Dad in daughter's life quotes. Quotes about father with meaning. status about father

And I'm glad I'm like him. I love you dad.

Dad is the only man who loves you truly and forever.

Dad, who did you dream about, a son or a daughter? - Eh, son. I just wanted to have fun.

Dad is the only man who will love you all his life. Just for being you...

I believe only one man who, to the question: “Do you love me?”, Will answer: “Of course, daughter!”

You say that you want to warm your hands in his pocket in winter? And you try to walk with DAD, believe me, these hands are warmer! It's real warm!

By nature, of course, not a sweetheart, thank you daddy for everything!

A daughter is the only woman in front of whom dad should not try to look smart, strong, courageous. For a daughter, her dad is the very best ...

And yet it’s cool when you come home, He meets you with the words: “Hello baby” and kisses ... I love you dad!

The older I get, the smarter my father seems to me.

The father only admonishes the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

Every dad will cheat if he says that he is climbing the career ladder for the sake of his son. In fact, he tries for his mother.

"Boleslav Pashkovsky"

To claim that I could hardly stay on my feet, while plopping down and driving along the sidewalk, is capable, I think, only of my dad.

Even if your father is a complete jerk, call him and tell him that you love him. Even if it's not true at all. You may want this later, when he is gone forever.

I love my daddy... When I'm not in the mood, he tries to lift him up for me in any way... I love him! He is the best man in my life... Dad you are the best!

Only one dad in the world - mine, can slip, roll down the street, get up, as if nothing had happened, and say that he could hardly stand on his feet.

In the supermarket, mom and I were looking for the most fragrant coffee, and dad grabbed cocoa and happily ran to pay for his purchase.

Dad should be such that the child misses him, and it never occurred to mom to part with him.

Give children your presence. This is sometimes much more important for them than any gift.

A child learns from a wise father from the cradle. Whoever thinks wrong is a fool, he is an enemy to the child and himself!

I found a photo where dad is 19 years old. I would marry someone like that too.

It's so nice when you come up to dad and ask: "Dad, am I good with you?" And he replies: “You are the best!

Let the whole world throw stones at you - if your mother or father is behind your back, everything will be fine.

Dear Dad! Maybe one day I will meet a prince, but you will forever be my king!

It will never come out to replace a good father with the same one.

"Vasily Sukhomlinsky"

The best man in my life is my dad!

Soft toys alone are not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

Nothing warms my heart like my mother's smile and the joy in my father's eyes.

A happy childhood is when there is not only a mother, but also a strong, confident and reliable father.

When I was fourteen my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear him; but when I was twenty-one years old, I was amazed at how much this old man had grown in the last seven years.

A father loves his child because it is his birth; but he must still love him as a future man. Only such love for children is true and worthy of being called love; any other is selfishness, cold pride.

In order for the atmosphere in the family to always be positive, the father must be quiet and inconspicuous.

The father only admonishes the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

The prudence of a father is the most effective instruction for children.

We will never understand how much our parents love us until we become parents ourselves.

Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves instilled in them.

Soft toys alone are not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

Fathers should not be seen or heard. Only on this basis can a strong family be built.

Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you.

Will not be able to become a good father, the man who could not understand his father.

And the only truly beloved man who will never leave one is dad ...

It is much easier to become a father than to remain one.

If you want to influence a child, try not to be his father.

If you manage to inspire children with confidence in the ability to achieve any goal, solve any problem, then you have successfully fulfilled your parental duty, endowing them with the greatest gift.

All fathers want their children to accomplish what they themselves have not been able to do.

If you want to influence a child, try not to be his father.

Fathers and children should not wait for each other's requests, but should give each other what they need in advance, with the father taking precedence.

I hate to do this behind his back, but to be a good father sometimes you have to be a bad person.

Every father is a hero to his son. At least until the sons grow up and find new heroes for themselves.

The idea of ​​the father about himself is inseparable from the idea of ​​the son, unless the latter contradicts this idea in some way.

Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. All are supportive of what they themselves have created.

You should know that you are the best dad in the world. Only a great father could get along with an asshole like me.

No other sample is needed, When the example of a father is in the eyes.

Without good fathers, there is no good upbringing, despite all the schools.

It will never come out to replace a good father with the same one.

A father's love is no different from self-love.

If a man has not become a real father to his children, he is not a man.

The merits of the father do not extend to the son.

A father should be a friend and confidante to his children, not a tyrant.

Learn fatherhood from those who know how to be a father.

If children see in their parents only an uninterruptible power supply, then when the source dries up, they begin to see them as only an extra load.

Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is hard.

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace their skill with ours.

We must strive to ensure that everyone sees and knows more than his father and grandfather saw and knew.

If a man loves his children too passionately, you can be sure that he is unhappy.

  • One father means more than a hundred teachers. (D. Herbert)
  • Everyone writes how they love their mother, but if it weren’t for dad, you wouldn’t exist either ...
  • To mom 100 questions per minute: what to eat, what to wear, what to buy ... To dad alone: ​​where is mom?
  • All fathers want their children to accomplish what they themselves have not been able to do. (I. Goethe)
  • A father should be a friend to his children, not a tyrant.
  • The best quotes about dad

    • A father's strictness is a wonderful medicine: it has more sweet than bitter. (Epictetus)
    • There is a man in my life who loves me very much, fulfills my whims and says that I am a princess... Daddy, you are the best!
    • It is much easier to become a father than to remain one. (V.O. Klyuchevsky)
    • And the only truly beloved man who will never leave one is dad ...
    • The prudence of a father is the most effective instruction for children. (Democritus)
  • He is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth. (Menander)
  • Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a dad.
  • Beautiful quotes about dad- The father knows his children no worse than the God of all of us, he reads in the depths of hearts and judges the very intentions. (Honore de Balzac)
  • Someone wants an oligarch's dad, and someone just wants him to be ...
  • I believe only one man who, when asked: "Do you love me?", Will answer: "Of course, daughter!"
  • A daughter is the only woman in front of whom dad should not try to look smart, strong, courageous. For a daughter, her dad is the very best ...
  • Dad should be such that the child misses him, and it never occurred to mom to part with him.
  • When you finally realize that your father was usually right, you yourself have a son growing up, convinced that his father is usually wrong. If you don't learn from your mistakes, there's no point in making them. (P. Lawrence)
  • Dear Dad! Maybe one day I will meet a prince, but you will forever be my king!
  • I found a photo where dad is 19 years old. I would marry someone like that too.
  • It will never come out to replace a good father with the same one. (Vasily Sukhomlinsky)
  • I love dad, he will cook, and feed, and clean up after himself.
  • No other sample is needed, When the example of a father is in the eyes. (A. Griboyedov)
  • The father is not the one who gave the seed ... but the one who raised LYALKA! The one who walks with her, plays, braids a shaggy ponytail ... calls her ... YOU ARE MY BEAUTY. Here it is ... and there is daddy!
  • Everyone writes: I love mommy, mommy is the best! I agree with this, but why have they forgotten about the fathers? My dad is the best too! And each of us has the best father... Just for us!
  • You walk in the morning like a zombie, salivating on the go, shaggy as ever - but only dad will tell you at this moment "oh, my beauty is coming!".
  • Quotes about dad with meaning- When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear him; but when I was twenty-one years old, I was amazed at how much this old man had grown in the last seven years. (M. Twain)
  • No man can love you more than dad loves.
  • Oh those handsome men. They are always smart boys first. And when they have babies, they become fathers. Some even dads. And the very chosen ones not only become, but also remain forever ... (Tatyana Solomatina)
  • The most important contribution to raising a child is the right dad ...
  • A good dad is a real blessing. For a girl, he is needed like no other. The statuses of daughter and dad exude warmth, awe and real feelings.

    You need to become not a father, but a dad

    1. A girl who was raised like a king is more likely to become a princess.
    2. Usually dad is not as meticulous and scrupulous as mom. Therefore, he is often in the role of a friend.
    3. Did your father never manage to tie ponytails either?
    4. He is completely different than even the beloved guy - he definitely will not go anywhere and will not find another.
    5. In our culture, a responsible father is already an irreplaceable luxury.
    6. Every daughter needs a dad - she must understand what real man's love is.
    7. Remembering how we spent the evenings with dad is priceless.
    8. Not that he is perfect: he often swears and teaches life. But I still love him...

    What a pity that parents do not get younger

    Every father shows his concern in different ways. From the statuses about dad and daughter, you can find out how they do it.

    1. It’s good when you can talk about relationships with a guy with your father. You see the truth right away.
    2. Have you noticed that next to good dads, moms are really happy with life.
    3. Knowing my father, I'm already afraid for the guy who will offend me.
    4. I know my father wanted a son, but he loves me no less for that.
    5. Dad is the person who will wean you from watching lousy TV shows and teach you how to watch good films.
    6. You will not expect loud congratulations or special tenderness from him. But when necessary, he will hug and say: "I'm there."
    7. A father who cares about his daughter's problems is not so common.
    8. The more fun the father, the easier it is to introduce him to a new guy.

    Dad will not advise bad

    The status of a husband and daughter is very necessary for that woman who is lucky to know the joy of motherhood and marriage. But is it really so smooth?

    1. Once my knees trembled from him, and now I hold our little miracle on them.
    2. I love my daughter and husband so much that I'm afraid to wake up and realize that it was just a dream.
    3. Yes, we are not so young, but we managed to transfer youth to our little happiness.
    4. As soon as I feel that the fuss absorbs me, I urgently need to talk to either my husband or my daughter. Then I understand what all this is for.
    5. Lifetime achievements? The daughter looks like her father.
    6. Love is when your child is asked who he loves more. And you are afraid that he will not call you, and your half will not be upset.
    7. There is almost no romance in everyday life. But there are children in it, and this is much more important.
    8. Mutual support is when you and your daughter take turns doing homework.

    Dad can do anything

    Beautiful statuses about a daughter and dad can touch to the core. Particularly sentimental be careful!

    1. So many years have passed, and I still remember your big hand, in which my child's hand sank.
    2. My father told me to be feminine, but sometimes taught me to be strong. Yes, just in case.
    3. For the sake of dad, you don’t need to make up and pick up clothes. Yes, even the inner world is not necessary to develop!
    4. For happiness, it would be enough to know that his heart will never stop ...
    5. I can no longer climb on your lap, but I can still come and ask for advice. And that's great...
    6. I hug my father and understand that no one will offend me with him.
    7. Parents are not chosen, I was just lucky.
    8. The father, of course, will not replace the mother. But no one can replace such a father either ...

    Everlasting memory

    If you often think about him, choose a status about daughter and dad. Share with your friends only the most important!

    1. I believe you look from there and protect from everything bad.
    2. You can not be returned, but I believe when it is already impossible to believe.
    3. A quitter and a quitter are two different things.
    4. Years passed, and time healed, but I never forgave fate for cruelty.
    5. All I have is a yellowed photograph and a couple of childhood memories. But that's enough to love you with all my heart.
    6. Speak, communicate, even quarrel. Take care of moms and dads while they are alive!
    7. I have learned to live without you, father. But sometimes I just need you.
    8. It's probably too early for me to rush, but I really look forward to meeting you.

    It's always more fun with dad

    If your dad is the smartest, kindest and generally the best, read the statuses about your daughter and father. Remember that your parent deserves only the best of them.

    1. Walking together with daddy means allowing yourself a little more ...
    2. My father said that I was very good. I willingly got used to it.
    3. A real parent teaches not only how to profit, but also how to make friends and, in general, to be a worthy person.
    4. My dad is strict. But when he smiled at my little success, I was overjoyed.
    5. My mom can call on business and without business, but if dad calls ... Either something very good or very bad.
    6. Mom will play dolls with her daughter for half a day, and he will simply find an activity in which his participation is not required.
    7. It's good that I don't have to demand father's love!
    8. He taught his daughter to be flexible and strong-willed at the same time. For this, not only the girl herself, but also her husband should be grateful to him.

    Love your fathers!

    Light a candle in the cemetery
    Let it burn to the ground.
    And I'll whisper at the grave
    Well, here I come daddy!
    In the land cold and damp
    Are you freezing?
    Get up! Let's go home already!
    After all, how we miss you!
    And stop calling home
    A deep hole in the ground.
    I want to hug you so much
    Also Brother and Mom.
    Well come back! Stop sleeping!
    Watch the sun shine!
    I'll help you get up from there
    You just let me know!
    Say it's a joke
    And let's laugh together.
    And by the hands, as in childhood,
    let's go home!!

    Again longing squeezes tightly paws
    Drinking claws into the depths of my soul,
    I miss my dad more and more...
    Six billion people on earth
    But among them - not one, believe me,
    Who can fill this void...
    I live in the hope of meeting after death,
    Crossing the threshold of Eternity...
    More and more, fatigue accumulates ...
    Let melancholy not part its paws,
    I stayed there as a baby,
    And daughters love dads more...

    Yes, I'm an adult, I understand everything,
    but it doesn't make life any easier!
    Still, I miss you so much!
    Continue to love the same!
    Continuing to think about daddy,
    And about him, about the living remember.
    Touching the strings of the heart,
    That it will never be raised.
    That he will never be heard
    That he will never wait.
    He is probably above all the clouds,
    In the unknown space of God...
    He sees us, of course he sees,
    And like us, just as bored.
    He flies like an angel for us,
    To be a little closer to us.
    He certainly would like to return,
    But he'll never be able to
    In this world he can't wake up
    Nothing will warm his heart.
    And it only hurts more
    But it's impossible not to think about it.
    Every day it gets harder on my heart
    And to reconcile, daddy, it's hard.
    And the damned time does not heal
    And does not heal these wounds
    And inside the void can not be filled,
    I'm tired of fighting myself!
    I want to spit on everything, forget ...
    And return home with a smile.
    See happy faces there
    And so that daddy is alive again ...

    He was with me. Always and everywhere
    Laughed, cried and mourned.
    I won't forget the bottomless eyes.
    And I know he loved me.
    I know no matter what happens
    He always protected me
    And only my memory remains
    About him. And I blame myself
    That I couldn't say goodbye
    What I didn't understand
    That I am destined to part with him,
    Lose him forever.
    I know for sure I deserve it.
    I couldn't save him.
    But madly in love
    And I will always love.
    Let him not hear me now
    But I know what he sees
    How hard it is to breathe without him
    The one who called him father.

    Days come, nights go...
    And the heart cries and calls.
    You know... somewhere very close
    All the time... your daughter is waiting for you...
    And the daughter ... keeps the name in her heart ...
    Keeping, like a talisman, in the chest ...
    And whispers softly (suddenly you hear):
    "I miss you so much... come..."
    And you will come, having heard as if ...
    And you will protect the dream ...
    And like fog you melt in the morning...
    And my daughter ... will wait again.
    And the nights will follow the days...
    Longing can not be pulled out of the chest ...
    The daughter whispers everything ... very quietly:
    "I miss you so much... come...

    When the stars are shining in the sky,
    One of them is yours, I know it...
    For many years you shine a bright light,
    And here everything is the same, then winter ... then summer.
    The same day and the same way to live ... people strive.
    Tired of tears, your family lives ...
    everything is as usual, but that's just without you.
    Tell me how you live there in heaven?
    Is there malice, envy, and lies there?
    It probably doesn't happen there.
    and no one knows the tricks and meanness.
    You found peace there and found yourself a shelter,
    and you know, here they are waiting for you as before ...
    Let them say that the years heal, the pain is erased,
    But what does the heart ache, there is no strength,
    from one look at your portrait.
    Oh, how short was your earthly age,
    My best dad, my closest person.

    Time does not heal, time spares
    But my heart still hurts the same.
    I will not meet again, I will not hear you
    How are you my daughter, my dear?

    Unfortunately we are not given
    To turn back what I wanted for a long time.
    Time does not heal, time is in a hurry
    It is it that decides all fates.

    We're sorry for what you didn't do.
    Everything you wanted in this life.
    Passed by, but alas, do not return.
    I chose the path with the angel on my way.

    Today is 10 years since my dad passed away...
    10 years without you... 10 years...
    10 years is an eternity...
    10 years without you... 10 years...
    Only now I understand - forever ...
    How is it, dad, dear dear
    Forever you left without saying goodbye
    10 years, 10 years...
    I've been suffocating for 10 years without you...
    Dad, baby, look how we've grown
    children and grandchildren!
    How do we want to snuggle up to the chest
    and forever forget about separation ...
    But now I'm only going to the grave
    and I close my eyes...
    10 years for a huge disaster
    10 years is not enough to forget...

    Well, hello dad. .. here, I came to you early.
    Sorry for not seeing you for such a long time.
    I'm so confused, I don't know how to go on.
    Trouble comes after trouble again.

    Do you remember, dad, how you celebrated birthdays?!
    How, rejoicing together, they joked having fun.
    How, all bad weather seemed to us an obsession.
    How, together to hell they sent TU to attack.

    Your advice, how come in handy -
    To be the strongest in this world.
    Believe me, I learned from them like the alphabet.
    She was able to teach them to her children.

    Also, you, dad, taught me not to cry.
    Do not give in to your destiny.
    And if it is difficult, you should never fall.
    And in this life, do not be afraid of anything.

    Ehhh. .. if I knew how much I miss you!
    A tear fell! (I promised without tears).
    From the heart to the ground, flowing through the soul.
    To you, my dear, through the chamomile churchyard

    The wind is blowing in the windows. dries wet lashes.
    How we miss you! to forget on your shoulder
    Irrecoverable loss. like a broken soul...
    I still can't believe that you're somewhere in the stardust.
    In the heart of the pain of memories. and lilac shadows
    In the indifference of the touch, I lie on my knees.
    The wind blows through the windows. it comes from you.
    And you are not enough in this world ... not enough ....

    How hard in the world
    Lose loved ones.
    You won't replace anything
    parental roots.
    When my dad died
    It was so hard! And the pain in my soul remains
    Even though many years have passed.
    He rarely comes in dreams
    But in my mind I see
    His portrait is far away.
    The earth keeps him, his soul flies
    In distant skies
    He is watching me
    With love and tears.
    Sometimes it's not enough
    His support to me, And my heart knows:
    He is in heaven, not in a fire.
    I so want to cuddle
    TO HIS CHEST big
    And enjoy the meeting.
    As in childhood, with all my heart! Hear his voice
    Affectionate, dear,
    Both strict and angry
    Parent like this.
    How dear are the moments
    All our sweet meetings, and these meetings can
    Kindle the fire of the soul.
    This fire will help
    Give me strength to live.
    Father! Come to a meeting
    At least in my dream!

    You are now beyond the sky
    My beloved, dear person
    Death by a ruthless, hard hand
    Took you away, dad forever

    You won't give me advice
    I won't see your loving look
    I will not be warmed by you
    Who is to blame for your death?

    Not! No one! It just so happened
    You are in the arms of God now
    My life has changed without you
    The heart became like a wounded beast...

    It beats differently without you
    And sadness tears him to pieces
    My heart yearns and cries
    The vise squeezes the soul tightly ...

    I won't break your peace with a tear
    I will live in bright memory
    Silence I learned to listen
    And love you endlessly...

    Hello, dad, dear ... how are you there? ..
    The most loving man in the world..
    You know, if you count the years,
    You would now have wrinkles...

    I would kiss them for fun
    Or whining in the sleeve when it's bad.
    You would whisper that the years fly by
    I'm just such an idiot...

    You stopped dreaming of me.
    Do not come - tell me, is it necessary?
    With a downpour, give me the news - how are you there? .. -
    I will be extremely happy for her.

    I'll tell you how I live
    What I write, with whom I do not expect to meet again ...
    And that I can barely keep afloat
    All hoping that `time will heal`.

    And it ticks to the beat,
    It sews seams for a long time - not for the weak.
    You know, if you count the years...
    Gray hair would suit you...

    What else to read