Presentation on the topic of exotic fruits. Presentation - cultivated plants of other countries or exotic fruits of Thailand

Pitahaya, pitaya, dragon fruit. The fruit weighs a gram, some specimens reach a kilogram. The pulp is eaten raw, has a sweetish taste and is low in calories. Reviews that pitaya is tasteless are extremely rare, although the taste may seem bland. It is recommended to eat pitaya slightly chilled; It is not recommended to combine pitaya with dishes with a strong taste. In addition, pitaya can be made into juice or wine, or used to add flavor to other drinks. The flowers are edible and can also be brewed into tea. To prepare pitaya for consumption, the fruit is usually cut vertically into two halves. After this, you can either cut these halves into slices (similar to how you cut a melon), or scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Although pitaya seeds are rich in valuable lipids, they are generally indigestible unless chewed. The peel is inedible and may contain pesticides.

Mangosteen, mangosteen, mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia, mangkut, white slices of pulp are hidden under the burgundy-purple crust. The taste of the fruit is creamy-sweet and somewhat tart. Mangosteen is rich in vitamins B and C, phosphorus and calcium. It is a very effective antioxidant. Mangosteen is also known as "king fruit". Legend has it that Queen Victoria promised a knighthood to anyone who brought her fresh mangosteen fruit. But alas, no one managed to do this. At that time, the journey from Asia to the British Isles took several weeks. no one was ever able to deliver the mangosteen to the queen safe and sound. But it was precisely thanks to this difficult task of the Queen that mangosteen was awarded the honorable right to be called the queen of fruits!

Durian. You should absolutely not eat while intoxicated. A specific fruit, primarily due to its pungent, unpleasant odor. Few people eat it. It tastes like it can't be eaten, although the Japanese love it. Durian contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, is an aphrodisiac, but is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, as it increases blood pressure.

Durian, often called the king of Thai fruits, weighs from 2 to 10 kilograms, and the durian skin is studded with thorns of a menacing appearance and size. In Thailand and many Asian countries, durian is considered a delicious and even captivating fruit. It is well known that durians growing in Thailand are the most delicious in the world, so this is one of the most expensive but popular fruits in the markets. In addition to the fact that durian is a very valuable fruit, it has a specific taste; An Englishman who visited Siam in the 19th century describes his impressions of the taste of durian as follows: “it is akin to eating herring with blue cheese over an open sewer manhole.” More flattering reviews claim that durian tastes like a mixture of garlic, cheese and onion. Thais claim that durian is actually sweet in taste and is similar to a sweet cream made from eggs and milk. According to the famous naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, trying durian is a radically new experience, and a trip to the East is worth it. The more you eat durian, the less you want to be distracted by anything else."

Rambutan is a tropical fruit tree of the Sapindaceae family, native to Southeast Asia, cultivated in many countries in this region. The name of the plant comes from the Indonesian rambut, which means “hair”, due to the appearance of the fruit. Rambutan fruit is eaten both whole and canned, and is also a common ingredient in tropical fruit salads with the addition of skate or liqueur. Lychee or longan can be used as a substitute for rambutan.

Rambutan is a very popular fruit in eastern countries, it is also large quantities exported to countries that do not have the opportunity to grow this strange fruit. The fruits have a short shelf life after they are picked. The maximum shelf life in the refrigerator is 7 days. When eating rambutan, remove the skin from it with a sharp knife, for which a shallow circular cut is made in the middle of the fruit. One part of the peel is removed, leaving the other instead of a “decorative holder” of the fruit pulp (for example, when laid out on a dish to make semi-peeled fruits easier to take), which is also removed before eating the pulp. Rambutan is eaten carefully so as not to spoil the taste of the pulp with the taste of an accidentally bitten off kernel (bone). You can also cut the skin of the fruit lengthwise into petal-shaped sectors if a dish with fruits is served to guests who do not have the skills to cut rambutan.

Jackfruit or Indian breadfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a plant of the mulberry family, close relative breadfruit. Jackfruit evergreen tree, reaching a height of 20 m. The leaves are dark green, leathery, oval, up to 22 cm long; the foliage is dense. The tree is monoecious. Male and female flowers are inconspicuous, collected in unisexual inflorescences. Male flowers are on thin branches, often among the foliage. Female flowers larger, on thick, strong pedicels that grow directly on the trunk (caulifloria), at the base of the lower branches or from the ground at the foot of the tree. The fact is that, unlike the breadfruit tree with its massive branches, the branches of the jackfruit are quite thin and brittle, and the fruits are formed where the trunk is strong enough. Flowers are pollinated by wind and insects. In cultivation, jackfruit is often hand-pollinated. The fruits ripen in 38 months.

Therefore (and because of the cheapness) jackfruit in India is called "bread for the poor." The seeds are also nutritious and contain 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% protein and 0.4% fat; they are most commonly roasted and eaten like chestnuts. Jackfruit wood is not damaged by termites and fungi and is used for buildings and furniture making, musical instruments. Jackfruit is widely used in local cooking, both ripe and unripe. Unripe fruits are used as vegetables, they are boiled, fried and stewed. Ripe fruits are eaten in fresh They make salads and desserts. Jackfruit is highly nutritious and contains about 40% more carbohydrates (starch) than bread.

Jackfruit fruits (fruits) are the largest edible fruits growing on trees: 2090 cm long and up to 20 cm in diameter, they weigh up to 34 kg. Their thick skin is covered with numerous cone-shaped protrusions. Young fruits are green, when ripe they become green-yellow or brown-yellow and when tapped they make a hollow sound (unripe fruits are hollow). Inside, each fruit is divided into large lobes that contain sweet yellow pulp consisting of juicy slippery fibers. Each lobe contains an oblong light brown seed 24 cm long; in one fruit there can be up to 500 seeds. The peel and seeds of the ripe fruit emit a strong unpleasant odor, reminiscent of rotten onions, while the pulp has a pleasant smell, similar to banana and pineapple. All parts of the plant, including the peel, contain sticky latex, so it is recommended to cut the fruit with sunflower oil on your hands or wearing rubber gloves. Overripe fruit turns brown and spoils quickly, but can be stored in the refrigerator for 12 months.

Lychee (Lychee, Litchi, Leechee, Lichee, Lichi) is a tropical fruit, one of the most popular fruits in Southeast Asia. The only member of the genus Litchi in the family Sapindaceae. It has been valued in China (where it comes from) for about 2000 years. The fruit is 3-4 cm long and 3 cm in diameter, similar to strawberries with a hard skin. Hidden inside is pearly white pulp, similar to grapes, and an inedible, slightly poisonous seed. The taste is sweet, with slight sourness and the aroma of rose petals. Close relatives of lychee - rambutan and longan - are found on sale (although less frequently). It has been valued in China (where it comes from) for about 2000 years. The fruit is 3-4 cm long and 3 cm in diameter, similar to strawberries with a hard skin. Hidden inside is pearly white pulp, similar to grapes, and an inedible, slightly poisonous seed.

There is a Cantonese saying: “one lychee = three burning torches.” This alludes to the fruit's highly arousing Yang qualities. Eating too much lychee can lead to dry lips, nosebleeds in some people, and can also cause acne and mouth sores. A relative of the lychee, longan, has the opposite healing properties.

Salak “Snake fruit” tree-like fruit plant Palm family. Diameter 3-4 cm, weight g. Fruit oval shape(the ends are elongated) the size of a kiwi with a scaly brown skin that is easily removed. The beige flesh consists of one or more segments. The seed inside the fruit is inedible. The pleasant refreshing taste of the fruit is reminiscent of pineapple and banana with a slight nutty flavor. The unripe fruit, due to its high tannin content, makes the mouth stick. Distributed mainly in Southeast Asia. Season: in Thailand and Malaysia June-August, in Indonesia - all year round. Popular in Indonesia and Malaysia, the fruit is rarely found in other countries. It is believed that the most delicious fruits grow in Bali and near Yogyakarta in Java.

However, many Europeans are put off by the fruit's snake-skin-like appearance. Some hobbyists manage to grow herring at home from a seed. The plant begins to bear fruit after four years, and the fruits ripen within six months. The fruits of Salak are eaten. Consumption: fresh fruit, compote, salad. To peel the fruit, carefully cut or tear the scaly skin at the edge and remove it, as you would remove the shell from an egg. Also cultivated together with the lard plant is another fruit that is very similar to lard. Although many believe that this is just the Thai name for this fruit, and not another fruit. His name is "rakam". These two fruits are very similar and many consider them to be the same, but raki is red in color, unlike brown herring, and its taste is more concentrated.

Passion fruit or edible passionflower, or edible passionflower, or purple granadilla (lat. Passiflora edulis, port. Maracujá) is a species of plants from the genus Passionflower (Passiflora). The fruits of this plant have the same name (they are also called passion fruits and passion fruits, from the English passion fruit). The sweet and sour juice of passion fruit has high tonic properties (usually mixed with orange juice, added to yoghurts, etc.), and is also used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. In total, there are over 400 species of passion flowers, many of which are grown for decorative purposes.

The established stress in Russian on the penultimate syllable “passion fruit” is essentially incorrect, since the word comes from the Tupi-Guarani Indian languages, in which the stress falls on the last syllable. A more accurate name would be “passion fruit”. The name, which has taken root in the Russian language, probably came, like the product itself, through Poland.

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All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Creativity 2016/2017 academic year Nomination: Preschool education Title of the work: Presentation on the topic “Exotic fruits” Author: Alexandra Vladimirovna Bulatova, teacher of MDOBU kindergarten“Fantasy”, village of Podymalovo, 2016 Exotic fruits Presentation was made by teacher Bulatova A. V. Mangosteen The size of a mangosteen can be compared to a small apple, which is crowned with a crown of leaves. This fruit has a thick, dark brown skin that feels firm to the touch. The peel of a ripe mangosteen is slightly pressed when pressed. Inside the fruit there are 6-8 segments, which are white or orange in color. Their jelly-like pulp has a very sweet and delicate taste. These fruits are usually used fresh as dessert. To do this, cut the peel in half with a knife, open the fruit and eat with a fork. Its skin contains a large amount of tannin. Therefore, it is used in medicine as an astringent. kumquat This bright orange fruit is also commonly called Chinese mandarin. Kumquat is a citrus fruit and is small in size and oval in shape. There are several types of kumquat, which differ in the shape of the fruit. The taste of this fruit is similar to tangerine, but has a slight sourness. It is completely edible. Kumquat can be eaten fresh, jam, jam, confectionery, marmalade and candied fruits. Rambutan Rambutan is often called hairy due to its appearance. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the fact that the fruits have a rich red color, and the tips of the “hair” should be greenish. Rambutan cannot be stored for a long time; it can be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days. This fruit has a great taste; it is often used as a filling for pies, jams, an addition to sauces, ice cream and in the form of compotes. PapayaPapaya looks like a large pear of yellow or orange color. The pulp of this fruit contains many small seeds. It contains many vitamins and also contains the enzyme papain. This substance is similar to gastric juice, it stimulates the digestion of food. Most often, papaya is eaten fresh, peeling the fruit from seeds and skin. Unripe fruits can be stewed or used in curries and salads. This fruit has the ability to dissolve proteins, so it helps soften tough meat. Passion Fruit This passionfruit fruit is shaped like a large lemon. The fruit has juicy pulp of sweet and sour tart taste. The pulp contains small edible seeds. There are many species of this plant, only three of them are widespread in Europe: purple, yellow and green. The skin of this fruit may have different colour, but the flesh is always only yellow-orange. When purchasing, you should give preference to heavy and wrinkled fruits, this means that they are definitely ripe. Passion fruit is used to prepare a dressing for salads, seafood sauces and desserts. It is added to smoothies, juices, ice cream, yoghurts, etc. The juice of these fruits perfectly tones. MangoMango there are many types that differ in their properties. These oval-shaped fruits usually reach 10-20 cm in length. Their skin can have a color from dark red to light green. In a ripe mango, the skin becomes slightly whitish. The flesh of this fruit has a rich yellow color. Ripe fruits smell very pleasant, their strong aroma reminiscent of the smell of Christmas tree and peach. Some varieties may smell slightly of turpentine. Mango tastes slightly like a peach, but its flesh is much more fibrous. This fruit has a sweet-sour, slightly tart taste. There are also unripe fruits. Salads and various sauces are prepared from them; more mature mangoes are used as a vegetable. Compotes are cooked from mangoes, jams and jams are prepared. Lychee Lychee is also often referred to as the "grape of paradise" and the "dragon's eye". This round or oval-shaped fruit can reach 3-5 cm in length. Inside it is a brown shiny seed. The skin of the lychee is hard and covered with small, red-colored spikes. The translucent flesh of the lychee is white in color. Her sweet taste slightly reminiscent of the taste of raisins. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the skin of the fruit, which should be firm and should not have cracks or other damage. Lychee fruit is often used in the preparation of desserts. It is also added to salads, fillings for pies and puddings. Lychee goes well with fish; it is also used to make sauces for meat. CarambolaExotic carambola fruit yellow color has a length of 5 to 12 cm. In cross section it looks like a star. The sweet and sour taste of the fruit is reminiscent of grapes, apples and oranges at the same time. Some varieties have a slight taste of turpentine. There are two types of fruit - sweet and sour. They are easy to distinguish by appearance: The sour fruit has narrow, clearly separated ribs, while the sweet fruit is thick and fleshy. The shiny skin of carambola is thin and translucent. The pulp of the ripened fruit has a straw-golden color. The sweet taste of these fruits allows them to be eaten fresh; they can also be candied and canned. Drinks are prepared from sour fruits. Besides, unusual shape This fruit allows it to be widely used to decorate various dishes. FeijoaThe ripe feijoa fruit resembles a chicken egg in size and shape. It is colored rich green color. The feijoa pulp is jelly-like and seed-filled in the center, while the edges are firm and crispy. This fruit has a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. It tastes like strawberries and pineapple. There are two types of fruit - sweet and sour. They are easy to distinguish by appearance: the sour fruit has narrow, clearly separated ribs, while the sweet fruit is thick and fleshy. The shiny skin of carambola is thin and translucent. The pulp of the ripened fruit has a straw-golden color. The sweet taste of these fruits allows them to be eaten fresh; they can also be candied and canned. Drinks are prepared from sour fruits. In addition, the unusual shape of this fruit allows it to be widely used to decorate various dishes. It is impossible to determine the degree of ripeness of the feijoa fruit by the color of the skin. Therefore, when purchasing, it is recommended to cut one fruit. If its flesh is white and opaque, it means the fruit is not yet ripe. A brown tint to the pulp indicates a spoiled fruit. The fruit should be cut in half and the pulp should be eaten with a spoon. Jam, yoghurts, compotes and other products are made from it. PitahayaThe exotic fruit pitahaya has unusual appearance , for which it was nicknamed “dragon fruit” or “prickly pear.” It ripens at the ends of the stems of a bushy tree-like cactus. It should be noted that flowers appear on it strictly on the 1st and 15th days of the month. The pitahaya fruit looks like a painted pine cone. Its soft peel is easily removed. This fruit can have different sizes, colors and surface textures, depending on its variety. The flesh of the fruit may be white, pink or purple. The skin of the fruit can have different shades - from yellow to orange, from red to purple. The fruit has a slightly sweet, unsaturated taste. Its juice and pulp are added to sorbets, sweets, ice cream and yoghurts. Jellies, sauces and jams are prepared from the pulp. Kiwano The kiwano fruit is native to Africa. This creeping plant belongs to the melon and cucumber family. Its fruits are slightly similar in appearance to a regular melon, but are covered with conical, pointed growths. The pulp of the fruit contains many edible seeds. The sweet and sour taste of kiwano evokes associations simultaneously with melon, lime, banana and passionflower. The pitahaya fruit looks like a colored pine cone. Its soft peel is easily removed. This fruit can have different sizes, colors and surface textures, depending on its variety. The flesh of the fruit may be white, pink or purple. The skin of the fruit can have different shades - from yellow to orange, from red to purple. The fruit has a slightly sweet, unsaturated taste. Its juice and pulp are added to sorbets, sweets, ice cream and yoghurts. Jellies, sauces and jams are made from the pulp. It cannot be called pleasant, but this fruit is widely used in cooking. The pulp is used in the preparation of desserts; it can also be added to cocktails, popsicles, salads, cakes and creams. Jackfruit An exotic fruit, jackfruit, the size of a large melon, can weigh up to 40 kg. Its skin has a yellow-greenish color. Underneath there are large yellow slices. They have a specific taste and strong aroma. When purchasing, you should know that the peel should be greenish-yellow and dense. The fruit has a faint aroma. The intense smell indicates that the fruit is already overripe. Jackfruit can be eaten fresh or cooked. You can add it to vegetable sauces or sweet pasta. And unripe fruits are used as a vegetable. All components of this fruit are edible. The roots of this tree can help with diarrhea. The ripe fruit can be used as a laxative. Durian Durian weighs from 2 to 10 kilograms. The tough skin of this fruit is covered with large spines and has a greenish-brown color. Inside the fruit there are a couple of large brown seeds. It must be said that durian is famous for its specific taste and very unpleasant smell. Ripe fruit should be firm to the touch. Overripe durians have cracked skin and their flavor can be described as a mixture of garlic, cheese and onion. It is eaten raw or added to ice cream, mousses and pies. You can candy or preserve this fruit. Durian tree is widely used in handicrafts. It is believed that this fruit should not be combined with alcohol. Thank you for your attention!


  • Topic: Exotic fruits
  • Completed by a student
  • 3 class B
  • Mbou school No. 3
  • Glanz Sofia
  • Supervisor
  • Seryakova I.N.
  • The Spar store has a large assortment of unusual fruits, such as coconut, kiwi, avocado, kumquat, mango, sweetie.
  • I invited my classmates to answer the survey questions:
  • 1. Which of these exotic fruits do you know:
  • Kumquat
  • Mango
  • Sweetie
  • Avocado
  • broom
  • A pineapple
  • Coconut
  • 2. Which of them have you tasted? (if you tried it and liked it). .
  • 3. Do you know where these fruits grow?
  • 4. Are they good for our body?
Out of 20 people know: Out of 20 people 18 do not know where they grow. Purpose of the work:
  • All of the above helped determine the purpose of my work:
  • Find out where these fruits grow and their benefits for the human body.
Job objectives:
  • To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks:
  • Explore areas where exotic fruits grow.
  • Determine the importance of fruits for the human body.
  • I studied the Encyclopedia of the World. This encyclopedia allowed me to identify the territories in which the exotic fruits I studied grow, and it also provides medical data that exotic fruits contain a large supply of vitamins and microelements necessary
  • for growth and development
  • body.
  • Kumquat - normalizes
  • digestive disorder
  • systems,
  • helps improve mood.
The homeland of kumquat is China, South part Asia. Sweetie
  • Sweetie is a hybrid of white grapefruit and pomelo.
  • Sweetie is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections and other colds, because it is rich in vitamin C.
Sweetie's homeland is Spain, Italy.
  • Sweetie is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Sweetie copes with depression, apathy and feelings of fatigue.
  • Sweetie is used in cosmetology in the form of masks.
  • The mango fruit is the fruit of the mango tree, tropical plant. Main country India is the country where this fruit is grown.
  • They collect more here
  • half of the world
  • harvest.
  • Also big production
  • mango in countries: Mexico,
  • Pakistan, Brazil,
  • USA, Iceland.
Beneficial properties of mango
  • Mango is rich in vitamins A, B and C, so
  • strengthen the immune system
  • body system.
  • There are almost no mangoes
  • fat, little protein.
  • Minerals in
  • mango pulp
  • represented by calcium, phosphorus, iron; no sodium. All of these substances prevent cancer. Mango relieves nervous tension, improves mood, and helps overcome stress.
  • Trees 10-20 m high
  • Avocado or alligator pear is a seeded fruit of South American origin. The fruits are dark green or almost
  • black,
  • single-seeded-
  • large,
  • various
  • forms.
  • Avocado fruits are removed while still hard. Their pulp, rich in oils and protein, ripens gradually and eventually becomes soft like butter.
  • It contains almost no sugars and fruit acids, and has a pleasant walnut flavor. In Europe, avocados are used in different ways, mostly raw.
Useful properties of avocado
  • Avocado has a healing effect on various organs human body. Avocados are believed to improve memory and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • This is the fruit of a tree vine. For this reason, it is sometimes called Chinese gooseberry. Today kiwi plantations can be
  • meet
  • in Italy,
  • Spain,
  • Greece,
  • Japan and USA.
  • Due to such a vast geography, this fresh fruit can be present on the tables of Russian consumers all year round, since it is from New Zealand
  • they are bringing him to us
  • in autumn and winter,
  • and from California
  • (USA) - in spring and
  • in summer.
Useful properties of kiwi
  • Kiwi has a delicious, delicate taste. It combines the aroma of gooseberries, strawberries, banana and pineapple.
  • Kiwis are eaten fresh, made into jam, made into jelly, added to salads, and served with meat.
  • Kiwi contains a large amount of vitamins. But its difference from others
  • fruit consists
  • is that there are a lot of them
  • part is not destroyed
  • when canning.
  • Coconut is the fruit of the tree of the same name, widespread in the tropical zone. The coconut tree can reach a height of up to 20 meters and grows predominantly
  • on sandy soils
  • tropical
  • islands and
  • ocean shores.
  • Coconut fruits ripen at the very top of the tree, so harvesting is a real climbing ascent. The collected fruits are sorted by
  • size and
  • are sent
  • for further
  • or sale,
  • or processing.
Useful properties of coconut
  • Useful properties of coconut are widely used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine. Coconut helps to improve immunity. Using coconut in various combinations helps strengthen bone and
  • dental tissue. Coconut
  • oil is used for
  • shampoo production,
  • soap and other detergents
  • funds.
  • Almost the entire coconut fruit is used in cooking. Coconut flakes cut from the inner shell of the fruit, coconut juice and coconut milk are the most widely used.
  • Coconut juice
  • helps
  • body
  • burn excess
  • fats.
  • As a result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
  • Analysis of the literature made it possible to establish the places where fruits grow. This is an area with a hot climate.
  • I found that the studied fruits have a large supply of vitamins and trace elements.
  • Thank you
  • for your attention

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Purple carrots The color of carrots is due to beta-carotene with some addition of alpha-carotene pigment. They contain the purple pigment anthocyanin, which acts as an antioxidant. More than one generation of people is convinced that carrots are only orange, but purple is the original, primordial color of this vegetable. Scientists believe that the vegetable purple provides the body with additional protection against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

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Black tomatoes A new variety of black tomatoes is called “kumato”. It is a relative of the wild plant Lycopersicon cheesmanii. It is the same size as regular tomatoes, but is sweeter and has a brown-black skin. In addition to the benefits that regular tomatoes have - high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants.

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Rainbow cabbage "Rainbow" cauliflower appeared in England. Its inflorescences are painted in bright orange, green and purple colors. It tastes exactly the same as cabbage, but it adds color to cooked dishes - the new variety does not lose its rich color even after cooking. Another advantage of the world's most cauliflower is that the orange variety contains 25 times more beta-carotene than regular cauliflower florets, and the purple variety is rich in anthocyanin, which is useful for preventing heart disease by slowing down blood clotting.

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Purple Potatoes Dubbed Purple Majesty, the potato tastes just like its more familiar cousins, but is loaded with anthocyanins, which give blueberries, blackberries and eggplant their distinctive colors. A new variety is being grown in Scotland.

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Red cucumbers This vegetable is very similar in appearance to a cucumber, although its color is bright red. But it just tastes “no good.” In fact, this fruit belongs to the gourd family and is called the “red cucumber.” This miracle was brought to Europe from Southeast Asia, and is considered more of an ornamental plant than an edible one.

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Romanescu Romanescu, or Romanesque broccoli, cauliflower. Its exotic shapes look like fractals. Cabbage buds grow in a logarithmic spiral. The first mention of Romanescu cabbage came from Italy in the 16th century. This amazing vegetable has the most subtle taste and is literally packed with antioxidants.

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Goat's beard Goat's beard (aka salsify, aka salsify, aka oat root, aka winter asparagus) is a herbaceous plant that is bred in the Mediterranean for its edible thick white roots with a delicate, pleasant, subtle oyster flavor. Very popular in Europe and the southern USA. Because of its pungent taste, reminiscent of oysters, it is sometimes called the “oyster plant.” Typically used as an additive to a variety of dishes, from soups to stews.

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Taro Taro grows all year round and. are edible corms that grow in the ground. Each plant has more than one secondary shoot. The flesh of the vegetable can be creamy white or purple-white, depending on the variety. Taro can be eaten boiled or made into sweets. Not only secondary shoots and corms are edible, but also young leaves and twigs. Taro is widely grown in the Thai provinces.

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Lotus Root Water Lily Rhizome. Fresh lotus roots are large and covered with a red-brown skin that must be removed before use. It is similar in texture and color to potatoes, but the voids running along the root create a beautiful pattern on the cut - a flower; therefore, lotus roots are a popular garnish for dishes.

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Pak choy Pak choy cabbage is native to Southeast Asia and is currently grown in Holland. It can be compared to Chinese cabbage, but pak choy is juicier and spicier in taste. This cabbage is used whole, it is good in salads, but it is mainly used boiled and stewed. Pak choi cabbage is very tasty as a seasoning for stir fry.

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Artichoke This plant is native to Turkey and Persia. Arishok buds are the size of a fist and even larger, the leaves are arranged like tiles on a roof. In early varieties these leaves are purple, in others they are green. The succulent bases of the leaf scales that form the buds, as well as the fleshy receptacle, are used for food. Artichokes have a delicious, nut-like taste.

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Chard Chard is a Swiss chard that is similar to spinach with its long stems and leaves. There are numerous varieties that differ in the color of the stems; the leaves can be curly or even. Unlike beets, the leaves and stems are edible, not the rhizome. Distributed in the middle and southern latitudes of Europe.

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Okra Okra is one of the oldest vegetables on Earth, growing in all countries adjacent to Mediterranean Sea, and on all continents. Okra pods grow on bushes and look like finger-length green pepper pods. They are harvested unripe. Okra pods are almost tasteless, so they pair well with other vegetables. Particularly tasty dishes are obtained by adding okra to sweet peppers or tomatoes, as well as to meat and fish.

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Fennel Fennel comes from the Mediterranean region. It is better known as a green, but has only recently been used as a vegetable. Its special strong taste, similar to the taste of anise, is due to the presence of essential oils in it. Fennel is used raw, in salad, boiled, stewed or baked as a side dish for meat or fish.

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Sweet Potatoes The homeland of sweet potatoes is Central and South America. Currently, it is grown in almost all tropical and subtropical regions of the Earth. Sweet potatoes have high nutritional value and are rich in vitamins and minerals. The taste of sweet potatoes is mealy-sweet, and therefore it goes well with sour foods and spicy seasonings. Fried and baked sweet potatoes are good as a side dish for meat.

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Project goal: To get acquainted with exotic fruits. Objectives: 1. Expand knowledge about exotic fruits. 2. History of the origin of exotic fruits. 3. What vitamins do these fruits contain? 4. Dangers that exotic fruits pose.

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Pineapple Homeland - South America Pineapple contains a large amount of dietary fiber and organic acids, it is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iodine. In addition, pineapple contains valuable vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP and A. All this makes it an indispensable source nutrients for the human body. Pineapple is consumed mainly fresh, sometimes in jam. Fermented pineapple juice is used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages and vinegar.

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Avocado is native to the countries of Central and South America, in particular Mexico, Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Guatemala. The pulp of this vegetable is oily and resembles Walnut taste. Avocado is very nutritious and contains almost no carbohydrates. Avocado is a record holder for vitamin E content. It contains a lot of fiber and potassium. It also found folic acid V large quantities, which reduces the risk of developing congenital anomalies in the unborn child. Avocado improves memory and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases; it is indispensable for normal blood circulation and hematopoiesis.

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Banana Homeland - the islands of the Malay archipelago. Banana contains fiber, starch, inorganic substances: K, Mn, Zn, sulfur, silicon, chlorine, Ca, tannin, pectin, vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins, sucrose, glucose. Bananas can help people quit smoking. Vitamins B6 and B12, which are contained in bananas, as well as potassium and magnesium, help the body cope with nicotine. Banana is recommended for heart disease vascular diseases, arthritis, to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Thanks to the pectin content, intestinal function is normalized.

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Banana High phosphorus content improves brain function - so it can be prescribed to all students, as well as nursing mothers - banana improves the quality of milk. Banana is not recommended for weight problems, diabetes, liver diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases. People with similar diseases can eat banana in small quantities or boiled for breakfast, afternoon snack or between meals, but not as dessert.

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Dates Dates have been cultivated for over 4,000 years in the Middle East, where they have long been a major export item. The calorie content of dates is quite high (282 kcal per 100 g of dates). The nutritional value of dates is amazing: they contain vitamins A, E, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, iron and essential amino acids, which are not in other fruits. It is believed that dates contain all the necessary substances for humans, so you can live for several years by eating only dates and water.

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Dates Arabs eat dates not only with milk or yogurt, but also with bread, fish and butter. This combination perfectly saturates, helps brain function and gives physical strength. Another useful property dates – mild hypnotic effect. The amino acid tryptophan contained in dates is converted in the body into serotonin, a hormone Have a good mood, and melatonin – a sleep hormone. So dates work selectively: they can stimulate a tired person, and help those who suffer from insomnia to fall asleep - just eat 5 fruits at night.

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Lychee (Chinese plum) Vitamins – C, E, H, K, group B; minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine. There are few calories in lychee, but more than other similar fruits - about 76 kcal per 100 grams. There is much more vitamin C in lychee than other vitamins, and potassium comes first among minerals - so lychee fruit is very useful for heart patients. It is considered an effective preventative against cancer and atherosclerosis. Lychee improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs: this fruit is recommended for bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. With diabetes, it is enough to eat 10 fruits a day to normalize blood sugar levels.

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Kiwi The high content of potassium makes kiwi useful in some forms of hypertension, iodine deficiency. One kiwi a day covers the daily requirement of vitamin C, which, as you know, strengthens the immune system, blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to all kinds of infections, and helps the body fight stress. In addition, kiwi contains a lot of magnesium, mineral salts (potassium) and fiber, which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body and normalizes digestion.

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Mango A source of vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. Helps improve immunity, serves to prevent eye diseases. Stimulates the activity of the kidneys and intestines and acts as a mild laxative. Mango juice is prescribed for acute dermatitis; seeds are used for asthma.

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Mango Contraindications for eating mango can be divided into three groups: 1. Mango peel can become an allergen for some people, but the fruit itself can be eaten. Therefore, it is better to peel mangoes with gloves. 2. Unripe fruits, if overeaten, can lead to colic, irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and respiratory tract. 3. Ripe fruits consumed in large quantities can cause constipation, stomach blockage, fever and hives.

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Feijoa The birthplace of the fruit is Brazil. Its main wealth is iodine. Can be used for atherosclerosis, colds and anyone who wants to strengthen the immune system. Feijoa peel is dried and used as an additive to tea.

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Carambola Rodina-– Southeast Asia. Carambola fruits are yellow in color, from 5 to 12 cm long. In cross section, the fruit has the shape of a five-pointed star. Carambola is a crunchy, sweet and sour fruit that tastes like a cross between an apple, an orange and a grape. Carambola is used for weak immunity, vitamin deficiency, headaches, fever, colic and constipation.

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Carambola Contains vitamins C and B, carbohydrates, calcium and phosphorus, oxalic acid. Canned candied fruits are used against diarrhea, as well as to relieve hangovers. This fruit is not recommended for people with kidney disease. But in Sri Lanka, for example, people very successfully use the acid contained in carambola to remove stains from clothes. Carambola is also used to polish copper and brass.

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Mangosteen Homeland - Southeast Asia Mangosteen is a very powerful natural remedy that neutralizes free radicals in the body. It gives us energy and revitalizes our body. Currently, there are more than 200 types of xanthones in nature, 40 of which are found in the fruits, pulp and seeds of mangosteen. Xanthones slow down inflammatory processes in the body, exhibit antibacterial activity, suppressing pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Rich in vitamins B and C, calcium, phosphorus. Exceptionally high antioxidant content.

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Mangosteen The pulp of the fruit itself is very tasty and healthy, but it turns out to be the most healing properties Mangosteen has a peel. Therefore, when we eat mangosteen, we do not throw away the peel, but collect and dry it. In Eastern medicine it is used to treat dermatological problems, diarrhea and to reduce fever.

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Papaya Papaya berries are very close to melon not only in appearance, but also in their composition. It is rich in glucose and fructose, organic acids, fiber, as well as proteins, vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2, B5 and D. Mineral substances here include potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In tropical countries, papaya juice is used for diseases of the spine: it contains an enzyme that regenerates connective tissue intervertebral discs.

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Papaya Papaya juice is also used as an anthelmintic. The dried milky juice of unripe papaya fruits is used in a number of tropical countries to treat stomach diseases and eczema. It is known that the milky juice contained in unripe fruits is very poisonous.

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Passion fruit is native to Brazil. Contains vitamins A as well as proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium. In Eastern medicine it is used to treat dermatological problems, diarrhea and to reduce fever. Improves sleep, activates intestinal function. Has an antipyretic effect. Useful for diseases of the liver and urinary tract.

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Pitahaya (Dragon Fruit) Homeland - America Contains vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus. The fruit is useful for those suffering from diabetes and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and immune systems. Dragon fruit is also beneficial for people with diabetes. But it contains not only pulp, but also seeds rich in tannin. Due to the content of this substance, pitahaya is useful for those with impaired vision.

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Kumquat Homeland - China. This unusual fruit is eaten whole - its peel has a sweet, slightly tart taste. Popular in Asia as first aid for hangovers. Essential oils contained in kumquat skin have a bactericidal effect. The pulp contains antifungal elements and a lot of furocoumarin, a substance with high antiviral activity. The fruit improves the functioning of the digestive system. Kumquats are eaten fresh or candied. It is used to make jam, marmalades, canned food and is used in preparing poultry dishes.

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Kiwano (Horned Melon) Origin: Africa. It is often called the African cucumber or English tomato. Thanks to its composition rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, kiwano is an excellent source of nutrients for the body. This is especially true in the cold season. This amazing fruit has an unusual but delicate taste at the same time. It immediately resembles melon, cucumber and banana. And some say it tastes like lime, kiwi and avocado. Therefore, kiwano can be used both as a fruit and as a vegetable, adding it to both sweet and savory dishes.

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Jackfruit is native to India and Bangladesh. Jackfruit fruits (fruits) are the largest edible fruits growing on trees: 20-90 cm long and up to 20 cm in diameter, they weigh up to 34 kg. The peel and seeds of the ripe fruit emit a strong unpleasant odor, reminiscent of rotten onions, while the pulp has a pleasant smell, similar to banana and pineapple. Jackfruit is very nutritious and contains about 40% carbohydrates (starch) - more than bread. Therefore (and because of the cheapness) jackfruit in India is called "bread for the poor." Jackfruit wood is not damaged by termites and fungi and is used for buildings and making furniture and musical instruments.

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Durian Homeland - Indonesia, Thailand. Under no circumstances should the fruit be picked. Once ripe, it should fall on its own. The smell of its contents is shocking. How can you eat this? The pale yellow flesh has the smell of unwashed men's socks or rotting meat. To try it, you just need to hold your nose. And then you will receive unforgettable pleasure from the delicate and subtle taste of this fruit. Durian is so filling that if you eat a “slice” in the morning, you can easily have it until dinner. In this case, it does not even arise light feeling hunger.

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Rambutan Homeland - Southeast Asia. The rambutan fruit is covered with a hard skin with soft “hairs” and in appearance is very reminiscent of some kind of sea animal. Eating rambutan has a beneficial effect on the skin and significantly improves digestion. Contains vitamin C, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid. Good for the heart and blood vessels.

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Chiku The homeland of Chiku is Southern Mexico. The unripe fruits are rich in tannin and are used as a remedy to stop diarrhea. The Chiku tree is also grown to produce its milky sap - latex. From it the so-called chicle is obtained - the basis for chewing gum.

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Coconut Homeland - New Guinea or Malaysia. Coconut has a reputation as a strong aphrodisiac and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. Milk and coconut pulp restore strength well and improve vision; improve the functioning of the digestive system and liver; oil normalizes thyroid function; relax muscles and help with joint problems; increases immunity and resistance to various infections, and reduces the adaptability of bacteria to antibiotics. .

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Coconut Coconut has anthelmintic, antimicrobial, antiviral wound-healing effects; reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases of cardio-vascular system, as well as cancer and degenerative processes. The pulp and oil of coconut, thanks to their composition of lauric acid (this is the main fatty acid contained in breast milk), normalize blood cholesterol levels.

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Sugar apple The homeland of the sugar apple is Ecuador. The pulp of ripe sugar apple fruit is edible. Before consumption, the rough skin of the fruit is usually opened, then the segments of the pulp are eaten, and the seeds are spit out. The pulp is also used to make desserts and soft drinks. The seed kernels contain 14-49% non-drying oil, which can be used to replace peanut oil in the manufacture of soap. A decoction of the leaves is used as a tonic and antipyretic. A decoction of the bark and roots, as well as unripe fruits, have astringent properties and are used for dysentery.

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Lulo Homeland – Latin America. Lulo resembles a yellow tomato, and its taste is a mixture of pineapple, strawberry and the same tomato. Lulo is consumed only in its raw form. It is a good diuretic and cleanses the blood.

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Lulo Thanks to its high content of phosphorus and vitamin A, it strengthens the nervous system, as well as hair and nails. The presence of acid helps reduce cholesterol in the blood. Lulo is not recommended for use if you have liver disease.

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Guava is native to Central and South America. Guava has no calories, but is very healthy and nutritious. 100 g of product contains only about 70 kcal; the pulp contains a lot of fiber, protein, fats, carbohydrates; vitamins. Guava extract inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth, and is generally effective in combating many harmful microorganisms. Guava peel contains 10-15 times more antioxidants than the fruit pulp, so unpeeled guava has more pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.

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Guava Ripe fruits can be eaten entirely, including the peel - of course, if no chemicals were used in their cultivation. Some types of guava have edible seeds, although they are hard - not for everyone. The peel improves digestion, normalizes blood pressure and the work of the heart. Guava is an indispensable food product that must be present in the diet of young children and pregnant women, as well as people who need to restore immunity and lost strength. Not recommended for diabetics.

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Guanabana (soursop) Guanabana is native to Mexico, Central America. The pulp of the soursop fruit is edible fresh and can be used for desserts with added sugar and a small amount of milk or cream. The juice of ripe fruits has diuretic properties and is used for kidney diseases. Crushed unripe fruits are used for dysentery. The crushed leaves are used as a poultice for skin diseases. An infusion of ground seeds is a fairly strong emetic.

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Kuruba Queen of desert plateaus and cold lands of Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia. Belongs to the group of semi-acidic fruits. With its oblong shape, this fruit resembles a cucumber with a soft, velvety green surface. Ripe fruits are yellow in color. Interior filled with thousands of "tears" of orange color with a sour, spicy-aromatic taste, in the center of which dark grains are visible. Contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, B1, B2. Kuruba quenches thirst, improves sleep, and has sedative properties. Helps with stress peptic ulcer, gastritis.

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