Comic questions for graduation. Fun competitions for prom


Often, after the end of the prom, not the most interesting moments of it are remembered. The ceremonial part with sentimental and touching speeches and the presentation of certificates will definitely be remembered. What about the festive, banquet part of it? Let your graduation be remembered with fun games and competitions! We offer games, sweepstakes and competitions for the graduation party, which can be used during any festive events

, and especially for the last evening of high school students.

Competitions for guests sitting at festive tables

Dates and numbers

  • The presenter invites the children to remember the most significant events in the life of the class and school, which were probably erased from memory by the time of graduation... Especially dates and other numbers, for example:
  • What year did you enter first grade?
  • What year did you graduate from primary school?
  • How many years have geography been studied at school? What about chemistry?
  • What is the number for the school principal's office?
  • How many steps are there on the stairs from the first to the last floor of the school?
  • How many steps (on average) are there from the nearest bus stop to the school?
  • How many bus routes stop at the nearest stop?
  • How many subjects did you study in your senior year? And how much for all school years? Remember your classmates' birthdays. Whose date is closest to the beginning? calendar year

? Who celebrates their last birthday of the year?

There are a great many questions, the main thing is that there is no need for hackneyed and cliched ones. For each correct answer - a pre-prepared token (ticket, forfeit, candy, etc.). The prize is given to the one who received the most tokens.

I recognize you by name Each group at the table was given an envelope with separate letters, from which they need to make up the surname, first name and patronymic of the teacher, head teacher or director of the educational institution. For all groups - different personalities

, but the same total number of letters. Students do not know who is encrypted. The winners are the team that guessed the fastest and completed the task.

This competition is also interesting because each of the encrypted name owners can then be given the floor to congratulate the graduates.


  • The presenter gives each group of children printed words - rhymes, and they need to compose a poem-burime on a school topic:
  • To school - for fun.
  • Teaching is torture.
  • Cheerful - new settlers.
  • Labor will be erased.
  • Lover is supreme.

You can create rhymes that will be understandable to this particular class, related to their joint travels, trips, meetings (for example, “museum - Colosseum”) The prize goes to the team that came up with the most interesting poem.

Hero of our time

We invite children, parents and teachers to decide which graduates are most suitable for the images literary heroes(and along the way you’ll have to remember who this description belongs to):

Thus, we can recall important or simply memorable literary characters: Ilya Muromets, Nightingale the Robber, The Inspector General, The Peasant Young Lady, Poor Lisa, Alice in Wonderland, Margarita from “The Master and Margarita”, etc.

Ask the presenter or talented graduates to come up with descriptions of literary characters in advance. Agree, this is a very educational game for the graduating class! After its completion, be sure to reward the most well-read players with prizes!

Forecast Bureau

This is a task, as they say, for the future. We hand out paper and pens to 11th grade graduates, let everyone write how they see themselves in 15 years (you can set another deadline, but 5 or 10 is not enough to achieve something outstanding).

Let everyone imagine themselves at a respectable age, describe their future family, position in society, profession, place of work or residence.

We carefully roll each leaf into a tube and place it in a specially prepared box or vase where they will be stored.

If one of the parents or class teacher leaves these letters as a keepsake, years later it will be very interesting to read and evaluate whose predictions were closest to the truth.

Graduation 2017

Usually competitions at such holidays are different years repeat, smoothly flowing from one scenario to another, but prom 2017 should be remembered for something special. You can write 2017 wishes to the school or give the class teacher that many flowers.

  • For example, number 2: Kaverin’s book “Two Captains”, the song “Two Cheerful Geese”, Reshetnikov’s Painting “Two Again”, etc.
  • The associations with the number zero are interesting. For example, someone will remember the saying “zero without a stick,” while someone’s imagination or memory will suggest something completely unexpected.
  • By analogy, we remember everything connected with the numbers 1 and 6. Let both children and adults fantasize!

Songs about school

Remember songs that in one way or another relate to school themes or were heard in films about students. Condition: be sure to perform the chorus or one verse! The team that performed the excerpt most recently receives a prize.

Competitions on the dance floor


As you know, molecules are made up of atoms. All the graduates go out onto the dance floor and depict atoms dancing alone (moving chaotically in space).

Dance geography

Participants are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They dance, depicting the national and dance characteristics of the people, whose characteristic music sounds:

If you dance one verse or a characteristic passage from each melody, you will still end up with a dance battle for 20–30 minutes. Teachers and parents evaluate the performers with applause. Whoever gets the loudest applause is the winner!

Switching roles

This is another dance competition. Parents and teachers are invited to the dance floor - they form one team, and the students form another. Each team has its own task:

  1. Adults should show how, in their opinion, young people dance in clubs and discos to typical youth music.

    For complexity and interest, you can play them something from club dance tunes - from hip-hop and R&B to techno and house styles.

  2. And for young people, accordingly, offer melodies in the style of “disco of the 80s” for dancing, and ask them to perform dances with the characteristic movements of those years when their parents and teachers were young.

A very fun competition! It's especially fun to watch adults getting lost in the rhythms of club music.

The house that...

Everyone knows the poem "The House That Jack Built." Before the competition begins, players are given roles:

The presenter reads the poem, and the players try to act out their roles when their words are called. For example, the “house” stands up straight and makes a roof over its head with its hands, the “tit” flutters its wings, the “Chulan” squats down, “Jack” depicts a builder laying bricks, and so on. Moreover, the characters must interact with each other. “Jack” - with “house”, “wheat” - in an embrace with “closet”, “cat” catches “tit”, etc. Quite a cool competition.

The humor is that as the poem progresses, the presenter not only often repeats the same role words, but also speeds up the pace.

Artists need to carefully follow the text and do everything correctly, interacting with each other. The end result is still confusion, leapfrog and a lot of laughter!


Participants line up in two or three columns (like a train) on one line. Task: answering the leader’s questions correctly, take a step forward and get to the other shore. You can confer without breaking the column (this will be the most difficult). Having answered correctly, the entire column takes a step forward. Those who did not have time (answered later or incorrectly) remain in place. The first team to cross the crossing wins.

The questions should, of course, be from the school curriculum:


Everyone stands in a general circle and, starting with the leader, calls numbers from one to one hundred in turn. Condition: all numbers in which the number 2 occurs must be replaced with the phrase “Mom, I’m sorry!”, and the number 6 with the exclamation “Wow!”

Thus, they will be called: one - mom, sorry - three - four - five - wow - seven - eight - nine - ten - eleven - mom, sorry, etc. The main thing is to set a good pace from the very beginning, and when participants will reach the numbers 16, 22, 26, 32, 36, it will be fun to follow the players and participate in the competition.

Whoever makes a mistake leaves the circle, and the team continues counting. The winner is the most attentive and persistent.

Game for everyone during prom

"Secret Friend"

The game is quite well-known and loved by many, so I would also like to suggest playing it as entertainment for the prom.

At the beginning of the evening, the boys pull notes from the box on which the names of the girls are written, and the girls - the names of the boys. The one whose name came with the note is your secret friend. Throughout the evening, without revealing to anyone secret name your friend, you can and should show him (her) special signs of attention, make surprises, gifts, pleasant little things: an invitation to dance, a compliment, a flower. At the end of the evening, everyone tries to guess who was whose secret friend. In any case, the secret is revealed.

It’s also good to play “secret friend” with teachers and parents. Competitions specifically for parents are rarely held, but adults (fathers, mothers and teachers) can take part in the game both together and in parallel with high school students. And, believe me, then their toasts, dances, congratulations and compliments will become especially bright and unusual!


It’s also a well-known game, but for some reason it’s a classic of the genre, but for some reason it’s often forgotten and not taken seriously in the age of mobile technology. Although the age of 17-18 is a romantic and sentimental age for boys and girls, and therefore postal messages will come in handy at the graduation party, when the whole class gets together for the last time.

In a real or specially prepared mailbox for this day, you can, after signing an envelope, put a message to any person if you want to say something to him at the end.

Condition: no offensive statements from the senders and no offense from nonsense from the recipients.

We leave envelopes, pens, paper next to by mailbox. We open it at the very end of the evening, and everyone will decide for themselves where and when to read the messages. Most often, it is these letters that remain as souvenirs in school yearbooks and girls’ diaries, and not SMS messages and letters on social networks.

It depends only on you what kind of competitions will be held at the prom: funny, intellectual, romantic or stupid and offensive. Do not under any circumstances leave this component to chance. last ball, do not trust the hosts to prepare the evening 100%.

It makes sense to discuss in advance which competitions are preferable for your children and what you do not want to allow. In order not to blush later from hearing nonsense or vulgar games, think through this part of the evening thoroughly. After all, it is not the quantity of dishes on the tables, but the quality of the interesting time spent that graduates will remember for a long time.

We offer several games that are suitable for a graduation party at school or university. If you have a short graduation script, you can supplement it with games.

Games for prom

Poetry competition "Antiburime"

Cards are prepared for the game. On half of them romantic words are written (love, kiss, passion, lips, roses, pleasure, etc.), on the rest - the most prosaic and everyday ones (washing, engine oil, nail, etc.) or on a school theme. The cards are placed text down in two piles, one with ordinary words and the other with romantic words. Team representatives draw one card from each pile and write a love poem using words from both cards.

Leading: Winner's reward ceremony. The winning team received an unusual prize - they will be able to find out their future right now.

(Another element of hall decoration is a bunch of thirty balls, which should be kept out of the reach of guests all this time, for example, behind the DJ console. Predictions for the future are placed in each of the balls. You will find the texts of the predictions at the end of this scenario).

Each of you will now receive a magical fortune-telling ball, inside it there is a note with predictions.

(Members of the winning team take apart the balloons, burst them and read their prediction notes out loud).

Dance program 30 minutes.

Summing up the results of the game “Oh Lucky Man”. Presentation of the main super prize.

Leading announces the last dance.


Background music sounds, all graduates stand in a semicircle or in each class in their own circle, the children are given a box of matches - while the match is burning, everyone says goodbye to their classmates whatever they want.

Leading: The world is a mirror that returns to everyone his own image. Frown - and he will look sourly, hit - and you will be hit, smile with him and at him - and he will become your cheerful and sweet comrade. May smile and friendliness always be with you! Good luck, graduates of the year!!!

Graduation evening is a joyful and sad event in everyone's life. Schoolchildren are eager to start a new adult life, teachers say goodbye to students to whom they have devoted more than one year, parents realize that their children have grown up. In each school, the celebration of the graduation party has its own established traditions: somewhere it is transferred to the territory of a cafe or restaurant, someone remains within the walls of their home school, but in both cases, each participant wants to remember these moments.

The organizers (teachers, parents or students themselves) have the difficult task of preparing the holiday in such a way that the event does not turn out to be boring and is enjoyed by several age categories. Properly selected games and interesting competitions for the prom will help with this.

Entertainment can be organized around one theme or be a competitive program. Games can be team or individual, with random selection of participants or based on the wishes of the audience. It is better to involve everyone - parents, students, teachers.

Fun competitions interesting for everyone

  • "The most charming and attractive."
  • "Fashion 2017".
  • "Lollipop."
  • "The hard way."
  • "Sweet life".
  • "Slam-Top."
  • "Ciphers".
  • "Cool magazine".
  • "Girls and boys".

Competition for guys

Materials: sheets of paper according to the number of participants, lipstick.

The presenter asks the girls from the audience to prepare a little for the competition - to tint their lips (preferably with their own lipstick). To each young man give out a sheet of paper and offer for short term(30 seconds) collect as many “kisses” as possible from beautiful classmates. The one who collects the most wins and is proclaimed “The most charming and attractive graduate.”

Competition for girls

Several participants (3–5) are selected and asked to choose accessories for a fashion show in the hall in a few minutes. But the names of these items must begin with a specific letter and not be repeated. For example, with “C”: napkin, bag, glass and others. Afterwards, the participants parade, trying to present the acquired accessories to their advantage. The winner is determined by the audience.

Cool competition to lift your spirits

young people. Materials - lollipops according to the number of participants.

To begin with, the boys with one piece of candy in their mouths say the phrase: “I am a graduate.” Next, the number of candies is increased to three and they are asked to say: “I am a graduate high school No...." Each time there are more lollipops in the mouth, and the text gets longer. If a participant fails to complete the task, he is eliminated. The winner is the graduate who manages to say the longest phrase with big amount sweets in the mouth (but there should be at least 6 lollipops).

Game options:

It’s fun to end the holiday with such a competition. The presenter asks all the young people to come up to him and quietly tells them the rules:

The boys begin to complete the task, and girls are invited to the leader, they are given slightly different instructions, they must:

  • walk the same way as guys;
  • follow them all the time;
  • answer the question “no”.

After the locomotive starts moving, the presenter asks:

Boys, do you like girls?
- Yeees!!!
- Girls, do you like boys?
- NO-NO!
- Why do you follow them?

General competitions for parents, teachers and graduates

Graduation competition with students and parents - video

Entertaining entertainment, similar to the famous game "Rock, Paper, Scissors", but with elements of theater. The game includes 2 teams - adults and children, they stand opposite each other. Everyone needs to remember the characters and actions (which can be created together). Let's say the following heroes:

  • Student (sings the song “la-la-la”, pretends that he doesn’t care, but is afraid of the strict Teacher).
  • Teacher (shakes his finger, swears, but is afraid of the Parent).
  • Parent (dissatisfied, closes his eyes, afraid of the Student).

Teams play against each other and field one of their “fighters”. They show one of the heroes and it turns out who wins and gets a point. The game goes to 5 points. If the heroes are the same, then it's a draw.

  • This
    The game is interesting because it gives the opportunity to look at others in a new way, for example, for graduates - at teachers, and for parents - at children. Everyone writes something on a piece of paper interesting fact about yourself, preferably unknown and honest (“I love raw carrots”, “I dream of becoming a veterinarian” or “I considered myself a fish as a child”). The leaves are put into a common pile, mixed and taken out one at a time. Everyone is curious to guess the author of each message.
  • An active game for everyone. The leader constantly changes and stands in the center, and all the players are in a common circle. The driver suggests “switching places with those who have...” (any sign that unites several people is selected). The goal is to take a place in the circle while others change places. If for some reason there are no signs, then a “whirlpool” is declared and everyone changes chaotically; naturally, one cannot remain in place if the leader’s conditions are met.
  • This game is similar to the previous one, but calmer. Participants sit in a circle, and the leader stands in the center. His task is to get a place in the circle. A person inside the circle must tell some fact, choose any sign so that any other participant can attribute it to himself. In this case, they change places and a new leader appears. This game is interesting if it touches not only on trivial things, like appearance, but on deeper ones. By the way, phrases should begin with the words “The sun shines for those who...” (believes in fairy tales, loves cats, cannot stand the smell of tobacco, etc.).
  • Can divide participants into several teams or organize one. First, everyone puts their hands on their neighbor’s shoulders, lining up like a snake, and then they “get entangled” in a ball or in a large monster. The presenter comes up with tasks for the animal (or several): to run to the goal, to “eat” someone, and others.
  • This entertainment needs to be prepared in advance. The presenter or class teacher collects children's photographs of students (preferably several, for example, at the age of up to one year, at three and five years). You can present everything as a wall newspaper or postcards, or transfer it to a projector screen. The task of the graduates is to guess who is in the photo, to find similarities and differences with today. You can also use photographs of teachers and parents.
  • Another version of the game for graduation at school. Participants are divided into teams (divided by class, play against teachers or parents, girls against boys, etc.). The presenter offers to pull out 5 cards with words from the envelope (without repetitions or, conversely, identical sets for commands). The players' task is to create a motto for the evening (graduation or class), using all the words, adding only prepositions, changing only cases and numbers.
  • Materials: lollipops and sushi sticks. Participants are asked to quickly transfer lollipops from one dish to another, using only chopsticks. You can make the competition more difficult by blindfolding the players.

  • The goal of the competition is to translate a phrase from Russian into Russian! It is necessary to convey the meaning by replacing words with synonyms without repetition or hints. Let’s say, “A 6-year-old boy was sitting in the chair” changes to “A male child was sitting in the soft version of the chair.” preschool age, almost a first grader." This competition is best held between teams or individual students, counting points for a successful option, or giving a limited time. The text is created based on the graduation theme, for example: “In the life of every person there should be a night that he will remember forever.”
  • The competition is especially for teachers; it is better to prepare for it in advance. The presenter, together with the students, writes cards describing a person, some kind of him characteristic feature or acts out a skit in such a way that the teacher can recognize himself. It is better not to use names and titles of subjects that teachers teach in order to complicate the task. In such a competition, correctness and subtle humor are important. The prize (you can use portraits or cartoons) goes to the teacher who was wished for.
  • Before the start of the competition, topics are invented (nature, animals, etc.), written on pieces of paper and placed in an envelope. The participant is given a topic, and his task is to come up with a story on the fly in such a way that it matches the topic, and each word begins with a letter of the alphabet in order. For example: Anaconda Boris Always Walked During the Day, Eated Hedgehogs, Lived Wonderfully and Loved to Meow Beautifully. The winner is the one who reaches the farthest letter of the alphabet.

You can hold an unforgettable graduation ceremony with your own efforts; it is not necessary to invite a professional presenter, because an active and resourceful parent, teacher or even student knows the audience better and will always find a way out of a difficult situation. The main thing is to think it through correctly and in advance. entertainment program, select interesting competitions and games that can be easily replaced and alternated depending on the mood of the public.

Musical competition for graduation - video

Be sure to prepare small prizes and souvenirs for all guests. They can be humorous, edible - anything, but this is necessary, because it is much more pleasant to receive something as a gift for your participation. It is advisable to make do with minimal details and short games, interspersing them with dances. The options suggested above will help you create an interesting graduation party without much effort and expense.

Farewell evening educational institution must become a bright and memorable event. And fun games and graduation competitions will help you achieve your noble goal. These original ideas will involve all the participants in the celebration and give them a great mood!

Capitals of the world

This competition will test who knows the capitals of the world better, parents or their children. So, teams of parents and graduates are formed. The presenter names the capital, whoever raises his hand first answers and names the corresponding country. The team whose team has the most correct answers is the winner.

Puzzle the class teacher

For this competition, the presenter must communicate with the children and draw up short description about each of them, for example: he is modest, good at mathematics, plays the guitar and loves sports, or she is beautiful, but does not really like to study, draws wonderfully and sings wonderfully. And the class teacher, based on such proposals, must guess which of her students is being discussed.

Best Waltz

In this competition, couples will dance the waltz. Whoever has the most beautiful and best dance will receive a prize. But, there is one “but”, you need to dance the waltz with your backs to each other.

King and queen

This competition consists of a secret ballot box located in the hall throughout the evening, next to which there are leaves and pens. Each of the guests of the evening, taking into account activity, energy, artistry, cheerful character, playfulness, enthusiasm, beauty, extravagance and other qualities, must decide for whom he will vote, who is worthy of the title of King and Queen of the ball. At the end of the celebration, the votes are counted and the King and Queen are announced, who can be awarded with homemade crowns (similar crowns can also be bought in the store).

The last bell rings

Boys and girls participate in pairs. If the age of the children does not allow the boys to take the girls on their shoulders, they join hands, and older children form a couple like this - the boy takes the girl on one shoulder or on the shoulders, whichever is more convenient. They are given a ringing bell. The task of each pair is to cover a certain distance the fastest, while shouting loudest last call.

Parents vs Children

A team of parents and a team of children are formed. The presenter takes turns turning on music, for example, the dance of little ducklings, lambada, macarena, and so on. Whoever performs best in dance - children or parents - are the winners.

My favorite teacher

Everyone in turn is invited to the center of the hall and shows their favorite teacher with gestures and facial expressions. It will be very interesting for everyone how well the children know their teachers and their character traits. The rest of the children and guests must guess who the participant is showing. The most artistic person is awarded an Oscar.

To carry out this game program some props are required, elements of costumes that the participants of the game - pranksters and naughty girls - will wear: bows, caps, aprons, panama hats, shorts, etc.

The program is hosted by the famous naughty and prankster Carlson.

The game program is held in the middle of the festive evening to diversify the dance and entertainment program. The director or head teacher makes a congratulatory speech. At the end of his speech, a voice and a soundtrack of a running engine suddenly sound.


Let's board! Landing, I say, come on! You see - the engine is acting up! Let's land!

To the soundtrack of “A Funny Man Lives on the Roof,” Carlson runs and flies into the hall. He misbehaves and plays pranks in every possible way: he pulls girls’ pigtails, puts candies and sweets in his pocket, teases boys. Places fake tacks on chairs and distributes them to future participants Balloons. One of the balloons bursts loudly over the ear of the director, who is trying to continue his unfinished speech.

Carlson (joyfully):

So! Let's continue the conversation!

Director (surprised):

Excuse me, but what are you doing here, who are you anyway?

(Looks at the papers.)


Like who? I am Carlson, the best Carlson in the world, a man in full bloom.


Yes, but you are not on the list of alumni invited!


How?! What are you saying? How is it possible that I don’t appear?! Is it me who is moderately well-fed, moderately educated, and doesn’t show up? After all, I’m charming, charming - I’m just beautiful!


Yes, but we already have enough of this goodness in our school. Carlson (thinking for a minute):

Yes, but I’m also the world’s best inventor, dreamer, prankster and naughty girl, and also (scaring the director) tamer of housekeepers and directors. And there is something to tame you for - look, look how scared your kids are - they won’t run, won’t jump, and let alone blow up a steam engine or steal cheesecakes with a vacuum cleaner - there’s not even a conversation about that! Oh, and boring!


Well, you know, this is already beyond my strength! (Leaves.)


That's better! Well, let's have some fun now, let's get silly! Do you agree? Well, who wants to be little again for a little while?

The guys who received the balloons come out. Of these, Carlson forms two teams. Notes of two colors are pre-enclosed in the ball. The players’ tasks are to burst their balloon, and, having determined which letter is written there, make up the names of two future teams from the letters: “Pranksters” and “Scamps”. Between them, Carlson holds competitions, alternating them with dance compositions.

Team members first “return to childhood” - they put on costume details, turning into Mashenek, Petechek, Sashechek and Vovochek (in bows and shorts). Competitions are accompanied by soundtracks of funny children's songs (“Antoshka”, “Blue Car”, “Cheburashka”, “Let them run clumsily”, “Smile”). You can use songs on a school theme.

The competitions proposed below are options for pranks and fun, but you can simply conduct a series of outdoor games: “Forged Chains”, “Stander”, “Damaged Telephone”, “Nonsense”, “Gardener”, “Fanta” or fun relay races that do not require participants to physical stress.

Carlson takes an active part in all games, fun and competitions, either disturbing the players or helping those retreating. For participation in competitions there are sweet prizes, but every time Carlson “gets a share”, persuading the winner to give him most prize.

Carlson(to the winner of the next competition):

Look, I have two chocolates here: a large one and a small one. Choose any one for yourself, but remember that the one who takes first must take the smaller part.


Then I’ll give you a treat - choose any one yourself.

Carlson grabs the chocolate bar and stuffs it into his mouth.


Oh, well, you took the big one!


Certainly! After all, if you chose the first one, you would take a small part. Graduate:


So why are you upset - you got it!


1. “Silent relay race” - pass the rattle so that it cannot be heard.

2. Inflate the largest balloon.

3. Drink juice from a bottle with a pacifier as quickly as possible, eat as much sweets and jam as possible.

4. Push the newspaper into a bottle with a narrow neck, and then remove it without breaking the bottle.

5. Relay race “Crossing”. Using a hoop, transport all team members from one side of the hall to the other, and at the end all team members should fit into the hoop.

6. “The Elusive Ball.” Players on a team disperse within a certain limited space.

At a signal, they freeze and remain in the places where the team found them. The task is to pass the ball to each other without moving, so that it reaches all participants in the game. The ball can be thrown.

7. "Extra." During a fast composition, players dance in a circle. As soon as there is a pause in the music, the players must grab one of the candies lying on the floor (there is one less of them than the players). The player who does not receive the candy is eliminated from the game. (He or Carlson is given one candy.)

8. “Call sign.” Each team comes up with a funny call sign: “Uh-huh,” “Ha-ha-ha,” or “Be-be-be.” One of the players is blindfolded, and then during the composition the players will loudly shout their call sign, dancing in a general circle. And team captains must gather their team members in one place.

9. "Pyramid". Teams must, within a few minutes of preparation time, build the largest pyramid of candies and cookies, name it and advertise it.

10. “Kangaroo” - a task for boys. Players, holding the toes of their feet, try to jump as far as possible.

11. "Merry Telegraph". All players receive one letter of the alphabet. The driver calls first simple words, and then the phrases become more and more complex, and the players standing in a general circle, during a quick composition, take a step forward according to the letters of the word and clap their hands. Each time the speed of the telegraph increases. The tasks can be made more difficult if players who make a mistake are eliminated by giving their letters to their neighbors (after all, some players may end up with several letters, and they will need to be extremely careful).

12. "Lavata" - fun game for all participants. In a general circle (to the soundtrack) everyone sings:

We dance together


Our joyful dance -

This lavata.

The driver says: “My hands (legs, ears, nose, etc.) are good.”

Everyone: “The neighbor’s is better.”

The players take on the named body parts of their neighbor, and the game is repeated.

13. “Sweet relay” - pass an apple or orange to each other without touching it with your hands, holding the object between your chest and chin or between your knees.

14. “Cat and Mouse” is a game for all participants. It is carried out during a dance composition.

Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands. Driven by two people. One - the cat - catches the second - the mouse. The mouse has the right to run into the circle, hiding from the cat.

15. “Song in a circle.” Team members sing verses of children's songs in turn (option: in the same song the words are replaced different sounds, which are published by animals). You can also give the task to guess the melody, which the teams perform without words, by mooing, meowing or quacking, etc.

16. Make the longest sausage out of plasticine (the whole team).

17. Stick as many buttons as possible into the pencil.

18. Who will eat a piece of bread faster and then whistle.

19. Sit on a stool with your feet up for as long as possible (alone, in twos, in threes, etc.).

20. Come up with and commit your own “prank.”

After these (and other) competitions:

Carlson(to the director):

Well, are you convinced? Who is the best dreamer and inventor in the world? Of course, Carlson is Carlson who lives on the roof. But by the way, each of you, until you become important aunties and uncles, until you are overwhelmed by adult worries, until in life what is more important to you is money, a career, a car, an apartment, the eyes and lips of your loved ones, cheerful laughter, snow on the Christmas trees, daisies in the field - you are all the best naughty people and pranksters in the world.

But, alas, this only happens in childhood. But behind smart books, behind problems, please, please, don’t forget that you were little, remember your childhood.

What else to read