Dream interpretation black raven. Raven: what is the dream about. I dreamed of a large individual, small or chick

The raven is a symbol of wisdom, a symbol of knowledge.

Why does he appear in a dream?

What does the dream mean in which it plays the main role? It is worth understanding.

Why does the black raven dream - the main interpretation

The raven is a mystical character in many epics. Our ancestors believed that in the guise of a raven, ancient spirits descend on the earth, who are the patrons of the clan and entire peoples. However, in dreams, the raven symbol speaks not only of the wisdom of the one who dreamed about this bird, but also of the tendency to loneliness. A person can be in search of his inner "I" and this is not a strangeness at all, but his destiny.

Also, a raven that suddenly flew into your home is a sure symbol of the fact that enemies will attack you. You should be on your guard and not give up your positions in the fight against them. You, most likely, know who you are talking about, but you decided to forgive the person for his attacks and in vain - he is again plotting something bad about you.

Also, those people who in life are associated with mysticism and esotericism should perceive the crow in a dream as a symbol of enlightenment, the opportunity to master secret knowledge. This will not be given to everyone, but whoever knows how to master them will open up new horizons in life.

If in a dream you kill a crow, you will defeat enemies and unforeseen situations. If you were sick and killed a crow in a dream, you will defeat the disease and remain in good health for a long time.

Why does the black raven dream according to Freud's dream book

Why is the black raven dreaming about Freud's dream book? Such a dream suggests that the relationship between a man and a woman is exclusively platonic in nature. People do not know each other, it is difficult for them to navigate in life. Such partners are connected exclusively by sex and everyday life is a burden for them.

If you have a dream in which a crow screams loudly, it means that the relationship is being discussed behind your back. This is unacceptable and it is worth stopping any discussion in order to preserve the relationship. If a raven is closely following you in a dream, someone is closely following your relationship. What does it mean? You do not notice envious people and rivals. But often, many seek to get the forbidden fruit and interfere in other people's relationships.

If in a dream your beloved turns into a crow, you should consider such a dream as a warning that she is hiding a lot from you. Perhaps we are not talking about treason - but it is worth taking a closer look at her words and actions.

A croaking crow can be a harbinger of the end of a relationship, but if a crow croaks over the grave, relationships from the past will re-enter your life. They will renew with renewed vigor and this time they will only bring joy.

If a crow sat down in a dream at your doorstep, it is worth waiting for replenishment in the family, while the pregnancy will be quite troublesome. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, this is certainly a bad sign, which warns her against the fact that enemies and ill-wishers will wish her child's death. She should protect herself and her child.

Why does the black raven dream according to Miller's dream book

Why is the black raven dreaming? Miller's dream book says that a raven in a dream not only portends trouble, but also the receipt of such information you need. If a raven sits on your shoulder or on your hand in a dream, your enemy will become your companion in a very important matter. Do not reject his help, as it will be really valuable and long-awaited.

If a young girl dreams of a raven flying through her window, a new boyfriend will burst into her life. It will be a real holiday, a real extravaganza that will end in tears. Most likely, her new man is a tyrant and will humiliate her companion in every possible way and mock her. If a pregnant woman dreams of a black raven circling over her, such a dream speaks of a serious illness or fetal fading. She will need to monitor her health in the near future and not travel.

If a man dreams that a raven is pursuing his companion, he will fall into the power of evil tongues, which simply seek to destroy their union. Don't take gossip seriously. It is better to give each other a few bright and joyful days. Even if this does not help to avoid trouble, it will give hope for the completion of the black strip in life. If a black raven is carried away in a dream, black rumor will bypass you, as well as grief in general.

Why does the black raven dream about other dream books

In the Russian folk dream book the raven symbolizes impending troubles and troubles, he speaks of the wisdom of a person who appeared in a dream and that he will defeat ill-wishers thanks to his ingenuity.

The dream book also says that if a raven appeared to her husband in a dream, this is a sure sign that his wife is not faithful to him. If the wife had such a dream, then the husband is not faithful to her. If a raven attacks a person in a dream, this is a sign of impending death. If the crow croaks loudly and for a long time, then it is worth waiting for bad news, grief.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that if a raven sits on a high tree - such a dream says that you are still far from the end of the case. If the crow leaves the nest in a dream, you will have to put off everything you started on the back burner.

A raven looking with a gaze - you will see something terrible in reality;

If a raven is circling above you - soon you will be in trouble;

The raven is not only spinning, but also croaking - the disease will strike your loved one;

A raven carrying a snake in its paws promises the purchase of a useless thing that will cause a lot of trouble;

A loudly croaking crow suggests that you should less express your resentment towards other people, since it is not always appropriate.

In a dream book for the whole family it is said that a white bird in a dream is a symbol of the end of troubles, a negative period in life, but if the raven is black, such a dream speaks of the illness of one of the relatives. Also, a white bird in a dream speaks of the imminent recovery of someone close. If in a dream the crow does not see you point-blank, it means that your life partner also does not respect you and does not give meaning to your words.

In a modern dream book it is said that a raven in a dream is often a symbol of negative events, but if you kill him, you can overcome the intrigues of fate - you just have to want to. A flock of ravens - they will try to cheat you for money. Do not engage in financial scams. If the raven carried something in its beak and dropped it, you will receive unexpected income or the opportunity to improve your life.

In the French dream book it is said that the raven portends sorrow in reality if it appeared in a dream. If he spreads his wings over you, then you will be in danger. At the same time, a dream can speak both of a health hazard and a danger in personal life, in the financial sphere. It will no longer be possible to avoid it, but you can reduce the amount of its influence on you.

If a crow croaks over you, you will lose the trust of your friends. If a flock of ravens is flying over you, you should expect hunger and trouble. If you see how the raven died, or you killed him in a dream, you can overcome all the sorrows and sorrows. If your loved one turns into a crow in a dream, you should be afraid of him, because this is not the person he wants to seem like, you entrusted your life to the wrong man.

In Vanga's dream book it is said that the raven does not always portend sadness. If a person is close in his life to healing, then a dream in which a raven appears may say that he will have to save a huge number of people from illness and grief. If a raven speaks to you in a dream in a human language, remember every word of it, hidden knowledge, secret knowledge are hidden in them, they are not subject to anyone.

If a raven dreams of a person far from healing, then such a dream promises only grief and misfortune. It is worth evaluating the whole plot of the dream in order to understand why you caused the trouble, what your actions led to such disastrous consequences.

Seeing a crow in a dream means losses;

Cry - to grief;

Flying around - to death in the house;

If crows steal something in a dream, you are afraid of something in reality so much that this fear fetters all your actions;

If you scared off the ravens in a dream, you will bring scammers and thieves out into the open.

It turns out that a dream in which a raven appears is a sign of trouble. But what if a person does not know where the grief will come from? The best thing is to remember all the little things and details of the dream. In order to recall a dream, it is quite convenient to lie down and start watching it like a movie, recalling picture after picture from a dream. Any silhouette, any shadow, phrase, or thing - can indicate an ill-wisher. How does he relate to such dreams - with gratitude and awe, since life with the help of such dreams gives a person worthwhile clues.

Miller's dream book

A crow in a dream- usually to sad events.

Hear their croak- means an adverse effect on you and, as a result, erroneous actions. Of young men this dream- warns of tricks and intrigues against them of the fair sex.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Crow- a harbinger of change. Reflection of messages from the world of the Spirit. The need for integrity. The need to pay attention to the limitations of your perception. The need to transform and learn a different reality. The need for a straight path.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

See a crow- to illness; hear- to bad news.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Crow to see- a loss; hear the scream- misfortune; see those flying around the house- death; see how they steal- you are experiencing mortal fear; frighten

Flying crows- near death; catch with your hands- disagreement; on the trees- family gathering, hear a croak- to receive bad news.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

See a crow in a dream- portends a turn in fate for the worse. For a young girl- this is a warning about the infidelity of a loved one. Raven flying around the house- a harbinger of someone's death in the house. Cawing Raven- unfortunately in a family of friends or neighbors. Raven pecking something- you will experience mortal fear.

Scare away the crow that flew away from you with a cry- track down a thief or a swindler. Kill the crow- escape from a dangerous opponent. Eat raven meat- to trouble in love.

Seeing a crow in a dream- a harbinger of sad events, losses and bad news. Flying crows- to the funeral. Cawing crows- you will make a number of mistakes under the influence of those who are extremely interested in this.

Catching crows- you will not find a common language with those with whom there was, it would seem, complete mutual understanding. A flock of crows perched on a tree- have to go to a meeting, which will be of no use. Wounded crow- something is up against you on the part of men.

Female dream book

Raven or crow- sad messengers, announcing with their cry and even by their very appearance about unhappy events and disasters.

Crowing crows in a dream- warns that as a result of unfavorable external influences you will commit erroneous actions. Young men have such a dream- warns against female tricks and intrigues.

If crows completely cover the ground with their flock (field)- such a dream predicts a lean year and high prices.

General dream book

Dreamed of a raven- expect bad news.

If you dreamed about a dead raven- someone from your acquaintances will receive bad news.

In a dream, you became a raven- get ready for big business troubles.

If you dreamed that you threw a stone at a crow- know: soon things will go badly, and you will have a lot of trouble to fix them.

You watched someone throw a stone at a crow- to unpleasant news from distant relatives.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

In many cultures, the crow- is considered a powerful sign.

The ancient Chinese claimed that the crow- symbolizes the isolation of the individual living in the higher spheres.

American Indians endowed the crow- mystical forces and considered her the creator of the visible world. Celts, Germans and peoples of Siberia attributed similar properties to it.

It was believed that the raven eye- is the entrance to the supernatural worlds and mysteries of life. The crow also carried messages from the spirit world.

The natives believed that the crow- has the ability to reincarnate and can enter other spheres of consciousness. According to their ideas, the crow could not only take any physical form, but also be in different places at the same time. The abode of the raven is outside the world of time and space. She can penetrate into the past, present and future, fly away into the light and plunge into darkness.

The first alchemists used the crow- as a symbol of the "original" state, in which both spiritual and physical principles merged.

Croaking- dreaming of losses.

If in a dream you participate in a raven hunt- a good harvest is expected.

Flocks of crows you dreamed on the plain- predict disasters and famine.

To see the ravens dead is a very good sign.

Crows in flight- warn of the mortal danger awaiting those to whom they fly.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before lunchtime.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Troubles as salvation"

Once the ravens and kites agreed among themselves that they would share the prey equally.
This will allow them to exist calmly and without hostility, together to hunt with a vengeance.

One day a fox, wounded by hunters, lay under a tree.
The birds surrounded her and have already begun to divide who will get what part of this prey for themselves.

The crows decided they wanted to take the front part of the carcass, and the kites agreed that they would take the back.

Then the sly fox, as if by chance, declared:
- I always thought that kites are more noble birds than crows, and therefore, the most delicious part of the carcass - the front, should go to them. I don’t understand why they give this to the crows?

Indeed, the kites seriously thought about what the fox had said.

They paused and after a while they said:
- The fox is right! We have more front end rights.
We are birds of a higher flight.
Let the crows take the back.

The crows were furious.

No one will remember who pecked whom first, but a fierce battle began between the predators.
Feathers flew, blood poured.

The fox just watched and waited for the outcome of the battle.
No one was left alive.
The whole clearing was covered with carcasses of dead birds.

The fox, having satiated itself with fresh meat of both varieties, got better, healed the wounds and went home.

It is generally accepted that a dream in which you saw a black raven does not bode well. Why do black crows dream? Since ancient times, people have attributed their misfortunes to these birds because of their gloomy dark color and connection with the cemetery.

In many primitive cultures of Asia, Ancient Russia and America, as well as among admirers of shamanism, the black raven has always been considered a mystical harbinger of troubles and hardships, a kind of mythical antagonist, bringing on misfortune and sorrow. Most often, the image of a raven can be found in cemeteries, a black bird is associated with death, Hell, something demonic. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the huge number of interpretations of the dream, in which the black raven appears, in a negative way.

In most cases, the raven serves as a messenger, warning the dreamer or dreamer of upcoming troubles, failures and tragedies.

In the same time many peoples considered the crow a symbol of wisdom, therefore, a dreaming bird does not have to be a harbinger of misfortune, perhaps it is just a warning, and it is in your power to prevent trouble. A similar interpretation applies to a dream where a crow knocks on a window.

  • If she flew into your house, you should expect the arrival of unpleasant guests.
  • And the bird flying away from the nest warns against new beginnings, which may bring some troubles in the future.

Some dreams involving a black crow are also interpreted as positive portents.

  • For example, dead bird promises good luck and safe avoidance of trouble, a lonely bird in a cloudless sky is the beginning of a new stage in life, and a dreaming chick indicates impending positive changes in personal relationships.
  • Particular attention should be paid to a dream in which a talking raven is present.... You need to listen carefully to what he said and try to decipher. This is a hint to help you solve problems. The larger the bird and the more human features it has, the more likely it is that in real life there will be a reliable companion who will become a teacher and support for you. The appearance of an ally will also be indicated by a dream in which you feed the crow from your hand.
  • A black raven flying across the sky and dropping something, especially if this "something" falls at the feet of the dreamer or dreamer, portends wealth or an unexpected, but pleasant and valuable find.
This is where the positive interpretation of dreams with the participation of a black crow ends. The following are interpretations from the most popular dream books, mostly negative.

Negative interpretations of sleep with black crows

The raven itself is a harbinger of something bad, really bad.

The black bird can portend to the dreamer or dreamer problems at work, discord in relations with a loved one, quarrels with family, scandals with friends, physical illness and even death.
  • A flock of black ravens flying across the sky foreshadows a gloomy and sad funeral procession. The dreamer or dreamer does not have to fear for his own life, but he or she risks losing someone close.
  • It is believed that, croaking in a dream, the black raven calls on bad weather... It is better for the dreamer or dreamer not to plan any grand trips or events in the near future.
  • Many croaking black ravens in a dream - a harbinger of gossip, evil tongues. There are many people around the dreamer or dreamer who yearn for his or her money, fame, seeking to dishonor his or her good, honest name
After such a dream, you need to be careful not to trust anyone from your environment - especially unfamiliar people - and try to limit your social circle exclusively to those people who in no case have any doubts.

Actions of the black crow in a dream

  • A black raven flying towards the dreamer or dreamer in a dream portends a real physical danger in reality. This could be a risk of becoming seriously ill. The reason for this will be numerous stresses, nervous tension and bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, improper diet, a sedentary lifestyle.
The dreamer or dreamer should also be wary of all sorts of surprises: it will not be superfluous to look around several times before crossing the street, and it is better to refuse to walk in splendid isolation at night.
  • A black crow eating something in a dream is a harbinger of problems in his personal life.... The dreamer or dreamer should pay more attention to his soul mate: it is possible that she has been dreaming about going "to the left" for quite a long time. Accordingly, a well-fed black raven dreams of an already committed adultery.
  • Flying and croaking black raven in a dream - a bad omen. Such a dream promises to receive unpleasant news.
  • If in a dream the black raven does not pay attention to the dreamer or dreamer, in reality he or she may be overwhelmed by a feeling of deep melancholy.
  • A dying black crow in a dream portends a meeting with a swindler.
There is a black crow in a dream - one of the most unpleasant omens.

Such a dream portends to the dreamer or dreamer a series of minor failures, domestic troubles, skirmishes and squabbles, which, in general, will leave him or her in a bad mood and pretty much spoil his or her life.

Interpretation in Wanga's dream book

In this dream book black crow is a harbinger of misfortune, bad news and troubles... If the dreaming bird screamed, a serious illness or death should be expected. In case you had to kill a raven in a dream, get ready for the fact that you will be powerless in trying to help a sick person, and he will most likely die.

  • Ravens building nests in a dream - a sign of an impending epidemic, which will amaze people, livestock and all living things around.
  • If black crows cover the ground with their flock, you should prepare for a lean year... Hunting for crows in a dream, on the contrary, predicts an extremely prolific harvest or a good result from a business in which a lot of effort has been invested.
  • A flock of birds circling in the air is a symbol of political conflict that will entail many human casualties.
Wang sees salvation from all these misfortunes in prayers, patience with others, water and herbs.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller's dream book

Black the raven is considered a harbinger of sad events, and heard croaking warns against the danger of betrayal or negative influence.

Especially you should pay attention to this dream for a young man, perhaps a woman weaves an intrigue against him.

A bird sitting on a tree symbolizes trials that have yet to be passed... If in a dream you cannot drive her away, it is likely that you will part with a loved one.

Freud's dream book

An interesting interpretation is given in this dream book, indicating a problem in his personal life. According to Freud, dreamed black crow symbolizes a relationship in which the sexual side prevails over the spiritual... In other words, you yourself do not know what connects you with your partner, except for the bed, because at normal times you cannot even find common topics for conversation, let alone harmony and mutual understanding. Such a dream encourages you to think about the current state of affairs and understand whether you really need this relationship.

Dream interpretation Raven - to see a crow in a dream is a sign of close sadness. The wing of a raven, spread over you, means an imminent danger in reality. Cawing crow - dreaming of losses. If in a dream you participate in a raven hunt, a good harvest is expected. The flocks of crows that you dreamed about on the plain predict disaster and famine. Seeing the ravens dead is a very good sign. Ravens in flight - warn of mortal danger awaiting those to whom they fly. If in a dream your husband turns into a crow, this is a sign of sadness. Old French dream book

Dream interpretation Raven A raven seen in a dream is a harbinger of trouble, trouble, failure and even death. Many people associate their grief with this bird, perhaps because of its black color, or perhaps because crows are an integral part of any cemetery and, according to legends that have come down to us, they peck out the eyes of the dead. There are many folk signs associated with this deadly bird. Perhaps these signs, deposited in your subconscious, evoked the image of a raven in a dream: “A raven croaks to the dead man”, “Whoever sings in the forest and sees a crow will stumble upon a wolf”, “A raven croaks at a church - to a dead man in the village; croaking on the ground - to the dead man in the yard "," Through which the yard crows flew croaking, there will be a dead man. " Watching in a dream how the crow leaves its nest is a harbinger of the fact that you should abandon the business you have begun, because it will bring only troubles and misfortunes. To see a crow sitting on a high tree in a dream means that your troubles will not end soon, and therefore in real life you should gain strength and with dignity overcome all life's adversities. If in a dream a crow looks at you with a intent gaze, then you will become an involuntary witness of a sad incident. If you dreamed that a raven was circling over your head, then such a dream prophesies trouble. If a raven is circling above you screaming, then this is a fatal symbol, testifying to a serious illness or death of a person close to you. Ruining crow's nests in a dream is a sign that you should abandon the business you have begun, because it will bring great misfortune. Perhaps such a dream suggests that, unexpectedly for yourself, you will become the cause of the death of a loved one. If in a dream you saw a raven carrying a snake in its paws, then such a dream suggests that soon you will have the opportunity to make a valuable, in your opinion, acquisition that will cause you a lot of trouble. If you dreamed of a loudly croaking crow, then the dream warns that in real life you should be very careful in communicating with other people, because with your sometimes very harsh words and unfounded remarks you greatly offend others, as a result of which there is a possibility that soon you will be completely without friends. So this dream is a clear confirmation of one simple truth: before you say something, you need to think several times. Aesop's dream book

The meaning of Raven's sleep The raven symbolizes a deceitful, arrogant, greedy and irreligious person. Catching a crow in a dream means making money in a dishonest way. There is crow meat - to the possible receipt of money from thieves. Seeing a crow on the doors of your own house is a serious crime, possibly murder. Islamic dream book

Dream Raven To see a crow in a dream portends a turn in fate for the worse. For a young girl, this is a warning about the infidelity of a loved one. A raven flying around the house is a harbinger of someone's death in the house. Cawing crow - unfortunately in a family of friends or neighbors. A raven biting something - you will experience mortal fear. Scare away a crow that has flown away from you with a cry - track down a thief or a swindler. Kill a crow - escape from a dangerous opponent. There is raven meat - to trouble in love. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why is Raven dreaming, crow Usually a crow dreams of sad events. Hearing the croaking of a crow in a dream is a sign of bad influence and erroneous actions. This dream warns young men of tricks and intrigues against them on the part of the fair sex. A dream in which a crow or raven appears can also mean that in your relationship, the outside obscures the inner essence. You have sexual compatibility, but whether there is love, you do not know. Think about what feelings besides passion bind you and make your union so attractive? Do you have common interests or are you having a hard time finding topics of conversation? Vanga considered the crow a sad messenger who warns of possible misfortunes and troubles. She interpreted dreams about a raven as follows: If you dreamed of a flock of crows circling in the air, then soon there would be a military conflict and many people would suffer. We saw a screaming crow - a sure sign that death is hanging over your house. Only sincere prayer will help you to be saved. A dream in which crows build nests in trees portends illness. Salvation will be found in water, herbs, prayers and mercy. If the crows completely cover the ground (field), then the year will be bad. They killed a crow in a dream - in reality you will be powerless before the illness of one of your loved ones. Large universal dream book

Dream interpretation Raven For women: It all depends on its color. If he is black, someone close to him will become seriously ill; if white - on the contrary, he will recover. Cawing crow - brings evil and misfortune to the house. A dying crow - a new friend (girlfriend) will appear. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it couldn't be better, everything is fine; if - from Saturday to Sunday, the upcoming changes in your personal life will be of great importance and consequences not only for you; sleep from Sunday to Monday means a trip abroad. Most often, if in a dream the crow does not pay attention to you, it means that your "soul mate" is going "to the left."
For men: This bird portends disaster, problems and the collapse of immediate plans. A dream is especially unfavorable if you dreamed of a croaking crow or a flock of crows. Even if you are very careful and vigilant, problems cannot be avoided. The only thing you can do is get through the "black" streak in your life by philosophical approach to the problems.

The dream book is a useful book and can give us a lot of information.

Through dream books, you can reveal the secrets of life, find out the hidden, encrypted, understand the right direction and where luck hides, and where to expect danger.

But dream interpreters have a lot of descriptions and answers - and a single symbol can have a huge number of meanings, possibly radically different, unique and invariably important.

One of the oldest and most secret symbols is the crow. This bird is shrouded in secrets, it lives in many fairy tales, ancient legends and traditions.

Many peoples endowed the raven with mystical properties: some considered it a messenger from the afterlife, others believed and even were convinced that the black-winged bird is a guide between the worlds, and the guide of lost souls.

But to understand what the crow is dreaming of is already more difficult - this is too a mysterious character. It may seem that the crow is a messenger of troubles and sorrows, but you should not rush and blindly trust the first sensation.

It is better to remember which crow was present in your dream, how it behaved, and the meaning of dreams will depend on this, and your further behavior in reality. "Crow" dreams are as follows:

  • You just saw a crow in a dream - the most ordinary one, from the side.
  • You dreamed about a large, ancient raven.
  • You saw in your dreams a lot of crows, a large flock.
  • Heard a crow caw in a dream.
  • We saw the crows screaming and fighting.
  • I dreamed about a dead crow.
  • You saw a black crow flying in a dream.
  • The bird dreamed in a cage.
  • We saw her leave her nest.
  • You dreamed of crows sitting in trees.
  • In a dream, the crow gazed intently into your eyes.
  • She sat next to me.
  • In a dream, a crow flew into your house, through the window.
  • You killed a crow in a dream.
  • They ate her meat.
  • They hunted a crow, chased it.
  • We were catching the crows with our hands.
  • You kept the crow in your sleep.
  • They took the little ravens into their hands.

All these "raven" dreams are filled with deep meanings, and interpreters will reveal them to us. The main thing is to remember all the necessary details, and not to confuse anything - after all, it is about your fate in reality!

A crow in the distance

Often, animals and birds in dreams come, appearing to the side, without coming into contact with the dreamer. If you saw a crow in a dream from the side, you did not even touch it with your finger - what does this mean?

1. According to the dream book, a crow seen in dreams portends joy and a feeling of inner strength, power, confidence and fearlessness. But the interpreter warns - do not be too careless, do not play with fate.

2. A large raven, ancient and pitch black, is a direct warning that you might be tricked. To avoid lying and its consequences, be careful, do not believe absolutely in everything that you hear and learn, try not to be lazy and check any information coming to you, if it is important.

3. Seeing many crows in a dream is also a warning dream that reminds you to take care of your own health, take care of it and maintain it.

Perhaps you have not been paying enough attention to this lately, and you risk getting sick. Try to avoid this - it's easy.

4. If in your "crow" dream you did not see the bird, but clearly heard its croaking, this is a hint of the dreamer's possibility in reality to commit a wrong act, a wrong step, or make the wrong decision.

It is unlikely that this will lead to disaster or disaster, but it is better to do the right thing, and for this you need to think more and more carefully.

Reconsider your intentions and what you are going to do. Perhaps also, the dream book indicates that you are not giving in to the best influence - think, is this so?

5. If you see in your dreams how crows are noisy, jumping, fighting, you will have a noisy party with alcohol, revelry and fun. Rest, just keep within the framework, do not lose your head!

6. If the black crow in your dream turned out to be dead, know that you will not be in any harm either from people, or even from difficult situations. If you are afraid of something - relax, nothing threatens you now. At least that is what the interpreter promises.

7. To dream of a crow flying through the air is a sure sign of some important news, perhaps one for which you are not ready. This will not necessarily be bad news, but they can put you into a stupor for a while, because they will be too unexpected.

8. A black crow in a cage is a symbol of the fact that in reality you have a rather powerful influence on people. Are you using this gift? You know how to convince, manipulate and lead, but it is important that you use this skill only for the good.

9. If you see in your dreams how a crow or a raven leaves its nest, flies out of it, this is advice to abandon a certain deed, deed or event you have planned. You intend, as the dream book says, to do something that you will regret later - so reconsider and think things over properly, this is important.

10. Flocks of crows sitting on the branches of trees in your dream are a harbinger of a large family meeting, which even distant relatives will be present.

Black bird contact

What to expect from such dreams in which the dreamer not only sees a crow, but also contacts it? Depends on exactly how it happened - remember this.

1. Does the black crow in a dream look attentively and intently at you? Don't let these dreams scare you. In reality, soon you will see something important, significant - but you will only be a witness, and by no means a participant. And that's for the best, if the dream is to be believed.

2. If a crow or raven is sitting next to you in your dream, this is an indication of your state of sadness and sadness, which overcomes you - perhaps for no particular reason. Try to be more optimistic and don't get stuck in destructive negative emotions.

3. If a black crow flew into your window in a dream and is in your house - the dream book interprets this as a reunion of family, peace and harmony in the family nest.

  • If she flew and flies around the room, then it will happen unexpectedly and by itself.
  • And if she flew through the window, sat down and sits in the room, it means that you yourself have to work on it, but you will succeed very well, and the result will bring happiness to everyone.

4. Did you kill a crow in a dream? Know that in reality you will certainly win a complete victory over enemies, competitors or difficulties. Do not be afraid of anything!

5. If you ate crow meat in a dream, the dream book says that soon you will have to be charmed by someone, fall in love and swirl in a whirlpool of feelings. Do not resist feelings, but do not come off too high and far from the ground!

6. Hunting a crow in a dream is a sign that a rich harvest awaits you. In other words, the generous fruits of your labors, profit and wealth. Everything that you are doing now is not in vain, and it will pay off.

7. If you caught a crow with your hands in a dream - in reality you will disagree with someone, and are going to enter into a conflict. But try not to do this, because then you risk harming yourself and anyone else.

8. If in a dream you kept a crow at home, the dream book says briefly - you will find a great blessing. What can I add?

9. If you took the little raven chicks in your hands, for example, took them out of the nest, then you will expect a long-awaited calm and a period of prosperity and harmony - in the house and at your work.

A crow on its black wings can bring a lot - and often warns of something. Whether to take this into account or ignore it is up to you. But be prudent and do not commit bad deeds - this is clear even without dream books! Author: Vasilina Serova

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