the sergeant corps, modernization and repairs, anti-tank and aviation, reserve and mobistics. And many simply too quickly forgot the Ukrainian fighters of the 2014 format, in sneakers, with the German flag not ripped off their uniforms, with beds on "brothels" and how our security forces look today.

Summer 2018. The military-industrial complex of Ukraine - more efforts and funding are still needed, but there is solid and confident progress that is hard to miss.

Ukraine for several years of its independence and especially after the victory of the "orange revolution" has become a real dump for all kinds of military trash from around the world. Junk that they are trying to use in battle.

Saxon armored personnel carriers

The April 2016 issue of the British military magazine The Royal Armored Corps Journal (published by the Royal Armored Corps) published an article by Joan P. Holloway about the well-known old British Saxon AT-105 wheeled armored personnel carriers acquired by Ukraine.

The editors of the Military Observer do not agree with the conclusions and theses of the author, but we will quote an excerpt from the article in fact verbatim.

When the Ukrainian democratic government, desperate for weapons to defend itself, the victim of a vicious hybrid war by Vladimir Putin's resurgent Russia, bought 75 1980s Saxon wheeled armored personnel carriers decommissioned from the British Army in the 1980s for ridiculous money through a private British intermediary in 2014, this caused numerous wry grins both in Britain itself and in Ukraine. "Old ugly pumpkins" - such memories Saxons left about themselves with many British military personnel, who compared them during their service with the latest Warrior infantry fighting vehicles and Challenger tanks. The Ukrainians themselves considered this purchase as an obviously temporary solution until more modern cars were received from the West.

A year after Saxon's arrival in Ukraine, estimates have changed dramatically. Maj. Peter Campbell, a spokesman for the British Military Advisory Mission in Ukraine, who is in charge of helping Ukrainians adopt Western vehicles and armored vehicles, says his Ukrainian charges are delighted with Saxon.

It is difficult for us to judge whether the Ukrainian military were delighted or simply put on a good face in a bad game, so that their overseas patrons would not "push" them with a new supply of something "cheerful".

A certain “Sparrow” from the 95th airmobile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine assured his British adviser that “Ukraine had not seen anything better than Saxon”, but he is now confident for life that “half an inch of Saxon armor is equal to an inch of Russian armor”.

And here are the sea trials of the "cool" armored personnel carrier and the old BRDM-2

Allegedly high in Saxon and mine resistance. Several cars were blown up by mines and IEDs, but the damage and casualties were insignificant ... the imitation explosive package, not otherwise, otherwise this Saxon would have blown into the meat (approx. Military observer)

Acquired in the UK Saxon AT-105 armored personnel carrier of the Ukrainian army (c) The Royal Armored Corps Journal

It is worth noting that in February 2016, these 19 Saxon armored vehicles were purchased from Mozambique and, for some reason, secretly loaded onto a ship at night and taken to Ukraine.

Decommissioned British Saxon AT-105 armored personnel carriers selected for acquisition by Ukraine (c) The Royal Armored Corps Journal Former British Saxon AT-105 armored personnel carriers purchased from Mozambique before being loaded for shipment to Ukraine at the seaport of Maputo, February 2016 (c) Peter Campbell / The Royal Armored Corps Journal
Armored personnel carriers "Saxon" are located on the territory of one of the military units. © Biryukov

Armored cars even before the mandrel to the front line managed to light up in an accident. A column of military equipment was moving along the highway leading to Kharkov. One of the drivers lost control, which caused the armored personnel carrier to fly into a ditch and roll over. The driver died on the spot. Another armored personnel carrier flew off the road and crashed into a fence.

Frame RIA Novosti Ukraine


Petro Poroshenko meets "fraternal" help. Photo:

HUMVEE cross-country vehicles for Ukraine were delivered in a “heavily used” configuration directly from Iraq. According to the testimony of the British military adviser in Ukraine, Major Peter Campbell (Peter Campbell), in a state unsuitable for movement, their tires simply crumbled, because the resource of the machines was actually exhausted. All weapons and equipment were removed from the vehicles.

But this is how Ukraine wanted to get them
Armored car HUMVEE from the forces of KFOR (Kosovo) migrated to Ukraine / Photo:
And this is him ... only at the LNR militia / Photo: TASS

Replica RPG-7 instead of Javelins

A military observer has already introduced you to the leaked details of a deal between the United States and Ukraine to buy replicas of Soviet RPG-7s instead of modern Javelin anti-tank systems. Recall that, according to documents worth more than half a million dollars, rather ancient weapons were delivered to Ukraine, albeit in a modern version.


It is reliably known about the supply and use of American long-range large-caliber sniper rifles 12.7 mm Barret M82 and M107 by units of the Armed Forces of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Barret M82 / Photo: Barret M107 /

Hello from Lebanon

We have already understood what a "high-quality" and most important MODERN weapon are supplied to the valiant Ukrainian army by its "allies", and now, let's pay attention to the recent American supply to Lebanon.

As the US Embassy in Lebanon reported on August 14, 2017, on that day, a ceremony was held in the port of Beirut to hand over the first eight M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles to the Lebanese army as part of American military assistance. The vehicles were transferred from the presence of the US Army (absolutely identical to those used by the Americans themselves) and were delivered to Beirut. In total, 32 M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles are expected to be transferred to Lebanon as part of the next US military assistance package worth more than $100 million.

The first eight M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles donated to the Lebanese Army as US military assistance. In the background, the first four M992 armored vehicles for transporting artillery ammunition are also visible. Beirut, 08/14/2017 (c) Bilal Hussein / AR
Ceremony for the handover of the first eight M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles to the Lebanese Army in the form of US military assistance, with the participation of US Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard. Beirut, 08/14/2017 (c) Bilal Hussein / AR The first eight M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles transferred to the Lebanese army as US military assistance. Beirut, 08/14/2017 (c) Bilal Hussein / AR

And here is a small list of lethal weapons for a small country with big American interests.

- M198 Howitzer howitzer - 40 units.

- Humvee armored vehicles - 50 units.

- light attack aircraft Cessna AC-208B Combat Caravan armed with Hellfire missiles - 1 unit.

- mortars - 55 units.

- AGS Mark-19 - 50 units.

- machine guns - 1100 units, including 800 machine guns of 50 caliber

- M4 rifles - 4000 units.

- more than half a million rounds

- night vision devices and thermal imaging systems - 320 units.

- radio stations with communication encryption - 360 units.

Simultaneously with eight M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, the first four M992 armored vehicles for transporting artillery ammunition were handed over to the Lebanese army. In March 2017, it became known about the upcoming transfer to Lebanon in the form of military assistance from the presence of the US Army 24 M109A5 self-propelled howitzers of 155 mm caliber and ten armored vehicles for transporting M992 artillery ammunition to them. Delivery of the rest of this equipment is expected before the end of the year.

For the first time, the United States is transferring abroad in the order of military assistance the BMP M2 Bradley from the presence. Lebanon thus became the second foreign operator of the BMP M2 Bradley after Saudi Arabia, which received 400 new production vehicles in 1991-1994.

Back in 2006, the government remembered that everything needed to create missiles was located on the territory of Dnepropetrovsk. As you know, during the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine abandoned its nuclear potential. But in connection with the unfolding events at the moment, there are more and more rumors that the country is again ready to develop missiles and other land-based weapons. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the actions of the state in recent years in order to determine what kind of modern Ukrainian missile weapons can be produced on the territory of this country.

The history of the resumption of the creation of rockets

In 2009, a column appeared in the country's budget on the allocation of funds for the creation of a combat missile, which will be called the Sapsan. The case cost just under $7 million. The project is the creation of a multifunctional operational-tactical complex to increase the country's ability to fend for itself. The main part of the funds was sent to the Yuzhnoye design bureau, which is located in Dnepropetrovsk. In the same year, the bureau was able to defend and convey to the government about the benefits of its development.

At that time, the Ministry of Defense fully supported the project and considered it necessary to create it. Another reason for resuming the production of missiles was the fact that by 2015-2016, that is, by now, the weapons that were in Ukraine will become unusable and will be subject to decommissioning. Therefore, when Viktor Yanukovych took office, he supported in 2011 the continuation of the production of the Sapsan complex. And in 2012, the project was suspended due to funding. But despite such interruptions in funding, the design bureau continues to create types of which are very diverse.

"Sapsan" now

The director of the Bureau tried to support the development, but still he did not succeed. First, the project lost its priority of importance, and then it was completely brought to naught. At the moment, the only prospect that awaits Ukraine regarding this complex is 2018. That is how much time the bureau needs to fully complete the project and provide the missile system for testing. At first it was assumed that the range of the missiles would be 280 kilometers with an accuracy of a couple of meters, but now Yuzhnoye is proposing to increase the range to 500 kilometers.

Rocket "Scud"

Back in 2010, it was announced that Scud liquid-fuel missiles were completely destroyed as a missile weapon of Ukraine. They were created during the Second World War. By the way, this model is considered one of the most common around the world. Recently it turned out that there are still some copies of this weapon on the territory of the country, and are actively used in the struggle between the east of Ukraine and the armed forces of the country.

It is worth noting that despite the range of this weapon (the radius of destruction is up to 300 kilometers), it is very inaccurate, hitting the target can deviate to a rather indefinite distance of up to 500 meters. At the same time, the unit weighs almost a ton.

Rocket "Point"

Ukraine still claims that it does not use these missiles. For the missile system to work, you need to know in advance the location of the enemy. Four warheads are produced with precisely specified coordinates. The blow is applied depending on the set coordinates and the range at which the shooting is carried out.

The error can be from 10 to 200 meters. In this case, one warhead strikes from 2 to about 6 hectares. The rocket's flight speed exceeds 1000 meters per second. This weapon can play a decisive role in any fight. But officially, Ukrainians refuse to use this type of weapon. It remains to be seen whether this warhead constitutes Ukraine's missile weapon.

Rocket "Grom-2"

Back in the early nineties, the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau presented the idea of ​​​​producing the Grom-2 operational-tactical missile. The range of its flight should be 500 meters. The original name of this project is "Borisfen". At that time, through this missile system, a new protective shield of Ukraine was to be created to replace obsolete weapons. At that time, there were more than 200 Scud and Tochka-U missile launchers in the country. But taking into account the social and economic state of the country, the creation of missiles was an irrelevant issue. In addition, the army was then constantly reduced. Then the Yuzhnoye State Bureau began to send sketches of their inventions to foreign exhibitions, where these rockets were called Thunder.

Ukrainian-made military weapons and equipment often attract attention at such international exhibitions. These developments involved the creation of a new generation of precision-guided weapons that would be capable of providing the country with a shield capable of withstanding a non-nuclear attack. The missile system was intended to destroy stationary group and single targets. The range of the missiles would be from 80 to 500 kilometers. In this case, the rockets would be quite light, less than half a ton. It was planned to create an onboard inertial type system equipped with navigation and guidance. The launcher would have an automatic character, and the basis for it would be a chassis with a complete set of automatic preparation for launching warheads.

Rocket "Korshun-2"

One of the priority tasks of the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau is the development of the Korshun-2 missile and rocket weapon system. This is a multifunctional missile system, the main task of which is to provide the country's shield capable of withstanding a non-nuclear attack. The project will use cruise missiles capable of hitting ground targets. In theory, he could fully represent Ukraine's missile weapons. The payload of the missiles does not exceed half a ton, and the range of the warhead is 300 kilometers. The estimated mass of the combat equipment of the complex will be 480 kilograms. The new cruise missile will reach a flight altitude of 50 kilometers with the ability to go around the terrain, taking into account its relief.

"Ukraine". missile cruiser

The country also has a missile cruiser, but, unfortunately, its use is impossible. Therefore, the head of the naval forces decided to sell it. With the proceeds, the country will be able to replenish its resources to protect water areas. The main problem of the missile cruiser is that almost 80 percent of the vessel operates with Russian equipment. This missile cruiser could well represent Ukraine's high-precision weapons. At the moment, such products are not produced on the territory of Ukraine, so the ship is, as they say, idle, and cannot serve the good of the motherland.

Unfortunately, the cost of the cruiser on the market is much lower than the country spent on its creation and maintenance, but now it is more profitable for the state to sell it than to continue to maintain and maintain the state. It could represent a new weapon of war for Ukraine, because the ship is equipped with a medium range, there are installations for anti-ship missiles, and 3 batteries of thirty-millimeter six-barreled guns are also installed. The cruiser is equipped with a torpedo tube, an artillery system, and this is not all that is installed on it.


It is known that Ukraine will start using modern small arms of the world only from 2016. Today, every Ukrainian soldier is equipped with a type of Kalashnikov assault rifle, one of the models of TT, PM or PS pistols, as well as a wide variety. In some cases, there are light machine guns and grenade launchers. For the fighters of some units, sniper rifles are issued.

There are models of Ukrainian-made weapons and units purchased abroad. Almost all of these weapons are left over from Soviet times. But the command is not going to stop at obsolete models, non-standard models are already being encountered, representing the new small arms of Ukraine. They are created both within the state and abroad. Basically, among the new weapons there are sniper rifles, pistols and other units for single weapons.

Nuclear weapons of Ukraine

According to experts, Ukraine lacks only money to create an atomic bomb. After all, everything else is present in the state in vast quantities. Resources are mined in local mines, and scientists have remained and are ready to resume their labor activity. In addition, there are carriers in Ukraine capable of delivering a ready-made bomb to enemy territory. In addition, there is also the equipment necessary to create a warhead. As we can see, Ukrainian still exists, at least according to experts and analysts.

Everyone is well aware that the country does not have money for this business, but the option of using old reserves is quite possible. During the disarmament of the country, part of the stocks of weapons disappeared. For example, one nuclear warhead and two strategic bombers are missing. At the end of the nineties, the elimination of all nuclear missiles in the territory was officially announced, but over time, more than thirty combat units were found in the warehouses. Therefore, according to foreign experts, if the weapon is found, it will be enough to deliver warning strikes and more.

BMPT "Azovets"

BMPT "Azovets" / Focus

Heavy infantry fighting vehicle (BMPT), presented in November 2015, looks, according to the publication, rather strange.

The vehicle received two combat modules, each of which has a 180-degree field of view. GSH-23 rapid-fire air guns and heavy machine guns are placed there.

Two anti-tank missiles can be installed on the BMP at once: "Stugna" and "Korsar". A vehicle based on the T-64 tank was created. Along the perimeter of the hull, blocks of dynamic protection "Knife" are installed.

In addition to the unusual appearance, the car is amazing for two more reasons.

  • this is one of the few infantry fighting vehicles created by the efforts of volunteers.
  • "Azovets" looks much more protected than serial samples of military equipment purchased for the needs of the Ukrainian army.

In particular, we are talking about modernized Soviet armored personnel carriers that do not meet the requirements of modern warfare and are pierced with 12.7 mm bullets.

Units armed with such equipment suffer heavy losses in the ATO zone, and the creation of a new heavy infantry fighting vehicle has become an urgent need. That's just talking about the prospects of the car in the circumstances is difficult, concludes the magazine.

New generation tank

Futurized main battle tank - this is the name given to the concept of the Ukrainian "tank of the future", which was first presented by Ukroboronprom and Spetstechnoexport at DEFEXPO India 2014.

According to the publication, this is an attempt to create an analogue of the Russian T-14, developed on the basis of the Armata platform. In the Ukrainian army, a new tank could replace the T-64 and T-72. On MBT, it is possible to install 6TD-4 engines with a power of 1500 hp. and 6TD-5 with a capacity of 1800 hp.

The motor will be located in front of the hull, and immediately behind it, the engineers placed a habitable module. As in the case of the Russian T-14, the new tank should receive an uninhabited remote-controlled tower.

The "main caliber" of the MBT could be the 125-mm Vityaz cannon or the promising 140-mm Bagheera.

In addition to them, it is planned to install an anti-aircraft machine gun, and the machine itself should receive reliable protection from most anti-tank weapons. Some of the decisions of the Soviet school of tank building are guessed in the design, but, obviously, the new tank is supposed to be created from scratch.

The Futurized main battle tank concept is interesting, but in the current conditions it looks almost fantastic, the publication believes and notes that the Ukrainian army has not received a single new tank throughout the war, and all the main battle tanks transferred to the Ministry of Defense are partially modernized old Soviet MBTs.

In conditions when it is even impossible to establish serial production of new BM "Oplot" tanks, it is not necessary to talk about the development of a new vehicle. The Ukrainian authorities admit that the country's military budget is about 40 times smaller than the Russian one. So the competitor of "Armata" can exist only on paper.


In the fall of 2015, the Motor Sich enterprise presented a helicopter, which was dubbed the "new attack helicopter".

However, the editors of the magazine are convinced that in reality this is a modification of the Soviet multi-purpose Mi-2, which took to the skies in the 60s. The Mi-2MSB-V was equipped with a new AI-450B engine, B-8MSB unguided missiles and machine guns.

According to the publication, the helicopter can perform strike missions, but with great difficulty. The Mi-2MSB-V has not received modern sighting devices, and there are no guided anti-tank missiles in its arsenal.

In addition, armoring a helicopter is completely insufficient (as for a strike vehicle). The reason for the jokes was the "Spartan" appearance of the Mi-2MSB-V: the left exhaust pipe with a homemade screen, for example, was compared by Runet users with a "kitchen hood", and in order to at least slightly increase the protection of the rotorcraft, it was proposed to equip it with a "bed net", notes magazine.

The publication believes that by the standards of the 21st century, a combat vehicle is an anachronism. But she can relatively successfully carry out reconnaissance missions.

This is assuming that someone will produce a new helicopter, the newspaper notes, adding that Ukraine does not have a full assembly cycle of rotorcraft, so we can talk about the modernization of already built models of equipment.

According to the publication, a more reasonable solution would be to purchase foreign attack and multi-purpose helicopters. However, this requires large financial resources.

Rifle "Gopak"

One of the novelties of 2015 in the world of domestic small arms was presented by Ukroboronprom.

The abbreviation GOPAK stands for "An operational portable rifle based on AK" ("Gvint_vka is operational portable based on AK").

According to the publication, this is an attempt to make a sniper weapon based on the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

There is nothing unusual in the concept itself, the magazine notes. On the basis of the AK, there are many different types of weapons. And the practice of creating sniper rifles based on machine guns is not so rare.

Another thing is the very approach to resolving the issue, the newspaper writes and adds that the rifle looks like it was developed not in the 21st century, but in the 70-80s of the 20th century. Almost everything in its appearance gives out AK, and other elements are directly borrowed from other samples of Soviet weapons.

The rifle is chambered for 7.62 × 39 mm, and the rate of fire can reach 30 rounds per minute. The creators dismantled the AK vent tube, handguard and handguard. A silencer was placed on the barrel, and a mount for mounting an optical sight was placed on the receiver.

The weapon also received a folding bipod from the RPK machine gun, and the regular butt was replaced with a butt from the Kalashnikov machine gun.

Now "Gopak" is being tested, and in the future it can be supplied to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. True, the prospects for large-scale production are doubtful.

Rifle based on DShK

According to the publication, this is the most unusual example of Ukrainian small arms - a large-caliber sniper rifle, created by volunteers on the basis of the DShK and transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The DShK easel machine gun has been in operation since 1938, and it took the volunteers several months to convert this weapon into a sniper rifle.

In general, the new product is most reminiscent of weapons from the popular fantasy universe Warhammer, the publication believes.

“Our army has enough high-power sniper rifles. This is the third generation of the rifle, the trigger has been moved, for example, a rear monopod has appeared, which improves accuracy and settings. The design of the muzzle brake-compensator has also changed, which reduces recoil and increases the accuracy of fire,” they said. volunteers about their brainchild.

The weapon is chambered for 12.7 mm. The creators themselves speak of "good prospects for the new complex."

Its analogue, with some reservations, can be called the Russian large-caliber sniper rifle ASVK, the newspaper notes.

The most advanced examples of such weapons are made in the States - we are talking about Barrett sniper rifles, including the famous Barrett M82.

Such complexes can be very useful when it comes to the disposal of unexploded ordnance or the incapacitation of enemy light armored vehicles, the magazine concludes.

Putin's aggression against Ukraine forces us to rethink the question of our country's defense capability

Ukraine, one of the world's largest arms exporters, is preparing for the 23rd anniversary of its Independence

Against the background of Russian aggression, which occupied the Ukrainian Crimea and provoked a bloody conflict in the Donbass, the country's defense is becoming a key priority.

The Ukrainian project of a multifunctional mobile missile system, in which it was proposed to use operational tactical, anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles as means of destruction. The Security Council of Ukraine decided to start developing this complex in 2007.

However, in the summer of 2013, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, headed by the Russian appointed fugitive Viktor Yanukovych, Pavel Lebedev, stopped funding the project, citing inefficient use of budget funds. In general, the cost of the Sapsan amounted to more than 200 million hryvnia.

3. Radio intelligence station Kolchuga

Photo: user Allocer / Wikipedia

Ukrainian automated station of passive electronic intelligence. Serial production started in 1987. The Kolchuga mobile station is based on two KrAZ-260 chassis.

After the start of production, development continued, which was completed in 2000. In 2001, the new Kolchuga-M was adopted by Ukraine. Several Ukrainian enterprises participated in the development of the new version of Kolchuga. In 2004, the Kolchuga product was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine.

4. Multiple launch rocket systems Bastion-I and Bastion-II

KrAZ-6322 RA Photo: AvtoKrAZ

Ukrainian version of the upgraded multiple launch rocket system Grad. It is being modernized by order of the military department by the Kharkov Automobile Repair Plant together with the State Enterprise Kharkov Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. Morozov. The platform of the combat complex is the Ukrainian KrAZ-6322 vehicle with a 6x6 wheel arrangement. KrAZ-6322RA Bastion-I with a chassis length of 8.5 m and KrAZ-6322RA Bastion-II with a chassis of 9.2 m.

The main difference of Bastion-II is the fast reloading system (UWR). On the machine, there are 40 additional rockets in special open clips. Using UWB, the reloading process takes about 2 minutes. Without it - 7 min. Both Bastions are equipped with satellite navigation systems, which significantly increases the autonomy on the march and firing position. The modernization used the developments of the State Enterprise Orizon-Navigation, which is part of the State Corporation Ukroboronprom. This enterprise is the leader in the post-Soviet space in the development of GLONASS / GPS receivers and systems based on them.

5. AN-70 short takeoff and landing military transport aircraft

An-70. Photo: GP Antonov

Medium-haul cargo (operational-tactical, military transport) aircraft of a new generation, developed by the Kiev Antonov ASTC. It was intended to replace the morally and technically obsolete An-12. He made his first flight in December 1994.

This aircraft is capable of transporting almost all landing equipment and weapons with a total weight of 35-47 tons. It can carry out airborne landing of up to 110 people of personnel and equipment, including monocargoes weighing up to 21 tons. It freely accommodates 300 soldiers with personal weapons, or 206 the wounded and sick.

6. Project 958 amphibious hovercraft

Photo: Ukroboronprom

The scope of destination is the reception of military equipment and personnel of forward detachments of amphibious assault forces from an equipped or not equipped coast, their transportation by sea, landing on an unequipped coast and fire support. Producer - Feodosiya shipbuilding company More.

In Ukraine, it was planned to build two ships MDK pr. 958 Bizon, two more ships will be built in China. In 2013, the first such ship was launched, loaded onto a transport ship, and shipped to China.

7. River armored boat Gyurza

Photo: Ukroboronprom

Producer - State Enterprise Experimental Design Center of Shipbuilding (Nikolaev). Designed to protect the state border, control navigation on border rivers, lakes and other water bodies. On October 25, 2012 in Kiev, at the Leninsky smithy plant, a solemn ceremony of laying two armored artillery boats of project 58155 Gyurza-M for the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine took place. In total, by 2017, it is planned to build 9 Gyurza-M boats.

The armament of the boat consists of two remotely controlled naval combat modules BM-5M.01 Katran-M manufactured by the State Enterprise Nikolaev Repair and Mechanical Plant, which are a variant of the combat module BM-3 Shturm for armored vehicles. Each Katran-M module has a 30 mm ZTM1 automatic cannon, a 30 mm automatic grenade launcher and a 7.62 mm KT machine gun, as well as two Barrier ATGMs with a laser guidance system. The boat is equipped with an optical-electronic fire control system and a set of portable air defense systems.

8. Main battle tank BM Oplot

Photo: Ukroboronprom

The main battle tank Oplot, produced by V. A. Malyshev State Enterprise Plant, is a combat tracked vehicle that has high firepower, reliable protection and high mobility. The tank is designed to engage fire with all types of ground (surface) and low-flying air targets at low speeds in the face of enemy fire opposition.

The solution of a wide range of combat missions is possible in various climatic, meteorological and road conditions in the ambient temperature range from minus 40 ° C to plus 55 ° C, relative air humidity up to 98% at a temperature of plus 25 ° C, altitude up to 3 thousand meters above sea ​​level and air dust content encountered during actual operation.

9. Main battle tank BM Bulat

Photo: Ukroboronprom

Manufacturer: State Enterprise Plant named after V. A. Malyshev. Bulat is the result of the modernization of the T-64B tank. The purpose of modernization is to bring the combat and technical characteristics of the tank to the modern level.

It is used to support military personnel during a battle, overcome an enemy’s multi-echelon military redoubt, overcome water barriers and wetlands, quickly respond to an enemy counteroffensive, and accomplish other goals.

10. Armored personnel carrier BTR-4

Photo: Ukroboronprom

The armored personnel carrier was produced at the Kharkiv Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering named after A. A. Morozov. Designed for transportation of personnel of motorized rifle units and their fire support in battle. The armored personnel carrier is used to equip units capable of conducting combat operations in various conditions, including when the enemy uses weapons of mass destruction.

An armored personnel carrier can be the base vehicle for equipping special rapid reaction forces and marines. The armored personnel carrier can perform assigned tasks both day and night, in various climatic conditions, on roads with various surfaces and in complete off-road conditions. Operating ambient temperature range from -40 to +55 ° С.

11. Self-propelled mortar caliber 120mm BTR-3M2

Photo: Ukroboronprom

This armored personnel carrier was also created at the Kiev Armored Plant. Designed for direct fire support of infantry units, it is able to follow tanks, immediately overcome trenches, trenches and water barriers.

It can be used to conduct offensive and defensive combat operations to solve the following tasks: suppression of firing points; destruction of enemy manpower, the destruction of wire obstacles, the destruction of the material part of the enemy located behind shelters inaccessible to flat small arms and artillery fire, as well as those located openly.

12. Armored car Dozor-B

Photo: Ukroboronprom

Dozor-B is another development of the Kiev Armored Plant. The armored car is designed to transport personnel of units to the battlefield and fire support for them on the battlefield when dismounting, as well as to transport cargo in the event of the possible use of small arms and weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Dozor-B can be effectively used to equip special units of the armed forces (rapid reaction forces and military police) when they perform reconnaissance, patrol, and peacekeeping operations.

13. Armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle (BRDM-2DI) Khazar

A modernized version of the BRDM-2 machine - Khazar is a two-axle, all-wheel drive, floating machine, has high dynamic qualities, a large power reserve, increased cross-country ability, capable of overcoming water obstacles on the move, equipped with a powerful Iveco diesel engine and additional wheels that allow you to overcome trenches, trenches.

Production of the Nikolaev armored plant. Designed for conducting reconnaissance in combat and fire support for mechanized units. It can be equipped with different types of weapons.

14. Kraz MPV TC (Shrek One)

Photo: AvtoKrAZ

The KrAZ MPV TC vehicle is designed to transport mine-protected personnel in explosive environments. Among the main characteristics is mine protection: two TM-57 mines (14 kg of TNT) under any wheel, one TM-57 mine (7 kg of TNT) under the bottom. Ballistic protection: B6+ / STANAG 4569 level 2. V-bottom.

In terms of protection, vertical walls and bulletproof glass according to NATO standards are comparable to level 3A. The explosion-proof material used is somewhat superior to the level of protection of the NATO level 2 standard.

15. A automatic grenade launcher UAG - 40

Production - PJSC Plant Leninskaya Kuznya. It fires at a distance of 2,200 meters, is an effective tool both against enemy manpower and against lightly armored vehicles and protective structures.

A high level of mobility, together with the absence of the need to prepare a position for firing, makes it possible to quickly change the firing position in an attacking battle both in open space and in an urbanized environment.

16. Grenade launcher GR-1

Producer: State Enterprise Zhytomyr Armored Plant. The grenade launcher GR-1 of the Zhytomyr Armored Plant is designed to destroy unprotected enemy manpower located both in open areas and behind obstacles.

It is used for conducting mounted fire and a highly effective means of covering enemy manpower, both in open areas and along reverse slopes of heights and other similar obstacles. It is also installed on modern military equipment - BMP-1M, BTR-3E1, BTR-4, tower module KBA-105TB and other combat vehicles and modules.

17. Portable anti-tank missile system Skif

The Skif man-portable anti-tank missile system is manufactured by State Enterprise Kiev State Design Bureau Luch. It is designed to destroy manpower, mobile and stationary modern armored targets with combined, spaced or monolithic armor, including those with dynamic protection, as well as small targets such as long-term firing points, a tank in a trench, lightly armored objects and helicopters.

A feature of the complex is the ability to aim a missile at a target from closed positions and storage facilities, which reduces the risk of destroying the gunner with an enemy backfire. The complex is equipped with 130 mm and 152 mm caliber missiles in transport and launch containers with tandem cumulative (ZhK-2S, RK-2M-K) and high-explosive fragmentation (ZhK-2OF, ZhK-2M-OF) warheads.

18. High-precision guided artillery projectile Kvіtnik with semi-active laser homing

Producer: State enterprise Research and production complex Progress. The Tsvetnik-type projectile is designed for high-precision engagement of various targets when fired from an artillery system as part of a guided artillery weapon system. It was created with a significantly lower weight and characteristics of defeating the enemy, which exceed Russian counterparts.

The semi-active laser guidance system allows the use of ammunition not only against armored vehicles, but also against other important military installations. The general designer of the Central Design Bureau Accuracy noted that Kvitnik "reduces the performance of a combat mission by 10-15 times", and 16 such highly effective ammunition can do the "work" of 800 conventional projectiles.

19. Alta (ATGM)

Photo: SE State Kiev Design Bureau Luch

The first Ukrainian anti-tank guided missile of air-to-surface and surface-to-surface classes with combined guidance that implements the principle of fire and forget. This solution allows you to hit almost any target, including those that do not have sufficient contrast against the background of the terrain.

The complex with the Alta missile can be installed on a helicopter, armored vehicles or a boat. ATGM Alta was first presented at the IDEX-2007 arms exhibition. This rocket is a joint development of KB Luch and GAHG Artem.

20. Unmanned aircraft complex MRE class Strepet-L

Photo: Ukroboronprom

Manufacturer: State Enterprise Chuguev Aviation Repair Plant. The MRE Strepet-L unmanned aerial system can also be used in the military sphere: reconnaissance, determination of target coordinates, control after strikes, convoy escort; and for civilian purposes: border patrol, law enforcement, emergencies and natural disasters, traffic, etc..

Strepet-L can fly at a distance of 250-300 km or in automatic flight cover distances of about 3 thousand km. It can be used in both military and civilian areas. The standard set of the complex includes 3-4 vehicles, a tracking and control station, a transportation vehicle and a catapult.

21. VPR 338 sniper rifle

Photo: Mayak plant

The weapon is a single, five or 10-shot bolt action rifle. The receiver is made of stainless steel. The rifle is equipped with an adjustable trigger, length-adjustable stock and a polymer stock with a Picatinny rail. In the multi-shot version, the cartridges are fed from a box magazine. It is possible to install complex bipods, optical and night sights.

At the end of July 2014, the first batch of VPR-308 was presented on the territory of the first operational brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. At least 12 sets were purchased for the needs of the National Guard. The entire batch was sent to the units on the same day. Production of the Kiev plant MAYAK. The muzzle velocity of the VPR.308Win bullet is 830 m/s, the effective range is 900 m, the caliber is 7.62x51 mm. The initial speed of the VPR.338LM bullet is 915 m / s, the aiming range is 1500 m, the caliber is 8.6x70 mm.

22. KM 7.62

Photo: Mayak plant

KM-7.62 - a machine gun developed in Ukraine at the Mayak plant according to the PKM machine gun scheme. The KM significantly reduced weight and increased ease of use compared to the initial Kalashnikov machine gun. The weight of the machine gun was reduced by 1.5 kg.

Designed for arming military units and special forces. Rate of fire - 650 rounds per minute, effective range - 1500 meters.

23. Fort-14TP

Photo: Fort

Ukrainian pistol Fort-14TP combines accuracy, reliability, ease of operation. A distinctive feature of the pistol is a fixed, easily removable barrel and a balanced design. With a longer barrel and longer line of sight, it remains accurate even when shooting hard. According to the manufacturer, this is why Fort-14TP is the choice of many special forces.

The complex consists of a Fort-14TP pistol, a tactical flashlight LT-6A and a device for reducing the sound level of a Fort-4 shot, and can additionally be equipped with an increased-capacity magazine. Production - State Research and Production Association Fort of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

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