Can you become a doctor? A medical test that only a professional doctor can take


A man comes up to you and asks how to get to such and such a street.
a) Without saying a word, I’ll wave my hand in the right direction.
b) I’ll ask what exactly he’s looking for there. c) I will open the card in mobile phone
and together with the passer-by I will develop a route.

d) Even if I know where it is, I’ll just shrug my shoulders. Let him look for himself.

When you read a book, you:
a) sometimes I look at the end - I don’t always have the patience to read in order;
b) I’m just following the plot;
c) I try to understand what guides the actions of the characters, I evaluate the characters’ personalities;

d) books are boring, I prefer TV.

You have arrived at the cafe. What will you order?
a) Something that cooks quickly.
b) Something that I have never tried.
c) A familiar dish that is sure to be delicious.

d) The most exotic dish on the menu.

If you have a cold:
a) I bring down the temperature, put some drops in my nose and go to work;
b) I stay at home for seven days, so as not to infect others, and take medications prescribed by the doctor;
c) I read the Internet to make sure that it is really a cold and not something worse;

d) I don’t do anything - it will go away on its own.

What would you like to receive as a gift?
a) A pocket knife with many blades.
b) I won’t tell! I love surprises!
c) Something related to my hobby.

d) Certificate for a parachute jump or hot air balloon flight.

As a child, what did you love most:
a) designers;
b) any new toy became the most favorite for a while;
c) puzzles and puzzles;

d) skates and rollers.

Did you get along well with your classmates?
a) Was the leader in the class.
b) He had many friends, but did not make close friendships with anyone.
c) I didn’t have many friends, but I still communicate with some of them.

d) Didn’t fit into the school team.

Add up your scores and see your findings. More "a" answers.

You could become a good surgeon or dentist. It’s boring for you to treat a patient with pills and injections for a long time - you’re used to getting quick results. In addition, in the dental chair or on the surgical table, the patient certainly will not be able to give stupid advice to the doctor! You are a born therapist. The main thing is to make the correct diagnosis, and then let specialists figure it out. In addition, you have enough patience to carry out lengthy examinations and listen to even the most strange complaints. True, if you manage to figure out what is happening with the patient, you will lose all interest in him.

More "c" answers. You would make an excellent specialist with a narrow profile - an ophthalmologist, neurologist or otolaryngologist. After all, the more you study an area, the more passionate you become about it. And if something goes beyond your interests, you can always tell the patient: “This is not for me, see a therapist!”

More "g" answers. You don't like people too much and prefer loneliness. But you like to take risks, sometimes even where you don’t need to. And if so, it’s unlikely that you will find a place in a clinic or hospital, except perhaps in line to see the doctor.

In this test, we selected the most outstanding people who changed the world and its history for the better. There are scientists and artists, politicians and engineers, physicists and artists here. If you recognize all these famous personalities, then your level of education and erudition can be envied. Test your knowledge. Go!

Many of us remember life in the USSR with nostalgia and warmth. Soviet people were lucky enough to live in the era of the first scientific discoveries, the first flight into space, in an era when life was affordable, education and medicine were free, an era of kind people and natural products. In this test we have prepared questions for people born in the USSR. If you can answer everything, then you - soviet man!

Idioms Some of our favorite films have already become an integral part of our lives. Instead of a dozen words, it’s enough to express yourself in one popular phrase, and everything will become clear. If you are confident in your abilities and consider yourself an expert in Soviet cinema, then our test is definitely for you! Let's check it out!?

The average US resident is not as erudite as the average Russian. The reason is simple - different education systems. If in our country teachers cram everything into students’ heads, then in America they teach what will be useful to a person in life. future career. Let's check who knows more - you or the American.

Human erudition is a huge store of knowledge and its competent use in life. How smart and educated are you for your age? Do you have enough knowledge to answer all the questions without turning to the Internet for help? If you have a high level of knowledge, then you will cope with this test quickly and easily, but if not, then the encyclopedia will help you! Go!

Today our country is a great and powerful state with rich history. Behind the formation of this country there are many great victories and defeats, many iconic names, including: artists, military men, scientists, politicians and ordinary Russian people. All these events and people played key roles in the history of Russia. What do you know about this? Test your knowledge of history by answering all the questions in this quiz.

Have you already forgotten how many years ago you graduated from school? Or are you still looking forward last call? It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are! After all, today we have selected questions exclusively on school curriculum. However, let's say right away: we will not ask how much 2+2*2 is - this is baby talk. Only the most interesting and necessary things during the difficult years of study!

Have you noticed for a long time that you are smarter than many of your colleagues? Or just tired of your friends' illiteracy? Today we will give you food for thought! This test will definitely be able to evaluate you at your true worth. Already wondering what is there? Then let's not waste time on empty talk! Forward!

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Many people know the history of their country in general outline, but few people remember the exact dates, names, events and accomplishments that preceded the formation of the great state. But every decent citizen of Russia should have this information. If you are an erudite, educated and well-read person, then you will pass the test in one go. Test your strength and knowledge. Go!

Doctor- the most noble and humane profession. Apparently this is why children play doctor from a young age, and teenagers dream of becoming one. Without a doubt, it is wonderful when a child wants to help people and save lives, but to become a good doctor, desire alone is not enough. Each specialty of this profession has its own characteristics, which you must know when choosing a direction while studying at a medical university.

Having finished medical university , you can become a pediatrician, therapist or dentist, but to become a surgeon, oncologist, cardiologist, orthopedist and other specialized specialist, you must also complete an internship. We suggest you take a test and answer questions to decide which doctor you should become:

1. How do you react to a passerby’s question: “Please tell me where is (name) of the street?”
a) Silently, I point my hand in the right direction;
b) I ask what he is looking for there;
c) I will develop a route by opening a city map on my mobile phone;
d) I simply answer: “I don’t know” and move on.

The medical profession, despite various forecasts and expectations related mainly to finances, continues to be not only very in demand, but also popular among applicants. School graduates are actively storming medical institutes, universities and academies. Last year, the average competition in our country in medical universities for medical faculties exceeded 10 per place, and for pediatrics there was about 13. In this regard, the question of how to become a doctor cannot be limited to choosing a specific medical institute.

Features of a doctor's work

Every person from birth encounters doctors, because they are the ones who meet him in this world. If in childhood and adolescence there are thoughtful, calm, caring, competent and self-confident doctors nearby who helped, prevented diseases and protected from problems, they can be role models. At the same time, many young people are confident that they know well what the work and the result of this work of a modern doctor consists of. However, there are nuances that are invisible at first glance.

Most of the activities of doctors can be divided into 2 basic groups - therapeutic activities and surgery. Moreover, therapists are not only local doctors or, as they are often called, general practitioners, but gastroenterologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, rheumatologists and other specialized specialists. Typically, general practitioners work in offices and handle house calls. Surgeons are also specialists and emergency physicians, who can do almost anything. Their main place of work is not only the office, but also the operating room and dressing room. Therapists and surgeons differ in their worldview and approach to treatment. General practitioners treat with conservative methods, and surgeons with radical methods. Often a positive result is obtained only as a result of a combination of these methods.

In addition, all doctors must be able to provide not only emergency, but also ambulance, including in extreme conditions.

Video tips

What is the main activity of a doctor?

Traditionally, the main stages of a doctor’s daily routine work in a clinic and hospital include:

  • Examination and diagnosis.
  • Prescribing treatment taking into account possible allergies, side effects medications and drug compatibility with each other.
  • Correction of treatment in accordance with the response to it, re-examination and rehabilitation.
  • Prevention and prevention of diseases in healthy people, conducting examinations to diagnose diseases in the early stages.

What you need to be able to do and what kind of person you need to be to become a doctor

To fulfill his mission, every doctor, in addition to endless and boundless love for people, must have certain traits and skills:

  • Be able to talk, not only listen, but also hear the patient, direct the conversation with questions right side for getting important information and making an accurate diagnosis.
  • During the treatment process, it is important for the doctor to quickly respond to the changing situation.
  • Don’t be afraid to make decisions and take responsibility for them yourself.
  • The doctor needs to be attentive and not miss little details.
  • Must have good memory and be able to analyze cumulative information both received from the patient and as a result of examinations and analyses.
  • Be able to tolerate rudeness and possible inappropriate behavior of patients and their relatives.
  • A doctor must have high stress tolerance.
  • Do not be afraid of blood, pus and dirt, unpleasant odors, moans and complaints.
  • Always be ready to help.
  • Be calm about long working hours and overtime on weekends and at night. The doctor needs to be prepared for great physical exertion.
  • Be able to use a computer, write reports, and express thoughts competently.

In addition, an important component of the medical profession is constant, “eternal” study and advanced training not only in mandatory courses, seminars and lectures, but also independently, in “”, studying publications in medical journals, getting acquainted with the experience of colleagues, reading books. The desire for self-education and self-improvement in order to improve the quality of helping people is a natural character trait of a good doctor.

The medical profession is a profession from which you can virtually never switch off, neither on weekends nor on vacation. A doctor, like a lawyer, is always on duty, like a pioneer, “always ready” to help people.

We make a decision - “I will work as a doctor!”

Before a final decision is made on the future specialty of a doctor, it makes sense to try yourself in business. Even working as a nanny in kindergarten or as a nurse for the disabled, and not just as a nurse in a hospital, can give some ideas about the practical and physiological elements future profession. The most realistic and reliable understanding of the conditions for a doctor’s future activity and one’s personal capabilities is provided by working in a children’s hospital, because young patients are defenseless and frank in their feelings. You can work as a receptionist at a district clinic, through which crowds of the most different people, but this is not enough. If endurance and goodwill are combined with the absence of excessive disgust and the ability to find a way out of a dead-end situation, there is no fear of other people’s pain and the understanding that there is no such thing as other people’s pain, you can safely enter into medical school for a doctor.

In case of doubt, you need to determine your personality type and character traits, from a professional point of view. The future doctor must not only be a humanist, he must be able to communicate, be active in making optimal decisions, be able to empathize and listen to public opinion, and be both balanced and emotional.

How to become a doctor

The higher basic education of a physician lasts 6 years. Theoretical disciplines are interspersed with practice, during which the future doctor has to be both a nurse and a nurse. Only in senior years does practice approach real medical work, which is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. After graduating from a university, in order to obtain the right to treat, you must complete an internship or residency in a specific specialty. After this, the student becomes a doctor.

There are more than 80 higher educational medical institutions in our country. When choosing a specific university and faculty, you should do the following:

  1. situation on the labor market and choose for yourself a future specialization as a doctor, which is not only interesting to you, but also in demand in public and private clinics. For example, in Lately in addition to local therapists, immunologists, dermatologists, obstetricians-gynecologists and venereologists are required.
  2. View the websites of the institutes and their admissions committees, visit universities per day open doors and obtain information about the quantity and distribution budget places by faculties and between regular applicants and beneficiaries. In addition, you need to find out the cost of training on a paid basis.
  3. Enroll in courses, full-time or remote, in specialized subjects to prepare for medical exams.

What documents are needed to enter a university to become a doctor?

In accordance with modern rules for admission to the institute to become a doctor, an applicant has the right to apply to five universities at once, with 3 faculties in each of them. These options determine the order in which documents are submitted. When applying in person to the admissions committee, it is enough to present the original documents and submit copies, which will be certified by an employee of the committee. When sending documents by mail, including electronic mail, the authenticity of copies should be certified by a notary.

The standard application addressed to the rector of the university, the form of which can be downloaded on the website of the admissions committee or received there, is accompanied by a certain list of documents:

  • A copy of your passport or other ID, home page and page with registration of place of residence.
  • A document or copy of complete secondary or secondary vocational education.
  • 4 photographs 3x4 cm, taken no earlier than one month before submitting applications.
  • Documents certifying the right to benefits based on the results of Olympiads, health status and family composition.
  • Certificates for a citizen who is subject to conscription for military service.
  • For foreigners - a migration card and a document confirming registration at the place of stay.

And here is the certificate with Unified State Exam results since 2014 in in paper form no longer issued. Data about the exams must be indicated in the application, after which the admissions committee will check their authenticity in the Federal database. In addition, you must prepare a medical certificate of standard form 086-U, which is presented after enrollment. In addition to the listed documents for admission to a doctor, it is worth submitting a portfolio, which will play a role in controversial cases. It includes certificates, diplomas and certificates of participation in competitions and olympiads in basic and related disciplines, documents on training in specialized clubs and conducting scientific works, about participation in specialized camps, conferences and seminars. It is imperative to present documents about sports and creative achievements that can enhance the status of the university in the future.

There are two more observations on the process of enrolling applicants to the specialty of a doctor. They cannot claim to be considered mandatory unspoken rules, but they probably shouldn’t be ignored either:

  • In controversial situations, preference is given to applicants who have attached original school graduation documents to their application rather than copies.
  • There is no need to rush to submit documents for paid education so that the university is not tempted to accept a future student there. When you fail when trying to enroll in a budget department, you can consider a commercial option.

What exams do you need to take to become a doctor?

To enter a medical institute or a specialized university faculty to become a doctor, you must pass the following Unified State Examinations:

  1. Russian language (compulsory exam).
  2. Chemistry (personal choice).
  3. Biology (personal choice).

During school year in each school, the class teacher or subject teacher registers their students to take exams for a doctor of their choice, but timely registration for the exam and attendance at it is the responsibility of the student himself. However, each university provides the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam in additional periods. This opportunity can be used by:

  • Graduates of schools, colleges and lyceums from previous years whose certificate of passing the Unified State Exam has expired.
  • Graduates with a valid certificate who want to supplement or improve their results.
  • Applicants who, at the time of admission to a university, are studying in primary and secondary education institutions, but already have complete secondary education.
  • Foreign citizens with complete secondary education.

Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University have the right to conduct additional testing of applicants for admission to the doctor. In Moscow they conduct a written exam in chemistry, and in St. Petersburg they refused to conduct additional exams in 2014.

Olympics - “airbag”

Obviously, the medical exam is to some extent a lottery. Its result can be influenced not only by knowledge, but by excitement, well-being, and the ability to mobilize and concentrate. To increase your chances of entering a university, you need to participate in subject Olympiads. Victory on All-Russian Olympiad or a level 1-3 Olympiad in chemistry gives the right to enter a medical institute to become a doctor without entrance exams(first level benefit), and a diploma from the Biology Olympiad is equivalent to 100 points on the Unified State Exam (second level benefit). Most often, Olympiads are held in two stages. The correspondence or qualifying round is organized in November-January of the current academic year. Participants are admitted to the final round based on the results of the first stage. It is held in February-March. In addition to capitals and large cities, the second round is usually held at regional venues. All information about the Olympiads held by universities is posted on the official websites of the institutes and their admissions committees. There you can also learn about courses, seminars and other forms of additional education that universities offer to their applicants. Qualitative additional education It will help not only in Olympiads and competitions, it will help you pass the Unified State Exam and get high scores for admission to become a doctor.

When thinking about how to become a doctor, you need to understand that a doctor is not a person who wears a white coat and holds a scalpel. A doctor, a doctor, is a person who holds another life in his hands and is responsible for it. Therefore, when experiencing uncertainty or doubt about making the right choice, you can consider related professions - pharmacist, medical instrument technician, microbiologist or cosmetologist. These specialties allow you to realize the desire to help people become healthier and more beautiful; they require almost the same knowledge, but there will be significantly less pain, blood, suffering and complaints in everyday working life. In addition, a medical diploma is in demand by organizations that develop, test and implement medical equipment and rehabilitation means.

In youth, a person plans his life, looks for a life partner, chooses a profession and place of residence. In this context medical specialties, obtained in domestic educational institutions, have one significant drawback. Unfortunately, diplomas from medical universities in the Russian Federation are not recognized in other countries, although doctors are in demand all over the world and are often in short supply. This means that having realized your dream, in order to obtain permission to and implement professional activity abroad, a doctor’s diploma will have to be either confirmed or obtained again, and this is not at all easy. We wish you success in all your endeavors!

Why do you want to become a doctor?

I want to become a doctor! I don’t know which one... tell me? What doctors are in demand now? and what will they be like in 5 years? What kind of doctor should I become? I’m graduating from medical school, and the question of choosing a future profession is especially acute now, but I’m still at a crossroads

You have chosen the profession of a doctor, but what kind of doctor should you become? All types of medical activities are described here

What kind of doctor to become is not a simple question.
I speak as a doctor with extensive experience. When I entered medical school, I was full of all sorts of romantic ideas about the work of a doctor. And only towards the fourth course, thoughts began to arise in my head - what kind of doctor should I become? You know, I sincerely envy those who can determine their priorities. But, in my opinion, the doctors that most medical students make are not the result of their conscious choice, but the result of circumstances. I thought I would be a cardiologist, but I only found a place in residency skin diseases? Here's a dermatologist for you. Maybe he will be a good dermatologist... or maybe... I also thought about cardiology at the institute, and as a result, I am a traumatologist-orthopedist with 25 years of experience... Probably, it is important not to become what kind of doctor in terms of profession, but simply become a professional doctor. Do you feel the difference?

Choosing what kind of doctor you want to become will depend on your preferences, abilities and capabilities. For example, you can become a dentist, therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, cardiologist, oncologist, etc.

If almost everyone knows therapists and pediatricians, then in relation to other doctors, people who are far from medicine may completely lack this knowledge. To the point where even anecdotal situations arise. So, as a cardiologist, I was once visited by a teenage girl who persistently complained of abdominal pain and diarrhea and was sincerely surprised that the cardiologist did not deal with this. And the nephrologist somehow sadly sat at the reception, waiting for patients, looking at the completed registration sheet. But it turned out that all her patients went to a neurologist.

After graduating from medical school and completing an internship, you can become a therapist or pediatrician. But to become a specialist in a narrow profile, you need to undergo specialization. So, let’s clarify what exactly this or that doctor does, and who you should contact in case of certain problems.

A THERAPIST is a general specialist who, in principle, deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of all internal organs. If necessary, refers to specialized specialists.

A PEDIATRIC is the same as a therapist, but with regards to childhood diseases.

NEONATOLOGIST or micropediatrician. It has this name because it deals exclusively with children of the newborn period, that is, only up to 1 month of life. Neonatologists work primarily in maternity hospitals, but one such specialist can also work in a city children's clinic.

A SURGEON is a specialist who is also known to the majority of the population. This doctor is engaged in diagnostics and mainly surgical treatment of surgical pathology.

ORTHOPEDIST - a doctor who deals with problems of bones, joints, and spine. Often can act together with the surgeon.

TRAUMATOLOGIST - treats injuries to bones, joints, spine, most often these are, of course, fractures, dislocations or simply bruises.

NEUROLOGIST is a fairly common specialization. A neurologist (neurologist) deals with pathology nervous system, treats VSD, cerebral palsy, the consequences of birth or traumatic brain injuries, the consequences of infections affecting the nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis, polio) and much more.

It is worth paying attention that specifically in case of injury, for example, to the head, you should not contact a neurologist. A consultation with a NEUROSURGEON will be required. But once they have, for example, been diagnosed with a concussion, they can be treated by a neurologist. In addition, a neurosurgeon operates on diseases of the nervous system, brain tumors, etc.

An OCULIST or OPHTHALMOLOGIST solves all problems with vision and eye diseases.

ENT is a doctor or otorhinolaryngologist who deals with all diseases of the ear, nose and throat. But if your hearing is impaired, the otolaryngologist will refer you to an AUDIOLOGIST.

AUDIOLOGIST - a doctor who diagnoses hearing impairment (audiogram), treats hearing loss and selects hearing aids.

NEPHROLOGIST - deals with the diagnosis and treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases that require conservative treatment (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, infections urinary tract- this is all according to his profile).

UROLOGIST - a specialist somewhat similar to a nephrologist, but often problem solver kidneys and urinary tract surgically, for example, if it is a congenital anomaly, hydronephrosis, etc.

CARDIOLOGIST is a specialist who treats all matters of the heart, including hypertension, heart attacks, various arrhythmias, in children - birth defects hearts.

RHEUMATOLOGIST - a doctor specializing in rheumatoid diseases. If rheumatism is a thing of the past, then rheumatoid, systemic diseases connective tissue, vasculitis is becoming increasingly common. These are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, etc. They are treated by a rheumatologist. If in adult patients the rheumatologist is allocated to a separate specialization, then in childhood Such problems can be dealt with by a cardiologist.

GASTROENTEROLOGIST - a specialist in all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

ALLERGOLOGIST - a specialist involved in the treatment of allergic pathology, including bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, allergic dermatitis, rhinitis

Dentist, plastic surgeon. A good cardiologist will not be left without bread. Yes, but you always need experience. The main thing is to be a good specialist, then the patients themselves will go and pay the money. After all, most doctors are mediocrities.

And let's end this with a funny poem:

All specialties have a special smell:
The geneticist smells like a buccal scraping,
Surgeons smell like peritonitis,
And pulmonologists smell of pleurisy,

Urologist smells like prostate secretion,
The radiologist smells of barium,
The smell of phlegm, blood and urine
Laboratory doctors are everywhere,

The microbiologist smells like agar,
Plaster and splints - traumatologist.
Smells like drool, with or without burping
Doctor at FGDS office.

Smells like roses... a good proctologist,
The gerontologist smells like old women,
The ultrasound technician smells like condom and gel,
Medical recorder - paper and glue.

Doctor podiatrist smells like feet,
Grill and bedsores - combustiologist,
Vomit, homeless people, urine and gasoline
The smell of the ambulance doctor is unbearable.

The gynecologist smells like aunts,
And the histologist smells like paraffin.
Evil old ladies, a ton of paper
Our poor therapists smell,

Neonatologist smells like meconium,
Smells like the urine of an old nephrologist.
The mammologist smells like a dirty armpit,
And pediatricians smell like Rastishka,

Endocrinologist smells like ketones,
The dentist smells like a rotten tooth,
The forensic medic smells like a grave,
Nachmed smells like cognac and tequila,

A psychologist smells like a wet vest,
The anesthesiologist smells like anesthesia.
There are a lot of smells, but there is also a bummer -

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